TV viewing as a variety in mass information. Massmedia - tse pressa, radio, TV tower yak with mass information Characteristics of TV tower yak ЗМІ

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

3MІ are you establish, for open, public transmissions behind the addition of special technical tools for different types of buildings, be it a person who is a self-reliant system, which is characterized by a variety of storage facilities. regions, on virobnistvі). Vіdmіnnі rice ЗМІ - the chain of publicity, so that there are no number of corystuvachіv; the manifestation of special technical attachments, equipment; A non-essential audit report, which will change well in the form of interest before the next transmission, in view of the statistics.

The systems 3MІ see the following:

  • 1. Drukovany ZMІ
  • 2. Television
  • 3. Radio communication
  • 4.Internet-ЗМІ

Television - from walnuts. "tele" - "far away" and "viseo" - "bacu". 1951 rock was opened at the Central Studio of the TV Tower at the SRSR Central Studio. The strength of the specificity of the TV signal, so that it can be used for the help of short messages, television most hour became "local". On the last move, the country thought about the appearance of radio relay lines, the first one - "Moscow - Kiev" - was carried out in 1960. 1962 commemoration buv subscription pay for the TV shop. In 1967, there was a new space link - the Orbita system. To the totalitarian character of the sovereign, I am convinced by the centralization of TV-backing. The thought, which appeared at the top, about the ideological unprofitability of the regional TB, called before that, in the 70s. it was closed at the bottom of the monastic studios. In the mid-80s. the SRCP has 40% of the administrative centers at the outside of their TV tower.

“Become telepublishing and television, as they have accumulated over the rock in the rik ..., until the other half of the 80s, it wasn’t as little as shortcomings, alas, shvidshe, as the system of anti-development of healthy TV was finished, be creative , ”- wrote a prominent vіtchiznyany TV analyst S. Muratov. Postradyanskiy period at the development of the vіtchiznyanny TV tower bv in the form of cardinal changes, the forced splash of creative and organizational activity. In this day, TB will be held in the ZMI system.

Television disappeared from life in the 30s and became, as a radio, an equal participant in "triumvirate" in the mass information in the 60s of the XX century. Nadal, it developed at a rapid pace and low parameters (information flow, culture, marketing) hung on the first place. At the present moment, the TV-viewing is the greatest and we have requested for the mass information in the latest modern Russia. Vono will secure the support of the Russian information, as well as infuse into the cultural and information situation in the Russian happy suspension... Television development of the suspension, storing the first dose, as well as information about the projects in the country, development, and most often now. Television with the head rank infused into the spiritual values ​​of the suspension, the style of the perception of people, the whole way of thinking, into the culture of our hour.

Television specificity was born as a result of radio and movie opportunities. From the TV radio, it took the opportunity to transmit a signal for an additional radio in distant places (however, at the call of me, when the TV tower can be accessed by meter and decimeter), it’s possible to go on the ground along the satellite communication). The signal immediately sounds and video information, as on the TV screen, due to the nature of the transmission, it is not cinematographic in nature, or the nature of the photo frame, diagrams, graphics, etc. On the other hand, the video sequence on TV can be matched to the cinema and book-magazine-newspaper forms, the presentation of video materials (like in black-white, so in the color version), in the range of different types of programs allowing the building of the TV screen. Text can be edited on the TV screen.

Both on the radio, on TV, you can organize operational broadcasts both from the studio, and from the start (I want to directly include my low difficulty in a technical order, so that I can add video technology and channels to the connection). Transitions of such operational "live" transmissions, which go directly into the ether from the place of the reception, at a significantly greater level, not at the radio, "effects of presence," the opening of Nybіlsh mіtsіchnyh links from the auditor. A number of audiovisual (sound-looking) programs provide a wide range of possibilities for recording on the music (film-or video) programs, which occupy the most important place in the program structures.

Audio-visual synthesis on television can be used in different forms - "audio" and "video" can be played on TV, but in necessary transmissions, be played with an emphasis either on the sound row, or on the video series (such as pictures, for example, transmission from). I mean, the primary role of the quality of transmissions is montage (to navigate with one actor), in addition to close-up, tempo-rhythmic organization of the submission of material. The specifics of TV viewing are the characteristics of all types of programs - both publicistic, and artistic, and popular in science. It is important for a television journalist to take into account the special features of the reception of the auditor's program. If I want to become a millionaire in a television auditorium, for a screen, I want to climb small, most often there is a group of people, moreover, to pass the peep, as a rule, in the minds of the home. The surroundings are also very important. Yakscho Presa spochatku priznachena for subtracting poodintsі i in rіznih minds Yakscho prosluhovuvannya radіoperedach takozh Mauger prohoditi in rіznih Minds i perevazhno іndivіdualno then telebachennya vimagaє vmіnnya zvertatisya odnochasno i to mіlyonnoї auditorії, i to maloї groupies people contact of yakoyu guilty vіdbuvatisya on nayvischomu rіvnі dovіrlivostі.

Masov auditorіya zvertaєtsya to telebachennya perevazhno in vіlny hour naychastіshe vvecherі pіslya robochem day Abo dnі vіdpochinku scho vimagaє od zhurnalіstіv vmіnnya poєdnuvati іnformatsіynu nasichenіst іz Visoko rіvnem zahoplyuyuchostі, Zi zdatnіstyu "vpisati" peredachі from Godin vіdpochinku that pіdgotovki robochem to the following day. In such a rank, TV 3MI may be such a plus and minusi.

Plus TB:

  • -operability (straight efir);
  • -maximum effect of presence

the reliability of the glance;

Mindlessly reject information.


Primus - the transfer can be amazed at the moment, if it is shown.

The majestic number of promotional TV channels in an hour led the suspension to the need for a joke and comprehension of the typological characteristics of this type of ЗМІ. The post-approval of the type-approval signs, the establishment of the system-design connections, is a subject of controversy among the senior theoreticians of journalism.

Television, as one from the collection of mass information, є best masovim from ЗМІ, hunt and land of the population, as zalishayutsya behind the boundaries of the inflow of the third ZMI.

In another way, the specificity of TB (on the view of the radio) in its screen, that is, in the transmission of information for an additional image, it collapses, super-juvenile sound. The very screening of TV images is secured without the need for a middle-to-medium sensitivity, and also the accessibility for the widest audience. On the video, for example, on the radio, on the TV, information can be heard across two areas: verbal (verbal) and non-verbal, healthy. The sound-healthy character of the television communication will be appreciated by the personification of information, the television monitoring at a large number of vipadkiv can be based on the special contact of the author of the leading and participant in the program with the audience. Personality of television information has long been established in all society as the principle of modernization, as the day-to-day vision of television journalism from the first years.

Thirdly, TV viewing is likely to appear at the sound form of the show at the moment of its arrival. One hour of the show and the image on the TV screen ( simultaneity) є chi not on the basis of the TV tower. Simultaneity є in television broadcasts, such as the head, protector, and the meaning of the psychology of the glance-at-risk child, how to tell about the validity of the story, how to see it on the screen. Simultaneity, but also the effect of presence, the appearance of the house comes, nada, as it was meant by the vision, the TV news is especially reliable, documentary, realism, but the information about the appearance of the news is wrong.

Itself from the specific powers of the TV tower to lie down, at its own bank, rich in functional, structural, versatile, natural features and capabilities of the TV tower, so that in the world of development and in the context of its technical base in the particular system of the tower. Awareness of the possibilities of the beginning and of the function, such as the visitor of the TV tower at the sights.

Effort 3MI to adapt to the normal functioning of the suspension, the yak is expanding its activity. The singing spirit of people, how to become an auditorium of the TV show, is based on the fact that a number of people are able to marvel at that program. Zavdannya television studio- The development of the general view of the parity of the skin to all. Strengthening of value-added installations for auditing (on out-of-town, out-of-town and out-of-town systems of values), as opposed to the destructive tendencies of suspicion, guilty of being the dominant of the winter TB, such as In the first place, the presentation of the integral function of TB is significantly accelerated there, the warehouse of the glazed auditorium is now stored: at the national, confessional meeting. It is also necessary to support the interests of other social and social groups.

Talk about TB as a way to control the people over the actions of the government (speaking my television terminology - auditing the system). Particularly stronger is the position of up to 3MI zagala and up to TB, zokrem, among the population of the affected powers. People check on the reaction of the authorities to critical performances, so they feel quiet about their life, because of the energy, but it’s gone from the radio system, so as ZMI - it’s not possible to convey information about the audit to your audience.

The significance of all the tasks is the satisfaction of the informational needs of the people, the administration, the state. It’s worthwhile to watch TV, as you see it, but it’s good to get more information, more information, more information, more reliable and more efficient, less radio and more information.

History of the information TV show.

1895 Rіk uvіyshov to the history of the people yak rіk wіkrіttya radio and cinema. Even earlier, in the Bagutian lands, people were afraid to try to transfer the image to the stand by wires.

1880 rock P.I. Bakhmetyevim, the scheme is proponated, as it has become the basis of the TV tower: for transmission to the view of the image, it must be placed in front of the elements, which are transmitted and again selected in the same direction.

U 1888-1889 pp. Professor O.G. Stoletov admitted to the principle that there is no need for an average conversion of light energy to electric power.

In 1907 B.L. Rosing has patented the principle that is used in day-to-day TV sets: electronic exchange tube(Created by the Englishman V. Crooks and completed by the German F. Brown). B.L. Rosing is the founder of the electronic TV tower.

In practice, the image, which will collapse for the first time, the bulo is transferred to the office electronically April 26, 1928 to the laboratory at Tashkent's wines. At the same time, the United States over the idea of ​​electronic television was working on Russian emigrants U. Zvorikin and D. Sarnov. The basis of the first in the lighting system of color TV was the rosettes of the Russian vcheny A. Poluektov, V. A. Adamyan, the American F. Farnsworth, the English K. Swinton and L. Byrd. The first TV show in front of the world was built in 1928 to rock in Nimechchyna, experimentally in 1935 to rock.

From 1936 to 1939 there were regular transmissions of Bi-Bi-Si, interrupted by another. In the United States, the history of telecommuting began in 1939.

April 30, 1931 rock From Moscow, a TV broadcast was received, and from 1 July 1931 regular audio broadcasts in the mid-range range were posted. Television receivers of the big bully are self-contained, equipped with radio amateurs.

In reality, the mass of electronic televisions has gone back to the 1950s, the TV set of the KVN-49 brand (behind the first letters the names of the designers - Kenigson, Varshavsky, Mykolaivsky) with a screen of 18 cm in diagonal.

1950-th rock television tower mali three countries svitu - SRSR, USA, England. Until 1960, televoting was carried out in 20 regions of Europe. On the ear of the 80s, after the tribute of UNESCO, TV viewing was taking place in 137 regions of the world.

In the 2nd half of the 50s, the SRCR has more TV equipment cable lines In Europe in the 50s, there was already a thick cable netting. In 60-th rockets, with the sophistication of technical means for terrestrial broadcasting, the growth of radio relay stations began to grow, in addition to some television signal, it was transmitted to the station by ether - from one station to the last. At about the same hour, the satellite TV broadcast began to develop.

Іnshoyu technical problem, as virіshuvalasya with the development of TB, bula fixing the TV image. Already in the 50s, the rock music in the great lands, deceptively telebachennya, went on about the lack of handiness of the victorious telebachennya kinosyomka. The output is known by the American company "Ampex", based on the Russian emigrant Anatoly Mikhailovich Peksin, who proponated the equipment and technology to record the image and sound on the feromagnet sound. Tse bulo nі scho іnshe, like a video magnetic record (VMZ).

In the process of creative formation of TV viewing and TV journalism, mark the date 1 since 1968 to rock, since in efir viyshov the first release of the information programs "Hour" direct efiri- "Look", "12 on top").

Since 1991, a history of television communication of the new independent powers has begun, which was established on the territory of the USSR. 90-th rock is significant by one fact: it is practical for all TV theoreticians to converge on the Duma about those who do not care efirnogo television come kinets. Until the end of the decade, a group of new technologies for telecommunication had been formed: computer framing Internet. In addition, a group of potentially promising "megachannel" technologies is being formed: digital TB, fiber-optic systems with 500 and more interactive channels each, stylish radio and TB thin.

The current tendency of the end of the millennium has become the global crisis of the sovereign television industry. The centralized form of the movement in all the world is passing by, the regionalization of the telemechanism appears - in the first place, promising are the interactive (two-sided) television technologies - in a different way. While the prospects for the 21st century, for the next ten years, it is more common for television to be upgraded with new TV technologies, instantly stimulating these developments.


Chapter 1. Telebachennya yak rizvid ZMI

1.1 Information function

1.2 Cultural and educational function

1.3 Integration function

1.4 Social and pedagogical management function

1.5 Organizational function

1.6 Holiday functions

1.7 Recreational function

Rozdil 2. History and trends in the development of television and television journalism

Rozdil 3. The development and development of the TV tower as a kind of mistress

3.1 TV viewing and literature

3.2 Theater and TV shops

3.3 Music and TV show


1.1 Information function

The significance of all the tasks is the satisfaction of the informational needs of the people, the administration, the state. It’s worthwhile and TV-viewing, as it’s less likely to be deprived of it, but it’s better to get more information, more information, more information, more reliable, more reliable, less radios and more friends. Talking about the information function of the TV tower, it is necessary, mabut, to be intertwined with the vuzie and specific people of the understanding of the "information".

Regularly rejecting by people economic, political, social cultural information the light has become the norm of life. Look like the fact that information programsє pivot points of the network of changing whether a TV company, prote іnshі broadcasts іn thаt іn thе distribution іn intervals mіzh news releases. Special attention is paid to the improvement of television information to the point of view of the norms: future conflicts, disasters, natural disasters, etc.

It is possible to explain the phenomenon of chasing sensational materials for the sake of advancing glamorous interest, raising the rating and, apparently, the company’s arrival, which is being carried out. Protest, visnayuchi tsei bureaucrat, slid means and inshe. For any system - see technical annex to the biological organism and the human suspension, it is important to know the information itself about the compliance with the norms. The machine is due to the inclusion of a specific indicator, a living organism - to painful sensitivities. Pragnenya to admit abnormal appearances in the life of the suspension is to be respected by such an "indicator", "to a greater likelihood" to the society.

Qiu informative function of displaying TV reviews of news releases. Tse zalnosvytovaya practice, as it is not allowed to replace information agitatsiyu. The insha on the right - to know the need for tonality to be aware of the catastrophe and failure. Svitovy standard, transformations by ten years: the release of new ones, unimportant for a great number of rotten new ones, is not guilty of being in the minds of the eyes of the attitudes of being driven and out of touch. Everything is kind in the world. For operational visibility of such kind of ideas, about them, naturally, nothing seems to be out of the way, you need three minds:

Professionalizm spіvrobіtnikіv

Technical equipment of the TV company

· high rіven organization

1.2 Cultural and educational function

Be-yaka, a TV show with a singing world will bring a lyudin to culture. Navigate information programs to demonstrate good looks for participants in podiatry, how to lead, the style of education, literacy steps.

All prices are injected into glazed installations and without a middle, and like a negative butt. In a larger world, it is standard to use the provided programs. The whole fact, before the speech, will become a drive for the triviality of TV critics, the spite of the appearance of powerless TV channels has generated a great number of uncultured and lack of literate leaders.

Naturally, with the cultural and educational function of TB, the broadcasting of any cultural visits:




Speaking about the admiration of the audience to the mystery behind the help of the television, it is impossible, obviously, not to mean that the “uniqueness” of such knowledge is with the beautiful, however, it is a way of knowing: for the majestic quality of the people who accept the mystery, do not mean it.

Cultural and educational programs often have an element of didactics, generality. The head of the authors is unobtrusive, borderline delicate.

1.3 Integration function

Effort 3MI to adapt to the normal functioning of the suspension, the yak is expanding its activity. The singing spirit of people, how to become an auditorium of the TV show, is based on the fact that a number of people are able to marvel at that program.

Zavdannya TV-backing - development of the whole view of the parity of the skin to all. Strengthening of value-added installations for auditing (on out-of-town, out-of-town and out-of-town systems of values), as opposed to the destructive tendencies of suspicion, guilty of being the dominant of the winter TB, such as In the first place, the presentation of the integral function of TB is significantly accelerated there, the warehouse of the glazed auditorium is now stored: at the national, confessional meeting. It is also necessary to support the interests of other social and social groups.

1.4 Social - pedagogical and administrative function

Victory of the central function of transferring directly to this system and giving it to the population, to the propaganda of the singing way of living with a general set of political, moral and spiritual values.

The stage of research and development of the world into TB for the auditorium in the area of ​​the display of the whole function is to be found in the system, in the course of the TV view of the World Health Organization. As soon as the system is based on respect for the state, it is because of the character of the whole state, the step of democracy is too small.

In addition, to visit the found democratic powers telecommuting at a significant part of their programs є the provider of power politics. So, extinguished Bi-Bi-Ci, for example, є the words: “To do it. Povchat. Rozvazhati ".

The policy is first and foremost, one hundred percent of the propaganda, as її service staff. At the same time, the fact of the television communication (or rather taken by the journalist) with the power of the mute is not immoral: it doesn’t matter that the power is not immoral. The most obvious TB management function can be implemented in information and suspension-political programs. Talk about TB as a way to control the people over the actions of the government (speaking my television terminology - auditing the system).

Particularly stronger is the position of up to 3MI zagala and up to TB, zokrem, among the population of the affected powers. People check on the reaction of the authorities to critical performances, so they feel quiet about their life, because of the energy, but it’s gone from the radio system, so as ZMI - it’s not possible to convey information about the audit to your audience.

It’s not like ZMI, but it’s like a lancet, to deny that people’s possession. Otzhe, the ideal of neprezhenosti and nezalezhnosti of adjectives has become deprived of an ideal.

Who to pay is to replace the music. The management function of the television tower (as if it were the first ZMI) is not obligatory for the scheme “power - ZMI - people”. By means of television, mass information can be used to get keruvats from other parties, financial and oligarchical, regional. ugrupovannya.

1.5 Organizational function

The organizing function of TB is a winner, if the TV tower itself becomes the initiator of this community action. With the help of the whole function, you can, say, a great telephony with good goals. Slide to clearly deduce from the function of management, to serve better for the instrument.

1.6 Holiday functions

Before the full zhurnalistiki, the set function is practically impossible. For the sake of the sanctuary function of TB, there should be a translation of the primary cycles to help people who receive that particular education (for example, didactic programs for quiet people who live in school, for applicants to universities).

1.7 Recreational function

It is also little tied from journalism. Recreation - the price of repairs, relaxation, renewal of strength. Journalists may share the same fate as the established development programs of recreational directing as editors, as leading.

Chapter 2. History and trends in the development of television and television journalism

1895 Rіk uvіyshov to the history of the people yak rіk wіkrіttya radio and cinema. Even earlier, in the Bagutian lands, people were afraid to try to transfer the image to the stand by wires. 1880 rock P.I. Bakhmetyevim, the scheme is proponated, as it has become the basis of the TV tower: for transmission to the view of the image, it must be placed in front of the elements, which are transmitted and again selected in the same direction.

U 1888-1889 pp. Professor O.G. Stoletov admitted to the principle that there is no need for an average conversion of light energy to electric power.

In 1907 B.L. Rosing has patented the principle that is used in modern television sets: for the transformation of electrical signals at the image, it is necessary to display a cathode electronic exchange tube (designed by the Englishman V. Crooks and by F. Nim). B.L. Rosing is the founder of the electronic TV tower.

In practice, the image, which is about to collapse, was transferred to the stand by electronic means on 26 April 1928 in the laboratory in Tashkent by the Radiansk winners. At the same time, the United States over the idea of ​​electronic television was working on Russian emigrants U. Zvorikin and D. Sarnov.

The basis of the first in the lighting system of color TV was the rosettes of the Russian vcheny A. Poluektov, V. A. Adamyan, the American F. Farnsworth, the English K. Swinton and L. Byrd.

The first TV show in front of the world was built in 1928 to rock in Nimechchyna, experimentally in 1935 to rock. From 1936 to 1939 there were regular transmissions of Bi-Bi-Si, interrupted by another. In the United States, the history of telecommuting began in 1939.

On April 30, 1931, the first previous television transmission was launched from Moscow, and on January 1, 1931, regular sound transmissions were launched in the mid-range range. Television receivers of the big bully are self-contained, equipped with radio amateurs.

In reality, the mass of electronic televisions has gone back to the 1950s, the TV set of the KVN-49 brand (behind the first letters of the names of designers - Kenigson, Varshavsky, Mykolaivsky) with a screen of 18 cm in diagonal.

1950-th rock television tower mali three countries svitu - SRSR, USA, England. Until 1960, televoting was carried out in 20 regions of Europe. On the ear of the 80s, after the tribute of UNESCO, TV viewing was taking place in 137 regions of the world.

In the other half of the 50s, the SRCR has a more advanced set of TV cable lines, in Europe, the 50s of rock have even more cable lines. In 60-th rockets, with the sophistication of technical means for terrestrial broadcasting, the growth of radio relay stations began to grow, in addition to some television signal, it was transmitted to the station by ether - from one station to the last.

At about the same hour, the satellite TV broadcast began to develop. Іnshoyu technical problem, as virіshuvalasya with the development of TB, bula fixing the TV image. Already in the 50s, the rock music in the great lands, deceptively telebachennya, went on about the lack of handiness of the victorious telebachennya kinosyomka.

The output was known by the American company "Ampex", based on the Russian emigrant Anatoly Mikhailovich Peksin, who proponated the equipment and technology to record the image and sound on the pheromagnet sound. Tse bulo nі scho іnshe, like a video magnetic record (VMZ).

In the process of creative formation of TV-backing and TV-journalism, the date of 1 June 1968 should be marked, since the first release of the information programs “Hour” in the efir viyshov. The singing splash was in the other half of the 80s, in the period of overwakening: the whole period of the fall of the direct broadcast (live broadcasts from the USSR people's deputies, public broadcasts in the direct broadcast - "Look over"). Since 1991, a history of television communication of the new independent powers has begun, which was established on the territory of the USSR. The 90-th rock is distinguished by one fact: it is practical for all TV theoreticians to converge on the Duma about those who, without any problems, come to the end of the TV tower.

Until the end of ten years, a group of new technologies for telecommu- nication had been formed: cable TV, wireless communication, TV communication at computers on the Internet. In addition, a group of potentially promising "megachannel" technologies is being formed:

Digital TB

Fiber-optic systems for 500 and more interactive channels

· Stylish radio and TB, etc.

The current tendency of the end of the millennium has become the global crisis of the sovereign television industry. Centralized forms of modernization in the United States are passing by, the regionalization of telecommuting appears to be promising, and interactive (two-sided) television technologies are in a different way.

Chapter 3. Establishment and development of TV viewing as a kind of mystery

3.1 TV viewing and literature

Television movement in the theater of literature, theater and theater will see a lot of negative appearances, organizational and personnel development, improvement of communication, as well as the completion of financial and financial matters. technical safety TV programs about the problems of mystery and literature.

Advancing the role of artistic publicity is also familiar with the novelty. The whole sphere of creative intellectual activity, in which most people can see the everyday problems of the day. At the same time, there is a change in the model of publicistics, a transition from a monologue, a talk, a lecture to a discussion, the setting of different points to the point of view, to a magical point of view, the establishment of what - to help TV singing the position of taking that winter

To develop the development of such forms, genres and priyomi robots, such as loosing the democratic character of television, getting a glance to the process of an aesthetic understanding. People follow and broadcast for the participation of gazes, who will discuss how they will look at the viewer, that project, if the editorial office selects the audience from the hooks and critics of the work of the home writer, the cultured person. Discussions come to light, in the course of which the TV watcher is in need of making a point in the superlatives, but for those it is necessary to get to know more closely, for example, from the writer's creativity, to be amazed by the filmy that the creators put behind him very much.

The local news reproaches direct transmissions, before an hour of looking at you can be supplied with a telephone power supply and reject the messages of authoritative participants in the transmissions.

Public transmissions with the participation of the great people of culture wicked through the leaves, the basis of which the transmission is repeated. Victorious lists of guides, occasionally names, specialties and places of living of authors, different cultures are reimagining them on spoken programs, on their own authors.

The success of a writer on television is abundant in what to lay down in a new way of life - a mainstream of development, with a glance. Aleh shlyakh of the writer on television is not easy. And here it is not deprived of the inertia of the writers of the TV channel and of the capriciousness of the writer to the traditional forms of literary practice. In our opinion, the problem is posed by the fact that the writing process is on the right is individual, just like the process of transferring the transmission from the right to the creative team, a team of 10-15 people, who need to be taken with one idea by the same thinkers.

For a documentary TV writer, “fix the robot, obfuscate it with the director and the operator, the trip, the back of the people about who are in the transmission, from the point of view to the end, from the installation before the installation - such a go of the robot to find the big broadcasts, the collective, and the writer can be all the middle to the collective, and the posture of the one. "

The TV screening opened a new opportunity for the writers to contact the majestic auditorium of the readers, allowed the audience to expand the audience of performances, reading conferences, and other forms of live performance with the readers.

Bagato super-radio wiklikє televizіyna screening of literary creations.

Whether it’s a television screening, I can’t recapitulate all the lines of the plot, reveal all the richness of the human spirit, the same seemingly artistic psychology, the inner quirk of the heroes, so that those who are able to become creative and special Everything is superbly important, for an hour it is difficult to transfer directly to the TV screen, especially if there is a screening of such a literary genre, like a novel. The TV set can be used to proponuvate its equivalent equivalent, which is bi-operative with vlast specific methods.

Vzaєmodiya literatury and television, the novel that teleprograms called before the appearance of the rich-gray television film. Bagatoseriency is the very power of the government, as it is from the very essence of uninterrupted television programs. All kinds of art are characterized by a change. Having created a rich-gray film, the TV tower has been shown to be a very old one with its own specific ways of screening such a literary genre, like a novel.

Bagatoserienny televizіynі films sit one of the first mіstіt in the middle of the favorite gazes of the programs.

One more clarification. Serіya and serіal are not the only ones. A series of transmissions, films - a whole television TV, which is stored in a number of parts, for which the skin part is finished by plot, and in the skin of them the law of unity of the moment is realized, at the same time. The skin film of one series of programs can be astonished at a level, moreover, it is not necessary in the order of the supreme endowment;

It is principled to evolve from a series of serial, from part to part, from part to part, from film to film, one plot line develops. There is a chance for dramaturgy, since there is a culmination of a breakdown on a skin film, and a breakdown of an offensive film.

The most popular drink, the root of the popularity of rich-gray films among the gazes, is not deprived of the spheres of spirits, but of the sphere of social psychology.

One of the most important authorities in television and those who take it away is intimate, intimate in character. The order from the brutality to the mass audit is that there is individuality, as it is in power with one people. Take a theatrical vistavi chi film collectively. Look at the time we’re looking for our own “I”, and we’ll give it a “mi”. The cycle itself, the generous form of the TV audit is maximally victorious. The great success of the rich-gray films is rich in what it is to explain, that the new transmissions are not just the spirits of people, like the coming day, to think about thoughts, but to generate the same interests from them.

At breaks between each other, the gazes enter one by one at a non-mediated contact, tell the film, quote the heroes for the hour of the hour, ask about the end. In addition, it is not easy for television gazes to be confronted with difficult programs when choosing a program: for one name it is important to ask whose program to quote, especially since the author is not the author, the topic and the genre of the program. Ale, when showing a rich-gray film, the camp changes. I glance at two or three gray glances already on the basis of a powerful message of virishu, who will be wondered by the film. It’s volunteerism, the strong vibe, obviously, play an even more important role in the active vision of the creator and start the quality of your fake child.

Such are the actions of the social and psychological aspects of the problem of serii and serial in artistic television.

The fate of the TV studio in the aesthetic wickedness of the support of the growing up rik at the rik. Mayuchi on the basis of spiritually rich, universally rooted specialties, television gives the opportunity to develop the culture of the milion. with rice vichiznyanny TV-stand є vіdnіstnіstіnіvіnіy pіdachі to savoring and energizing gladachіv. Television broadcasts are not intended to be addressed to the widest auditorium. With a great stench, one doesn’t stick to the level of cooking, but grows the level of spiritual potential of the people without interruption.

Television prodovzhu development of interest of millions of people before the book. In the distant lands there has been a broader theory about those, that the book is no longer injected into the suspension. The author of the theory is justified: the book is individualized in its own victorian, but it isn’t anywhere else due to the scale of the TV tower, which has a large audience. Deyakі theorists to play irreconcilable antagonism between the book and TV-backers, prophesy the collapse of the book-giving right, talk about the vitality of the book in the sphere of the spiritual life of the suspension. Behind the help of the TV stand, it’s more monopolized, it’s easier to impose on the population its will, its point of view, below through a great number of books.

For such theories, we will see the priming. Likar T. Koffin vvazhaє, it’s an hour for the United States to enter the reading room, speeding up in the middle by 18%. A more detailed questionnaire, published in the state of New York, showed that 49% of the number of books that were read had become less than an hour's worth of reading, and that it had to be entered in less than an hour.

In Great Britain, the sociologist Gorer, having installed, read books from the masters of televisions, one of 15 people.

Suspilny interests in our country wicked to life all the development and development of books, and television, as at the vzaimodija and for the mutual assistance of virishyut zagalny zavdannya Satisfaction with the cultural supply of the population, which is constantly expanding.

The main meta of our TV programs about the book is to tighten respect for the works of science, mystery, popular science, youth and childish literature.

Television was revealed to be a monstrous propagandist of the book. Tsei visnovok є vіrnym for Bagatyokh lands with a long tradition of friendship.

Tsіkavі danі about the links to the show on the TV standings of the literary creations from the books drunk on the books were taken by Ugorsk presenters.

Reading the questionnaires, which were distributed among the readers, "The Forsyth Saga" was seen by most of them as a boring book. The song of the demonstration of the same 26-series film will go to the book of zris. Schaobi pleased with the yogi, bringing in a few copies of the previous editions. Roman Galsworth rozіyshovsya at 87,000 people. I am writing the demonstration on the Ugrian screens of the walnuts film "Odyssey" by Homer, over a span of several days, 30,000 readers have been added.

Similar facts can be found in the French magazine "Europe". For example, on TV programs about Marcel Proust, 40,000 copies of the books of this writer were sold for one ten-day period. And for a show on TV in Noviny, a stage for the performance of the Leningradsky Great Drama Theater. M. Gorky "Idіot" in Paris for five days, from the police, the book-readers got to know Dostoevsky's novel.

The TV screen was shown before the literature of new possibilities in the hall of the ideological and artistic vision, allowed the audience to expand the audience of performances, reading conferences and other forms of living writing of writers from readers.

Bagatiy informed about the participation of writers at the cinema screening of literary creatures, and about the introduction of large numbers of literary broadcasts on the radio, more additional will be added to the active participation of the writing forces on the television broadcasting.

The nature of the interrelationship of literature and television is not seen in the screening of literary works and in the speeches of writers on television studios. There are new problems in the development of literature and small screening.

One of such problems is that people are often, first of all, they are reading this artwork, becoming a gaze to know about the screening. Successful ekranizatsiya gave new life to the literary work and in the majority of vipadkiv zbujuk foreign interest before the book. This is how it became the song of the demonstration on the TV stand-alone TV film "Yak Gaunting Steel". Film iz with a new force screwing M. Ostrovsky's literary decline to the respect of the readers of the older generations. Prote buvag yinakshe. Having learned from the TV channel and from the plot to the creation, people can draw their interest to literary persozherel.

It is not often the case that theorists, in the mass information, cheat two intelligentsia - "masculinity" and "popularness" in robots, for example, television communication. Yogo masovity - the price of brutality is practical to the entire population, versatility, accessibility, and growth.

Massiveness is a great indicator of the TV tower function.

Popularity is a central indicator of television, which portrays the democratic, folk character of the main heroes, the leitmotif of the programs' programming, as well as the character, character, structure and form of our television tower.

I will not shut down the people's character of our television tower for a while, but, navpaki, I will go to the spraying mass media. And here there is another paradox, that there is a dialectic of the one suspicious development of the spiritual life of the current scientific and technological revolution: television communication as a result of the mass information in our country against ... the mass culture.

Otzhe, the understanding of the mass media for singing minds, go from the range of less than the number of indicators to the range of quality to the spirit of ideological and artistic value of spiritual values. As far as we are talking about mass culture, then we must pay attention to the low-grade kind of pseudo-spiritual creatures. It’s worth noting that, if the writer's office, the artist invades the stream, the conveyor is stamped with their own laws of collective practice of the professional. As soon as the intrusion erases the individuality of the artistic creation of that author, if the laws of the television industry lamented the author's hand, then the TV viewers will take a surrogate mystery. Besides in podolannі telebachennyam yak zasobom masovoї Informácie nebezpeki Why propovіdnikom masovoї culture, we'll see virіshalnu role vіdіgraє dbaylive representations to zakonomіrnostey she Especially tvorchostі hudozhnikіv-sumіzhnikіv, rozumіnnya їh and takozh Poshuk novih televіzіynih Obrazotvorche zasobіv, zdatnih viraznіshe vіdtvoriti brainchild of author origіnalu. ...

Transferring literature to the theater, to the theater to my TV-backing є to the new creation. I’ll stand in the distance, fair artists, I’m seeing the mass culture, I’ll set and look at the oversight of my creators: hit the glance to the heights of mystery, take the stage of my preparation, bring new ideas to the audience, And here, and at the Entering, TV masterpieces as a masterpiece as a retransmitter of sumptuous artistic creations.

Mass culture is a popular culture, especially in young people, which does not just mean a passion for this kind of organization, but also sympathy for specific viconauts, ale unrepentant representatives of young people in the future. Rapt, the "masova culture" is a bit of a symbol for the Bagatykh, which evokes a special scale of spiritual values.

The tsomu is not safe for that skoda of mass culture: the people are growing up the criteria of the beautiful, the cleverness of the fair art, the people are shy about the art and the literature is less awesome.

Great create a mystery, open up and create more beautiful and life in the life of people and people, in their thoughts and in ideas, carry a charge of beauty, spirituality, perfection, charge, create a mystery of people, and the specificity of at an unprecedented light of a social life - zavdannya chief programs TV tower.

Emotional literacy and emotional development are the kindred sisters of creativity and the antipode of lack of spirituality, social injustice, gift of gift, mishmanship to the riches of culture.

The whole turn, the quality of an aesthetic vikhovannya is especially important for young television auditors. Ale її artisan needs to be satisfied with the TV shops, it is clearly not enough, especially with the help of musical programs, and more precisely - there is a lot of money. Apparently, young audiences can satisfy their interest with a wide panorama of artistic movement for some of the world's groups - from cartoons to "The Mysterious Opera Stage", but instead of being directed by the robot for the artistic reserve of the TV industry.

For artistic coverage of the grown-up population of the TV tower, dozens of headings, hundreds of programs are broadcast: theater and musical performances, "Literary anthology" and "Poetic anthology", "Colo reading" and "Dialogues about literature", halls ”,“ Musical kiosk ”and the most popular and popular music culture, hundreds of cinema films, including film concerts, and a lot of them.

Receiving the spiritual spirit of artistic transmissions, without a doubt, it’s good to push ideas and aesthetic influx on TV viewers. It’s a matter of seeing the staff of the most TV watchers, who are independently involved in the ocean of TV artistic products, which are linked to this TV show. Neither conceptuality, nor systematics in the mystetskiy movement, the auditorium organized for the matured, TV-backing is practically non-existent.

The head way of development and insight into the television movement in the right natural environment of the elderly population is the price of the new generation: from the upstream to the system, from the introduction of the background to the system, from the invocation of the background to the system, from the invocation of the video from the audience, from the transmission to the TV screen before the release to the learned intelligence of the specific nature of the creation of the art.

With the development of the concept of artistic television, a good butt can be made to a child by an audience and scientists. Most of the children's TV shows will follow the lead of the leading ones, who will help their youthful gaze more beautifully than they will lay the best simple, accessible, natural understanding ("Good luck, babies!").

It is important that transmissions for children stimulate and develop their vigorously creativity, who love all the wonderful artistic performance: spirits - malodia - intelligence - assessment - self-reliance (creativity). Children’s transmissions are kindly ready for a child before the offensive, more folding stage of their natural vikhovannya, devin, too, for the help of the leading leaders, to study the minds of vitwir mystery, assess them according to the laws of beauty, develop their natural relish.

Looking at the rice of artistic TV programs for children and young people, if you are allowed to talk about the totally aesthetic education of the scientists, the system is systematic and conceptual. In addition, perhaps, not just a matter of fact, it’s important to be considered by modern sociologists, but it’s in the middle of the TV series that I’m stimulating the natural view of the late drowning and occupation. The busyness of being tied with the non-mediocre participation of the schoolboy in such forms of creative activity, as transferring spilkuvannya with the same-year friends (busy with the gurts and sections, spent an hour with a company of friends); the popularity and individual occupation, such as reading books, collections, listening to magnetic recordings, is increasing. artistic needs and interests, allow judging about the pliability of transmissions from the natural environment of children, the prospects of a given detailed work of robotics.

It is necessary to look at the special headings for schoolchildren who want to go and indulge in this kind of art; at the appearance (more precisely, at the restoration of the existing number) programs, which are directed to the self-indulgence, like, at your own devil, you can stimulate (and reanimate) the school self-indulgence - to find warehouse part cultural robots at schools.

Alley of the line of artistic insight into the rapture is taken over at the youth auditorium, at that stage of the development of the people, since it is a natural ideal, to be put into a new part of your spiritual self, especially for those who are trying to be tested from one side to understand the category of the beautiful, in a different way, for the ability to walk, to seize your position from the postulates of "mass culture", to successfully wage a fight against the offensive.

The need for special-purpose TV programs targeted at youth auditing is obvious. Ale stench, first for everything, not guilty of vipadati from the superbly known youth editorial office of the TV show from its audience, and, moreover, being in such a rosary, what could be done by the robot spontaneous the development of a new aesthetic, like an unequal power of one’s relationship, one’s daily life, one’s behavior. The focus of youth programs on individual testimony, self-awareness to allow the self-control and inner motivation of one's judgment and assessments, to self-propagate one's own thoughts, to make the basis for the vision of the vision

At the same time, talking to the slackened power of television in the sphere of education of young people, it is impossible to see that I mean a robot as a visitor to young people in the hallucination of artistic self-motivation. Such transmissions, such as "KVK", "Scho? De? If? є by pushing stimulants and organizers of the aesthetic activity of young people and buildings, they help to build the culture in their activity, by their very own characteristics for cultural robots in the populations. For the additional help of special TV programs, the TV tower could be given a second help in organizing the pedagogical all-day service of the collectives of artistic self-motivation, amateur society.

3.2 Theater and TV shops

Theatrical performance on TV-backs є by transferring one and the same thing from theatrical move to moving visual, from one kind of painting to the whole.

Moreover, in the television, there are new plot lines, and the time changes in the development of the episode, and the transition to the first basis.

Such a transition from one type of painting to another can be done by transferring the verses from one type of painting to the other, if it is true that the officers know, but the original talent of the poet is needed - the transfer, becoming the creative

Remarkably, the non-one-time brutalization of young directors up to the very classic for their involvement on TV, the visibility of the dubious presentation to the classics can lead to the "razmivaniya" of cultural decline.

Kozhen theater in its own way to stage that very p'єsu. It’s not a wiki by the list. If the TV tower shows one by one the screening of the very same creature, then the audience’s reaction is determined by the specifics of the TV tower itself as a mystery, but I’m a massive audience.

There are 200 million TV watchers, and there are millions of other people who, for some reason, couldn’t marvel at their hour of watching. For them, such TV shows are prem'єri. Television is pragmatic to introduce the spiritual values ​​of new generations into the collection, which are displayed on the screen, which has become a classic.

If there are current TV watchers - and it’s not out of the young - to play great actors, wine is more beautiful, it’s also a talent, such a mystery, as it is infused into the soul of a people. I can make a decision to the theater for a year and a year, I can see it before the TV stand, which gave me a unique opportunity. In addition, theatrical collectives themselves can show their feuds against the young rockies, the shyness about the stage of the actor’s performance, the stage direction, the quest for the development of the tradition of the modern theater, judge about the stage of the new development.

The form of the literary theater has its own promotion at the television station. There was a rise to consume literature on the basis of broad masses for additional opportunities, such as ma television. The main vimoga, which hangs out before the literary theater, is to know that form, as the last time the word was written. Forms, like a vicorist literary theater, are even more self-conscious - from reading the frame to a folding literary composition.

The literary theater will be based on the principles of accurate reading of the literary text (if you need it, you don't need to vdayutsya to the cuts). At the same time, the vision of a television performance is a kind of transformation of the TV, translating it from an informal form into a dramatic one. Being tied with the screenwriter comprehension of the literary creation, the TV-back takes revenge in the interpretation of the image-making, the richness of the various possibilities of the small screen. Before them lie: the composition of the frame, the angle, the rhythm and the tempo of the show, the editing, the musical and decorative solutions - all those who are victorious and TV-backed. I like a smut, a great deal of vistupaє the manner and style of the actor's vikonannya.

The literary theater has a staging character to the smallest forms, the stars are the intermingling of the staging possibilities (there is usually a small number of decorations, their simplicity, a small number of rehearsals, etc.).

The season of the visibility of the suspension to the artistic television tower, to its role in the foreign cultural centers and in the distant regions of growth. The TV set, while the space is still there, give the chance to millions of theater lovers in distant districts to play in the capital theaters. The peculiarity of the TV stand as a kind of art and play is in the fact that it’s not just your original performances in the snake, but the knowledge of creating wonderful arts, including the theater. Seemingly, the life of the theater is somewhat underwhelming. Yearly go to the actor, change the director, "old" performances. Pick up the fixes on the list of actors and actors at the development of creative possibilities - one of the main buildings of the TV tower, as they can make their own contributions to the local fund of cultural values ​​of the country. Smartly displaying the premier theatrical performances from the fund - a reference to the arsenal of artistic culture, TV backing up all new generations of young people to values ​​that have grown older than generation.

The demonstration of performances from the fund can characterize an important, strategic line in the ideological and aesthetic environment of the population. In TV programs, the show can be shown by the thematic principle, by the principle of knowing the robots of one director, a creative team, or one actor.

On TV, obviously, the principle of the serial transmissions, films and whistles has not been firmly established, so that it allows you to convey to the funniest glance the ideally-mysterious richness of the most beautiful visuals in such a language.

One of the options for television reading of literary works is the theater of one actor. The whole form, yak, sberіgayuchi necessary elements of the theater, yes, the ability to transfer from the lack of precision accuracy of the author's text, author’s іntonation, author’s presentation to the heroes. Propagation for the TV theater literature can be readings (viconias) for parts. At the same time, there is an increase in popularity (we know it all) and in so many people who do not open up with a little knowledge. And as soon as there are evenings of gazes to conduct a series of televisions, listening to the artistic text, you can savor the words that such broadcasts have been reached.

Gladachi will be the bachiti of an unabashed actor, like a moaning in new literary images. Win will not be one-man, who will not be allowed literature material... Visoka publicistics and subtle lyricism of the author's insights into the work of art with genre scenes.

In such a rank, the originality and specificity of the formation of the theater of one actor, because of the characteristic deprivations of the TV-set, creative, creative work, give the opportunity to convey the literary specialness to the creator with the maximum amount of repetition.

1. Television service at the ZMI systems. Social functions of TV viewing History and development trends

2. Journalism professions on television

3. Basic TV genres

4. Reporting yak is a special genre of TB

5. Mova. Elements of Actor's Mysteries

6. Basics of the robot operator. Minimum technical knowledge of the correspondent

7. Ethics and right for a robot, a reporter, an operator, and an hour of preparation for the material before an efir

8. Fundamentals of reporting genres of filmmaking. The main ambush of the preparation of the release (layout) of the information (new) programs

Television at the ZMI systems. Social functions of TV viewing History and development trends

Telebachennya yak rizvid ЗМІ. Television, like one from the mass information, є the most massive from the ЗМІ, huntsy and the population of the population, as they go beyond the scope of the inflow of the third generation. The quality of TV viewing will be explained by its specifics as to how the source, transmission and reception of information.

First of all, the specificity of the field in the building of electromagnetism, which carries a television signal, to penetrate at least a point of space in the transmission zone. With the emergence of a satellite TV stand, the interconnection has grown more and more in terms of the TB position.

In another way, the specificity of TB (on the view of the radio) in its screen, that is, in the transmission of information for an additional image, it collapses, super-juvenile sound. The very screening of TV images is secured without the need for a middle-to-medium sensitivity, and also the accessibility for the widest audience. On the video, for example, on the radio, on the TV, information can be heard across two areas: verbal (verbal) and non-verbal, healthy. The sound-healthy character of the television communication will be appreciated by the personification of information, the television monitoring at a large number of vipadkiv can be based on the special contact of the author of the leading and participant in the program with the audience. Personality of television information has long been established in all society as the principle of modernization, as the day-to-day vision of television journalism from the first years.

Thirdly, TV viewing is likely to appear at the sound form of the show at the moment of its arrival. One hour of displaying on the TV screen (simultaneousness) is not due to the local power of the TV tower. Simultaneity є in television broadcasts, such as the head, protector, and the meaning of the psychology of the glance-at-risk child, how to tell about the validity of the story, how to see it on the screen. Simultaneity, but also the effect of presence, the appearance of the house comes, nada, as it was meant by the vision, the TV news is especially reliable, documentary, realism, but the information about the appearance of the news is wrong.

Itself from the specific powers of the TV tower to lie down, at its own bank, rich in functional, structural, versatile, natural features and capabilities of the TV tower, so that in the world of development and in the context of its technical base in the particular system of the tower. Awareness of the possibilities of the beginning and of the function, such as the visitor of the TV tower at the sights.

Information function.

The significance of all the tasks is the satisfaction of the informational needs of the people, the administration, the state. It’s worthwhile and TV-viewing, as it’s less likely to be deprived of it, but it’s better to get more information, more information, more information, more reliable, more reliable, less radios and more friends. Talking about the information function of the TV tower, it is necessary, mabut, to be intertwined with the vuz'k and specific messages of the very understanding "information". Regularly rejecting by people of economic, political, social and cultural information in society has become the norm of life. Sounds like those that are informational programs є anchor points of the network of the TV company, the transmissions of transmissions are transmitted at the intervals between the news releases. Special attention is paid to the improvement of television information to the point of view of the norms: future conflicts, disasters, natural disasters, etc. It is possible to explain the phenomenon of chasing sensational materials for the sake of advancing glamorous interest, raising the rating and, apparently, the company’s arrival, which is being carried out. Protest, visnayuchi tsei bureaucrat, slid means and inshe. For any system - from a technical one, I will arrange for a biological organism that human suspension is important to know the very information about the adoption of standards. The machine is due to the inclusion of a specific indicator, a living organism - to painful sensitivities. Pragnenya to admit abnormal appearances in the life of the suspension is vvazatimutsya such "indicator", "great perceptions" of the society. Qiu informative function of displaying TV reviews of news releases. Tse zalnosvytovaya practice, as it is not allowed to replace information agitatsiyu. The insha on the right - to know the need for tonality to be aware of the catastrophe and failure. Svitovy standard, transformations by ten years: the release of new ones, unimportant for a great number of rotten new ones, is not guilty of being in the minds of the eyes of the attitudes of being driven and out of touch. Everything is kind in the world.

For the operational visibility of such a kind, about which, of course, it’s not at all seen in advance, three minds are needed: professionalism of sportsmen, technical equipment of a television company and a high level of organization.

Cultural and educational function.

Be-yaka, a TV show with a singing world will bring a lyudin to culture. Navigate information programs to demonstrate good looks for participants in podiatry, how to lead, the style of education, literacy steps. All prices are injected into glazed installations and without a middle, and like a negative butt. In a larger world, it is standard to use the provided programs. The whole fact, before the speech, will become a drive for the triviality of TV critics, the spite of the appearance of powerless TV channels has generated a great number of uncultured and lack of literate leaders.

Naturally, with the cultural and educational function of TB, the broadcasting of any cultural visits: vistav, concert, cinema telefilmy. Speaking about the admiration of the audience to the mystery behind the help of the television, it is impossible, obviously, it does not mean that the "incomparability" of such knowledge of the beautiful, however, is a way of knowing: for the majestic majesty of the glory of the people Cultural and educational programs often have an element of didactics, generality. The head of the authors is unobtrusive, borderline delicate.

Integrated function.

Effort 3MI to adapt to the normal functioning of the suspension, the yak is expanding its activity. The singing spirit of people, how to become an auditorium of the TV show, is based on the fact that a number of people are able to marvel at that program. Zavdannya TV-backing - development of the whole view of the parity of the skin to all. Strengthening of value-added installations for auditing (on out-of-town, out-of-town and out-of-town systems of values), as opposed to the destructive tendencies of suspicion, guilty of being the dominant of the winter TB, such as In the first place, the presentation of the integral function of TB is significantly accelerated there, the warehouse of the glazed auditorium is now stored: at the national, confessional meeting. It is also necessary to support the interests of other social and social groups.

Social-pedagogical chi management function.

Victory of the central function of transferring directly to this system and giving it to the population, to the propaganda of the singing way of living with a general set of political, moral and spiritual values. The stage of research and development of the world into TB for the auditorium in the area of ​​the display of the whole function is to be found in the system, in the course of the TV view of the World Health Organization. As soon as the system is based on respect for the state, it is because of the character of the whole state, the step of democracy is too small. In addition, to visit the found democratic powers telecommuting at a significant part of their programs є the provider of power politics. So, extinguished Bi-Bi-Ci, for example, є the words: "Come on. Povchati. Role." The policy is first and foremost, one hundred percent of the propaganda, as її service staff. At the same time, the fact of the television communication (or rather taken by the journalist) with the power of the mute is not immoral: it doesn’t matter that the power is not immoral. The most obvious TB management function can be implemented in information and suspension-political programs.

Talk about TB as a way to control the people over the actions of the government (speaking my television terminology - auditing the system). Particularly stronger is the position of up to 3MI zagala and up to TB, zokrem, among the population of the affected powers. People check on the reaction of the authorities to critical performances, so they feel quiet about their life, because of the energy, but it’s gone from the radio system, so as ZMI - it’s not possible to convey information about the audit to your audience.

It’s not like ZMI, but it’s like a lancet, to deny that people’s possession. Otzhe, the ideal of neprezhenosti and nezalezhnosti of adjectives has become deprived of an ideal.

Who to pay is to replace the music. The management function of the television tower (as if it were the first ZMI) is not obligatory for the scheme "power - ZMI - people". By means of television, mass information can be used to get keruvats from other parties, financial and oligarchical, regional. ugrupovannya.

Television, like one from the mass information, є the most massive from the ЗМІ, huntsy and the population of the population, as they go beyond the scope of the inflow of the third generation. Specifics of how to record, transfer and receive information. First, the specificity of the field in the building of electro-magnetic kolivans, which carry a television signal, penetrate the point of space at the zone of transfer. With the emergence of a satellite TV stand, the interconnection has grown more and more in terms of the TB position. In a different way, the specificity of TB (on vidminu from radio) screeniness, so that the transmission of information beyond the help of a powerful image, which is supervised by sound. Same screening of TV images, from the same, і їх accessibility for the widest audit. Thirdly, TV viewing is likely to appear at the sound form of the show at the moment of its arrival. One hour of displaying on the TV screen (simultaneousness) is not due to the local power of the TV tower.

1. Information function. The significance of all the tasks is the satisfaction of the informational needs of the people, the administration, the state. It’s worthwhile and TV-viewing, as it’s less likely to be deprived of it, but it’s better to get more information, more information, more information, more reliable, more reliable, less radios and more friends.

2. Cultural and educational function... Naturally, with the cultural and educational function of TB, the broadcasting of any cultural visits: vistav, concert, cinema telefilmy. Speaking about the admiration of the audience to the mystery behind the help of television, it is impossible, obviously, it does not mean that the “incompetence” of such knowledge is miraculous, protest, it’s a bit of knowledge: for the majestic, the majestic kind of fortune of noble people, the glorious Cultural and educational programs often have an element of didactics, generality. The head of the authors is unobtrusive, borderline delicate.

3. Integrated function... Effort 3MI to adapt to the normal functioning of the suspension, the yak is expanding its activity. The singing spirit of people, how to become an auditorium of the TV show, is based on the fact that a number of people are able to marvel at that program. Zavdannya TV-backing - development of the whole view of the parity of the skin to all. Strengthening of value-added installations for auditing (on out-of-town, out-of-town and out-of-town systems of values), as opposed to the destructive tendencies of suspicion, guilty of being the dominant of the winter TB, such as In the first place, the presentation of the integral function of TB is significantly accelerated there, the warehouse of the glazed auditorium is now stored: at the national, confessional meeting. It is also necessary to support the interests of other social and social groups.

4. Social-pedagogical chi management function... Victory of the central function of transferring directly to this system and giving it to the population, to the propaganda of the singing way of living with a general set of political, moral and spiritual values. The stage of research and development of the world into TB for the auditorium in the area of ​​the display of the whole function is to be found in the system, in the course of the TV view of the World Health Organization.

5. Organizatorska function.. With the help of the great function, you can, say, a great telephony with good goals. Slide to clearly deduce from the function of management, to serve better for the instrument.

6. Osvitnya funktsiya... Before the full zhurnalistiki, the set function is practically impossible. For the sake of the sanctuary function of TB, there should be a translation of the primary cycles to help people who receive that particular education (for example, didactic programs for quiet people who live in school, for applicants to universities).

7. Recreational function... It is also little tied from journalism. Recreation - the price of repairs, relaxation, renewal of strength. Journalists may share the same fate as the established development programs of recreational directing as editors, as leading.

Bedroom with іnshim ЗМІ... (3 notes of Nikitos)

Radio: - the nature of the electromagnetic signal; - home functions; -profession; - rozrahunok on masi; -mova (sleepy, literary); -zhanrova freedom; -product isnu in the space of that hour; The Internet.

With the Theater: -species; -lengths; -one-chancy; -smoothness to space.

TB specifics.

Bezposrednost; everywhere; screening; One-hour presentation on the TV screen (simultanity); efect of parity; maximum personality (type of individual); documentary, truthfulness, credibility, telegenicity.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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