Becomes intitle facebook secrets

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

The interface of Facebook is wonderful and sometimes absolutely illogical. Ale, it’s already been like that, that maybe everything, with whom I’m talking, showed up there, so be patient.

What's wrong with Facebook is not obvious. I tried to pick up in this post what I know not at once, but a lot of people have not known so far.


For the captions, Facebook forms a line of popular posts. When you go to other computers there can be absolutely different. In order to make Facebook form the "significant" line by the hour, click on the right-handed checkbox next to the word "News line" and select "Stop" there.

Unfortunately, in mobile supplement for Android, the line is formed only for popularity.

stitch cleaning

On Facebook, I always add to my friends everyone who asks, but I don’t want to read all the fools in the line. In order to tidy up your own lines of non-essential publications, there is no need to tidy up your friends, to turn on the subscription. As soon as you can see it in lines, it’s not common, click on the right-handed checkbox and choose "Request a subscription to ...". If any publication of this koristuvach is more than that, please do not appear at your page.


If you leave any comment before posting or taking photos, Facebook will start reminding you of all new comments. Shchob vіd tsogo vіdmovitysya, vymknut vimknut povіdomlennya. For different objects, it is necessary to work in different places. With the status, everything is simple - tick the right-handed checkbox in the status and select "Do not take away notifications."

Unfortunately, it is not possible to subscribe to comments in the mobile app for Android.

Ask for reminders

Facebook has searches for special notifications, but few people know where the culprits are. Click on the reminder button, then click on "show all" at the bottom of the window.

The interface is being reconfirmed, in which beast there will appear another row of jokes.

There you can shukati be-like a word in our special notes, written for the whole hour of Facebook.

Wrestling with Messenger

Facebook help, schob on mobile outbuildings there was a lot of supplements for exchanging notifications - Facebook Messenger. Bagatom wines do not fit. For the time being, there is a way to continue exchanging notifications on Facebook itself. If Facebook wants to show notifications for the second time, instead of installing Messenger, go to the add-ons manager (in Android - System settings - Add-ons), find Facebook there and press the "Delete data" button. Then start Facebook and re-enter your login and password. The current hour after each announcement will be practicable, although Facebook will periodically announce the end of the proposition to install Messenger.

Magazine diy

It's often hard to know on Facebook. Trochy helps the offensive scheme. If you want to see it, what can you do in the future, put a like. With some future like, you will be able to know the publication in the journal. To open a magazine, press a small checkmark in the upper right corner of the interface and in the menu, select "Journal".

insert publication

Skin publications on Facebook have the message "Insert publication". She sees a code that can be inserted into any site, where it is possible to insert html (including LiveJournal). Unfortunately, the possibility of inserting a video seems to have been closed. More time for that, it worked, but at the same time, if you looked, write "Tsya Facebook post no longer available. Possibly, it has been removed, or there have been changes in the privacy policy."

Enable automatic video playback

When closed, Facebook automatically launches all videos in a line without sound. On mobile outbuildings, it can be a problem, so it saves a lot of traffic.

In the browser, Auto-display video is turned on like this: click on the checkmark in the upper right corner, there are settings, then - video.

In Android - there are three smugs on the right in a row of icons, there "Program settings" - "Autostart video" - set to "Off." or "Only Wi-fi". In the rest of the year, the videos will be auto-run only when connected via wi-fi.

Go to publication

In order to go from the page to a specific publication, click on the date of publication, and you can remove the message from the publication, simply right-click on the mouse on the date and select "Copy the message" there. I'm happy for you samon , zz_z_z , Borhomey .

Surely, the mysterious Facebook has a lot of secrets, which I have not yet reached.

If you know about other Facebook secrets, write in the comments, add to the post.


Have a nice day. Today we will talk about protection and access to video surveillance cameras. Їх dosit rich and vikoristovuyutsya stench for different purposes. As always, we will victorize the standard database, so as to allow us to know such cameras and select passwords for them. Theory Larger additions after installation are not fixed or upgraded. That's why our target audience is tested on the popular ports 8000, 8080 and 554. If it's necessary to scan the measurements, then it's better to see the ports. Method No. 1 For a scientific butt, you can see the clicks in the Shodan and Сensys systems. Let's take a look at the deck of applications with simple requests. has_screenshot: true port: 8000 // result 183; has_screenshot: true port: 8080 // 1025 results; has_screenshot: true port: 554 // result 694; axis like this in a simple way you can deny access to great number v_dkrith chambers, yak cіkavih mіstsyah: Shops, liquoreries, gas stations, etc. Let's take a look at some of the options for accuracy. Priymalna at the doctor's Private place in the glibin of Europe Class here in Chelyabinsk Women's clothing store In this simple way, you can find a lot of objects to get access to them. Don't forget that you can set up the country filter to collect data from countries. has_screenshot: true port: 8000 country: ru has_screenshot: true port: 8080 country: ru has_screenshot: true port: 554 country: ru Method #2 social measures. For which it is better to win the headers of the sides when viewing the images from the cameras, the axis is such a selection of the middle options: inurl: /view.shtml inurl: ViewerFrame? Mode=inurl:ViewerFrame? Mode = Refresh inurl: view / index.shtml inurl: view / view.shtml intitle: "live view" intitle: axis intitle: liveapplet all in title: "Network Camera Network Camera" intitle: axis intitle: "video server" intitle: liveapplet inurl: LvAppl intitle: "EvoCam" inurl: "webcam.html "intitle:" Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed "intitle:" Live View / - AXIS 206M "intitle:" Live View / - AXIS 206W "intitle:" Live View / - AXIS 210 "inurl: indexFrame.shtml Axis intitle: start inurl: cgistart intitle: "WJ-NT104 Main Page" intitle: snc-z20 inurl: home / intitle: snc-cs3 inurl: home / intitle: snc-rz30 inurl: home / intitle: "sony network camera snc-p1" intitle: "sony network camera snc-m1" intitle: "Toshiba Network Camera" user login intitle: "i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor" the company Added to the collection a port and can complete Method No. 3 This method is useful. Vіn zastosovuєtsya if we have one dot and you need to pick a password or we want to run the database for standard passwords and know the valid results. For these purposes, we recommend Hydra. For whom it is necessary to prepare a dictionary. You can go and search standard passwords for routers. Let's take a look at a specific example. Є camera model, DCS-2103. Vaughn to milk often zustrіchaєtsya. Pratyuє won through port 80. Let's speed up the data and find out the necessary information in shadan. Let's select all the IP potential targets, like we call. We gave a list. We select a list of passwords and we will try all the tricks for the help of the hydra utility. To do this, we need to add the following command to the folder, a list of IPs and a viconate axis: hydra -l admin -P pass.txt -o good.txt -t 16 -vV -M targets.txt http-get pass.txt with passwords, the login is only one admin with the -l parameter, so it is necessary to set a dictionary for logins, then you need to add a file to the root directory and write yogo with the -L parameter. Selected results will be saved in the good.txt file. The list of IP addresses needs to be added to the root directory of the targets.txt file. The rest of the phrase in the http-get command is valid for the connection through port 80. Butt of the robotic program Introduction of the command and the beginning of the robot For example, I want to add some information about scanning. You can speed up the number of the order by using the official service. Dali tsіtki need to be re-verified for the presence of the ports we need. I won’t recommend scanners, but I’ll say that it’s worth messing around with such and similar scanners, like masscan, vnc scanner and others. You can write on the basis of the nmap utility. The main task is to scan the range and know the active IP with the necessary ports. Visnovok Remember that outside of the standard review you can take photos, record videos and make your own. You can also control the camera and turn it in a straight line. And the best thing is the ability to turn on the sounds and speak on the cameras. What can be done here? Set a new password for access and obov'yazkovo transfer ports.

Wait, friends! Today I have a sensational novelty for you! Today at night, on Instagram, they officially announced that they are getting ready before the launch of a special algorithm, which will be shown to the short-lived people only a little more.

Seemingly easier publications in the lines already zovsim will soon cease to be shown in chronological order , i.e., after an hour of publication, for example, it is posted on VKontakte.

What will you add to the distribution of publications in the news?

And now cym will be busy special algorithm, then computer program, Yak will be chosen according to the given criteria, on which field in the new lines your publication will appear.

Behind the words of Instagram itself, koristuvachі do not bachat close 70% of publications , Yakі znahodyatsya in їх lines of news. Wait a minute, what a lot to finish is significant!

In this rank, V, as a brand, company, the most popular correspondent or public, you definitely don’t get the deserved respect, so your content is really good!

Until the speech, for the rest of the achievements of the Locowise agency, as of April 2015 organic growth of followers in Instagram accounts, Vіn (their most organic growth) having decreased over the whole period by - UVAGA92.86% !!! It’s not worth talking about those who are already short-tempered and simply don’t catch up with the swedish growth of social. Merezhi and less willing to subscribe to new accounts.

So, regardless of those who spend about 21 whilins a day on Instagram in the middle, scrolling through the news line halfway, the stench is no longer caught. To that, the novelty about the launch of the algorithm є yak bi itself zrozumіloyu. You can see that the main meta of Instagram is to raise an hour, like a koristuvach to spend in the social. merezhі. And you can only work for the promotion of the quality of the content, which instagrammer can use in your page. Wait a minute, if Facebook wants to be permanent and watered with mud for algorithms, ale, the number of active correspondents in the social. the borders don’t even go down! Why? It’s just that Facebook has less trash and spam, and less VK, which still has a victorious chronological order of posting.

I think that the sensation of introducing the algorithm to Instagram, you see. Let's now take a look at the most important.

How will you practice the algorithm on Instagram?

In principle, there will be nothing supernatural here yet. I am adding the word for now, since Facebook’s folding algorithm is also “not at once”.

If there is a reason for Instagram to lie on Facebook, then the algorithm here is supposed to be similar. So, lads, who passed my course “How to overcome the Facebook algorithm”, the Instagram algorithm You also defeated like a pot 🙂

The main idea is what will be shown on the Instagram page now publications, which, in the opinion of the algorithm, will be the most. The algorithm is also brotherly to the respect of the connection of the koristuvach with the account shown to you, as well as the “vek” of the publication.

In this way, those profiles win, as they can boast of high brilliance (likes on photos and comments), as well as those of Insta-account, with which they are most often, for example, friends, stars, favorite profiles, etc.

Give respect to those who still don't have anything super radical on Instagram! Don't fawn over the news!

All publications that appeared like this in the lines of the koristuvach, without using the algorithm, - as soon as you get there! For now, the algorithm will only be recognized for those in which order the posts will appear in the lines!

How does it look at you?

I am convinced that, starting today, a lot of hateful articles and comments about the introduction of the algorithm will appear on the Internet. People will panic because now nobody will be able to publish, and Instagram-radish will only want you to get ads.

Friends, do not give in to negativity! Not such a terrible devil, like yogo is painted 🙂

Really, you just win, so, obviously, seriously, go to Instagram, and don’t just edit there a photo from the product catalog with the 30th hashtag, don’t bring any corrosiveness to the instagrammer. Such accounts, obviously, suffer from the algorithm, since the stench is not for anyone.

Then, if you really manage to get an audience for the rahunok of cіkavih, suffocating publications, then zaluchenіst, zavdyaki algorithm, small used!

Why? Well, I wish that Algorithm for the timing of the frame, giving the priority to the content And tі, who missed your post, so like a wine pishov coaled a line, if a coristuvach connected, they take away an additional chance to hit your novelty. In this manner, your correspondents from Vladivostok will not miss the post, as they were sent to the peak of activity in Moscow. Do you know what I am?

C_kavі publications will now be rebuvat at the very top of the Instagram line regardless of the time of publication!

Once again with my popular 🙂 If your beloved music group publishes a classy video from the night concert, for which you weren’t there, then you don’t miss yoga, but please, as soon as you go to Instagram. In addition, dear, You will no longer miss the latest news from your close friends, even if the algorithm knows perfectly well who is the most interesting for you 😉

Well, I have everything for today! Instagram seems to start a step-by-step launch of the algorithm step by step in the next couple of months, but I, as always, will keep you up to date with all the news!

I wish you good luck!

Who called from an unknown number and sniffed into the phone? Who is "Lena from Mordor" that appeared in the phone book after Saturday night? Enter the remaining 10 digits of the phone in a row on Facebook, and, better for everything, you know the truth. Behind the charms, it is possible to know a person by telephone number included in all coristuvachs.

If you don’t want to, so that the trick is passing with you, change your privacy settings.

2. Turn on the "Reviewed" status in notifications

Tsya funktіya ruynuє stosunki i zhittya! It’s obvious who cares if they ignore especially selected funny pictures and important news.

If you are not quiet, who can be cold-bloodedly deprived of knowledge without further notice, hurry up with extensions for the browser. It turns on in the desktop version of "Facebook" the status update "Glanced / Chi not looked over". For the browser "Chrome" ce Facebook Unseen. For Firefox and Explorer - Chat Undetected. Ale є i negative point: with these extensions you can not get the read status.

3. Check your online status as clingy friends

If you still have some sort of one, then turn on the chat with him. Click on the gear in the right column in the list of friends and select "Advanced settings".

Notes from the closed chat will be saved in the “Introduction” pamphlet, but, on the front line, you can’t read them unremembered.

4. Look at the strіchtsі novіnі tіlki post vіd druzіv i svіlnot, yakі podpisaniy

“Facebook” would like to drag the skin into your shaking yakomog glibshe. For the sake of this wine, you will show the likes and comments of your friends to the posts. Ale є sposіb svіbіb іn ії ї ї ї і ї і і і і і ії ії ії іѕ tіlki tіlki tіlki druzivі svіlnot, yakі ti pipisіvanii.

Install the friends feed extension in chrome. Behind him, third-party posts will either be hovering, or be covered with a gray veil - choose in lashings.

5. Read attached messages

Who knows, maybe your life is not so boring as it seems. Possibly, they called you to the work of the gods, they recognized you in love with the secrets of the shanubils and threatened to beat them with the shanuvals. And if you don’t know anything about the price, the one that Facebook sends a message about third-party correspondents v I'll attach a folder and never tell you about them. Click on the “Inshe” tab (they usually call it “Request for Correspondence”) in order with the main information and inspect everything that was attached!

6. Bring a list of your friends in the eyes of strangers

Let's not guess why you can share your Facebook acquaintances. Just go to the special page near the “Friends” tab, click on the olive and indicate who can be with your friends on Facebook.

7. Turn on Auto-display video

In one fell swoop, you can bring a little peace to your line and save mobile traffic. For which key, automatically create videos. For a similar Facebook add-on, go to the settings of the public record> “Video and photo”> “Autostart”> select the necessary configuration.

8. Share DIFKU on Facebook

Chi love you GIFs so, yak? In times of positive feedback, it is possible to share them on Facebook. By standing in the field for the status of sending a gif (so-so, take advantage of the computer without a viide). After that, how to get out of it, you can see the strength. Publish.

9. Change the status of withdrawals without ending dramas

Mіzh vnutrishnіshіnі іshennyam pripinit vіdnosiny i goloshennyam pro tse other storіvі can take a rich hour. And you want to chat about new romantic things on Facebook. For lock-in, notifications about a change in a special life are announced in the lines of all friends. So do not forget to select the “Only me” setting in the “Information”> “Some and blue” item.

10. Bookmark these posts so you can read them later

Thousands of posts every day are posted on your Facebook page, it’s impossible to read everything, it’s impossible to read it all, it’s like being inspired by ideas to improve. Fortunately, in the social media there are bookmarking services. To save the post on the future, press the arrow in the upper right corner.

At the article about me, having looked at applications and codes for displaying additional informational elements on the side of posts: audio notes, naming tags / categories, etc. A similar feature is also placed on the front and bottom of the WordPress post. These links will be correct when navigating through the site, as well as in one more way. I myself try to add them to my leather project.

In the implementation of the task, 4 functions will help us, about which we will describe below:

Oskіlki mova go about the post side (Post), then in 99% of cases you will need to edit the template file single.php(Because your topic is given the format for displaying okremikh articles). Functions are looped in the Loop. If you need to clean up these / front posts in WordPress, then look for the code in the same template file and see (or comment out) yogo.

next_post_link function

For locking, a link is formed to a note, what can be more new date creation in a timely fashion (because all posts are sorted out in chronological order). The axis yak vin looks in the code and on the site:

Function syntax:

  • format(Row) - you can set a different format for the generated request, for the help of a change% link you can set the text before and after it. For locking, just a link with an arrow: '% link »'
  • link(Row) - Anchor sent to the next post in WordPress, the % title parameter sets the title.
  • in_same_term(Boolean) - only elements from the streaming category will be considered in the robot. Valid values ​​are true/false (1/0), other options are closed.
  • excluded_terms(Row or array) - enter category IDs for the blog, notes from which will be included in the selection. Allowed either array array (2, 5, 4) abo writing in a row through someone. Korisno when working with GoGetLinks, if you need to block the display advertising posts in this block.
  • taxonomy(Row) - avenge the name of the taxonomy, for which such records are taken, as if changing $ in_same_term = true.

Judging by the screenshot above, I realized that all these parameters are not obov'azkovymi. The axis of the application of the function on one of my sites:

(Coming article)% Link → ","% title "(!LANG:, FALSE, 152)?>

Here I set my format for displaying the link + turn off all the elements that should be split ID = 152.

If you need to enter an upcoming post in WordPress in the same category, then you will be able to use the code below (when you ignore section ID = 33):

If you want to practice only with a specific taxonomy, specify the name in the parameters (for example, testimonial):

> ", TRUE," "," testimonial ");?>

previous_post_link function

The principle of working with the previous WordPress posts is similar to the above description, as well as the syntax. Looking like this:

Valid code:

  • format(Row) - set the format, for which you change the% link (add text / tags before and after it). For locking - '% link'.
  • link(Row) - link anchor, to insert a title write% title.
  • in_same_term(Boolean) - if true, then only objects from the same blog will be displayed.
  • excluded_terms- select non-required categories, specify ID through whom (as a row) or as an array.
  • taxonomy(Row) - Specifies the taxonomy of the front post selection in WordPress, thus including the $ in_same_term function.

In one of the blogs vicorist:

% link", "<< Предыдущая", TRUE, "33"); ?>

Here robimo bold font + replace the title of the element is written in a simple phrase (if you want it to be more colorful in the relinking of the title). Show objects only of the streaming category crim tієї, for which ID = 33.

the_post_navigation function

This is a decision to consolidate the insults sent to the front and back of the WordPress post. This is broken for clarity, replacing the two functions of one. If you need to check out the HTML code without displaying, stop get_the_post_navigation().

The_post_navigation syntax is as simple as possible:

De $ args - set of different neo-language parameters:

  • $prev_text- Anchor of the front line (for the abbreviation% title).
  • $next_text- similar to the text of the link to the next post (% title).
  • $ in_same_term(True / false) - allow showing statistics only from the streaming taxonomy.
  • $ excluded_terms- turn on ID through whom.
  • $taxonomy- name the taxonomies for the selection, so in_same_term = true.
  • $screen_reader_text- heading of the entire block (for the caption - Post navigation).

In such a rank, we’re wondering why it’s changed here, like in the past “single” functions previous_post_link, next_post_link: anchor, selection by taxonomies, etc. The solution is to simply make your code more compact, it doesn't make sense to repeat the same parameters twice.

Let's take a look at the simplest situation, if it is necessary to look at the elements of this category:

"incoming: % title", "next_text" => "in front: % title", "in_same_term" => true, "taxonomy" => "category", "screen_reader_text" => "more to read",)); ?>

posts_nav_link function

If I understand correctly, then you can tweet not only for display in a single entry, but also in categories, notes by month, and so on. So in single.php you will be credited for posting on the front/down WordPress articles, and in archives - for side navigation.

The syntax for posts_nav_link is:

  • $ sep- a retailer, which appears among the messengers (before, buv ::, contagiously -).
  • $prelabel- the text of the link of the front elements (for abbreviations: “Previous Page”).
  • $nxtlabel- text for the next page / posts (Next Page ").

Axis of the cicada butt with pictures instead of text links:

" , "" ) ; ?>

", ""); ?>

Just don't forget to capture the image prev-img.pngі next-img.png to the directory images at your . I think that the other HTML code can be added in the same way, so, for example, it is necessary to select DIV or class when rendering.

Together. For navigation, there are also a few other functions, as you can see in the codex. I spodіvayus, z tsimi all more-less zrozumіlo. It should be posts_nav_link, which is honestly not wrong, which allows you to enter forward and backward entries on a single side, to those who did not go through the revision, wanting to be guessed in the description. I think that in such a mood it is more effective and smart to win the_post_navigation, which is newer and cooler more parameters

For more information on navigation between posts, or for additional information, write below.

Support the project - share your efforts, thank you!
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