Windows 8.1 updates are coming. How to remove non-essential Windows updates and update Windows

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Update for Windows- ce dodatkovі software modules, yakі are created by retailers operating system for the correction of critical pardons, which lead to failures in robots, the elimination of inconsistencies in the safety of the system, as well as the addition to Windows new functions and improving the stability of robots and third-party add-ons. In lonely situations, through the pardons of retailers, updates can take revenge on critical bugs and troubleshooting in Windows robots or installed programs. To update the normal work, it is necessary to see similar changes in the world different ways remote update in operating rooms Windows systems 7 and 8.

Adjustment of parameters

For the cob, it is necessary to have a mother on the vase, but not all updates are important and obov'yazkovymi for installation. A lot of updates do not interfere with important fixes and improvements for the OS, but if they are made, changes can be caused by different problems. In addition, there are a lot of neobov'yazkovyh updates great rosemir and take up significant space on the hard drive.

In order to hide the installed update in the operating system, it is necessary to correctly configure the Center Windows update Even after locking, the operating system automatically grabs and installs all the updates released by Microsoft. However, it can be corrected by including the possibility of independent choice and the installation of the most important updates.

To change the rules for the promotion of updates, open the menu Startі see before Control panel(in Windows 8 you can use hotkeys Win+I to open the panel Parameters and already in it click on the power panel.

Opening the Kernel Panel through the Settings Panel in Windows 8

Opening the keying panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

Dali go to distribution The security system (The control panel can be in the Category, which can be selected at the upper right corner of the list, which falls on the onslaught pereglyad) .

Select item Windows update:

At the left vertical menu selectAdjustment of parameters:

I, nareshti, at the window it is necessary to select an option from the list Shukati update, ale decision about downloading, that installation is accepted by me.

Prikhovuvannya and remembrance of non-essential updates

Indicated by the system, if the update has not yet been installed, if necessary, you can attach it so that the stench does not appear in the list for installation.

For whom once again reveal windows update and choose the required distribution: Important or Neobov'yazykovі update.

At the list, which was opened with the left mouse button, we saw an update, in the installation of which there is no need, then right mouse button open menu with options and choose an item Get updated.

You can also windows update, selecting the prompt for the message from the left vertical menu.

At the list of attached updates, which you see, it is necessary to see the checkmark required and click on the button Reinvent, after which the update will return to the list of available for bidding that installation.

Cleaning up the disk from the time files of the update captures and the view of the update history

on the local disk You can clean up the system folders in which time-consuming files are saved, but not installed updates, as well as to see the journal of history updates.

For whom you wish Explorer and follow the address:C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution . I have two folders for this catalogue:Download(replace files updated) anddata store(Keep the logs of the update history). Delete files in them for additional combination Shift+Del(Without moving to the cat).

How to see installed updates

Now let's talk about different ways Removed from the system and installed updates.

View through the View Panel

To be installed in the operating system of the update, vodcrite Control panel and go to the distribution Programs.

In retail Software and components select item Reviewing installed updates.

At the list of installed updates, which appear, see the left mouse button, then press the right mouse button and select the item from the drop-down menu Vidality. To complete the operation, confirm your intentions by pressing OK and restart the computer so that you change your certitude.

View through the command line

Tsej sposіb pіdіyde vpevnenim koristuvachami, і transferring manual input of commands. Run command line with administrator rights. For which in Windows 7 press the menu icon Start i in per row enter command: cmd, after which, at the end of the search, click the right mouse button on the icon cmd and choose a team Run with administrator rights. Windows 8 has enough to press a combination of keys Windows + X and in the context menu, select the item Command line (administrator).

Running Command Prompt with administrator rights in Windows 7

Running Command Prompt with administrator rights in Windows 8

To view the list of installed updates, enter the command:wmic qfe list brief /format:table

To see if there is an update, enter the command: wusa /uninstall /kb:update number(For example: wusa /uninstall /kb:3185331).

How to see all the updates in a row

It’s a pity that the retailers didn’t give such a possibility to the functionality of Windows. And Skoda, which function in certain situations can be true, it can appear brown, the shards can be seen in manual mode large number renovation is not handy and long overdue. For luck, є kіlka simple і available ways solve this problem.

View through .bat file (batnik)

Create new file for help programs Notebook(Right click the mouse on the empty space of the working table and select the option Create a text document).

Copy the following code into an empty document:

@echo off
color 0A
mode con: cols=40 lines=12
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set templist=%TEMP%\listTMP.txt
set list=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\uninstall_updates.cmd

echo Please wait

How to use %templist% del %templist%
if exist %list% del %list%

wmic qfe get hotfixid>>%templist%

call:1 "KB" "KB:"
echo DONE
timeout /t 3 /nobreak > nul
exit /b

for /f "tokens=1* delims=]" %%a in ("find /v /n "" ^ if not "%%b"=="" (set line=%%b) else (set line= not)

set newline=!line:%~1=%~2!
set newline=!newline:not=!

echo wusa.exe /uninstall /!newline!/quiet /norestart>>%list%
::set templist=%list%

Save creations file from extensions .bat, asking youma be-yaké im'ya (for example: new.bat). Front in option File type choose an option Us files. Then let's run the batch file.

When the created file is launched, it will open automatically with the prompt, if it is completed, it will close automatically . Must be installed in Windows 7 and 8 updates will be removed.

Remote updates for help with special programs

In our time, a large number of different software-installers and cleaners of the system have been broken up, as a whole, under the force of the removal of updates from Windows. For example, you can use the Revo Uninstaller program, which can be downloaded free of charge on our website.

Run Revo Uninstaller and see Nalashtuvannya. Whom to share select tab Uninstaller and check the boxes next to the parameters Show system updatesі Show system components.

Press OK, to close the window for the last time, that update the list by clicking on the default icon on the toolbar of the program. Next to the list installed addenda to be a Windows update. Significance of їх is even simpler - they are marked with a special icon і, as a rule, to mark a serial number KB:xxxxxxxxxxxx.

To uninstall, press the key ctrl and see with the left mouse button if you need updates, then click on the icon visuality.

After the completion of the remote, that reboot of the computer selected update will appear from the operating system.

How to remove old update files

It’s not very important for someone to understand that when updating the skin, Windows grabs update packages from Microsoft servers, after which it starts the process of installing and updating system files, and the package file itself, in which case there is no need, so it is left behind by the services. At the time of the timely installation of updates, such files accumulate a lot and in total they can take tens of gigabytes of space on the system disk. And to guess what for a robotic operating system in our time, ultra-wide SSD drives of a relatively small volume are often used, power supply often becomes an edge and the removal of old files in packages of updates can help significantly increase the volume.

To remove the outdated packages, update, check Explorer by clicking on the special menu icon Start (or lower the keys Win+E) . Right-click on the C drive and select the item in the context menu power.

At the window, click on the button Disk Cleanup.

For the upcoming weekend, select an option Windows Cleanup, press OK and check the completion of the procedure.

A lot of computer fahіvtsіv vvazhayut tsey way to the most visible, efficient and safe, which is entirely logical - the operating system is the best for be-yaki third-party utilities deal with your old system files.

Windows 8 auto-update is a language option, which is noted for locking. You know earlier the forgiveness and the frivolity, which increases the overall productivity of the PC and laptop. Starts automatically - but don't start early. At the link with the cim deyakі koristuvachі want to turn on automatic update Windows 8

As you know, a similar procedure can navantage a computer (especially an old one). And if you work on a project like that, if you play in the game, then you will be more important.

Another її minus is the impossibility of turning off the PC until the procedure is completed. And why work, how is it necessary to drink the term? Do not deprive the computer of the upgrade. There were few similar reasons. Ale virishiti tsyu problem even simpler.

How to turn off Windows 8 automatic updates?

At the link with a change in the interface, the main operations in Windows 8 are troch in a different way. Zocrema, the control panel is not in Start, like in Sims, but in the Hot Corners desktop menu. Vtіm, there is nothing coherent here, everything is the same - it's just that the order has changed.

A new window will start, in which case you can automatically update Windows 8. For which, select "Do not distort the presence ...". To save the setup, press the "OK" button.

To respect, if you fail to turn on Windows 8, then you will also get stuck in the old anti-virus. Vіn stop updating to change the security level of your PC or laptop. But the problem will not be relevant after the installation of any other antivirus.

The above descriptions can be used in quiet weather, as it is necessary to turn on the update on Windows 8 timchasovo. Tobto then run them manually - at the hour. If you want to turn on the update in Windows 8 forever, it's better to turn it on another way.

Sobnistyu zupiniti poshuk novlen, it is necessary to start the service, yak vodpovida for tse zavdannya

Father, if you want to be vimknuti Windows update 8 on the laptop name, the same name is as follows:

By this way, I can check for updates on the computer or on the laptop under Windows 8, so the stench will no longer start.

But there is one small aspect: when you install the Microsoft software, the service can be turned on again. Tobto all nalashtuvannya are thrown off for a lot. Call on tse.

What do you need to upgrade Windows 8?

Microsoft retailers will definitely give you the answer - “So”. Yak and richly koristuvachiv PC. Aje not for free, the option is included for the lock.

From the other side, it won’t start up all the time and it’s constantly starting. At the link with zim vinikaє bajannya go to the Windows 8 update center and turn it off.

Zupiniti for an hour and a day ago - tse already a friend of food. І unequivocally vydpovіdі on the new nothing. On the grudge of the first decision to speak of the fact that patches improve the security of Windows and improve the productivity of a laptop or a computer. And to the mischief of another - the inclusion of this service is not indicated on the robot PC. Tse to bring thousands of koristuvachiv, like they blocked her more than once and forgot about her.

So, spochatku, pokie OS sira, qiu service bazhano zalishit included. Ale oskolki Windows 8 came out a long time ago, but today it works stably. Therefore, the decision to turn on the search for updates in Windows 8 will not appear on the security of a laptop or a PC.

Be as if it were new, especially if it sticks around system files- Potential threat to system stability. Irrespective of those that are tested by Microsoft itself, so are the administrators independently, situations, if the installed update is brought to a new incompatibility of the system, sometimes they trap. What is the job of this guy? About tse mi rozpovimo at tsіy stattі.

The main problem is that there is no perpetuity, Windows-systems - the same variability. The number of possible ways of hardware security and software upgrade is practically unrealistic, so, if you don’t really test the update, you can always know such a combination of the gateway and the software, as it will appear insane with these updates. Most of the problems are caused by third-party drivers or low software security, which works on equal kernels.

Okrema Rozmov - non-licensed systems. The most common way to bypass activation is by patching and replacing the kernel. This in itself is unsafe and threatens with potential problems, and when upgrades that start the core, you risk taking away the Windows system, which has already happened more than once. Also, I’m able to save up to a small amount and different amateur selections, available on the Internet, I’ll include a lot of choices in the system, patched the kernel, or launch the activator in the same way as soon as the installation is done, without changing the validity and validity of the system key.

So it was and the past second patch. Chergove security update KB3045999 for Windows 7 when restarted it resulted in " blue screen death" (BSOD).

Koristuvachs screeched like hell to Microsoft, which released "buggy" updates, but soon it was announced that the pardons were better than a system with a patched kernel. Fore the problem came up and a lot of law-hearing koristuvachivs, so the brothers were polluted and, so as not to download gigabytes of updates, they just downloaded from the merezhі sbirku.

It is not possible to discuss the moral and legal aspects of victorious non-licensed software, not to cheat on food independently, but rather to look at the ways of updating the robotic system.

Installation disk for Windows PE

The most accessible, but not the simplest way. Pіdіyde bіkіy disk vіd sumіsnoї ї system, єdina umova - dotrimannya razryadnostі. So is the memory of the mindfulness, tobto. for Windows updates 7 you can churn disks not only in Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, but also in Windows 8 / Server 2012. In a number of cases, you can try to churn a disk in a larger early system, but if not all possibilities can be available, for example, implement instructions with disc Windows Vista/Server 2008 is not visible.

Just as you win Windows PE, you are also guilty of creations based on the streaming version of the OS, or worse, the size is also to blame for the increase.

We are interested in installation disk and on the screen that prompts the installation of the OS, select the item Renovation of the system.

The utility to designate the installed OS and prompt it to go to the automatic update of the system, there are not many options here, it’s pushing Dali.

And the axis of the check is completed by the work of the master, it’s neobov’yazkovo, it’s more that we can’t help you, it’s on the oncoming screen Vіdmina.

Let's not hurry and at the end of the day, what happened, we choose to send show supplementary ability system upgrade.

Now you have the opportunity to enter the command line, which you should speed up.

If you are interested in Windows PE, have a drink in the command line.

After what next, specify how the letter is removed system disk. For the standard layout, there will be the letter D, the letter C will be omitted from the service division. For reverification, we can say:

Having changed, what is really the system disk, you can go to the next steps. Before this, it would be inappropriate to clarify the name of the problematic update, as a rule, it would be clumsy to search for the help of the Internet. Let's take away the list of all installed packages by the offensive command:

DISM /Image:D:\ /Get-Packages

Visnovka knows the number necessary update and a copy of the name of the package, as it is not known, delete all packages with the date of the last update.

To copy the package name in the command line, see it and press the key Enter, to insert, just click the right mouse button.

To see the package, type the command:

DISM /Image:D:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB3045999~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~

de yak option PackageName Please enter the package name beforehand.

Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset

A set of diagnostic tools and an update ( Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset, MSDaRT) - Zasіb, foundations for ERD Commander as Sysinternals and available for Software Assurance (SA) subscription, it is not easy to know about it in the community. For work with Windows 7, MSDaRT is required not lower than version 6.5, the current version is 8.0

When you download from the MSDaRT disk, remember that the language is more powerful, and on the first screen, after choosing a movie (our version has version 8.0), choose Diagnostics:

Potim Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset:

If you see something in front of you with a choice of available tools, click on us Hotfix Uninstall or Vidalennya.

The work with the master does not become folded, we choose one or the other we can see it:

Like Bachimo, the robot from MSDaRT is richly efficient, lower from the command line, and still better to prepare for possible out-of-the-ordinary situations ahead of time.

In both cases, after seeing a problematic update, you should re-adjust and thoroughly analyze the cause of the failure. We hope that this material will help you to quickly confirm the practicality of the system after a recent update.

If you got a laptop or a computer with Windows 8, or just installed this OS on your computer, then early on (so, obviously, they didn’t turn on all the updates) you should inform the store about the proposition of taking Windows 8.1 free of charge, accepting any upgrade the system to new version. And why work, if you don’t want to upgrade, but with what kind of outstanding system upgrades, it’s also unbearable?

The other way is actually the same as there are more descriptions, but you can also upgrade to Windows 8.1 with the help of a registry editor, run whichever you can by pressing the Win + R keys on the keyboard and regedit.

At the registry editor, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\ partition and create a new WindowsStore extension.

Then, after selecting new creations, right-click in the right area of ​​the registry editor to create a DWORD parameter with the DisableOSUpgrade name and set its value to 1.

Axis and that's it, you can close the registry editor, updating you is no longer turbulent.

Another way to get notified about upgrading to Windows 8.1 is with the registry editor

At this way so the registry editor itself wins, and you can help, as the previous option did not help:

  1. Run the registry editor, as described earlier
  2. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Setup\UpgradeNotification
  3. Change the UpgradeAvailable value from one to zero.

As such a division of the daily parameter, you can create them independently, in the same way as in the previous version.

If you have given you the necessary information, including the ones described in your change helper, then simply run the reverse operations and the system can independently upgrade to the rest of the version.

Upgrading Windows is, insanely, an important process of a robotic operating system that is necessary for its full functionality - to ensure correct robotic programs, to ensure that the system as a whole is thoroughly safe. But in practice, unfortunately, more than once there were fears of unfavorable results of system upgrades. Windows swidkodiya immediately after the installation and after the vikoristannya protyag dekіlkoh mіsyatsіv vіdrіznyaєtsya. Constantly increase the number of system updates with an hour to improve your work. Updates to Windows can lead to pardons, problems with mov mics, notifications about pardons of robots and system services that come up.

The company Microsoft periodically officially recognize those chi іnshe novlennya not far away. And, of course, get used to when you go to yoga. But do not start the problem, which was called through the update, it can be fixed automatically, without typing in the file and manually removing the problematic update package.

How to manually update Windows 8/8.1? How to fence a problematic system update and install it again? For whom the details are discussed below.

Viewing Problematic Windows Update

Push the animal down the right side of the screen to make the Metro-interface charm buttons appear and enter the “Programs and Components” key in the search field. From this list, select each division of systemic upgrades.

Alternative for Windows 8.1: this version has a little improved version of the Start button, i, after clicking the context menu, we can open the control panel command.

Having drank to the Windows 8.1 checkout panel, I selected the “Software and Components” section.

Be one of the ways you spend up to the last division of systemic improvements.

At the “Programs and Components” distribution, we were asked to click on the “Revision of the installed updates”. Tisnemo yoga strength.

In the coming future, you will have a copy of the installed Windows updates.

Here you can see the problem update for the number (КВххххххх) and see it. If the update number is not known, you can analyze if the system itself has problems, regrouping the update into a list by the date of installation, then see all the updates, starting from the given date.

To see the problematic Windows update, select it from the list, select the context menu and press the single command "Visibility".

After the next update in the majority of the years, it will be necessary to re-advantage, so that the system becomes the same as before - before the problem update is installed.

Prevention of re-installation of a problematic Windows update

Seeing a problematic Windows update is less than half the power. Aja wine can be reset in automatic mode. To save this, you need to make changes to the Windows Update settings.

Vіdkrivaєmo divided the system settings "Windows Update Center". For whom:

Abo enters the key request from the field to the Metro-interface and selects the distribution in the final results;

Otherwise, open the control panel for additional context menu on the Windows 8.1 Start button and select the necessary section for the transfer of control panel elements.

As a rule, Windows is installed from the tasks of setting automatic downloads and installing system updates. Vinyatok can become a pirated choice of system, deselecting the spochatku zamіnyuyut nalashtuvannya that functionality of Windows. Prote, zdebіlshhogo better picture of the total control of the situation by the system itself.

Press "Set parameters" to make changes.

Insertions up to which point parameter automatic installation The update is subject to control by you - it is allowed for the system to automatically initiate an update, but the decision about the installation is accepted only and only independently.

The system has only been given an advance update, you will need to install them manually. But in any case, you will have a choice - carry out the installation of more important updates and do not harass the system with a different neobov'yazkovoy nitress.

It is also necessary to carry out a manual installation of the system update through the "Windows Update Center". Periodically check with each section of the system updates, so that you can independently install important updates.

If you need to avoid re-installing that problematic update, if you are in trouble, you can take yoga. On this update, click on the context menu and press "Attach update".

So you yourself can add other updates - not important, but simply recommended, so as not to harass the system.

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