Viprobuvannya adjusted by the pressure of industrial frequency of transformers. Yak to carry out viprobvannya cable lines with a spring

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Viprobvannya izolatsija pіdvischenoyu vyyavlyayutsya local defects, not vyavlyayutsya by other methods; In addition, such a method of viprobation is a direct way of controlling the health and isolation of vitrimuvati, in addition to overstretching, and even better in the quality of isolation. Before isolation, apply a viprobubal vaping, while I twist a robotic vaping, and normal isolation, viprobud, and a defective one to break through.

When viprobuvannya spurred vikoristovuyu three main types of viprobubal springs: the spur of industrial frequency is shifted, post-spur and impulse viprobuvalnu is straightened (standard thunderstorms of impulses).

The main type of viprobuda є springs of promislovoy frequency. additional hour such stress - 1 xv, i Isolation to be immersed in the way that viprobuvannya For a whole hour, there was no breakdown, or partial isolation. For some vipadkas, carry out viprobuvannya with a different adjusted frequency (ring 100 or 250 Hz).

With a great number of viprobuvannaya insolation (with viprobvanny cables, condensers), a great need for viprobuvannaya equipment is required, so this should be the most frequent viprobuvannye slowly... As a rule, in case of continuous pressure, the electrical power is lost in isolation, it should be brought up to the load, by several orders of magnitude lower, lower than when changing the load of the same effective value; besides, and the intensity of partial discharge on the bottom. With such vip tests, the pressure on the insulation is actually less, but not in the case of the negative pressure, so for the breakdown of the defective insulation it is necessary more and more permanently, less vividly.

When viprobuvannya post-lane spruce additional control of the strum loop through the isolation. The hour of completion of the post-viprobuval springs becomes from 5 to 15 min. Isolation is to be immersed in such a way that viprobuvannya didn’t get through, but it didn’t get through, and the meaning of the strum didn’t change until it didn’t change or decrease.

The third type of viprobular shock is a standard thunderstorm impulse with a front of 1.2 µs and trivial to a half-fall of 50 µs. Viprobubannya іmpulsive force wipes out to the fact that іsolation in the process of exploitation yields in the flow of thunderstorm overvoltage with similar characteristics. The injection of thunderstorm impulses on the insolation is driven at a frequency of 50 Hz through an increase in the speed of the change, which will lead to a higher rise in the voltage according to the folding transformer type; In addition, the breakdown process itself at a small clock is seen as a breakdown process at a frequency of 50 Hz, which is described by volt-second characteristics. There are three reasons why viprobuvan is inadequate in a number of vipadks.

Injected thunderstorm overexertion into isolation, it is often superfluous to sprang to the sprays of local distributors, but to see thunderstorm overexertion through a few microseconds when the cob is thunderstorm, that is, when vypovuvannya vikoristovy The amplitude of the impulse vibrates out of the possibilities of possession, so that it harbors the isolation out of the overstrain, with some reserves and out of the capacity of accumulated defects in the case of bagatorazovy dyi of impulse strains. Specific values ​​of viprobubal impulses start in accordance with GOST 1516.1-76.

Viprobvannya internal isolation to carry out three shock method. Three impulses of positive and negative polarity are fed to the object, a couple of times, and then a rise. An hour interval between pulses is not less than 1 min. Isolation is to be impressed by such a show that the test has been shown, as long as the test has not been seen and there has not been any test. The technique of detecting the need to finish is foldable and easy to carry out by oscillographic methods.

The name of the insolation of possession is tested with the 15 shock method, if fifteen impulses of both polarities are applied to an interval of at least one chili, both polarities, both on the other and on the other. Isolation is vvazhaєya such that viprobuvannya vitrim, as in the skin series of fifteen impulses bulo not more than two lines (perekrittіv).

All types of vip testing can be divided into three main groups, which can be developed according to the values ​​and according to the general standards:

· testing new virobes at the virobnik plant;

· viprobuvannya pislya for the installation of a new property, viprobuvannya pislya overhaul;

· Periodic preventive vip testing.

In case of prophylactic, or even repairs, viprobuvannya, the health of the insolation of the propellant should be changed without being updated before the onset of Chergovy viprobuvan. The control of isolation by means of a different force only gives an indirect assessment of the trivial electrical power of isolation, and the main thing is the reconversion of the visibility of gross greening defects.

Viprobubal springs for new possession at virobnik factories start with GOST 1516.2-97, and with prophylactic viprobubal springs, they will be 10-15% lower than factory standards. We will reduce the amount of old isolation and ease the accumulation of defects that occur during testing.

Control of isolation by a force in the minds of exploitation is carried out for certain types of possession (wrapping machines, power cables) with a nominal force not vische 35 kV, Oskilki with large spikes in viprobuval installations are even more thundering.

Cables.Viprobubal springs for cables are installed on a continuous basis to clean internal and thunderstorm overshoots.

At virobnik factories, oil-filled cables and cables with low-viscosity leaks can be adjusted by a different industrial frequency (close to 2.5 U nom). Cables with viscous leaks and gas cables for the loss of insulation and isolation are shown in a straightened order (3.5..4) U nom, de U nom - line pressure with working pressure 35 kV and less.

In addition, we change the isolation parameters, and with a working voltage of 6 kV and more, we increase the isolation parameters and tgδ.

For laying the cable, for overhaul and before an hour of prophylactic viprobuvann of the insulation of cables, we move in a straightened way. An hour of viprobauan for cables with a power of 3-35 kV should be 10 min for cables for laying and 5 min for a major overhaul and an hour for professional viprobuvan. Periodicity of professional viprobauans becomes from two times per rik to one time per three rocks for new cables. When viprobuvannya controlled strum loop, the value of which lie in the range of 150 to 800 µA / km for normal isolation. Before and after viprobay, you should be aware of the isolation.

power transformers ... At the factory-virobnik, the internal and external signaling of the insulation will try to increase and increase the standard thunderstorm impulses, and also increase the changing industrial frequency. As a result of the later isolation, it is most often to carry out the oscillographic struma in the neutral of the transformer and to the usual oscillograms of the standard type.

Even though the isolation of neutrality and linearity is the same, then when we try to force the winding with a change, the offense of the winding is isolated and the winding is supplied with a drive from a third party. If there is a level of isolation of neutrality of reductions, then viprobation is carried out by induction with a different adjusted frequency (up to 400 Hz), then, it can be fed with a pressure close to 2 U nom. The neutral is grounded when it is connected, or a third-party voltage of the same frequency is supplied to it. Oscillations of the EPC self-induction in the winding of proportional frequency, then with the same maximum induction, it is possible to apply changes, in some cases to work, viprobubalnuyu.

When viprobuvannya izolatsii guilty but the viprobuvana on the skin is electrically independent lancet or parallel gilka (in the last case - if there is more insolation between gilts), and the viprobuvana is grounded in a different way To carry out the support of the isolation until and when the test is carried out with a forced force.

First of all, I’m talking about an assembled transformer. C 2 /C 50 , tgδ(The value of how to compare with the results of the factory viprobuvan).

Before an hour of regular professional vip tests, they should also spend vip tests, before the ear of exploitation, but not a permissible value tgδ with a lot of improvement. In case of preventive viprobuvannya, it is transferred for windings with a strap up to 35 kV, the value of viprobuvannya in this case is reduced to 0.85-0.9 values ​​of the factory viprobuvanny strap.

Periodicity of professional vip tests for young transformers varies from one time per rik to one time per chotir rock.

Introduced high springs ... The main type of control is a periodic check-up (from one time to three add to one time to a set of months), as well as modifying the definitions of isolation between special changes introduced and with a new sleeve. Periodicity of such viprobauans for new introductions of the market, but not earlier than once for 4 rocks.

5.1. standard values

Viprobauvannya elektrokladnannya pidvischeniyu carried out before being taken into operation in the term, transferred by the graph of scheduled maintenance and professional viprobauvannya elektrokladnannya.

Standards, test the test and the procedure for carrying out is presented in table 1.

Table 1. Norm, wash the test with a forceful effort and instructions and instructions

ob'єkt viprobuvannya

normy viprobuvannya


1.Isolation of windings and conductive parts to the cable of a hand-held power tool and to the body and external metal parts

For an electric tool with a force up to 50 V, a viprobuvan is 550 V, for an electric tool with a force of 50 V, a pressure of up to 1 kW is 900 V, a pressure of 1 kW is 1350 V. An hour of viprobuvan is 1 min.

The electric tool has a body and details with it, a display of dielectric material, blamed for being burnt with metal foil and grounding. If the isolation is not less than 10 MOhm, then the isolation with the help of another force can be replaced with one isolation support with a mega-ohmmeter, at the other 2500 V

2.Isolation of windings of lower transformers

At nominal load primary winding transformer 127 - 220V viprobuvannu vaprugu 1350 V, at nominal voltage primary winding 380 - 440 V viprobaval vaprugu 1800 V. Triviality viprobuvan - 1 min.

Viprobuvalnaya napruga should be applied through the skin to the skin of the windings. In case of a large number of windings, they must be connected with grounding by the case and by a magnetic conductor

3.Isolation rozpodilnyh annexes, Element drives drives, short-circuits, drives, devices, and also second-hand controllers, acquires, automatics, telemechanics, uses power supply devices 60

It is allowed to replace the viprob with a different industrial frequency and one-chillin the support of the insulation with a megohmmeter, with a 2500 V pressure, except for the lance in the relay control and automation

4.Isolation of power and lighting electrical wiring

Viprobuvanny sponge 1000 V. Triviality viprobuvan - 1 min.

Vibrate at a time, as the vimiryany opyr isolation vyavilosya less than 1 megohm

5. Cables with springs up to 10 kV

Viprobubal springs in the deposits of the nominal working, kV, for cables:
- with paper isolation
2 – 12 (10 – 17);
3 – 18 (15 – 25);
6 – 36 (36);
10 – 60 (60).
- with humic isolation
3 – 6 (6)
6 – 12 (12)
10 – 20 (20)
Without bows, the meanings of the vapors are used in case of normal and healthy viprobuds, in the bows - in the case of exploitation. The triviality of the application of viprobuvial springs in case of healthy viprobuds - 10 min., In case of exploitation - 5 min. For cables with humic isolation, the triviality of applying a viprobuvanny for all types of viprobuvan - 5 min.

5.2. Attach a device for electrical control

For viprobubannya elektrokladnannya pidvischennoy vypryuvuyu can be used vikoristanі nachnі attach і installations:

· unversal breakdown installation UPU-5M;

· AID 70/50 device for the insulation of power cables and solid electrical devices;

· small-sized viprobubal installation MІU-60;

· installation for viprobvannya isolation of cables UI-70;

· megaohmmetry type F4100, F4101, F4102 and ECO202 / 2 (G) with a wedge pressure 2500 U.

A description of the scheme of introducing a control-vimiruval to viprobuval installation of guidance in laboratory robots No. 3.

5.2.1. Universal breakdown installation UPU-5M

Designed for electrical power isolation when testing with permanent or low voltage up to 6 kV.

Installation (Fig. 1) is issued in two versions:

· "U" - universesal (change and permanent tension);

· "P" - just a little change;

Small. 1. Universal breakdown installation UPU-5M

Main technical characteristics UPU-5M pointing in table 2.

Table 2. Technical characteristics of the universal test setup UPU-5M



Range of response:

- continuous, kV (only for option "U")

0,2 – 6

- changeable, kV

0,2 - 6

Vimiryuvannya struma to a turn, mA

0,1 - 100

Threshold setting range

- springs, kV

0,2 – 6

- struma coil, mA

1 - 99

Maximum displacement force, not less, kVA

5.2.2. Apparatus for viprobvannya insolation power cables and solid dielectrics AID 70/50

AID-70/50 viprobubal apparatus (Fig. 5.2) for viprobubaniya izolatsii power cables and solid dielectrics in a straight electric power, as well as for viprobvanny solid dielectric in sinusoidal frequency 50 Hz.

Small. 2. Apparatus for viprobvannya insolation power cables and solid dielectrics AID-70/50

Table 3. Technical characteristics AID-70/50



Stress of a life-giving hedge of a single-phase alternating struma, V


Parameters of the device for straightening stress in trivial mode at the nominal value of straining in the net

- the best working pressure, kV,

- maximum working strum, mA,

Parameters of the device for changing pressure in trivial mode at the nominal value of the tension in the hem

- the best working pressure (different value), kV

- the largest working string (different value), mA

Tightness was saved, kVA, not more

5.3 The procedure for conducting a test of isolation with a forceful force

Vimіryaty opіr іsolіatsії vіprobovuvanny object.

Take the viprobubal scheme in the offensive end:

· to prepare the vyprobubalny installation prior to the installation of the vygotovlyuvach plant;

· attachment of a portable grounding to the high-voltage vivid of the viprobuval installation;

· to carry out the necessary connection (view) of the electrical connection;

· put the portable grounding on the electrical equipment or turn on the grounding knives;

· set the pressure regulator of the viprobuval setting to the position, as a result of the zero value of the pressure on the output;

· bring high-voltage vivid to the viprobuval object (bus, cable, wire, motor winding, transformer, etc.);

· To take a portable grounded from the high-voltage vivod of the viprobuvan installation (at the moment of operation, the changes in the viprobuvan circuit are categorically buried). All changes in the viprobuvalnoy scheme are only when the high-voltage power supply is connected and grounded;

· include the viprobubble setting in the hem.

Before the knowledge of the portable grounding from the high-voltage vivod and the inclusion of the viprobuval installation in the hemisphere, the viconavets robots the stalking voice and clearly before the brigade about giving the force for viprobovuvaniya ob'єkt and perekatatsya, so you try to increase the team members.

To turn on the viprobuval setting, it is necessary to change the vypruga from zero to viprobuval value. Up to 1/3 of the wine volume can be up to 1⁄2 high. For a wide variety of viprobosity, one is guilty of admitting a visual view of vimiryuvalny attachments, and in order to reach the established value of a spur, it is guilty that it is necessary for an indefinite lengthy hour.

After the end of the hour, the viprobuban vapruga smoothly decreases to zero, for which the viprobubal installation can be switched on. For this, it is necessary to re-revise the operative isolation.

Viprobvannya izolatsiyu pidvischennoy vzvysheniyu allows you to shrink in the presence of the necessary supply of insolation, in the presence of muscle defects, which do not appear in other ways. Investigation of the isolation due to another reason for overcoming the retreat and assessment of the isolation using the other methods (changing the support of isolation, determining the value of isolation, etc.).

The amount of viprobuval springs for the skin type is determined by the established norms of the "Rules for the operation of electrical installations for living".

Isolation is involved in such a way, that it vitrized the electrical vypryvannya by a different force in the fall, as if there was no breakdown, re-streaming on the surface, surface discharges, increasing the stream of a turn of a normal value, on the other In the case of a lack of one of the number of factors - the isolation of the electric viprobuvannya did not show up.

A typical scheme for viprobuvannya isolation of electrical control by a change in pressure is presented in figure 3.

Small. 3. Scheme of viprobuvannya isolation of electrical control by means of a change

The vyprobovalny installation is stored with the regulating attachment TV1 (autotransformer), which is connected to the transformer TV2, the device for the QF (automatic vimikach), by attaching the vim_ryuvannya stream and the strains pV1, pV2, pA and the installation of additional sampled support R єkta.

Vimіryuvannya vprugi can be used as an indirect method іfrom the connection of special vimіryuvalny transformers TV3, at the same time the voltage transformer TV3 and the voltmeter pV2 are switched on at the secondary lance of the transformer on the vyprobuvanny ob'єkti іf stosuvannya kіlovoltmetriv (storing vimіryuval transformer TV3 in this type is not required).

Automatic Vimikach QF designations for the quick connection of the viprobuval installation when the Great Struma is detected through the regulating transformer at the moment of the breakdown of the insulation. In such a rank, tsey automatic wimikach I will interpose an hour injecting viprobubal springs onto the object during the breakdown of the isolation and preservation of the viprobubal installation of the type.

For viprobuvannya izolatsii postin (vypravlennoy) vikoristovuyu viprobovalny installations, which are schematically analogous to installations for viprobvannya izolatsii izolatsii izolatsii pidvischivuyu vypravstvuyu industrial frequency, just in the circuit to introduce viprobovalny installations. An outline diagram of the viprobud installation for conducting viprobuvan from the vikorystannya post-struma is presented on little 4.

Small. 4. Scheme of viprobuvannya isolation of electrical control by moving post-stress

5.4. The procedure for conducting viprobuvan using the AID-70 installation

5.4.1. cooking viprobuvan

Install a dzherelo viprobuvannoy naprugi (nadal - dzherelo) close to the viprobuvanny object. Pryєdnati ob'єkt to high-voltage visnovku dzherela.

Ground the dzherelo to reach the device with a dull middling dart, repetitively 4 mm 2.

Cables from the dashboard to the external roses of the control panel.

You can see the control panel of the device from a dzherela at a distance of at least 3 m.

Connect the control panel to the wire and ground it using the additional wire cable supplied to the device.


5.4.2. Carrying out viprobuvan

Individuals, present during the test, are guilty of being seen from the distance from the dzherel and the tested object on the site not less than 3 m.

Insert the special key from the device into the control panel remix and turn on required view viprobuvalnoy springs, at which the green signal is guilty.

When robotic on vypryamlen_ napruzi, schob to identify the way out of the fret dzherel, and also for the correct vimir size viprobuvalny spur strictly stitches behind the stand of the toggle switch "K V".

Wrap the knob of the regulator of the viprobuval springs against the year-old arrow, set it in the cob until it stops.

Turn on the viprobuvalnu with a button, and the red signal is guilty.

Wrap the knob of the viprobuval pressure regulator right at the bottom of the year's shooter and follow the indications of the kilovoltmeter, set the required amount of viprobuvial pressure.

When vyprobuvanny umnіsnyh ob'єktіv, it is necessary to remember, so that when tightening the wrapping of the knob of the regulator vprugi viprobvalnuyu vprugu on the object prodovzhu zbіlshuvatisya (the construction of the kilovoltmeter is in progress) as soon as

In such cases, there is a need for pressure, generally and smoothly, it does not allow the transfer of the standard value of the viprobial pressure on the object, and also does not allow for the transfer of the most working pressure to the device, which is equal to 70 kV.

When robotic on a straight viprobubal pressure, the vimir strum is mounted up to 1 mA, then the microammeter is vibrated;

When the end of the viprobuvannya is necessary, the knob of the regulator of the viprobubal springs is required, wrapping it against the collapse of the old arrow, set it in the cob until it stops.

Use the button to turn on the viprobubal spring and only when you turn on the device as a special key by placing it in position 0.

The control over the knowledge of the surplus minisny charge from the vyprobuvanny object is necessary to take care of the indications of the kilovoltmeter to the apparatus - the arrow of the kilovoltmeter is guilty of standing at the numerical position of the scale 0.

At the time of vip testing with a straightened voltage, equal to 70 kV, an extra rose with a value of more than 4 μF, when the vip test is completed and the knob of the regulator is installed in the cob, a special charge is necessary up to the stop, a surplus then use the button to turn on the vaping button and only when you turn on the device as a special key.

Zasosuvannya of the special distribution rod is switched off at the fret of the secondary winding of the high-voltage transformer.

In case of viprobation of viprobovannyh devices with a straightened force lower than 70 kV, the value of the maximum allowable capacity of viprobovannyh device, without the fixation of a special distribution bar, is guilty of the formula:

З = 19600 / U 2,


de Z- the maximum allowable is the range of viprobuvanny object without storing a special distribution rod, microfarad;

U- viprobubal napruga, kV.

Viprobuvannya electrical wiring, power cable lines, Electric machines, secondary lanterns and electric devices with power supply of industrial frequency

1. Meta viprobuvan

By means of viprobuvan є the significance of the necessary supply of electrical power and isolation of electrical control by flowing on it by a different industrial frequency and a long singing hour.
The values ​​of the reserve of insulating power will be taken into account, as long as an hour of application of a viprobular stress is not caused by a breakdown (periodic breakdowns), but rather a number of strokes in a round of isolation.

2. Normative sizes

Norms, wash the test and the procedure for conducting it is presented in the tables:

ob'єkt viprobuvannya

normy viprobuvannya


1.Isolation of windings and conductive parts to the cable of a hand-held power tool and to the body and external metal parts

For an electric tool with a force up to 50 V, a viprobuvan is 550 V, for an electric tool with a force of 50 V, a pressure of up to 1 kW is 900 V, a pressure of 1 kW is 1350 V. An hour of viprobuvan is 1 min. The electric tool has a body and details with it, a display of dielectric material, blamed for being burnt with metal foil and grounding. If the isolation is not less than 10 megohm, then the isolation with the help of another force can be replaced with one isolation support with a megaohmmeter, with another 2500 W.
2.Isolation of windings of lower transformers When the nominal voltage of the primary winding of the transformer is 127-220 V - the viprobuvanny voltage is 1350V, with the nominal voltage of the primary winding 380-440 V - the viprobuval winding is 1800 V.

Viprobuvalnaya napruga should be applied through the skin to the skin of the windings. In case of a large number of windings, they are guilty of being grounded by the case and by a magnetic conductor.

3.Isolation of rosette annexes, elements of drives of vimics, shortcuts, of devices, devices, as well as second-hand controllers, controllers, automation, telemechanics, It is allowed to replace the viprob with another industrial frequency and one-chillin the support of the insulation with a megohmmeter, with a force of 2500 V, crim lantsyugiv relay switch and automation.
4.Isolation of power and lighting electrical wiring Viprobuvanny sponge - 1000 V. Triviality of viprobuvan - 1 min. Vibrate at a time, as the vimiryany opyr isolation vyavilosya less than 1 megohm
5. Cables with springs up to 10 kV

Viprobubal springs in the deposits of the nominal working, kV, for cables:
- with paper isolation:
2 - 12 (10 - 17)
3 - 18 (15 - 25)
6 - 36 (36)
10 - 60 (60)
- with humic isolation:
3 - 6 (6)
6 - 12 (12)
10 - 20 (20)
Without bows, the meanings of the vapors are used in case of normal and healthy viprobuds, in the bows - in the case of exploitation. The triviality of the application of viprobuvial springs in case of healthy viprobuds - 10 min., In case of exploitation - 5 min. For cables with humic isolation, the triviality of applying a viprobuvanny for all types of viprobuvan - 5 min.

The results of the vyprobuvan with a different force vazhayutsya overwhelming, as long as an hour vyprobuvan did not bump the lines,

Be it yourself, obviously, the provider, the insurance for the advancement, before the hour of the installation work can be done. To avoid emergency situations before an hour of start-up and maintenance work, if an update is received, it is necessary to change the integrity of the cable line. Before the hour of exploitation, the inevitable process of ruining the material takes place; For baking uninterrupted exploitation it is necessary to carry out periodic viprobivannya cable with a pulling force. Far away, as it is to conduct viprobovalny robots.

Types of cables

This is due to the statistical data of the most important part of the power supply є the reason for the loss of electrical cables є:

  • Increased efficiency of the consistency of the shell as a result of improper technological robots.
  • Ruynuvannya izolyatsii through old material, from the preparation of a cable, through the deterioration of technology viprobuvan.
  • belly in to the registry office tricky and risky, which destroy the insulating function.

see viprobuvan

In accordance with the accepted norms and rules of electrical control, it is necessary to change the type of declared characteristics of the cable, proponated to the vimogam. As soon as there will be some inconsistencies, variations in performance and more exploitation, such lines are categorically hardened.

See viprobuvan:

  • The breakdown of the insulation will be inverted to the value of a support for an additional support, which is called a megohmmeter, supplying a voltage of 2.5 kV. If the isolation opiate appears to be 500 kOhm, then it is necessary to reach up to 1000 V for cable lines. і table 1.8.34), the value is innocently lower than 10 MOhm. More reports about those, you can learn from our statistics.
  • It is possible to vyavity the appearance of povkozhen, having spent viprobuvannya with a strong force. In general, the method is more advanced and asymmetric in phases and character. This method is more effective, because it allows the appearance of isolation, as it does not appear behind an additional megohmmeter. Pidvischennya vyroblyaє breakdown in problematic situations. For this kind of viprobuvannya for one of the wires, the cable is supplied with a spring, but they have lost their lives and ground the shell.

The following is shown on the little one: a - an electrical circuit for converting the isolation; b - a high-voltage installation for carrying out viprobubal robots is shown. On the diagrams:

  • 1 - tse generator (dzherelo) p_dvischennogo navantazhennya;
  • 2 - to be converted to the request of the provider.

Rіzny type іsolyatsії vimagає the first hour for the establishment of a breakdown. So, for example, viprobvannya cable line for a supplement of 2000-35000 It takes 5 or 10 hours per hour to supply a permanent supply for the skin. Iakshko viprobuvannya designations for cable mains insured for 110000-500000 V, can be supplied to the cable with a length of 15 ghili. For an hour viprobuvannya, the asymmetry of the struma, which raises in phases, is not guilty of overhauling 50%.

When the cable is in operation in parallel with the cable, it must be connected to the phasing. It is possible to reach with a straight line the supply of the work force to one end of the cable and to the last end of the process.

  • Visokovoltna line, which is able to insulate the oil, how to call up the vicorisation in the main lines, then transfer to the 110-500 kV voltage supply, undergo viprobvannya in nіm oil, for example, on the basis of the statement.
  • The line of a high cable tie is converted to anti-corrosion protection:
    1. If the cable has a sheath to the metal, and the cable is stuck for laying in the ground, the cable does not change the value of 20 Ohm / m.
    2. If the conductor has a shell of metal, and the virobi stagnate for laying in the ground, the pet's opir is less than 20 Ohm / m.
    3. If the shell of the reservation is necessary, it is necessary to reconsider the appearance of the items, as well as the failure of the existing curves.
    4. If the cable is in the high grip of steel pipelines, and the soil is less aggressive. The high-voltage line of the cable connection is given to vimir by the value of the potential and the strumming in the obolonts.
  • Change the line of a high cable tie on the integrity of the string conductors, as well as phasing behind the additional attachment of an ohmmeter. For whom to start one core and how to continue to lead, by the way, freeze the support of the closed lancers all alive. In the yakosti etalonnoi lived a lot of vikoristany, svidomo neushkodzheniy guide.

de: 1 - adjuster ohmmeter; 2 - change virib.

  • Visokovoltna line, designated for exploitation on a pivot sprung 20,000 In and more, it is necessary to install a significant support for the skin, which was taken over the cable.
  • Conversion to rozpodil struma along the veins. The value of nervousness in veins is innocently over 10%.
  • The line of high tension of the cable connection (from 110,000 V to 500,000 V), which can be used for insolation, can be used for changing gases that are not important. For such highways, it is innocent to change 0.1%.
  • The cable line, de the presence of a 20 kV power supply, is supplied to the power supply. As a rule, in such cases, two methods are used: for an additional voltammetry, and for a method of determining for an additional scheme of brute force.

1 - dzherelo navantazhennya; 2 - change virib.

  • Visokovoltnu line (from 110,000 V to 500,000 V), which is not oil-proof, needs to be reconverted for the removal of gases, not only non-erroneous, ale and destructive. Chromatographic method for the designation of such words is very important.
  • It is also possible to visually test the support of grounding attachments, couplings of end and cable fittings, metal structures, from which wells of cable are stored, as well as points of construction.
  • Lines of high tension of a cable link (110,000 V), sheaths of what is made of plastic, passing through a vyprobuvannya stretch of 1 hour by feeding a shifted vypruga.

Why is it important to the nobility?

When conducting viprobubble robots, the result is recorded before the protocol, such as for a moment:

As for the terms of the viprobuvan, the stench is as follows:

Well, it is important to say about those who, for carrying out robots, are most likely to be victorious, such as IVK-5, AID-70 and AI-70!

The electrical power of isolation starts for a trivial hour, so I’m working on a spree. Changes in electrical performance are associated with greater incidences of abnormalities and muscle defects and isolation. Consider such defects as gas (power) included in a solid, abnormal dielectric.

For the reason that the electrical function of the gas at the bottom is lower, lower in the main isolation, it is opened to detect a breakdown, or a reversal of the isolation in a defect - a partial discharge. At your own house, part of the discharge wicks away from the isolation. A partial discharge is called a kovzny (surface) discharge, as well as a breakdown of the surrounding zones or elements of isolation.

For the purpose of supplying a reserve of electrical power and isolation, a test is carried out with an additional effort.Viprobubal napruga, which means I change more robustly, apply for an hour, sufficient for the development of a discharge in a micro-defect right up to breakdown. With such a rank, the addition of an advanced stress allows not only to detect defects, but to guarantee the necessary level of electrical power in the period of operation.

Investigation of the isolation due to another reason for overdue retreat and assessment will become isolation using the methods described earlier. Isolation can only be given in case of positive results of the previous revisions.

Isolation vvazhaєya such, that it vitrimated viprovannya pidvizheniya vzvizheniya in the same vypadiv, if there were no breakdowns, partial discharges, the vision of gas, but dimu, a sharp decrease in tension and growth of the strum

It is due to the type of possession and character of viprobuvannya insolation can be vyprobuvana with a supplementary pressure of a changeable struma or a direct tension. In quiet vapors, if the test is carried out as a wintry one, so it is in a straight force, when the test is carried out in a straight force, one can pend the test on a snake force.

Viprobvannya izolyatsii pidvischennoy vsprugu zhіnny struma

Viprobuvannya pidvischeniyu vpruga of the variable strum of industrial frequency is carried out behind an auxiliary movable transformer with a regulating attachment on the sides of the lower vapruga. The installation scheme is guilty of revenge, also vimikach harvesting with visible growth and maximum struma zahist for switching on the transformer in the event of a breakdown or a breakdown of the insulation of an object, for example, a switch and a safety switch or an automatic switch zyatnoy kryshka... The setting of the spratsovuvannya zahist is guilty of changing the strum, combining with the hedge at the maximum value of the viprobuval springs on the object, no more than twice.

In the quality of the viprobubal spur, vikorystyutsya, invoke the spur of the promiscuous frequency. An hour of application of viprobuval springs was taken as equal to 1 min for the head isolation and 5 min for the intravenous. Such a triviality of the application of viprobuvial springs is not recognized at the stage of isolation, as there are no defects, and there is enough for a look around to be found in isolation.

The speed of the movement up to one third of the viprobubal value can be quite large, but the viprobubal value can be increased smoothly, with the quickness, so that the visual impression is allowed on vimiryuvalnyh prilad... When driving the isolation of electric machines, the hour of movement of the half of the total value is guilty of not less than 10 seconds.

After the establishment of the triviality of the viprobuvannya vapruga smoothly decrease to a value that does not change one third of the viprobubal, and is included. Rizke zyattya springs are allowed in quiet vipads, if it is necessary for the safety of people or for the preservation of possession. For a trivial viprobuvannya, rely on an hour to complete a general viprobuvannya.

To prevent unacceptable overexertion during viprobuds (through vigorous harmonics in the curves of viprobubal springs), the viprobuval setting is, if possible, switched on to the line at the edge of the net. The shape of the curve can be controlled with an electronic oscilloscope.

Viprobubal springs, behind the vynatta of vidpovidal viprobuvans (generators, great engines, etc.), Vimiruyut on the sides of low springs. When viprobuvanny ob'єktіv with a great mnіstu spruce on the upper side of the viprobuval transformer, you can easily change the rosary for the transformation process for the rakhunok of the mnisny struma.

In case of long-distance viprobubannyh viprobvalnuyu turn on the upper side of the viprobubal transformer behind an additional transformer vpruga or electrostatic voltmeter_voltmeters.

In quiet vipads, if one transformer does not have enough pressure for vimiruvannya viprobuvalny sprung, it is allowed to last two transformers of the same type. Zastosovat also add support to voltmeters.

For the recovery of large-scale objects from a low-level, non-safety-related force, in parallel, try the device of guilt through the support (2 - 5 Ohm for the skin volt of the test force).

The diagram of the viprobuvannya of the isolation of the electric control by the force of the alternating strum is shown in Fig. one.

Small. 1. Scheme of viprobubannya izolatsii pidvischenyu vspruguyu zmynnogo struma.

Before applying the voltage to the test, I will try to pick up the circuit, try it empty and reverse the breakdown of the bulk distributors.

Yak viprobuvalny transformers, apart from special ones, it is possible to vikoristovuvati power transformers and transformers naprugi.

Power transformers with such a vikoristanny allow for up to 250% of the nominal value for a three-time (phase-by-phase) viprobination with two-phase interruption with supplements of spring. For transformers of the type NOM, it is permissible to move the tension on the primary winding up to 150 - 170% of the nominal. With the presence of a viprobubal transformer, there is sufficient effort, the inclusion of the same type of transformers can be parallel.

Widely zasosovyatsya vim_ryuvalny transformer napruga type NOM. Їх the effort is maximal, to be included in the passport tribute, and is overwhelmed by the lack of accuracy according to the class of accuracy, is, of course, not great. However, behind the sinks, the stench is loaded for a short time, from 3 to 5 times the rate of change, up to the value of the strum, calculated for the maximum passport strain. In addition, the transformer can be overcharged by 30-50% in voltage, it is possible to turn on two transformers one last time.

Small. 2. Schemes of the last connection of viprobubal transformers: ТL1 і TL2 - vipoboval transformers; TL3 is an insulating transformer.

Inclusion of two transformers according to the diagram fig. 2a can be stuck in the same way, if the electrical device is offended by the object, it can be isolated from the ground. Viprobubal napruga dorіvnyuє sumі napruga both transformers; the nominal values ​​of the cich can be made as small as possible. With a cascade connection of transformers (Fig. 2a, b), one of them TL2 is found to have a high potential, and the body of this transformer is guilty of being isolated from the ground.

The destruction of the transformer can be carried out behind the additional special winding of the first transformer TL1 to the cascade (Fig. 2b), or without the middle of the second winding, as the maximum value of the voltage on it cannot be shifted permissible for the transformer TL2 winding. While the TL2 transformer does not seem to be superbly insoluble, the additional insulating transformer TL3 can be used (Fig. 2c).

Power transformers will be stuck with phase abnormal lines. At the first drop, the neutral of the HV winding is grounded, and the primary voltage is fed to zero and the secondary phase of the LV winding.

The need for the transformer to be accepted at 1/3 of the nominal road. Lynia vikoristovuyutsya for the mind, but the isolation of neutral is insured on the outside of the phase. In a whole vipadku, one or two of the same vivedennya VN are grounded. the toughness of the transformer is equal to 2/3 of the nominal. Power transformers allow for a short-time rewiring along the strum by 2.5-3 times.

Regulatory prist_y can get a change in the pressure of the transformer from 25-30% to the re-value of the viprobial tension. The regulation is guilty of being practically smooth, with a gathering, so that 1-1.5% of viprobial springs cannot be overtaken. Lantsyuga at the regulation is unacceptable.

The napruga is close to sinusoidal with no more than 5% of other harmonies. When victorian regulators with malim internal support, for example autotransformers, it is practical to win. Stagnation of droplets or rheostats is not recommended for the whole family.

Testing the isolation with a straightened force

The stagnation of a straightened viprobuval strain allows a significant change in the strain on the viprobuval installation, to prevent the viprobuvannya of a great number of people (condenser cables and other)

When viprobuvanny isolation in a straightened force, as a rule, the schemes of a half-wave vypravleniya stagnate. In fig. 3 shows principle diagram viprobubannya izolyatsii vypravlennoy spruce.

Small. 3. Scheme of viprobvannya izolyatsii vyprednaya vyprugu

The method of viprobating izolation with a straightened force is similar to the method for viprobing with a warm force. Dodatkovo control over the strum of the coil is being carried out.

An hour of supplementation with straightened springs is trivial, less when vyprobuvannyy vypruvannaya spur, and in the fallowness of viprobovuetsya established by the norms in the boundaries of 10 - 15 min.

Vimiruvannya viprobuvalnoy springs, as a rule, go for an additional voltmeter, included on the side of the low sprue of the viprobuval transformer (with a break for the conversion factor).

Oscillations are straightened out to start at amplitude values, when the voltmeter is shown (in terms of effective value), it is necessary to multiply on a direct lamp, which is not large at normal cathode stress, but it grows rapidly with a lack of pink strings. At the same time, the springs in the viper lamp grow, and on the viprobuval object they change. That in viprobuvannya it is necessary to follow the vigor of viprobuvannya station. Dottsіlno also zasosuvannya voltmeter with a great additional support for vimіryuvannya vise on the upper side.

For example, when viprobvannya with a wicked force, with the use of a breakdown of external probes from a low-level overworld movement, it is recommended to try in parallel to try to turn on through an opugi (2 - 5%). ...

The strum, which passes through the isolation during the viprobubation in a straight line, does not change 5 - 10 mA in a large amount of vipads, but the strain of the viprobubal transformer is not great.

When viprobuvannya ob'ktіv with a great mnіstu (power cables, condensers, windings of great electric machines) charged to a viprobous tension kta unit has a great supply of energy, mittuviy rozduvuyuuuuuvuyuuyou can be brought up until To that, the viprobovuvaniyu ob'єkt slіd so that the vypryadny strum does not pass through the vimіryuvalny attachment.

For the nobility, the charge from the vypryvvanih objects vikoristovuyutsya earthing rods, in electric lance which include opir 5 - 50 kOhm. Yak razryadnyh supports for objects, so that the great amnesty will be filled with water, the humid tubes will be filled with water.

The charge of the battery can take three hours and become insecure for the personnel. To that, because of the viprobuvaniye of the power supply unit behind the additional outlet, the fault is to blame for the grounding tightly.

Viprobauvannya with a spur of industrial frequency

The internal isolation of the transformer is guilty, as a rule, on the selected transformers (installed permanently, oil is poured, the transformer shuts down on the bolts). Before the viprobuvannya, the support of the insulation should be recalculated with a megohmmeter.

Transformer oil for innovative transformers is guilty of adhering to the norms (div. Table 2.14). Viprobuvannyu pidvischenyu with a different industrial frequency and give the isolation of the transformer windings at the same time from the inputs. Viprobubal springs are in the table. 6.5 The triviality of the programs of the normative viprobuval springs 1 min. The insulation of the windings of the oil-refurbished transformers is not obov'yazkovo.

Viprobauvannya dry transformers obov'yazkovo and carried out according to the norms of the table. 6.5 for devices with an isolated isolation. Imported transformers are allowed to be tested in a different way, we will indicate in table. 6.5 it is in quiet vipadki, as the stench does not overtake the springs, like a transformer being used at the factory. Isolation of import transformers, as the head of the department viprobuvav with a pressure lower than that specified in GOST-18472-82, viprovovuetsya with a vigor, meaning that it will stand in a skin vaping okremo. Viprobubal pressure of earthing reactors for 35 kV of analogous transformers of the same class. Isolation of the line to the windings of transformers with a voltage of 110 kV, and the isolation of the neutral (viprobubal voltage 85 and 100 kV) is tested only by induction, and the isolation of neutral is applied.

By means of an adjustable pressure of industrial frequency, there is also an isolation of the available tie rods that press the dusters and yoke beams. Viprobauvannya slid spend looking around the active part. Viprobubal spout 1 - 2 kV. Triviality of viprobuvannya 1 min. Viprovannyu is provided for the isolation of skin from the windings. All the connections of the other windings, including the connections of the split windings, should be grounded at once with the transformer tank. It is necessary to provide grounding and looping of the windings in the built-in transformers in the strum, and the attachments of the windings of the bushings (if they are visible on the power transformer). The scheme of viprobubannya is shown in Fig. 6.2. For the removal of the viprobovuvanoy winding from the vipadkovy overworld spurring, in parallel to it, we need to attach a sprinkler with a punching force, equal 115-120% of the necessary viprobuvalnaya. Lastly, with the distributor, the strum-inter-bladder op_r is turned on, which serves to clean up the cups from the melt during the breakdown of the inter-bladder between them. When the temperature of the insulation of the windings is not to blame for the temperature of the insulation of the windings, the temperature of the insulation is 40 C. Vinyatok can become power transformers of low strain with nominal voltage up to 10 kV inclusive. For them, it is allowed to use a viprobula vim_ryuvati with a voltmeter, which includes the one on the side of the LV viprobubal transformer. The accuracy class of the low-voltage voltmeter is responsible for buty 0.5. On the way, during virobnism, viprobud is allowed to carry out immediately up to 50% of the viprobud, and then gradually to a new value, close to 1 - 1.5% of viprobubal in 1 sec. For a showcase for an hour (1 hour), the stress gradually decreases for about 5 seconds to a value of 25%, or less than a viprobual one, for which the lance goes off. The internal insulation of an oil transformer is impressed by the way that the viprobuvannya on the electric power is shown, as when viprobvanny was not caused by breakdown, but partial breakdowns of the insolation, which appear to be seen by the sound of a

Small. 6.2. Scheme of viprobuvannya head izolyatsiya pidvischenyu spruce.

The values ​​of the viprobubal springs are shown in the table. 6.5, 6.6.

Table 6.5. Viprobubal voltage of industrial frequency and internal isolation of power transformers and reactors with normal isolation and transformers with lodged isolation (dry and oil refills)

Note: given table. 1.8.11 PUE. Triviality of viprobuvannya 1 min.

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