Remote radio control with handheld models. Universal keruvannya remote control - how to choose the zasib keruvannya correctly

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

May you be a smart phone, you can use it as a remote control, you can find it like a wine can’t have an IC sensor. For whom it is necessary to get such a sensor (for a penny) or to work it independently (more cheaply).

The sensor is an audio jack, up to which the diodes are soldered, which viprominyuyut fluctuations in the infrared range. Yogo can be delivered ready-made to look at AliExpress for 50-60 rubles, or you can prepare it from a large number of components. The sensor is sold at various vendors (for example, others), and for independent storage need the following details:

Two IC diodes
- Audio cable with jack or okremo 3.5 mm rose
- Insulating tape or hot glue
- Thermal tube
- Tools (lower, wire cutters, soldering iron with solder and igniter or hair dryer)

Connect the anode (long leg) of one diode with the cathode (short leg) of the other diode and then the cathode to the anode. Solder one wire to the left channel (black wire), and the other to the right channel (wire in insulation of white or other color). The hot contact ("earth") is not vicorated. Insulate the contacts with electrical tape or hot glue so that there is no flickering. Heat the thermotube with a hair dryer or a igniter and fix it with an additional diode so that the stench does not come out.

Request and install the ZaZaRemote program. Insert the IR sensor of your choice into your smartphone's audio interface and launch ZaZaRemote. This program sets the sound output and is suitable for a new electrical signals, yak_ are transformed on the ІChvili of the required frequency. Adjust the program in such a way that through it it is possible to use it with outbuildings at your booth (TV set, music center, fan, DVD-player air-conditioner (toshcho)

Keep in mind that such a sensor is not practical on all smartphones. Deyakі pristroї vykoristovuyut vlasnі tekhnologiї podsі sound signal, through which the diodes cannot operate at the required frequency.

Remote controller remote care

Remote control(remote control, remote control; RCU, eng. remote control unit) - an electronic attachment for remote monitoring of other electronic attachments on the stand. Іsnuyut yak in autonomous, so і (better) non-autonomous (wire) options. Structurally, the remote control - sound a small box, to take care of the electronic circuit, the buttons are keyed (often).

Remote control systems are installed for remote control of both mobile objects (for example, UAVs), as well as devices and mechanisms on mobile objects (airplanes, space ships, ships, etc.), as well as control of vibration processes, communication systems, technical equipment yu promoted nebezpeki.

They are widely used for remote treatment with the use of butt electronic equipment (TV sets, music centers, air conditioners and other audio-video equipment).

Different remotes for aftermarket accessories

One of the earliest constructions for remote caring was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1898. Menchanism of patents and descriptions Method Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism Moving Vehicle or Vehicles. In 1898, on the electric shows in Madison Square Garden, they demonstrated to the public the radio-ceremony of the chauvin under the name "teleautomatic".

The first DC remote control for controlling a TV set by Eugene Polly, a spokesman for an American company Zenith Radio Corporation on the cob of the 1950s. Vіn buv z'єdnany іz tvіzor cable. In 1955, the roci bolo had a broken remote control Flashmatic, foundations on the basis of the posilyannі exchange of light from the bik of the photocell. Unfortunately, the photocell could not bring the light from the remote control into the light from the other vents. In addition, it was necessary to direct the remote control exactly at the receiver.

Remote control Zenith Space Commander 600

At space technology

  • The technology of remote cherubing was also victorious in advances to space. Radyansky Mіsyatsekhіd coped remotely from the Earth. Direct distance tracking by space vehicles on great stations is impractical due to the increase in signal obstruction.
  • To control the possession and engines of the spacecraft in the astronauts' cabin - remote control

The technician has a call

Remote monitoring can be carried out by mother repeaters, radio beacons, as well as communication radio stations, radars and other systems

In security systems and systems of admission

Management of gates and barriers is often carried out with the help of remote control, with remote control, and for additional remote control it is possible to control outside and internal lighting, video surveillance cameras, etc.

At the modeling

At computer technology

Some models of multimedia laptops (Pavilion series) have their own set of branded remote control (for form factor ExpressCard /54). Also, a bagatma of laptops can be exchanged via Bluetooth for the help of other models mobile phones Sony Ericsson (K700, K800 and other) and smartphones.

Photo and video technology

Deyakі mehanіchnі fotokaparati in order to change the hairline, wash the release cable, which can also be interpreted as a remote control.
In electronic cameras for digital cameras, a dartless or dartless remote control is installed. Shutter release, the remote control allows you to zoom in (as if it is controlled by the engine) and work further.

In lighting technology

Distance keruvannya is widely victorious in light design and decoration (cinemas, theaters, circuses) and in certain moods, in safe mass visits on the open air.

At the Viysk's office

On rail transport and in the subway

The remote control is installed for the control of the trains, the railway stations, the stations (escalator, lightening).

On water transport

Significant part of the ship's possession is queried for additional MPC.

At the industrial level and everyday life

Deyakі see the virobnichigo that budіvelny obladnannya mozhut cheruvatisya for help MPC.

In the electric power industry

In the electric power industry, MPCs are used to control the objects of the energy system and the management of energy supply.

At the laboratory setting

Deyakі vidi laboratory obladnannya keruyutsya for help MPC.

Remote control for by-button equipment

Universal remote control Harmony 670

Remote control for custom electronic equipment sound є small annex with buttons, with live batteries, which strengthens the commands for the help of infrachervonogo viprominyuvannya with a long wind of 0.75-1.4 micron. All the light is invisible to the human eye, but it is recognized by the host of the host. Most of the remote control units have one special microcircuit, either caseless or caseless (placed directly on the board and filled with compound to protect the damage).

Previously, only the main functions of the device were blamed on the remote control panel (changing channels, managing the volume of the system), at the same time, there are more signs of current on-button electronics on the case itself. new dialїх on the remote control panel.

The first transmitters had the same functions, commands (single-channel remote control, with one button) had enough visibility / visibility of the transmitted signal itself. And then only in that turn, as if the wine was transferred through a fenced canal (for example, a dart), in a different turn, the sidings (changes of Sontsya, etc.) were brought to pardon. The first bezdrotovy PDK vikoristovuvali ultrasonic channel zv'azku.

For consoles with kіlkom functions, a folding system is required - frequency modulation carrying a signal(It will stop and for the creation of noise immunity to the channel) and the coding of the commands that are transmitted. At the same time, for this purpose, digital processing is carried out - a microcircuit transmitting (at the remote control) modulating and encoding the signal that is transmitted, in the receiver, it is demodulated and decoded. After demodulation of the received signal, the signal will stop frequency filters for sub-signals.

To read the code of the pressed button, call the scanning method of the linear matrix of buttons (a similar method is activated for computer keyboards), and also for remote controls by-button technology vikoristannya without interruption skanuvannya vimagalo b vitrat energy and the batteries were running smoothly. Therefore, in the mode of clearing, all scanning lines are restored to the same state and the processor of the remote control is switched to the “sinking” mode, turning on the clock generator and practically not saving energy. When pushing be-like buttons on the input lines of the scan, the logical line changes, which calls for the failure of the processor and the start of the clock generator. After that, a new keyboard scan cycle is started for the assigned button that the wake-up call called. The method "one button - one line" does not sound through a large number of buttons on today's remote controls. After the pressed button is pressed, the remote control forms a request to replace the remote control code and the button code.

If the remote control panel of the remote control does not make a return call, it means that the remote control cannot be recognized, the signal has reached the receiving signal. To that, the signal that the button is pressed is transmitted without interruption to the dot, the button will not be released when the button is pressed. When the button is released, the remote control turns into a chergovy camp.

Data is received on the receiving side (for example, by the TV set): the remote control code is checked, and as soon as this code is confirmed to the given one, the command is displayed, which confirms the pressed button. Transmission and receiver (remote control and device) are to blame for the same coding methodі modulation frequency handed over the tribute, otherwise the acceptor will appear without a date to accept and process the submission of the tribute to you.


Sound at the consoles vikoristovuetsya one frequency of modulation of the carrier (that is the frequency of the vibration of the IC-light) - on it the remote control and the receiver are set. Modulation frequencies are standard - 36 kHz, 38 kHz, 40 kHz (Panasonic, Sony). Rarely, 56 kHz frequencies (Sharp) are respected. Bang&Olufsen firm vicorist 455 kHz, which is a great rіdkіstyu. Vykoristannya priymacha s modulation frequency, which is not exactly zbіgaєtsya z transmission frequency, does not mean that it is not accepted - you will lose the reception, but your sensitivity can even fall a lot.

The transmission of the signal is dependent on the use of an IC light source with a variable modulation frequency. For frequencies ranging from 30 to 50 kHz, sound the vicorist light with a long wind of 950 nm, and for 455 kHz - special light with a long wind of 870 nm high frequency TSOP5700 and TSOP7000 receiver modulations.

Dekіlka of such modulating transmissions and extinguishing ( burst of impulses) form coded parcel(div. below). The receiver of the IF-signal consists of several cascades of subsidiaries and a demodulator (frequency detector) and is sensitive to a signal up to -90 dB (most radio amator circuits can be sensitive to -60 dB). Also, practically all serially accepted IC-receivers can IC-light filter (dark red lens or plate). The IC receiver module itself can only have three hooks: life, Earth, Withdrawal of data.
Photodetector stock: TSOP1736 - 36 kHz, TSOP1738 - 38 kHz (Vishay Telefunken), BRM1020 - 38 kHz.
For the receiving signal from the remote control panel, there is also a demodulator without a built-in IF photodetector - a Sony CXA1511 microcircuit, in its essence - a high-frequency frequency detector, which allows the control panel to work, for example, on UV-vibration cameras, and not on svіtlodioda ІCh-range.


For the recognition of anonymous different commands of the remote control, the coding of the data that is being transmitted is zastosovuetsya. At the same time, it is more important to write such two schemes for coding data that are transmitted:

  • The first in the remote control consoles became blocked by Philips (RC4 and RC5 protocols, the so-called Manchester coding): Transmission 0 was supplemented by one, and transmission 1 - by zero. Tobto 001 is transmitted like 010110. The message is read sequentially, and a modulation signal is sent on the air only if one is heard.
  • The authorship of another coding scheme is attributed to Sony. Firstly, "1" is transmitted by a modulating signal, then "0" - a pause. Hourly rozmіr odinі zavzhdі however, and hourly rozіr 0 - tse kodanovі data. Long pause - transmission of one, short pause - transmission of zero.

Before overpowering the coding data, the remote control sends one or more synchroposils in order to ensure that the photodetector has fixed the primary lens (synchronizing with the remote control for sensitivity and phase).

Progress at the vineyards allowed the creation of children electric cars, like miniature copies of right cars. With skin rock stench gaining more and more popularity. Such a marvelous machine a child can cherubate herself, according to the reach of a singing century. Ale, as a rule, models for the least equipped remote outbuildings for currying. Zavdyaki tsomu childish car can be on the vіdstanі keruvati whether it's grown up. Bluetooth channel, such that the remote control connects to the electric machine, ensuring an individual connection. Therefore, do not stray from the signal of the remote control of third-party vehicles.

After the purchase of a child electric car, we will need to set up a recreation center for additional special synchronization from the transport facility itself. The skin machine has its own synchronization methods, and the world knows about the most popular of them.

When the auto is turned on, press the button in the center Car_Select for 3 seconds, as only indicators will start blinking to start the car, not letting the button on the remote control. As soon as the car starts up, the button can be released and started by the car: the keys forward / backward, right / left allow you to control the trajectory of the movement. "Stop" button to sound the car. Speed_Select to set the maximum possible speed of the car, in the fallow in the choice of one out of 3 possible speeds, the speed can be set to a maximum of 7 km / year.

Turn off the machine, press it and trim the oval button in the center of the remote control until the central indicators start glowing. After that, in parallel, without letting the button on the remote control, turn on the machine. Release the button and give a command from the remote control (forward, backward, left hand, right hand).

Turn off the machine, press it and press the red “Code” button, before the central indicators start glowing. After that, in parallel, without letting the button on the remote control, turn on the machine. Release the button and give a command from the remote control (forward, backward, left hand, right hand).

Turn the typewriter, press and trim two keys at the same time: “Up” and “Down”, before the central indicator lights up. After that, in parallel, do not let the buttons on the remote control. Release the button and turn on the machine and give a command from the remote control (forward, backward, left hand, right hand).

To set up a similar Bluetooth remote control, you need to click on the “Car Select” button, pinch it at the bottom, and press it for 4 seconds. Docks, the light bulb is more likely to shine and to turn on at the same machine in parallel. As soon as three indicators light up, the shvidkost, roztashovanі zliva vgorі. The SpeedSelect button, located in the middle, controls the function of the gearbox, and the right extreme Stop is rarely and only for emergency galvanization.

The Danish version of the remote control panel is installed in a slightly different way. In the first line, it is necessary to activate the button from the rear side of the attachment. It is placed in the opening, and it is possible to reach it for the help of a shear of a bagged handle, knitting needles or a thin twist. Dock, while the light bulb on the remote control burns out more, and let it go. After that, the machine needs to be activated. Three light bulbs of lightness, roztashovanny at the upper part of the panel of the remote keruvannya, were allowed to light up. To switch the speed forward, you need to press the button for changing the speed, turn it upside down, trichi. To increase the back swidk, it is necessary to press on the jumper once. The button is marked with the letter "P", the button is "stop". I will place it at the center of the building. Allowing you to fix the machine or block it. I want to start a new road to transport security, to press again.

How to set up this option of the remote control? You can do it for the help of the “M” button, stretching it for 5-7 seconds, doti, do not burn the light bulb anymore. Then, at the same time, it is necessary to activate the electric car for the additional switch-on button. After activation, the light should burn, but do not shine, and it is necessary to tell about those who are blind. For some remote controls, the bulbs go out step by step. The "S" button, zipped out, is designated for flashing the speed, and the "P" button, located at the upper part of the right panel, blocks the car and rattles it right after the onslaught.

The customization of this model is done in this way. Press the button in the central part of the remote control with the Z logo, blink the lower edge of the light indicator in the center more often, continuing to press the button, start the machine. Let the Z button not let the machine start up for about 3 seconds, let the Z button go. Then press the top button on the right side of the remote control once (the icon is painted on the button, similar to a lollipop). That's it, remote control, you can proceed to re-check to the right, to the left, forward, backward and rolling)

In order to fix qiu model remote control it is necessary to simultaneously press the right upper button from the end of the remote control and the right joystick, press the right hand. By pressing the joystick and the button in parallel, start the electric car and bud for 2-3 seconds. Once the machine has started, you can release the buttons on the remote control and turn right, left, forward, backward. You can enjoy the trip.

To set up such a remote control, it is necessary to press and press the button at the power on icon in the center of the remote control, start the machine in parallel, after the machine has started, the button in the center of the remote control can be released. Perevіryaєmo right-handed, left-handed, forward, backward. The car is ready for operation.

To build such a launcher, you need to start the car right away. After the machine starts up, take the remote control, press the button in the center (from the image of the Z icon), wait 2-3 seconds, then release the button. Move forward, backward, right-handed, left-handed. You can take it to operation.

Such a model of the remote control is built in such a way. Press on the control panel and press the oval button of the red color near the central upper part of the remote control (some importers have it with a black sticker). Next, start the machine without letting the button on the remote control. After the machine has started, the button can be released. Change right-handed, left-handed, forward, backward. You can speed by car.

Use and other types of bluetooth remotes, for the help of which you can use an electric car. About those, how to connect them to transport problem said in the instructions. Please read carefully.

Keep in mind that changing the battery may result in a loss of synchronization, so you will need to reconnect the electric car to the remote control.

It would have been nothing foldable: taking the remote control, let's go! Really blame the nuances. It is easy to control a child's toy, as if we were instructed to do more than 7 km / year. Ale, if you rush forward in you - let’s go ahead with a modest 30 km / year - you’ll instantly see 50 meters of coristuvach, and a novice may not be prepared for such a turn. Let's talk about those, how to competently handle the machine on the control panel, so that they don't hit the wall in the first arrival.

Why is folding?

Three main problems for a newcomer:

  1. The machine is constantly collapsing - and it is collapsing to reach a significant distance from the operator. Vaughn either directly at you, or kill you, or see you ... the model is necessary to be sensitive, but it’s less likely to come with proof;
  2. If the machine changes directly, You start to stray and turn. Tse is normal: the smut, the back of the head do not need to be very loose and steer carefully, so as not to get into an accident. For a couple of years, you’ll call the katanna;
  3. Before motility, you also need to call. It’s not easy for a newcomer to shrug off with a pistol-shaped remote control, a specific skill is needed. Yakiy, I know again, to come from dosvіdom.

Zvіdsi it is possible to work the key visnovok: to learn how to use the machine, how to use the radio, it is necessary to accumulate information. І tse - head mind for development as a model racer.

Where to read?

On equal. And it’s too bad, so there was no one in the order. Tse mozhe buti parking at the evening hour, maidanchik in front of the booth, the track at the time of the least busyness - you will need a lot of space and not need a loan/watchers/competitors. It is especially important in the first days, if all respect can be focused on the control of the model and the setting of the newcomer.

How to learn?

  1. Carefully ride on a straight or wide stake of minimum speed. Khvilin 5 hocha b. Call to the dimensions of the model, to її vіdguku;
  2. Learn to gamble! Vzagali, on the back of the head “in a be-yakіy nezrozumіlіy situatsії galma” - that’s our everything;
  3. Try to turn (still timidly all maneuvers on a small speed);
  4. If you are forced to pass a straight track on a small speed, speed up by 5 kilometers.

IMPORTANT: Turn the kermo smoothly, do not twist the yogo all the way. Those same with gas: do not mix yoga, use the trigger carefully. Rіzky Rukh \u003d vision at the entrance \u003d accident.

Having mastered the simple curves, try to enter the turns more agile, clinging to the inner stake. Slowly work your way into galvanization without the need: more quickly turn your attention to gas control and yogo accurate delivery.

After a few steps, switch to folding activities: try a snake (as the model allows), haircuts (similarly, on budgetary Chinese, it’s better not to stribati) - everything that the soul is always good for! Ale follow simple rule: Are you learning new tricks? Drive as carefully as possible, don’t limp until you’re impressed in yourself. And everything will be good!

Sound the universal remote control (RC) with a small box with light diodes, circuits and buttons. The reason is that an infrared sensor is transmitting a required code to the same sensor in a different annex. For the help of something else, for example, you can adjust the volume of the sound, change the channels, change the intensity of the work of something else, I’ll add that richer one. Vіd svechaynogo universal remote control vіdrіznyaєє tim, yogo scheme can be written one hour kіlka elektropriladіv. Today we will look at how to set up a universal remote control for a TV.

Adjustment of the universal TV remote control

Zrobiti everything will be easy to finish. It’s possible for the first time you don’t see anything, but you don’t have to be angry at once.

If nothing else has been sold, then in China yoga can be bought at a much lower price.

Adjustment includes a sprat of methods:

  1. Press and trim SET (TV) until the red light is active, then once on POWER, then enter the TV code and the indicator will turn off. If the indicator does not go out, it is necessary to press the MULT button after entering the code.
  2. Dial required number and simultaneously decrease SET (TV) and POWER.
  3. Raise SET (TV) to the active light of the red light, then press POWER once, direct the MPC at the TV on and check for your reaction. Press the MULT button.

In that case, if the attachment has not started, it is necessary to try to enter a different number for the apparent TB model, or else win 3 ways.

If you don't know how to set up the remote control yourself or don't go out, then you can ask a doctor for an electronics store, it will be enough for you to know the TV code.

Setting up a universal remote control without a code

At this way to be able to work independently without entering a number. For whom it is necessary to kill TB. Let's spend a few seconds on the remote control and press the button under the name Set, or else SETUP (TV), the red sensor will not be damaged. Send your universal attachment at bik TB and press on green POWER button. The indicator is guilty of almost blinking, which means that the attachment has changed the code for the TV receiver. Check it out, if there is a reaction on TV. For example, the sound will fade, the channel will flicker, etc. Having reached the reaction, it is necessary to press the MUTE button to turn off the sound.

Pdf manual for setting up the Rolsen remote control

Below the representations of the official manual for the Rolsen adjustment: RRC - 200, RRC - 300. It is possible, it will not be possible for other extensions.

Having checked a few seconds, the indicator goes out and you can turn it off. If it doesn’t work, then try after increasing the TV and after selecting the channel, turn off the sound, and then vikonat the same way, as described three times more. If you have done everything correctly and your workers are working properly, then you can get through successfully.

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