Operate the electronic temperature regulator with your own hands. Simple diagrams of electronic thermostats with your own hands

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Thermoregulators are widely used in other side-by-side attachments, cars, heating and air conditioning systems, in heating systems, in refrigeration equipment and in robotic ovens. The principle of any kind of temperature regulator is set on the included or switched off adaptations for the reached temperature values.

Suchasnі digital thermostats are controlled by additional buttons: touch or zvychanykh. A lot of models are also equipped with a digital panel, on which the temperature is set. A group of programmed thermostats є For an additional adjunct, you can transfer the temperature change by year, or set the required mode the next day. Keruvati can be done remotely: via a smartphone or a computer.

For a folding technological process, for example, for a steel-making furnace, knocking out a thermostat with your own hands - it is not easy to finish it off, as a result of serious knowledge. Alle, take a small preference for a cooler or an incubator for strength, be it a homemade maestro.

In order to make it sound like a good temperature regulator, it is easy to see how it can be adjusted, so that it can be used to open and close the shutter of the mine boiler and help it when heating up.

For robots, I will attach a boule vikoristani 2 aluminum pipes, 2 vazhelya, a spring for turning, a lance, yak yde to the boiler, and a regulating university at the viglyadi crane-tow. All the accessories are mounted on the boiler.

Yak vidomo, functional line thermal expansion of aluminum warehouse 22x10-6 0С. When the aluminum pipes are heated up to a height of one meter, a width of 0.02 m and a thickness of 0.01 m to 130 degrees Celsius, the increase is increased by 4.29 mm. When heated, the pipes expand, for the opening of the pipe there is a change in the importance, and the damper closes. When it is cold, the pipes change to a new level, and it is important to open the shutter. The main problem with vikorystannі given schemes є those, just because of the importance of the spratsovvannya thermoregulator is even foldable. This year's ride can be seen as annexes on the basis of electronic elements.

Robot diagram of a simple thermostat

Specify a preset temperature for a preset temperature for a circuit based on a relay. The main elements, which are included in the given possession, є:

  • temperature sensor;
  • threshold circuit;
  • viconavche abo indicator pristіy.

Yak sensor can be used as conductor elements, thermistor, thermometer support, thermocouple and bimetal thermostat.

The circuit of the thermostat responds to the change of the parameter over the set value and includes the setting. The simplest version of such an attachment is an element on bipolar transistors. Viconano thermal relay based on Schmidt trigger. The role of the temperature sensor has a thermistor - an element that changes in the fallowness as a result of an increase or a decrease in degrees.

R1 is a voltage sensor, which will install a cob wiper on the thermistor R2 and the potentiometer R3. For the control of the regulation, it is necessary to ask the visitor to the annex and to switch the relay K1, if the thermistor sensor changes. At the same time, the relay is able to provide a working response to the possession. To clean up the output transistor from pulses to the input, parallel to the input to the conductor diode. The magnitude of the voltage supply, when the element is connected, is stored at the maximum rate of the electromagnetic relay.

Uwaga! On the Internet, you can add pictures with the thermostat armchairs for a picnic setting. But I don't often think of images and descriptions of one or one. Some of the little ones can be presented simply as an attachment. This can be done only by sending a copy of all information.

Before the cob, it’s going to turn out to be due to the tightness of the temperature regulator and the temperature range, in which it’s possible. The refrigerator will require one element, and for the burning one, it will be required.

Thermostat on three elements

One of the elementary attachments, on the attachment, which can be used to pick up and zoom out the principle of robots, є a simple thermostat with your own hands, designations for a fan in a PC. All robots are carried out on a breadboard. If you have problems with a solder, then you can take a solderless board.

Scheme of a thermostat in a whole range of polygons only with one of three elements:

  • power transistor MOSFET (N channel), you can choose IRFZ24N MOSFET 12 V і 10 A chi IFR510 Power MOSFET;
  • potentiometer 10 kOhm;
  • NTC thermistor of 10 kOhm, which will function as a temperature sensor.

The temperature sensor responds to the change in degrees, for the purpose of which the whole circuit is shown, and the fan turns on.

Now we pass to the setting. For a wide range of computers and an adjustable potentiometer, assigning a value for the installed fan. At that moment, if the temperature is close to critical, the maximum change is possible until the shovel will turn around more often. More beautifully, adjust the setting as soon as possible, more quickly change in the efficiency of robotics.

The electronic industry is very popular for elements and microcircuits, meaningfully it depends on the type and technical characteristics. At the skin support or relay є analogue. Optionally, only those elements, which are indicated in the schema, can be used in order to follow the parameters from the instructions.

Thermoregulators for boilers fired

When regulating opaluvanny systems, it is important to accurately adjust the setting. For all, it will be necessary to vimiruvach springs that struma. For the establishment of the correct system, it is possible to speed up the offensive scheme.

For an additional circuit diagram, you can set up a control for the control of the solid-burning boiler. The role of the zener diode here is the K561LA7 microcircuit. The robot is attached to the attachment on the building of the thermistor changeover when heating. The resistor is connected to the bottom of the electrical supply. The required temperature can be set using the additional resistor R2. Strain on the inverter 2 I-NOT. Otrimany strum is fed to the capacitor C1. Up to 2 I-NOT, which control the robot of one trigger, the capacitor is connected. Stop learning from another trigger.

Temperature control go for such a scheme:

  • at low degrees of pressure in the growth relay;
  • when the singing value is reached, the fan, which is connected to the relay, is displayed.

Solder more beautifully to spend on a blind man. In the quality of the element of living, it is possible to take something like a pristіy, scho pratsyє in the boundaries of 3-15 V.

Safely! The installation of self-made attachments, whether they be used on the system, can lead to the release of the possession. In addition, the vicarious building of the additional annexes can be fenced in at the services, as there is a communal service in your house.

digital thermostat

In order to install a fully functional thermostat with precise calibrations, you can't do without digital elements. Easy to use for temperature control in a small shell for vegetables.

The main element here is the PIC16F628A microcontroller. The microcircuit will provide control over the small electronic annexes. The PIC16F628A microcontroller has 2 analog comparators, an internal generator, 3 timers, PCP and USART data exchange modules.

When the thermostat is robotic, the value of the given temperature is supplied to the MT30361 - a three-row indicator with an external cathode. In order to set the required temperature, the buttons will be activated: SB1 - for a decrease and SB2 - for an increase. If you carry out the infusion with the one-hour onslaught of the SB3 button, you can set the hysteresis value. The minimum values ​​of the hysteresis for the circuit is 1 degree. The report of the chair can be posted on the plan.

With the opening of any outbuildings, it is important not only to correctly solder the circuit itself, but to think it over, as it is more beautiful to develop possession. It is necessary that the board itself has been stolen from a vologue and a saw, in order not to uncover a short flicker and a way out of the frame of the device. There is also a little bit about the isolation of all contacts.


Before installing the device, learn more about the principle of robotics. The Russian market will propose a number of models from other companies that practically all function according to the same scheme, regardless of their significance.

According to the plan, attachments are prepared for creating the atmosphere in watercolors, incubators, statics and so on. D. Vin allows to adjust the thermal regime with an accuracy of up to ± 0.5 0 C.

The device includes a bellows for a small warehouse, a spool, a stem and a valve.

simple thermostat circuit
thermostat circuit for incubator

Instructions for installation

Necessary materials, details and tools:

  • magnifier;
  • pliers;
  • izoluyucha line;
  • a sprinkle of wikrut;
  • darts middle;
  • forwarders;
  • standard chervoni svitlodiodi;
  • pay;
  • textolite forged;
  • lamps;
  • stabilitron;
  • thermistor;
  • thyristor.
  • display and generator of internal type of tension in 4MGU (for opening digital attachments on a microcontroller);

Pokrokova instructions:

  1. Nasamper, Requires a microcircuit, for example, K561LA7, CD4011
  2. fee it is necessary to prepare before laying the nobles.
  3. To detailed schemes It’s impossible to fit a thermistor with a strain of 1 kOm to 15 kOm, and in the goiters, it is necessary to change all the middle of the object itself.
  4. loading zobov'aniyah turn on the lance of the resistor, through those, which are the change of toughness, bezposeredno lie down from the lowering of degrees, pouring into the transistor.
  5. annually Such a mechanism will start the system until the moment, when the pressure is in the middle of the temperature sensor, it does not turn to the cob value.
  6. Regulator sensors similar to the plan Demand in nalashtuvanni. Before an hour there are significant differences in the atmosphere, it is necessary to control the heating of the whole facility.

Zbirka digital attachment:

  1. microcontroller next to the temperature sensor. It is the fault of the mother of the port, as it is necessary for the installation of standard LEDs, which can be operated separately from the generator.
  2. Pislya attachment to an attachment in a framing With a power supply of 220V, the light will automatically turn on. I will be glad to inform you about those who are accustomed to be in the working camp.
  3. The microcontroller's design has more memory. As soon as the settings are installed, the memory is automatically turned into a collection of parameters.

By choosing a design, one cannot forget about the technologies of safety. Before the hour the temperature sensor is stored in a rare abnormal atmosphere, when the crop of the crop is tied hermetically, it is isolated. The value of thermistor R5 can range from 10 to 51 kOhm. At the same time, the op_r of the resistor R5 craws'mother is analogous to the value.

The nature of the designation of the microcircuit K140UD6 can be Vikoristovuvati K140UD7, K140UD8, K140UD12, K153UD2. The role of the VD1 stabilizer can be used as a tool with a tight stabilization 11 ... 13 V.

Whenever I heat up a strain of 100 W, the VD3-VD6 should be guilty of overturning for a strain (for example, KD246 or analogs, with a small strain on a minimum of 400 V), with a small trinistor monitor it is necessary.

The value of FU1 is also considered to be great. The control of the device is brought up to the selection of the resistor R2, R6 with the help of a sinterless closure and opening of the trinistor.


mechanical thermostat diagram

The temperature will be set at one level of the heating device switched on and switched off (TEN). A similar management principle is victorious on all simple constructions.

Perhaps, the thermostat circuit is as simple as it gets, if only on the right I can reach the fence for the fence, there is a power supply, tied with a technical part.

Adjustment of the thermostat includes:

  1. Temperature sensor- based on comparator DD1.
  2. Key thermostat circuitє Comparator DA1
  3. Required temperature indicator resistor R2, which must be turned on to input 2 of the DA1 board.
  4. The role of the thermal sensor vistupaє thermistor R5 (type MMT-4), attached to the entrance of the 3rd annex.
  5. design diagram not a little galvanic connection with the hem, and saving the energy from the parametric stabilizer on the parts R10, VD1.
  6. U roli block harchuvannya for the device You can get a cheap mesh adapter. Before the hour of the connection, it is necessary to use the rules and regulations before the new conduction, so as to understand the connection, there may be electrical hazards.

An insignificant reserve of the capacitor C1 with a stepwise increase in force, should be brought to a smooth (not more than 2 seconds) turning on of the electric lamps.

Vitrati with self-reliance

Any kind of useful gadget can be found in the shops. The range of prices is great, and the number of bagatokh models is for 1000 rubles. The plans of the financial investment, the price є to finish off the unwitting, is cheaper than making it with your own hands.

Vitrati with self-reliance is lower in a few steps, but itself:

  • the K561LA7 board will not cost more than 50 rubles;
  • a thermistor with a strain of 1 kOm up to 15 kOm - about 5 rubles;
  • svitlodiod (2 pcs) - 10 UAH;
  • stabilitron - 50 rubles;
  • thyristor - 20 rubles;
  • display - 200 rubles (for digital attachments on the microcontroller);

For the purchase of lamps, foil and other materials no more than 100 rubles. Going, vitrati on an independent zbirku will get vitratity no more than 430 rubles and three to a special hour. The Vlasnik can adapt an adaptation for his needs, a vicious scheme for a whole simple scheme.

Principle of dії

The thermostat circuit is very functional. When you are asleep, you can install any adaptations of the device, which will be as easy as possible and forgiven. The urge to pick up to vibrate according to the obvious pressure of the relay coil.

The principle of robotic regulation is based on the particularity of gases and the time it squeezes, either expanding for an hour when it is cold or heating. In addition, one and the same essence is laid in the basis of the water and gas configurations.

I just smell the stench in the quick reaction to the change in temperature in the booth.

The principle for the apparatus of training on the offensive stages:

  1. As a result of the change in temperature, the, There is a change in heat transfer robots in the opalescent mechanism.
  2. At once, Tse zmushuє siphon zbіlshuvati abo zmenshuvati svoї gabariti.
  3. Pislya tsyogo The spool valve is changed to balance the heat supply inlet.
  4. Internal part of the siphon it is filled with gas, with a uniform temperature regulation. Vbudovy the thermal sensor to quilt at the last temperature.
  5. Skin value equal to warmth to get used to the specific meaning of the grip of the working atmosphere in the middle of the siphon. The grip of the rod is driven by the auxiliary spring, which controls the rod robot.
  6. As a result of the increase in degrees the valve cone is repaired to close until the moment when the working vice in the siphon does not become equal to the springs.
  7. At once a decrease in degrees, robotic springs are of a vortex character.

The result of the robot is to lay in the form and functionality of the regulating valve, to be in direct order from the contour to the circumference and diameter of the pipe, so that it is fed.


Companions-virobniks will provide customers with 3 types of thermoregulators, leathery internal signals. The stench controls the heat transfer process and the temperature order.

Ways to extend signals:

  1. Without heat transfer. To get involved in a lack of efficiency, that is not often victorious. The robot is based on a submersible sensor or similar mechanisms. Among the common species, it is considered to be the number of paw-thorns.
  2. Internal chvil.Є the most superior and economical option. It’s the balance between the hour and the drop, and not the level of water heating. Easy to install in apartments. To connect with the scorching communication for an additional cable, through which the signal is transmitted. The temperature regulator can be continuously updated with new functions and supplied manually at the victorian.
  3. Famous worshipers. Visoka efficiency to reach for a rakhunok, giving a good impression on any weather changes. Signs at the signal, which will power the diaphragm, give the system a command to open or close the pipe with a heat-insulating attachment.

Besides, the equipment can be electrical and electronic.

For the circuit and the option of rejecting the signal, the attachment is connected to the automatic and automatic, which, in its turn, can:

  1. control the level of heating of the radiator and main pipe.
  2. stitches for the pressure of the boiler.

Inspection of thermostats on the market

Thermostat IWarm 710

Until the number of the most popular models for the current day, the E 51.716 and IWarm 710 are available.Їх non-flammable, vikoniy z Plastpolymer housing is small in size, but there is a greater number of brown buildings and accumulators. You can achieve a great display, which shows all the temperature characteristics.

Variety of cich models is presented in the border of 2700 yew. Ruble

To the specialties of E 51.716 it is possible to bring those who have a cable up to 3 m, the building temperature is equal to one hour from the pidlogi itself, and those who can fit into the wall in whatever position.

But just think about it before editing it, as it will be roztashovuvatisya itself, the buttons are not overridden by third-party objects, and the boules are easily accessible.

Until the shortage of the thermostat, insignificant sets of functions are used, However, the analogue attach the visonuyut it is easy to finish. In operation, you may experience discomfort. Also, in the memory of E 51.716 and IWarm 710 there is no function of automatic heating, so it can be done independently.

Electronic regulators with the mechanical principle of robotics:

  1. I regulate the robot Start on automatic, and go to the additional buttons, which are fixed on the panel.
  2. Include a display, In which the number and given degrees are meant.
  3. Є the possibility of setting up a self-help: the number, the hour of the robot, the cycle for the saving of a particular mode, it is also possible to start heating the steps.
  4. At the same time with mechanical analogs, The temperature of the electric models can be easily adjusted by approx. 0.5 digit.

For the purchase of such a model, no more than 4 thousand.

Electronic kits:

  1. Self-care temperature.
  2. Just one attachment You can control the atmosphere for a few days ahead and the environment for the skin room.
  3. Allow to enable the "visibility" mode, I do not vitrachati at the tse zaivi koshti, as there is no one at home.
  4. The system automatically analyzes the strength of the robot I will attach it to the skin room. Vlasnikov does not get to know about possible irregularities in the robot, since all the shortcomings of the system are seen independently.
  5. Virobniks of expensive models We have transferred the power of control modes, working far away from home. Regulate the Wi-Fi router for additional help.

The number of other devices is based on a set of built-in functions, thus varying from 6000 to 10000 yew. Ruble and vishche.

The thermostat in the state - for an hour, is indispensable, as it additionally helps to control the thermal regime at the home incubator or vegetable dry. Inspired by the mechanisms of such a characteristic, it is often very easy to play with it, because it doesn’t seem like it’s like it’s sniffing wine and it’s a simple thermostat with your own hands.

If you are listed among those who need a self-contained device for the function of thermoregulation, check out here, even all the coming and testing schemes in the future with the theory, in the middle of the earth.

Why can you zastosuvati?

Thermostat, or the thermostat, is an attachment to let the robot enter and control the heating or cooling units. For example, it allows you to set the optimal mode in the incubator, as well as to turn on the power in the door, keeping the temperature low.

Yak tse pratsyuє?

Before Tim, how to change the thermostat with your own hands, you need to get back to the theory. The principle of the given attachment is the identity of the robots of simple sensors in vim_ryuvannya, zdatnye changes in the accumulation of deposits of temperature minds. For a change in the indicator, a special element will be generated, and so the name of the support will become invisible.

At the attachment of the thermostat for a change in the meaning of the support, an integral pidsiluvach (comparator) reacts, which changes the microcircuit at an increased temperature.

Yaka is guilty of buty scheme?

In the vastness of the Internet and in the normative documentation, it is easy to know the circuits of thermostats of a specific characteristic, which you can use with your own hands. In most cases, the basis of the schematic armchair is equipped with the following elements:

  • Keruyuchy stabilitron, which is referred to as TL431;
  • Integral pidsilyuvach (K140UD7);
  • Resistor (R4, R5, R6);
  • Extinguish the capacitor (C1);
  • Transistor (KT814);
  • One place (D1).

Harchuvannya diagrams will be used for a transformerless unit of living, and in the capacity of a visitor I will be able to see if a car relay is pushed to a 12 Volt voltage, for the reason to go into a cattle no less than 100 mA.

Yak zrobiti?

Instructions for making a thermostat with your own hands are based on a well-defined, different circuit, as before, it is necessary to have all warehouses in one whole. For example, an electronic circuit for an incubator is selected for the offensive algorithm:

  • Vivchit the image (more beautifully, deceive and bow before oneself).
  • Know the necessary details, including the case and the board (go to the old ones).
  • Look out for the "heart" - the integral driver K140UD7 / 8, having switched it on and positively charged with a bell, to give it the function of a comparator.
  • Switch on the "R5" negative resistor MMT-4.
  • Take a wine sensor for additional screened wiring, moreover, the length of the cord can be no more than a meter.
  • To control the installation, turn on the thyristor VS1 into the circuit, placing it on the radiator of small sizes, so as not to prevent any heat output.
  • Nalashtuvati іnshі elements of lantsyuga.
  • Connect to the living block.
  • Revise the registration status.

Before the word, having added the temperature sensor, the selection of the setting can be smartly victorious not only for incubators, dryers, but for adjusting the thermal regime in aquarelle or terarium.

Would you like to stand the yak correctly?

It is necessary to have respect in the mind of its exploitation, which is guilty of including:

  • Misce rozmischennya - the lower part of the room;
  • Dryness;
  • The visibility of the handrail "knocks out" the units: warm or cold (electrical, air conditioning, open doors with a stretch).

Having picked up, you can turn on the thermostat with your own hands, you can start before the regular victorian. Head, the toughness of the ready-made attachment of the ball is insured on the relay contacts. For example, with a maximum voltage rating of 30 Amperes, the strain is not to blame for changing 6.6 kW.

Yak vidremontuvati?

A factory built-in self-contained thermostat can be repaired if it is not new, it does not take an hour for a joke, and the necessary parts are folded. In the first place, it is necessary to know about the attachment (as you didn’t take care of this setting), even from the photo of the thermostat you can see that it’s not big, but it’s pretty slow.

I am also glad: the thermostat for handrail seaming with a temperature control button.

Signs of a breakdown in the attachment can be the next moment:

  • The prilad stopped vikonuvati the main function: the temperature dropped significantly or moved without reaction to the mechanism;
  • Connecting the device to work, do not go into the cleaning mode for any economy;
  • The unit is instantly switched on.

Regardless of the cause of the injustice, it is necessary to break the advance, so that the thermostat should be repaired with your own hands:

  • Turn on the repair of the device as a mesh.
  • Rent a registered building with an annex.
  • Revision the number of contacts and deliveries.
  • Introduce and tighten the capillary tube.
  • By the way relay.
  • Remember the bellows tube, zafiksuvati.
  • If necessary, replace other parts.
  • Connect the wiring back.
  • Put the relay on the misce.

Thermostats are equipped with a lot of by-the-clock and state-of-the-art adjustments, knowing that you believe it, take your hands anew and get up, it means to spare your needs, hour and strength.

Photo of a thermostat with your own hands

Among the numerical assortment of corny fittings, which bring comfort to our life, there is a great number of quiet ones, which can be done with your own hands. Until the end of the day, a thermostat can be installed, which includes either a switch for a heating or a refrigerator, depending on the temperature, depending on the setting. Such a pristіy is suitable for a period of cold weather, for example, for a pidvalu, it is necessary to take vegetables. So how can you make a thermostat with your own hands, and what details are there for you to know?

Thermostat with your own hands: diagram

It is possible to say about the design of the thermostat, that it’s not very flexible, for the very reason a large number of radio amateurs repair their own equipment, as well as use their own tips and skills. Schemes can be found in an even greater number, ale nyposhirenіshayu є a diagram from zasosuvannyam, the so-called comparator.

Daniy element maє kіlka inputs and outputs:

  • One input indicates the supply of a reference pressure, if the required temperature is indicated;
  • The other one will disregard the springs from the temperature sensor.

The comparator itself accepts all the presenters shown and varied. If a signal is generated at the output, then turn on the relay to supply current to the remote control or the refrigeration unit.

Details to know: the thermostat with your own hands

For a temperature sensor, a thermistor is most often used, the purpose of which is to regulate an electrical control in terms of the temperature indicator.

So it’s very often it’s worthwhile to fill in the details:

  • diodi;
  • Transistori.

On these characteristics, the temperature is to blame for the same inflow. So, when the transistor is loaded, the transistor strum is guilty, and at the same time it is guilty, by the way, do not marvel at the input signal. It is necessary vrahuvati, as such details are in great shortcomings. Zanadto neatly carry out the calibration, seemingly more precisely, if it is important to tie the details to the temperature sensors.

However, at the present moment, the industry does not stand on the scene, and you can add attachments from the series 300, the LM335, for which all the more often recommend the speed of the equipment and the LM358n. Do not be astonished at the even lower part, the detail is given to borrow the position in the markup and to start working on the additional technique. Varto zgadati, with the modification of the LM 235 and 135 parts, has successfully settled in all spheres and industry. Included in its design are close to 16 transistors, the sensor is a built-in stabilizer, and this will increase the temperature indicator.

Falling ground in the offensive:

  1. The skin degree will fall close to 0, 01 V, if it starts at Celsius, then the indicator of 273 is the result at the output of the warehouse 2, 73V.
  2. The range of robots is interconnected in the indicator from -40 to +100 degrees. Those who know such indicators will be more likely to be relieved of the regulation by the method of samples and grants, and the temperature is required, in any case, it will be safe.

So the very edge of the temperature sensor you will need a comparator, the most beautiful thing is the LM 311, which is the same vyrobnik, a potentiometer for that to formulate a standard voltage and I will switch on the relay. Do not forget to add a block of living and special indicators.

Temperature regulator with your own hands: delivery and installation

It’s the last time to connect the LM 335. All the support needs to be adjusted so that the value of the strum is large, which passes through the temperature sensor, which results in indicators from 0.45 mA to 5 mA. It is not possible to change the tolerance marks, as the sensor will overheat and show the created data.

Powering the thermostat can be done in several ways:

  • For an additional living unit with 12 V orієntuvannyam;
  • Behind the help of any one I’ll attach, the life that doesn’t change the indications of the indicator, even at the same strum, which protested through the cat is not guilty of changing the 100 mA.

Once again, it’s about those that the indicator of the struma in the lance of the sensor is not guilty of changing the 5 mA, because of the reason the transistor gets victorious because of the great strain. Naykrasche pidіyde KT 814. Surely, if you want to remove the transistor stasis, you can vikoristovuvati relay with less rіvnem struma. Vіn can be pratsyuvati wіd naprugi in 220 V.

Self-contained thermostat: cover instructions

You have added all the necessary warehouses for the collection, having lost sight of the report. We will look at the butt of a temperature sensor rozrahovannogo 12V.

The self-contained temperature regulator is adjusted according to the offensive principle:

  1. Gotumo corps. You can pick up old shells from the dispenser, for example, from the "Granit-1" installation.
  2. Choose the scheme that you will be more favored, but it is possible to pay for the fee from the driver. A straight line with the sign "+" is necessary for connecting the potentiometer, an inverted input with the output "-" will be used for connecting the temperature sensor. As soon as it became so, that a spur at the direct entrance would be more necessary, at the entrance to stand up, the power supply and the transistor would rather supply the voltage to the relay, and then to the heating element. As soon as you spill on the output, change the permissible sign - the relay will turn on.
  3. For this purpose, the thermostat spratsovuvav hourly and the temperature difference will be safe, it is necessary to change the negative type of links behind the additional resistor, as it is established as a direct input and an output on the comparator.
  4. As soon as a transformer is needed, it’s possible to know about an induction cat from an old electric boiler. In order for the power to flow to the indicator of 12 volts, you will need to generate 540 turns. Only when the diameter of the wire will be no more than 0.4 mm.

From and everything. In small dies and polyagaє, the whole robot is on the thermostat valve with its own hands. You can do it yourself, without singing tools, you can go straight and not see, just using the photo and video instructions and you can test all your memories.

Zavdyaki simple design, internal generations, the thermocontroller can be victorious, be it.

for example:

  • For warmth pidlog;
  • For liohu;
  • You can take care of the temperature regulation;
  • For the oven;
  • For aquarelle, if you control the temperature indicator of the water;
  • In order to control the temperature value of the electric boiler pump (on and on);
  • І navі for a car.

Not necessarily a digital, electronic or mechanical purchased thermal switch. Having bought an inexpensive thermostat, you can adjust the pressure regulation on the sensors and thermocouples and your self-made device will not be worse than the purchased one.

Yak create a thermostat with your own hands (video)

Our statistics on the assignment of the self-contained stem of the thermostat will indicate all the head points, from the necessary details for the design to the cover instructions. Do not be too quick to fraternize, see the literature and please the more recent majesty. Only with the right approach, you can correct the ideal result from the first try.

Among the smart little things that are great to add comfort to our life, there are a lot of such things that can easily be built independently.

This category includes a thermostat, also called a thermostat, is an adjunct that includes and an on / off switch to heat up to the temperature of the middle range, in any case.

Such prist_y can, for example, before the hour of severe cold weather turn on the grinders in the front doors, and the vegetables are depleted. From our statistics, you should know about how you can change the thermostat with your own hands (for a boiler, fridge and other systems) and what details can be used for the most beautiful.

Attaching the thermostat to a special folding does not seem to be, so there are a lot of radio adapters to readily adapt their own skills. Schemes are used for the most popular microcircuits, ale of the most widespread, but also for a special microcircuit called a comparator.

This element has two inputs and one output. One input is supplied as a standard pressure, as required temperature, and on the other - a pressure from the temperature sensor.

Thermoregulator circuit for heat pidlog

The comparator of the given data, when it is connected, when the generator is connected to the input signal, when the transistor is turned on or the relay is turned on. At the same time, a stream is supplied to the heating unit or the refrigeration unit.

Details of attaching the temperature regulator with my own hands

At the role of the temperature sensor, play the thermistor - an element that changes in the temperature depending on the temperature. Vikoristovuyu and such devices - transistors and diodes, on the characteristics of which the temperature is also injected: when heated, the collector strings (in transistors) are increased, at the same time the working point of the transistor stops responding to

Alle, such sensors have a shortage: they can easily reach the temperature, so that the temperature is set to the correct value, through the accuracy of the self-made thermostat, the amount of fat is short.

Tim for an hour, the industry has long mastered the release of inexpensive thermal sensors, calibrating that work during the preparation process.

Prior to such, there is a fix for the LM335 brand from the National Semiconductor company, which is highly recommended. The part of the analogue thermosensor should be set at 1 dollar only.

"Triyka" on the first position of the digital row in the markup means that there is an attachment of orders for storing in the bit-by-bit technology. Modifications LM235 and LM135 are used for victorious purposes, apparently, in industry and in all areas.

Mayuchi in their warehouse 16 transistors, the whole sensor is a working yak stabilitron. With a great effort of stabilization, lie down at all temperatures.

The prevalence of such is: on the skin degree for an absolute scale (for Kelvin) a fit 0.01 V in spruce, so at zero for Celsius (273 Kelvin) for a stabilization at the outgoing warehouse 2.73 V. ... The working range lies between -40 to +100 degrees Celsius.

In such a rank, taking a thermostat on the basis of LM335, corystuvach will need to be taken by the method of samples and by the method of grains, the temperature will not be needed.

V = (273 + T) x 0.01,

De T - ckavit koristuvach temperature for the Celsius scale.

In addition to the temperature sensor, we know a comparator (on the left of the LM311 brand from the same virobnik), a potentiometer for forming a reference voltage (setting the required temperature), an output setting for switching on the power supply (relay), and an indicator.

The thermostat is not a part of an autonomous burning. in addition, you can adjust the temperature in the booth at a comfortable level.

The principle of the thermoregulator for the infrared heating is free.

Do you want to install a thermostat for a fired radіator? The statistic has a clear indication of the attachment and the appearance and the particularity of the installation.

Electricity of the thermostat

The temperature sensor LM335 is connected in series with the resistor R1. So the axis, which supports the resistor and the force of life, is guilty of such a rank, but the value of the flow through the temperature sensor of the strum has passed between 0.45 and 5 mA.

Perevischuvati the maximum value of the range does not follow, as the characteristics of the sensor will be affected through overheating.

The thermostat can live as a standard 12 V living unit, or as a transformer prepared by the authorities.

inclusion of new

Yak vikonavchiy prist_y, scho giving food for loading, you can store a car relay. Vono rozrahovani on a 12 V spout, while a coil is guilty of a 100 mA strum.

Nagadaєmo, the strum in the lance of the temperature sensor does not change 5 mA, so to connect the relay, you need a transistor with a lot of pressure, for example, KT814.

You can fix the relay with a smaller switch on, like SRA-12VDC-L or SRD-12VDC-SL-C - so the transistor is not used.

Yak create a thermostat with your own hands: pokrokova instructions

It is easy to see how a thermostat (thermostat) can be used with a 12 V temperature sensor with your own hands.

  1. First for everything, you need to build a building. On the way to the service of his clerk, for example, "Granite-1".
  2. The scheme can be revised on the board from the same cell. A potentiometer is connected to the direct input of the comparator (marked with "+"), which allows setting the temperature. To the inverted input (“-” sign) - LM335 temperature sensor. As soon as a strap on the direct input appears, then on the inverted one, a high level (odinitsya) is set on the comparator outputs and the transistor is fed to the relay, and then - to the heating. As soon as the input on the inverted input appears larger, lower on the straight line, the level at the comparator output becomes low (zero) and the relay is switched on.
  3. To prevent the temperature drop, so that the thermostat spratsovannya, for example, at 23 degrees, and switching on - at 25, it is necessary for an additional resistor to set a negative ringing ring between the input and the direct input of the comparator.
  4. The transformer for the living of the thermostat can be made from the boiler in the form of an old electric cooler of the induction type. On a new place for the secondary winding. To trim the twist at 12 V, it is necessary to wind 540 turns. Їх fit into place, as well as a wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm.

Simple self-contained thermostat

For the inclusion of heating, it is easy to vikoristovuvati the terminal block of the cylinder.

Yakim is guilty of booty nagrivach?

The need for the heating device to be stored because of what kind of strum can show the contacts of the vicorist relay. If it is worthwhile to set, for example, 30 A (on such a system, a car relay is insured), then the pressure can be up to 30 x 220 = 6.6 kW. It is only necessary to change the connection, wiring and automatic machine in the dashboard of the building showroom and the installation.


Obviously, the yak is rightly guilty of butti vstanovleniya prilad.

The thermostat should be installed in the lower part of the appli- cation, so it will be bought up colder after a while.

At the same time, it is important to zapobіgti injected thermal pereskod, as you can beat the butt-off from the pantel.

So, for example, do not change the thermostat on the outskirts, or close to the electricity, it’s warm.

Adjustment of the thermostat

As already mentioned, the thermostat on the basis of the LM335 sensor is not required to be installed. To supply the nobility with a spout, to be fed with a potentiometer to the direct input of the comparator.

Vimiryati it is possible behind the aid of a voltmeter. It is necessary to use the formula for the induced formula.

It’s necessary, for example, if it’s applied at temperatures of 20 degrees, it’s guilty to store 2.93 V.

As a thermal sensor is stuck in a certain element, it will not be possible to turn it into a long way. For the whole it is necessary to speed up with a digital thermometer, for example, TM-902S. For the accuracy of setting the thermometer and thermostat sensors can be set behind an additional isolation line, for which they are placed in the middle with a normal temperature.

Thermostat from handheld materials

The knob of the potentiometer should be wrapped smoothly, as long as the thermostat is not in use. At the end of the moment, it is time to wonder on the scale of a digital thermometer and to be displayed at this temperature, put it on the scale of the thermostat. You can use extreme points, for example, for a temperature of 8 and 40 degrees, and the intermediate value means that you have expanded the range to equal parts.

Although the digital thermometer did not appear by hand, the extreme points can be started on the water from the ice floating in the ice (0 degrees) or on the boiling water (100 degrees).

Video on the topic

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