Suchasnі elt monitors. Monitor with electronic exchange tube

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Ostannі kіlka rokіv, yaki bazhali pribati monitor for office abo home computer, have been on razdorіzhzhі - what vibrati RK - or EPT-monitor? Coristuvachi most hour We were given a pass to the EPT-outbuildings, which were less than effective when the image was displayed on the RC-screen. But the problem was revived, and the fate of the situation changed dramatically. RK-displays actively display their ELT-siblings on the market of monitors and win the hearts of TV buyers. Company-leaders in digital sample the signal, which is based on the similarity of buyers and trends in the development of technologies and market, is used, which may be behind the RC-panels, in order to become universal (TV and monitor in one "package").

EPT-monitors have no excess overload

Proving the corny of a display with a traditional electronic exchange tube (ELT), but the rock is enough for that - shorter transfer of color, more to the point of view, more contrast to the top. Until then, the prices on the monitor were gradually changing.

Numerous outsiders go ahead

As long as a 15-inch EPT-monitor cost $ 300 for a 15-inch EPT, then a good 19-inch display of such kind of virobniks (and do not beat the quality), like Phillips, Samsung or ViewSonic, can be bought for the same penny.

It’s worthwhile, so you’re able to promote the benefits of health and wellness, as well as the need to buy a lot of money. ...

A collection of arguments for the recovery of a solid crystal monitor is still scarce. Outside of the daytime for the healthier, the buyer was the most, very, very small size.

The RK-monitor modestly sits on the edge of the table and leaves enough room for some of the computer accessories, some of which are constantly getting better. Along with all the other parameters - brightness, contrast, quickness of clicks, color transmission - LCD monitors for the last hour of the day were giving up to their large and important "pipe-partners" brothers.

About the perspectives of LCD monitors on the Russian and light market in his own internet rozpov Dmitro Kravchenko, manager of components and peripheral property of Acer CIS Inc. Is the Russian market of LCD monitors developing dynamically?
It is possible with the help of a stverdzhuvati, the market of RK-monitors in Russia is developing "vibuho-like". The private companies and the home-grown ones practically bought the traditional EPT monitors from new computers through the obvious improvement of the RK technology over the EPT. In addition, there is a magnificent market upgrade from EPT to LCD. How fast is the Russian market of RK-monitors developing dynamically? How can you be called promising for the best price-two?
With a promising straightforward market of monitors for home and SOHO-panes, it is possible to use traditional and wide-format RC-monitors with a great screen display and versatile interface (analog, DVI, AV), with Such annexes are ready before the media convergence and may be needed for a reason. For the corporate market, the most promising є 17-inch traditional RC-monitors, since The stench is optimal for the indicator of turnover of investments (ROI), as well as the tendency of the European market and the Russian market cannot be overshadowed. What is the part of the sovereign sector that private companies in the middle of the RK-displays in Russia? What is the situation on the Russian market to see from this, what is on the Western European market?
A part of the sovereign sector is still minimal, but there is also a tendency to switch from EPT to RK technology. The Russian market of RK-monitors is of the Western European market for reasons of economic nature, but for the repetitive tendencies and regularities of the European market. How can you assess the prospects for the development of the Russian market of laptops (stink of the RK-screen) at the call, how the RK-screen is going to be cheaper, and why has it turned out to be significant?
Prospects for the development of the Russian market of laptops are assessed as for the given reasons for nutritional reasons, and also, the main transfer of laptops from people with desktop PCs is the mobility of the grandfather - because of the large number of people available. Tse maє to bring the market of mobile PCs to a booming growth. The situation will be suitable until today, as it was sported to the market mobile phone call if mobile phone becoming acceptable for the price of bagatokh. Can you see any changes on the market of RC-panels at the link with the active expansion of new models, is the problem of “effective development” of the image on the RC-screen violated?
In addition to the date given to the vision (div. Nutrition 2 - CNews), which means that 15-inch RK-monitors will become the most popular segment on the Russian market of RK-monitors in a matter of one hour at a price. Before any changes in the structure of the market, the product of the "development" of RK-monitors and RK-TV?
Until quietly, if LCD-TV is much more expensive for ELT-TV views with a different screen diagonal, there are no other changes in the structure of the side-by-side TV market. At the same time, the "development" of the RK-monitors and RK-TV can bring to a decrease in the rate of RK-TV, the channel zbutu IT-products is dynamic, the lower the channel zbutu bytovoy technology. Similarly, the development of "development" is stimulating the growth of the market of media centers on the basis of a PC. Dyakuyu.

The rest of the rock didn’t disappear for a long time. The provincial witches didn’t stand on the mission and were constantly working on the details of the characteristics of such displays, and the price for them in the last day of the week went down. As a result, the problem of the monitor's vibration has become borderline acute.

However, the price is not deprived of the Russian koristuvachiv. American and European survivors couldn’t have become like their companions, and companies that were engaged in advanced computer markets, respectedly quilted, as tendencies to climb the mountain.

Only a few rocky in that part of LCD monitors in Europe fell close to 10% of the market. Experts were respected, but the stench won't soon be able to get sympathy from koristuvachiv.

However, the fate of finishing the rapt was a turning point in the mood of the European survivors - the stinks reduced the costs of purchases of EPT displays, the directors of the sales of the RK monitors more overturned the obligations of the sales of the winners of the modern

Chim garniy RK-monitor?

The growth of interest to the new generation of displays is accelerated by factors. For the corporate sector, it is an important furnishings for those with RK-monitors to live significantly less than electricity. If there are monitors on the tables at hundreds of services, the economy of the company can be seen.

Spozhivacha, like a buy-in monitor for a home victorian, you can pick up those that can be comfortably victorious for 3D-igor. Most of the current 15-inch models now reach 25 ms for an hour, which has caused the image to be displayed on the screen.

I will look horizontally up to 120-150 degrees, and then try to help them see them on the screen, maybe not just the gravel, which is sitting without the middle next to the monitor. In addition, the basic design of a 15-inch RC display (1024 × 768) is, yes, there is a possibility of gratitude at old іgry, broken down into separate buildings 800 × 600, so it’s practical to be like new іgry.

Another important circumstance, which is the origin of the vibrator, is the process of convergence of the computer monitor and television. The sale has more and more monitors, such as a TV tuner, a rose type "scart" or "tulip", a remote control.

Such an attachment ceases to be a monofunctional attachment to a computer and to build self-sufficient value, so that it can be used by all members of the family. As a result, the purchase of a solid crystal display has become more and more true, and companies have seen tendencies in sales reports that have improved.

It is noteworthy that at the last week of the broadcast technology Internationale Funk-ausstellung, which took place in Berlin (IFA, to climb once on two rockets), the provincial TV broadcasters in the middle spoke in one voice about those who were So, according to the predictions of the pre-recent Display Search company, in 2005, 12 to 13 million TVs were sold from solid-crystal screens.

The companies-leaders in the digital signal processing (for the last hour they invested in a whole penny), at the same time, intensively expanding the old and displaying new microcrystalline TV and monitors (leave the segment for the construction of For example, the Motorola company went on a 30-year break (she was a pioneer in the American market for television broadcasts and went out of business in 1974).

RK-monitors: sellers and tendencies

At the guidance of the lower diagrams, sales reports of 10 types of display screens were displayed, which could have been sold on the European market in another quarter 2003 r. ponad 100 yew. One of RK-monitors for skin.

The first three brands on the list - Dell, Samsung, HP - account for almost 10% of the market of monitors in Europe. However, the stench, it seems, has not yet been left behind, as the product is a priority for them. Once the sales liabilities of LCD displays have been completed, the balance of the EPT monitors has to be equalized. And the axis of the company Acer, as it borrowed a quarter of a month (due to the sales commitments), clearly destroyed the residual vibration on the back of new technologies. 83% of all monitors sold by her in Europe are solid-crystal. You can also see the development of a small part of the Sony corporation market, as I practically increased my concentration on the "vvadzhenny" in our life itself of such displays - 93% of the total number of monitors sold by it bulimi rіdkokrystalіchі.

On the coming diagrams, the representatives of companies, such as Acer and Sony, were betting on the sales of RK-displays.

(On the European market in 2Q 2003 p.)

Dzherelo: for materials from the British company Meko Ltd.

In general, it is the policy of the companies that is aimed at making sure that the future competitor is allowed to expand its presence on the markets of Europe and Russia.

Rosiya krokuє at your foot?

And how can you help us sell LCD monitors in Russia at once? We have been promoted to the foreign brands of the dell, and, for example, the Dell monitors, which are leading for popularity in Europe, we seem to have no such popularity. We have even more popular displays from Iiyama and ViewSonic, as in Europe they take 15-16 months for the sale.

At the same time, to show you how Russia and the land of the SND is full of people to follow the European trends. Lots of LCD sales have been growing steadily for the 2nd quarter of 2003. 237 yews were sold on the site of the victim. such monitors. For a number of indicators, we have already come close to the lands of Central Europe. To that є give respect, that the unforgettable work tables of the greater part of our koristuvachіv can also embellish the safe and elegant crystalline monitors, and the dilemma "how to vibrate" in the past.


Version for druku


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TB, which has its own kinescope design, has long been replaced by plasma and solid crystal annexes. Protest є people, at the booths where you can still have a tsi attach. Through the old term of the service, the stench often goes out of the way, so that, unimportant to the development of technologies, the repair of cinema televisions is required by service.

Attach a kinescope

The role of the head part in the television receiver of the old device is an electronic exchange tube (ELT), which is called a kinescope. The principle of її dії runtutsya on the electronic emisії. The mechanism of such a tube includes:

  • electronic harness;
  • focusing and vidhilyayuchih coppers;
  • anodic visnovok;
  • Tinovu mask for subtle color images;
  • luminophore ball with small zones of light.

Kineskop, vygotovleniya zі skla, cover the middle with a discrete phosphor. The color is stored in three - a pair of three specks, the skin looks like a red, blue and green color.

A speck, when you enter the workforce, take it for granted, when you enter into a particular electronic harness, and start with a light intensity. For the completion of the necessary modification in the design of the tube, a special metal is used, a thin, narrow or aperture type.

The robot principle

The image that appeared on the TV screen, promin, squealing with electronic harmony, is guilty of lastly tipping all points at right angles to the right and from the top down, wailing to the right. The speed of the change over the screen is guilty of up to 75 times per second The point will be extinguished. As soon as the speed drops to 25 times per second, the picture is reduced to the smallest size.

The interchange, where the luminophoric coating stuck out, was hammered out, a system was attached to the neck of the kinescope, which could be stored from some bobbins. The magnetic field, which is located on them, is shown in the image of the exchanges in the right direction. Outside specks, how to curl up, are stored in one image underneath the same signals. For the skin directly to change the appearance of a specific rosette:

  • small will get a straight horizontal direction;
  • staffing for the vertical roll.

Krim straight traktorіy є zigzagopodіbnі (from the upper left to the lower right kuta of the monitor) and go round. Behind the collapse of the ringing line, signals are generated with a clear response.

Main technical characteristics The cinematic screen uses the frame rate, which is measured in hertz. Chim vona vishcha, tim stiykishim will be the image. The addition of the frequency of the vertical rosette by the number of rows, which can be displayed in one frame, is the parameter of the frequency of the rows in the cycle. It follows from the way of formatting the picture (row or through row) guys and unpaired rows can be stored by or by one hour by stretching one frame of the frame.

Інshiy important parameter - size of luminescent points... Wine is poured into the clarity of the image. Chim other specks, tim is more beautiful. The picture on the screen is clear, the size between them is 0.26-0.28 mm.

At the black-and-white television viewers, the screen of the electronic-exchange pipe and more often be covered with a phosphor, which is less bright. An electronic searchlight, fastened at the neck of the tube, shaped like a thin cut, like a scanned screen in rows and a luminophore. The intensity of such light is regulated by the strength of the video signal, so that all information about the image can be avenged.

Any problems

Every hour of robotics of a cinematographic television set, there can be a variety of problems. The reason for this is the failure of the parts of the electronic exchange mechanism.

Go out from the fret of the living block to the point before the attachment won't get in. To reconcile the first step, it is necessary to switch on the cascade of a small branch, for the vicon role of mounting, then solder a side-by-side lamp into the circuit. The visibility of the light in the lamp is to signal, but the block of the living of injuries.

Problems in the row of rosters emerge from the storage of such lamps. Continuously signaling about the incompatibility of the output transistor. In a normal state, the lamp is guilty of spalahuvati that goes out.

When smoothing horizontally, how to curl up, then turn the respect to the frame of the frame. In order to update the robot, it is necessary to reduce the level of quality, by ourselves having stolen the luminous ball. In addition, it is necessary to reconsider the comparability of the generator, which is assigned, and the output stage. With a wide range of voltages, it should be in the range of 24-28 volts.

For the most part, the problem can be caused by the problems of kinescope handling. In the process of diagnostics, it is necessary to reconsider the thread of stress and stress on it. Since the integrity of the thread is not damaged, current winding mill... Replace the transformer if necessary.

If there are problems with the color block and the video signal, the sound will be lost. A problematic situation, if the sound of the image does not appear to be evident, means that there is a problem in the low-frequency signal. Like the sound of the image at once, that is the reason for the varto shukati in the radio channels, which is wrong. to start the video processor and tuner.

Services for the repair of TVs

For usunennya malfunctions in the robot of the televiz_nogo samotruchka, it is necessary to know about the attachment and the robot of the kinescope. Lack of such knowledge is dumb, it turns more beautifully up to high-quality fahivts. It is not important to know the company to carry out the repair of EPT televisions.

The majority of such companies provide customers with a quick way of repairing (at home or at home) and without diagnostics. The Mysteries should be able to diagnose the problem and learn it very well for all the details recommended by the TV reviewers, which are not very well possessed. There is a guarantee for all the robots. All the problems that come up with an hour of the guarantee term, will be learned without any problems.


Let's talk about the monitor - LCD and EPT, just more beautiful. Earlier, if there was a black-and-white monitor - a robot behind a computer for the eyes of a rather insecure one. Ale at once an hour changing and progress of monitors can be seen with an everlasting eye.

  • Porivnyannya ZhK ta ELT
  • The monitors of the year have changed even more, the stench has become invisible - the RK monitors have come to replace the EPT, the stench is not great in the case of the EPT, and on the table it will not occupy a great scene. And also the stench is less friendly to electricians. Is it more beautiful than Christmas, ELT and LCD? Zvychayny koristuvachi in chorus give an indication of the LCD, is it so for the sake of it?

    The monitor, as a lot in a whole word, often wonders for more than an hour, but not on older children, it’s a pity that the monitor’s choice needs to go even more seriously and informally.

    ELT abo electronic exchange tube

    The EPT monitor is like a tube filled with vacuum. The front part of the monitor is a luminophore. For the luminophor, we create folding warehouses based on solid earth metals, such as іtriyu, erbiyu. Yaksho in simple words, then the luminophore is a chain, as I will fix the light, if a charge is supplied to it. The EPT-monitor vivodiv the image, vykorystvuetsya electronic garmat, won’t let the electrons pass through the metal mask (grid) on the inner surface of the monitor’s glass screen, as it is inserted with colorful luminous dots.

    If you take a new EPT monitor for a type, then you can show it more kindly (if necessary, the image can be coriguvati). The EPT monitor has one strong side, which is less expensive than LCD - the transfer of color. Yak do not twist, ale in EPT won more beautifully, lower at the LCD. Only IPS matrices in RK monitors allow you to check the color transmission of EPT.

    The extravagant EPT monitors have three electronic garmatians, if the old people have only one black-and-white bully.

    The human eye can react to three main colors, chervonia, blue and greens that are on their combination, the stench and the stench of the number of colors is great. The frontal part of the monitor becomes a luminophore, and the top part of the monitor is a ball, and it is folded from points - small pads, which can be uncomfortable to look at. The very stink of a direct sense of the main color RGB.

    RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is an additive color model, I will describe the method for synthesizing a color for creating a color.

    Besides the electronic exchange tube, also є electronics, the signal from the video card of the computer is processed behind the other. Electronics is engaged in image optimization - if the signal is stable and stable, the picture is stable on the monitor, if the signal is unstable.

    Minus EPT-monitors are those who stink on the eyes, as well as a lot of light. And at the same time, in the hour of the stench it’s bad, you don’t know the EPT monitor anymore, which will show it like an LCD, but if it’s more than 17 inches, then the “mile” will be remembered at once.

    RK abo solid crystal monitors

    Ridky crystals, on which RK-monitors are based, are characterized by a transitional frame of speech, which is firm and bright, while at the same time the crystal structure of the molecules is ensured and the plinness is ensured. The matrix of such a monitor is effective in a sense of the origin, for example, if you can easily press your finger on the monitor, then you poke around like you are in the middle. Tse rіdkokrystalіchny rozchin. A selection of crystal vikoristov was shown in the displays of calculators, as well as digital anniversaries, later they also switched to PDAs and monitors of computers.

    The current year is not even bigger, but rather the EPT was replaced by the RC monitors.

    RK - there are two panels, the stench is taken from a thinner and clean layer (lining), between the panels - a thin ball of hard crystals (called pixels), the stench takes a part in the stimulation of the image. At the vidminu from the EPT-monitors, at the ZhK є also the witness as "rіdne" called - tse those, on which the monitor bazhano schob pratsyuvav. It is also expanded to allow the monitor to display the best picture. As soon as the visibility is expanded, then the image will be more or less tricky (the thinness will be lost, є not great performance), if the navpaki - will be expanded, but a part of the screen will be filled with black color.

    The contrast of the monitors is based on the comparison of colors between bilym (yak nayaskravishim) and black (darkened) colors. A good indicator is 120: 1. Exactly the image of the monitor in the building with a contrast ratio of 300: 1.

    Porivnyannya ZhK ta ELT

    The RK monitors are good, as the stink will grow flat, the picture is read below the EPT-monitor, and the color can also be found in abundance. Every day, be it a song, and there is also a vital problem of "nice" (image) - all the time is at the "thin" monitors, whose stench goes in front of the EPT.

    Axis on the picture of the supplementary information about the growth of monitors, ale tsikavo those, the picture of the trocha calamut, the size, just so at once show the EPT monitors a lot (they are new, do not let the odd stinks are old):

    It is possible to build a visitor, the RK monitor is more beautiful, and the EPT did not just go in the past, but if you can bathe an expensive monitor, the stench is less awkward for the eyes when trivial robots at the computer.

    The axis is your lock. A lot of 15-inch RC monitors in the normal mode can live close to 20-40 W (in the cleaning mode less than 5 W), you can change it with a 17-inch EPT monitor, which in robots can live from 90 to 120 W (in the cleaning mode) - 15 watts). Can you tell me? I'll screw you up again - if the monitor is almost every day, and so the whole working day, then on a 17-inch EPT you will get 300 kW, the price is about 15 inches. RK - 60 kW (17 inches I don't think it will be more). Not for you, but if there are a hundred, two, three hundred computers in the company, you’ll think about a new type of monitor.

    Alle є і strong sides of EPT monitors, as the rule of smelling great to designers - color transfer. If you correct a day for the Republic of Kazakhstan, and then wonder at the EPT, then kindly remember the difference between the transferred color and the image.

    It’s uncomfortable for an hour, since the policemen of the shops have practically acquired TV views and monitors, which are based on cathode-exchange technology. Nagadaєmo, a number of large outbuildings, which borrowed half of the computer table. All at a time, їkhnya tovschina rarely changes 10 cm, and it’s only because of the urahuvannya of the lamp drive.

    It’s not surprising that I’ve happily forgotten about those who also have an EPT monitor. And dareny! I would like to find the most common crystal analogs based on the parameters of the wine viper.

    Yak vlastovani monitors EPT

    Nasampered, deciphering the abbreviation. From the same time, under the term "ELT", there was an electronic exchange, but, as they used earlier, a cathode tube (in English CRT - Cathode Ray-Tube). As a rule, when the word "pipe" is used, most people represent a cylinder, from the butt ends of which there is no wall. Speak about those EPT-monitors, who are going to be guessed, but in this particular vipadka there is also a notice of pomilkov. That is why the shape of the tube is far from cylindrical and expands to an area from one side. The surface of the surface is the front piece, the one on which the image is formed. The inner side of the house is covered with a special speech - a luminophore. Yogo unique power of the pole is in that, when the particles hit a new stream of charged particles, they naturally become transformed into svychennya.

    In such a rank, the EPT-monitor is an adjunct, in which bunches of electronic exchanges show a picture on the inner side of the screen. Lyudin is to bach the lights of the luminophore.

    On the other side of the flask, there is a block of electrodes, which are called garmat. The stench itself is full of particles.

    In other words, the EPT-monitor is stored in a flask, an electric wire-harness, and a control circuit.

    The robot principle

    Yak seemingly, three greens for a singing child, red and blue - you can neglect all of them, including those. At color monitors, the entire internal surface of the screen is stored in points that are cleverly grouped in three (blocks of 3 pieces). The skin of them is built up in one of the main colors. There are also three elektrodiv, skinned from their points. In the singing order, they ignite and pass them on the screen; Before the speech, in the annexes of the black-and-white image there is only one garmat.

    To control the flow of particles, electromagnetism is shown, and the cob is directly connected to the growth of potential.

    So, it’s technically to finish quickly to ensure the accuracy of the exchange for your point, vikoristovuєtsya special solution - a mask. Cleverly seemingly, the grid is perforated with screen and harmata. Є різні tipi masks. Often the stench itself is indicative of the particularity of the image (readability, the shape of dots-pixels).

    Oscillations sent to the blow of a part of the luminophore will change rapidly, it is necessary to create a picture permanently. Yak is static and dynamic. To that exchange, you can paint the image dozens of times per second. Price list Chim the frequency of the whistle, the less the less the less the less.

    In Daniy hour repair of EPT-monitors for a given victorian at the warehouse computer systems Unsustainable, that's why the RK-technology is very promising. Vinyatok is a specific vikorystannya.

    Monitor: RK Chi ELT?

    Chi bagato hto s quiet, hto come to the store to check out the computer company, why buy a monitor, already know for sure, what is the demand?
    So, there is, perhaps, a trivial hour picking up views in the Internet, magazines and mass information Someone should rely on the arguments of friends, and sometimes - on a strong basis. Zrozumіlo, scho everyone, having rushed to buy, chimos keruєmosya. And how can we survive our pass with a super-leader with a company manager, a friend, a squad, just with a vip "sign", what kind of device did we have at the store?
    Whatever the case, no one has to play with his arguments, or wonder at some discussion from his side and think about him, as if they had led themselves into an analogous fallacy.
    There is also a problem of choosing the technologies of visual representation of information, as it is stagnant in computer monitors, until there is no downtime, but the mother is definitely a solution.

    EPT Monitor - on the last day, all virobniks step by step turn over to the LCD. It’s not for nothing that you don’t get new models of EPT-monitors on the current computers of Vista, but those that can still be installed in stores are not for sales of something that has been stuck in warehouses, for the sake of such lack of quality.

    Well, with the virobniks, everything was zoomed. The profitability of the production of budget (tobto new) models of ELT monitors has practically dropped to zero. And on professional models, it’s not a lot of money to buy from a decent national, but a little will get drunk on the current prospects of the expanded market. The very change of arrival (and not the fall of the drink, as it can be boiled down) is the main reason for the loss of the EPT-monitors. Before the speech, a similar situation went two or three times to that on the market of CD-RW drives, if HP came, Yamaha and those great virobniks, who unanimously took up the development of promising direct recording DVDs.

    RK monitors have already ceased to be divine, the protean effect of technological novelty has ceased to exist. Plus before that, reserve the LCD technology until the end of the day, not to be paid to the virobniks є beforehand. For a given stage, you can trim a whole decent influx, wind up the relatively small parties of RK monitors of the cob ryvnya - as well as Kazati about the leader-giants.

    But if you take a RK monitor with a 15-17 inch screen, you can know the EPT model, as if you weren't going to compromise on key parameters, and if you had a whole lot of money, it would be cheaper.

    Well, schodo "know" - I am still wondering. To get the truth to work, to know the truth. Those key parameters need to be revised. There is also one of the main passages of LCD monitors - the whole size is small. The stench is easy to spread on any table, it can be closed on the wall. In general sense, the EPT-monitors do not develop with them.

    So, EPT-monitors, on the basis of RC-models, are more and more important. Ale, let’s s'yasuєmo, whose prices are important to pass. For example, is chi taka important for an ordinary koristuvach vag monitor?

    Behind the great rakhunk, you will be hvilyuvati once - when transporting the monitor from the store to the dodomu. Plus, force majeure furnishings for a quick relocation and rearrangement of furniture, as the life of a large number of coristas can be trampled in the edge.

    Well ni! I’ll come across my last EPT-monitor (17-inch ViewSonic), in front of my writing style. That ruhati and transferring the monitor from the place to the place is not so easy! So wha is very important.

    Whoever is rotten to the table - so at the same time, when choosing furniture, you will have a lot of respect for animals. And if you are a clerk of RK monitors, then, in all cases, the computer style is guilty of being insured on a serial basis. And maybe tomorrow I will have a chance to bet on a new laser printer chi MFP - yak todi buti?

    Now about the gabarity. There is also a system unit for retouching under the table, a compact RK-monitor that allows a wide range of space between the monitor and keyboard. As efficiently as possible vicoristovuvaty tsyu dilyanka - food in the screen, oskil with robots with a computer, reach for the chogos, roztasovany for the keyboard, hardly manual.

    And in that case, if the monitor is installed on system block horizontal layout (desktop type) doesn’t fit into the game - the body is curved with a large area, so it’s impossible to save space and move about. Pidvisiti EPT-monitor on the wall - maybe not a problem. For those you can quickly use a TV bracket, which can be sold at once.

    Well, I don’t know, I’m just as handy to use the bracket for the TV set, I don’t want to do it anymore, there was such a “truna” hanging over the working table. Well, before the economy of the working space - after all, the keyboard does not deprive it of lying on the table. And with the victorian RK-monitor at the table, you can write that kind of kitchen iz kavoyu є kudi. Of course, for the EPT-monitor, you can buy a special computer style with a special price for the monitor, but you can't just embellish the misery of the apartment.

    So, it’s not like a skinny koristuvach maє monitor on the wall of a pidvishuvati. Ale yaksho taka is required to win - realizuvati її pratsі in stock. This problem is not so urgent - why are there enough people in the RC monitors to put them on the wall? For example, I don’t know such people.

    Talking about the fun, it’s impossible not to talk about the ones that we can inflict with a misnomer on the screen of the RK-monitor. It’s not so easy to wipe off the saws, it’s not so easy to wipe out the fingers (but try to clarify the child, you cannot tick the screen with your finger). With a strong onslaught of inheritance, it can be more serious - you can inadvertently push through the elastic surface and make the screen display.

    So in the EPT-monitor you can leave the dumbbells. You may see it as bad.

    Well, if it’s so mirkuvati, then the RK-monitor is a similar crash test, which is also not showcased. However, at the same time, it is impossible to overlook the fact that the screening of the EPT-monitors was not stolen in the butt above: its surface with a taut shield, which can be easily and quickly cleaned from the fat bits of fingers.

    Mushu say, that RK-monitors will be sent to the scrying pockets. And the axis also, besides, you don’t explain the child, kudi can be ticked, but kudi ni - you can even stick your fingers into the socket. As everything is so neglected, it’s more beautiful than a computer (before the speech, television can be more beautiful than a Vikinuti). Well, for the sake of visualization, the saw from the screen of the RK-monitor є to use special brushes. Before the speech, EPT-monitor may not be vichni - luminescent in an hour vigoryak.

    The resource of the hardened EPT-monitor (which will cost less for the RC model with the same size of the screen) is to be found during intensive exploitation to change the minimum number of rockets by five - for a whole hour, do not remember the pictures.

    First, a luminophore can be found in the lamp for the screen of the RK-monitor, which is what it says, but it tends to be a step-by-step vigor.

    So, the resource of the RK-monitor, and it’s no worse than a good one, should be cleaned up, as a minimum, by five rockies. Well, besides, for five years of wine it is already old-fashioned, but all one thing will happen to people just because life is not by the way.

    If you talk about the RK-monitors, then I guess that the RK-monitors are safe for health, so that the EPT-monitors will give their koristuvacham a bouquet of awesome vipromynuvans. It’s not for nothing that we have a lot of koristuvachіv skarzhayutsya on the loss of self-esteem and wandering wanting to cleanse their health for the help of special screens and eyepieces.

    So, all at once it’s easy to come across stories about “computer radio”, as I write on the “Low Radiation” monitor when I read it, it became strong, not near a nuclear reactor! Such pardons have spawned to complete the near-business business from the variety of different eyepieces and screens that can be bought for a penny - the contingent of those who survived and did not need to build up self-service analysis. It is enough to wonder at the price of cich virobes, so the mustache has become at its place: as ten rockets of that "nice zasobi" cost about 50 dollars. (on a budget - close to $ 5-10), so at once the stink of the style is stinky. At that hour, the technology radically changed, the computer became cheaper, and the monitor, as a minimum, the price of old eyepieces and screens should not be ignorant, but talk about those who do not need to use the specifics. As a result, the list of current screens and special eyepieces, as well as earlier, are used by all of these “proofs”, as for the case, with a chaotic set, which in practice does not change the facts of the quasi

    However, a lot of corystuvachіv EPT-monitorsіvіdlіvіyuvаlіvіlnіt per hour of robots at the special ophthalmologic eyepieces, as they glaze blue and shkіdlivе for the eyes ultraviolet vipromіnuvannya. And overlooking the most important region of the spectrum, the stench pіdvischuyut pracezdatnіstіt, wіll know a little bit more.

    So, so the titles of the effective placebo, tobto infused in, not yet skasovavav. Bagato koristuvachіv mean to find a friendly inflow of cactus, and a little about the decrease in vypromіnuvannya vіdіvіvіvnі vіdnіvіvnі vіdnіvnі vіkhny vіdіvіvnі vіkonі monіtorі vіdі vіkorіvіvі.

    It’s worthwhile to try hard UV-viprominuvannya (as we are to blame for the miracle-eyepiece vyrobniki) - it’s the myth: how to navigate from a school course in physics, everybody’s spectroscopic, especially efficiently ignorantly how to prepare the ELT flask. Before that, since the EPT was acting like a dzherelom of a forced UV-viprominuvannya, the monitor's screen was guilty of a heavy heating for an hour of the robot.

    But it is not possible to lock up those, which are beyond the level of electromagnetism and those of the same type of EPT-monitors є they are not safe for koristuvachiv, not RK-models.

    So, ale tse does not mean that the stench is not safe and it is not uncommon to grab an abiyak for yourself. Kinescope of the monitor for effective viprominuv viprominuvannya, as if it were an electric device, including a cooker. People were very happy to "magnetize", and to the end of the week to exchange speech. Zminny elektromagnitnі fields wikkayut the number of іonіv in human organіzmі, even if you want to get sick. In addition, it’s the field of vikoristovyu in medicine (for example, physiotherapy).

    Ale in medicine, everything is dosed and insured. As soon as you see it, it’s out of the way. Adzhe viprominyu і RK-monitor, ale yogo dіya uninvolved with a kinescope.

    Ale nіtrokhi do not diminish the dose of electromagnetical vipromіnuvannya mi "hapaєmo" from TV, pilosos, trolleybus, and if your ski є electrical wiring, then ї I pour more hot. With a lot of varto, I will respect those who, be it an EPT-monitor (it’s about ten times that), it’s unbeatable for a random TV show. A lot of our spivgromadyans spend 2-3 years on TV screens for a day, and practically none of them will tie up their ailments with a long flow of electronic exchange tubes.

    The top screens, where you can use the current EPT-monitors, replace a simple wall, like earlier, you can use a special kind of ball covering from the slope, a luminophore and metal, like you can see these functions, which are called zhisnі screens- for the reason, the victorious stay in the last part of the year be-a kind of sense.

    Moreover, as a result of a number of great EPT monitors, a lot of new technical solutions have been found at this hour, which helped to make the monitor as safe as possible. For example, the hulls of steel are ekranuvati: from the middle, a metal ball of a zavtovshka, a micron, equivalent, tim shonaimenshe, a whole sarcophagus with metal, will be nailed onto the hull. A revolution is taking place in the designs of electronic exchange tubes. Displays, being prepared for new technologies, may not give an electromagnetical boost, which is practically unsuitable for health.

    However, according to the standard GOST, the maximum triviality of the uninterrupted robot for the EPT-monitor is 20 khvili. With a large number of children, 12-15 years of age can be spent at the computer for no more than one year per day: a handful of two-year-olds, then a break of 15 minutes and two days. It has not been more than two years to invite students who are guilty before the EPT-monitor. If I want to go to GOSTs, it’s quite a lot to put on a regular madder (which is quite fair), all the same, when the robot is behind the RC-monitor, it’s less vomiting, less than the EPT-monitor.

    Here it is pre-verbal nagadati, that the civilized light already has ten rocky days of safety standards for computer monitors (TZN). In the world of development of technologies in accordance with the standard, there are deadly zhorstkishim, and skin chotiri rocky go New editorial TCO specific (TCO'95, TCO'99, TCO'2003). At the same time, the standard is one for all types of monitors that are issued. With such a rank, the design of the RK-and ELT-models, certified for the validity of the TCO'99 vimogs, will take care of the same high rіven safe for the health of a koristuvach.

    And for those next hour, the robots of the electronic exchange tube of the monitor accumulate a positive charge on the surface of the screen, and as a result, until the next attempt, you will be attracted to the saw, and after a decade, near the monitor, you will be able to concentrate the saw on one with a sieve amount of primacy? So it’s okay with such a monitor that it’s insanely drunk, not in the midst of it. Besides, he drank at his own devil, sits on the shkiri of revealing, hammering the pori, the shkira is not dying, but to make that early old shkirny veil until the little snake appears.

    The mystical science of Kabbalah is punishable by the pentagram of the area itself, when the wicked spirits are wicked, the pentagram itself appears. To do this, it is often necessary to pick up, to tidy up at home, to wipe the monitor and to open a quater for testing.

    It’s an hour to set up food: why, really, should you be able to see food without food before you get too old? That, too, there is still a tense goat in the hands of the adherents of the RK-technology. If you are already talking about safety in a wide sense, then it is impossible not to imply that the stamina of the corystuvach is infused with a lot of other factors. So, for example, one of the serious shortcomings of RK-monitors є clearly rotated the image of the image (kindly wrinkled the jagged edges of the letters, stolen thin lines), the negative in which it is especially washed out with the robots with text documents.

    … The problem has already been resolved for a long time. So you can have fun with the conversion by activating the ClearType option enough.

    ClearType is a price tag, some of the technology is stagnant, it’s impossible to use robotic fonts for an hour. For graphical institutions of the marne. Prior to that, the ClearType victorian on a PC due to the relatively low-endurance processors to significantly reduce the performance of the screen image, but, at your heart, you can dissolve the sutta discomfort for the killer.

    Suitable. If you have a 486 processor, then ClearTyp will not help you much. Before the speech, DOS 6.22 may not work well. Just not even more zealously, now you think about the graphic image?

    If you are talking about comfort, then you need to ask for and measure the staffing of EPT monitors. With a frame rate of 75 Hz, we just need to be built, which is of no use - we just get tired of it.

    The RK-monitor of the measure at the frequency of the personnel rotor is practically on the go, and it doesn’t matter if the frequency is set to 65, 75 or 87 Hz. For rakhunok inertness of pixels before the offensive frame, the luster of a pixel simply does not rise.

    So, the little bit in the EPT-monitors is very small, but it is impossible not to be ignorant, but the current models of the EPT-monitors and video cards allow the installation of such values ​​of the vertical rosette (100 Hz anyway), at a practical level of age. Before the speech, at most of the side-by-side TV screens, the frequency of the warehouse is all 50 Hz - and not many people in many years can pick up their beloved gray from the black screen. (Models of TVs with a 100-Hz rozgortkoy appeared on the market only recently, and they didn’t have a wide expansion through their temple price.)

    Moreover, a lot of RK-monitors and laptop screens can shrink from small lamps, moreover, on a good basis, the frequency is 50 Hz.

    Television broadcasting at 50 Hz - tse, slyly, right. Ale the demand is vrahovuvati, it’s not enough to wonder at the TV set from the viewpoint of the screen. And from the start of 2-3 meters - the same is the case for the history.

    Also monitors (on the view of the side-by-side TVs) and are distributed by themselves from this position, as people sit on the back of a knitted hand. Є інші aspects.

    EPT-monitors may be confused with the maximum distribution of the building, however, it is permissible to create a picture with the same good quality, but I do not change the maximum. In the RK-monitor, the image of the image is displayed by the matrix pixel, so that such a monitor does not protect the image in case of a robot with one single (!)

    RK-monitors allow to interpolate the image, as well as to the size of the building, to be seen from the size of the matrix.

    Ale the quality of the image is signified to be lost. Try, for example, try to tweak the other text or just look at the photos in the interpolation mode. It is unlikely that such a result can be called good.

    When you look at the films, or in the games of the change of the working matrix building, it is practical not to be aware of the quality of the image. Well, with the text, you can do it for some reason.

    In addition, for a number of models of RC monitors, it is possible to change the size of the image (the appearance of "one pixel of the image - one pixel of the screen") can be changed. temporality for a signal with a small separate building.

    Ale will be lucky enough to donate an effective area to the screen. For example, an alternative standard RC-monitor with a 15-inch screen size in diagonal and a separate building matrix of 1024 × 768 pixels. If the images from a separate building are 800 × 600 pixels in 1: 1 mode, the size of the picture is less than 11.7 inches in diagonal, so that more than 60% of the screen area will be covered.

    If you talk about re-viewing the video on the screen of the RC-monitor, then there is one serious problem. The inertia of the pixels in the RK-matrix is ​​to be produced before the objects collapse, the trail starts to smear, and the video is perceived to be insufficiently clear.

    Nichogo good! It is possible, as it was, more and more spostering in RC matrices of the first generation, ale new matrices and incompletely amalgamated ones. In the first place, it smells like a significantly shorter hour of the reaction of the axles, but in another way, it is necessary to wake up, so that the effect of the inertia of the axel is dimmed when the white and black colors are intermixed. If we marvel at the film or graimo in the groove, then the color of the pixel is changed between the letters and the note of the energy is simply unfortunate.

    So, alas, it is impossible not to mean that the change in the energy of the heart and the sound of the ring - but the very loss of the transmission of the color. That and vzagal, when talking about the transferred color, then the RK-technology is definitely less thorough in the context of the EPT.

    Pixel RK-screen allows you to display approximately 260 yew. відтінків. Timing an hour a video signal from a 24-bit color allows you to transmit 16 million views, which is 60 times more. In such a rank, about the color transmission from a single RK-monitor, you cannot be. The maximum that can be rendered is even coarsely closer to a wicked picture.

    260 yew відтінків! Do you know that kind of RK-monitor at once? Tse zh passed stolittya. New RK-matrices produce 24-bit color and build up to 16 million views, but the big human eye is not great.

    However, the accuracy of the human zoru is just enough to make the screen of the RK-monitor mercilessly re-create the color. On the right, in that, the palette of the monitor is line, and the sensitivity of the human zoru in the small children varies. For example, in the area of ​​neutral-gray and milder tones of the eyes, you can see the best views. Like demonstration screensavers for monitors at computer salons, vikoristovuyt yaskravі cars, landscapes just - but practically, do not play portraits there. If you put the order of the EPT and the RK-monitor and put a portrait on the screen of good knowledge, then it will obviously not be on the corrosive of RK-technology. In addition, the display of images on the screen of any RC-monitor will add a clear metal blisk, but it also does not add to the image of naturalness.

    It’s also not a matter of forgetting about the sutta change of color on the screen when the head is seen from the axis line. The disastrous "lookout" when the mask of the EPT-monitor is warmed up (and it’s not long before the speech, the monitor, equipped with the EPT with aperture grates, - like Trinitron) appears to be simply unbelievable at the LCD -Monitor.

    It’s still old-fashioned. Take a look around the RC-monitor, as they were just one of the weak RC-technologies, they have long ceased to be a problem. Whilst there is a lot of value in mind, it’s worth thinking about such a characteristic, as I’ll look around the RC-monitor. As far as talking about my physics, then I’ll look around at the bottom of the box, making statements between the perpendicular to the surface of the monitor and directly, for which the contrast is set to 10%. Obviously, it’s not enough to say something to an unrecognized koristuvachev. As soon as I cross the line with a pobutovy moy, then I’ll look around - I’ll look around - that’s the one that is normally visible in the image.

    So the axis, new matrices will get enough broad kuti I will look around (up to 170 °) horizontally and vertically.

    With the vicarious method of vimiryuvannya kuta, I will look around the snake in contrast to the color of speech do not get lost So, for the Kintsev koristuvach, such is the characteristic behind the great rakhunk of the marna.

    Besides, the Achilles' feature of the RK-monitors is a lamp for sending to the screen. Desire for the equal illumination of all areas of the screen, the virobniks will be given a deeper look. If you turn over to the whole, you can carry out a simple experiment: transfer to the RC-screen as much as possible, and then the black field and assess the value of the screen. In the middle of the screen, the middle of the screen will be bright, the lower edge of the country (especially on the black field).

    First of all, I can’t help but vindicate your innocence because of the greater number of such formal characteristics as I’ll look around. It is true that the formalized method of visualizing the kuta does not look around to see how the colors are created. Alle the current matrices, it’s not just great kuti I’ll look around in the sense of contrast - at the boundaries of the kuti, the transfer of color will not be damaged either. It's just that the RK-monitor does not have such characteristics, as the initial parameter is.

    Well, as for the drive of the inconvenient lamp, it is absolutely not suitable for you. Surely, RC monitors are attracted by the inconsistency of illumination, so that they can see the maximum brightness of the monitor, which, as a rule, can be reached, as a rule, at the center, to the minimum brightness. In the ideal range of performance, one is one, but in practice it is always more. Ale the unevenness of the current RC-matrices is such that it is unfortunate to be fixed with an indefatigable eye. On the right, in that, the nature of the beauty of the human dawn is non-linear. As it is visually people to be built, but the quality of one object in two things for the quality of the other, then from the physical point of view, there are ten times the reason for being guilty! Tsey butt I’ll show you by sight that the unevenness of the quality on the screen can be high, but you just don’t mind.

    Another one hundred shortage of RC-monitors is the smallest range of colors in the average EPT. At the same time, for example, there are two monitors - RK and EPT, which are shown on the screen, and the same brightness will be installed on them. Now vivedemo on the screen is a black field - the EPT-monitor will be really black, and the RK - dark gray (good, like one-sided).

    There are two "natural" shortcomings in the RK technology. First of all, the pixel RK-panels cannot be 100% penetrable - we wish that the area is more effective than the area; It seems that there is a black (opaque) frame near the skin pixel. Through the process, the brightness of the lamp is brought to light. And in a different way, to navigate at the closed window of the RK-matrix the small steps of vision, and the very furnishings do not allow you to display the big black color on the screen of the RK-monitor.

    In spite of that, it means that the building of the houses is old. Tse shvidshe stosuєtsya first TS- or IPS-matrix. Ale in the new MVA-matrices it is cheap: such matrices have a black color є ideally black! The matrixes are even more high in contrast, which can be correlated with the contrast of EPT monitors. And how much more maximal the quality of the EPT-monitor - is it really needed? Even in the middle of a large period of time, the robots with the RC monitors do not pick up the maximum value of quality.

    Surely, RK-technology is developing, and it is impossible not to be quiet. But the problem is that the virobniks do not use the box, they do not look at the documentation of the monitor, as the matrix of vicoristan itself is in the whole attachment. Until then, it’s not a secret that in the children's monitors of the same and the same models, you can find them in the same party, you can be victorious new models RC matrix.

    So, the type of matrix is ​​very easy to use in technical documentation. If you can tell, the documentation will say that the MVA-matrix will be included in the monitor. There is not much to say about the big numbers. I dare, in order to be aware of the brand, that I’m looking at the company, not knowing the technical details.

    Before the speech, the lasciviousness of the lasciviousness, ale it is guessed, for the EPT monitors, the geometrical performances, which are not in principle in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    So, for the whole point of the EPT-monitor, the LCD can be programmed without any changes. On the other hand, it means that the modern models of EPT-monitors have developed functions that allow you to successfully compensate for any geometric performances. Іnsha rіch, for reaching the optimal result, a singing hour and patience is required.

    So, patience and hour will be required a lot. Ale chi richly koristuvachіv to think about fiddling with nalashtuvannya? And the RC-monitor can be connected via a digital interface (DVI) - no need to install it.

    Well, it’s okay. However, it is impossible not to be respected by the offensive fact: unaffected by the obvious DVI pass-throughs, the majority of RC monitors, which can be released, are equipped with an analog interface. DVI, as a rule, is less transferring from expensive models.

    Timing an hour connecting the RC monitor to the analog interface causes another problem - the need to set the phase of the video signal. And the ineffectiveness of the phase (as it can be seen right before the hour of the robot, for example, in the result of the heating) is caused before the image appears on the picture, but the defect can only appear after the additional menu of the adjusted menu.

    Well, in the first place, all at once a DVI-input is equipped more number for monitors with a diagonal size of 17 inches and more, it has already become the de facto standard. In another way, for pidstroyuvannya phase (which can be brought to the edge of the edge), as a rule, it is enough to press one button for autopidstroyuvannya. First and foremost, the EPT-monitor is characterized by the very problem - instability of the analog signal.

    So, even if in the menu of the EPT-monitor, there is a greater amount of adjustment, which allows you to compensate for the shortcomings.

    So, the RK models have chimalo. And it’s not about the trivial regulation of the contrast and the auto-adjustment of the phase. At RK-monitors, it is possible to change the temperature, regulate the size of the canal, and it’s rich. Prior to the speech, for the help of the cich, the establishment of the RC-monitor is given to a professional calibrating, allowing the corystuvache to open its own color profile. Moreover, I can also hand over the calibrations, so for the help of special professional calibrators. Remaining furnishing to inform about those who repair RK monitors on the market of professional monitors.

    Besides, I’ll guess again, it’s important to buy a good EPT-monitor for the budget class at once.

    It's a pity, it's true. Having already spoken to the ear of our chaos, virobniks are actively participating in EPT monitors. І 15- and 17-inch EPT-models, which are not printed, є typical shirvzhitkom in the most sensible word. To that, if є bazannya pribati is efficiently clear, then the sense of looking at the model from a diagonal screen is 19 inches and іvische.

    But if you change the 17-inch RC-model from the 19-inch EPT-monitor, then the difference in price is practically dumb. And as soon as you go about professional EPT-monitors, then the price of the RK-monitor will appear more gimmicky.

    Then there is the image of the image, and for the bagatokh koristuvachіv the tse is an even more important official. Until then, cheap RC-monitors (as in the middle of a large number of stems on the basis of matrices in front of generations), there are few shortages, about such a thing. So, the visnovok will ask for it on its own: just cut off the high quality and make the robot comfortable, get the viclast a non-abiyak bag - just because your vibration falls on the RK-or on the EPT-model.

    The offensive fate will find out the value of the decrease in prices at the RC-monitor. All the same, RK-technology is still admittedly young and is gradually coming to fruition. There are more and more types of matrices, and forget all about the primary changes of EPT monitors.

    The rapid development of competing display technologies is possible, as long as the period of the RK-monitors will be unrevealed. On the way, there are some promising technologies such as OLED, LEP, LCoS. The decision to reduce the principles of their overwhelming in the context of the RK-technology and efficiently allow the growth of the streak in the sphere of computer displays. The deyak from them are already vicarious in the outbuildings, but they are seriously released - however, no need to go about the display of a small size (up to 2 inches in diagonal). Find out that the commercial version of the large OLED displays with a size of 15 inches diagonally will appear on the market in the same offensive rock. That, it is possible, є sense of the kidney trosh?

    When technology comes to the change of LCD - as long as food is displayed, I would like, obviously, in the future, I will inevitably forget about the RK-monitor, just like for the day to forget about the EPT-monitor. It’s a matter of maybut, but at the same time it’s clear that the era of EPT monitors (accepted, in the segment of the market) has ended and the RK technology has come to replace the EPT technology.

    Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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