Width and height: the size of the element. The parameters css width and height for setting the size of the elements html side Meaning height

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I will install the block or replacement elements (before them, for example, the tag ). Visota does not include the space between the navkol element, the meaning of the steps and the fields.

If, instead of the block, I will change the height, the height of the element will become invisible, and instead it will appear on top of it. Through this special feature, you can overlap elements one on one, if the elements in the HTML code are sent last. Without getting too bad, add overflow: auto to the element style.


height: value | vidsotki | auto | inherit


This value can be accepted whether it is a single genre, accepted in CSS - for example, pixels (px), inches (in), dots (pt) and ін. When the percentage is recorded, the height of the element is calculated as fallow from the height of the Batkiv element. As Batko is clearly not prompting, then how does it appear in the browser window. auto will switch the output from the element instead of

HTML5 CSS2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

Result given the butt shown in fig. one.

Small. 1. Anchorage height

Objective model

document.getElementById ("elementID") .style.height


Browser Internet Explorer 6 incorrectly viznacha height yak min-height.

In the Internet Explorer confusion mode up to version 8.0, it is included incorrectly calculating the height of the element, which does not reach the value of access, fields and between.

Internet Explorer up to and including 7.0 will not accept inherit.

Hello, shanovny readers! It is possible to set the definition of block elements in the web site from the current year. with the help of css authorities and set up the display of content in the event that it is not possible to take revenge in the element.

width і height - width and height of elements in css

For the additional attributes of the style width and height, you can set the width and height of the block elements as appropriate:

width: auto |<ширина>| inherit
height: auto |<ширина>| inherit

As the value can be victorious, be it available in css, odds of vimir - for example, pixels (px), inches (in), dashes (pt) and ін.

p (width: 200px; height: 150px)

In addition to absolute odds, you can set the same value for the size of elements in a lot. At the same time, the width and height of the element are deposited from the width and height of the Batkiv element. Yakshcho dad is clearly not prompting, he can see it in the browser window.

div (width: 40%;)

The auto value is shown by the size of the element to the web browser and the value for the promotion. At the same time, the size of the element will be the same, but in a new way, the whole place will be taken.

Clearly visible knuckle butt.

width and height

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For many applications, they opened the div block and inserted paragraph p with the text. For divs, mi suvoro were set to a size of 300 by 300 pixels. At element p, the meaning of power has width і height івні auto, which can be seen on the screen shot, its width has become equal to the width of the Batkiv element, and the height has become such, so that the text is placed in a paragraph.

Now the css has been adjusted for the paragraph p and the settings are fixed:

Layer2 (
background: #eee;
width: 250px;


As a rule, the width of the paragraph has already become 250 pixels, and its height has changed so that the text is inserted, the height parameter has become equal to auto.

Now let's put the height and the width of the paragraph at the height:

Layer2 (
background: #eee;
width: 50%;
height: 50%;


The yak is visible on the picture, the width of the element p of the door is half the width of the div element. And the height was increased and the door was 75 times the height of the div.

With a given width and height of any elements in any one unit, you can use the minimum and maximum possible size. Also, for example, when changing the size of the browser window, the size of the element can change and change to such changes, so that the readability of the site will become even lower.

Visually, the minimum width and height is possible with the additional min-width and min-heigh attributes:


Similar attributes to the style max-width and max-height allow you to set the maximum size:


It’s not surprising, but given the maximum and minimum values ​​of the height and width, the size of the element cannot become larger than the maximum and minimum values ​​of the minimum value.

Varto clarify parameters height and width ma sens leishe for block tags, Oscillations for small elements and parameters are not processed by the browser.

It can be done this way, given the hard parameters of the height and width of the element, so that the content can not fit into the bordering area.

For example, change the paragraph p with different butts up to 100 pixels:

Layer2 (
background: #eee;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;


Yak it is clear that the text of the weishov behind the inter-paragraph and viglyadє is not even beautiful. For unique situations, there is a css overflow rule.

Overflow overflow parameter for prikhovannya (hidden, visible) or scrolling (scroll, auto) content

You can redo the content if you span the width and height of the element. Two paragraphs are visible:

First paragraph text

Text of another paragraph


So, as the width and height for paragraphs are not set, the browser is self-supporting, and the browser has its own value auto. As a result, paragraphs by width have taken up all the available space, and by the frequency of the content, which can be found in them.

Now the first paragraph has a width:

First paragraph text

Text of another paragraph


The width of the paragraph has changed, and the height has become such, so that the whole text is cleared up.

Well, now it's intertwined with the first paragraph that visota:

First paragraph text

Text of another paragraph

As a result, it turned out that the text could not fit into the area of ​​the lower susid until such an interlaced paragraph. Apparently, it’s not practical to read the text in the first place, or in other paragraphs. Itself for managing behavioral content in such situations isnu overflow rule:

overflow: visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit

For overflow suggestions, the value of visible is accepted, as if viewed in a browser, it would be rendered instead, but would not fit into a container. The result can be poked on the butt.

The rule is to take everything away from the container:

The value of scroll is displayed in the element vertically and horizontally;

First paragraph text

Text of another paragraph

Most popular and logical solutions, if you want to know how to scrolling for a container є meaning auto... The browser itself is visually impaired if it is scrolled along some of the axes of the display:

First paragraph text

Text of another paragraph


For adjusting smogs, scrolling can also be done with attributes to the style overflow-x and overflow-y, which allow you to adjust the image scrolling along the circumferential axes. In such a rank, horizontally and for vertically.

To that, if you, for example, need it, that in the paragraph, the horizontal scrolling did not show a nicholas, but vertically appeared only for the need, then it is enough to write the css rule:

p (overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto;)

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Element height and widthє quantities to be calculated. The skin element of the web site will set up a straight-line region, as it is stored at its own store from several regions. content areas (vmistu), areas of access, frame areasі fields of fields element.

Mіzh vmіstom element and th frame to be found enter padding, outside of the element fields margin. The area instead of the skin element, the other area is not necessarily viscous.

Small. 1. Block model of an element

1. Hanging element

The power of height sets the height of the content of the block element and does not flow into small elements display: inline; ... The visibility of small elements of the road is large enough. Negative values ​​are not allowed. Power will not calm down.


P (height: 100px;)

2. Element width

Power width sets the width of the content of the block element and does not fit into small elements display: inline; ... The width of the smallest elements of the road is the width of the other. Negative values ​​are not allowed. Power will not calm down.


P (width: 100px;)

3. Height and width of the absolutely positioned element

Set the width and height of the absolutely positioned element position: absolute; whichever is necessary, splinters at the height and width are implicitly determined by the element's usage. Since the border and margin fields have been set for the element, it stinks to change the size of the area instead of to different values.

Div (background: # 6A7690; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 50%; right: 0;) / * in this vipad the height of the element is 100%, width is 50% from the father's block * /
Small. 2. The height and width of the absolutely positioned element

4. Enter the item

For additional power padding, you can step in one hour for several sides of the element in this order:. As the element is thin, it will be wider at the entrance to that number. Negative values ​​are not allowed. Power will not calm down.

Three values ​​are given, for example, div (padding: 10px 20px 30px;), it stinks in this order: the first value is the upper edge, the other is the right and left edge, the third is the lower edge.
If two values ​​are given, for example, div (padding: 10px 20px;), then you must first set the top and bottom margin, or the right one.
One value, for example, div (padding: 10px;), insert the same margin on all sides of the element.


P (Padding: 5px 10px 15px 10px;)

4.1. Step from one side of the element

To set an edge only from one side of the element, you need to speed up one of the authorities padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left, for example:

P (padding-left: 10px;)

5. Element fields

Lots of items are displayed one in one field. The power of margin is a short form of writing down the fields of an element in an offensive order: top, right, bottom, left... Vikoristovuyutsya once if you need to assign a field from many sides, but not necessarily from chotir. The vertical fields of the block elements are flapping, and the upper and lower fields do not seem to be good for small elements. Negative values ​​are allowed. Power will not calm down.

Three values ​​are given, for example, div (margin: 10px 20px 30px;), the stench is distributed in this order: first value - top margin, other - right or left margin, third - bottom margin.
If two values ​​are given, for example, div (margin: 10px 20px;), then first set the top and bottom margin, the other - right and left.
One value, for example, div (margin: 10px;), set the same fields to all sides of the element.

(margin: 0 auto;) Just do it if the width of the element is specified explicitly.

Small. 3. margin: auto; for an absolutely positioned element


Div (margin: 5px 10px 2px 5px;)

5.1. Fields on one side of the element

Power margins margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left are to be drawn with margins from the skin side of the element, for example:

P (margin-left: 10px;)

6. Bridging of width and height

CSS also takes on a bit of authority over the width of the web elements: min-height, min-width, max-height and max-width. The power of power allows you to set the minimum and maximum value of the width of the element, giving the element the ability to memorize the available space. Powerfulness is often used for responsive web site design. Freeze for all elements, small and small and table elements. Be sure to go with the basic rule, tobto. write to the element height or width. Chi will not calm down.

You can ask for help some odinits vimir, and intercourse with others for help, for example:

Div (width: 400px; max-width: 50%;)

An element that is 400px wide is only as important as 50% of the width of the block-container, but the width will be reduced.

The power of the css width is based on the value of the width of the area in the place of the element.

Width: value | vidsotki | auto | inherit

The power of the css height is based on the value of the area from the space of the element.

Height: value | vidsotki | auto | inherit

Negative values ​​of the height and width are not allowed.

Well, with the power of CSS, everything is simple and intelligent, but for good reason, it’s not so easy to appear.

Setting the width of an element on the web site for an additional power width of 500px does not mean that the width of the element will be 500 pixels and not more.

However, it is necessary to use the power of width and height to set the value of the width and height for the area from the inside.

Power width and height - only one of the storage boxes will be calculated by the width and height of the element. The stench will imply the width of the content area, as you can poke on the offensive image. Similarly, the formulated zalous width and height take on the fate of such power as padding, margin and border.

You can easily roll over.

Let's, for example, take two blocks with the same width, and one of them can be supplied with additional power of padding.

width: 100px
width: 100px + padding

For suggestions, the web side may have a behavior, so that the value of padding for the given side is given up to the value of the height and width.

Tobto. the width of the element is equal to the value of the width of the element and to it plus the value of padding-left and padding-right.

For different types elements, as it is possible to design on the side, the width and height of the elements can be used for special formulas.

For different types of elements, as you can use the width and height values ​​on the web pages, you can change the behavior of that value.

A similar situation will be with height.

height: 100px
height: 100px + padding

CSS has a special algorithm for calculating the width and height values ​​for new elements on the web site. I will not be bothered by any algorithm, because vіn descho foldable.

It infects us to the smut of intelligence, but the power of width and height allows us to practice because of the width and height of the area itself because of the element, and not the width and height of the element.

For promovchannyam for block elements vikoristovuєtsya auto width. Tse means that the element will be stretched horizontally on the stiles, on the slivers є vіlnogo mіstsya... The hanging of the block elements for the promotions will automatically arise, tobto. the browser stretches the area in place of the vertical straight line so that the entire space is displayed. In order to set the power dimensions for the area instead of the element, you can choose the power width and height.

CSS has the power of width to set the width of the region instead of the element, and the power of height to set the region instead of:

I respect you that the width and height of the authorities must start with the size of only the region in place, but you need to calculate the width of the block element; Those are the very ones who are hungry for the value of the element, only all the values ​​are numbered vertically:

Name the document

For a given paragraph, only the width and height are set.

The whole paragraph is to avenge, to the width and height, to the inner ledge, to the frame and to the outer ledge.

Sprobuvati "

At the butt, you can see that another element of the loan is more spacious than the first. As soon as we are concerned about our formula, then the size of the first paragraph is 150 × 100 pixels, and the size of the other paragraph:

Zagalna visota:5px+ 10px+ 100px+ 10px+ 5px= 130px
visota lower

tobto 180 × 130 pixels.

Reduction of elements

In addition, since we have set the width and height for the element, we will be respected for one important moment - instead of changing the middle of the element, you can change the meaning of the size to the block. At the end of the day, there is a lot of vipadim instead of going beyond the element, so that you will not be able to find an unpleasant moment, you can speed up CSS power overflow. The power of overflow is visible to the browser, as you need to change the size of the box, if you change the size instead of the block. The power of power can take one of the following meanings:

  • visible - the value, like the browser will be victorious for the changes. The statement of the same meaning is the same effect, as is the appearance of the overflow power setting.
  • scroll - scrolling vertically and horizontally to the element of smog.
  • auto - scrolling for consumption.
  • hidden - take a part instead of going outside the block element.
Name the document
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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