Revision of the number of feeds from Yandex. Yandex Wordstat: reports on instruction for service and operators

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi fathers take on themselves the versatility and consistency of anti-inflammatory drugs. How can you give a baby a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

The frequency of the power supply is the number of times, as the corystuvachi were introduced to the power supply from the sound systems for the last month.

What is the frequency of the feed in Yandex and Google?

Tsei term vikoristovuyutsya for the value of a number of indicators, for the purpose of starting a number of sound feeds ( key words/ word-of-mouth) introductions to the system for fixing the period. Most often in 30 days. The whole indicator is victorious in several spheres: advertising, internet marketing, web sites.

If left behind, the victorian line will be fed to:

  • High frequency (HF). Stored in 1 chi 2 sl_s. Until the whole category, you will be supplied with energy, as for the data of statistical services, you will need to keep up with 10,000 people per month. Vivedennya to the site in the TOP by the type of power supply - the folding process through viskogo rivnya competition.
  • Mid-frequency (MF). The total number of animals before the sound system and behind this type of power supply lie at the boundaries of 1000 to 10000. The level of competitiveness of the midrange is lower, lower at the high frequency, and the stench gives good visibility. The value of the conversion rate of the midrange varies from middle to high.
  • Low-frequency (LF). Request from 100 to 1000 times per month. Serve for the enrichment of resources and the promotion of target traffic.
  • Micronized frequency (microfrequency) - up to 100 power supplies per month.

How can I change the frequency of the power supply?

Post-production systems and distribution of power services based on the frequency of power supplies. In order to speed up with them, it is necessary:

  1. Get started.
  2. Log in.
  3. Introduce a drink, scho ts_kavlyat, in the form of a joke.

Analyze the frequency of the sound feed in Yandex.

The Yandex product is called Yandex Wordstat. Win pratsyuє with the word forms of pochukovogo zapitu, viklyucha zapitalnі forms and applicants. The checkbox is powered from the receiver - you need to add a "+" in front of it. Butt:

The result of a simple joke will be performances at the sight of the fabulous supply of power for the key and those words, in which there is a place. It is necessary to correct in Wordstat the result for a specific word form, it will become possible to increase the number of special operators: paws, a sign of a hail, a plus, a minus. The principle of victorious is similar to that of victorious in Yandex Direct.

Virtual hosting of sites for popular CMS:

Just power it up:

The power supply to avenge the whole word - mayzhe 4.5 million. At a price of 4.5 million, there is a sieve of power supply, so called "tails":

Now vikoristovuєmo operator "". Feed, injections at the paws, there will be indications without twists:

Mayzhe 35 thousand. Ale paws do not fix wordforms. Tobto. at ci 40,000 there are "laptops" and "notebooks" and "laptops". For fiksatsiya wordforms vikorist hail sign:

It is permissible that we should be deprived of information to power up. Todi, vikoristovuchi operator "-", you can see the commercial supply:

How do you know the frequency of the messages to google?

Statistical Google service to be called Google Adwords (the headline of entries for conducting contextual advertisements, ale of the data about the power up, you can be amazed and not have a new balance). I will help you to get the data that are malfunctioning in the system of sound power supplies. The service allows you to vibrate the region of the word, showing the frequency and competitiveness of key words... Google Adwords is designed to increase the popularity of audio feeds, allowing you to display the dynamism of your popularity behind graphs.

So it’s like in Wordstat - you can set the region, minus-words that (in Wordstat, history needs to be done for skin power supply) - the period of statistics.

Chim korisne knowledge of such statistics?

On the basis of cih ob'ktivnykh tribute, as the image of consumers and reloads, the optimizer can compose the semantic core of the site. There is a strategy to help you to unify your vitrates for an hour and a half, try to find a resource on unpromising topics, or compete with giants, who sit first positions in the TOP of sound systems.

Likewise, the information in the hands of the SEO becomes a brown tool for improving the efficiency of the resource. Regardless of the set goals, the plant can be used to speed up the HF, MF and LF power supply. Pushing the site through the sound systems for high-frequency power supplies for a higher number of unique corystuvachіv.

Another kind of optimization is the best one for the hourly and financial business. Yandex vicarist policy of primus galmuvannya of resource consumption behind high-frequency power supplies. With the help of the site, we will earn a reputation and demonstrate a positive dynamic of development. Only when the resource is displayed can claim the right to compete with the TOP.

MF and LF power up the high conversion, a little lower competition, so I lower the durability rate. With a lot of stench, it helps to improve the quality of the audit and to reach the increase in traffic.

The scheme of composing the sound feeds of the viglead has been averaged as follows:

  • HF - from 10 to 15%;
  • Midrange - 20-40%;
  • LF, microLF - from 45 to 70%.

Wouldn't it be necessary for the nobility to drink?

The main category of key words, the frequency of power supply, which can be stored without a priori in the time of the rock of a particular month. The visibility of sites, the semantic core of which is formed from such key words, is based on the analogy of the high and low seasons in the tourist business. Vivchennya sezonosti add-on help pidgotuvati resource and manage without wasting traffic... You can edit the statistics with the help of Yandex Wordstat (tab "Power history") or with the help of the Key Collector programs.

The competitiveness of the power supply is increased often because of the need. The value of this indicator is infused with the special features of the target audit, the topic of the supply, the number of optimized resources and the level of optimization. With more factors, take care of the fate of the suvana and the competitiveness.

Otrimuyuchi data for key words, you can vibrate the indicators of chi predictions. The given date will be suggested by you on the Targeting panel of the idea, the range of dates and the adjustment of the nationality in the fancy pattern. Indicators and predictions will help you to improve your intelligence, as it is more beautiful to group key words and to vibrate rates.

From the statistics, you should know how to estimate indicators and forecasts for key words, analyze such data, as well as adjust the focus and filter results.


Indicators and predictions by keywords

Choose the types of key words for better predictions for traffic. For example, having added the key phrase with the exact explanation [the Krasnodar Territory Elite Resort], you can evaluate the efficiency of the power supply itself.

Indicators for the last period


When developing a number of shows, if you can edit them in the same way, you can take the rate, budget, time of rock and statistics of good quality. Forecast, how to look at each other in Planuvalnik, behind the key words are stored with oglyadovy diagrams, tables with reports and recommendations for rates for your business goals.

Indicator values ​​in forecasts for key words

  • Clinks. A number of clues, which can be removed with a bold word for a day.
  • Part. Can average sum of vitrat on the key word for a day.
  • Show me. Films from the show can be removed from the show. The show will be restarted, if it appears on the side of the results in a joke.
  • CTR. Renewal of a number of potential clues for stripping to the most recent number of demonstrations.
  • Average price per click. An average sum, you pay for a click. Residual sum, yaku you rally for the clicks, reproach automatically and call himself the actual price for clicks. Tse means that the sum does not change the minimum permissible value of more than 60 kopecks. Apparently, this indicator can be the lowest of the average value for all introductions or the flow rate for a click on a group of naked.


Beastly respect, that the statistics (for example, the number of sound feeds per month) are generated only for accurate confirmation. For example, before the hour of converting a number of sound feeds for the key word dark chocolate change the same statistics for both broad and phrasal matching of a keyword dark chocolate... On the other hand, when the prognosis of traffic is rejected (the number of traffic), it is necessary to adjust the traffic. For example, when assessing the list of key words from a wide variety of reasons, the system will keep up with respect to them.

Storinka "Look around the plan"

The page "Look around the plan" reveals forecasts for your plan with breakdowns behind the most effective key words, breakdowns and outbuildings. Information is generated in a simple and intelligent view, and you can change the parameters of the skin prognosis, and analyze in detail the potential result of the plan.

At the upper part of the side of the road, the plan is also to be paid for the candidates. You can change the value by specifying it in a specific field, or if you need a point on the diagram. This will help you to understand, as the value of the rate injected on the efficiency of key words. The following factors are added to the rate for the selection:

  • foreground plan (yaksho vin є);
  • the average is the maximum price per click for all groups.
  • The average is the maximum price per click for all groups, having announced from the rates indicated, I will hand over the currency itself.

Usunennya problems with forecasts for traffic

Some of the forecasts for traffic can be lower, they are lower, or they are based on actual data. For some people, the forecast does not appear.

Below you can find out about the causes of such problems and the ways of їkh usunennya.

Zanadto low ratings

Keyword planner shows the approximate number of keys and displays that can be edited per day. Schob paint the results, call it up just to pay the price for a click. However, this solution can not be expected. The reasons below are induced.

  • Statistics of the effectiveness of the nakedness. The planner of key words vikoristyuє tsі danі and vіdomosti about advertising with similar key words. As far as the CTR for the front period is low, it is very low for the current forecast. Try the CTR adjustments for the prospects before the forecast is reduced.
  • Analysis of the joke. We provide key words and models for a joke, for a more accurate forecast of traffic. Low scores can be tied with those who do not have the key word or the phrase can be easily guessed at the sound. At this time, try to add some key words anyway. For the whole set of "Options for key words" in the menu, select the sides of the menu.
  • rules adverts Google. Post-Google partners can make their mothers aware of them. So, on deyaky sites it is possible to show only advertisements, as a way to go for any auditorium. The planner of key words The forecast is based on the flexible distribution of the rules, so the traffic estimates do not depend on the proper rank to represent the potential for the distribution of advertisements from the sound stock.

The actual traffic is displayed from the forecasts of the Planuvalnik of key words

Traffic forecast for google joke that partner sites will be based on the data from the dynamic system and show the nakedness. In fact, in low situations, the actual results can be seen from the forecasts.

  • We shot google cloud record Recently we have advertised. Predictions for new accounts are based on averaging statistics for all advertisers who do not know anything about your business. Before rejecting the exact data about the efficiency, the approximate value is shown to be visualized.
  • Your nakedness is displayed in the Media. The prognosis is given only for sound fences without reducing the traffic from the media fences, including those on vibrating ones I will hand out. When displaying advertisements in context-media hedge, real traffic will be paid, which is better for everything we will see.
  • We vibrated over a small whole region. As the system lacks data for the vibran_y area of ​​small size, the forecast may be inaccurate.
  • You can use the same key words in some campaigns. As with the singing key word, there is a knot of nakedness, if only one of them is depicted. Tse means, which are similar or the same key words in different groups, having announced which campaigns will compete with themselves. The planner of key words in the world of versatility and competition with similar and the same key words in the boundaries of the same campaign, the protections for such terms may be less accurate. The planner of key words does not interfere with key words, so that the competition between campaigns during the development of assessments does not win.
  • The plan or the list of key words has close key words. If you ask for an estimate of the number of keys for some close key words, Planuvalnik will be able to predict the increase in traffic among them, so the estimates can be less accurate.
  • Denna has an assessment of how to get insurance with urahuvannya tizhnevoi. To make a forecast, an estimate is taken with a stretch of time, as it grows rapidly in days. Oskіlki stretching tizhnya traffic heavily waggle, more dystuvatsya on the middle value for a day.

Everything is necessary - shipping account on Yandex. Restructuring of the loan from the kilka khilin.

Підбір key phrases

For the promises of Wordstat there is a noise behind the words. Fill in the key and print "Pidibrati" in the box. You can use the word and word forms to wash your food.

Right-handed from skin - frequency. Її Significant runtutsya on tribute for the remainder of 30 days and a vrahovu shout in Yandex.

Important points of frequency:

  • Won’t show you how to enter the feed for a row of a joke, and when you start to run the bogus Yandex.Direct behind the feed;
  • Pidsumovuvati shows from the best options - pardon, bits of stench are included in the bag in the first row;
  • Indicators of inodi navkrucheni and do not expect to see adequate drink. The reason is that the owners regularly monitor their site. Also the price of a service robot for reversing positions, cheating behavioral factors, ugrupovannya pozukovykh feed.

Wordstat proponed the filter behind the outbuildings:

The service automatically changes all the changes to the numbers and breaks phrases into words. So, to feed "kravatka metelik" go to і "yak to start a kravatka metelik", і "buy kravatka kravatka + in moscow".

Wordstat also picks up words that were introduced at once from the flow:

As long as you have a mono-product, which looks like a size, color, like at the butt, the right column is like a variety of options. As a rule, it is fed with more power, as a rule, the sphere of services should not be connected, and you will not be able to knit without any options. For example, see the phrase "Apartment renovation":

Tse chance of z'yasuvati:

  • Yak potential clients pragnut virishiti the problem or satisfy the demand, as the stench is brutalized at all to the shitty system. Cinnamon tse vrahovuvati, if the main key does not provide a wide hunting ground;
  • Additional auditor interests (like a friend to bathe, what to do) to the end of Koristuvalnitsky characters;
  • For some phrases shukati navkolotsilovy traffic, you can advertise at YAN.

As soon as you hit on a phrase, you get a joke in a row - and the service looks like a forecast number of impressions per month for every month.

On the basis of the results - the transition of the offensive side of the view. It’s a pity, you can’t eat one click at a time. It is necessary to re-rotate the skin side behind the "Dali" button.

For overpopular power supplies, the service does not show the date, the 40th side of the page has been removed. For example, after the phrase "lock up the torrent" ponad 32 mln.

Wihid is a third-party solution for parsing. Most popular: Key Collector, YandexKeyParser, extension of Yandex Wordstat Helper and Yandex Wordstat Assistant (about them - for example statistics).

Yak specify and supply

Operator add shukati phrases different types vidpovidnost. Compare the number of impressions:

  • Shiroke - repair of bicycles - 10519 impressions per month;
  • Frazove - "repair of bicycles" - 631 impressions per month;
  • More precisely (fixation of the end) - “! repair! bicycles ”- 456 impressions per month.

For more meaningful detail of the results є additional syntax:

  • Minus viklyuchaє words, de tse word. For example, the wordstat doesn’t show the words “kravatka sweetie childish buy”, “childish little cravatka metelik rozmiri”.
  • Plus means that it’s obligatory for vidachi. It is especially important for short applications and spiloks, such as Yandex Innocent. With the introduction of "Vidomi Vcheni in Russia", the list of Bachimo and Vichy Vcheni Rossiya, vidomi vcheni vcheni Rossiya, vіdomi vcheni vchenii Rossiya. And for "vіdomі vchenі z Rossіya" we accept only those, shukaєmo.
  • A sign to a hail will be more accurate for entering (saving the number and vidminka, like at the power supply).

  • The operator (|) is ready for synonyms. "Buy (carpet | plaid)" - two wash in one: "Buy a carpet" and "Buy a plaid".

  • Operator fiksuє order of power supply. Check the statistics and zoom, which option is more often vikoristovuyut:

  • Number of words has been fixed. Tse stan in nogodі for popular topics, since the first 40 sides do not allow to reject all the phrases. There are two options:

If the main power supply is two-way and requires 4-way options, it is written as follows:

The popularity of the power supply by region

Wordstat sortє results from geography. Natisnіt "All regions" and in every need:

For chotiroh options, which are often vicarious, є option "Shvydky Vibir".

A checkmark "by regions" will help you assess the popularity of the power supply in a particular region. Ponad 100% - the chain of interest:

If necessary, you can re-glance the frequency of the display on the card:

Seasonal value for supply

The function "Power history" shows the dynamics based on the data of the last two rockets.

Would you like to see more topics in season. Since the WordStat doesn’t have any required semantics, it’s possible to show up at the widach if it’s a new season.

For the supplies of "novini" or "kudi piti", you will constantly remove the lists.

For the change, the graph is displayed in the table by month, or you can switch to the current one. They have an absolute (number of impressions per feed) and an absolute value (the first one before the last number of impressions in Yandex).

Another trick. For high streaks in a short period, you can add a boost to your impressions by webmasters. Characteristic of the sign - for a short period of time, the phrase is typed in thousand, for a rashtu - 0.

Also, now you know how to trim the semantics from Wordstat, from clarifications for meanings, geography and seasons. It is easy to see how they work and on the butt. And the very - is given by the SYA from the real tributes to the service.

Pidbir of the semantic core

For evaluations of experts, manual parsing of Wordstat gives 30-40% of all phrases. Ale z urahuvannyam, which service is without koshtovny, the price is still not bad. Dodatkovo can generate key words for sound cues and tools.

Zrazok: will have a drink on the tree.


1) Viznachaєmo, yak koristuvachі formulate power supply. Vidkrivaєmo that phrase:

The results are great. I'll hand it over for an hour. With a whole middle of them, it is irrelevant - "vіkna in a wooden booth", "derev'yana lashtva", "derev'yanі wіkna with our own hands" and so on.

It is necessary to clarify the formula. Before we amuse ourselves "smittya" for the help of minus-slavs: booths, too much, with our own hands, old, blinds, yak, warmth, pot.

2) Nalashtovuєmo region - the place of Perm - that type of annexes, from which potential clients can enter. Let’s admit that we are being guided by us, so that we are choosing to launch a campaign in mobile on a desktop:

3) Visnachaєmo the tsiloviy will drink. For a wide variety of options, the most relevant options from the list are entered up to Excel spreadsheet behind the growing segments.

In the ideals, it is necessary to deal with all the sides, but in order to vrahuvati all the nuances and dimensions, I will bring up a picture of the consumer's auditorium. For simplicity, you can see it from the butt of a feather:

On the screen shot with a blue color, the phrases, such as viklyuchaumo, do not come across a bit of stench.

4) Look at similar phrases. The deyaki from them will have a drink with the whole family, for example:

You can also look at another hundred points for general words, as they were in point 3, and add the table.

The results have an acceptable number of key words. Parsing at WordStat is not enough. The semantic core can be expanded with the help of folding, paid, and non-standard tools. In addition, the stench will automate the robot using the Wordstat service.


  • KeyCollector allows you to select SY, to start the competition, the quality and efficiency of key words;
  • Keyword parser "Magadan" (1500 rubles, also promoted bezel-less version). Perevaga - automatic analysis, analysis and statistics processing;
  • AllSubmitter (module "pidbir key words").

Expansion for robots from Yandex Wordstat

Introduce okremi to drink skin phrases - tse majestic vitrati for an hour. Ale from the tsiy nikudi not vtekti. Protect є decision, which means to forgive and speed up the robot with the service.

"Yandex" rocked like a 1980s rock. 1st year wines є one of the most popular media erotic services... The main feature of the named system is that it’s got a message of key words without urahuvannya of the number of parts of the language that they have used. View sites powered, based only on key words. For koristuvachіv tsya specialty is much more effective, proteanalysis of the power supply in "Yandex" becomes more problematic.

Among the most popular current Google and named post sound systems is also Rambler. Vona is more accurate when it comes to power supply, ale mensh is popular.

So also "Yandex Wordstat"?

Tsei special service buv accounts "Yandex" for webmasters and optimizers. Qia system additional help to establish the semantic core of the site and correctly select the key words for the skin news of the article, as you publish it on your site. And it is worthwhile to increase the number of views.

In addition, Wordstat helps to assess the competitiveness of an Internet resource.

Having registered with the guessed systems, you can use the method of selection of key words to know the most popular power supply.

The system gives information about power supply for a month. Having entered in the thematic field you need the word that word, you can see the results for the region.

For an hour, the selection of power supplies can be done quickly by special operators, as they can make a noise.

Most popular

In 2012, a list of five topics was added that most often people make fun of on the Internet. Additional list is Ryan Dube, SEO optimizer with ten years of experience.

Tsi results and hunt all the population of the world. Let's take a look їх:

  1. Otzhe, at the first place, we were able to feed the children and food. Here is the food for whom the daddy must fence and eat the little girl for the first time. Bezlich is quiet, as children and podlitsy to get frustrated by negotiation with the grown-ups. In the meantime, the whole health is interesting and afraid of him is not varsity, vvazhayut fakhivtsi. If the little ones want to think about those who can clean up the water in Yandex, the first one will know about those who can swarm in the heads of the young children.
  2. The topic of zmushuє is coming up in mental health of large people. Tse stage zґvaltuvan, tortur. Yak, it seems, without comments.
  3. At the third stage of growing food "Yak?" without any options. Yak zbuduvati, plant, prigotuvati?
  4. At the fourth moment, the essence of food is: how can you focus on the cholovik, get thin, get overwhelmed by that bazhana?
  5. I, by the way, there are a lot of people reading articles on the topic of quietly ill people. Bagato hto from us is given to rewrite the text of the doctor's consultation. Symptoms that are being created to us as a manifestation of unserious ill-health, make noise on the Internet.

The statistics of feeds in "Yandex" will help you to find out about the choice of content, if you tell the topic to start and develop a vlasny project. On neї varto orієntuvatis, pick up topics for a new blog.

Most frequent power supply from "Yandex"

Ymovіrno, bаtato koristuvachіv to the Internet sound systems? People start shopping on sites on the topic of different topics, develop online stores and companies, in general, as a rule, іn order іn order іхnyа poshukova activity. Prostozhiti, as food is most often turbuyut koristuvachiv, additional help is the special system of "Yandex". Otzhe, what is the best power supply in Yandex?

Bagato koristuvachіv virіshuє working moments. To reshtuyuyuyut importantly vital questions, which are tied to special other needs - to live, to be happy, to wonder, and to talk in an awesome way. The results have been given, and they have been eliminated by a stretch of month.

Svit online

It is practically all for people to shy away on the Internet - to clean, start, shy away from purchases. Happily, this is not so great, but it’s in the streets of the city. Ale, with the most popular feed from Yandex, to take revenge on the word "site". Every site visitor is very important (there are 146,000,000 feeds per month!). Some shukayut fahivtsiv for the penetration of vlastnyh sites, іnshі makayut opanuvati navichka independently. Also, the site is not fouled up.

Especially there are online stores. The first stink is on the list. Koristuvachi actively bathe through the Internet, repairing them from the speedy business and ending with great technology. The number of online stores is growing in no way. Bagato hto open vlasnі and work only through the Internet, and іnshi - increase the number of sales in the factory through the catalog.

Not less popular site is nude. Among them is the leader OLX, which was formerly called "Slando".

Facebook and "VKontakty"

Facebook is also one of the most frequent feeds from Yandex. Win was the leader among ten of the most popular social fringes in society. The company was posted on YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Weibo and ін. The number of coristas in the warehouse is close to 1.4 billion. At the same time, 160 million - from the bulk of the USA, Brazil, Turecchini, Great Britain, Mexico.

With the fall in popularity of "VKontakte", which earlier will add to the Russian koristuvacham more, the popularity of Facebook has grown in size. Ale at the same time and "Vkontakte" do not want to create positions. A single Russian site, which is the 8th month among ten of the most popular social networks. There are registered 228 million koristuvachiv from Bagatyokh of the Russian regions. Uninvolved on the fence "VKontakty" in Ukraine, a lot of Ukrainians are actively promoting the site. That is why one of the most frequent power supplies from Yandex is "my side is" VKontakty "".

And some of our people love spilkuvatisya with the earthlings (including, for the additional help, special sites of knowledge), the offensive for the frequency of feeding - "shifting". Before the speech, there are a lot of foreign students registered at VKontakte, who can socialize with Russian friends. Offended by sp_vrozmovniki in tsyu vypadka zmushen_ koristuvatisya by shifting.

Just an hour now

Naytsіkavіshe, how many times the word "gra" was used 75 984 283 times per month. It is important to feed up to the popular "Tanchiki" greetings, which are especially popular for choloviks, that for children online for boys and for girls. The stench gives an opportunity to occupy the child for an hour of home help.

Ledve rіdshe, nіzh іgri, shukayut files for jumping or online look. It is noteworthy that when the words "love" are introduced into the poshukovik, there is no way of seeing films in the genre of dramas or melodramas. Importantly Turkish.

Who vvazhayut for the beautifully astonished people? A large number of supplies from Yandex will tell you about those who are most often surprised by the show (on the occasion of "Kitchen" and "Bachelor"), as well as American films. Most often the stench is up to the fantasy genre. Not less demanded serials - both Russian and Ukrainian, as well as American.

Problems of the day

Start drinking in "Yandex", for statistics, cost novin, pay sum on calculators, wait for tomorrow's forecast. The forecast, wait a minute, is most often correct.

First, horoscope. "Yandex" will make a great number of sites with horoscopes for this year and tomorrow for month. Not far from the horoscopes for the frequency of power supply, the growing and dream book.


Happily, shaking not out of films, but of literature. I shouldn't be out of luck. Її is often read online. Quiet, so the reading of the literature is becoming increasingly popular for young people. In a given hour, you can read books online on decilkoh sites absolutely without koshtov - "Lіtmіr", Loveread, Knizhnik and ін.

It is noteworthy that among the three most popular genres of literature they are leading women novels about kohannya. You can find the history, the modern and the fantasy. A number of love-fantastic novels grow up with a skin day.

Even more popular is the Russian detective story. As far as we read zakordonny, sometimes Russian detectives, including women (there is a lot of humor in them), they joke in Yandex even more often. Їх read online, borrow, bathe in online stores.


Food for "chomu" is one of the most popular power supplies from "Yandex" and Google. There is a greater problem with which body hurts. Величезна кількість запитів в "Яндексі" при цьому зосереджена на головному болі, болях у спині та набряках ніг.

Three fewer people are not healthy, but owing to the pro-tylene statute - "what is it ..." or "what is it ...". And then the options for nutrition are growing - there can be health problems that are difficult in the mind and inappropriate situations, in which the partner has shown himself from his side. The history of power supplies from Yandex will show you how you want to talk about the food on the forums.

Krim tsyogo, the system is not very easy to drive in and this kind of nutrition:

  • "Why am I stupid?"
  • "Why can't I get thin?"
  • "Why am I idiot?"

Name the discussion of such problems in the forums.

At the end

The history of power supplies from Yandex is name-based, and all popular by those hunting is important. We tried to describe it ale the most important things to drink, as it was to serve the Russian population in the Internet space. Thanks to the information, I will give you a brownish information.

We released a new book “Content Marketing at social fringes: How to get into the head of the front-runners and zakokhati їх have their own brand "

Today, for the first time ever, it’s in the absence of Yandex Wordstat and it’s worthwhile, because there’s a lot of feeds for key words, so we can get to the subject of the site. It’s necessary, if you want to evaluate, how people are shouted by your comrade and servants, optimize the site’s side for the system and run the context, for which you will be clicked like told. We are surprised that the functions of the services for the selection of words will be at the time for assessment and the selection of the semantic core, and for the selection of the semantic core, and for the selection of the semantic core Let's go.

Why is it important for the nobility to have a number of feeds for key words in Yandex?

A lot of visas are important to us in the interest of demand.

  • Choose a semantic core for site optimization;
  • Select keywords to launch an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords.

Here the mustache is simple. To get traffic from a joke and context, you need:

  • Zrobiti tsilovu side of the site relevant in the eyes of the poshukach and koristuvach.
  • Stitch, which is powered by the buv to reach the frequency and not competitive, as there will be no transitions in both ways.

We pass to the day of nutrition.

How many power supplies are there in Yandex?

For the whole, you can speed up the service. Win additional help to select key words, amazed at the number of displays on the power supply, in addition to the dynamism in the fallowness from the vibrational region. Let's go through the skin point.

Revision of key words in Yandex Wordstat

Supposedly, we have driven in the power supply "Delivery of quotations". Wordstat immediately saw us 267,090 views per month, from a variety of words, moreover, from a wide variety of reasons. Tse means that in the results it is necessary to supply all the water, in which the "delivery of tickets" was conceived, and it appeared 267 with a small thousand.

Do not slid a rogue show that drink, the stench vvazhayutsya in a fashionable way. Feed the koristuvach once, and show the skin transition to the side of the vidach. As soon as I joke about the delivery of the quotes, I will power it up with one. With a lot of schoraz, if I go to step on the side in the results of a joke, secure a new show.

The crumbs below the service look like a list of power supplies, for which tasks are completed, for all their stinks are included in the main result. Tobto Wordstat goes from outside to private: a collection of showing the pictures of all the shows behind such key words was bulldozed for a month, and then detailing the statistics. For example, having shown on the power supply "delivery of quotations inexpensively" bulo 18 892 and all the stinks are included in the sales room 267 090.

Now we are freeing, as I know the number of power supplies in Yandex for specific key words. Supposedly, we would like to z'yasuvati, since people have developed the very same “delivery of quotes” without any additional clarifications. We can help the operator with a joke. A lot of pererahuєmo їkh usі:

  • “” - paws. Do not help you to shukati if you have given key words, or if you have a word form (we need a stench).
  • ! - a sign to a hail. To rob those same, only without urahuvannya of different word forms. So, if you supply "! Delivery! Delivery", then the results will be shown at the same time, without urahuvannya more "delivery of tickets", "delivery!" And so far.
  • + - Plus. Primushu Wordstat vrahovuvati splits and applicants.
  • - - Minus sign. At the same time, when the sound is folded, it does not matter what the meaning of the word is. Butt: "delivery of kvitiv - bezkoshtovno".
  • (|) - straight forward slash bows. You need to get the statistics for more power.

Let's turn to our butt. It’s hard to change the amount of power supplies from Yandex behind the key words “delivery of quotes” from any word form.

Less than 16409 impressions. Now I will be able to reshtu word forms:

The number of displays is even higher. I will try to vikoristovuvati іnshі operators:

The remaining operator will continue to help you for an hour when you change a number of key words in Yandex for a few extra supplies. We've got the vibe for the power supply:

  • delivery of quotes;
  • Delivery of bouquets;
  • replacement of apartments;
  • replacement of bouquets.

Now we will sort out the tabs. With a lot of fun, shukayut koristuvachi mobile attachments.

Now it’s possible to take a look at the number of power supplies from Yandex in a particular region. Come on tse bude misto Kazan. For tsiy go to the tab "by regions". For a more accurate result, we will shukati ""! Delivery! kvitiv "" in exact information... Otrimuєmo:

The first figure is the number of shows, and the other is the regional popularity. If it’s more than 100%, then the interest is in the region of changes, and even less - for reductions.

The last tab was closed: "Power history". It is possible to switch between the same and the same graph of changes in the frequency of power supplies. Win viglyadaє axis as follows:

It can be seen, for example, because of the skin fatality, people are quick to grow up and fix bouquets of shukati with delivery. Tsikavo why?

Sharing the functions of Wordstat. At the deposit "By regions" є picture mode. There you can take a look at the popularity of the drink in rіznih lands light and regions of Russia.

On the head side of the joke є the right column is from the supplies, which is set up at once from the assignment. Inodі buvaє cinnamon that additional help expand the semantic core.

Reversion of key words at "Google"

Now I’m clearing it, I’ll crank it up on Google. Here you can speed up the Google Keyword Planner Tool. You can have a meal with your head Google links AdWords - you need to be at the "Tool" deposit.

Schob, speed up the service, register in AdWords. View of the Yandex analogue Keyword Planner is displayed in the main interface and is handy: captchas are not vimagau, but minus words can be entered directly into the joke. Google's tool views the key words at once in the exact form. With a lot of varto vrahuvati, the competitiveness tab here is advertising, not poshukova.

Інші tools for changing the number of power supplies and key words

If I will hand over the information to the line, it is possible to use special parser services. The problem is that all the stinks are more expensive. Vinyatki є, for example, Slovob service. The same paid KeyCollector with urizanny functions. Win additional help to shukati key words for Wordstat, to reverse the frequency and competitiveness of power supplies, to determine the relevance of the pages and to the data in Excel. View of an older brother - KeyCollector "but - as you see it, you don't give statistics on Google AdWords."

Frequency and competitiveness of power supplies from Yandex

Apart from the number of demonstrations required by the nobility, the competitiveness and frequency of power supplies: the smell is high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF), low-frequency і, apparently, high-middle-and low-competitive) (VK, SK, competitive). The fallowness is straightforward - that the frequency is fed, then there is a new competition, there are a lot of blame (and the stench is your meta). High frequency and competitive power supply is the most promising, or, for the most part, it is ineffective. It is important to break through them at the top, so the stake on them is the whole stake on the budget. A lot of juicy middle-and low-frequency power. If everything is correct, the stench will help bring traffic to the site and know new clients. Calculate the competitiveness and frequency of power supplies from Yandex using a parser. With "hands" the goal is possible, but the topic for okremoї statty.

In order to correctly vibrate the strategy of the advertising campaign, it is necessary to know about the number of feeds for the key words in Yandex, the frequency and the competitiveness. The price can be broken either for the help of the native services of the sound systems, or for the help of the parser programs. Whether you want to have a serious analysis of the selected semantic core, you just need to pick up the key words that are not enough - you need to see a profit, and add a plan for optimizing the side or the strategy of an advertising campaign.

Get ready for the project - get ready for the best, my friend!
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