Mining is also in simple words and how to earn pennies for the mining of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Mining bitkoyniv - how the process of the bitcoin miner is needed by the nobility.

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Hello, read the blog site! In the previous articles, we knew the most popular representative of the cryptocurrency empire - bitcoin. If you don’t even know what wine is, then read the articles "Bitkoin - scho tse take" and "".

Theme of the current material mining- mensh pributkovy, nіzh, way of earning (ale more pributkoviy, nіzh), but obviously popular and not that kind of earning, yak way to upgrade bitcoin gamants.

Mining bitkoiniv - in simple words

Cryptocurrency is a price of information for a penny, as in a net with an additional active robotic algorithm (read). You can also name cryptogold chi virtual analogue of gold. Yak і gold, the number of cryptocurrencies is strictly limited і її can be canceled by the way of purchase, or by way vidobutku... It remains to be called Mining.

A vid of cryptocurrencies (and bitcoins of the winter) and go through the numbers, for the skin they are numbered so ranks (it often turns out to be victorious for reconverting the integrity of the data, for example, when locked out of the net). If the win (hash) resembles a given template (for example, there will be styles of zeros in front of it), then a new unit of cryptocurrency will be issued (according to the day of the appearance).

The foldability of the template was set in such a way that the layout of the vidpod was made according to the plan (є plan until 2033 for bitcoin). The foldability is gradually adjusted so that the Cherg's coin was blown about ten times a day (it takes an hour to process all transactions, but it takes a whole hour).

Zgodom dobuvati (mainity) will be deprived of the fold. For a skin block (known number) the miner will take away the wine city... Imovirnist otrimat the wine city of Tim vishch, which is more enumerated in the system, which will be victorious.

If the algorithm is successful, it is a necessary computer of colossal effort (it is more convenient to use GPU video cards for projects, so there is a great number of parallel conveyors). The popularity of bitcoins is steadily growing (as well as the number of miners), and the complexity of related operations is growing.

Mainuti one by one Now it is already possible to get a coin without a hole, so the possibility of a coin can be as good as zero (you cannot clean up your life). That is why people will get into bullets (from thousands of participants), as they drive away the wine city among the participants in proportion to their efforts. Wine-city here will be menshoy, then there will be.

Moreover, the earnings for the mining of cryptocurrency, repaired from 2008 to 2015 rocky, sklav zagalom ponad two miliardi dolariv (at the same time the sum, melodiously, sutta is also transcribed):

Mainin viconu for cryptocurrency systems it will require (and there are already more than a thousand recent applications, as well as services) an irreplaceable role. I will make sure that I am safe for picking up a specific choice of how to write down transactions in the blockchain (to rob the price of one who has added a coin from Chergov), and, vasna, I will not save the way to secure the blockchain (blocking the block).

Zagalom without new nikudi, and the same consortium of miners nini, vlasne, virish share of cryptocurrencies. Yak butt - the endpoints on the fork of bitcoin and problems due to the high comission for transactions. Miners are welcome to see the comic, I want to get out and can drive the whole idea of ​​"virtual goth" to the roots.

Options for earning money for cryptocurrency mining

Via a mobile PC- You will lock the program onto the computer, donate to the cryptocurrency mining process (mining) part of your video card's need, and successfully rob pennies just sitting at the computer and take care of your right.

You don’t need any additional donations from you, but you don’t need to make a lot of money with such a rank.

Mining through special property- You can buy an ASIC prism ("an integral scheme of a special designation", if you can shift it as much as possible) and set up a "farm", as you actively work and bring you great sumi.

It goes without saying that a piece of vitratiti chimalu sumu will come to the end of the day real pennies($ 1000 for everything about everything), so you can earn a penny virtual (cryptocurrency) on a commercial scale.

Recently, we have been in vipuskatisya video cards specially sharpened for mining... They have a lot of curiosity, they have pure productivity. The guys from them do not know the video outputs, for the miners do not care.

In a call z tim scho By the end of the hour, the bitcoin has become much more expensive, Cryptocurrency mining will gain more and more popularity, it will pay off more on the availability of electricity and electricity. For a thriving grudge, the mountain still has no time to fall.

Bagato hto on tsіy hvili pragne at once to invest in ASIC (and try to video cards in nіy vikoristovyu, often specialization), and so the service itself was made for the necessary computational efforts.

For good people, I will be aware of the fact that cryptocurrency is not interchangeable with bitcoins alone: є shche litekoiny, dodekoiny and so far meager. In the process of mining, we respect the game, mabut, on new types of cryptocurrencies, some bitcoins are an option to complete the old ones.

Operations with Bitcoin to rob more and more people, and the maximum number of one of these information pennies is 21,000,000 - it’s early to see it happen. It is necessary to analyze, vividly, for the purpose of low indicators, for the correct vibration. Є special mining calculators, which add to the zrobiti correct vibration for example, WhatToMine:

Ale virishuvati for be-yak to you, and I am deprived of two words to describe the situation, I was inclined to the market of mining and describe the tendencies, I was thinking.

Khmarny mining

As in other spheres of business, the process of making money for a type of cryptocurrency is also possible. You, melodiously, you know, at once, for example, I don’t change the site on my computers, but I’m victorious. The price is cheaper, simpler, superior and vigidnish, nareshty.

So now maint on your own zalozi? Tse is not handy for bagatooh senses. It is also necessary to buy video cards, or ASIC, to set up, to adjust and adjust the video cards to the general scene, to continuously monitor the reception, as well as the standard setting for such a situation on the subject of good luck. Really awkward.

They have already appeared on the market for a long time. The company purchases a sale in bulk at a lower price for a razdrіbnu (for which it cannot be sold to you). Razmіschuyut yogo in special attitudes (data centers), de-change vitrati to razmіshennya, cool and cautious. For the stench of it, part of the obvious effort (which is all the more) is to be hired for mining.

Why doesn’t it smell on a whole lot of money? And why should a company, which specializes, for example, not be involved in the entire process in the logistic statistics (from the sale before the sale)? To that, zoseredivshis on what one can achieve greater success and trimmovati more clean influx, lower riziki. Here too.

Online servants, scho nadayut servants of gloomy mining, may get stable income (you can pay off the rent for your possession) not to be stuck because of the fact that the stink has been picked up by the correct strategy in mining. Tse yak hosters, which are all the same, they have a lot of different stenchs for their sites and a few pennies for rent.

To this, the main criterion for the selection of bad mining will be an analysis of the messages about services in the Internet. Crack, just a hundred "trickery" fall from only one really efficient data center because of the real possessions for mining. And all іnshe is a scam, so it’s fast to die, it’s possible to lose money, the alerizik can spend everything, without waking up to pay a penny, and wait for it to be very high.

If you please, then I will bring my list of services for cold mining of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, which you can do (accept, you can share your look with those from them). It seems that the situation on the whole market is constantly changing, and your additional comments in the comments will be even worse than the pre-river ones.

The first services for the dark mining, as the big-mens really accept the cryptocurrency, and I can't help it if it doesn't work. If you know, then write in the comments.

Visnovok about earnings for mining

The efficiency of mining is directly proportional to the laboriousness, if you are ready to donate to the resource to replace the pennies. How to carry out a test analysis, you can go to a visnovka, come no less hostile I’ll look at the electrical power and parameters. The service can have its own nuances and lay in the fact that all the prices can be brought to you.

It plays into the hands of the miners at once, zychay, the rate of cryptocurrencies. Indeed, the prospect of bitcoin and those who say and write about the current year is not so unequivocal about the day: I have a great number of people, and also the quality of growth in the growth of the "bulb". Wit, an hour will show. Leaving everything is even more attractive, more cryptocurrency grows, yak on drіzhdzh.

So, without forgetting a little, you can save money for the currency you need, or bring it to the rakhunok through the prompts for the list of exchanges:

If o'clock and bazhannya rozumit on thin robots cryptobirzh, then you can still vikoristovuvat your cryptocurrency here:

Good luck to you! Before quick sights on the sides of the blog site

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The bitcoin rate to the ruble and dollar, as well as earnings on the rise rates and bitcoin calculators


The only way to share cryptocurrency bitcoin (btc) is the process of mining of bitcoins, which means that new blocks can be opened by means of singing mathematical problems for additional special programs installed on the computer. Vidobuvati demanded digital currency can be dekilkom in ways that are not enough.


I will call my name the process of developing virtual coins through labor, adjusted with a type of cinnamon copalin (eng. Mining). The essence of the mining of the field is in the number of mathematicians in order to make sure that the value is not correct. Methods of such operations є rejection of a hash - a bit row of fixed dojini. For that, as the encryption code, there is a black block of bits, which includes a cryptographic signature. All signatures are formed on the basis of hashes in front of the blocks.

The sequence of the bitcoin blocks, which appears one by one, sets the blockchain lance. The number of digits, which form the basis of the hash, is automatically generated. Mining bitcoins transferring to the city at the sight of btc coins, which will go to the first one, which guesses the hash. The number of virtual wine and wine changes in two skin chotiri rocky. At the time of the start of the system in 2009, the miners could get 50 btc for decrypting the hash, at the same time in the warehouse city already 12.5 btc.

Basic principle

The process of mining bitcoins is guilty of the principles of cryptocurrency mining and security. The basic principles of vidobutku є:

  • the folding of the currency;
  • the establishment of the middle hour for the calculation of one block;
  • visibility to the single center from the inlet;
  • automatic adjustment of the folding rate for the growth of the number of miners;
  • the level of winemaking and the establishment of the system and the transfer of actions to decrease;
  • if the transaction is confirmed by the miners and by the participants of the bitcoin net by the way of inclusion before the block;
  • autonomously self-regulation of the hedge.

Foldability of the cryptocurrency vid

At the connection with the continuous improvement of the number of types of electronic coins and the unhealthy growth of numerical distress, a necessary mechanism, which compensates for the cost of growth. Yak such a mechanism for transferring the transfer parameter is foldability, from which the amount of cryptocurrency is deposited, which is displayed in one hour. Technical bik The understanding of the "foldability" is described as the number of tests required for generating a hash.

See the mining

The income of bitcoins can be made through a decilcom in ways that transfer the registration of special attachments or the rent of other people's efforts. Look and feel smartly without a frame Ways to manage one out of one size of the required investment and income from a vidobutku. Most popular types of mining bitcoin:

  • from vikorystannyam personal computer for a laptop;
  • s with GPU;
  • from the storage of FPGA modules and ASIC chips;
  • farms for mining;
  • hmarny mining;
  • bitcoin faucet, bitcoin іgri.

Bitcoins video clip on a home computer

Cryptocurrency mining for additional video cards

An hour, if the video clip was visible behind the auxiliary video card, already passed, the process of the video clip was considerably slowed down and for the calculation of the required great effort. For the advancement of interest in bitcoin through the improvement of its value, the graphics brokers and processors have been busy with the development of the required video cards.

Mining farms

A lot of computers, back in the process of mining - the price of a farm with a bitcoin voucher. The principle of їх robots polarityє has a non-interrupted calculation. Generating hashes to look for help:

  1. Great number of video cards - the most energetic kind of farms.
  2. FPGA modules - energy saving
  3. ASIC-processors - prist_y asic (special-purpose processors) are quick-witted, but at the same time, the speed of their robots is maximal.

Hmarny mining without deposit

The principle of rejecting bitcoins for the help of cheeky mining is identical to the kind of coinbox of electronic coins, for the blame of the fact that it’s not your own effort, but outsiders, taken in rent. The amount of cryptocurrency that you can use to deposit, as a form of a contracted rent payment. Іsnyuti i stand-alone services, scho proponyuyut possession for vidobutku.

Yak pochati mainuchi

In order to get a quick look for the first coin, the first for everything, you can use it in a quick way. From the vibrating method, the cob insert is sized. The out-of-the-box algorithm for mining the bitcoins of the viglyad is as follows:

  1. Purchase required possession.
  2. Install vibrana software for mining bitcoins on your computer.
  3. Vibrate site pool.
  4. Zdіysniti reєstratsіyu gamantsya for vivedennya wine.
  5. Run programmatically secure.

Sho take bullets

To increase the chances of rejecting btc coins, special web services (bullets) give miners their own services, such as polling at the maximum rate of calculation. This is a way of transferring video for the participants in the pool of their own options for solutions without linking them out of solutions. The miner will create a pool of his own computational forces, and the pool for the known block will be used as a solo miner. When choosing a pool, it is necessary to learn the rules of the distribution of wine and the pressure of the pool.

Cryptocurrency mining programs

Fix mining bitcoins after the installation of software security. Mining programs can be divided into two types: for processors and for video cards. Vibrating the software is necessary, including the parameters of the explicit possession. The most popular among the most popular programs are presented below:

  • name: Bitminter;
  • characteristics: add-on, immediately є і by a pool, run on video cards, є support ASIC, summed up with operating systems;
  • pluses: go yak for newbies, as well as for older miners; ease of installation;
  • minusi: ni
  • Possibility to earn money: the wages received for 24 years and coins are equivalent to $ 0.5.

A console client, which is a hand for a victorian for novices, as well as for professional miners:

  • name: BFGMiner;
  • characteristics: a console client, which can display a video card and attachments FPGA, display a scrypt, RPC;
  • plus: easier adjustment of bullets, the possibility of keruvannya with cold computer elements;
  • minusi: visoki vimogi before possession;
  • Possibility to earn money: afterwards, the miner will take away 18 yew. satoshi for doba.

For those who are not familiar with the MS Dos operating system, they will be able to use a forced processor and a video card on the go of the DiabloMiner program:

  • name: DiabloMiner;
  • characteristics: support of such operating systems as Windows, Linux, Mac, installation of video cards of new series has been transferred;
  • plus: simplicity of setting parameters in the pool;
  • minus: do not fit for miner-cob;
  • Possibility of earnings: on a hard-pressed computer, you can make a wine-city 20 yew. satoshi for a day.

The console client, which is easy to adapt to Vimog Koristuvach, is the whole Ufasoft Miner program:

  • name: Ufasoft Miner;
  • characteristics: є Possibility of changing the address of the pool, which can be used for such cryptocurrencies as bitcoin, efir, litekoin;
  • plus: - a few modes of robots in fallowness from the level of koristuvach;
  • minusi: required a lot operational memory;
  • Possibilities to earn money: until the end of the year, win the city of 18 yew. satoshi.

The CGminer program is the most suitable for those who need to know, which may be the great dosage of robots in the MS Dos system:

  • name: CGminer;
  • characteristic: transmission straining processors when the video card is ramped up, MN / s to the maximum;
  • plus: є reprogramming capability, easy to adjust;
  • minusi: do not fit for newbies;
  • Potential earnings: from 18 y. satoshi for doba.

50 Miner is a graphical shell for the most popular miners, such as Cgminer, Phoenix, Diablo, Poclbm:

  • name: 50 Miner;
  • characteristic: the ability to install without installation, all settings are stored in the configuration file;
  • pluses: ease of authorization, compactness;
  • minus: instability of the robot, a lot of operational memory is required;
  • Possibility to earn money: for the smallest wicked minds, you can earn 15 thousand. satoshi for doba.

The best bitcoin mining in the minds of the home

If you are smart, you are visibly engaged in mining in a small house, after you have developed the necessary investments and predicted, how quickly the stench will pay off. As soon as the process appears, which is called mining today, the situation on the cryptocurrency market has changed;

  1. The foldability of the type of package is due to the continuous growth of the exertion of the establishment, which means that this will be the case. It is important for the home minds to protect the competitive level of efficiency for mining.
  2. The growth of the btc exchange rate in relation to the official currencies is received by new participants to the net. As soon as the rate of bitcoins is falling, the arrival of the sale may not cover the contribution of the price.

You can earn money on a vidobutka

Mining bitcoins can be done for a profit, so it’s possible to fix a cryptocurrency videotap and checkout, but the computer started working on its own, without your participation, it’s possible to understand that for any reason, you can start earning money. There is no unequivocal opinion on the food chain, so the amount of income is accumulated by various factors, such as:

  • collation of the bitcoin rate;
  • the relevance of the reverse video clip;
  • vitrat on the side of possession;
  • number of miners at the bottom;
  • varsity elektroenergy

An approximate income from mining can be obtained using additional specialized calculators (for example, on the Russian information site btcsec), as well as the fullness of the parameters introduced by the user. However, if you change the bitcoin exchange rate on the cryptocurrency market, the results and results will be irrelevant.

Vitrati for bitcoin mining

Bitcoin mining will be profitable, the influx of each one is to blame for all the vitrati, tied with the vidobut. Economic warehouse vitrate includes vitrati on:

  • special possession;
  • payment of rakhunkіv for saving electricity;
  • repairs that are well-nourished;
  • payment for rent.

Special possessions

Maybutny miner bitkoyin is guilty of vrahovuvati, but in order to remove the influx, it is necessary to have a competitive mother. Vrahoyuchi technologichnі distilled, wikklicanі with a high drink, the part of special technology is growing up. In addition to the main elements (video card, chip, module), there is a software for increasing the temperature of the available cooling system.

Vitrati electricity

Mining bitcoins transferring to the robot the possession of a stretching trivial hour, so that it can produce up to great vitality of electrical energy. Chim vishche the toughness of the processor and video cards, while the more rakhunki appear for the electrics. Besides, the need for cooling juvenile elements can also be made to the extent that they live up to their laboriousness.

Wear and tear of home PC

It is planned to see bitcoin video on home computers, so that you can take into account the fact that it is growing on the main elements of the machine. Permanent overheating of the processor and video cards should be made to the point of failure of the processors, which is a problem. The miner will often have to repair his computer and buy new spare parts, which will lead to additional vitrats, and an hour of downtime is negative in the amount of money.

Plus and minusi mining

Before the time, like vidobuvati bitkoiny, slid to become aware of the positive and negative moments, which will happen to be stuck in the vidobutku process. Up to the advantages of mining bitcoins, you can bring:

  • Stable passive income. Bitcoins are added without your participation. Having inserted special program you can take care of your right.
  • For vidobutku btc optional attachments are needed. If you don’t want risikuwachi, donate your pennies, non-cattle ways vidobutku, protest a great influx at times are not brought.
  • Dobuty bitcoins can be easily transferred from the system (sell, exchange, pay for purchases).

Miners, who are busy with the viewbox of virtual coins, mean the next minus and the viewbox of bitcoin:

  • Wikimedia Commons Vikoristannya for vidobutku home computer to produce up to a quick loading of video cards.
  • Great vitrata of electrical energy. The adjustment of the foldability of the videobutku will require an increase in the capacity of the vidobootku, which has become possible due to the advent of new technologies. Required attachments of energy supply, so bitcoin miners have to pay for large rakhunks for the electricity supply.
  • Visoka mіra riziku. The investment of money in every hour in the mining of bitcoins is the price of high-budget investments, which are expensive for those, where the price of cryptocurrency is unstable, and at any moment the rate of exchange of bitcoins can come in handy.


Yak Mainuti Bitcoins is the essence of the process and from what to start, you see that earnings come

Once I get to know in more detail about cryptocurrency all the time, and for an hour of my knowledge, I simply lost my head in food like “what’s it?”, “What’s it?”. And all that, which I didn’t know, is necessary for the ear, for the ear, for the sound of the whole sounding lance and zmist. To that, the statty is rooted to be quiet, but it’s not reasonable, the stars are taken a penny “out of the blue”. Do you need to read the information and you also know about the bitcoin and scho take mining- You don’t know anything new here. It's all just about folding!


Almost the simplest thing is cryptocurrency. Nipershim bouv Bitkoin I know about a new mayzhe and if you came here, then it is also assigned. Yogo melting Satoshi Nakomoto, Yakogo slid forgiven. Win launching a virtual currency, opening his mind for the development of that development, she is quietly angry. Anyway, it’s possible to lose health at the same time.

Zagalom, wow, bitcoin is a virtual currency, I think that it’s not easy to eat, but it’s a little trickier, but it’s not possible to connect with others, for example, webmoney or Yandex. I declare that you will know it on all sites, including on the site. The main nuance is decentralization.

About the whole system

Once again, I’ll be bald, zhodnyh viznachen, bewildered with simple words. The principle of robotic systems is based on the information about transactions in blockchains (blockchain), which are stored in a single lance of blocks, which is carried out by mining. With melodiously simple words, without going into the depths of the Miners, they call it quiet, who is usually engaged in mining. In order for people to spontaneously engage in the educational system (and that’s what it’s worth), for the price of getting the city’s wine at the viglyadi singing sumi bitkoiniv. Tobto. for those that you have a good computer or for a special possession and vitracha you energy, give your resources to the support of the whole system, the opening of new blocks and bitcoins, you will be compensated for, if you want to pay for wine. So you don’t need to think about it, you sell the strength of your possession that you will take away the strength for a penny... It’s all the same, if I would give you my generator for rent, and for the first few years of the robot, taking payment, as it was.

About folding

Not knowing a nuance on which stage is more beautiful than anything else, also don’t know it will be here. The complexity of mining begins with the number of mathematical units of a given block. Vaughn Bula vigadan with this meta, the miners didn’t solve all the blocks. You are smart, the stench is not incomplete, the amount of surprise is in every way 21 million bitcoins... Butt tse viglyadaє so, 10 mins are inserted into the skin block. And now it is clear that the miners sit and start guessing, and perhaps, even if you come to them, you start to get foldable, so you cannot solve one block all at once. Since there are more miners, then there is more folding of the type of virtual coins. Besides, with more blocks, with more coins, less for new wineries.

Can you mine yak?

The axis I myself have spent a moment when I am aware of the tense topic itself in a whole lot, it’s not at a moment of intelligence, who cares. If you look at all those described there, you can go to mining. For mining, special possessions are developed. One of the most popular vvazayutsya. The essence of їх polyag is that the stench can pick up more blocks, less GPU... And yak GPU, tobto. graphics processor, Vista is a discrete video card for the PC. You can mine yak on one video card, so you can open multiple farms. Farms accepted the use of a collection of PCs from a number of video cards, and moreover, the number of video cards could be non-interconnected, the abi motherboard allowed everything in its own way and in terms of software. The axis is so close to a view:

Perevagi and shortcomings of the skin

On a specially crafted installation, you can buy more cryptocurrency. Ale їkh can easily buy it, make the stench available for replacement. Often there are vipadas, but the stench does not come at the lines. The main minus is those that, at the time of their development, the folding of the form and the size of the delivery was broken down to one formula, and a day later, a number of miners at once, from the folding, became the calling formula. Another minus is the price. Design such cars from 2500$ ... The return on investment is due to the growth of the folding rate and the drop in the rate of cryptocurrency. And even literally through the rik, the stench becomes irrelevant and becomes shimmering, as no one needs it. The stench looks like this:

With the video cards, the situation is out of date with a new rank. As a matter of fact, the visibility on the police of the shops of the top and middle-top video cards is tied to the very best virtual crypts. You can do it without shukati frankness Radeon RX 480... They have already been smitten for a long time, but if you know, the nationality on them will be divine. And then there is a lot of fun - some gamers, they bought it now. You can buy a video card, and you can also find it through a calculator (hocha tse approximately) її payback. But the point is not in the whole, the principle of exploitation will be similar to those in front of the front, the axis only through the rik and you can sell the video cards a third of the price lower, and you will be drunk on them. Tobto. you have made money on them, paid off, or you have made money with a plus, and you can still make money on your sale.

Water stones for popularizing mining

It’s honestly, I don’t call upon the mind for which such a great person will drink his idea. Great, I think it's a hype, like the goal of the statty. The infection is relevant, and that means you can reject the view on the site, you can earn thousands of views on Youtube or send your referral to buy the property that is very rich. Even more people know about the price, what more people come to the mining, the more the foldability of the vidobutku, the less the fewer the better, the more the more term the payback of vitrate. Recently, one of my people said that the voice has been tied to the interest of new investors, and the growth of currency and income is growing.

But all the same for me to become more intelligent, the popularity of mining is great for 2016-2017 rock. Videos on YouTube are all over the date, tobto. the same year we were thinking of taking care of other skin and looking for a glance to learn from the information. So, it is suitable, the bitcoin rate from the past fate tsiy mіsyatsya virіs bіlsh nіzh in 5 times, as soon as todі vin buv 400 $ for 1 BTC, then this is the same 2800 $ for 1 BTC... Moreover, it’s less than the birch of the month that the course of training is more than 2 times. Ale, yak rozumite, the currency is decentralized, I don’t know if the rate is changing, but if it’s going down. Tom, de guarantee, tomorrow will the bitkoin not be called until then $ 1000?

Now, if you know what it’s worth, you can easily go to these sites for exact values, forks, forks and forks, I’ve got cryptocurrency just for myself. Describe the deprivation in one statt is simply not possible, there can be more than a thousand pages. On a skin day, information grows more and more, so everything is in your hands!

Take an hour to learn about bitcoins from the bagatokh koristuvachiv winnicka food: cryptocurrency mining, which is also for whoever it is. I’m sorry to describe, given the term size, there are viduals of virtual coins with the help of special attachments. The word "mining" means "mining" in English, which means "vidobutok". And, apparently, adding digital currencies are called miners.

This statistic and knowledge: there are some promising mining business, which is special, why should I think about the cryptocurrency maybut? If you want to make a selection of information, you can appreciate the solution: try to invest in mining or earn money in a different way.

Are the stars taken bitkoin?

Let's be surprised by the video, which will explain in simple words, the sound is taken by the bitcoin and how it will be seen by the people.

Understand that vidi mining

Otzhe, through the use of cryptocurrency and mining. Please use the term, you will guess three important moments in front of the statute: "Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies: in simple words."

  1. Bitkoin - the encryption of the program code, on the part of which injected rinkovy will drink.
  2. The number of coins has been framed and the exchange of documents has been issued in advance.
  3. Cryptocurrency issuance is not regulated by the authorities. sovereign organization That її її can be skinny eager.

Mining is a type of videotap of encrypted and interconnected in a number of cryptocurrency program code, a combination is required for which to be formed by the method of selecting a plurality of numerical options.

Organizuvati mining can be done in two ways:

  1. Solo video clip. Buy your own possessions on your own, know the coins and fill in the whole income for yourself.
  2. The robot is at the pools. The bottom line is that it’s a lot of people to be united by a virtual pool, to connect to their own possession, to add and distribute cryptocurrency at a fraction of the time.

The video below has a selection of views for newcomers based on the main power for cryptocurrency mining, the main principle is a video box and how to use it.

Business perspective

To assess the situation, we need to analyze three fundamental officials: the rate, the hour and the number of available cryptocurrencies. The astonishing figure will be able to start building the visnovok.


The first cryptocurrency was launched in 2009 and was less than $ 1.

1,309.03 BTC = 1 $

Until 2013, the value of bitcoins grew and reached the $ 600 mark. In 2014, the price collapsed, and the cryptocurrency fell by half.

In 2015 and 2016, there was a new growth, and for one coin, they gave 1000 $. In the birch of 2017, the bitcoin new rock has a historical maximum and is estimated at 1238 dollars.

Infected in April 2017 to rock. The average rate of one bitcoin is 1200 dollars.

By the time the cryptocurrency was introduced, 8 rockets have passed. For a whole hour, the value of a few cents was increased to the price of an ounce of gold.


Infected in April 2017 to rock. Emission of the last bitcoin is scheduled for 2140 rubles. Tse means that your ordered 123 rock.


In total, 21 million bitcoins were broken up. The main part is hopeful until 2033. 2017 has a vidobuto ponad 14 million coins: you can marvel at the exact number and the number of stitches behind the updates here: It’s not stagnant less than 35%. The algorithm of the video clip is periodically accelerated, and that by itself is not equal.


We analyzed three key factors, which inject into the value of cryptocurrency. In 2017, the development of the mining business has a direct connection, to which it is necessary to enter and not secretly. Skіlki can be earned from the maybutny, definitely nothing to say. To clear up the adjustment of coin variability, increasing competition and technical folding due to the encryption of the software code. The moment you start solo-miners, if you go to the vidobutk, as before the business with the business plan, then, for the most part, one of the most innovative and promising strains.

Payroll scheme

In theory, organizing business from cryptocurrency mining is awkward. For a person it is necessary:

  1. Prydbati special possession, how to take revenge on the miner - the program of calculating operations;
  2. Come to the pool or organize the nightingale;
  3. Reward the wine town.

We need to be able to resist the versatility of the technology required for the start. In 2009 virahuvati, a block of bitcoin-code can be found behind an additional paper and calculator. Therefore, most of the operations took place on the home PC processors.

Since 2011, the rock will go to the cryptocurrency, it has grown, and the foldability of the code and the burden of the home PC has ceased to be displayed. In simple words, the vitrati for electrical energy for a robotic computer has ceased to pay off a coin box for a rakhunok. To that, the koristuvachi posed as the victoristovuvati processors on the video cards, which in a short hour grew on a giant farm. Fermi є majestic assemblies of computers, up to hundreds of video cards. Chim more farm, tim vigidnishe її utrimuvati і, obviously, more effective vidobutku. Food business profitability.

To be smart, why on a day-to-day stage you will not be able to earn money without an investment on the machine in the right, wonder how you look at a professional farm. The won is roasted in China and generates 3% of all bitcoins in the world.

And now, try it out from your home farm in Russia. Annual arrival: $ 182 per month.

What is less than cryptocurrency, who is more sellers, who propose possession for її rejection. Schob turn over, enter Avito.


For investors and businessmen, there are three main points:

  1. The zhodnoy cryptocurrency unit has no physical value. Tse means that the part of virtual pennies, be it a second, can be envious or go down to zero.
  2. Widobuwachi is a popular cryptocurrency that is inexpensive. Yak minimum, required professional possession... You can immediately forget about solo videobuvannya.
  3. Malim is the average investor who needs to start investing pennies in the market for new currency. As early as 2015, there were 2,000 options on the bourges, and there were plenty of chances to know about it, or to repeat the success of the bitcoin.

If we take into account all the factors, then we will recognize the negative scenario: the investor can buy the road a professional possession, as an object of the kind of vibrate bitcoin, take into account the amount of money falling through the fortune of coins.

Wonder how you see the graph bitcoin / dolar. Worse respect on the rise of cryptocurrency growth in 2013 (1 BTC = $ 1110) and further development in 2014 and 2015 (1 BTC = $ 220).

You can take a look at the update here by vibrating BTCUSD. Tse means that prices have collapsed in the last one not in the future.

  • The joy of the glacier is that it needs to be pushed up to the maximum reduction in the vitrate of electrical energy for the maximum productivity of the computer (fermi). Tse reach for the rakhunok add a number of video cards to one computer that backbone systems chilled. The basic and special possessions for the video clip are called ASIC or Russian ASIC. It is not the hardware itself that is supplied with the ASICs, but the software itself. As a rule, everything is broken "go key" - go on, set the PZ and add it. However, ASICs are even more expensive and repair "probuvati" more beautifully from decilkoh video cards.
  • If you choose to dobuvati bitkoin one by one, or to build a small farm at home, then forget about the viduvati bitkoinu - it's not cost-effective. Concentrate on the mining of "simple" cryptocurrencies, the folding of these types is not so great. For example: litecoin, namecoin, darkcoin, etherium.
  • Solo vidobutok bitkoinu can become vigid deprived of the rate of growth, for example up to 5000
  • With a view of small-house cryptocurrencies, the varto will permanently show the current rate and add more money, which may be expensive. І in any case at once writing a copy of the exchange on bitkoin chi on dolari. That is why є risiki of gold coins.
  • When the business plan is folded, it is necessary to provide the opportunity to buy a video card for the wholesale price and the ability to sell, if there is not enough need for the country.
  • Be safe, as long as you get good money mining. All projects, such as some majestic and hard-hitting farms, are rented through the Internet. You pay for vikorystannya possession that you want to buy yaku want cryptocurrency. The good-naturedness is high. Ale for the cimi services, mayzhe zahavayutsya shahrai! You will pay for the rent once, but you won't be able to get a penny or a coin. Watch out for the suggestions of bad mining!

Forecast experts

Most of the factions converge on the Duma, but in 2017 one bitcoin trade is available at the level of $ 1000-1450 per dollar.

2017 rіk. 1 BTC = 1000-1450 $

Clef Hai (creator of the WEB BOT project) vvazhaє, that the attachments of 2018 to the rock for one bit of corystuvachi will cost 13,000 dollars.

2018 rik. 1 BTC = $ 13,000

2020 рік. 1 BTC = 5000-11000 $

Jeremiah Liu (Investor of Snapchat) and Peter Smit (CEO of Blockchain) are trying to keep the bitcoin value up to 2030, if the price goes up to 500,000 per coin.

Rik 2030. 1 BTC = $ 500,000

But all the forecasts of darkness are through those that the crypto rate is still going to last for a drink. And he will drink to lay down for the most part for political reasons. For example, the state can fence the bitterness and introduce Criminality koristuvannya him. Investors get angry and know how to sell it and that bitcoin has become much cheaper.


Now we have learned that cryptocurrency mining is also done in simple words, so it can be done independently. We can’t say absolutely exactly, because we can’t say anything straight out of sight, but we can’t back it up. All the reason is that, look at the experts and the wicked koristuvachіv radically disperse. To that, you can independently analyze the information and take the decision: get involved in mining or go to the implementation of the latest investment ideas.

P.S. Friends, how are you thinking about mining? Be affectionate, share your thought and history of your earnings in the comments on the article

Dyakuumo for help in the preparation of the statty exchanger - here are the best rates for exchanging bitcoins!

Oleksiy Ruskih

It’s unlikely that you can know people today if you don’t know about mining. The birth of cryptocurrencies and their integration in the economy of the Svitov led the dynamic excitement. There are far from all of the intelligence, but also mining. It is possible that the wrong statement is not about the process itself, but about the prospects of currencies. Have tsіy statty mi razpovіmo about headnі technical features mining, the principle of currency development is clear, as well as the assessment of the steps to come and the future prospects of digital pennies.

Understand mining

Most of the time, it’s the most important thing for robots to mine and the value of the process of opening up new crypto-money. If you make the terms as simple as possible, then you will find out how you can use mathematical calculations, how you can use computers, farms or specially organized great mining centers. Remaining є tsіlі angari, naphanі "zalizom", the stench seems to be a great numerical strain and I live a great number of electric power. The most popular currency for the Danish moment is bitcoin, which has become practically synonymous with the understanding of "cryptocurrency".

Speaking in simple words, cryptocurrency mining is not a computational enterprise, it is based on a cryptographic algorithm (that is, cryptocurrency). There are new crypto-coins in the course of mining.

Per block from the bitkoin of the wine city got 50 BTC for the block. In 2012, the size of the economy dropped to 25, and in 2016 - to 12.5 BTC. According to forecasts, it will be possible to cope with the rock until 2040, the city for the beginning of the block does not exceed 10–8 BTC. Farther away, the new blocks will be unavailable for the rakhunok of the communal wineries.

Yak is a bitkoin

How can bitcoins and cryptocurrencies be offered? Emiсia of cryptocurrencies, in the form of fiat currencies, can be viewed for the additional help of the Drukar verstat. New coins are used for transactions (transfer, purchase, sale). Zdіysnyuyut (conduct) transactions - mining. Stink їх їх from blocks. Blocks fit into a lance. Enter a new lancet to be stored in transaction blocks.

The safety of such a lance will be ensured by the inclusion of a new hash-sumi block in front of the front block. Heshuvannya - the price of the revision of incoming tributes (for our vipadku - tributes about the previous transactions) - at the singing bit row.

Hash application behind SHA-256 algorithm "Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" = D7A8FBB3 07D78094 69CA9ABC B0082E4F 8D5651E4 6D3CDB76 2D02D0B5 37.

Hash sum is a digest of hash blocks. The new skin block has information about all the front blocks. With such a rank, it is unwise to change the block without changing the hashes of the previous blocks.

Heshuvannya go for a cryptographic algorithm. It is for the help of such an algorithm that "the establishment of the Vizant generals" is considered, if the transaction of security has been successfully carried out, if there are a large number of participants in the hedgehog - evil men.

If it is correct to see the block correctly - the block will collapse. For the opening of the block, the creator (miner) will take away the wine city from the new cryptocurrency viewer. So there are new cryptomonets. This is how bitcoin appears.

Decentralized rozpodilu system

Head of the Viktor generals:

Vrantz will be beaten from the adversary. The army of Vizantiya is built up from a number of legions, a leather general. The stench of ordering to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The deyakі generals of the legionіv take a look at the children and the patronage at the fall of Vizantіya. Vrantsi kozhen otrimu order from the Supreme head commander: "attack" (on the enemy) or "step".

You can scenarios for the result of the battle:

  1. Efforts to see the generals join the fight - Vizantiya good luck (a friendly result).
  2. Effortlessly when the generals come forward - Take a safe trip without waste (intermediate result).
  3. Deyakі vіddanі generals enter at the battle, deyakі admit - Vizantiya arrogant defeat (negative result).

It is necessary to vrahovuvati, so that the Supreme head commander can also be a guardian and command him to conquer Vizantiya.

Yakshko kozhen general deyatime self-reliant, ymovirnist Vizantiya good luck - in the region is small.

Yak komun_kuvati generals and yak r_shennya praise?

Tse zavdannya you nagaduє, why is it wrong? You will guess correctly. Transactions are a pleasant result. Generals are price miners. The supreme head-commander is a chain of command. Blockchain is a system, in which mining is possible, preventing communication and does not give the healers of the opportunity to succeed in their evil plans. Households of the generals and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who can achieve a friendly result (transaction) - is called a consensus.

Consensus structure

Since then, we have learned that blockchain is a system of algorithms in consensus. Yak і in any system, blockchain is great. Їх all 3:

  1. Woozli consensus (miner) to mold the blockchain, group transactions into blocks.
  2. Vuzli audit - distribute new options according to the pattern, convert the miners to the robot.
  3. Easy vuzli - clients - do not blame new version blockchain (cryptocurrency gamants, programs).

The bitcoin blockchain is the largest blockchain. More than 7000 universities can be copied again.

Cryptographic algorithms

Unimportant to those who developed the Vizant generals in the 90s, the blockchain is more sophisticated. All of this university is located in the regime of post-change. Cryptographic algorithms here are seen as quietly, as they get stuck at the last puzzle.

Most cryptocurrencies use proof-of-work (PoW) algorithms and proof-of-stake algorithms. Read the report on the report on.

Currency vid with PoW assets is accepted as mining (mining), with PoS assets - forging (forging).

The most advanced algorithm for using cryptocurrencies is SHA256.

Zavdannya algorithm - hashuvati blocks of transactions. SHA256 generates a 256-bit hash.

Shvidk_styu mining run in hashes per second (h / s). Yak viyavilosya, hash-sum can be poured for help pens that paper. As long as the algorithm is mathematical, it is possible to reach a speed of 0.67 hashes per day (with a 12-year encryption, it is approximately 0.000016 h / s). However, shvidshe for everything, the price is not short way mining, because modern miner-systems will be built with blocks of high speed, teraheshiv / sec.

VIDEO - mining bitcoin for additional pens and paper:

Krim SHA256 is based on the following crypto-encryption algorithms:

  • ECDSA;
  • SHA3-512;

Table. Most types of cryptocurrencies with types of algorithms:

Options for mining

For a newcomer, the sphere can be absolutely impertinent; Behind the principle of that mechanism, the following are used:

  • mining on video cards ();
  • mining on Asic or just ASICs (special attachments, which may be more computationally difficult and less energy efficient);
  • forging (abo);
  • ob'єднання у.

The remaining type of mining is becoming more and more popular. Through the arrival on the market of "great graves" that sutta has an accelerated version of cryptocurrencies, as it takes more and more effort, for home mining it is the same, bullets are one way of earning money. In the first place, it’s a lot of good luck, yak є to finish important factor per hour for new blocks to appear.

Hmarny mining is very popular, so you don't need an investment on the road. For example, the Maydan Hashflare gives you the opportunity to buy contracts for a view of a number of cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, Zcash and Dash.

As for the currencies themselves, the most popular one is bitcoin, if you want to come from mining you can bring such cryptocurrencies:

  • Ethereum;
  • Zcash;
  • Monero;
  • Litecoin;
  • Ripple;
  • Dash.

It is also varto vrahuvati, as well as farms, asics and other technologies of calculation on processors has long become an unprofitable and ineffective process. Christmas in a new dumb sense.

We can get you mining

Find out more details about how mining for earning has ceased to be forgiven for new employees in 2016. In 2018, becoming a callous person is not friendly. For another 7-8 years, you can navigate on one PC, and you can easily get a significant monthly income. It is a pity that the current sense of the mainstream will be deprived of such errors:

  • іsnu access to power-free power supply (for the main vitrati mining, so that payment of rakhunks for electricity can be ignored);
  • є 4 or more video cards (especially AMD);
  • If there is enough money for a penny, as it is possible to make a contribution to save money from inflation and a small income in the future.

Simpler it seems, maybe skinny. The very same video cards appeared from the counters for an even short term and navit most shops at the svitі vypravdovuvalis behind the empty warehouses. How did you become for a few months?

All the hopes of eliminating passive gains got lost, the payback of video cards increased by 2-3 times, the ability of mining has grown significantly, but it has quickly passed. Without an investment for an increase in numerical effort, without buying an ASIC (which is so expensive), it’s impossible for large participants to mine at once. The minimum income will be "made" by rakhunks for electricity and some vitrates, and the income from the results will be insignificant, but it’s not really an investment, or a broken hour.

Visible short butt of Vigody value for 2018 roci:

  • The average investment in cryptocurrency mining is close to $ 2000.
  • Without energy costs, for an average farm income in the range of $ 125-140 per month, payback will be from 15 to 19 months, depending on the amount of currency.
  • As far as electricity is concerned, in the middle it will cost Russia for such an investment of $ 30-34 per month, the return trip will go down if it is close to $ 100, and the payback of farms, navpaki, will be improved.

At the same time, it is just simple to practice on a professional land, you will be able to understand the information and improve the quality, if you can navigate in large numbers, less mainstream.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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