The power, mute, volume button does not work. On the iPhone, the jumper does not work

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Have you stopped working on the iPhone keys? A similar problem is the manager of a lot of incompetence at the process of vikoristannya I will build. Below is a report on the description of the processes for repairing the key.

Possible causes of breakdown

  • Zabrudnennya keys - banal, but the widest reason. Behind long hour vikoristannya phone, open it with the keys and the body can eat finely dispersed elements, drank thinly. bud. Through the confusion, the keys work, and then they press 2-3 times. To clean the buttons, it is better to vikoristovuvaty an alcohol rozchin and a cotton swab;
  • The button may not work properly if you replace the top ribbon cable on the system board. This is explained by inaccurate connections to the loop (it can be possible to make contacts in the increase / change in density). At this time, it’s better to replace the keys;
  • Virusne PZ, like switching robots to other functions operating system;
  • In the event of a malfunction after an impact or a fall of the IPhone, it will require a replacement for the reduction mechanism;
  • The presence of a native land near the corps;
  • Zbіy after update of the operating system.

The key is pressed, but the sound is not regulated

As soon as the pressure on the volume control on the screen appears at the end of the ringer, and then below the daily indicator of the volume level - the problem is not in the failure of the mechanism, but in the sbіy operating system.

For the cob, try to fix the software problem in the simplest way - reset the phone ( soft reset). As a rule, this procedure allows you to install third-party processes that respect the standard components of the iPhone. As if nothing has changed since the re-advancement, try to press the hard keys on the offending parts at the same time. Repeat the action 3-5 times. Tse dopomozhe turn the normal mode of work.

Reverse available updates. New folding parameters in the configuration in 90% of the cases solved the problem. Also try rolling the phone back to factory settings.

As long as the mechanism of the keys is not replaced, you can use the Assistive Touch function, for the help of which you need a button to appear on the screen of the working table. To turn on the option, go to the Settings - Basic - Assistive Touch and put the buzzer at the "Enabled" position.

Change keys for volume control

All pererahovanі more ways did not help? In such a situation, one can say that the iPhone density button does not work through a breakdown of the mechanism, or through the fading of contacts. Just replace the key and you can do it yourself, following the instructions:

  • Prepare tools for iPhone selection (set of twists, plastic spatula, tweezers, suction cup, new thickening mechanism);
  • Open the device. Potim vіdkripіt back cover view of the monitor. Screw the indication on the little Gwent Phillips from the plug of the battery connector. Remove the battery cable and remove the battery;

  • Find the density control cable and remove the plug, screwing the indicated on the little screw:

  • Pry out the top cable bracket from the phone;
  • Screw the screws out of the bracket contacts;
  • Know contact utrimuvach;

  • Lift the rose cable with a flat spudger;
  • See such a gvinti:

  • Know the mechanism of switching for additional tweezers. At this stage, you can try to clean the component, maybe it’s not broken, but just smiled;
  • To replace the keys, carefully pinch them with tweezers. This tool does not allow damaging the button membrane;

Change the components and choose attachments to the cob mill.

In the present hour, few models of telephones from push-button keys have been lost. Virobniks have already switched over to sensor control a long time ago. However, all the same, there are button models on the market, for example, the so-called "grandmother". But we won’t talk about the line of devices, even if the topic of our material is the density buttons on the iPhone, or rather, how to work, so the stench (or one of them) does not work? Where can you turn around for food? Can you help correct the situation, what has happened? How to avoid similar breakdowns? We gave you a rozpovist about everything.

So, in the first place, let’s say that the shards of the hardness button on your smartphone are mechanical, then we’ll cook the warto buti until the stench wears out. Buttons for adding and changing the sound - these are the buttons that are most often played on the phone. The music, the volume of the call, the volume of the reminder - everything is regularly and constantly changed and in this way we are assisted by the above buttons.

The number button on an iPhone can either not be worked out, or it can be done once, or it can be done. The reasons for this can be rich. Basically, the stench is of a mechanical nature and even rarely fights in robots software. How to talk about mechanical reasons, which can lead to this kind of inaccuracies, which you can see like this: hitting a saw and wood under a button; poshkodzhennya, caused by blows and falling phone; getting into the corps. If you talk about problems in software security, then the symptoms can be as follows: when you press on the button, the density is fixed as if otherwise, for example, the program with the camera is opened; keys can also be practiced every other time; You may be informed about the need to download for normal work.

Like bachite, there may be a few reasons and symptoms of different. As you have been treated with such unacceptability, you know the city of Bryansk, joke, where you can turn for help, we will be happy to help you! Chi not pratsyuє the button of density on the iPhone? Zaїdaє? Jammed? We are ready to help you with the least possible terms.

It is necessary for us to reveal the cause of such a breakdown, so why should we ask. Independently, as it seems, at home minds it is unlikely that you will be able to grow. Moreover, the virobnik strongly does not recommend that you work with your own hands! You can cause even more serious breakdowns, and not just a simple slip, if you are afraid of collapsing in the operation of the buttons and adjusting the sound. Varto obov'yazkovo zaryutisya until the main, de bude diagnostics will be carried out, the reason for the exit from the fret will be revealed. After diagnostics, our fahivets will tell you what happened and the cost of repairs. If you are ready for repairs, then diagnostics will be cost-free for you!

Since then, as you have been accused of being foldable during the operation of your iPhone, You are looking for an excellent service center near Bryansk, to give an official guarantee for repair work, we will be for the sake of you!

It’s been a while before you move or listening to music, it turned out that the volume key on the iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s has stopped working, don’t hurry to get angry. The most widespread cause of such a problem is becoming more banal. During the process of exploitation between the body and the key, I constantly spend more and more smite, saw. If on the right at the cluttered keys, then the stench, as a rule, is spratsovuyt, but from another or a third time. In order to correct the incomprehensibility, it is sufficient to soak a cotton stick in a dance with alcohol and wipe the buttons.

Important. Be careful of your native land. Make sure you don't drink alcohol in the middle of the phone.

Other causes of failure can be:

  • getting ridin;
  • fall chi strong blow of the gadget;
  • after the update of the operating system, becoming zbіy;
  • virus software security;
  • the replacement of the upper cable of the system board was incorrectly carried out.

How to fix the situation

How does it work when cleaning with alcohol does not work on the cleanness button on the iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s? You can try to fix the situation in the following ways:

  • re-advantagement of the gadget - to help you use third-party processes to ensure the correct functioning of the standard components of the gadget;
  • if the first option was not added, then synchronously press on the buttons to control the sound (repeat 3 times);
  • go into the adjustment and speed of Assistive Touch, turning it into the "Switched" mode;
  • insert stop updating or turn the phone to factory settings.

Important. Do not overdo it with the force of pressure on the smartphone, even if you blame the possibility of damaging the internal elements of the gadget. In order to find out what the breakdown was, call the service center for consultation with fahivtsy.

Even after the previous manipulations, nothing has changed and, like before, the buttons of the iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s do not work, which means the reason is much better.

Maistry of all trades

To carry out our qualifications fahivtsy, but alright. Relative diagnostics and troubleshooting will be carried out at your presence. This is not a trivial process, but all the same, it requires knowledge, access to those special tools. We give guarantees for all repair work, as we wish.

Phone us! With pleasure, we will help you to get on the phone, which is good, in a short time.

The iPhone 5, similar to Apple, is not only characterized by its productivity and practicality. We can also achieve a three-year period of trouble-free functioning. Ale navit such an incredible device is not plundered by the whole world in the form of breakdowns and malfunctions. Causes of guilt can be vague and most often provoked by the koristuvachs themselves. Most of the repairs are needed, which can be done with your own hands.
Let's look at the main causes of this problem and let's talk about possible optionsїї usunennya trohi more reportable and reportable.

Iphone 5 hardness button repair - main causes of malfunctions

Most often do not work on the Iphone 5 due to such provocative factors:

  • A blow to the phone or another fall - a significant mechanical influx of the entire building to bring the keys to physical destruction or one of the internal elements of the system;
  • Contacting with water - to swipe for a non-trivial infusion of the possibility of oxidizing contacts on the lower with the onset of yogo exit from the fret;
  • The wear of the keys of the quality - the trivale of the coring of the device can be brought to the natural wear of the key element;
  • Penetration of the saw - through the middle of the hull and resting on the onslaught mechanism. When you need to press the key more strongly to change the sound. In the meantime, you stop working and get out of tune again.

Different signs can tell about the module's inadequacy. Most often among them they sound like this:

  • When pressing the button, the day is її response;
  • The element is falling and not functioning properly;
  • Reduced chi sounding spratsovuє not the first time;
  • The reaction to the command resonates in the face of a victorious chirp.

Solving the problem of changing the density by software methods

Most of the time, when you press the button on the screen, the ringer pictogram appears, but the sound level does not change. In this way, the problem of varto shukati is solved in pardons on the program level.
We are going to have to re-advance the phone. Tse allow us to use these processes, as they are involved in the normal functioning of the OS. If this option is not added, you can try to press one hour on the offending part of the key. Repeat the pressure next 3-5 times. Varto try to run the phone to the factory configuration. That system upgrade will not be far off. Approximately 90% of the cases resolve the problem.
Also, changing the volume can be done with the help of the Assistive Touch option, like putting the volume control directly on the screen. For whom, in the main settings, select the Assistive Touch command and move the button to the active position.

Replacing the buttons of the density - the blackness of the diy

Yakscho software methods appeared powerless, then it is only possible to install a practical analogue on the site of the problem module. Without intermediary, the replacement of the Iphone 5s hardness button cable includes:

  • Turning the bolts to trim the smartphone case;
  • Zyattya display for special help;
  • Vіd'єdnannya battery pack and display cable;
  • Wiring loops, yakі connected to maternity pay;
  • Paying the main payment by phone;
  • Vimknennya keruyuchy button to the sound of the loop;
  • Forgotten key, which came to inapplicability, and її replacement;
  • Rechecking the practicality of the loop and yoga replacement;
  • Folding a smartphone at the dead end.

On the basis of which the replacement of the keys, the density is considered to be residually complete.
The procedure for replacing the keys with the sound and the key loop will require that knowledge. Do not varto vikonuvat її independently on these devices, as if they were changing on a guarantee. At this point, it is better to take the device to a certified center for a cost-free renewal.

Related products

Volume buttons on the side panel Apple smartphones, I will add different components. Tsya injustice can create impersonal unhandedness to the coristuvachi. If you have run into such a problem - don’t be embarrassed, if you can repair the breakdown. Return for help to the LP Pro service center, let the maister help you solve the problem.

Reasons, through the same way, the hardness button on the iPhone 5S does not work

The buttons of the group are out of tune in such modes:

  • I will build a strong blow at the hour of the fall;
  • Getting ridin into the smartphone body to cause oxidation and damage to the internal components of the device;
  • A hit by a saw causes sticking of buttons;
  • Incorrect software robot.

Not working hardness button on iPhone 5S - fixed problems

If you have run into such a problem, you can try to fix the breakdown on your own, following the song:

  • Take a smart phone with a pouch, you can make it easier to push buttons;
  • For the help of a claptya of cloth, clean the buttons from the saw that zabrudnen;
  • If there is a breakdown of the Wiklikan, a problem with software security, I will re-attach.

As soon as the situation has not changed, turn for help to the fahivtsiv of the company LP Pro.

Change the volume keys on the iPhone 5S

Maistry service center LP Pro to carry out professional diagnostics and determine the exact cause of the malfunction. Based on the results of the diagnostics, the repair works were carried out. The facsimiles of the LP Pro company know how to repair the hardness buttons on the iPhone 5S and, if necessary, replace the cable on the phone. The repair work is carried out in a short term, the maistry guarantees the accuracy of the installed components.

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