Tyt bu your mail. About the company

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In 2015, the popular Bilorussian portal TYT.BY switched to the postal service Yandex, as a result of which the owners of the iOS add-ons were experiencing a lot of discomfort, which was brought about by re-establishing the postal client.

Unfortunately, the setting does not go through automatic mode, Yak u vipadku s Gmail. The problem was accelerated by the time it was set up, I would need to manually enter the addresses of the POP- and SMPT-servers, and also go through the procedure of completing the restoration on the site itself. At the same time, it is given the inappropriateness to be satisfied with all the resources of the resource - both new and new. The instructions below describe in detail the procedure for setting up TUT.BY on iPhone and iPad.

Yak nalashtuvati will send a screen TUT.BY on the iPhone or iPad for the transition to Yandex.Poshta

1 ... Go to the TUT.BY website in browsers on computers, smartphones or tablets, enter login and password, key "Post".

The resource will automatically send you to the side of the completion of the restoration, it is necessary to enter additional data about the account. Memorize the fields and draw complete the restoration.

2 ... Go to the Yandex.Web-interface for the best, click on the icon with the gear in the right codend for the new name regional recordі in a fusion wіknі vibrate Інші.

3 ... Viber send programs in the column of evil.

4 ... Check the boxes against all items and press the button save snakes.

Uvaga. It might not be a good idea to send tut.by to the iPhone and iPad without a vikonannya of the description of the correct robot.

5 ... On iPhone or iPad go to section nalashtuvannya —> Post —> Oblikov_ records.

6 ... On the offensive ekarna, select the item " Submit an obl_kovy record". So, in the list of pro-proponated services, shukaniy vіdsutnya, natisnіt " іnshe«;

7 ... Pereyshovshi in razdіl "New regional record", Enter your data on the field record and on "Dali"... Іm'ya koristuvach needs to be introduced, for example [Email protected]

Viber protocol IMAP abo POP for further settings send to iPhone or iPad.

8 ... Bottom memorize all the obvious ones with the following rank:

Yaksho Wee selected the IMAP protocol:

  • input server - imap.yandex.ru
  • vikhidnoї post server - smtp.yandex.ru
  • Enter passwordі Іm'ya koristuvach. Important! take care in the upper right codend.

Yaksho V selected the POP protocol:

  • input server - pop.yandex.ru
  • vikhidnoї post server - smtp.yandex.ru
  • Enter passwordі Іm'ya koristuvach. Important!Іm'ya koristuvach needs to be introduced, for example [Email protected] Do not forget to use the button take care in the upper right codend.

If you have any problems, try to manually register the ports for the servers of the incoming and outgoing mail (in most cases, there is no requirement):

Your e-mail (POP3):
server name: Pop.yandex.ru;
vikoristovuvati SSL: So;
port: 995.

Your e-mail (SMTP):
server name: Smtp.yandex.ru;
vikoristovuvati SSL: So;
port: 465.

For koristuvachіv, scho work on IMAP4:
server name: Imap.yandex.ru;
vikoristovuvati SSL: So;
port: 993.

At all, the setup of sending TUT.BY on iPhone and iPad is completed.

Dmitro Smirnov,

Already a few tizhniv The move has been transferred to the place of postal screens and all the listing of TUT.BY coristuvachi to the Yandex.Poshta service. Nagadaєmo, wіn viclikaniy zakrittyam by Google All services of their own e-mail, rooted to the gmail.com domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

Even though we are often asked to get rid of them (we recommend that you read them again), during the postponement, they discover new moments, as in the beginning of an early explanation.

Visibility of cookies

When authorizing on the link http://mail.tut.by, a form is displayed on Yandex with a request to enter the login and password again, it is recommended that you close the link, see the cookies (via browser settings) and try again Post screen 3 sides http://mail.tut.by. Bottom, it is possible to do something like this, like a viconati in the most popular browsers:
  • Viewing cookies in the browser Google chrome, Chromium and browsers on the basis of (Yandex browser, Amigo etc.)
  • View cookies in Mozilla Firefox- posilannya;
  • View cookies in Internet Explorer- posilannya;
  • Visibility of cookie files in Opera - posilannya.
In addition, since before all of them you have been using the same browser to enter the mail, you can try to go to the mail screen for additional help, which does not contain old cookies.

Updating the adjustment of postal programs and mobile attachments

As soon as you used to use the warehouse program, if you just set up authorization on the mobile extension, then if you transfer the box, you will need to change the setting:
  • mobile attachments (In the field "I am koristuvach" enter, be weasel, the mailing screen address in the format [email protected]).

Yaksho vi didn’t save the Google account data until rescheduled

Tim, who needs to have access to the old Google account to save files from Google drive, Contacts etc., it is necessary:
  1. Login from http://mail.tut.by in the account form USER_NAME.moved with a large password;
  2. Skoristatyu instructions from Google on the postponed date (posilannya);
  3. Contacts are easy to get through export, and in Yandex they can be signed up through import. Data from Google Drive is the easiest to save for the additional service Google Takeout.
If the methods didn’t help you and you didn’t know how to look at your meals, then it is recommended to you report to describe problems on [Email protected] (Yakshcho flow box does not open, you can start / vicoristovuvati reserve mail). Fakhivtsi obov'yazkovo help you.

The Bilorus portal TUT.BY is a central information and service Internet portal for everyone who lives in Bilorus or to go to the borders of the country from behind the cordon. Hunting - 62% of all Internet-criminals in Bilorus

Today's portal publishes 200 news about the Belarusian and foreign projects, prepared materials, analytical reviews, video reports, conduct online broadcasts. The editorial staff is to keep up with the team, so that the information is up-to-date, cicava, professionally established, multi-genre, non-engaging.

Krim novin TUT.BY promotes the audit of special distribution and manual services, asks for the satisfaction of the current consumer: according to the forecast of the weather and the announcements of calls to the exchange rate. Specialized distributions of TUT.BY are included in the top 3 of the most popular resources on their topic.

The portal is to quit quickly for the handy and safe victorious services, hoping, so that the skin power knows and trimming information on the interests, in addition to helping the corystuvach to formulate their preference to the bottom, spraying

The history of the Bilorussian portal TUT.BY was repaired in 2000. A selection of TUT.BY after sending koristuvachams without a shipment, news with archive, weather, exchange rates, prices for palivo and guest book, Forums and vidvіduvan. The sale of Internet advertisements began to emerge. The portal is available with new parts, projects and services.

For more than 17 years since the start-up TUT.BY has been successful in a group of companies with direct business and with a team of more than 350 professionals.

The company is investing in a number of young promising IT companies that are gradually developing suspiciously significant initiatives and projects that have been incorporated into startups.

Tsilova audit

The goal of auditing for the TUT.BY portal is all about all of the Bilorussian segment of the Internet (the population of the country, as well as those to whom it’s a life and a subset of Bilorus). The greatest sensei, who is a ludin є in Bainet, have a great interest in his own audience. At the present moment, there are 5+ millions of Bilorussian koristuvachiv, so I want to go to the Internet once every 3 months.


Our meta will be the first in all the sensations of the word mass media in Bilorus. The price means realizing freedom of speech in the country and becoming objectified (without being politically engaged, for example) an informational and educational portal, which proclaims a happy look, how local internet services.


The message to the TUT.BY portal is to give the skin corystuvache the ability to trim an active information on interests, broaden horizons and life in general.


Company, like people, is not without values. We have all three, ale the stench permeate all our activity and serve as a martyr for all spirits. Dani values ​​є an organizer for the formation of both in the middle of our company, as well as in relations with clients, partners, officers, state bodies and in.


In our mind, we have independence, that is, freedom of choice, taking decisions and showing specific actions. Therefore, freedom is not unmistakable for respect to a special person for his thoughts and choices, and for the result of his decisions and actions. The company wants to see a specialist in the ability to adapt and innovate, as well as the optimal way for improving the quality of life for sportsmen and suspensions as a whole.

The right to pardons

Mi perekanі, the luggage of the pardons supervising us on the way accumulated to the notice, which can help us to get in with such pardons. If the pardon is in the form of repeating testimonies of incompetence, then we should contradict our understanding of the understanding.


All work processes are vibrated on dovіrі. It is important for us, that the clients entrusted us with it, which we are relentlessly put before the publication, goiters and households. I do not care for my fellow students, in exchange for checks effective for a robot and reaching the goals set.

Corporate social responsibility

The Bilorussian portal TUT.BY has a vikorist principle of the development of corporate social development in its own activity.

In 2014, the rotsi bilorussian portal TUT.BY joined the UN voluntary initiative of the Global Treaty. In their own robots, we take the ten principles of the Global Compact in the rights of people, work people, protect the new community and fight against corruption.

The status of the development of the Bilorus portal TUT.BY (2014-2015) is available on request, for 2016 rik.

However, earlier, at the moment the company fell asleep, we pushed into the business of shaping the business middle and serving as a positive butt of social awareness of business for the Bilorussian suspension.

I respect the journalist's portal to social problems to help people out of all Bilorus, who do not care about the problem, and I respect the spirits of the society and society and the news.

Today the Bilorussian portal TUT.BY has received an order of magnitude more hospitality by the support of those. We take a part in the development of associations and socially significant ones on a republican scale, with the help of polish market, support, ecology, etc. A priority for us is also a startup ruh.

The Bilorussian portal TUT.BY itself starts and organizes socially significant initiatives, for example, in 2006 a popular galuzev international conference "Diloviy Internet" was popular.

In 2007, the Help.blog.tut.by project has appeared, we seriously ail the children and grow up, as they require additional help. At the new age, the beast of the fathers and relatives is growing about the help from the zbori of cats to the liking of ailments.

In 2010, the artist Gallery TUT.BY opened its doors, and there are public shows and creative parties.

The company is also closely related to universities, providing internships for students.

Excursions on professional organization for students and schoolchildren, as well as for children from childish buddies and childish forces, are held on TUT.BY.

Key persons

Yuriy Zisser

Head of out-of-town participants of TUT BAY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY)

The master of the Bilorus portal TUT.BY, professional programmer, system analyst, mentor, philanthropist. He is the author of books, collections of books and hundreds of articles in the Russian and Russian period. Create startups, social production and music projects. Born in 1960, he finished the Pivnichno-Zakhidniy Polytechnic Institute, metro St. Petersburg, behind the fach "Electronic calculating machines" for specialization in the field of biomedical cybernetics. Pratsyuvav on a number of industrial enterprises and in science. Spivlasnik TOV "TUT BAY MEDIA" (TUT.BY), TOV "Nadiynі programs" (hoster.by), a number of other Internet companies of specializations. Pratsyuv as an associate professor of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. As early as 2002, at the Fifth Bilorussian Internet Forum, it was reflected by the People's Rock in the Bilorussian Internet. In 2012, we have renounced the title "Mentor Rock". The author of the book "Marketing on-line" navchalny messenger on IT-education for universities. In 2017, in the city "Leader of Advocacy 2016" ineffectively drying out civilized and insightful methods in dialogue between business and power. Having renounced the title "Patron of rock in the field of culture" in 2016 and 2017 rock in rock.

Hobbies: more expensive, gras on organs.

Lyudmila Chekina
General Director of TUT BAY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY)

At TOV "Nadіynі programs" came a lawyer in 2008. In 2011, she became a defender of rock general director company from legal nutrition. From March 2012 to December 2017 he was promoted to the general director of the VP "Nadyyny programs", from 1 March 2017 he was the general director of TUT BAY MEDIA LLC. In 2016, rotsi completed the Executive MBA course at Business Schools IPM. It's a great hour to do yoga, love to read.

Alla Lapatko
Head engineer of TUT.BY

Graduated from the Minsk State University of Radio Engineering College for the specialty "mathematician - programmer", the Gomel State University for the specialty "mathematician". In the Unitary Enterprise "Nadіynі programs" since 1995 Keruvala saw the development of banking technologies. In 2006 he was the head engineer of TUT.BY, from 2009 to 2017 he was the director of TOV RELSOFT. keruє rozrobka software security portal. Stocks: robot, literature.

Marina Zolotova

Head editor of TUT.BY

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of BSU, postgraduate studies at the Institute of Movement of the National Academy of Sciences. Visa and in accordance with the editorial policy. It’s a great time for robots to marvel at the news on TV or hearing on the radio (and if it’s not new, then it’s hearing Balkan music). I know Bulgarian and love the country. Zamizhnya, little girl that sina.

Xenia Ivanova

Advocate of the general director of the commercial supply chain and development TOV "TUT BAY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

In 2006 rotsi graduated from BSUIR for a fahom " Information systems and technologies in economics ”, took part in the Business MaximuM program in the Mini-MBA format in the consulting group“ Here and Zaraz ”. In advertising from 2006 rock. Since 2010, the commercial director of TUT.BY. Coordinate the work of all commercial projects in the portal, take care of the development of advertising tools, take part in the development of the main product and projects of TUT.BY, including partner projects. Mysterno negotiate, charge the energy.

Kirilo Voloshin

Spіvzasnovnik TOV "TUT BAY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

Zdobuv economical education in the Institute of modern knowledge. Author of a number of publications, additional stories and stories on Internet marketing. Inspection of the newspaper "Komp'uterni Vesti" with a long experience; published in the vidannya "Computerra On-line", "Hard & Soft", "Computer newspaper" and ін. Associate professor of BSU, graduate courses in the Institute of Suspension Studies and the Academy of Diploma Education. Zakhoplennya: humor in all cases, girski lizhi, hustle / wcs, not just athletic, extreme water. Z 2000 to 2012 keruvav with the operational robot TUT.BY. In 2004, at the VI Bilorussian Internet Forum, there were names of People's Rock in the Bilorussian Internet. Business angel, at the tizhni pіdpryumnitstva having rendered the title "Mentor Rock 2019". Specialist in a number of Internet companies. Let's go vihavuvati daughter and sina.

Yak the company is owned, and I will need lyudin for de shukati

TUT.BY values

Uwaga! You have JavaScript enabled, your browser will not accept HTML5, or it is installed old version programmer Adobe flash Player.

bilorian portal Tut.by I will be able to speed up the domain without a kostetnoy, so that I can be in the national zone of Bilorusia .by- for the current day postless serviceє the leader in the middle of non-staff postal services in Bilorusia. It is important to note that the restoration of koristuvachiv with non-kostevachiv postal screenshots is not only for the inhabitants of the wonderful land, but for all the koristuvachi on the Internet without obmesheniye. Having registered on the portal, you will not only have the opportunity to use a blanket-free postal screen, but you will also deny the possibility of taking part in projects for the portal: jobs.tut.by, knowledge on love.tut.byt, the resource catalog of the forums catalog. ...

Create a blank "bilorus" (.by) postal screen: http://profile.tut.by/

E-mail addresses will be created using the following parameters:

  • a collection of 50 Mb, І distant it is possible not to be interconnected with the size of the box as required;
  • Maximum sheet size - 10 Mb;
  • E-mail address like [Email protected] ;
  • pidtrimu Radot postal clientele(Outlook, The Bat! І ін.) By protocols POP3, IMAP4, SMTP
  • web-interface (in Russian and in Russian)
  • Can be accessed before shipment mobile phone via WAP protocol.
  • Zbir post from the largest mail servers,
  • Anti-virus and anti-spam zakist
  • Rules for automatic processing of sheets (filters, automatic updates)
  • Revision of spelling.
  • First and foremost!

Adjustment of the box @ Tut.by in Outlook Express and other postal programs

Before the hour of setting up special difficulties, it is not a problem, more parameters are lost by default, it is necessary to correctly set the parameters for access to the mail server:

Server of external services POP3: mail.tut.by(Port 110)
Wikipedia server SMTP: mail.tut.by(25 or 2525)
server IMAP4: mail.tut.by
Ім'я koristuvach: The identifier of koristuvach, which V was introduced during the restoration
password your password
SMTP Authentication Included in the "Yak server of incoming mail" mode

TUT.BY- Bilorussian information-service Internet-portal, which should be established by TUT BAY MEDIA TOV. The resource is visibly visibility and, for data for 2016 rik, I am looking for 2 million 355 thousand, or 46.42% of all Internet traffic in Bilorus.

encyclopedic YouTube

  • 1 / 5

    15 Bereznya - Zustrich journalist Sergiy Dmitriyev, who lit up the idea of ​​setting up a blank service for Bilorussians, from Yurim Zisser, journalists of the newspaper "Komp'yuterni Vesti" Andriym Kononovychim and Kirilom Volodymyr program

    5 zhovtnya - see TUT.BY. Krim novin is presented on the Bula website without koshta mail, Forecast, wait, exchange rates and prices for palivo.

    In the beginning, there are forums, sales of Internet advertisements and hosting, which are still the main source of income for the company.

    fix the robot sound service according to Bayneti, there is a catalog of sites and the possibility of publishing without a blanket.

    The service of the TUT.BY Robot is displayed.

    The center of electronic business TUT.BY was created, which is engaged in bezel-less services for Belarusian enterprises, organizing and installing (Internet advertising, hosting, domain re-strata).

    The postal service to the portal of registrations has a 100-thousand-strong koristuvach.

    TUT.BY has become the largest generator of bilorussian traffic *: an indicator of one terabyte is fixed.

    * Significant part of the traffic is generated not only by the portal and by the service, but by the number of sites, distributed on a paid basis.

    Cherven - the number of registered postal screenshots is 300 thousand, Number of clients of the hosting company - 500 sites.

    Zhovten - the average volume of the head side perevischuє 40 thousand., The monthly audit - 530 thousand. Cholovik.

    Get access to electronic items s stylish telephonesі mobile annexes via WAP protocol.

    Breast - a number of sites registered in catalosis, perevischu 6 yew.

    At the Bilorussian Internet forum TUT.BY has become "Project Rock".

    in the right place Poshukov system on the Bilorussian and Russian segments of the Internet. More than 20 thousand people can be shocked.

    The TUT.BAR toolbar has been installed, as I will simply ask you to access the resources in the site Internet browser Explorer.

    Cherven - see Afisha TUT.BY.

    On the main side of the day, there are 80 yew. Vidvіduvan.

    Welcome to the Financy TUT.BY distribution.

    As a result of the partnership with the company ActiveUnit, the system of online stores SHOP.TUT.BY was launched.

    The number of registered koristuvachіv reaches 600 yew.

    At travnі has been registered a pіvmіlionny koristuvach postal service.

    At the 6th All-Russian Vidkritom Internet-competition "Golden Site - 2004" in the region "Zarubizhzhya" Information portal» .

    Spring - see IT.TUT.BY- distributed, assignments information technologies.

    Zhovten - pidrozdil to the Electronic Business Center TUT.BY, which is engaged in professional hosting and re-staging of domains, becoming a brand Hoster.by.

    Vosni in the sanatorium "Zagir'ya" International conference about the development of business in the Merezhi "Diloviy Internet", organized by the team of the portal.

    Berezen - "Nadezhny Programi" officially started before the re-establishment of domains of another Rivne in Bynet, becoming, such a rank, a different one from TOV "Vidkritiy Kontakt", an official re-administrator of domains in the zone.BY.

    Cherven - launch platform Blogs TUT.BY.

    Chest - in efir go to Radio TUT.BY, and in spіvpratsі from ITV.BY on the portal there are videos.

    We have a million koristuvach, and on the head side more than 400,000 calls have been registered for the first time. In a whole lot, in the new page, 100 thousand new items were published.

    Cherven - as a result of zlittya from irr.by, the portal has a site of private rabble - IRR.TUT.BY.

    Zhovten - the third one behind the rakhunk "Diloviy Internet" collected close to 1000 shares in the National Library. Most of the provincial Bilorussian IT companies with additional explanations for the publication are represented by representatives of Google in Ukraine, Yandex, Tabasco PR, Odnoklassniki, ArbatKapital and a number of other international companies.

    23 Sichnya TUT.BY suddenly becomes a winner of the professional competition "Brand Rock" as the most popular internet portal of the country. In the same place deserved to the city in the nomination "Social responsibility for business" I will reject the project "100 Dorig".

    19 fierce TUT.BY passed on its information to foreign partners - in Kazakhstan, the Internet portal NUR.KZ, the division of the Unitary Enterprise "Nadiynі programs", was opened. In such a rank, our knowledge, technology and know-how become demanded on the Internet markets of the countries of the world, and business has an international character.

    Berezen - see the Privid TUT.BY project.

    Cherven is the first viewer of the entertainment forum Your office is TUT.BY, and for the help of map.by you can see an interactive online map of Minsk.

    Veresen - within the framework of the portal, the development of Second.by - the site for the distribution of private deception.

    Zhovten - at the portal there are already 2 million koristuvachiv.

    Breast - go to the post Google service Apps. The general information exchange, transferred from the TUT.BY servers to the Google servers, becomes 22 terabytes (more than 22,000 gigabytes). A mail order screen borrows more than 7 gigabytes, and the largest one borrows 260 thousand sheets.

    On the basis of Radio TUT.BY, the Internet TV tower TUT.BY-TV is displayed. The first author's video reports were organized from the Bilorussian regions of the plant for the large-scale project "100 Dorig".

    Lyutiy - TUT.BY the leader behind the pid bags of the community thought of the national competition "Brand Rock - 2009" and awarded the diploma of victory in the Socialist nomination in the category "Information Internet Portals".

    At the same time on the site there is a thematic section Sport TUT.BY.

    Kviten - TUT.BY became the vibrator of rock in the nomination "Bilorus' slick Internet portal."

    21 May - repair the spіvpratsya with Yandex. TUT.BY has become a single service center for the company's partners in Bilorus.

    Cherven - see hot line portal.

    Lipen - its doors were created by the artist TUT.BY Gallery, in which leather month there is an exhibition, personal shows and creative arts, musical parties and lectures are held. Entrance to the gallery Vilniy, there is a working day on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00.

    Autumn - it is a good idea to work together with the Russian company HeadHunter, which has become a popular service for robotics and TUT.BY Robot personnel.

    Січень - Gallery TUT.BY became a laureate in the national competition "Brand Rock" in the nomination "Socially advanced brand".

    14th today - Hoster.by to hold the seminar "Hosting theft for state bodies and organizations"

    Traven is a mobile add-on of Novini TUT.BY for Android.

    Leaf fall - in on account of access The browser is "Chrome TUT".

    Breast - number of registered Hoster.by national domains perevischuє 20,000.

    Breast - be shown directly by SMS-line.

    7 fierce - ICANN will supply power to the Bilorussian side of the unitary enterprise "Nadyyny Programi" as the technical administrator of the zone. BY. The change of the technical administrator in Bilorus will be considered for the first time.

    Berezen - see Ice. TUT.BY, razdil, signs for happy women.

    For 1 week of 25 leaves, for the first time in Bilorus, a series of beneficial auctions for the sale of domains in the BY zone will be held, as for quiet reasons, earlier in the list of domain names.

    20 leaves fall - TUT.BY spіlniy with the National Legal Internet Portal PRAVO.BY presenting a new spіlniy razdіl PRAVO.TUT.BY.

    There is a trading platform Buy TUT.BY.

    April 2 - the first conference on e-commerce - "eTrade", organized by Buy TUT.BY.

    Kviten - in Google play is a supplement of Finance TUT.BY for Android mobile platforms.

    A new round of development can be repaired at the TUT.BY catalog service.

    Veresen - mending the robot a website about the nerve REALTY.TUT.BY.

    Leaf fall - a novelty supplement TUT.BY publish in App Store.

    Lyutiy - Hoster.by launching a unique service for Bilorusi - streaming video, for anyone who can conduct online broadcasts of any events in real time.

    Berezen is a company restructuring a 100-thousand-strong domain.

    Zhovten - bezel-less supplement for iOS to be at the service "Catalog TUT.BY".

    11 fall leaves - a rebranding of the IT.TUT.BY distribution will be carried out, which will be transformed into a site about personal interests 42 TUT.BY.

    Chest is a new addition to the Windows Market.

    Today, our public chat TUT.BY is in the Viber messenger

    To see the change of the post-master of the service: "Yandex" replaces Google.

    Lyutiy - behind the "Novini TUT.BY" add-on, one of the top positions will be locked on all mobile platforms.

    28 Sichnya is one of the first projects in the portal - TUT.BY Forums. domain names talks.by and becomes an independent discussion of Maydan.

    12th fierce ICANN delegate the domain.BEL to the Operational and Analytical Center under the President and Unitary Enterprise "Nadyyny Programi" (Hoster.by).

    17 worms - the portal appears in Cyrillic mirror image HERE WHITE.

    Serpen - TUT.BY catalog I am going to talk about rebranding and start up my development with the new TAM.BY brand.

    Today - TUT.BY became the winner of the successful nomination "Brand Leader" in the product group "Information Internet Portals" at the juvenile, 15th professional competition "BRAND ROCK BILORUS".

    Lyutiy - the Buy TUT.BY trading platform has become the first Bilorussian agency certified by Yandex. Market.

    Also in the fierce TUT.BY koristuvacham became available mobile rungs z picture to map.

    Berezen - in the mobile supplement of Finance TUT.BY the function "Currency forecast for tomorrow" has appeared: the exchange rate of the Euro, dollar and Russian ruble should be added to the supplement immediately after trading on the Bilorussian currency fund.

    Kviten - the TUT.BY team will take part in the winter season of the 2nd season of the social and educational project "My Business" on the ONT TV channel. Oleksandr Chekan was one of the mentors in the project.

    Naked also about sales to the Second.by resource in the Maidan Kufar.

    There is a whole lot of breakdowns of the TUT.BY brand book and a corporate style.

    Viber sticker stores have branded stickers from the Bilorus portal TUT.BY - "Owl Sava". TUT.BY became the first Belarusian media, as it released its own stickers in the popular Viber messenger.

    Lipen - after the launch mobile supplement A.TUT.BY for Android.


    In 2007, the project "Help.blog.tut.by" has appeared, assignments are seriously ill to children and grow up, as they require additional help. At the new age, the beast of the fathers and relatives is growing about the help from the zbori of cats to the liking of ailments.

    In 2010, the artist opened its doors

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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