Budovy and uninterrupted exploitation of the alarmists. Budovi and uninterrupted exploitation of alarm drivers

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help in case of fever, if the child needs to be given a secret. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?


by order to Derzhgirtekhnaglyad

Russia від 25.06.02 N 37,

registered by the Ministry

Justice of the Russian Federation 12/04/02 r,

restoration N 3994


Budovi and uninterrupted exploitation of alarmists

PB 10-518-02

I. Headquarters

1.1. The rules for the future and uninterrupted exploitation of the alarm equipment

1.2. The Rules are extended to the following alarm bells * 1:

vantazhpazhirskі pidyomniki with a rope abo rake drive;

vantazhnі pidyomniki with a rope abo rakovy drive;

front walkways with a rope drive (cradles, platforms).

1.3. The rules do not extend to the offensive wake-up calls:

pidyomniki, scho vstanovlyuyuyutsya on vantazhop_d_ymalnyh machines and on self-driving transport means;

zasobi pidmoshchuvannya (rishtuvannya, walkways, platforms, telescopic vyshki);

pidyomniki (viscous) self-contained, used and pneumatic;

pozhezhnі pіdyomniki;

special pidyomniks, which are installed in the mines of the girnichodobuvnoy industry and on floating sporums;

vantage pidyomniki with hydraulic and gwint mechanisms for every;

1.4. The main terms and definitions, how to be used in the text of the Rules, pointed to the supplement 1.

II. project

2.1. Zagalny vimogi

2.1.1. Projects may be designed and prepared according to the rules and regulations. Vantage, the area of ​​the load-bearing annexes and the parameters of the person responsible for the project are established by the technical staff for the project.

2.1.2. Pіdyomniki, pridbannya yakih zdіysnyuєtsya for cordon povinnі vіdpovіdati vimogam Tsikh Regulation i machi sertifіkat vіdpovіdnostі vstanovlenogo zrazka vіdpovіdno to perelіku tehnіchnih pristroїv, zastosovuvanih on nebezpechnih virobnichih ob'єktah i pіdlyagayut sertifіkatsії (Holds Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії od 11.08.1998 N 928 "Pro perelіk tehnіchnih annexes, stashed on insecure virobichnyh objects and for certification ") * 1.

* 1 Vidomosty Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine, 1998, N 33, art. 4030; Russian newspaper. 1998. N 163.26 Serpnya.

At once it is supplied by the pediatricians to provide the exploitation of the documentation, the vison of the Russian language.

2.1.3. Electrical possession of electrical installations, installation, current lead and grounding are responsible for giving the instructions to the rules for fixing electrical installations.

2.1.4. The devices, which are designated for robots in an open-ended state, are guilty of being asserted before the establishment of state standards and ensuring trouble-free operation in areas with a temperature of overnight ° C up to +40 -40 ° C.

Pidyomniki, designated for exploitation in areas with temperatures below -40 ° C, are guilty of vikonanna HL prior to the establishment of state standards.

2.1.5. Free-standing pedestrians, who do not mount until they are equipped, are allowed to settle in areas with a seismic rate of 6 points (apparently before the imposition of alarm norms and rules), are guilty of being determined by the seismic performance

2.1.6. The skin care worker is guilty of such exploitation documentation:

passport (PS);

operating certificate (KE), including a technical description and operating instructions;

installation instructions.

2.1.7. The passport is guilty of being stored up to date 2 and 3. Have a passport for a specific person from a change of residences, which can be found in the form of a passport, included in the forms, which are submitted to this type of person. If necessary, additional information can be added to the passport to characterize the specifics of a particular person.

2.1.8. In the passport of the person who is guilty about the permissible area of ​​installation according to the winding capacity, taken as a matter of fact before the state standards were established and the initial speed of the winding of the non-working mill.

The passport is also guilty of the swiftness of the worker, when the robot is transferred, the child is assigned.

2.1.9. Electro-control of pidyomniks, which are used for robots in vibukho- and fire-safe environments, can be found in vibucho- and fire-safe vikonanny, which is enumerated in the passport.

2.1.10. Operational requirements are guilty of being broken up prior to the imposition of state standards and the rules of the rules.

In the case of kerіvnistvі, the order with the іnіh vіdomosti, the guilty of buty said:

periodicity of technical service and repair;

you can use metal structures and ways to use them;

boundary norms of rejection of all details;

ways of balm regulation;

ways of regulating and viprobuvannya catch;

change of shvidkozoshuvanih details;

vkazіvki schodo pіdyomnika in a safe position in a non-working stand;

vimogi are safe in emergency situations;

the procedure for conducting a technical survey;

term of service (resource) of the student.

2.1.11. The acceleration (confidence) during the Russian cabins and cradles in the operation mode is not guilty of changing 4 m / s.

2.1.12. The construction of mine and mine workers is to blame for the installation (dismantling) of the mine, the mine and the current supports for the additional power mechanisms.

2.1.13. The convenience and efficiency of the consumer and the warehouse parts is guilty of being confirmed by the warehouse.

2.1.14. When completing pediatricians from universities and parts, prepared by the organizers' decals, drawing up the operating documentation, the enterprise-vigotovlyuvach, as a complete set of educational documents. The passport of the student is stored for the documents of the organization, which can be used by the universities. It is necessary to collect the documents in the organization, as well as the complete set.

2.2. Metal structures, direct

2.2.1. Metal structures of pediatricians, including direct ones, are guilty of admitting to state standards and regulatory documents.

2.2.2. Schogli (mines) are guilty of transferring to the university before the wake-up call (except for those who are in the list) for the additional help of high-speed regulation calls at the maximum.

It is allowed to fasten the shchogli (mine) by means of braces from a steel rope, without anchors for adjusting the tension.

2.2.3. Relocation of the load-carrying attachment of the passenger-passenger and passenger compartment (cabins, platforms, buckets, monorails, etc.) Vantazhnі pіdyomniki are allowed to possess naughty strains.

2.2.4. A lot of strains are to blame for the sinking, when the load-carrying attachment (protivagi) is moved beyond the extreme position, the supporting rollers (cranks) did not go off straitly.

2.2.5. Directly guilty of being insured for work on the job, as well as on the job, when the load-carrying attachment (resistance) is landed on the catch and buffers.

2.2.6. The sections were used by the riders with a rack drive, but they were interchangeable for securing the steel of the crocodile rack and smooth movement of the load-carrying body.

2.2.8. The design of the consoles of the front pediatricians is guilty of transferring them to the surroundings of the university, so I will allow them to be transferred by hand.

2.2.9. The materials for the design of metal structures and elements are responsible for the establishment of state standards and regulatory documents.

The vibration of materials for the design of metal structures is guilty of being carried out with the lower limit values ​​of the temperatures of the mid-range for the working and non-working machines of the operator, the steps for the alternation of the elements and the aggressiveness of the range.

2.2.10. Metal structures, direct and other metal parts of the operator are responsible for the prevention of corrosion. At box-shaped and tubular metal structures, which work on an open basis, go in against the purchase of them.

2.3. load-carrying annexes

2.3.1. Vimogi to cabins of vantazhpazhirsky pidyomniks. The cabin is to blame for the mother, I will fence off the sides. The height of the cabin in the light is not less than 2 m. The cabin is to blame for the mother of the door, and in the case of the gardening, it is і вікна (вікно). The height of the doors is to blame for not less than 1.8 m, the width of the doors is not less than 0.6 m. Svіtlovі prіzi (vіkna) cabins are guilty of buti wіkonanі from a non-breakable (shatterproof) slope. The height of the opening of the window from the cabins is not less than 1000 mm. Dakh cabins are guilty of being insured for mounting from a mass of two parts and mounting tools, and mounting +1000 N for skin and for tools, distributed on an area of ​​0.3x0.3 m. If there is a hatch in the cabin, the size of the hatch is not less than 750x750 mm. Luke is guilty of curling up as a cry, as he is called to be named and displayed according to clause In an apparently positioned position, the hatch of the hatch is not to blame for the dimensions of the cabin in the plan. The hatch is guilty of the possession of the lock and is opened only with a special key. The floor of the cabin is not to blame for being slimy. If the cabin is possessed by a ladder for passage to the wake-up or to the crossing platform, the ladder in a non-working position (with a Russian cabin) is not guilty of going over the dimensions of the cabin. The installation of the hanging ladder in the working position (and back) is to blame for being in control from the cabin of the letter.

The ladder is to blame for the correct fixing of the pre-change before the door of the cabin is opened. The ladder is guilty of the provision of insurance for navantazhennya, as they are found in the process of vantage-de-vantage robots.

2.3.2. Vimogi to the load-carrying outbuildings of the vantazhnykh pidyomniks. Vantazhny pіdjomniki for the living can be equipped with winter load-carrying annexes (vantazhny platform, monorail, jib and іn.) It is allowed to have a platform to have a ladder that is secured for installation, which is detected in the process of installation and removal of robots. In a non-working position (when shifted by platforms), the ladder is guilty of being rigidly fixed on the platform. Vantage workers, who allow people to go to the vantage platform, are guilty of being insured on the vantage point when they are installed and owned outbuildings, so that they will be safe when there are known people on the platform. The ability of people to enter the platform is guilty but is recorded in the passports of the pediatrician. Walkways with a monorail, jib and other outbuildings for lowering the vantage on the crossbar through the windows due to the possibility of vertical displacement of the vantage not less than 1 m.

2.3.3. Vimogi to pendulous colischs. The cradle can be seen at the viglyadi of the frame with a maidan for the distribution of the working (working). The area of ​​the status of the cradle per person is not less than 0.7 m. The floor of the cradle is not guilty of being slimy. A single-hanging hoop is guilty of hanging on one end-rope and one on the other side of the rope. The two-hanged hoop is guilty of being suspended on two pedestrian ropes and two extra ropes. Vantazhopіdyomnіst of single-hanged kolis is to blame for not less than 120 kg, two-hanged ones - not less than 300 kg. The cradles around the entire perimeter are guilty of the garden. The height of the fence from the sidewalls is not less than 1200 mm, and from the side to the front, the robot is not less than 1000 mm. Do not attach the door to the fenced-in barnacles. The fencing is guilty of being insured for not less than 1300 N for attachment of carabiners to foreign belts and files for tools. The calves are guilty of moving up to the consoles, where they stand on top of the bucket. Coefficient of stiffness of the liable consoles is guilty but not less than 2.2. The stiffness of the spikes in the course of robots and during the relocation is guilty of being rewound. With the help of viklyuchennya rozgoyduvannya colis, the stench can be possessed by outbuildings for tying down on equipment. Wheelers are guilty of being secured by running rollers for moving on the ground.

2.4. Kanati (lantsyugi)

2.4.1. In the case of peo- ple, they are stuck with steel ropes and lancers, who are guilty of submitting them to the rules, state standards and normative documents.

2.4.2. The ropes of the vantage-and-passenger and frontal workers for their attributions are guilty of the type GOL (gruzoludskie), the ropes of the vantazhnyh pidyomniks - type G (vantage).

2.4.3. Kanati is responsible for the certificate.

2.4.4. Lantsyugi are guilty of the document about these tests, depending on the normative documents.

2.4.5. Rope construction is not allowed.

2.4.6. Pidviska cabins work no less than two steel square ropes or two okremikh lantsyugah. The ropes are guilty of the same design and the same diameter. Pidvisku opposing is allowed visonuvati on one rope.

2.4.7. Yak traction body is allowed to roll plate parts abo roller (sleeve) lantsyugiv.

2.4.8. When the load-carrying attachment is moved on two or more ropes, compensation is transferred to the attachment.

2.4.9. The attachment of the rope to the elements of the student can be rooted for work and viprobovalnaya.

2.4.10. Anchoring of ropes to drums is guilty to follow the wedge's help, from vicious ropes (not less than three) or tight slats (not less than two).

2.4.11. Kanati (lantsyugi) are guilty of being transformed by rosary. Rozrahunok carried out for the formula

de R - razrivne zusillya rope (lantsyuga) as a whole, scho to follow the data of the sovereign standard (when rozrahunku) or for the data of the certificate (when vygotovlennі), N;

S - rorakhunkove (static) zusilla in the rope (lantsyuga), which is indicated in the passport, N;

- kofіtsієnt vikoristannya rope (lantsyuga) (kofіtsієnt to the reserve of mіtsnostі), which is taken for the table. 1, supplementary 4.

2.4.12. Coefficient of the stock of lantsyugs, which is responsible for the quality of the traction organ, is guilty of at least 9.

2.4.13. Yaksho in the certificate of the rope it is indicated that the amount of R It can be indicated by a way of multiplying the total size of the darts by 0.83.

2.4.14. Norms of rejection of steel ropes are guilty of giving to vimogs, we will point them to a supplement 6.

2.5. Drums and blocks

2.5.1. Minimal diameters of drums, blocks and rope guides, steel rope, blame for the formula

de d - diameter of the rope;

D - diameter of the drum, block, traction sheave, run behind the middle line of the wound rope;

h- kofіtsієnti vibration of the diameter of the drum, the block or the traction sheave, scho viznachayutsya for table. 2, supplementary 4.

2.5.2. Locking and rooting of ropes (lantsyugiv) on the basis of the guilty person doesn’t take away the loss of the drums, blocking either the stars or the straining of the ropes.

2.5.3. The rope-capacity of the drum is guilty of vibrating from the bottom of the drum, but the rope-carrying of the annex is no less add.

2.5.4. The drums, rocked for one-ball winding of the rope, are guilty of the mother being drawn along the guntin line of the groove.

2.5.5. In pidyomniks, it is allowed to wind the ropes on a smooth drum in a bagatosharov. When the rope is loaded onto the drum, the rope-laying is not guilty of shifting 3 °.

2.5.6. The cut of the rope on the rope-guiding sheaves, the number of turns, the profile of the line and the minimum of the tension in the pull-up of the rope of the rope is started by the rocking.

2.5.7. The drums are guilty of the mother of the flanges from both sides of the drum, behind the vignette of the drums, which are used for single-ball winding of two rope turns, are wound from the edges of the drum to the middle.

2.5.8. The drum ribs are guilty of being drawn over the upper ball of the wound rope not less than two diameters.

2.5.9. The blocks are guilty of the mother's prist_y, which is the switch of the rope from the block hook. The gap between the specified attachment and the flange of the block is not more than 20% of the rope diameter.

2.5.10. When a healthy polyspast is in place, the health unit is installed, or the balance bar is obov'yazkovim.

2.6. mechanisms

2.6.1. Mechanisms of guilt but are designed in such a rank, so that both mimicry and uncoupling of mechanisms will be unimportant.

2.6.2. The mechanics of the machine drive are responsible for the viconance, so that the vantage is lowered when the engine is running.

2.6.3. In the elements of the mechanisms of the driver, which transmit the torque, it is the fault of the fastening of the gears, splines, dowels, bolts and analogous connections, so that they are fully unlocked.

2.6.4. Toothed-rake drive mechanism of the person is guilty of being stolen from the bezposredny hit on the drive gear of the wake-up call.

2.6.5. Vimogi to hodovoї Chastain, drives i іnshih pristroїv pіdyomnikіv, vikonanih on raked course, povinnі vіdpovіdati vimogam Regulation Budova i bezpechnoї ekspluatatsії vantazhopіdіymalnih kranіv stosovno to Bashtova kranіv, zatverdzhenih RESOLVED Derzhgіrtehnaglyadu Russie od 31.12.1999 N 98 such that viznanih scho potrebuyut State reєstratsії Mіnіsterstvom Justice of the Russian Federation, sheet dated 17.08.2000 N 6884-EP.

2.7. galma

2.7.1. Pidyomniki can be secured automatically with normally closed type galms. Zasosuvannya stitchkovy galma is not allowed.

2.7.2. Winches for front walkers are guilty of being protected by two halms (normally closed and anti-slip), but they are just one from one.

2.7.3. Galm_vniy moment Galma is guilty of opening for the additional springs (springs) squeezing or vantage.

2.7.4. Yak galm_vnogo pulley block galm is allowed to vikoristovuvati the half-coupling of the electric motor from the gearbox, which is located on the shaft of the gearbox.

2.7.5. The galmo of the pidyomnik is guilty of filling the masi, as they collapse in the working mode, and also use the cab, platform, cradle when carrying out static tests.

2.7.6. At galma vantazhpazhirskogo and facade pіdyomnikіv blame for the transfer of attachments for manual braking from the design documentation. When prynennі vplyu on tsey prіrіy, diya galma is guilty automatically vіdnovlyuvatisya.

2.7.7. The capacity for galvanizing stock in the drive mechanism is guilty of providing sufficient space for the cabins, platforms, cradles under all possible operating modes (for lowering the platform for maximum capacity, not less than 1.5.

2.7.8. The winches with a manual drive for vertical movement of the client (vantage) are sent to the mortgage from the window openings;

2.7.9. Galma to the mechanism of oversupply of the person on the rake move is to blame for the loss of the rate of the person at the permissible gain of the way and for the day in the working camp.

2.8. Protivagu i ballast

2.8.1. The contractor is guilty of the insurance for new contracts, which are:

in working mode;

pіd hour of planting the broach on the buffer;

before the hour of boarding the cabin on the catch and buffers.

2.8.2. The counter is guilty but possessed by rollers, both not guilty of driving from direct to robots, as well as during testing.

2.8.3. The mass of props for trainees with traction pulleys is responsible for 100% of the mass of the cabin plus 50% of the vantage.

2.8.4. The mass of countermeasures for pedestrians with a rake mechanism under the drum winches is not guilty of overhauling the total mass of an empty load-carrying attachment and a suspended cable before the end, equal to the maximum height.

2.8.5. Masa balastu, the service for loading the installed winches and jibs, is guilty of taking care of the unloading of the winders during the mobile work.

2.8.6. The protesters, who wished to store up with vantages, are guilty of butti vikonany in such a rank that it would be unfortunate for them to replace skin vantages.

Methodical pos_bnik

... zagalnyprovision wake-up wow materials and awesome ... 35. REGULATIONSPRISTROЇІ SAFEЇEXPLOITATIONBUDIVELNIKHПІДЙОМНИКІВ. PB10 -518 -02 Announced by the Decree ...

  • Methodical documentation in the future methodical book on the conduct of the day to protect the work of the critical workers and the financial organizations (2)

    Methodical pos_bnik

    ... zagalnyprovision 4.1. Organizational and vikonannya robit v wake-up virobnistvі, promislovostі wow materials and awesome ... 35. REGULATIONSPRISTROЇІ SAFEЇEXPLOITATIONBUDIVELNIKHПІДЙОМНИКІВ. PB10 -518 -02 Announced by the Decree ...

    1.1. reference rules... N 3994) 8. REGULATIONSPRISTROЇІ SAFEЇEXPLOITATIONBUDIVELNIKHПІДЙОМНИКІВ. PB10 -518 -02* (Viluchennya) 4.1. ...

  • Type: PB 10-518-02

    Status: Not dіє - Not pіdlyaga zasosuvannyu. By order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Vision dated November 12, 2013 No. 533, the text of the decree of the Federal State Customs and Industrial Inspection of Russia dated June 25, 2002, No. 37, published in the Bulletin of Normative Acts of the Federal Bodies of the Vykonavcha Vlady dated 24.02.2014 r No. 8)

    Document text: presence

    Image of the document: presence

    Links in documents: 105

    Approved by: State University of the Russian Federation, 25.06.2002

    Comments: Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, 4th March 2002, registration No. 3994.

    Galuz zasosuvannya:

    The rules for the future and uninterrupted operation of alarm systems1 shall be established in advance of the design, construction, preparation, installation and operation of alarm systems, such as the installation and repair of the maintenance.
    The rules are extended to the following events:
    - vantazhopazhirskі pidyomniki with a rope abo rake drive;
    - vantage pidyomniki with a rope abo rakovy drive;
    - front walkways with a rope drive (cradles, platforms).
    The rules do not extend to the offensive wake-up calls:
    - pidyomniks, scho vstanovlyuyutsya on vantazhop_d_ymalnyh machines and on self-driving transport means;
    - add support (rishtuvannya, walkways, platforms, telescopic vists);
    - pidyomniki (viscous) self-contained, caused and pneumatic;
    - pozhezhnі pіdyomniki;
    - special equipment to be installed in the mines of the shoe industry and on floating sporums;
    - vantage pidyomniki with hydraulic and gwint mechanisms for every;
    - lifts.

    Resolution of the State Technical Committee of the Russian Federation from 25 to 2002 N 37
    "About the consolidation of the Rules of Budow and the Infinite Operation of the Wake-up Party"

    The Federal Girskiy and Promisloviy vividly of Russia decreed:
    1. To approve the Rules for the Budov and Uncompromised Operation of the Wake-up Party.
    2. Send the Rules for the Budow and the Permanent Operation of the Wake-Up Party to the state re-establishment before the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

    Head of the State Department of Defense of Ukraine V.M. Kulechev

    Budovi and uninterrupted exploitation of alarmists
    (Closed by the Decree of the State Technical Committee of the Russian Federation from 25 to 2002 N 37)

    Tsikh Rules assigned the code PB 10-518-02

    Div. Likewise, the Rules for the Budov and Smooth Operation of Pidyomniks (Vishok), approved by the Decree of the State Technical Committee of the Russian Federation, rev. 11, 2003 N 87

    I. Headquarters
    II. project
    III. Preparation, reconstruction, repair and installation
    IV. exploitation
    V. Procedure for resolving accidents and failures
    Vi. Prison terms

    Dodatok 1. Terms and conditions
    Dodatok 2. Passport of the vantazhpazhirsky, vantazhny pidyomnik
    Dodatok 3. Passport of the facade pidyomnik
    Appendix 4. Tables 1 and 2
    Table 1. Coefficients for the reserve of the rope
    Table 2. Coefficients for vibration of drum diameters and block
    Dodatok 5. Rotational log (file and receipt)
    Dodatok 6. Norms of rejection of steel ropes

    I. Headquarters

    1.1. The rules for the future and uninterrupted operation of the alarm drivers * (1) shall be established in advance of the design, budget, preparation, installation and operation of the alarm systems, such as maintenance, repairs
    1.2. The Rules are extended to the following alarm bells * (2):
    - vantazhpazhirskі pidyomniki with a rope abo rake drive,
    - vantage p_dyomniki with a rope abo rakovy drive,
    - front walkways with a rope drive (cradles, platforms).
    1.3. The rules do not extend to the offensive wake-up calls:
    - walkers who can be installed on vantage-type machines and on self-contained transport vehicles,
    - add support (rishtuvannya, walkways, playgrounds, telescopic windows),
    - self-contained sleepers (viscous),
    - pozhezhnі pіdyomniki,
    - special equipment for installation in the mines of the shoe industry and on floating spordes,
    - vantage pidyomniki with hydraulic and gwint mechanisms for the first time, lifts.
    1.4. The main terms and definitions, how to be used in the text of the Rules, pointed to the supplement 1.

    II. project

    2.1. Zagalny vimogi
    2.3. load-carrying annexes
    2.4. Kanati (lantsyugi)
    2.5. Drums and blocks
    2.6. mechanisms
    2.7. galma
    2.8. Protivagu i ballast
    2.9. Electricity
    2.10. Management systems
    2.11. annexes of safety
    2.12. Gardening, give access
    2.13. installation of pidyomniks

    2.1. Zagalny vimogi

    2.1.1. Projects may be designed and prepared according to the rules and regulations. Vantage, the area of ​​the load-bearing annexes and the parameters of the person responsible for the project are established by the technical staff for the project.
    2.1.2. Pіdyomniki, pridbannya yakih zdіysnyuєtsya for cordon povinnі vіdpovіdati vimogam Tsikh Regulation i machi sertifіkat vіdpovіdnostі vstanovlenogo zrazka vіdpovіdno to Perelіku tehnіchnih pristroїv, zastosovuvanih on nebezpechnih virobnichih ob'єktah i pіdlyagayut sertifіkatsії (Holds Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії od 11.08.1998, N 928 "Pro perelіk technical annexes, stashed on insecure virobichnyh objects and for certification ") * (3).
    At once it is supplied by the pediatricians to provide the exploitation of the documentation, the vison of the Russian language.
    2.1.3. Electrical possession of electrical installations, installation, current lead and grounding are responsible for giving the instructions to the rules for fixing electrical installations.
    2.1.4. The devices, which are designated for robots in an open-ended state, are guilty of the status quo until the establishment of state standards and ensure trouble-free operation in areas with a temperature of 40 ° C from 40 ° C to 40 ° C.
    Pidyomniki, designated for exploitation in areas with a temperature lower than the minus 40 ° C, are guilty of being asked by the HL vison until the imposition of state standards.
    2.1.5. It is normal for people to stand, as not to be attached to the installation, but to be able to stand in areas with a seismicity of 6 points (apparently before the imposition of alarm norms and rules), they are guilty of being validated in a seismic event.
    2.1.6. The skin care worker is guilty of such exploitation documentation:
    - passport (PS),
    - Installed operation (PE), including a technical description and operation manual,
    - installation instructions.
    2.1.7. The passport is guilty of being stored up to date 2 and 3. Have a passport for a specific person from a change of residences, which can be found in the form of a passport, included in the forms, which are submitted to this type of person. If necessary, additional information can be added to the passport to characterize the specifics of a particular person.
    2.1.8. In the passport of the person who is guilty about the permissible area of ​​installation according to the winding capacity, taken as a matter of fact before the state standards were established and the initial speed of the winding of the non-working mill.
    The passport is also guilty of the swiftness of the worker, when the robot is transferred, the child is assigned.
    2.1.9. Electro-control of pidyomniks, which are used for robots in vibukho- and fire-safe environments, can be found in vibucho- and fire-safe vikonanny, which is enumerated in the passport.
    2.1.10. Operational requirements are guilty of being broken up prior to the imposition of state standards and the rules of the rules.
    At Kerivnistva, the order with the other types of property, they are guilty of the following:
    - periodicity of technical service and repair,
    - you can use metal structures and ways to use them,
    - Boundary norms of rejection of all details,
    - ways of balm regulation,
    - ways to regulate and test the catch,
    - change of shvidkozhozuvanih parts,
    - vkazіvki shodo brought pіdyomnik in a safe position in a non-working stand,
    - vimogs are safe in emergency situations,
    - the procedure for conducting a technical survey,
    - term of service (resource) of the student.
    2.1.11. The acceleration (confidence) during the Russian cabins and cradles in the operation mode is not guilty of changing 4 m / s2.
    2.1.12. The construction of mine and mine workers is to blame for the installation (dismantling) of the mine, the mine and the current supports for the additional power mechanisms.
    2.1.13. The convenience and efficiency of the consumer and the warehouse parts is guilty of being confirmed by the warehouse.
    2.1.14. When completing pediatricians from universities and parts, prepared by the organizers' decals, drawing up the operating documentation, the enterprise-vigotovlyuvach, as a complete set of educational documents. The passport of the student is stored for the documents of the organization, which can be used by the universities. It is necessary to collect the documents in the organization, as well as the complete set.

    2.2. Metal structures, direct

    2.2.1. Metal structures of pediatricians, including direct ones, are guilty of admitting to state standards and regulatory documents.
    2.2.2. Schogli (mines) are guilty of transferring to the university before the wake-up call (except for those who are in the list) for the additional help of high-speed regulation calls at the maximum.
    It is allowed to fasten the shchogli (mine) by means of braces from a steel rope, without anchors for adjusting the tension.
    2.2.3. Relocation of the load-carrying attachment of the passenger-passenger and passenger compartment (cabins, platforms, buckets, monorails, etc.) Vantazhnі pіdyomniki are allowed to possess naughty strains.
    2.2.4. A lot of strains are to blame for the sinking, when the load-carrying attachment (protivagi) is moved beyond the extreme position, the supporting rollers (cranks) did not go off straitly.
    2.2.5. Directly guilty of being insured for work on the job, as well as on the job, when the load-carrying attachment (resistance) is landed on the catch and buffers.
    2.2.6. The sections were used by the riders with a rack drive, but they were interchangeable for securing the steel of the crocodile rack and smooth movement of the load-carrying body.
    2.2.7. Guidance and policies for guilty but not provided for in return.
    2.2.8. The design of the consoles of the front pediatricians is guilty of transferring them to the surroundings of the university, so I will allow them to be transferred by hand.
    2.2.9. The materials for the design of metal structures and elements are responsible for the establishment of state standards and regulatory documents.
    The vibration of materials for the design of metal structures is guilty of being carried out with the lower limit values ​​of the temperatures of the mid-range for the working and non-working machines of the operator, the steps for the alternation of the elements and the aggressiveness of the range.
    2.2.10. Metal structures, direct and other metal parts of the operator are responsible for the prevention of corrosion. At box-shaped and tubular metal structures, which work on an open basis, go in against the purchase of them.

    2.3. load-carrying annexes

    2.3.1. Vimogi to cabins The cabin is to blame for the mother, I will fence off the sides. The height of the cabin in the light is not less than 2 m. The cabin is guilty of the door's mother, and in case of a suction fenced-in, it is a fault. The height of the doors is to blame for not less than 1.8 m, the width of the doors is not less than 0.6 m. Svіtlovі prіzi (vіkna) cabins are guilty of buti wіkonanі from a non-breakable (shatterproof) slope. The height of the opening of the window from the cabins is not less than 1000 mm. The cabins are guilty of being insured for mounting from two separate units and mounting tools, for mounting 1000 N on the skin and on the tool, distributed on an area of ​​0.3 x 0.3 m. If there is a hatch in the cabin, the size of the hatch is not less than 750 x 750 mm. Luke is guilty of shrieking, as he is called to be named and displayed in accordance with clause In an apparently positioned position, the hatch of the hatch is not to blame for the dimensions of the cabin in the plan. The hatch is guilty of the possession of the lock and is opened only with a special key. The floor of the cabin is not to blame for being slimy. If the cabin is possessed by a ladder for passage to the wake-up or to the crossing platform, the ladder in a non-working position (with a Russian cabin) is not guilty of going over the dimensions of the cabin. The installation of the hanging ladder in the working position (and back) is to blame for being in control from the cabin of the letter.
    The ladder is to blame for the correct fixing of the pre-change before the door of the cabin is opened. The ladder is guilty of the provision of insurance for navantazhennya, as they are found in the process of vantage-de-vantage robots.

    2.3.2. Vimogi to the load-carrying annexes Vantazhny pіdjomniki for the living can be equipped with winter load-carrying annexes (vantazhny platform, monorail, jib and іn.) It is allowed to have a platform to have a ladder that is secured for installation, which is detected in the process of installation and removal of robots. In a non-working position (when shifted by platforms), the ladder is guilty of being rigidly fixed on the platform. Vantage workers, who allow people to go to the vantage platform, are guilty of being insured on the vantage point when they are installed and owned outbuildings, so that they will be safe when there are known people on the platform. The ability of people to enter the platform is guilty but is recorded in the passports of the pediatrician. Walkways with a monorail, jib and other outbuildings for lowering the vantage on the crossbar through the windows due to the possibility of vertical displacement of the vantage not less than 1 m.

    2.3.3. Vimogi to peanuts The cradle can be seen at the viglyadi of the frame with a maidan for the distribution of the working (working). The area of ​​the cradle's status per person is not less than 0.7 m2. The floor of the cradle is not guilty of being slimy. A single-hanging hoop is guilty of hanging on one end-rope and one on the other side of the rope. The two-hanged hoop is guilty of being suspended on two pedestrian ropes and two extra ropes. Vantazhopіdyomnіst of single-hanged kolis is to blame for not less than 120 kg, two-hanged ones - not less than 300 kg. The cradles around the entire perimeter are guilty of the garden. The height of the fence from the sidewalls is not less than 1200 mm, and from the side to the front, the robot is not less than 1000 mm. Do not attach the door to the fenced-in barnacles. The fencing is guilty of being insured for not less than 1300 N for attachment of carabiners to foreign belts and files for tools. The calves are guilty of moving up to the consoles, where they stand on top of the bucket. Coefficient of stiffness of the liable consoles is guilty but not less than 2.2. The stiffness of the spikes in the course of robots and during the relocation is guilty of being rewound. With the help of viklyuchennya rozgoyduvannya colis, the stench can be possessed by outbuildings for tying down on equipment. Wheelers are guilty of being secured by running rollers for moving on the ground.

    2.4. Kanati (lantsyugi)

    2.4.1. In the case of peo- ple, they are stuck with steel ropes and lancers, who are guilty of submitting them to the rules, state standards and normative documents.
    2.4.2. The ropes of the vantage-and-passenger and frontal workers, for their attributions, are guilty of the type GOL (vantage-human), the ropes of the vantazhnyh pidyomniks - type G (vantage).
    2.4.3. Kanati is responsible for the certificate.
    2.4.4. Lantsyugi are guilty of the document about these tests, depending on the normative documents.
    2.4.5. Rope construction is not allowed.
    2.4.6. Pidviska cabins work no less than two steel square ropes or two okremikh lantsyugah. The ropes are guilty of the same design and the same diameter. Pidvisku opposing is allowed visonuvati on one rope.
    2.4.7. Yak traction body is allowed to roll plate parts abo roller (sleeve) lantsyugiv.
    2.4.8. When the load-carrying attachment is moved on two or more ropes, compensation is transferred to the attachment.
    2.4.9. The attachment of the rope to the elements of the student can be rooted for work and viprobovalnaya.
    2.4.10. Anchoring of ropes to drums is guilty: for the help of a wedge, for a wedge, for a wedge (not less than three) or tight slats (not less than two).
    2.4.11. Kanati (lantsyugi) are guilty of being transformed by rosary.

    Razrahunok is carried out according to the formula: P / S> = Z:

    De R - the size of the zusill of the rope (lantsyug) as a whole,
    tribute to the sovereign standard (when rozrahunku) or for tribute
    certificate (if prepared), N,
    S - rosrahunkove (static) zusilla in rope (lantsyuga),
    passports, N,
    Z - kofіtsієnt vikoristannya rope (lantsyuga) (kofіtsієnt to stock
    p mіtsnostі), which falls under Table 1, supplement 4.

    2.4.12. Coefficient of the stock of lantsyugs, which is responsible for the quality of the traction organ, is guilty of at least 9.
    2.4.13. As in the certificate of the rope, the total size of the zusill of darts of the rope is indicated, the value of P can be determined by the multiplicity of the total size of the zusill of darts by 0.83.
    2.4.14. Norms of rejection of steel ropes are guilty of giving to vimogs, we will point them to a supplement 6.

    2.5. Drums and blocks

    2.5.1. Minimal diameters of drums, blocks and rope guides, steel rope, blame for the formula:

    D> = h x d,
    de d - rope diameter,

    D - diameter of the drum, block, traction sheave,
    middle line of the wound rope,
    h - efficiency of the vibration of the diameter of the drum, abo traction unit
    shk_va, scho viznachayut for table 2, supplement 4.

    2.5.2. Locking and rooting of ropes (lantsyugiv) on the basis of the guilty person doesn’t take away the loss of the drums, blocking either the stars or the straining of the ropes.
    2.5.3. The rope-capacity of the drum is guilty of vibrating from the bottom of the drum, but the rope-carrying of the annex is no less add.
    2.5.4. The drums, rocked for one-ball winding of the rope, are guilty of the mother being drawn along the guntin line of the groove.
    2.5.5. In pidyomniks, it is allowed to wind the ropes on a smooth drum in a bagatosharov. When the rope is loaded onto the drum, the rope-laying is not guilty of shifting 3 °.
    2.5.6. The cut of the rope on the rope-guiding sheaves, the number of turns, the profile of the line and the minimum of the tension in the pull-up of the rope of the rope should be started by the rocking.
    2.5.7. The drums are guilty of the mother of the flanges from both sides of the drum, behind the vignette of the drums, which are used for single-ball winding of two rope turns, are wound from the edges of the drum to the middle.
    2.5.8. The drum ribs are guilty of being drawn over the upper ball of the wound rope not less than two diameters.
    2.5.9. The blocks are guilty of the mother's prist_y, which is the switch of the rope from the block hook. The gap between the specified attachment and the flange of the block is not more than 20% of the rope diameter.
    2.5.10. When a healthy polyspast is in place, the health unit is installed, or the balance bar is obov'yazkovim.

    ... Re-version of the document with tables, images and additions in the attached file ...

    Of the Decree

    Derzhgirtekhnaglyadu RF vid 25 worm 2002 No. 37

    "About the consolidation of the Rules of Budov and Infinite Operation

    weekday pidyomniks "

    The Federal Girskiy and Promisloviy vividly of Russia decreed:

    1. To approve the Rules for the Budov and Uncompromised Operation of the Wake-up Party.

    2. Send the Rules for the Budow and the Permanent Operation of the Wake-Up Party to the state re-establishment before the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

    Head of the State Department of Defense of Ukraine

    V.M. Kulechev

    rules of budget and uninterrupted exploitation


    PB 10-518-2002

    The rules for the future and uninterrupted exploitation of alarm bells and whistles for the first time. These Rules have given binding norms, which are responsible for the satisfaction of the projects and for the preparation of alarm workers, as well as for the protection of safety during operation.

    With the development of the Rules of the vimoga of the Federal Laws "On the industrial security of insecure companies of the kind", "On the licensing of certain types of work" and the other normative documents and resolutions of the Uryad of the Russian Federation.

    Before Tsikh rozrobki Rules at vigotovlennі, organіzatsії lucid for budіvelnimi pіdyomnikami vikoristovuvalisya Rules Budova i bezpechnoї ekspluatatsії lіftіv, rozdіl 10 "Budіvelnі pіdyomniki" zatverdzhenі Reigning komіtetom of lucid for Bezpieczne Keeping robіt in promislovostі i gіrnichomu lucid when Radі Mіnіstrіv CPCP 01.26.71 p how great lack of handiness wicked in stasis and gloomy.

    Tsі Rules Je obov'yazkovimi for vikonannya vsіma kerіvnimi pratsіvnikami i vіdpovіdalnimi fahіvtsyami organіzatsіy scho zaymayutsya proektuvannyam, vigotovlennyam, rekonstruktsієyu, repair, installation, ekspluatatsієyu that dіagnostuvannyam budіvelnih pіdyomnikіv, Square od FORMS vlasnostі that vіdomchoї nalezhnostі and takozh іndivіdualnimi pіdpriєmtsyami.

    I. Headquarters

    1.1. The rules for the future and uninterrupted operation of alarm systems1 shall be established before the design, construction, preparation, installation and operation of alarm systems, such as installation and repair.

    1.2. The Rules are extended to the following alarm events:

    Vantazhpazhirskі pіdyomniki with a rope abo rake drive,

    Vantazhnі pіdyomniki with rope abo rakovy drive,

    Facade walkways with a rope drive (cradles, platforms).

    1.3. The rules do not extend to the offensive wake-up calls:

    Pidyomniki, scho vstanovlyuyutsya on vantazhop_d_ymalnyh machines and on self-driving transport means;

    Succeed for training (rishtuvannya, walkways, playgrounds, telescopic vistas),

    Self-contained, self-contained, pneumatic,

    Pozhezhnі pіdyomniki,

    Special footwear workers who are installed in the mines of the shoe industry and on floating sporums,

    Vantage pidyomniki with hydraulic and gwint mechanisms for any reason,

    1.4. The main terms and definitions, how to be used in the text of the Rules, pointed to the supplement 1.

    II. project

    2.1. Zagalny vimogi

    2.1.1. Projects may be designed and prepared according to the rules and regulations. Vantage, the area of ​​the load-bearing annexes and the parameters of the person responsible for the project are established by the technical staff for the project.

    2.1.2. Pіdyomniki, pridbannya yakih zdіysnyuєtsya for cordon povinnі vіdpovіdati vimogam Tsikh Regulation i machi sertifіkat vіdpovіdnostі zgіdno of perelіkom tehnіchnih pristroїv, zastosovuvanih on nebezpechnih virobnichih ob'єktah i pіdlyagayut sertifіkatsії (Holds Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії od 11.08.1998 № 928 "Pro perelіk tehnіchnih pristroїv, zastosovuvanih on not safe virobniches and podlyagayut certification ") 1.

    1 Vidomosty Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine, 1998, no. 33, art. 4030; Russian newspaper. 1998. No. 163, 26 serpnya.

    At once it is supplied by the pediatricians to provide the exploitation of the documentation, the vison of the Russian language.

    2.1.3. Electrical possession of electrical installations, installation, current lead and grounding are responsible for giving the instructions to the rules for fixing electrical installations.

    2.1.4. People who have been designated for robots in an open-ended state are guilty of being guilty until state standards have been established and ensuring trouble-free operation in areas with a temperature of around 40 ° C before +40 ° C to + 40 ° C.

    Pidyomniki, designated for exploitation in areas with temperatures lower than -40 ° C, are guilty of being asked by the HL vison until the imposition of state standards.

    2.1.5. Free-standing pedestrians, who do not mount until they are equipped, are allowed to settle in areas with a seismic rate of 6 points (apparently before the imposition of alarm norms and rules), are guilty of being determined by the seismic performance

    2.1.6. The skin care worker is guilty of such exploitation documentation:

    Passport (PS),

    Maintenance certificate (KE), which includes a technical description and operation manual,

    Installation instructions.

    2.1.7. The passport is guilty of being stored up to date 2 and 3. Have a passport for a specific person from a change of residences, which can be found in the form of a passport, included in the forms, which are submitted to this type of person. If necessary, additional information can be added to the passport to characterize the specifics of a particular person.

    2.1.8. In the passport of the person who is guilty about the permissible area of ​​installation according to the winding capacity, taken as a matter of fact before the state standards were established and the initial speed of the winding of the non-working mill.

    The passport is also guilty of the swiftness of the worker, when the robot is transferred, the child is assigned.

    2.1.9. Electro-control of pidyomniks, which are used for robots in vibukho- and fire-safe environments, can be found in vibucho- and fire-safe vikonanny, which is enumerated in the passport.

    2.1.10. Operational requirements are guilty of being broken up prior to the imposition of state standards and the rules of the rules.

    At Kerivnistva, the order with the other types of property, they are guilty of the following:

    Periodicity of technical service and repair,

    You can use metal structures and ways to use them,

    Boundary norms of rejection of all details,

    Ways to regulate galms,

    Ways to regulate and test the catch,

    Reworking of shvidkozshuvannyh parts,

    Insertions that are brought in a non-working person in a non-working place,

    Vimogs are safe in emergency situations,

    The procedure for conducting a technical survey,

    The term of the service (resource) of the student.

    2.1.11. The acceleration (confidence) during the Russian cabins and cradles in the operation mode is not guilty of changing 4 m / s2.

    2.1.12. The construction of mine and mine workers is to blame for the installation (dismantling) of the mine, the mine and the current supports for the additional power mechanisms.

    2.1.13. The convenience and efficiency of the consumer and the warehouse parts is guilty of being confirmed by the warehouse.

    2.1.14. When completing pediatricians from universities and parts, prepared by the organizers' decals, drawing up the operating documentation, the enterprise-vigotovlyuvach, as a complete set of educational documents. The passport of the student is stored for the documents of the organization, which can be used by the universities. It is necessary to collect the documents in the organization, as well as the complete set.

    2.2. Metal structures, direct

    2.2.1. Metal structures of pediatricians, including direct ones, are guilty of admitting to state standards and regulatory documents.

    2.2.2. Schogli (mines) are guilty of transferring to the university before the wake-up call (except for those who are in the list) for the additional help of high-speed regulation calls at the maximum.

    It is allowed to fasten the shchogli (mine) by means of braces from a steel rope, without anchors for adjusting the tension.

    2.2.3. Relocation of the load-carrying attachment of the passenger-passenger and passenger compartment (cabins, platforms, buckets, monorails, etc.) Vantazhnі pіdyomniki are allowed to possess naughty strains.

    2.2.4. A lot of strains are to blame for the sinking, when the load-carrying attachment (protivagi) is moved beyond the extreme position, the supporting rollers (cranks) did not go off straitly.

    2.2.5. Directly guilty of being insured for work on the job, as well as on the job, when the load-carrying attachment (resistance) is landed on the catch and buffers.

    2.2.6. The sections were used by the riders with a rack drive, but they were interchangeable for securing the steel of the crocodile rack and smooth movement of the load-carrying body.

    2.2.8. The design of the consoles of the front pediatricians is guilty of transferring them to the surroundings of the university, so I will allow them to be transferred by hand.

    2.2.9. The materials for the design of metal structures and elements are responsible for the establishment of state standards and regulatory documents.

    The vibration of materials for the design of metal structures is guilty of being carried out with the lower limit values ​​of the temperatures of the mid-range for the working and non-working machines of the operator, the steps for the alternation of the elements and the aggressiveness of the range.

    2.2.10. Metal structures, direct and other metal parts of the operator are responsible for the prevention of corrosion. At box-shaped and tubular metal structures, which work on an open basis, go in against the purchase of them.

    2.3. load-carrying annexes

    2.3.1. Vimogi to cabins The cabin is to blame for the mother, I will fence off the sides. The height of the cabin in the light is not less than 2 m. The cabin is guilty of the door's mother, and in case of a suction fenced-in, it is a fault. The height of the doors is to blame for not less than 1.8 m, the width of the doors is not less than 0.6 m. Svіtlovі prіzi (vіkna) cabins are guilty of buti wіkonanі from a non-breakable (shatterproof) slope. The height of the rosetting of the window from the cabins is not lower than 1000 mm The cabins are guilty of being insured for mounting from two separate units and mounting tools, for mounting 1000 N on the skin and on the tool, distributed on an area of ​​0.3 0.3 m. If there is a hatch in the cabin, the size of the hatch is not less than 750 750 mm. Luke is guilty of curling up as a cry, as he is called to be named and displayed according to clause In an apparently positioned position, the hatch of the hatch is not to blame for the dimensions of the cabin in the plan. The hatch is guilty of the possession of the lock and is opened only with a special key. The floor of the cabin is not to blame for being slimy. If the cabin is possessed by a ladder for passage to the wake-up or to the crossing platform, the ladder in a non-working position (with a Russian cabin) is not guilty of going over the dimensions of the cabin. The installation of the hanging ladder in the working position (and back) is to blame for being in control from the cabin of the letter.

    The ladder is to blame for the correct fixing of the pre-change before the door of the cabin is opened. The ladder is guilty of the provision of insurance for navantazhennya, as they are found in the process of vantage-de-vantage robots.

    2.3.2. Vimogi to the load-carrying outbuildings of the vantazhnykh pidyomniks. Vantazhny pіdjomniki for the living can be equipped with winter load-carrying annexes (vantazhny platform, monorail, jib and іn.) It is allowed to have a platform to have a ladder that is secured for installation, which is detected in the process of installation and removal of robots. In a non-working position (when shifted by platforms), the ladder is guilty of being rigidly fixed on the platform. Vantage workers, who allow people to go to the vantage platform, are guilty of being insured on the vantage point when they are installed and owned outbuildings, so that they will be safe when there are known people on the platform. The ability of people to enter the platform is guilty but is recorded in the passports of the pediatrician. Walkways with a monorail, jib and other outbuildings for lowering the vantage on the crossbar through the windows due to the possibility of vertical displacement of the vantage not less than 1 m.

    2.3.3. Vimogi to peanuts The cradle can be seen at the viglyadi of the frame with a maidan for the distribution of the working (working). The area of ​​the cradle's status per person is not less than 0.7 m2. The floor of the cradle is not guilty of being slimy. A single-hanging hoop is guilty of hanging on one end-rope and one on the other side of the rope. The two-hanged hoop is guilty of being suspended on two pedestrian ropes and two extra ropes. Vantazhopіdyomnіst of single-hanged kolis is to blame for not less than 120 kg, two-hanged ones - not less than 300 kg. The cradles around the entire perimeter are guilty of the garden. The height of the fence from the sidewalls is not less than 1200 mm, and from the side to the front, the robot is not less than 1000 mm. Do not attach the door to the fenced-in barnacles. The fencing is guilty of being insured for not less than 1300 N for attachment of carabiners to foreign belts and files for tools. The calves are guilty of moving up to the consoles, where they stand on top of the bucket. Coefficient of stiffness of the liable consoles is guilty but not less than 2.2. The stiffness of the spikes in the course of robots and during the relocation is guilty of being rewound. With the help of viklyuchennya rozgoyduvannya colis, the stench can be possessed by outbuildings for tying down on equipment. Wheelers are guilty of being secured by running rollers for moving on the ground.

    2.4. Kanati (lantsyugi)

    2.4.1. In the case of peo- ple, they are stuck with steel ropes and lancers, who are guilty of submitting them to the rules, state standards and normative documents.

    2.4.2. The ropes of the vantage-and-passenger and frontal workers for their attributions are guilty of the type GOL (gruzoludskie), the ropes of the vantazhnyh pidyomniks - type G (vantage).

    2.4.3. Kanati is responsible for the certificate.

    2.4.4. Lantsyugi are guilty of the document about these tests, depending on the normative documents.

    2.4.5. Rope construction is not allowed.

    2.4.6. Pidviska cabins zdіysnyuєtsya not less, nіzh on two steel square ropes or two lantsyugah. The ropes are guilty of the same design and the same diameter. Pidvisku opposing is allowed visonuvati on one rope.

    2.4.7. Yak traction body is allowed to roll plate parts abo roller (sleeve) lantsyugiv.

    2.4.8. When the load-carrying attachment is moved on two or more ropes, compensation is transferred to the attachment,

    2.4.9. The attachment of the rope to the elements of the student can be rooted for work and viprobovalnaya.

    2.4.10. Anchoring of ropes to drums is guilty: for the help of a wedge, for a wedge, for a wedge (not less than three) or tight slats (not less than two).

    2.4.11. Kanati (lantsyugi) are guilty of being transformed by rosary.

    Rozrahunok carried out for the formula

    P / S Zp;

    de R - the size of the zusill of the rope (lantsyug) as a whole, to follow the data of the sovereign standard (when rooting), or for the data of the certificate (when ready), N.

    S - rozrakhunkove (static) zusilla in the rope (lantsyuga), which is indicated in the passport, N.

    Zp - kofіtsієnt vikorystannya rope (lantsyuga) (kofіtsієnt to the reserve of mіtsnostі), which is taken for the table. 1, supplementary 4.

    2.4.12. Coefficient of the stock of lantsyugs, which is responsible for the quality of the traction organ, is guilty of at least 9.

    2.4.13. As in the certificate of the rope quality it is indicated that the total size of the rope darts is equal to the total size of the rope darts, the value of P can be determined by the multiplicity of the total size of the darts at 0.83.

    2.4.14. Norms of rejection of steel ropes are guilty of giving to vimogs, we will point them to a supplement 6.

    2.5. Drums and blocks

    2.5.1. Minimal diameters of drums, blocks and rope guides, steel rope, blame for the formula

    D h d,

    de d is the diameter of the rope.

    D - diameter of the drum, block, traction sheave, run behind the middle line of the wound rope,

    h - kofіtsієnti vibration of the diameter of the drum, the block or the traction sheave, which is shown in the table. 2, supplementary 4.

    2.5.2. Locking and rooting of ropes (lantsyugiv) on the basis of the guilty person doesn’t take away the loss of the drums, blocking either the stars or the straining of the ropes.

    2.5.3. The rope-capacity of the drum is guilty of vibrating from the bottom of the drum, but the rope-carrying of the annex is no less add.

    2.5.4. The drums, rocked for one-ball winding of the rope, are guilty of the mother being drawn along the guntin line of the groove.

    2.5.5. In pidyomniks, it is allowed to wind the ropes on a smooth drum in a bagatosharov. When the rope is loaded onto the drum, the rope-laying is not guilty of shifting 3 °.

    2.5.6. The cut of the rope on the rope-guiding sheaves, the number of turns, the profile of the line and the minimum of the tension in the pull-up of the rope of the rope should be started by the rocking.

    2.5.7. The drums are guilty of the mother of the flanges from both sides of the drum, behind the vignette of the drums, which are used for single-ball winding of two rope turns, are wound from the edges of the drum to the middle.

    2.5.8. The drum ribs are guilty of being drawn over the upper ball of the wound rope not less than two diameters.

    2.5.9. The blocks are guilty of the mother's prist_y, which is the switch of the rope from the block hook. The gap between the specified attachment and the flange of the block is not more than 20% of the rope diameter.

    2.5.10. When a healthy polyspast is in place, the health unit is installed, or the balance bar is obov'yazkovim.

    2.6. mechanisms

    2.6.1 Mechanisms of those who are guilty of being designed in such a rank, so that both mimicry and uncoupling of the mechanisms will be unimportant.

    2.6.2 Mechanisms for the machine drive are responsible for the operation of the driver, so that the vantage is lowered only from the start of the engine.

    2.6.3 In the elements of the crane mechanisms, which transmit the torque, due to the failure of the gears, splines, dowels, bolts and analogous connections, which enable them to fully unlock any more.

    2.6.4. The gear-rake drive mechanism is guilty of the abduction from the bezposeredny hitting on the drive gear of the awakening smittya.

    2.6. State Re-struction of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, sheet dated 17.08.2000 No. 6884-ЕР.

    2.7. galma

    2.7.1 People who are guilty of being secured automatically with normally closed type galms. Zasosuvannya stitchkovy galma is not allowed.

    2.7.2. Winches for front walkers are guilty of being secured with two galms (normally closed and anti-slip), but only one from one.

    2.7.3. Galm_vniy moment Galma is guilty of opening for the additional springs (springs) squeezing or vantage.

    2.7.4. Yak galm_vnogo shk_va is allowed to vikoristovuvati the half-coupling of the electric motor from the gearbox, which is located on the shaft of the gearbox.

    2.7.5. The galmo of the pidyomnik is guilty of filling the masi, as they collapse in the working mode, and also use the cab, platform, cradle when carrying out static tests.

    2.7.6. At galma vantazhpazhirskogo and facade pіdyomnikіv blame for the transfer of attachments for manual braking from the design documentation. When prynennі vplyu on tsey prіrіy, diya galma is guilty automatically vіdnovlyuvatisya.

    2.7.7. The cost of galvanizing stock in the drive mechanism is guilty of being able to provide sufficient space for the cabins, platforms, cradles for all possible modes of operation (for lowering the platforms for maximum cabins, 1.5.

    2.7.8. The winches with a manual drive for vertical movement of the client (vantage) are sent to the mortgage from the window openings;

    2.7.9. Galma to the mechanism of oversupply of the person on the rake move is to blame for the loss of the rate of the person at the permissible gain of the way and for the day in the working camp.

    2.8. Protivagu i ballast

    2.8.1. The contractor is guilty of the insurance for new contracts, which are:

    In working mode;

    Pid hour of planting the broach on the buffer;

    When landing cabins on catch and buffers.

    2.8.2 The counter is guilty but possessed by rollers, both not guilty of driving from the robot's direct connection, as well as during testing.

    2.8.3. Mass protivogi for trainees with traction pulleys are responsible for 100% of the mass of the cab plus 50% of the vantage

    2.8.4. The mass of countermeasures for pedestrians with a rake mechanism under the drum winches is not guilty of overhauling the total mass of an empty load-carrying attachment and a suspended cable before the end, equal to the maximum height.

    2.8.5. Masa balastu, the service for loading the installed winches and jibs, is guilty of taking care of the unloading of the winders during the mobile work.

    2.8.6. Against the backdrop of a vantage, he is guilty of butti vikonany in such a rank that it would be unfortunate for them to replace skin vantage.

    2.8.7. On the elements of the protesters and balasti, the actual masa is guilty.

    2.8.8. It is allowed to hold only tared vantages against the ballast.

    2.9. Electricity

    2.9.1 Electrical control and electrical supply of the person responsible for the establishment of the rules for the maintenance of electrical installations. The operation of electrical equipment is guilty of being carried out according to the provisions of the Regulations, as well as the rules of technical operation of electrical installations.

    2.9.2 Electrical equipment and electrical wiring, which can be stuck on the driver, guilty of taking into account the parameters of the driver by force and the frequency of living, strumming, as well as the minds of their exploitation.

    2.9.3 The strap from the dzherela is guilty of being fed to the bed through the hand-operated attachment.

    2.9.4 An introductory attachment is guilty of the mother of the attachment for locking it on the lock at the positioned position, and also the indicator of the position of the thimble handle: "On." - "Vimknuti."

    2.9.5 The stress of the vivification of the power lancers is guilty not of a 380 V alternating stream with a frequency of 50 Hz, but of a keruvannya, illumination and signaling is not a 220 V.

    2.9.6 It is allowed for the liveness of the wire, the illumination and signalization of the phase and the zero wire of the liveness, when one installation of the electric devices is guilty of being supplied to the zero wire.

    2.9.7 Lance pressure for portable lamps Illumination must not be more than 42 V.

    2.9.8 The metalwork of the driver, as well as the metal of the non-instrumental parts of the electrical equipment (the housing of the electric motors, the safety devices, the frame of the control unit, the housings of the apparatus, etc.) are responsible for the installation of the electrical equipment.

    2.9.9 On vantage and vantazhirskiy pidyomniki in the capacity of a pre-registration call, it is guilty that the zero wire was re-grounded according to the rules for fixing electrical installations.

    2.9.10. Inclusion in the zero wire of zapobizhniks, contacts and other sporogenesis elements are not allowed.

    2.9.11 For grounding (grounding) a load-carrying annex when installed on a new electrical equipment, it is necessary to use a core of an extended cable. It is recommended to be used as additional grounding conductors to protect the sheaths and steel cores of these cables, as well as steel for the load-carrying rope of the annex.

    2.9.12 The grounding of the wine control panel in a metal case must be checked for an additional two live cables attached to the case at different points.

    2.9.13. The electric drive of the pidyomnik is guilty of giving to such vimogas:

    a) the nobility of the mechanical galma is seen instantly from the electric motor, if it is turned on;

    b) vimikannya elektrodviguna superimposed on the overlays of mechanical galm;

    c) the self-starting of the electric motor is guilty for renewing the tension in the framing of the living;

    d) the power lance of the electric motor is interrupted by two independent electric devices (vimikachs).

    2.9.14. Connecting the electric motor for the driver and the overhead of the mechanical galma is displayed when:

    a) thermal rewiring of the electric motor;

    b) a short stupor in a power lancet or a lanceyuga keruvannya;

    c) shaving of one of the phases of the vividness;

    d) spratsyuvannya vimikachiv safe.

    2.9.15 The cable, which goes to the load-carrying annex, is guilty of insurance for mechanical repairs, which is found during the operation of the device.

    2.9.16. The attachment of the cable is guilty of the mother of the attachment, which is responsible for the installation of the cable, as well as the attachment for the installation (except for the front panels).

    2.9.17. Provid and lived cables guilty of the mother of the marketed according to the electrical circuits of the consumer.

    2.9.18 Electric control organizations on shafs and consoles are guilty of being protected by writing or symbols of their functional significance.

    2.9.19 On the inner side of the doors of the manager of the staff member, an electrical principle scheme has been fixed, the viconan is in a way that will not be taken care of.

    2.9.20 Lancers of illumination and signalization of a fault, connected to the automatic activation of the power lancer of the driver.

    2.9.21 The office of the employee is guilty of:

    Mother is more robust;

    But it has a sound signalization, by the tone it is seen from car signals, which is turned on by the driver;

    Butti is possessed by a call (telephone or radio channel) of the machine operator with the alarm bells.

    Mother socket for portable illumination lamp.

    2.9.22. When installed in the cabin of the pediatrician, the stench is guilty of being guilty of being worn out.

    2.10. Management systems

    2.10.1. People can use the following types of controls:

    a) internal, when the control panel is installed on the load-carrying attachment;

    b) call, with any control of the load-carrying attachments, it is from the wine control panel, the posed posture of the driver.

    2.10.2 Cargo-passenger and front door operators are responsible for the work of internal control.

    2.10.3. At the vantazhpazhirsky pidyomnik, the control panel is guilty of being in the cabin near the door, the brutal one in the room.

    2.10.4. Dovzhin to the cable of the wine control panel is guilty of allowing the control panel to be changed during the wine-making process behind the boundaries of the secure zone, which was taken by the standards and rules.

    2.10.5. The wine control panel, which is victorious in the role of a working man, is guilty of the safety of the blocking attachments of the management of a third-party person.

    2.10.6. For drivers with a rack drive and front walkers on the wine panel, for converting emergency bugs in the "Viprobuvannya" mode, the brake release button is assigned to the drive (without turning on the th electric motor).

    2.10.7. The control apparatuses (buttons, important) are guilty of self-verified ones in the zero position, when the electric motor is turned on.

    2.10.8 On the control panel, or on behalf of him, the "Stop" button has been transferred, which turns on the control panel of the user.

    2.10.9. On the vantazhopazhirsky pidyomnik, it is allowed to store the control unit, immediately pouring into two outskirts of the unit, so that the power lance of the electric motor can be secured.

    2.10.10 The system of keruvannya is guilty of receiving such vimogas:

    a) the operation of the operator in all modes, transferred by the operational documentation ("Robot", "Installation", "Viprobuvannya", "Revizia"), is guilty of seeing only the controls when the buttons are important for the ap- paratus;

    b) in the control scheme, the transmission is guilty of the changeover to the vibration of the modes, which will prevent the driver from running only in one of these modes;

    c) the zupinka of the load-carrying body in extreme positions is guilty of being automatically returned.

    2.10.11. Rukh cabins in the "Revizia" mode when controlled from a dahu can only be done with closed contacts of all vimikachiv without a pidyomnik.

    2.10.12. The speed of the cabin in the "Revizia" mode when controlled from the dahu is guilty of not more than 0.4 m / s, at which it is allowed on the walkers with a single electric motor of a changeable stream of speed 1 is not more than 0.7 m / s.

    2.10.13. In the "Viprobuvannya" mode, the control of the consumer is guilty from the wine stand.

    2.10.14. Managing a pidyomnik in all modes, meaning at st. 2.10.10a, guilty of being aware of the operational documentation.

    2.10.15. Remote controllers can be used by mothers to control the decilcom using the remote control installed in the surrounding area. Attention is guilty of forgetting to look around the area and the robots for the entire height of the equipment and guilty but not possessing the illumination, scorching and double-sided ringing due to the use of enticing platforms at all times seen.

    2.10.16. In a single group keruvannya, keruvannya is allowed for one hour only by one person.

    2.10.17. Double-suspended front pedestals are guilty of the mother of the pump, which will protect the bedroom or the control of the winders.

    2.11. annexes of safety

    2.11.1 Vimikachi bezpeki Passenger-and-freight personnel who are guilty of being owned by offensive Vimikachs are safe:

    a) k_ntsevym vimikachi, flanking the extreme upper and lower position of the cabin;

    b) control of the closed position of the doors of the lower garden cabin;

    c) control of the closed position of the entrance and exit doors of the cabin;

    d) control of the position of the ladder (if it is obvious);

    e) control of spratsovuvannya catches (on walkers with a rope drive);

    f) control of slack or shaving off ropes;

    g) control of spratsovuvannya obmezhuvach shvidkostі (on pedestals with a rack drive);

    h) control of the position of the tensioner of the rope obmezhuvach shvidkostі;

    i) the "Stop" button. Vantazhnі pіdіomniki, kіm vimikachіv, as defined in paragraphs. a, d, e, g, i, if they are guilty of being possessed by offensive vimikachs, they are safe:

    a) control of the hanging attachment for feeding the vantage into the openings of the buds (monorails, cuttings, etc.), for the blocking of the robot of the idle winch.

    b) enclosed in extreme positions along the horizontal line of the designated attachment for supplying the vantage to the openings;

    c) control of the open position of the end fencing with platforms, turned up to the opening (if necessary);

    d) obmezhennya paths oversupply of the pidyomnik on the rake course and build the facade to the front. Facade walkers are responsible for the ownership of:

    a) two-house kintsevny vimikachi, automatically vimicating the electric motor of the winch when the wheel goes to the console, installed on the wake-up, at least 0.5 m;

    b) vimikach, I will hand over the block of turning on the electric motor of the winch when the sign is installed to move the cradle. Omezhuvach shvidkostі is guilty of spratsovuvati in case of shvidkostі ruku cabins, platforms, which change nominal not less, not less by 15% and not more, not by 40%. It is not allowed to carry out safety and workmanship in one wimicach function. Vimikachi are not guilty of the mother's design, in case of any change, they are guilty of being guilty of a mechanical infusion (for example, the knowledge of the inflow) to an auxiliary element of the vimikach. Yak vimikachіv bezpeki guilty zastosovuvatisya tіlki vimikachі with a contact opening of an electric stake (contact device). Stagnation of magnetic contacts (reed contacts) is not allowed. It is not allowed to shunt contacts in vimikachiv without soldering by installing a string-wire jumper. The design of the endless ropes of the extreme position of the cabin, of the catch of the catch, of the slack of the small ropes and of the rope between the rope (with the fix of the installation) is to blame for the non-self-locking.

    It is allowed to indicate vimikachiv and / or the installation of vikonuvati by self-turning when the offensive vimogs are missed:

    a) the element, without a priori wiklik in the spratsovuvannya vimikach, is guilty of fixing it in the first place;

    b) farther away, the normal functioning of the student may be possible only for the reason why the vimikacha's message was announced, and for the presentation of the new team. Spratsyuvannya kintsevoy vimikach is guilty when crossing the load-carrying annexes:

    a) the lower, established by the operating documentation, the level, which switches the cabin with buffers at the end of the day;

    b) the upper set by the operating documentation, the level is not more, less than 200 mm (for pidyomniks without a backing);

    c) the upper established operational documentation of the level, which triggers the locking of the protections with the buffers during the operation. Vimikachi non-guilty persons are included in the management lance. Spratsovuvannya kintsevich vimikachiv guilty leads to the release of the lancer keruvannya / abo the power lancer of the electric motor. When installing endurance vimics into the control panel of the vantazhirskogo pediatrician with a drum winch or a rake drive, it is necessary to transfer at least two vimics to the skin compartment. Kіntsevі vimikachі are guilty of actions on the outskirts of the electromagnetnі apparatuses, so that they will not be able to unload the power lance of the electric motor of the winch. The installation of two rope guides in the control lane is also guilty of the ropes and the rope guides possessed by a swan with a rope-learning trainer, since there are many people who have to go to the cabins like that, but there is no way When installing the control devices in the control panel of the control panel, it is allowed to install one device on the skin directly on the arm of the load-carrying attachment, so that you can use it on your electromagnet device, so that it can ".

    2.11.2 Showers free-standing and oversaturated walkers with a height of 15 m, they are guilty of being secured with an anemometer, automatically turning on the sound signal when the air pressure is reached, indicated in the passport of the walker. Vantage and vantage-and-passenger workers of the guilty party are owned by motor-car drivers.

    2.11.3 Catchers, emergency arrests The catchers (emergency arrests) are guilty of falling down on a straight line down the cab, platform, or cradle with vantage in case of a change in speed, there is weakness or loose ropes or lanterns. Bringing in the catches and emergency bugs from electric, hydraulic or pneumatic attachments is not allowed. In case of catching the catch and emergency zupinka, masu vantazh is responsible for 110% of the passport vantage. For the rosary speed of landing on the catches (including emergency zupinka), it is necessary to take the speed, as it will be reached by the cab, the platform, until the moment the cob is galvanized, by the inclusion of the intervening space for the upper

    When the attachment is brought into the catches, I will shave off the slackness of all the small ropes (lantsyugiv), for the rosy speed of landing on the catch, the platform, the ground of the booth, until People with a nominal speed of more than 1 m / s are guilty of being owned by the catchers of smooth galvanizing or combined catchers. When the cabin nobles catch the stench of guilt, they will automatically take the wrong thing and be ready to go. An empty cabin is not guilty of changing 25 m / s2 for catching smooth galvanizing and 30 m / s2 for catching fast galvanizing. Allowed to change the number of values, as the triviality of the hope is not more than 0.04 s, behind the vignette of the cabin, possessed by combined traps with a shock-absorbing element of the energy-accumulating type (spring, spring gasket, etc.). For the sake of falling down the cabins because of the speed of the permissible, in the walkers, with the rake drive, an emergency stop is at fault.

    An emergency zupinka is guilty of being guilty of an interconnecting shvidkosti and utrimuvati on a toothed rack, as it collapses down the cabin when the zupinka is turned on. The emergency zupinka is guilty of the mother of the attachment for turning in the cob position when the emergency zupinka is in the cab.

    I will hand over the attachment for turning an emergency zupinka at the wrong place for an additional tool, which is in the cabin. Catchers and emergency arrestors are guilty of being guilty of a plate due to the purpose of the name of the enterprise-vyrobnika of the given trademark, serial number, preparation, type (fast galvanizing, smooth galvanizing) The cabin of the vantazhopazhirskogo pidyomnik is guilty of butti is secured by the safety cranks, the change of the lower running rollers for the reasons of breakage of rollers, axles or rollers going outside.

    2.11.4 Buffers At the lower part of the cabin area and vantage platforms for shock absorption and support for the cabin (protivagi) before the transition of the lower working position due to the transfer of the buffer. The buffers are responsible for getting the cabin to land with a vantage, or if they collapse because of the shipment, which is up to 15% nominal, with a whole lot of vantage, it is the responsibility of the driver to change the cost of the driver to 10% ... When the buffer is of the energetic type, it is allowed to rely on the value that is not more than 0.04 s for the rest of the hour.

    The middle control of the cabin with a vantage, according to the nominal vantage, but not more than 10 m / s2. The springs of the buffer of the vantazhirskogo pediatrician are guilty of being guilty of a passport due to the designation of the name of the enterprise-vygotovlyuvach, the fate of the preparation and the characteristics of the spring.

    2.12. Gardening, give access

    2.12.1. The zone of the znakhozhennya cabin (protivagi) of the vantazhpazhirsky pediatrician on the lower landing area with both sides is guilty of being fenced at a height of not less than 2000 mm. Zaznachena fence for vantage and facade pidyomnikiv is not required.

    2.12.2. In between ruhomimi and unruffy elements of the person who is guilty of showing off the steps of safety:

    a) between the threshold of the cabin (ladder) and the threshold of the status of the landing maidan - not more than 50 mm,

    b) between cab and schogloi - not less than 20 mm,

    c) between cabin and counter - not less than 50 mm,

    2.12.3 In quiet vipads, if it is uncomfortable to showcase it is transferred by the Rules, the platforms are allowed to enter from the cabin to the platform through the ladder, the passage of which is transferred from the cabin to the cabin.

    2.12.4. The opening of the cabins doors is guilty of being carried out when the ladder is brought into the working position or the stove at the same time when the ladder is moved.

    2.12.5. Zakryvannya cabins guiltyly carried out before bringing the ladder in the out-of-the-way position or at once with the movement of the ladder.

    2.12.6 On the side of the ladder, the ladder is guided by the handrail mother with a height of not less than 1000 mm.

    2.12.7. Dakh cabins, on the yak of the mobility of people, along the perimeter of the booth is equipped with handrails with a height of not less than 1000 mm. It is not allowed to set the railing on the door, but lie down until it is ready. Go from the edge of the dakha to the railing - no more than 150 mm. The handrail is guilty of the handrail, the bottom sheathing with a height of 100 mm and the bar, rostasovanu in the middle of the handrail. The railing of the visonuvati is allowed.

    2.12.8. Doors in cabins and on boarding maidans can be displayed:

    Ornimi (from the viewpoint only in the middle of the viewer,

    Horizontally-suckable i

    Vertically-suckable (with temporary chairs).

    Doors can be activated manually or automatically.

    2.12.9. In case of vikoristannі vertically-rising (pidyomnyh) doors, panels of doors are guilty of not less than two independent non-removable elements.

    2.12.10. Vantazhna platform is guilty but fenced from all sides. It is allowed to seize the platform from three sides for the obviousness of the attachments, so that you can replace the vantage behind the dimensions of the platforms. With a large fence on one side, you can serve as a lock for the entrance and exit openings.

    Fencing at the viglyadi handrails are guilty of a visonan with a height of not less than 1000 mm with a suction sheathing along the bottom to a height of not less than 200 mm. For platforms where people are switched on, the height of the fence can be reduced to 500 mm.

    2.12.11. The doors of the cabins from the side are guilty of opening in the middle of the cabins. The door from the opposite side of the cabin is guilty of opening up from the middle, as well as the call.

    2.12.12. The doors of the booth are possessed by a blocking vimikach, who can turn the doors off the booths because they do not have to close the doors.

    At the door of the cabin, the lock is guilty for the transfer of the lock for the lock in the non-working station of the driver.

    2.12.13. The doors of the cabins of the vantazhpazhirskogo pediatrician and the lower gardener are guilty of being used (locked) with a key, which is located at the driver's office. At the same time, automatic locks are not fixed.

    2.12.14. In case of the possibility of people getting into the zone of the robot, the small winch remains guilty of being fenced in.

    2.12.15. For servicing mechanisms, electrical control and safety before them, they are guilty of safety and security.

    2.12.16. It is easily accessible, it is possible to be found in the Russian part of the people, which may be the cause of a terrible fall, but it can be closed with metal protective fences, and it is possible to allow an eye-to-eye view.

    2.13. installation of pidyomniks

    2.13.1. People who are guilty stand stationary in an unprecedented proximity to the equipment. It is allowed to install a vantage driver on a rake path if the driver has a running attachment.

    2.13.2. According to the standard regulations, the pediatrician is guilty of the installation of the horizontal food preparation site, the official documentation, in which the installation of the steps for the preparation of the canteen

    2.13.3. The moment of installation and distribution of the walk-in, installation of flooring, the garden of doors on the tops of the doors is guilty of the type of load-carrying attachment and the responsibility of the project, the network is attached to the wake-up Maydan with the attachment.

    2.13.4. Reikovy shlyakh of the overseas vantage pidyomnik is guilty of the viconuvatis according to the project, or vimogami, vikladenimy in the exploitation of documentation.

    When there are orders on the way of the gate in the relevant documents, the rake way is guilty of being guilty of the normative documents on the number of gate cranes.

    2.13.5. For the improvement of the stiffness of the newly installed front winches, they are loaded with a ballast. Masa balastu is guilty of changing the size of the rakhunkovy traction zusilla of the winch. The fixing of the console for the appearing parts of the awakening is not guilty of being in the shape of the stiffness.

    2.13.6. When installing the front walk-in parts, it is not less than 200 mm that the stand-up rollers can be spiraled up to the access parts.

    2.13.7. The area where it is located before the load-carrying annexes is not a safe zone. The cordon is not safe zone, in the boundaries of which there is a possibility of accusation in connection with the fall of objects, it is established according to the alarm norms and rules.

    III. Preparation, reconstruction, repair and installation

    3.1. preparation

    3.1.1. Educators and universities are guilty of being prepared according to the design rules, state standards, technical minds and normative documents.

    3.1.2. People who are guilty are guilty of organizing virobniks, who may not be technical and qualified.

    3.1.3. The call for the preparation, reconstruction, repair and installation of the devices is seen according to the Rules for the fixing of technical annexes on insecure hardware objects, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine on December 25, 1998.

    1 Vidomosty Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine, 1999, No. 1, art. 191; Russian newspaper. 1999. No. 11, 21 Sichnya.

    3.1.4. When a prelude visitor is made, the passport is guiltyly stamped with the stamp "Antecedent zrazok".

    3.1.5. Regulatory documents for the preparation of the order with the latest instructions have been transferred to the control of the quality of the process

    3.1.6. In order to reconcile the quality of the preparation of the standard, the acceptance of the rules and the technical minds, the state standards and the normative documents, the enterprise is guilty of carrying out the first (factory), first-class, high-quality

    Alternatively, it is possible to give skin additional information about the quality of the test.

    3.1.7. In front of the front (factory) and the bottom line, as well as on the quality of the process of organizing and organizing the organization - in order to get a prelude to educate the student for the program and methodology, which is being stored by the Ukrainian grower for the project and Representatives of the organization, who broke up the work documentation, and the State Government of Ukraine, have the same fate as the representatives of the organization. For those who are not registered, the fate of a technologist is not necessarily a matter of course.

    3.1.8. Periodic and types of viprobauvannya are serially prepared for each period of time to carry out on a per-to-basis basis. The part of the representative to the State Committee for State Protection in the viprobuvannya of the pediatrician, scho pidlyagaє restoration, obov'yazkovo. Periodic vip tests are held once every 3 rocks.

    3.1.9. The skin caregiver is guilty of taking advantage of the healthy viprobuvan for the broken organization of the virobnik program. The organization is guilty of leading the field of publication.

    3.1.10. A plate is fixed on the skin podiatry in a visually accessible place, saying that the name of the virobnik is to avenge, the name of the person is cleared, the number, the serial number, the ryk, the month of reading. Razmіri tablets guilty of giving promises to the imposition of state standards.

    3.1.11. Organizaciya-vyrobnik goiters is supposed to keep track of inadequacies in the design and preparation of food and drink in the process of exploitation. In quiet people, if there are some shortcomings, they can be found on the wrong side of the children, the proponent is guilty of all the organizations that are exploiting them, about the need and methods of understanding such shortages.

    As a matter of fact, it was also sent to the State Agency for Health and Humanities, having seen the call to the readiness of the person.

    3.2. Reconstruction, repair and installation

    3.2.1. Reconstruction of the student is guilty of the project, breaking up the organization-virobnik or special organization.

    3.2.2. Organization, such as repairs and reconstruction due to the registration of bad health, the fault of the mother of technical information, and of the maintenance of the storage materials, the way to control the reception of the document, the norms of the bad news, the order of repairs

    3.2.3. The organization, which carried out the repair of secondary universities, or the reconstruction of the school, represented in the Act the character of the Vicon's robot and made a new appearance about the stagnation of material due to the certification. The act is guilty of buty attachments to the passport of the pidyomnik. Documents confirming the quality of the stuck materials and documents, guilty of being taken from the owner of the pediatrician.

    At the passport of the employee of the organization, as the repair (reconstruction) of the employee, the account of the robot was guilty.

    3.3. materials

    3.3.1. Materials for preparing, reconstructing and repairing new items and elements were responsible for the stasis, according to the previous project. 2.2.9.

    3.3.2. The quality of the material, the amount of time spent preparing, reconstructing, repairing the pediatricians, can be approved by the certification of the organization - the material and the final control. When the material is certified, it is allowed to register for the first time in accordance with the state standards and normative documents of the accredited laboratory.

    3.3.3. Welding materials and the technology of making the blame for the mechanical power of the weld metal and the barren or technical minds.

    3.4. Welding

    3.4.1. Welding of rosail metal structures and control of the quality of the welfare of the guilt will be ascertained in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, State Standards and Regulatory Documents.

    3.4.2. Before welding and tacking of elements of rozrakhunkovy metal structures, welding of majdanchiks, handrails and descent, barriers are allowed, certified in accordance with the established procedure.

    3.4.3. Zvaryuvalny robots are guilty of asking for technological documents, breaking up the organization - a virobnik, or a special organization, depending on the state standards and normative documents.

    3.4.4. Welding is guilty of being carried out in the minds, scho vklyuchuyut inflow of unwelcoming atmospheric infusions to the quality of zdnan zdnan. Determination of healthy work on open weather and at negative temperatures is allowed to use special technology for thinking about how to get rid of atmospheric fallouts and weather.

    3.4.5. Potholders, vikonanі in the process of folding the design, may not be removed, as soon as the hour smelt smell will be remelted.

    Before tacking, the tack must be cleaned from slag.

    3.4.6. Rozrakhunkov zvarni denotes guilty to the mother, the stigma or the denotation, which allows you to establish the zvarnik's name, which has carried out the zvaryuvannya. The method of marginalization, zastosovovanie for zdnarnyh z'єdnan, is not guilty of pogirshuvati the quality of the virob. Markuvannya is guilty of vikonuvatisya methods, how to make sure that you are saved in the process of exploitation of the person. Misce and method of blamelessness is used in armchairs.

    3.5 Controlling the quality of barnyard z'udnan

    3.5.1. The control of the quality of young people, which is carried out every hour of preparation, reconstruction, repairs, is guilty of the health of the young people, the mechanical tests of the document, the methods of non-altering control, the front-line control.

    The results of the control of young people may be displayed in all documents (magazines, maps, etc.).

    3.5.2 All invariable knowledge of the newest glance and vimir for the appearance of such young invariable defects in them:

    a) troughs of all types and straight lines;

    b) non-parallelism or non-perpendicularity of the axes of the backbone elements;

    c) replacing the edges of the backed elements;

    d) the edge of the size and shape of the weld into the seat (along the height, leg and width of the seam, for equal strength, etc.);

    e) fills, fumes, burn-throughs, incomplete craters, incomplete fusion, porosity and other technological defects.

    Inspection and vimіryuvannya of sticky zdnanny rozrakhunkovyh elements of guilt are carried out along the entire length of the day. Even the inner surface of the zealous environment is inaccessible for looking around;

    3.5.3. Inspection of good knowledge of education and ultrasonic inspection of confession is carried out consistently to all state standards and regulatory documents. The control of zarnyh z'єdnan elements of rozrakhunkovy metal structures should be carried out only when we see defects that have emerged with a zoomed look. With the whole binding control, the ear and the end of the young seams of the sticky belts and the walls of the box-shaped metal structures are produced.

    With any method of control, there is a total amount of control over the dairy products, the normative documents are established and the guilt is not less:

    50% of the pre-gin stick - on the skin stick of the stretched belt of the box-shaped or heavy metal construction;

    25% for a pre-dinner stick - for all other sticks;

    25% of the dozhini seam - for the other types of zdnarny z'єdnan, which are meaningful for working armchairs.

    3.5.4. Otsіnka yakostі zvarnih z'єdnan the results zovnіshnogo Looking around she neruynіvnogo control zdіysnyuvatisya vіdpovіdno guilty to tehnіchnih minds on vigotovlennya, rekonstruktsіyu repair pіdyomnikіv, SSMSC povinnі mіstiti normalized otsіnki yakostі zvarnih z'єdnan scho viklyuchayut Key infrastructure virobіv of defects SSMSC znizhuyut їh mіtsnіst i exploitation reliability.

    3.5.5. The quality of zarnyy z'udnan vazhaєnuyu not satisfactory, as in them, with any kind of control, there will be internal or external defects, which go beyond the norms established by these Rules and normative documents for cleaning, renovation.

    IV. exploitation

    4.1. Restratsіya

    4.1.1. The re-establishment of objects, on which pidyomniks are exploited, shall be carried out according to the Rules of re-establishment of objects in the state register of insecure security devices, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 11.18.

    1 Vidomosty of the Verkhovna For the sake of Ukraine, 1998, no. 48, art. 5938; Russian newspaper. 1998. No. 228, December 1.

    4.1.2. Before putting into operation the restoration in the bodies of the State Gladokhoronpratsi shall:

    Vantazhopazhirski pidyomniki;

    Facade pidyomniks.

    4.1.3. Do not carry out restructuring in the bodies of the State Department of Health and Humanities.

    4.1.4. The re-establishment of pidyomniks in the bodies of the State Gladokhoronpratsi is carried out after the written application of the owner if the passport of the pidyomnik is present.

    The application is guilty, but it is meant to be obvious from the owner of the fakhivts, who have passed the revision of the knowledge of the Rules, and the information provided to the personnel for servicing the person who is not allowed

    If the owner does not have the necessary fakhivtsiv, then during the restructuring, an agreement will be provided from a special organization for the service of the pediatrician.

    4.1.5 When restoring the fittings and passenger services to the passport, an act has been given, which is confirmed by the assembly robots prior to the installation instructions.

    At the end of the day, which introduced the normative term of the service, there are no submissions from a special organization about the possibility of another exploitation.

    When re-staging people who are prepared behind the cordon, you can see an expert visnovok (certificate of approval) about the response of the person to the rules and normative documents.

    4.1.6. The re-establishment in the bodies of the State Department of Defense, but not a passport, can be carried out on the submission of a new passport, folded by a special organization.

    4.1.7. People who need to re-create the message:

    a) reconstruction;

    b) transferring the user to the owner.

    4.1.8. In case of a re-creation of a student, a reconstruction, along with a passport, the following documentation is guilty:

    a) a clue about the nature of the reconstruction, signed by a special organization, which broke up the reconstruction project;

    b) the characteristics of the seat, the chair of the pedestrian viewer with the main overall dimensions, the principles of the electrical circuit, the kinematic circuit, the circuit for storing the ropes (as the smell changed);

    c) copies of certificates (vypiski with certificates) for metal, stashed during the reconstruction of the school;

    d) about the results of the control of the quality of steel structures;

    e) an act on the conduct of a general technical survey.

    4.1.9. Please refer to the application for the restoration (re-restoration) of the mayor not to give the owner, less than five lines from the day of the rejection of documents by the authorities of the State Department.

    When you see it in the rest of the student, you may be given a written statement of the reasons for the readings on the basis of the statutes of the Rules and the normative documents.

    4.1.10. Pidyomnik pіdlyaga zyattyu s reєstratsії in the organs of the State Committee for the purpose of writing off or transferring to іnshіm master.

    Records from the re-establishment of the pediatrician shall be carried out by the authorities of the State Administration for the written application of the governor from the entry in the passport about the reasons for the re-establishment.

    4.1.11. Vantazhnym pіdjomnikіv, but not for restratsії in the bodies of the State Department of State, the owner is assigned individual numbers from the restratsіu in the zhurnal obliku.

    4.2. Dosed to start the robot

    4.2.1. Dosed to start a pediatrician into the robot, so that it could be re-organized in the organs of the State Agency for Human Rights, but it was also recognized in the offensive events:

    a) before starting the robot, the knowledge of the registered pediatrician;

    b) for the installation of a vantazhpazhirsky pidyomnik at a new place;

    c) for reconstruction;

    d) for repairs from replacing rosary elements or universities of metal structures of the pediatrician from the establishment of repairs.

    4.2.2. Dosed to the start-up of the pediatrician in the robot after its restoration is seen as the territorial body of the State Committee on the presentation of the results of the general technical survey. At the same time, the camp of the student is being revised, as well as the system of organizing to look at the assistant and the servants. About the maybutny start-up of the pediatrician in the robot, the owner of the goiter will be able to make the territorial organ of the State Department of the State for at least 5 days.

    4.2.3. Dosed to the start-up in the robot of vantage workers is seen as an engineering and technical foreman from the look at the safe operation of the driver on the presentation of documentation of the industrial enterprise.

    4.3. technical look

    4.3.1. Before starting the robot, they must be guilty of a general technical look. An external technical look at me on the way to get up, scho:

    a) the reader and the installation follow the rules, passport data and submitted for the reconstruction of the documentation;

    b) the attendant is located in the reference station, which will take care of the robot.

    The technical inspection can be carried out on an as-basis to the instruction of the operation of the user manual, we will add it up to the Rules.

    4.3.2. People who work in robots are guilty of a general technical survey carried out by special organizations or engineering centers, not more than once every 12 months.

    4.3.3. An external technical survey of the student can also be carried out when:

    a) installation of a vantazhpazhirsky pidyomnik at a new place;

    b) reconstruction of the school student.

    4.3.4. A partial technical survey can be carried out to replace and overwhelm the ropes, replace or replace the mechanism for repairing, replace the catch and interchange the fluidity, introduced changes into the electrical circuit, control system

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