Tools intitle of all publications of koristuvach. Facebook secrets

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Additional commands from Google's smart machines allow you to achieve better results. With this help you can round off the area with a joke, as well as use some awesome cars, so you don't need to look at all the sides.

Operator "Plus" (+):
For the situation, if it is necessary to include in the text a yak-nebud obov'yazkov word. For others, the operator "+" is used in front of the binding word. Supposedly, if we have a power supply for Therminator 2, as a result of a power supply, we will receive information and information about the film. One at home I. " Well, we will have the Termіnator +2 supplied to the viglyad.

for example:
Magazine + Murzilka
Rivnyannya + Bernoulli

Site operator:

for example:
Music site:
Books site: ru

Link operator:

for example:
Friends link:

Range operator (..):
For those who are quiet, who are informed about the numbers, Google has given the opportunity to show the range of numbers. In order to know all the sides, to place numbers in the same range "from - to", you need to put two specks (..) between the extreme values, tobto, the operator of the range.

for example:
Buy the book $ 100 .. $ 150

Viklyuchennya from the feed. Logic "NOT" (-):
Check the victories be-like words vikoristovyutsya operator viklyuchennya "minus" (-). Tobto logical "NOT". Cinnamon in vipad, if the result of a direct joke is even more confused

for example:
Aquarium group

Shoot the exact phrase (""):
It is important for a joke to a specific text (complete statistics on quotations). For tsyogo needs, the pads are fed into the paws (sub paws).

for example:
"I dungeon is thick, I freedom is one, I depend on it" - shukamo to the balad of Visotskiy one row at a time

Note: Google allows you to enter no more than 32 words in a row.

Accelerated words (*):
In some cases, it is necessary to know about the word production of words, in any case, one or a few words. For these purposes, the operator "*" is used to substitute the unavoidable words. Tobto "*" - be-like a word or a group of sliv.

for example:
Meister i *
Leonardo * Vінчі

Cache operator:
The poshukova machine takes a version of the text, as it is indexed by a pochukovy pavuk, in a special box in the format called cache. The cache version of the page can be canceled, but the original page is not available (for example, not a good server, in any case). Keshovana side will appear in that viglyade, in which you will be taken in the base of the data from the car and supervised by writing a lot of side about those, which is the price of the side from the cache. There is also information about the opening hour of the cache version. On the side of the cache key words I will feed the pidsvicheni, and the skin word for the brilliance of the corystuvach is podsvichutsya with his own color. You can install the power supply, which immediately shows the cache version of the page with the same address: cache: country_address; It is necessary to know the information in the cache side, if you need to send the address of the side through the skip to write the information link.

for example:
cache: www.tourniri site

It is necessary to remember that it is not guilty to miss the address ":"

Filetype operator:
Yak vidomo, Google index is not only html sidelines... If, for example, you knew how to know about the information in the formatted html type file, you can quickly use the filetype operator, which allows the information in the singing type of files (html, pdf, doc, rtf ...)

for example:
Specification html filetype: pdf
Create filetype: rtf

Info statement:
The info operator allows you to post information, like from the Google home about the page.

for example:

Site operator:
The operator will be surrounded by a specific domain or a website. Tobto, if it’s powered up: marketing promotion site:, then the results will be eliminated from the sidelines, and the words “marketing” and “marketing” will be placed on the site “www ..

for example:
Music site:
Books site: ru

Link operator:
The whole operator will allow you to touch all sides, as well as to the side, which is not powered up. So, feed link: to see links, in which є are available on

for example:
Friends link:

Allintitle statement:
As soon as the allintitle operator is put in, it is changed like “everything is in the title”, then Google will see the text, in which all words are inserted in the headings (in the middle of the TITLE tag in HTML).

for example:
allintitle: Bezel-less software
allintitle: Add new music albums

Intitle operator:
I will show the sides, in which only those words, which stand without an intitle operator, can be found in the heading, and all the other words can be inserted in any kind of text. Place the intitle operator in front of the skin word for a letter, which will be equivalent to the allintitle operator.

for example:
Intitle programs: Sign up
intitle: Net-free intitle: download software

Allinurl operator:
If you are charged to read from the operator allinurl, then the noise of these documents is enclosed, in which all words are supplied only to the address of the page, to the url.

for example:
allinurl: rus games
allinurl: books fantasy

Inurl operator:
The word, which has been printed without a priori, is angry with the inurl operator, it will be known only in the address of the Internet side, and the other words - in any event of such a side.

for example:
inurl: books download
inurl: games crack

Related statement:
The whole operator will describe the sides, which are "similar" to the specific side. So, feed related: to see links with topics similar to Google.

for example:

Define statement:
Tsey operator visonu role of his kind tlumacy vocabulary, It is possible to quickly reject the value of that word, as it is entered by the operator.

for example:
define: Kangaroo
define: Motherboard

Operator pokuku synonimiv (~):
If you want to know the text, but to revenge not only your key words, but also synonyms, you can quickly use the operator "~" in front of the word, to which you need to know synonyms.

for example:
See ~ metamorphosis
~ About'єktne orієntuvannya

Range operator (..):
For those quiet, who get to know the numbers, Google has given the opportunity to show the range of numbers. In order to know all the sides, to place numbers in the same range "from - to", you need to put two specks (..) between the extreme values, tobto, the operator to the range.

for example:
Buy the book $ 100 .. $ 150
Population 1913..1935

Hlops, mi donate your soul to the site. Dyakuєmo for those
do you see beauty. Dyakuyu for natchnennya and goosebumps.
Come before us in Facebookі In contact with

Practical for the skin people є own profile on Facebook, protesting far from all know the possibilities of the city social framing.

site Virishiv navchit you to the fine children of Mark Zuckerberg's child.

1. Read the prizes by the way

Little does I know about Facebook and two post screens. One of them is for visiting people other than your Facebook friends. Yaksho vi did not know about the other postal screen Then you, shvidshe for everything, missed the request on the occasion, go see friends of your friends, or the propositions about the development of the collective colleagues in robotics. To read the message when you see it, you need to click on the icon "When you see it", then click on the button "Submit for correspondence" and click on the command "Submit the updated power".

2. Reverse, the sounds have come to your side

If you wonder if you left your side on your friend’s computers, you can click a small arrow downward in the upper right corner of your screen, vibrate “Nalashtuvannya”. Click on the "Safe" button to show evil to the list of commands, and then vibrate "Sounds in and out" - at any moment you can view all browsers on which you can see them in an irregular recording. Just download your page on any browser, just click on "Zakinchit diyu".

3. Be sure that you are not evil

As long as you have a check on your Facebook security system, you can quickly use the button "Confirm entry" in the same page "Nalashtuvannya security". Tim by the system itself will be safe to enter the password when entering your account from an unknown attachment. At the entrance to my side with an annex, since they didn’t pass the word, you will be guilty of the password, which will be sent to your phone.

4. Attribute a personal one for your profile

Tsikavo, how do you look at our profile in social framing, if you don't mind him anymore? On Facebook, you also have the opportunity to vibrate a person, as if you would be prompted for your reversal in the event of your death, pressing the button "New contacts" all in the same "Security settings". Confidential contact cannot be published or published from your name. In addition, it is more important to have a change in the photo to the profile and to drink it in friends.

5. Allow yourself to be ponostalguvati

For an hour, we would like to take a look at our old, bug-free photographs and old correspondence with make a friend... For many, it is not necessary to scroll around the bears for some time, but you can simply clamber onto the icon with three specks in the profile of your friend and viconati the command "Marvel at friendship."

6. Guess yours on Facebook

On Facebook, you have the ability to take a look at everything, if it befits you, it is commented or published by you. Just press on the upturned arrow in the upper right codend of your side and vibrate "Journal of Diy".

7. Stay in someone else's skin

If you want nobility, as you see your profile for quietly, but not your friend, press on three points right-handed from the command "Take a look at the magazine diy" and vibrate "Look at yak ..." you people.

Facebook's interface is awesome and not logical at all. Ale has already appeared, so much more everything, with whom I am fused, has appeared there, so it is necessary to be patient.

It’s not obvious on Facebook. I will try to take in the whole post that I know not all at once, but they didn’t know so much melodiously until now.


For replies to Facebook, a line of popular posts. With a tsom on new computers you can be absolutely gorgeous. Click on the right-hander at the words "Strichka novin" and vibrate there "Ostanni".

Sorry, in mobile supplement for Android, the line is formed only for popularity.

line cleaning

On Facebook, I want to be friends with everyone, but I don’t want to ask you to read all the fools in the page. In order to clean up all your lines of unnecessary publication, there is no need for anybody to clean up with friends, to complete the mailbox. Yak tilki vi bachit in the strіchtsі іs cоss not to be used, click in the tick right-handed і vibrate "Skasuvati write to ...". For the whole publication of the corystuvach, no more than one should not be at your page.


If you post a comment before I write down some photos, Facebook will start to tell you about all the new comments. If you are aware of it, you need to know it. For young people, it is important to be in young people. With the status, everything is simple - a tick is stamped on the right-hander from the status and vibraєmo "Chi don’t trim it out".

Unfortunately, in the mobile add-on for Android, you can't skassovuvati subscribe to comments.

Pooshuk for the visit

Facebook has a joke on special occasions, but it doesn't know much about what is wrong. Click on the button, then click on "show all" at the bottom of the window.

You will see the interface when you see another row of joke at the top.

There it is possible to shukati be-like a word in all the special occasions written for the whole hour on Facebook.

Fighting with Messenger

Facebook vimagaє, schob on mobile annexes there was an okremiy supplement for exchanging bystanders - Facebook Messenger. Bagatyom doesn’t look like it anymore. Pokey scho є how to keep sharing on Facebook itself. If Facebook at least once again seeks to show it as soon as possible, just get up Messenger, go to the Datasheet Manager (in Android - System Nalashtuvannya - Datas), know Facebook there and press the "Erase Data" button. To start Facebook and re-enter your login and password. The last hour of this occasion will be successful, so that Facebook will periodically display Messenger at the end of the message.

Journal diy

Often times, Facebook is easy to get to know. Crumbs of additional help is a step-by-step scheme. Yaksho you back up, maybe in a little while, put a like. Maybutnyy z tsiy like you can know the publication in the magazine diy. To open a magazine, put a small check mark in the upper right-hand corner of the interface and in the menu, vibrate "Magazine diy".

insert publication

For skin publications on Facebook є "Insert Publications". There is a kind of code that can be inserted into any site, you can insert html (including LJ). It's a pity that the video inserts were similarly shielded. Still the same time, it was trickling, but at once on the be-as viglyadi write "Tsia Facebook Publishing more is not available. Mozhlvo, you have seen a bully, or a bullet of change and adjustment of confidentiality. "

Turning on automatic video editing

For Facebook's suggestions, it automatically launches all videos in strumming without sound. On mobile outbuildings, it can be a problem, as traffic is abundant.

In the browser, Auto-Video is connected like this: click on the checkbox in the upper right-hand corner, there are settings, and there is a video.

In Android, there is an onslaught of three smugs on the right in a row of icons, there "Program settings" - "Autostart video" - "Vikl." or "Tilki Wi-fi". The rest of the video will be auto-start only when connected via wi-fi.

Go to publication

In order to go from lines to a specific publication to complete the message on the date of publication, and if you want to publish, you can just click the right button of the message on the date and vibrate there "Copy of the power". Dyakuyu for qiu rada samon , zz_z_z , borhomey .

Singer, the mysterious Facebook still has a lot of secrets that I have not yet reached.

If you know about the secrets of Facebook - write in comments, dodams in post.


The rejection of private tributes does not mean evil - inodi odor published in outside access... Knowing how to set up Google and three miles of ability to allow you to know how many things are - from credit card numbers to FBI documents.


All information is provided on a whim for knowledgeable purposes. Neither the editorial office, nor the author does not bear any evidence of whether the school code is based on the materials of this statute.

To the Internet for the present, they connect all the way, there is little about the interconnection of access. To that, there is a lot of private data to create sound systems. Robots - "pavuki" are not already surrounded by web sites, but indexing all the content available in Merezha and constantly adding in their base is not intended for publishing information. Knowing the secrets is simple - it is necessary to deprive the nobility, as it is itself to feed about them.

shukaєmo file

In the wicked hands of Google, you know everything that is rotten to lie in Merezha - for example, a special information and files for a service vikorystannya. Їх often hovayut, like the key is under the doormat: there is no way to access the right side, you just need to lie on the back doors of the site, you don’t want to do it. Google's standard web interface is better basic settings widened joke, ale will be enough.

There are two operators that can be used to make a joke on the files of the singing view in Google: filetype і ext. The first one is to set the format, which type is indicated by the file header, the other is expanded to the file, right from the inside. When there is a joke in both vipadkami, it is necessary to vkazuvati leash expansion. Some of the ext operator can be handled by hand in quiet popups, if the format is specific to the bullet file (for example, for the joke of the config files ini and cfg, all of which can be found all right). Infected by Google's algorithms have changed, and apparently the difference between operators is not the same - the results in a large number of cases are the same.

filter view

For the suggestions of the word and in the name of the introduction of the symbols of Google shukє on all files on the indexed sides. You can block the area by domain Verkhnyaya Rivnya, For a specific site, for the reason of roztashuvannya shukanoi post-data in the files themselves. For the first two options, the site operator is selected to be entered in the domain of the other site. The third type has a number of operators who allow shukati information in service fields and metadata. For example, allinurl of the tasks in the til of the posilan themselves, allinanchor - in the text, without the tag , Allintitle - in page titles, allintext - in page titles.

For the skin operator є, the version with a larger short name (without the all prefix) is fixed. The testimony is that allinurl saw it through words, and inurl - only from the first of them. Other and offensive words from the scheme of a joke can be played on the web pages dearly. Operator inurl may be aware of the similarity behind the zmist - site. The first one is also allowed to know whether the last of the symbols on the document sent to the shukanye (for example, / cgi-bin /), is widely used for the joke of the components with the seemingly challenging.

I'll try it on practice. I take the filter allintext and so it’s safe to see the list of numbers and revision codes of credit cards, the terms of which end only two years later (for if the owners have seen all the numbers).

Allintext: card number expiration date / 2017 cvv

If the reader is in the news, the young hacker has "corrupted the servers" to the Pentagon or NASA, having inserted the secrets of the house, then in a large number of messages about such an elementary technique of the Google Victory Day. Let us admit that we have a list of NASA sportsmen and their contact details. Melodiously such a transition є in the electronic viglyadі. For convenience, or through oversight, you can lie on the site of the organization itself. It is logical that, in all cases, there will not be any signs of wine for an internal victorian. Can you find words in such a file? Yak minimum - “address” field. To revise all the primes is simpler than simple.

Inurl: filetype: xlsx "address"

koristuєmosya bureaucracy

Podіbnі znakhіdki - accept the dribnitsa. As a matter of fact, a solid catch will be provided with more detailed knowledge of Google operators for web mages, the most of the peculiarities of the structure of the shukany. Knowing the details, you can easily see it and clarify the authority of the required files, and in excess of the riches of the actual valuable data. It's funny how bureaucracy comes to help. Vaughn to produce types of formulas, behind the yaky manual shukati vypadkovo seeped into the Merezha of the secrets of the house.

For example, the Distribution statement stamp in the office of the US Department of Defense means the standardization of the extension of the document. Letter A refers to public releases, in which there is no secret; B - the signs of deprivation for the internal vikorstannya, C - strictly confidential and so far to F. The environment is worth the letter X, which is especially valuable in terms of becoming the state of the mind of the food rye. Do not let such documents joke about who should be responsible for the work of the service connection, and between the files with the letter C. DoDI 5230.24 directive also means that documents should be assigned to revenge the description of critically important technologies for drinking. You can view the details of the retailer protection of views on sites in the domain seen by the US Army.


Even more manually, in the .mil domain, select only sites from the US Department of Defense and its contractual organizations. Poshukova vidacha s obmezhennyam on the domain viklyuchitno clean, and the headings - speak for themselves. Shukati, let's add the rank of Russian secrets practically marno: in the і.рф there is panun chaos, that and name the bagatokh of the systems of protection to sound like botanic (PP "Cypress", SAU "Akatsiya") or call "Kazkov" (TOS) "Burata"

If you have respectfully inserted any document from the site in the .mil domain, you can add some markers to clarify the joke. For example, it was sent to the exporters of "Sec 2751", according to which it is also manual to send technical information. Hour from the hour to the hour of the day from the official sites, de von one time, she was confessed, that, if it’s impossible to go for a quick look, go to the Google cache (cache operator) or the Internet Archive site.

Zbiraєmosya in Khmari

In addition to vipadkovo secret documents from uryadovyh households, in Google's cache they spend an hour on the special files from Dropbox and other services of the collection of donations, as they provide "private" data published in public. Alternative and self-contained services are even better. For example, the offensive will power up the data of all Verizon clients, which have an FTP server installed on their routers and are actively using it.

Allinurl: ftp: //

There were more than forty thousand such smartphones at a time, and there were an order of magnitude more canopy of 2015. You can substitute for any type of provider, and if you have a bigger one, the bigger one you can catch. Through the vbudovaniya FTP-server, you can see the files on the connected to the router zvnіshnyy accumulate. Call the NAS for remote robots, personally, or as a peer-to-peer file rocking chair. All of these media are indexed by Google and other sound systems, so you can get access to files on the latest disks for direct permission.

viewer configs

Prior to the widespread migration in Khmari, simple FTP servers were in charge of all the distant treasures, in which there may have been infusions. A lot of them are actual dosi. For example, the popular WS_FTP Professional programs have data about the configuration, which are used for logging and passwords are stored in the ws_ftp.ini file. It's easy to know and read, fragments of all records are stored in text format, and passwords are encrypted using the Triple DES algorithm for minimal obfuscation. For large versions, just see the first byte.

It is easy to decrypt such passwords with the help of additional utilization WS_FTP Password Decryptor or a non-kostetny web service.

Speak about the evil of the site, make sure you remember to recover the password from the logins and backup copies of the CMS configuration files, or additions for the electronic commerce. If you know this type of structure, you can easily specify the key words. Rows, more detailed in ws_ftp.ini, are expanded. For example, in Drupal and PrestaShop there is a binding є identifier for a username (UID) and a given password (pwd), and all information is stored in files with Shukati їkh is possible by the offensive rank:

"Pwd =" "UID =" ext: inc

Opening passwords from DBMS

In the configuration files of SQL servers, names and addresses e-mail The passwords are saved from the transparent viewer, and the passwords for the recorded MD5 hashes are replaced. Decrypt їх, it seems strictly, it’s unwise, it’s safe to know the type of hash-password pairs.

Until now, a DBMS is being used, in which it is not possible to find a password hash. Files, whether from them, you can simply wonder in the browser.

Intext: DB_PASSWORD filetype: env

I will appear on servers Windows mice Configurative files in chastkovo. Shukati on yogo gilkah can be exactly the same rank, vikoristovuchi reg yak file type. For example, the axis is like this:

Filetype: reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER "Password" =

Do not forget about the obvious

When I walked to the closed information, I went to see others for help and we had a good time in the field. Google tribute... The ideal option is to know the list of passwords in an extended format. Zberigati types of accounts in text file, Word documents or electronic Excel tables There can only be very good people, even if it’s not a marriage.

Filetype: xls inurl: password

On one side, there are a lot of cases for extra incidents. It is necessary to provide adequate access rights to htaccess, to patch the CMS, not to pick up any scripts and close the files. There is also a file with a list of robots.txt vignettes, which are used to identify indexes in new files and directories. On the other hand, if the structure of robots.txt on each server appears as standard, then immediately you can see that it’s getting ready to start.

The list of directories and files on any site is preceded by the standard writing index of. Oskilki for service purposes are to blame for the heading, then we need to use the intitle operator. Tsikavi speeches are located in the directories / admin /, / personal /, / etc / and navit / secret /.

Stojimo for updates

The relevance here is extremely important: the old trivialities turn a little more often, ale Google and the second message, it seems to change permanently. Є The difference between filtering "in the last second" (& tbs = qdr: s in the end of the url feed) and "in real time" (& tbs = qdr: 1).

Hour date interval the rest of the Google's file may appear implicitly. Through the graphical web interface, you can vibrate one of the typical periods (year, day, date and so on) or set a range of dates, otherwise this method is not suitable for automation.

By the look of the address row, you can ask for more information about how to intervene in the results for the additional design & tbs = qdr :. The letter y for her is set to one rik (& tbs = qdr: y), m will show the results for the last month, w - for the day, d - for the past day, h - for the last year, n - for the last month, and s - in a second. The most recent results, only now viewed by Google, are located behind the additional filter & tbs = qdr: 1.

If it is necessary to write a cunning script, then it will be noble for the nobility that the date range is set in Google in the Yulian format through the daterange operator. For example, the axis so you can know the list PDF documents with the word confidential, banged from 1 day to 1 day of 2015 rock.

Confidential filetype: pdf daterange: 2457024-2457205

The range can be used in the format of Julian dates without a shot part. I will not translate it manually from the Gregorian calendar. Easier to use the date converter.

We target and know the filter

The limit of orders for additional operators in power supply You can be resilient as soon as possible. For example, the filetype has been specified: pdf, as_filetype = pdf. Such a rank can be manually asked for clarification. Supposedly, the display of results only from the Republic of Honduras is assigned to the cr = countryHN construction URL, and only from the place of Bobruisk - gcs = Bobruisk. You can find a new list at the distributor's list.

Help the automation of Google to get rid of the life, or often add problems. For example, according to the IP of the koristuvach through the WHOIS, the yogo misto is started. At the presentation of the information center on Google, it is not only the balance between servers, but also the results of sound views. It is necessary to go to the region with one and the same power supply to the first side to consume the results, and some of them can be brought in. See yourself as a cosmopolitan and shukati information from any country, using the double-letter code for the directive gl = country. For example, the Netherlands code is NL, but the Vatican and the Pivnichnoy Korea are not in Google's code.

Often, a message appears to appear to a person who is liable to see a message. In such a vypadku it is easy to clarify the power, adding to the new spike of slav-vinyats (a minus sign is placed in front of the skin ones). For example, the word Personal often gets used to banking, names and tutorial. To that, there are more clean shots, and the results will show not a textbook butt, but clarifications:

Intitle: "Index of / Personal /" -names -tutorial -banking

rear butt

The hacker will be aware of the fact that he will take care of all the necessary things independently. For example, a VPN is a gimmick, ale or a road, or a team hour and an interconnected one. It is expensive to issue a subscription for one person. Good, є group subscriptions, and with the help of Google it is easy to become a part of what group. For all it is enough to know the configuration file for Cisco VPN, which can be used for non-standard PCF extensions and paths: Program Files \ Cisco Systems \ VPN Client \ Profiles. One will be supplied, and you will merge, for example, into the friendly team of the Bonn University.

Filetype: pcf vpn OR Group


Google knows the configuration files with passwords, or some of them are written in an encrypted view or replace hashes. If there are rows of fiksovanoy dozhini, then immediately shuffle the encryption service.

Passwords are stored in an encrypted viglyade, ala Moris Massar has already written a program for decryption and nada without a credit card through

at google help Conquer hundreds of different types of attacks and penetration tests. Є bezlich options, how to earn popular programs, Basic formats of databases, numerical complexity of PHP, hmara and so far. As a matter of fact, to recognize those who are shukesh, it is very easy to forgive the rejection of the necessary information (especially those, as they did not plan to work for the bounty of the bananas). It's not Shodan who is the only one to live with tsikavimy ideas, or be-yak base of proindexed stock resources!

I’m a zhakhlivu zvichka nagaduvati to you about everything that was published. Shvidshe for everything, in the dark nooks of your Chronicle, there are fewer notes about how you are not remembered. The hour has come to see it once and for all.

Revision of the Chronicle

In the first place, cross, as you know, what your Chronicle is to be banged out of your chronology (ie, who is not your friend on Facebook). For the whole, go to your Chronicle, click on the icon with the lock, in the item "What can be done with my material?" vibrate "Look at the yak", and shake it off:

Kindly, take a look at everything, and if you don’t deserve to be able to, press on the date before your names, then on the icon of the globe, and change the item “Available to all” to “Friends”, “Tilki me” or “Adjustment of the koristuvach”. In addition, it is possible to see the record by vibrating the first point of the attack on the arrow in the upper right corner.

Take advantage of old public records

If you want to see a lot of public records at once, then you see that Facebook is a special tool for everyone.

Press on the lock and adjust the confidentiality in the upper right corner of the road, vibrate "Wonder at the settings" and press "Take access to the largest publications". Read the announcement of the announcement and the article "Stasis of the intercourse until the last publications", if you want all your old publications could be backed by only friends.

Change settings Chronicles

Let's re-configure, so the Chronicle settings will match your passages. I know to press on the lock, adjust the confidentiality in the upper right corner, vibrate "Wonder at the settings" and press on the "Chronicle and Mites" tab on the hand panel.

In the first, fourth, fifth, and second points, "Friends" is set, for those who you choose:

Bigger retailer of Facebook cleanup

Yaksho tsikh glad you are inadequate, you can speed up with one of the extensions for Chrome browser, For example Facebook Post Manager. Protest, such programs can behave aggressively towards themselves, so be respectful when they are victorious.

Ready! We have cleared their Chronicle from the old people who have gone blank. Now you can live quietly and not be sick, but you might stumble upon compromising information about your image or the status that you published in 2009.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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