Command ms dos to open a text file. MS-DOS Commands

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Controlling a personal computer, which is correct for the DOS operating system, go for the help of text commands, as you enter the keystroke from the keyboard in English language. The row in which the command is entered is called the command row.

all DOS commands divide into two types : prompted abointernal; call aboblackmailing .

Internal commands Vikonuyutsya bezposeredno DOS command processor - the most simple, the most common command. Introduced from the keyboard, the stink is innocent.

Named command vikonuyutsya okremimy programs, which are included in the standard operating system and are expanded with programs from files recorded on a hard magnetic disk. As for the required file, the vison does not call the command on the disk, naturally, it is not available until the vison.

DOS commands can provide additional information for the system. Yakshko koristuvach does not include additional parameters before the command, the system of transferring values ​​for promises.

Headline rules for all dos commands

    Behind the command, ask to go one or more parameters.

    The commanders and the parameters are guilty of being sent one out of one by the distributors at the gates of the pass or the point.

    Commands can be entered in any letter register.

    The viconiousness of the command can be interrupted by the one-hour onslaught of the Ctrl + Break keys on the keys.

    Introduced commands are repaired by pressing Enter on the keyboard.

Internal commands

CLS - I will clean the screen. Writing on a new one is deprived of the command prompt and cursor. Command format: CLS

VER - Enter the MS-DOS version number on the screen. Command format: VER

DATE Show the date and the clue for the great day. MS-DOS will write for a skin file, but it will open or change, I will record the date, as it appears to be sent to a file in the directory list.

TIME - Enter the system time of the set value. MS-DOS vikoristovuєinformation about an hour before an hour to update the file and directory.

DIR - View a list of files and directories for a given directory. If the command is set without parameters, then the disk label and number, names of files and directories (one per row), including expansion, as well as the date of the hour of the last modification will be displayed. For the whole number of files in the catalog, a large number of files (in bytes), for borrowing files, that is a great deal of space on the disk.

Command format: DIR [drive:] [route] [im'ya file]

The [drive:] [route] parameter sets the drive to the directory instead of the one you see on the screen. The [im'ya file] parameter assigns a group of files to or to a file, which must be included before the list.

If you use the / P parameter, you can display a list of files one screen at a time. Schob hit the offensive screen, you need to force it to the keyboard.

When the / W parameter is specified, a list of files and directories will be displayed by 100%.

Zmіna streaming disk - type on the keyboards the name of the disk (one English letter with a vertical double-speckled one, for example - A :) and type the key ENTER.

CD - displaying a stream catalog or changing a stream catalog.

Command format: CD [disk:] [route]

For example, the command cd \ progs changes the stream directory to the PROGS directory.

The [drive:] [route] parameter specifies the drive (where you want to go to) the directory where you want to go. With a full visitor, go to the catalog, scho rozhuє. Go to the root directory (the top of the directory), type the command CD \.

MD - I open the catalog. The MD team can be victorious at the beginning of the catalog structure.

Command format: MD [drive:] [route]

The [drive:] parameter specifies the drive on which the directory needs to be installed. [Route] set the new catalog.

The maximum value of one route from the root directory to the new directory is 63 characters (including \).

RD - saw the directory. Before the catalog is visible, it is necessary to see all files and subdirectories in a new one (win maє buty empty).

Command format: RD [drive:] [route]

The [drive:] [route] parameter is used to set the directory to be visible.

See the catalog from prikhovanimy abo system files You can't. When looking at a directory, in which files are located, the following is displayed:

Invalid path, no directory, or directory no empty

(Inadmissible route, tse directory, for the directory is not empty)

It is not possible to vikoristovuvat RD for viewing the stream catalog (you need to go to the link to the catalog), please see the following page:

Attempt to remove current directory - drive: route

(Try to see the current catalog)

COPY - copy for given one or more files. Qiu team can also be victorious for combining files. When copying more than one MS-DOS file, bring the skin file to the screen to be copied.

Command format: COPY [dzherelo] [priymach]

The [Dzherelo] parameter specifies the expansion of the file or a set of files that need to be copied. Dzherelo can be a revenge for the letter of the disk's meaning that two-speck, in the directory, in the file, anyway. The [Acceptance] parameter specifies a file or a set of files that you want to copy. Prymach is set similarly to dzherel.

For zamovchuvannyam, if the target file is set to the current file, COPY will be powered, if you want you to overwrite the current file.

Just copy a few files into one, rerack in a jerel, be it a small number of files (if they were a plus) and add the resulting file: copy mon.txt + tue.txt + wen.txt tree.txt

With a whole stream disk file, the directory mon.txt, tue.txt and wen.txt are combined and stored in the tree.txt file (also in the streaming directory).

The copy * .doc total.doc command will combine all the files in the stream directory into one file total.doc.

To extrude a text file using MS DOS you need:

Viconati Team COPYCONA. TXT natisnut clavishu ENTER and type in the text. It is a pity, the whole mode is very minimal for editing the text. To write the typed text in the file of the end typing, it is necessary to enter a special command to end typing for an additional combination of keys Ctrl+ Z.

RENAME (REN) Change the name of the specified files (file). It is not allowed to use the REN command for changing files from the designated drives, or for moving files to the original directory

Command format: REN [disk:] [route] [im'ya_file1] [im'ya_file2]

The [drive:] [route] [file_name1] parameter specifies a file to be expanded or a set of files that need to be changed. The [im'ya_file2] parameter is set for a new file. You cannot show a new disk that route.

Suppose you want to change all the files from the stream catalysis from extensions.rpt to files from extensions.dat. To do this, use the ren * .rpt * .dat command.

DEL - Vidalє files.

Command format: DEL [drive:] [route] [im'ya_file]

The [drive:] [route] [ime_file] parameter is used to set up a file or a set of files for viewing. / P in front of the visible file to transfer the power to the confirmation:

filename, Delete (Y / N)?

(іm'ya_file, did you see (So / Ні)?)

For the confirmation of the visible pressure Y, and for the confirmation of the advance name to the file (if the group is created) - N. Pressing CTRL + C to send the robot DEL.

By typing the DEL command with the [drive:] [route] parameter, you can see all files in the directory. If you can see a few files, you can also choose to use stencil symbols (* і?).

I. Basic internal DOS commands.
Internal command DOS visonuє command processor

Stagnation of internal and call DOS commands is carried over to the system program.

1. Command to change the stream drive:
a: - go to drive a:

b: - go to drive b:

c: - go to drive c:

2. Command for changing directory: dir

Poekranny (postorіnkovy) visnovok to the catalog, which in the place is even great: dir / p

dir a: \ - command to change the root directory on the a: drive.

3. The command to change the stream directory: іm'ya directory cd

Go to the root directory of the streaming disk: cd \

Go from directory to directory: cd.

4. Command for opening directory: md ім'я directory

5. Command to view empty directory: ім'я to directory rd

6. Command to add a text file to the screen:

type ім'я file

7. Command to clear the monitor screen: cls

8. Command for copying files:

copy to file1 to file2 - copy one file to the

copy to file to directory - copy the file to the directory;

copy ім'я file prn - file file to printer і.

9. Connecting to a text file:

copy con: ім'я file, press Enter, enter row text,

for example the skin row Enter, then for example F6 and Ctrl + Z and Enter.

10. Add two or more text files

(file concatenation): copy of the 1st file + the 2nd file of the new file

11. The command is visible to the file: del ім'я file, erase іm'ya file

12. Renaming the file: ren ім'я file new іm'ya file

13. Vivedennya DOS version: ver

14. Vivedennya mіtki disc: vol

15. Introduced flow date: date

16. Introduce flow hour: time

17. Exit - exit from the DOS command processor.

Note: Pislya entered commands from the keyboard to the command

a row of natisnut key Enter.

II. Main call teams DOS (for MS-DOS version 6.22).
Call DOS commands to check additional programs (utilities),

roztasovani in catalos DOS on disk :.

1.format іm'ya disk: - Formatting disk (for floppy disks format a:

or format b :). stem system disk: format disk name: / s

Be respectful: the formatting of the disk (diskette) has all the information on it!

2.fdisk - rosbitta hard disk on razdіli (logical drives З, D, E).

Uvaga: when a hard disk is distributed on the distribution, all information is known!

3. sys іm'ya disk: - transferring files of the DOS kernel to disk (floppy), system disk (floppy). Vikoristovuatsya for a new version of DOS.

4. mem - vivedennya karty operational memory... Most often, the command mem / c / p will be chosen, or mem / d / p (key p - post-hosted information).

5.chkdsk c: / f - conversion file system and the renewal of the other clusters.

6. scandisk - reconversion of the file system of that disk for the presence of logical faults. For scandisk a: floppy disks, for scandisk b:

7. label ім'я of the disk: - the root of the number of update of the disk on the disk, diskette.

8. undelete disk іm'ya: - Updating vipadkovo erased files.

9. diskcopy Disk name: Disk name: - Exact copy of the diskette.

10. print ім'я prn file - a file on the printer і in the background mode. Calling background druck: print / t - podtrimka other information from the screen (when the Print Screen keys are pressed).

12.defrag c: / fd - file fragmentation and optimization of information distribution on a hard disk (this program is similar to the Speed ​​Disk program in the Norton Utilities set).

13. deltree ім'я directory - view of the tree of directories (with files).

Uvaga: Vikoristovuvat the team is possible only if you need to see this tree of catalogs! Important information will be included in this vipad! - computer diagnostics.

15.edit - wiki of the text editor MS-DOS Editor.

16.qbasic - wiklik Movi BASIC software.

17. doskey - wiklik programs, scho will lay down the editing instead of the command line (DOS commands, scho entered).

18. tree c: \ ім'я directory / f - change instead of the specified directory.

19.msav - disk inversion antivirus software MS-Antivirus.

20. memmaker - an optimizer for working memory.

Command formats for the MS-DOS mem.exe utility:
mem - standard RAM card;

mem / c / p - viewє list of locked programs;

mem / d / p - type of information about internal attachments (for example:

con, prn, LPT1, etc.) from addressing;

mem / f / p - exchange of new memory from the address

mem / m ім'я programs - size of memory, which loan is specified

tampered with programs (resident, with extended com and exe);

key / p yes

Connecting to a file from MS-DOS
For a file in MS-DOS you need:

1. Enter the command into the command line: copy con: ім'я file and natisnuti Enter.

Butt: copy con: c: \ mark \ proba.txt

2. Enter the text that natisnut F6 or Ctrl-Z, which means the end of the row, that natisnuti Enter. The file proba.txt will be created for the CATALOSI MARK. Іm'ya file of the request vkazuvati with a new path.

3. If the file is set to in-line catalosis, you may not be able to

Povnyi shlyakh (route).

Appointment of functional keys for MS-DOS
F1 copies one character from the buffer per screen.

F2 copies all characters from the buffer to the screen up to the specified character.

F3 Copy all characters from the buffer to the screen.

F4 - skips all symbols in the buffer before the singing symbol.

F5 -transfer all symbols from the screen to the buffer, do not get wet.

yak command.

F6 means the end of the row (or CTRL-Z).

Іnshі keys in MS-DOS do not get stuck, but rather get stuck in

more applied programs.

Vikoristannya Komandi Storennya virtual disk SUBST
For the shutdown of the virtual disk (for example, E), to avenge files from the ME directory, the command line needs to be written: subst e: c: \ me or subst e: c: \ mark \ refis for files in the REFIS directory. Move to disc E: follow the fantastical rule of any disc. It will take an hour to start the program, since the Path command cannot insert a new directory (the directory directory for the Path command cannot change 128 bytes). The command can be inserted in the autoexec.bat file, so the virtual disk will be installed permanently. The subst command is also called the command for the synonyms for the name of the catalog and for choosing not to type in the catalog, which is often used. When you open and see the files and directories on the virtual disk E: the same will appear synchronously in the ME catalog on the C: drive.

This way you can create one 2nd virtual disk F: it is not possible at all. If there are any visible changes in the operative or disk memory before the hour of the virtual disk opening, it will not be displayed. The command to view the virtual disk is E: subst e: / d. The subst command works with the current DOS commands.

About deyakі internal commands DOS.
If you enter the command line of the echo and verify commands, you can

Learn about the thread mill: echo is on or echo is off;

Verify is on or Verify is off.

If you enter the path command, you will see the path command from the file

autoexec.bat, tobto. an exact list of directories, instructions for the path command.

When you enter the set command, you will be prompted to

that part of the autoexec.bat file will be visible,

sit down to the preset change: path, prompt, set, and also

comspec = c: \


(Internal (*) the same MS-DOS commands)

ANSY.SYS Console Driver Installation

ASSIGN reassignment of disk attachments

ATTRIB setting an attribute to a file

BATCH batch command files (* .bat) *

BACKUP stem backups for files

BREAK overriding programs *

BUFFERS RAM buffers *

CHDIR (CD) transition to new directory *

CHKDSK disk inversion

CLS screen cleaning *

COMMAND: different command processor *

COMP for disk files

COPY copy to file *

COUNTRY setting the date format to the hour

CTTY reassigned console

DATE date *

DEBUG program manager

DEVICE installation of new add-on drivers *

DIR revision of catalogs *

DISKCOMP disk drive

DISKCOPY dubbing floppy disks

DRIVER.SYS driver installation for block-based attachments

ERASE (DEL) file view *

FCBS blocks keruvannya files *

FDISK hard disk drive on partitions

FILES The number of files is instantly displayed *

FIND pochuk danih

FORMAT format disk entry


JOIN logically combining a directory on one disk with the other disk to one directory

LABEL opening and replacing the disc wrist

LASTDRIVE set the maximum number of available drives *

LINK zavantazhuvach (editor) links

MKDIR (MD) to catalog *

MODE change of modes in robots of external attachments

MORE posting files to the screen

PATH vkaz_vka shlihu pohuku *

PRINT graphics for druk danih

PROMPT replaces the format of the requested DOS *

RENAME (REN) renaming files *

REPLACE selectively replaces and copies files

RESTORE updating files backed up by the BACKUP command

RMDIR (RD) Empty Directory View *

SELECT Install MS-DOS on new disk from the specified keyboard type, date format and hour

SET installation of winter cooling *

SHELL fucking a dodat command processor *

SORT sortuvannya danih

SUBST virtual disk root

SYS copy of MS-DOS

TIME by hour *

TREE directory tree listing

TYPE view to the screen instead of the file *

VDISK.SYS Installation of the virtual disk driver

VER version of MS-DOS *

VERIFY rewrite to disk *

VOL Vivennya disc wiki *

XCOPY vibirkove copy group files and catalogs

Main types of operational memory (OZP)
Operational memory (OZP) - a set of adjustments for the hourly information collection (only in the process of a computer's robot) quick access processor before the programs that poured tribute.

1. CMA - Conventional Memory Area.

(area 0 - 640K).

2. UMA - Upper Memory Area.

(640K - 1M area).

3. UMB - Upper Memory Block.

4. HMA - High Memory Area.

(1M + 64K area).

5. XMA - Extended Memory Area.

(visceral area> 1M + 64K).

6. EMS - Expanded Memory.

(Roztashovana on an okrem_y board).

Problem 640 KB
IBM PC with 8088 and 8086 processor RAM, available for DOS and application programs, can be up to 640 Kbytes. It went all the way forward for the ear of the 80s, roughly 64 KB for the world's largest computers. However, with the appearance of the 80286, 80386 processors, the older ones, as well as the latest programs, for example Windows, encapsulated in 640 Kbytes, it was modified to the problem, as it was successfully updated with the appearance pre-date memory that especially expanded memory. Expanded memory (Extended Memory) - the whole memory, at least 1M + 64K. The stores have expanded memory, the 80286, 80386SX and 80486SX processors can go up to 16 MB of memory, and the 80386DX, 80486DX processors are up to 4 GB.

Dodatkov memory (Expanded Memory) does not get stuck at once.

Access to extended memory in MS-DOS and Windows will secure the himem.sys driver and the extended memory manager emm386.exe, which will be locked behind the additional config.sys file. The main memory is also filled up to 640 Kb, and the maximum amount of power for the application programs is increased, the keyboard drivers, miscellaneous, etc. are added. the upper memory (UMA and UMB) behind the additional file autoexec.bat. The standard value of the RFP for IBM PC: 1 MB; 2 MB; 4 MB; 8 MB; 16 MB; 32 MB; 64 MB i etc.

Command- How to spilkuvannya koristuvach with a computer in the operating system.

p align = "justify"> Robots on computers in MS DOS operating systems are organized by commands. Stink the song on the computer: organize the transfer of information; viroblyayut the necessary keruyuchy signal; switch on a call for organizing the process of information input-delivery, etc.

The command is technically implemented by the program in machine codes and is saved from the files on the disk, or to enter the store of the command processor of the MS DOS operating system. Yak і be-like іnsha program, the team is unique and depends on the type.

The introduction of the command to stay in command line according to the specific rules set for the format.

Command row- A row of screens to be repaired from the requested operating system.

The format of the command is the rule of formulating the command with the help of keystones from the keyboard.

For an hour the command is formulated according to the established format, remember the rules:

  • the format of the command is stored in the name of the command in Latin letters (without type) and in one omission of parameters, to clarify the process;
  • in a large number of parameters, there is no punctuation between them, and as a razdilnik the symbol / is often used;
  • parameters can be: drive, drive, file, file type, Latin letters, symbols, numbers;
  • The appearance of the parameters in the format is often unnecessary, but must be placed behind the additional square bows.

The command format can be presented in the following view:

Butt 9.15 Qia command wiklikє for the additional parameter D: \ BOOK \ *. TXT on the screen I will write about all files of the type. Prodovzhiti pereglyad, it is necessary to natisnut be-yak klavishu.

Procedure for entering commands

  1. Depending on the format of the command row, you type the required parameters.
  2. Push the entered key with a signal to the cob to analyze the structure:
    when there are pardons at the format of the command, there will be a show of performance; for the obviousness of pardons on the screen, you will see it later
    Bad kommand or filename
    (Wrong command abo im'ya file)
  3. If the command is unavailable, you respectfully look at the given design of the command and enter її again, altogether in the general version.

Note. The appearance of a pardon can be as soon as the command is announced, so it’s when it’s over. About the price of information, about the reason for the pardon.

Classification of teams

Commands can be classified for two signs - for the way of implementation for functional signs.

For the way of implementation Commands can be assigned to two groups (Figure 9.14):

  • resident (internal, vbudovany);
  • transit (call, utility, service).

Small. 9.14. Classification of teams for the way of implementation

Resident commanders to enter the warehouse of the command processor COMMAND.COM and after the end of the locking of the operating system and MS DOS, you can change to the operating memory (Fig. 9.12). Resident commands are available for every hour. No need to pay attention to the visibility of the presence of the warehouse operating system. When the operating system is introduced by the resident command, the system will carry out an analysis of the structure for the duration of the pardons of the victories of the operational memory. At the same time, there is no need for a beast to be remembered for the last time, but the sutta will soon be able to see it. In the MS DOS operating system, it is not a good idea to replace any additional resident commands, or a bit of stench, with a part of the COMMAND.COM command processor.

Transit Commanders yak files of the type COM CHI, EXE are realizable and they are constantly perebryuyut at the disk of the area For the introduction of the transit command, the organization of the robot will be similar to the pre-processing procedure. program file The COMMAND.COM command processor analyzes the structure of the entered command, transfers it to the other modules of the operating system, which organizes the data to disk and reads programs from the file to the RAM. The given command is displayed for the given command. Pislya vikonannya command keruvannya turn to the command processor.

It is possible not to interfere with the broadening of the operating system's capacity with the addition of the additional transmission of new transit commands. In some resident teams, transit teams are characterized by a great hour of visibility through the need to drive. Transit commands, as resident, are assigned to them without specifying the type.

For functional purposes Classification of teams that, it is possible to achieve intelligently in the amount of the versatile possibilities of bagatokh teams. The main functional acquaintance can be an object, with which one can see the development, for example, a directory, a file, a disk. Here you can see such groups of teams: up to robots with directories, up to robots with files, up to robots with disks, memory management and annexes, configuring systems and those.

Dovidka. Detailed information about the skin command can be processed in two ways:
Entering the HELP command, as the key previdkova system from all teams;
Enter the commands, then through the probil - symbols /? ...


DIR command - directory peer

Before most often victorious commands, the command should be looked over in place of the DIR catalog. For a robot on a personal computer, invoke the repair from a glance at the directory, then move to the one that you need the file or the directory isnu. Only when you go, go to the middle, your robot. Process robots often need to look over instead of a passive catalog. Change the disk to the robot and also browse through the directory. For all these situations and bagatories, speed up with the DIR team.

Regardless of the parameters admissible for the command structures, you can look at the directory entries for the standard form, or for the increased forms, for more file names, as well as in case of great catalysis of the development of this post.

Command format

Applying the main parameters:
/R- Postornkovy visnovok catalog on the screen. For the continuation of the vivedennya natisnut be-yak klavishu,
/ W- Visnovok only on the other names of files and catalogs.
/A- Indication instead of catalogs and attributes;
/ O- Zavdannya order of the sorting of species, how to live in catalysis and in.

Butt 9.16
C: \> DIR Vivodit vm_st the main stream catalog on the screen.
C: \ KAT1> DIR * .BAK Vivedennya to the screen of all names of files in type. BAC from the stream catalog of the first level of KATI.
C: \> DIR A: Vivedennya to the screen instead of the catalog of the passive drive A.
C: \ B1> DIR B2 Vivedennya on the screen instead of the passive catalog of the 2nd level B2, which is located in the catalog of the first level 1.
C: \ KAT1> DIR \ B1 \ B2 / P Vivedennya on the screen of the post-market instead of the passive catalog B2, which is located in the catalog of the international structure, below the current catalog CAT1. Schob go to the offensive side, push the keyboard.
C: \ B1> DIR / W Vivedennya to the screen of records in the stream catalog B1 in an expanded format (only the names of files and directories).

MD Team- Part of the catalog

The new catalog can be opened by the MD command at the flow catalosis or, as it is indicated, at the passive catalosis.

Command format

RD Team- Subsistence to the catalog

The RD command is used to deny the empty directory. First of all, you are guilty of seeing all the files with the DEL command, and then with the DIR command, having looked at the directory, perekonatisya, which is empty. Only when you go, speed up with the RD team.

Command format

CD Command- go to the іnshy catalog

Often the situation is determined, if you go to the іnshiy catalog and we will complete it. At the end of the day, the CD command is quicker. Command format

For the transition to the Batkiv catalog, it is enough to replace the catalog of the assignment. (two points). To move to the head directory, use the \ character.

Butt 9.19
Z: \> CD KAT1 Go to the KAT1 catalog from the main catalog. When the command is entered, the requested change is changed and the message is displayed to C: \ CAT1>.
C: \ B1 \ B2> CD \ KAT1 Moving from the catalog of the 2nd level B2 to the catalog of the 1st level KAT1, which is located in the іnshіy halluzі іnrarchіchnoi structure. Pislya entered the command of the requested matime viglyad C: KAT1>.
A: \> CD C: \ KAT1 Go from the directory of the rooted disk A to the directory of the 1st level KAT1 of the hard disk C. When the command is entered, the requested change is changed and it looks like C: \ CAT1>.
C: M1M2M3> CD .. Go to the Batkiv catalog, tobto. u directory Verkhnyaya Rivnya M2. Pislya vvedennya command requested nabude viglyadu C: \ M1 \ M2>.
C: \ F1 \ F2> CD \ Go to the main directory. Pislya vvedennya commando requested nabude viglyadu C: \>.


TYPE command- Revision of a text file

Using the TYPE command, you can manually scan the text file on the display screen or on the printer. When the command is launched, the text (in the file) is displayed without interruption, and the speed of the change of frames with the text on the screen is great, it’s very important to read it. Schob press the text, press two keys at once .

An onslaught of be-like keys to update the text.
Command format for displaying on the screen
Command format for druku

DEL command- View files
Use the DEL command to speed up to see the files. Whether you can see a single file, so a group of files can be included in a file * abo? ...
Command format


  1. The / R parameter is used to display the display on the display.
  2. When the command is entered, all files are visible (outside of the file, the name *. * Will be written), the operating system is powered
    Are You sure (Y / N)? (Do you sing?)
    Yaksho vi did not change their minds, press the keyboard , inakse - klavishu .

COPY Command- Copy files
Qiu team will be available to make copies of existing files. In addition to the main functions, the COPY team will be corny and to display two additional functions:

  • vivedennya instead of a file on the call prefix;
  • sharing of several files.

The COPY command allows you to display functions over a group of files, and only symbols * and? ...
Command format for copying files

Note... The / V parameter controls the copying process.

The COPY command has two groups of parameters:

  • named by the dherel for the copied file;
  • named priymachem for the possessed file.

Bind the parameter є to the outside of the dzherel file. All of the other parameters are set if necessary. If you copy the file (group of files) with the same names (names), it is enough to add only outside of the file-dzherel. Іm'ya floppy drive that will take an hour for robots with a passive floppy drive and catalog.

Appendix 9.22.
C: \> COPY KIT.PAS A: Copying the KIT.PAS file from the head directory of the floppy drive to a flexible disk
C: \> COPY AI \ A2 \ KRIK.TXT \ B1 \ B2 \ B3 Copy to the KRIK.TXT file from the 2nd level A2 catalog to the 3rd level B3 catalog from the same names. Copy to disk to streaming drive
C: \> COPY A: TROS.BAS Copy the TROS.BAS file from the passive drive A to the head directory of the stream drive C with the same names.
C: \> COPY A: TEM.TXT A1 \ A2 \ SVET.TXT Copy to the TEM.TXT file from the passive drive to the 2nd level A2 directory of the floppy drive. Otriman_y copy of the file is found new іm'ya SVET. TXT.
C: \ A1> COPY * .BAS B: / V Copying of all files in BAS type from the stream catalog of the 1st stage of the A1 drive to the disk of the passive drive In one-hour control of the copying process.

Command format for adding multiple files

The name of the files, which can be combined, can be reassigned in the COPY command through the plus sign (+). The ime of the resulting file will be written down and displayed as names of the files, so that it will be combined with a probe. Instead of the resulting file, it is one by one, one by one, instead of the output files, according to the order of the names of the COPY command.

Formats of commands for exchanging data between calls and attachments and files that are saved on disk

If you want to attach it here, be smart about it, like the system unit and the drives. Prior to the latest attachments, you should have a keyboard, display, printer, attachments, and organize connections with your computer. In the operating system, it is appreciated that there are many new additions. Prior to the most recent dates:

  • CON - keyboard and display (console);
  • PRN or LPT1 is the main printer.

Basic commands for robots with disks

FORMAT command- Formatting disc.

A new disc є will be covered with a magnetic ball on the surface, no robotic structure is needed, tobto. no dorizhok, no sectors, no special zones required by the file system. Before the cob, I will write to the disk, and then put on the disk the same structure as it is accepted in the operating system. personal computer... Whether it is an operating system, there is a command for a certain type of command, which is called the format command of the disk. With the help of the command to lie on the surface of the disk, the structure adopted by the whole operating system is established. The procedure for formatting the disk is written for the entered command and against the dialogue mode and we will give you a chance to see the format, if you have not thought about your croc.

In the operating system MS DOS 6.22, the FORMAT command is used to format the disk.

Command format:

The parameters, which are victorious in the design, may be the same:
/ F: number- Ordering a disk space: (160, 180, 320, 360, 720) KB, (1.2, 1.44, 2.88) MB;
/ T: number- Keeping a number of roads on one side of the disc;
/ N: number- Head of the number of sectors on the road;
/ S- Writing the main two modules of the operating system MS DOS;
/V- redundant space distribution of the main system modules (IO.SYS і MSDOS.SYS);
/ V- Head of the іmenі disc.
/ l- Formatting one side of the disc;
/ Q- Shvidke formatting.

Parameter F vikoristovuєatsya often, the fragments are allowed to stand on the disk rіzniy obsyag pam'yatі. Parameter S allow you to write the operating system to disk at once from the format. For help parameter V You will find the disk uniquely. Parameters T, N, 1, B, Q vikoristovuyutsya to finish up to a little for a special disk structure,

Butt 9.25. Become familiar with the procedure for formatting a disc. Before you need to reconfigure the FORMAT commands on the system disk, the command must be applied to the transit commands, and you may not be able to access the personal computer. Ale, yak usually won є. Suppose that the operating system is recorded on the hard disk C. To complete it, insert a new disk, for example, in the drive A, and enter the FORMAT command

The following will appear on the screen:

Insert new diskette for drive A:
and press ENTER when ready
(Insert the disc at the drive and press the input key)

The system can convert the current format and save the disk information, so it can be updated with the UNFORMAT command. The process of formatting with images on the display screen will be easier. It will be seen as soon as it ends:

Format complete
1,457,664 bytes total disk space
1 457 664 bytes available on disk
Format іnshy (Y / N)? (Format you have (Y / N)?)

You will get a copy of the format offensive disc... At the end of the sentence to draw the keyboard (do not format), for which the display of the FORMAT command ends. If you want to format an offensive disc, then insert it into the drive.

Defective sectors can appear at the formatting process. The FORMAT command has a lot of problems with being inaccessible, thus reducing the working space on the disk.

Uwaga! When formatted, the front information will be erased. If you format the disc, if the structure was opened earlier and the files were saved, then everything would be needed and a new structure would be created, if there would be no more files. Do not format hard drive!

DISKCOPY Command- Copy to disk

Often there is a situation, if you need to make a copy instead of a nasty disc. For example, it is recommended to use two sets of discs:

  • one set - working discs, cleaned and cleaned;
  • the other set is your archive with copies of the software disks.

Completely on disks, archive the words "I will write down", so when copying from them the original version of the program is not shcoded.

Copying instead of a nasty disk is displayed by the DISKCOPY command along the way. The Qi command is in transit, so you need to enter it, you need to look over the directory of the system disk, and then it will turn out to be obvious. When the DISKCOPY command is entered instead of the original disk, it will be rewritten through the RAM in the form of a drive to the copy disk.

DISKCOPY command transfer the format of the disc-copy according to the format of the original disc. To that, there is a need for the front format of the disc-copy.

Command format

Copying disks can be carried out between two drives, and one.

Appendix 9.26. On two drives it is easy to copy disks. For a selection, it is necessary to reconfigure the explicitness of the DISKCOPY command on the system disk and enter the command, for example

In general, the DISKCOPY command is guilty of being on the hard drive C, and copying from disk in drive A to disk at drive B.

Insert sourse diskette in drive A
(Insert a dzherelo disc into drive L)
Insert target diskette in drive B
(Insert the disc at drive B)
Strike any key when ready

Once you have made a copy, you will ensure the copying process. If you are finished, you will be prompted to make a copy

Copy іnshiy (Y / N)? (More copy (Y / N)?)

At the time of the view and from the given copy, press the keyboard , іnakshe pull klavіshu , and I will be prompted to insert the discs into the drive (div. vishche).

Appendix 9.27. On one disk drive, you should enter a command, having previously made sure that the D1SKCOPY command is not available on the hard disk.

When the command is entered, it will appear:

Insert source diskette in drive A
(Insert the Gerelo disc into drive A)
Strike any key when ready
(If you are ready, you can push the keyboard)

Insert the disc you are copying into the drive A and press the key. In addition, how to finish rewriting instead of a disk into RAM, if you see the following:

Insert target diskette In drive A
(Insert a disk drive at drive A)
Strike any key when ready
(If you are ready, you can push the keyboard)

You will be prompted to insert the disc, on which you copy, into the drive. Take a disc-original and grow up. Copy from the operative memory to disk will be copied. When you finish copying, you will feel like making another copy.

Copy complete
Copy іnshiy (Y / N)? (More copy (Y / N)?)

Please see the copy, press the key to re-copy the key press .

DISKCOMP Command- Rovnyannya disks

The DISKCOMP command will be stuck for matching disks, one of which is selected by the DISKCOPY command. Drive behind the roads. If there are two discs, you will see more of it. As long as the copy was made by the COPY command, the DISKCOMP team cannot be victorious.

Command format

The value of the parameters:
/ I- Adjustment of one side of the disks;
/8 - Ratio of 8 sectors on the skin road, directly from the structure of the disk.

Disks, which can be broken, are guilty of being of the same format, because of the failure of DISKCOMP commands, it is not possible to change the size of the disc and see it on the display screen. When you have two disks, you will see the following:

Diskettes compares OK
(Discs finished, all garazd)

If two disks are lost, the side of the road will appear, deregistered.

Compare error on side ..., track ...
(Sales on boats ..., roads -)

Roving disks can be viewed on two drives or on one similarly to the DISKCOPY command.

Appendix 9.28. The procedure for matching two drives is understandable. Enter command

Appear on the screen:

Insert FIRST diskette in drive A
(Insert the first disc next to drive A
Insert SECOND diskette in drive B
(Insert another disc in drive B)
Strike any key when ready
(If you are ready, you can push the keyboard)

When the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bwill be displayed, the discs will be adjusted, if the completion will be announced, it will be prompted to repeat the procedure for the other discs:

Compare more diskettes (Y / N)?
(Trim discs (Y / N)?)

Finish the job, press the keyboard for continuation - clavishu .


Suchasna information technology robots are straightforward automation of victorious operations. This concept can be seen in any software middleware of a personal computer, which, as a rule, has a wide range of features: special software shells, menus, standard functions, versatile software tools.

The operating system, unaffected by its professional orientation to a qualified programmer, has its own arsenal of instrumental software tools to take revenge on a special software mechanism for automating robots with teams. I do not allow the programmer's robot to be asked for the automation of the commands, but it is often repeated, but the sound of the programmer is necessary to know the subtle format of commands.

The last of the automatic processing operations of the operating systems is called batch processing. By means of an instrumental method of batch processing є a command (batch) file.

A command file is a file that allows a robot to automate in an operating system.
Understanding the "batch file" is widely used. Practically, in all applied software middlewares you will know a variety of tools for your legacy. However, they name it in there, for example, a macro, about which report is known from a goal. 19. The insight in the names appeared for the purpose of applying, and not the systemic sphere, to the macro, and also to the fact that I have to be composed of commands that would be deprived of a specific application software middle.

The command file, which can be used in the operating environment of MS DOS, is of the type. BAT (in English. Batch - pack). Macro is a type, which is the sign of the origin of the prior applied middle.

The command file is closed yak text file be a text editor. For example, in the middle of MS DOS it is possible to use the EDITOR editor. The text itself is the last of the constructions of the operating system commands, the names of the files in the launch of application systems, and other service utilities.

The command file can be run in the same way as MS DOS commands or files for launching applications software systems, which may be type.COM abo.ЄXE. Enough in the command line to ask for a deprivation of yogo im'ya without a request to type that natisnut clavishu<Enter>.

Re-dubbing the robot and the batch file<Ctrl> <C> abo<Ctrl> <Break>.


  • The command file is stored from the commands of the MS DOS operating system, the names of the files in the launch of the service software.
  • The dermal team borrows a row.
  • To finish the formulation of the design of the skin command, it is necessary to press the key .
  • The Іm'ya batch file is uniquely located in the boundaries of the directory. Type - please.
  • The design of the teams can be both small and large.

The command file will be responsible for the command of the operating system and for the service. In addition, there is a number of commands specially executed for controlling the command file by the robot, which will be viewed from the distance.
The command file is often included in the warehouse for a package of application programs and is used when it is locked up in order to automate the process of setting up a specific user who needs to be robbed. Then, the first time you work with a new application package is to send a file to the type. WAT that yogo launch. If you don’t know, then you can get backed up if you know the file to launch the COM type or EXE.

Appendix 9.29. Let’s say, you have the responsibility of automating your own work in front of a cob of robots using an applied software middleware, but you do:

  • convert to virus drive A :;
  • flip on disk D: two time-based work catalogs, with similar views in a streaming session, - DOCUMENT and TEXT;
  • copy from disk A: TEXT directory all files of type.TXT;
  • copy from disk A: DOCUMENT directory all files of DOC type;
  • Run from the C drive: the LEXICON text editor, typing in the LEX enqueue module from the LEXICON directory.

Assignments for writing to any text editor in a command file, for example, from COM1 to disk D.

  • to go to the middle of the text editor, enter the EDIT command at the command row;
  • press the keyboard to clean the screen ;
  • Activate the text editor menu, press the key ;
  • Go to the command (text) file exit mode, enter the command FILE, New;
  • on the working field of the text editor, enter the onset of the command sequence:
  • Write the command file to the D: drive by entering the FILE menu command. Save As and when you said your name D: KOM1;
  • view from a text editor;
  • Invert the batch file to the robot. For tsiy in the command line to enter yogo im'yam1.

In the process of displaying the batch file, you will start the display on the screen of all commands, and by the end of the robot on the screen you can see the middle of the LEXICON text editor.


Country houses

p align = "justify"> Especially the values ​​of the middle of all command files are in the AUTOEXEC.BAT files. The whole file is an important, if necessary, part of the operating system. It is practical for any computer to be installed in the head catalosis on a disk, which will be used to lock up the operating system (play the C drive).

Yogo main feature is the adjustment of different parameters of the operating system on a specific corystuvach for the root of the zyuchnoy middle of the robot. For the presence of the file, the parameters of the operating system are set for promos. It will start automatically after the hour of the skin blocking of the MS DOS operating system (div. Fig. 9.13).

Remember! After the hour of the root of the command file, the root catalosis of the system disk has been hardened by vikoristovuvati іm'ya AUTOEXEC.BAT. In the other catalogs - it is possible, but not necessarily.

The file AUTOEXEC.BAT is created, like a command file in a text editor. Yogo zmіst store commands for setting up the operational environment, the main points of which are lower, as well as changing the files in the launch of the necessary software tools. Commands, looking at the bottom, can be victorious at any command file.

Commanders, you want to check out the file AUTOEXEC.BAT

REM [be-like symbols]- Commentary. This is a command, which does not show up, to serve as an explanation for what is written in the fragments to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Vaughn is often victorious for team-hour blocking of the command.

Butt 9.30
REM Installing notifications from files

Spіlkuvannya OS і from corystuvach we see in formі dialogue. If MS DOS ready to dialogue, look at the screen requested,

by the way

C:> or C: \>

Requested MS DOS, as a rule, to revenge information about the stream drive and about the stream directory. Viglyad the requested can be changed for the help of the command Prompt.

Koristuvach enter the command from the keyboard and the onslaught of the keyboard. OS viconuє command that I know to send to the screen of the requested one, so you can enter an offensive command. Visiting the teams of supervisors to report to the day on the screen of every occasion. Once the OS command has been introduced to the screen, there is a notice about the pardon.

For stem new directory serve command


Forward To open the USER directory in the root directory of the C: drive, you need to enter the command:


The catalog can be made available from the line director, but be it, it is necessary to deprive it of more ways.

To change the streaming catalog, the command is chosen

CD [drive:] way.

If the jobs are a floppy drive, then the stream directory changes to the floppy drive, and the file is changed to the stream directory. Forward, you need to go from working director to director USER. For any demand, give the command:

C: \> CD \ USER

For turning to the Batkiv catalog, the command is assigned CD. To turn to the root directory, use the command CD \

To add a directory to the screen (look at the directory) є command

DIR [floppy drive:] [path] [im'ya file] [parameters]

The format of the vivedennya in place of the directory can be changed by the command parameters. There are many parameters to reach a lot, the actions of them are:

/R - poekranny visnovok zm_stu. / w - Vivedennya tribute in a wide format. /O - to add the views of the stream catalog.

To see the empty directory, use the command

RD [floppy:] way

In some cases it is necessary to see the catalog from all over the place. Fixing in version 6.0, є team

, as it is possible to see whether directories or files are in place. The command is like write to the confirmation of the visible skin directory or the file, however, as a parameter \ Y , Vidalennya will be carried out without any power supply. For example: C:> DELTREE / Y USER

For renaming catalog, repaired from version 6.0, you need a command
Forward: C: \> MOVE \ USER \ PETER.

stem text files to check for additional command


When the command is entered on the screen, replace the requested DOS A text cursor appears and you can enter rows in the file. Go to the oncoming row to meet the onslaught of the button. Having finished the input, you will need to exit the editor by pressing the key F6.

Viluchennya a file or a group of files is displayed with the command:
Forward You can see all files in the directory using the additional command

C: \> DEL *. *

For renaming file serve command


For example:
C: \> REN A: *. DOC * .TXT

For copying file vikoristovuyutsya commands


Victory symbols *,? in іmenі files. Tse means how the group of files will be copied.

For example:
C: \> COPY F1.TXT F2.TXT- Copy file f1.txt v f2.txt in flow catalosis;

C: \> COPY A: \ *. *- Copies all files from the root directory of the disk A: have a stream directory;

C: \> COPY A: \ *. * D:- All files are copied from the root directory of disk A: to the stream directory of the disk D:;

C: \> COPY \ T \ *. DOC C: *. TXT- Copy all files from extensions .doc from the \ T directory of the streaming disk to the streaming directory of the C: drive. Files Retrieve Expansion .txt.

Command COPY can booty vikoristan for ob'єdnannya into one file. Command format:

COPY [+ im'ya file2] ...<имя файла

Command for single files 1, 2, etc. file, which is specified as left. At the names of the files, how can you get together, can you pick up symbols? that *. For example, the team


One file with extensions .txt from a streamed directory to a file with im'yam COMBIN.DOC.

For joke files on a disk on a file and / or in the order of symbols, which can be taken from the file, you can choose the program FF (FIND FILE)... Command format:

FF [row of symbols] [modes]

Mode /WITH vkazuє, scho the poshuk is carried out only by the flow catalosis. Regimi /WITHі / S vkazuyut, how the noise will be conducted at the flow catalosis and all the yogo catalogs. If the mode is not specified, the joke will be found in all catalogs of the streaming disk. The program allows shukati file on all disks of the computer. To replace the disk in the name of the file, you need to insert the * symbol. Forward, *. *. * - noise in all files on all disks.

If you need to know the file, to take revenge on the singing row, then the whole row of symbols at the command can be found at the paws. For example:

FF * .doc "Ivanov" / С

Know all files in stream catalog with extensions .doc, scho to revenge a row of symbols "Ivaniv".

Pereview file visitor for command

The file mode cannot be edited.

Schob nadrukuvati file on the printer, you can use the command COPY:

COPY prn
To reject short cues behind the program and by the command DOS you can speed up the team


In version 6.0, you can choose an interactive follower for commands and drivers to remove the add-on. DOS... For a wiklik a dovidnik a vikorist team HELP .

For snakes streaming drive, you need to type in the floppy drive that two-bit.
For example: Z: \> A: - go to disk A:.

Before the first vikorstannya diskette її it is necessary to go to the robot. The process is called format for baths abo ініціалізацію... The format of a floppy disk can be visited for additional input in MS DOS program FORMAT. Command format:

FORMAT drive:

Parameter / V: mіtka vkazu on a mіtka, yaku otrimaє a floppy disk. Mitka is a chain of up to 11 symbols, so you can't take revenge on glades. Parameter / F: size Allow the bazhan to get up the mn_st of the diskette (for the movchuvannyam of the diskette, format it to the maximum mn_st, which is allowed by the drive).

Until the system floppy disk, tobto. revenge OS, you need to set the parameter / S .For example:


Command VERIFY to serve for the inclusion of a revision of the correctness of the confirmation of the command copy:

Verify on - Increase the conversion mode
Verify off - Vimknennya to the reversal mode.

To the warehouse MS DOS enter a number of commands for the systematic sign:

  • CLS - Cleansing the screen.
  • DATE - Vivedennya information about the date. Once consumed, the date can be displayed.
  • TIME - Vivedennya information about the hour or the correction of the flow hour.
    VER - Information about the version DOS
    MEM - Review of the memory rosette on the PC (zvichana, top, expanded)
    PROMPT - For the kind requested DOS... Parameters text you can vikoristovuvati such symbols that їх day:
  • $ p - floppy drive that directory
  • $ n - stream drive
  • $ d - stream date
  • $ t - current hour
  • $ v - DOS version
  • $ s - probil
  • $ g - symbol ">"
  • $$ - symbol "$"
  • $ l - symbol “<”
  • $ b - character "Ѕ"

Command PROMPT no parameters equal to the command PROMPT $ n $ g .

Butt: Yaksho give a command
PROMPT Remember about viruses! $ P $ g
then on the screen of the requested matima viglyad:

Remember about viruses! C: \ DOS>

Uninvolved on those who nowadays computers can easily get by without knowing DOS, more, more operating systems DOS looks like it’s going to be visible, but I’m still going to bring up a list of the most frequently used internal commands of the old DOS. Now? It’s just that I’m saying that you’ll know the stink more than once at post-office situations, if Windows for some reason doesn’t start, and your order is not necessary.

Revision catalog
command: dir
format: dir drive: ім'я directory
Parameter R back-to-back mode
W Give deprivation of information about the name of the files in the catalosis.

dir- vive zm_st stream catalog;
dir * .exe- add information about all files with .exe extensions from the stream directory;
dir a:- change the root directory of the disk:

Zm_na to the stream catalog.
Command: cd(Change Directory)
Format: cd floppy drive: shlyah

cd games - go to the GAMES directory of the streaming disk;
cd .. - go to the front directory;
cd- go to the root directory of the streaming disk

Part of the catalog.
Command md(Make Directory)
Format: md floppy drive: shlyah

md games the root of the GAMES directory at the stream catalosis;
md d: gamesdoom2 - The root of the DOOM2 subdirectory at the GAMES disk D:

Slaughtering the catalog.
Command: rd(Remove Directory).
Format: rd floppy drive: shlyah

Apply: rd games view from the GAMES catalog at the stream catalosis;
rd d: gamesdoom2 - Seeing the DOOM2 directory on the GAMES drive D:

Creation of text files
Command: copy con
Format: copy con ім'я file
When pushing ENTER, it is necessary to enter the text of the file, and then lastly pushing F6 ENTER

Copy con games.txt - the root of the Games.txt text file from the streaming catalosis.

Copy files.
Command: copy
Format: copy (for a file, copying)

Copy games.txt games copy the games.txt file from the GAMES subdirectory of the streaming disk.

View files.
Command: del
Format: del im'ya file

Del games.txt- View the games.txt file from the streamed directory.

Rename files.
Command: ren(Rename) Format: ren (ім'я file) (new іm'ya file)

Butt: Ren games.txt games.doc- Change the file games.txt
on games.doc at Stream Catalos ".

Zmіna requested DOS.
Command: prompt
Format: prompt (text)

Інші commands.
Date- Vivedennya information about the date with the possibility of setting up.
Time- Vivedennya information about an hour with the possibility of setting up.
Verify on- turn on the flip mode and write to disk.
Verify of- I will write the flip mode to disk.
Verify- Provide information about those who have shown the flip mode will be written to disk.
Path- viznacha the order of the program that most often run.
Ver- Show the version of the operating system.
Cls- Zdіysnyu cleaning of the screen.
Label- Provide information about the disc's sign with the power of the snake.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
Read also
Yak vstanoviti bezkostovny antivirus avast Yak vstanoviti bezkostovny antivirus avast Yak clear comp'ютер від вірусів самостійно Yak clear the computer from viruses independently Yak will clean up the computer'ютер від вірусів I will clean the computer from viruses