Flash all except storage bat de take. Android firmware for the help of the FastBoot utility

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Need to flash Android for FastBoot help, but don't know how? This article provides detailed instructions for using the FastBoot utility and how to flash an Android device.

The instruction is given again, as FastBoot is cured! If you don't know how to install archive updates, then you need an article - Clockwordmod - what is it. Instruction CWM recovery with pictures

Downloading and Installing FastBoot

First, flash Android for FastBoot help, you need to download it and install it on the necessary computer.

1. You can download the FastBoot utility with the official Android SDK program (great idea)

why ADB RUN is better


Yakscho downloaded Okremo Fastboot

After that, yak V zavantazhili and installed FastBoot, open the program on the PC " Command row »

i century Children commands to go to the folder with the Fastboot utility (as installed Okremo FastBoot

cd /
cd adb

I have downloaded ADB RUN

If your choice fell on the ADB RUN program, then run it and select from the menu Manual -> ADB

Files that need to be flashed are located in the same folder with the Fastboot utility

Instructions for commands on how to flash Android for FastBoot help

It is even more important to write commands and firmware files, shards of stench are indicated!

How do you have a team assigned

fastboot flash cache NazvaniAFiLe.img

then you need to write yourself like this, but not otherwise. That is an important case of letters, otherwise you take a pardon cannot load 'image' - No such file.

Reloading command into firmware mode (bootloader)

fastboot reboot-bootloader

Command "batch" PC your Android

Take it from the zvichka before tim, as if you were working in Fastboot, as if it were working between the computer and Android:

Recheck "chi bachit" PC your Android

fastboot devices

I give the command to disable if the attachment is already in the firmware mode (bootloader)

Command unblocking and blocking the zavantazhuvacha Nexus

Unlock bootloader for Nexus

fastboot oem unlock

Lock bootloader for Nexus

fastboot oem lock

The command to recognize the bootloader version

Show installed on Android version number of bootloader

fastboot getvar version-bootloader

Formatting commands

Before that, how to flash the firmware in Android, you need to format the core of yoga in order not to cause problems for the robot

fastboot erase Imya_razdela - delete partitions: boot, radio, recovery, system, userdata and others

Erase partition Cache (Cache)

fastboot erase cache

Erase partition Date (Data)

fastboot erase userdata

Erase partitions System (System)

fastboot erase system

Erase partition Recovery

fastboot erase recovery

Commands for firmware distribution

After that, as you have formatted the formatting of the distribution or distribution, you can download the firmware

fastboot flash Imya_razdela imya_file.img - firmware of the selected distribution: boot, radio, recovery, system, userdata and others

Flash system partition (System)

fastboot flash system imya.img

Flash partitioned cache (Cache)

fastboot flash cache imya.img

Flash the date (Data)

fastboot flash userdata imya.img

Flash the Recovery partition

fastboot flash recovery imya.img

Installed animation notification (firmware distribution with animation)

fastboot flash splash1 splash.img

Flash all extensions (boot, recovery and system)

fastboot flashall

Deputy imya.img- it is necessary to prescribe the name of the file, which one you choose to flash

Command to install update.zip

Flashing on Android update archives in the update.zip format or ZIP archives from IMG with images of various distributions

fastboot update filename.zip

For Sony add-ons

Reverse the connection to the Sony add-on, it is also necessary to add 0.3 attachments, it is also connected

fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version

Unlock bootloader

fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xRemove_Key

More detailed information on how to unlock Sony Bootloader - How to unlock Sony Bootloader

Pardon Waiting for Device

Yakshcho you have a long hour at the command window to burn write waiting for device- means:

  • Not installing or incorrectly installing the driver - reinstall or install
  • Android device not in Bootloader mode.
  • Incorrect connection to the USB port - turn off the rear USB 2.0 ports of the computer, do not turn off the USB hub

Firmware version for LG Nexus 5 revenge sprat improve, the axis deakі z them:

● Optimized for OS robot. Games, programs will now work more smoothly and smoothly.
● Improved the speed of the system's response to the koristuvach, so that the smartphone reacts more quickly to commands from its master.
● Designed work on the software improvement of the sound driver. The sound became clear, and we received it by ear.

Nexus 5 firmware process

Installed drivers. For the cob zavantazhuєmo and install the driver. Unpack them on your computer to the Nexus5 folder, as you need to create on drive C. After going to the Device Manager at the distribution panel, connect the smartphone to the computer via cable. To show up an unknown attachment, we right click the bear on the new menu prompt, in which choose “Update drivers”.

Tell me the way to the drivers, they zavantage them, they unpacked it on a hard drive.

Unblocking the zavantazhuvacha. You need to extract all the downloaded files to the Nexus5 folder on the system drive, by the way: C:\Nexus5

Obov'yazkovo revert, so that the necessary files are at home, so. at my dad.

Run cmd program. At the command line, the following commands are entered according to the instructions, after the skin introduction, press Enter:

cd C:\Nexus5

fastboot oem unlock

At this stage, a power will appear on the display of your smartphone, which confirms the unlocking of the zavantazhuvach. It is necessary to wait, having moved to the item “Yes” for the help of the key. To select this item, press the wake/block button.

The process of unlocking is underway (about 30 seconds). After completion, we will enter the command:


The process will be completed if the word “finished” appears at the very bottom. After which attachment is guilty of restarting. If this doesn’t happen, you can fix it on your own for the help of the button of life.

Detailed instructions on how to install the official firmware on Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro (Kenzo) with unlocking the zavantazhuvach.

    Drivers and software


Neither the site administration, nor the author of the instructions are responsible for your results. Everything that you work - you work less on your fear and rizik.
To install the official firmware via Fastboot on the extension, you need to unlock the zavantazhuvach.

Instructions from the installation

    Make backup copies of the necessary data of the koristuvach.

    Create in the root of drive C: folder with names " Android».

    Disable driver authentication.
    Windows 7
    When the computer is activated, after the BIOS is enabled, it is necessary to press a key F8. At the menu " Dodatkovі options zavantazhennya» choose « Enabling the language signature of drivers". This way can be done not the first time, then repeat the following or enter the command line in the name of the administrator and enter two commands:
    « bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS»
    « bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON»
    Windows 8
    Need to press keys Win+I, hold down the key Shift and select the item "". If the computer is marked, select " Diagnostics» > « Additional parameters» > « Entry parameters» > « Rezavantage". When interested, select the “mode” by pressing the key F7.
    Windows 10
    It is necessary to press the key Shift and select the menu " Start» > «». If you are interested, choose " Poshuk that usunennya malfunctions» > « Additional parameters» > « Entry parameters» > « Rezavantage". Let's choose the item " Turn on language re-verification of drivers' signatures by pressing the key F7.

    Launch the MiFlash utility, press the button " Next» to install drivers, wait for the installation of all drivers, check the installation is complete, and then press the button « end» to close the window.

    Connect phone to computer via USB cable.
    It is recommended to use the original or original quality cable, as well as a USB 2.0 port, patched on the motherboard (for PC).

    Open the command line and go to the created Android folder with the command " cd c:\Android\(Teams are written without paws).

    Change your computer to know the ADB attachment.
    For whom it is necessary to enter adb devices» at the command line. To request on the phone, you need to press " Ok”, while selecting the item “ Make sure to allow this computer". If you can see the attachments, then the text “List of devices attached” and the list of attached attachments will be displayed (for example, xxxxxxx device). If you want to replace “device” it will say “offline” or the list will appear empty, you need to update ADB, change drivers/cable, change USB port/computer.

    Restart your smartphone in Fastboot mode.
    For whom it is necessary to enter in the command line adb reboot bootloader"or turn it off yoga, then turn it off with the key Change the volume. On the screen, it is to blame for the appearance of the hare at the cap-vushants.

    Change your computer to know if it is attached to the Fastboot mode.
    For which it is necessary to enter the command " fastboot devices". How can you see xxxxxxx fastboot» means that the phone is connected correctly. If you see "waiting for device" or nothing happens - you need to check the USB connection or reinstall the driver.

    At the command line, enter " flash_all.bat"to install the firmware from the view of all data of the koristuvach or " flash_all_except_data_storage.bat» for firmware with їх savings.
    Start the process of installing the firmware.

    If the firmware is installed on the basis of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, as well as the TWRP recovery is planned, it is not possible to allow the “encryption” of the coristuvach distribution /Data.
    For whom it is necessary, without letting the smartphone start getting into the system, just install a custom recovery.
    Once the process of installing the firmware is completed, press the Change Volume key and the Live button to switch to Fastboot mode.

    Let's install TWRP with the command " fastboot flash recovery recovery.img».

    After the completion of the operation, re-attach the attachment to the recovery mode by the command " fastboot boot recovery.img».

    The recovery has a patched zavantazhuvach, as it worked for the hour of installing custom recovery with the file "".

    After the installation is completed, restart the phone by selecting the item “ Reboot» > « System».

  • As soon as the phone got caught in the system and made it unavailable for TWRP, there are two options to mount / Data in recovery:

    • TWRP has formatted /Data via point wipe > advanced wipe, and then patch the zavantazhuvach with the file " lazyflasher-no-verity-opt-encrypt.zip».
    • Reinstall the firmware with all the data and, without letting the smartphone get into the system, install TWRP and the modifications of the zavantazhuvach.
  • share

After incorrect flashing, the smartphone is practically “sprinkled”? Do you want to switch to a bigger new version, but the updates stopped coming a long time ago? Here, a special mode is added, which is used on Xiaomi mobile attachments. And far from everyone knows how to flash a Xiaomi phone via Fastboot, what to need and how problems can be fixed.


What is needed

Before that, how to flash the firmware to the phone via Fastboot, you need to prepare a few things:

  1. Verify that the phone is successful, install all the necessary drivers, as it is not so.
  2. Insert special program MiFlash, won the same name MIUI ROM Flashing (in the course of the article, it will be sent).
  3. And, obviously, you can’t do without yourself. It is necessary to choose a version for flashing in Fastboot mode. Entry can only be found on the MIUI website and only for your specific model! File extension required - ".tgz". Yakscho got ".gz"- Just change it.
  4. Do not forget that we need an unlocking bootloader for a successful operation. Zavantazhuvach inactive? Then hurry up on this topic.

Step-by-step instructions on how to flash Xiaomi via Fastboot

Now let's get down to the firmware of the Xiaomi smartphone, how to get it through the computer. On the phone can be left with at least 60-70% of the charge.

Krok 1: installing MiFlash and drivers

Before that, how to install the MIUI ROM Flashing Tool program on your PC or laptop, it was necessary to turn on the verification of the driver signature number, but it might not be relevant anymore.

A small note: this article has the MiFlash program version 04/25/2017. On the website of the retailer xiaomiflash.com, version dated 11/15/2018, but some problems are blamed for it. The new version also does not require re-installation of the PC, it is portable and practical immediately after repackaging.

Krok 2: unlocking the zavantazhuvacha

The rest of the hour, the unlocking of the bootloader, was simply asked. There is no need to submit an application to the Xiaomi official service and check for a few days of a positive decision, which, however, could not be. Now coristuvachi can immediately rozpochati activation zavantazhuvacha. Let's describe a short instruction:

  1. The first and most important thing that needs to be done is to ring the phone. Below is a report on the screenshots.
  2. Now lost the check if you pass 360 years and after that you can continue.
  3. Whose letter to us you need another utility, and Mi Flash Unlock itself. You can find it on w3bsit3-dns.com or on the official website of Xiaomi.
  4. After that, you open the program in the name of the administrator, it is translated into fastboot mode ( Keep the phone quiet, check if it’s close and press the hardness button minus with the mute button) and connected to the computer. Read the information.

    For example, the procedure may show three green dots - a sign that Bootloader has been successfully unlocked. Zrobleno. Don't forget what you can find out on our website.

Krok 3: choose the correct firmware

Now I give special respect for choosing the right archive for your Xiaomi model. This article describes the method of flashing via MiFlash. In the video, yak know below, I'll tell you about the method without MiFlash then through the ADB Platform-tools.

  • Get the firmware for MiFlash (whatever the original firmware file).
  • Download firmware for ADB Platform-tools (only for firmware in Fastboot mode).

Krok 4: transferring the phone to Fastboot mode and connecting to a PC

If the preparation is completed, take a mobile attachment, vimikaemo yogo and checkaemo close hvilini so that all the processes of the smartphone have been pinned down. Now running on the phone Fastboot mode.

Fight like this: we press the key of vitality and the goydalka of the change in density. Trimaєmo doti, the docks do not show up at the vushantsі, which is repairing Android. Now the attachment can be connected to the computer.

Connecting the phone to the PC is no longer necessary after activating the Fastboot mode, otherwise there will be a pardon!

Krok 5: launching the Mi Flash program and the Xiaomi firmware

Now there is a sprat of important krokiv.

  1. Rozarchivuyemo archives with firmware be-yakim accessible archiver.
  2. Transferring files to the root of the system drive to the Flash folder (necessary to create). By the way, to the firmware files, it is guilty of Russian letters (butt: C:\flash).

Next, launch the MiFlash shortcut from the desktop. Click on the button select, scho raztashuvalas at the upper left kutku and vkazuemo way to the firmware. Confirmed for help OK. Updating the list of connected attachments for the auxiliary key Refresh. Let's go down, de bachimo pochti:

  • clean all view all files from the annex without authorization;
  • Save user data- Do not read the data of the koristuvach;
  • clean all and lock I clean my smartphone again.

Here be more respectful! It is best to choose the first option, so that nothing disturbs the process. So obov'yazkovo before the cob of the operation. Download backup files to computer, so the SD card may be risk of rapt cleaning during an incorrect flashing process.

Carrying out the final show - pushing « Flash» . Flashing starts. It is not possible to turn on the smartphone from the computer, while in the field « result» do not show up write « success».

The procedure can take up to an hour, and in the whole space it is categorically fenced whether it is a phone. After the operation is completed, the mobile app will restart and run on the new version itself.

Possible problems

If the firmware didn’t install, or the phone simply won’t start after the update, pay attention to such possible reasons for this:

  • Poshkodzheny firmware file. Archives of the moment of entanglements from the wrong dzherel or incorrectly unpacked, take a look at our last video-instruction. Get a different version and enable the antivirus, otherwise remove the necessary elements.
  • After an hour of flashing, the phone will be fully discharged. Take it, as if on the cob of the operation, less than 30% of the charge is left. Do not plug in the smartphone once before charging, as it was recently asked again. Here it is necessary to pick up the phone and turn on the battery (for such a case, it’s not possible to sort it out) and after 10-15 minutes, insert it again. Try to understand. Don't come out? Then put on charging and repeat the test for five years.
  • password, yakscho yogo zabuli. Ale to show respect, that software security is not for all vlasniks and works not with us phones.

    Yak bachimo, flash your Xiaomi phone through Fastboot really. So, it takes a little bit of an hour, great respect and respect, but the result will definitely not embarrass you. So that you don’t blame the food after reading the article, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with another method from the video.

Modern smartphones cannot be discovered without a basic storage operating system. The very same reveals the koristuvache majestic potential of a smartphone, allowing people to work as efficiently as possible and dynamically work with a hard extension. Absolutely all smartphones are released from the assembly line, and the operating system is installed.

Coristuvachi, like not the standard firmware, may be able to install a computer, a computer that can be easily dialed in the program and drivers. Firmware via MiFlash will help not only to update the internal warehouse, but also to fix a great number of problems, such as bootlaps, post-system pardons, and “cool” devices.

What is needed for the mother to install the new firmware successfully?

  • Computer under the required operating system Windows versions 7, 8, 8.1, 10, whatever bitness ;
  • A program that will help you install the firmware - (you can also install all the necessary drivers for the robot). If you have installed the old version, then before installing the new one, you need to uninstall the old one.
  • I'll download the firmware, I'll need to install it on the phone. It may be up-to-date, stable, and exactly suitable specifically for your phone model. The firmware format can be ".tgz", if you have only ".gz", just change the format.
  • Your smartphone, yoga model, must be no older than Xiaomi Mi3 and have a Qualcomm processor.

MiFlash installation

Vimknennya reverification of drivers

For the correct interaction between the computer and the phone, it is necessary to have installed drivers on Windows. In order for the stench to be correctly installed into the system, on the computer it is necessary to disable the function, which checks the correctness of the drivers, which are installed - then the phone is flashed without problems.

For Windows 7, restart your computer. As soon as the BIOS advances, once you press the F8 button (maybe you have another key), in a short hour a list of additional commands will appear to capture the operating system. At the branch “Additional options for the advancement”, select “Willing the language signature of the drivers”.

Remember this brief, so that when you follow the instructions, you can find problems with installing the driver, in the command line running as administrator, enter and run the following commands one by one:

bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON

After the skin command, check the computer's password, that the command was successful, then disable that computer.

In the middle of Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, press the Shift key on the keyboard, after which use the mouse to press the reset key through the Start button. Navigate along the path, pressing on the screen the buttons "Diagnostics", "Additional parameters", "Parameters of gain", "Reset". Restart the system, at the clear screen with the F7 button, select the option "Enable the language re-verification of the driver signature".

Launch MiFlash

  1. Download MiFlash software. The archives must be unpacked into a separate folder prepared with the same name on the path "C: Android". In order to avoid syntactic pardons in all ways, vindicate only the Latin alphabet, none of the Cyrillic alphabet, spaces and a minimum of symbols.
  2. Pick up the firmware, you need to install it. Download її to your computer and unpack the archives from the folder you are looking for.
  3. Run the downloaded program file. Wait for the beginning of the installation of drivers on the "Next" button (as the installation does not seem to be a proper order, div. point 1). It will take a long time to check, the dock files will be unpacked and integrated into the system. After notification of successful installation, close the program window by pressing the “End” button.

Phone connection to computer

  1. Now let's move on to the phone. Podbayte about those, schob vіn buv charging shnoymenshe by 50%. Turn it off in a special way, then switch it to the “Fastboot” mode - turn it on with a special combination of keys, simultaneously pressing the power button and the power button down. In a short hour, an image of a rabbit appears at the bush.

  1. If the phone is in this mode, connect it to the computer. It’s also important to have a wire, which is the best thing for a complete set with a telephone - it’s important to ensure the most stable connection. For the daytime - just take a good quality wire. Plug in the mains plug for Xiaomi devices, the other end plug in the USB 2.0 sockets on your laptop or computer.
  2. Start command line in Windows as administrator. For help, the command cd c: \ Android go to the directory created earlier when the miflash program was installed.
  3. We check the “friendship” of the computer and the phone - we enter the fastboot devices command into the command line, after which a message similar to xxxxxxx fastboot appears (it means that the synchronization was successful). As if waiting for device was written on the screen - it is necessary to check that you didn’t forget to connect the phone, and also check the cable. Another option is to reinstall the drivers.

  1. Use the fastboot oem reboot-edl command to transfer the smartphone to the special mode "Emergency Download Mode". At the same time, a sound notification informs about the appearance of a new building on the computer. Synchronization of devices is completed, you can proceed without interruption before flashing.

phone firmware

  1. Reopen the MiFlash program. Click on the "Refresh" button, then for help ".." show the program folder where you placed the necessary firmware.
  2. Then it is necessary to choose what we will save the data, on the phone, so that we can see everything. As a rule, another option is recommended, if the firmware is installed more correctly. Press the “Flash all except storage” button to delete data on the phone, select “Flash all” to re-format. After choosing, click on "Flash". Let's keep the program running, and the firmware of Xiaomi Redmi 3S (or otherwise) will be updated.

  1. The speed of the installation of the operating system should be kept in mind of the firmware itself, the speed of the cable and the speed of the memory in the middle of the device. It will be normal for a person to spend an hour at 10 minutes before 1 year old.
  2. After the completion of the MiFlash work, the phone will independently re-advantage. If the automatic reboot was not enabled, run the fastboot oem reboot-edl command at the Windows command line, or press and hold the power button on the phone until the firmware logo appears on the display. Then carefully pull the cable out of your smartphone.
  3. After installing a new firmware, the phone will first be taken advantage of for a long time. Depending on the technical aspects of the operating system, the logo of interest can hang from 5 days to 10 years. In vintage vipadkah, you can try to check for 1-2 years for a wash and connect the phone to the charger.

Possible problems

If you don’t see any changes on the screen for a long time, try to beat the battery for 20-25 minutes, then insert it back and start the smartphone again. It didn’t help, let’s leave it alone for a three-hour hour, so that the battery is discharged again (don’t forget about the phone with such a look, it’s long overdue, no more than 4-8 years old (delay in the capacity of the battery and yogo old age), to avoid serious problems with the battery). After the phone turns off, plug it in before charging it again.

If the other functions do not help, try another firmware or reset the selected one earlier.

As in the process of installing the operating system, there are no reminders about those who do not recover memory for the operation, try repeating the instruction on Windows x64. Although changing the OS bitness does not help, you can speed up another even more popular program for installing - Flashtools.

If there is a pardon "remote-need to unlock the devices to uses this command", then you need to go to the official MIUI website to unlock the bootloader for installing the firmware, details can be read in.


Dotrimuyuchis tsієї іnstruktsії, be it a phone from an unlocked zavantazhuvachem for help, MiFlash can be flashed with a different operating system Android, so that you can maximally upgrade the phone and use a well-taken koristuvach. Correction of program pardons, renewals of "cegli" or simply replacement of the internal warehouse smartphone will help to win the phone for its direct recognition.

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