Emergency repair of cable lines. "Operation of power supply systems

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During the operation of the electric cable line, an inevitable break from the fret of the rear couplings and end throats. Vіdpovіdno before legislation, the skin cable line can be repaired - in-line chi capital.

Behind the tributes of the Moscow region, the main reasons for ushkodzhen, it is inevitable to cry out cable repair, these are the reasons:

  • Mekhanіchnі, scho rework ushkodzhennya;
  • Poshkodzhennya, caused by the robot of everyday organizations;
  • Defects in the installation of suitable couplings and end-of-line mouthing;
  • Corrosion of the cable sheath;
  • Defecti to the virobnik plant;
  • Damaged cable laying technology;
  • The effect of old isolation, caused by revantation, or by trivial exploitation.

Yakshcho capital power cable repair carried out according to a specific plan, which is developed on the basis of these exploitation data, then terms and emergency repairs are carried out negligently. Emergency repairs are characterized by a total lack of service of cable lines, including all emergency services and the ability to supply voltage for additional time or backup lines. Often, the backup line itself is changed and brought to a part of the rescuers in order to organize an emergency repair of the line.

Repair - emergency, terminative and planned - is carried out by the personnel of specialized electrical installation organizations, as there may be necessary permits to work with high-voltage lines. The work is organized at the kilka stages:

  • Preparing, at the hour of which it is necessary to connect that grounded cable, check the documentation of the wire, clarify the brand, cut the cable, documentation that shows z'ednannya cables, as well as the issuance of documents - along with the admission of security equipment, the delivery of materials and the brigade;
  • Preparation of the working area, when the excavation of pits or trenches, designation of the cable, which is being repaired, and re-verification of the air supply of shkidlivih and vibrationally unsafe gases and combustible speeches;
  • Preparation before installation - admission of the brigade to the field, puncture and cutting of the cable, roztin mufti. It is also carried out re-checking the insulation of the cable for the presence of water, installing a fence-namet and laying the cable insert;
  • Non-intermediate repair of the cable box, phasing and installation;
  • Vimiryuvannya that viprobuvannya.

To speed up the work in the obov'yazkovom order, mechanization can be stagnant: pneumatic hammers, concrete breakers, zabi for breaking the frozen ground - when organizing emergency and term repair, the hour will be significantly shortened.

The contracting organization, as it is ready to take on the organization of any type of repair, may be the company "10 Kilovolt". Our organization can do everything for the repair of cable lines, the necessary certification of such work and qualifications of the staff.

The robots will be built in line, even more so, from the need for mechanization to speed up the progress of the robot. Your cable line will serve for a long time, as the company "10 Kilovolt" will be entrusted to the robot for in-line, emergency or term repair of faulty cable lines.

Call for help, clarification of the number of services contact numbers, we will show on the website. TOV "10 Kilovolt" - the most important and summative assistant at the vikonann_ foldable energy projects!

2.1 Technical maintenance of cable lines

Look at the cable lines with voltage up to 10 kV.

ü run cables, laid near the ground, - for special instructions, but not more than once for 3 months;

ü terminal muffs on lines with a voltage of 1000 V - once for 6 minutes, on lines of 1000 V and lower - once per river;

ü cable muffs, roztashovani in transformer premises, rozpodіlchih points and at substations, look around at once for other possessions;

ü cable wells - dvіchі on the river.

Inspection of tunnels, shafts and canals at the substations should be carried out following the instructions. Inspection of faults revealed to the journal of defects and faults with the establishment of a far-fetched adoption. At the time of floods, that post is angry, they vibrate later on bypass.

Cable lines with a voltage of 3-10 kV during the operation process should not be given preventive testing at least once per river by a forced tension fast struma.

After repair work on the lines or excavations near the highways, carry out later testing.

Periodicity of testing cable lines laid near the ground and working without electrical breakdowns for five years and more

Trivality of the stosuvannya of the new testing pressure during the primal-building testing 10 mins, in operation - 5 mins. After other repairs that do not involve rewiring the cable, the insulation is checked with a megaohmmeter for a voltage of 2500 V.

Cable lines with normal paper insulation in the process of operation may have a stable stream of coil at a voltage of up to 10 kV - 300 μA. For short cable lines up to 100 m for a voltage of 3-10 kV without suitable couplings, it is permissible for a stream of turns not to exceed 2-3 μA per 1 kV of the test voltage. The asymmetry of the strum in the phases can be more than 8-10 μA per mind, so that the absolute value of the strum does not exceed the permissible value.

2.2 Repair of cable lines

The process of robotic cable lines (KL) can be blamed for faults in cables, conduits or throatiness. Ushkodzhennya to trace the nature of an electrical breakdown.

At in-line repair KL perform such tasks: inspection and cleaning of cable ducts, tunnels, cable laying routes, end funnels, good couplings, straightening of cables, restoration of spent marking, monitoring of cable heating temperature and control of corrosion of cable sheaths;

re-verification of grounding and detection of revealed defects; re-verification of access to cable wells and correctness of the roofs of the wells and constipation on them;

re-laying of okremih cable lines, testing with increased voltage (for cables with a voltage of over 1 kV or re-verification with a megohmmeter for cables below 1 kV), topping up with cable mastic virv and couplings, repair of cable channels.

During a major overhaul, KL will be fixed:

privately or completely replace (if necessary) cable liners, cable constructions, redevelop okremikh end funnels, cable couplings, replace recognition signs, attach additional mechanical protection in areas of possible damage to the cable.

Repair of cables laid in trenches. If it is necessary to replace the CL or її parts, to open thoroughly the covers, it is possible to vibrate with S-850 electric concrete or S-849 electric hammer, S-329 motoconcrete, S-358 pneumoconcrete.

The covering material should be thrown off on one side of the trench on the edge of not less than 500 mm from the edge, and the soil on the next side - at least 500 mm from the edge. The trench is straight, and at the corners it is expanded for the safe laying of cables with the necessary rounded radius.

Trenches, due to the presence of groundwater and underground spores, without fixing vertical walls to the depth, are indicated below (m):

In food soils1;

In sandy loams 1.25;

In loams, clays 1.5;

In especially shallow soils 2.

Trenches near the places of traffic of people and transport are fenced and they are installed in front of them inscriptions, and at night time - additional signal lighting. Vіdstan between the fence and the nearest slats of the transom, the amount of normal amount may not be less than 2.5 m, and the narrowest amount - not less than 2 m.

Before laying new cables near the trench, the following robots are laid: they fix the pipes in the trenches at the places where they are laid and close to roads, underground communications and spores; remove water from the trench, stones and other objects and pierce the bottom; to slab a 100 mm deep trench on the bottom of the trench with rough earth and prepare a bridle of rough earth for sipping the cable after laying; prepare uzdovzh trace the cable or concrete slabs for the cable protection, if such a protection is necessary. Materials that are soft to the point of rotting and laying in the ground (wood, silicate chains are thin), it is not possible to block cables for the protection of cables.

At the places of change and closeness with engineering spores, concrete, concrete, ceramic, chavun and plastic pipes are installed. Steel pipes zastosovuyt less for vykonannya aisle of a dilyanka trace by a method of a puncture of a pound.

The depth of laying cables with a voltage of up to 10 kV, according to the planning sign, is to become 0.7 m. In times of poshkodzhenya (indentation, piercing on the coils, cracks in the "cap" thinly), the cable is allowed to be laid only after the repair of the smaller areas, rechecking the insulation for moisture content and soldering on the ends of the cable of new caps. When repairing robots, the cable from the drum is most often pulled out for an additional winch.

Permissible load weight for cables up to 10 kV induction in Table. Zusillya tyazhinnya when rozkochuvanni cable voltage up to 10 kV to control the additional dynamometer two additional monters, as they are at the drum and stitch behind the rozmotuvannya cable.

2.3 Main cable line extensions

Until the obvious shortcomings of the installation, there is a pardon for the torsion pairs of torsion pairs at the ATS cross-countries, on the sticks of the budding jackets, at the underside wardrobes and boxes, at the remote terminals, etc. vimіryuvalnyh priladov to indicate the type of fault.

As far as the accepted terminology is concerned, two wagers, in which the correct order of connection of the veins is broken, are called splits (split). Signs of splitting pairs can be increased resistive and erratic imbalances.

Mounted incorrectly twisted couple, where straight and reverse darts are rearranged by mists, called inverted, or crossed (reversal). In this case, wire tip (T) is connected to the minus of the station battery, and wire ring (R) - to the plus. The most important part of the terminal possession (including all telephones) may be protected from the polarity of the station battery. But in the cable lines of the SCS, the order of connection lived a twisted bet, like before, very important.

Hello, two win a bet with parity connections to terminal locks are called transposition pairs (transposition). On the telephone line, such a short time for installation led to the connection of the wrong number. In times of SCS, the connection to the line of possession may appear unsuitable.

Prior to the main attachment defects in cable lines, there is an inconsistent installation of couplings and splices lived on the sticks of buddzhins. In the first case, the tightness of the cable sheath is broken and the cause of the problem is getting wet, and the other is characterized by the appearance of filthy contacts (partial open) and winding the shave alive twisted bet (open). The same results can be achieved by corrosion of the contacts of the cross-connection buildings and not by the same cross-linking.

Defects and breakdowns of insulation lived, vologs in the cable, and cluttered terminals often lead to a zamikannya lived a bet between themselves. The muting can be either low-ohm (short) or high-ohm (partial short). Another analogous type of defects in the twists of a bet is the zamikannya on the ground of one or a few lived (ground). Moreover, the contact lived from the earth, zovsim not obov'yazkovo perebuvatime nearby, the place of poor insulation lived - the electric path through the conductor lived to the earth, passing through the screen to the cable, metal elements of the terminal and elements of the cable.


The first step for the design of this work was the acquisition of the normative and technical literature

When writing graduation qualification work the newcomers have become healthy for an hour of passing the vocational practice.

The electric power industry is a conductor of the socialistic industry, which signifies the current scientific and technical progress as a significant world. Without energy, it is impossible to establish business, backwaters, it is impossible to develop the life of science, and people's rule.

The basis for the laying of electrical wiring is the knowledge and understanding of the rules of safety engineering, choosing the correct brand of wires and cables, and knowing the sequence of violating robots.

Qia robot also disrupt the organization of the work of the electrician for repair and maintenance of the electrical installation. The electrician's shoes include both installation and repair and maintenance work. In this order, the place of work may comply with sanitary standards: temperature, lighting.

The learned material needed knowledge of special. subjects.

The next step is to introduce new modern technologies creations for the polypshennia of the minds of working workers.

Ale, unfazed by all innovations, no one knows the validity, as if the electrician carried an hour of electrical installation work.

I respect that the meta of the embroidered material was vikonan completely.

Control technically become cable lines

The operation of cable lines may be special, shards reveal defects in it, with a simple glance, it’s always clear. To this, re-wiring will become insulation, control over the tension and temperature of the cable.

Cables with a glance of rechecking the insulation as the most important element of the electrical installation. Due to the possible great length of the cable lines, heterogeneity of the soil along the length of the line, heterogeneity of the cable insulation.

To detect gross defects in cable lines, they vibrate at a voltage of 2500 V. However, the indication of a megohmmeter cannot be the basis of residual assessments will become isolation shards of stink of a significant world lie in the old cable lines and defects in the terminal mortgages.

It is due to this that the capacity of the power cable is large and for an hour the support will not be fully charged, the indication of the megaohmmeter will be indicated not only by the jet of the coil, but having risen, but by the charging jet, but by the future, the value of the support will be significant.

The main method of control will be the insulation of the cable line. The meta-testing is based on the revealed and timely adopted defects in the insulation of the cable, couplings and end seals that are being developed, in order to get ahead of the blame for the damage to the robotic process. With this cable with a voltage of up to 1 kV, the voltage is not driven, but the insulation is measured with a megohmmeter with a voltage of 2500, a pull of 1 min. It may not be lower than 0.5 MΩ.

Re-wiring of short cable lines at the boundaries of one rozpodіlnogo pristroy vikonuetsya not more often than 1 time per river, because the stench is less strong to mechanical failures and I will become more often controlled by the staff. Testing of the increased voltage of cable lines greater than 1 kV should be carried out at least once in 3 years.

The main method of testing the insulation of cable lines is re-verification of the energized steady stream. This is explained by the fact that the installation on a replacement stream for equal minds can be more difficult.

A transformer, a straightener, a voltage regulator, a kilovoltmeter, a microammeter are included in the warehouse of the testing installation.

When the insulation is changed, the voltage in the megohmmeter or in the test installation is connected to one wire of the cable, with which the other wires are connected to each other and grounded. The voltage gradually rises to the normalized value and the necessary hour is observed.

The cable mill is assigned to the strum coil. When the voltage rises to a high level, the voltage is accompanied by a sharp increase in the flow of the coil for the charge rate of the capacity, then it decreases to 10 - 20% of the maximum value. The cable line is considered to be attached to the operation, as during testing it did not show a breakdown or a crossover on the surface of the end sleeve, there is no danger of sharp shipments of the stream and a significant increase in the stream of the coil.

Cable conversion, which may be systematic, to lead to the deterioration of the insulation and the shortness of the work line. Lack of value due to insufficient conductor material. Therefore, during the operation of cable lines, they are periodically checked to see if the streaming voltage in them was restored when the object was put into operation. The maximum admissible load of cables is determined by the authorities.

Control the supply of cable lines at the line, which are designated as the head power engineer of the enterprise, but not more than 2 times per river. With a single appointment, the control will be carried out during the period of autumn-winter maximum demand. The control is for the indications of ammeters at the living substations, and for the current of them - for the help of portable devices or.

Permissible strumovі vantazhennya for trivial normal operation of the robotic cable lines are assigned to an additional table, which should be introduced in electrical connections. Tsі navantazhennya lie down in the way of laying the cable and in the form of a cold medium (earth, air).

For cables laid near the ground, the minimum allowable pressure is taken from the laying of one cable in a trench at a depth of 0.7 - 1 m for an earth temperature of 15 ° C. For cables laid on open air, the temperature of the superfluous core is assumed to be 25°C. If the rozrahunkov temperature of the dovkіllya vіdrіznyaєtsya vіd minds, then a correction factor is introduced.

For the rozrahunkovy temperature of the earth, the average temperature for the whole month of the year at the depth of the cable is taken.

For the rozrahunkovu temperature, the highest average temperature is taken again, which repeats the least three times on the river.

The long-term admissible load of the cable line depends on the lines of the line with the largest cooling, so the length of the line is not less than 10 m. Admissible norms of revantation with the improvement of їhnої trivality are introduced in the technical literature.

For a more accurate designation of the building capacity, as well as when changing the temperature minds of the operation, it is necessary temperature control of cable lines. They lived on the cable to control the temperature without intermediary. Therefore, one hour to carry out the temperature control of the sheath (armor) of the cable and the struma of the advancement, and then with the help of a re-arachun the temperature lived and that the maximum allowable struma of the advancement.

Monitoring the temperature of the metal sheaths of the cable laid in the open air should be carried out with the highest thermometers, which are observed on the armor or the lead sheath of the cable. If the cable is laid near the ground, it must be used for additional thermocouples. It is recommended to install at least two sensors. Conducting thermocouples are placed in a pipe and removed from the hand and safely from mechanical pockets.

The temperature of the strum duct may be changed:

    for cables with paper insulation up to 1 kV - 80 ° C, up to 10 kV - 60 ° C;

    for cables with gum insulation - 65 ° С;

    for cables with polyvinylchloride sheath - 65°С.

In that case, if the strum conductors lived on the cable, they heat up more than the permissible temperature, when they come in at a reasonable temperature, change the voltage, reduce the ventilation, replace the cable with a cable of a larger cut, increase the distance between the cables.

When laying cable lines near the ground, aggressive in terms of bearing to their metal shells (salt marshes, swamps, budvelne smіtta), blame Ground corrosion of lead sheaths and metal curves. In such situations, they periodically revise corrosive activityґruntu, take a probe, drive that ґruntu. If at any time it will be installed that the steps of the soil corrosion threaten the integrity of the cable, then they will live in the entrances - they will saturate the soil, replace the soil, etc.

Designated place for cable line termination

The appointed place for the poshkodzhennya cable lines є dosit foldable zavdannya і vmagaє zastosuvannya special equipment. Robots from the liquidation of the cable line are beginning to installed in mind. At the bagatioh vipadkakh tse vdaetsya zrobiti for the help of a megohmmeter. With the method of both ends of the cable, the standard of skin insulation lived a hundred and fifty feet of the earth, the correctness of the insulation between the other phases, the presence of shavings near the veins.

The appointed month of the ear should be carried out in two stages - firstly, the zone of the ear should be determined with an accuracy of 10 - 40 m, and after that, the place of blame for the defect on the route should be specified.

In the case of a designated zone, the reasons for the blame and the consequences of the damage are insured. Most often, one should beware of shaving one or the other, they lived from grounded ones, or without it, it is possible to also zvaryuvannya strumoveducha lived with a husk with a trivial overrun of the strum short hum to the ground. With prophylactic tests, most of the faults are the strumming of the strumming lived on the ground, as well as a breakdown that floods.

For the purpose of the zone, there is a need for victorious culling of methods: impulsive, kolyvalny discharge, loop, emnisny.

Impulse method zastosovuetsya with single-phase and interphase flickering, as well as with shaving. Before the method of kolivalny discharge, they go into the flooding of the breakdown (winning at high pressure, known at low). The loop method is victorious in case of one-, two-three-phase fading and obviousness, although only one non-shocked lived. Єmnіsny method to know zastosuvannya with urvish veins. In practice, the exploitation of the largest expansion has gained the first two methods.

When using the impulse method, it is enough to stop just fit. For the purpose of the zone of error, the cable is used for short-hour impulses of the squirrel. Diyashovshi until the month of ushkodzhennya, the stench rushes in and turns back. About the nature of the cable run is judged from the image on the screen of the accessory. It is possible to determine the distance to the month, knowing the hour of the passage of the impulse and the speed of its expansion.

Zastosuvannya іpulse method vmagaє razrekhіdnya transitional support at mіstsі ushkodzhennya up to tensіkіvі navіt chasto ohm. With this method of insulation, they propagate for the transformation of electrical energy, which is brought to the month of ushkodzhennya, thermal. Gone zdіysnyuyut postіynymi or change strumom vіd spetsіalnih installations.

Collision discharge method I believe in the fact that the conductor of the cable is charged in a vipryamny extension until the breakdown is strained. At the moment of a breakdown in the cable, the breaking process occurs. The period of kolivan tsy rozryady vіdpovidaє hour vorazovogo probіg whvili until mіstsya ushkodzhennya ago.

The trivality of the kolivalny discharge is controlled by an oscilloscope or an electronic millisecond. Pokhibka died by this method to become 5%.

Clarify the location of the ear cable without intermediary on the route with the alternatives of the acoustic chi induction method.

acoustic method grounds for fixing the ground over the place of the ushkodzhennya KL, which are sparked by a spark at the place of damage to the insulation. The method of vikoristovuєtsya with poshkodzhennya type of "filling probіy" and shaving lived. With this, there is a gap in the cable, which can be found at a depth of up to 3 m and under water up to 6 m.

As a generator of impulses, sound the vicorist installation of a high voltage of a constant stream, as impulses are sent to the cable. The coliving of the soil is heard with a special tool. Nedolіk method polagає y necessitаti vykoristovuvat resuvnі installation postіynogo strumu.

induction method The significance of the cable is based on the fixation of the nature of the change in the electromagnetic field above the cable, through the veins of which a stream is passed high frequency. The operator, poking through the bridle and trasing the vicorist frame antenna, subduing and earphones, indicates the place of ushkodzhennya. Accuracy of the appointment of the time of the step to reach the temple and to become 0.5 m.

Cable repair

Repair of cable lines to follow the results of looking around and testing. Particularly vikonannya robit є that situation, that the cables that need to be repaired, can be rebuffed under the pressure, that cream of that stench can be spread close to the working cables, which are under the pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to take special precautions, it is not possible to tamper with the cables.

Repair of cable lines can be covered by excavations. In order to hide some of the adjacent cables and engineering communications at a depth of over 0.4 m, earthlings work only with a shovel. With the presence of any cables or underground communications, the robots are attached and support the victorious robot. After the break, it is necessary to take care of those, so as not to damage the cable and the mufti. For this wine, a mitzna doshka is applied.

The main types of work with low-cost cable lines: repair of armored bending, repair of shells, couplings and end caps.

For the obviousness of the mechanical development of the armor, the edges of the steel are cut to the defect, soldered with a lead sheath and covered with anti-corrosion coatings (lacquer on a bitumen basis).

When repairing the lead sheath, the ability to drain water to the cable is guaranteed. For re-verification, the pot should be ground to paraffin, heated to 150°C. For the obviousness of the vologists, zanurennya is accompanied by crackling and visions of the month. As soon as the fact of the obviousness of the vologist is established, then, for the occasion, they will see and mount two double-joint muffs, otherwise they will install the lead sheath with a slab overlay on the loose plate of the cut lead pipe and її soldering.

For cables up to 1 kV, chavun muffs were previously installed. The stench reeks of cumbersomeness, expensiveness, lack of arrogance. On cable lines 6 and 10 kV, epoxy and lead sleeves are mainly used. In this hour, during the repair of cable lines, they actively win modern heat-shrink sleeves. Іsnuє well developed technology of installation of cable boxes. The work is done by qualified personnel, which is the first step in training.

Kіntsev muftis are subdivided into muftis, who are installed in the middle of the place and on open ground. At the occupants, it is more common to work dry work, it is more reliable and handy in operation. Kіntsev muftis on the vіdkritu poіtrі vykonuyut at the sight of virvi from the roofing bay and pour mastic. When carrying out in-line repairs, the mill of the end-of-line virvi is re-evaluated;

The process of robotic cable lines (KL) can be blamed for faults in cables, conduits or throatiness. Ushkodzhennya to trace the nature of an electrical breakdown.
During in-line repairs of cable lines, the following tasks are carried out: inspection and cleaning of cable channels, tunnels, cable laying routes, end funnels, good couplings, cable straightening, restoration of worn marking, temperature control of cable heating and control of cable sheath corrosion;
re-verification of grounding and detection of revealed defects; re-verification of access to cable wells and correctness of the roofs of the wells and constipation on them;
re-laying of okremih cable lines, testing with increased voltage (for cables with a voltage of over 1 kV or re-verification with a megohmmeter for cables below 1 kV), topping up with cable mastic virv and couplings, repair of cable channels.
During a major overhaul, KL will be fixed:
privately or completely replace (if necessary) cable liners, cable constructions, redevelop okremikh end funnels, cable couplings, replace recognition signs, attach additional mechanical protection in areas of possible damage to the cable.
Repair of cables laid in trenches. If it is necessary to replace the CL or її parts, to open thoroughly the covers, it is possible to vibrate with S-850 electric concrete or S-849 electric hammer, S-329 motoconcrete, S-358 pneumoconcrete.
The covering material should be thrown off on one side of the trench on the edge of not less than 500 mm from the edge, and the soil on the next side - at least 500 mm from the edge. The trench is straight, and at the corners it is expanded for the safe laying of cables with the necessary rounded radius.
Trenches, due to the presence of groundwater and underground spores, without fixing vertical walls to the depth, are indicated below (m):
At the food grounds .............................................. ................................................. one
At soups .............................................. ................................................. ...................... 1.25
In loams, clays ............................................... ................................................. 1.5
In especially shallow soils .............................................................. ................................................. ..2
Trenches near the places of traffic of people and transport are fenced and they are installed in front of them inscriptions, and at night time - additional signal lighting. Vіdstan between the fence and the nearest slats of the transom, the amount of normal amount may not be less than 2.5 m, and the narrowest amount - not less than 2 m.
Before laying new cables near the trench, the following robots are laid: they fix the pipes in the trenches at the places where they are laid and close to roads, underground communications and spores; remove water from the trench, stones and other objects and pierce the bottom; to slab a 100 mm deep trench on the bottom of the trench with rough earth and prepare a bridle of rough earth for sipping the cable after laying; prepare uzdovzh trace the cable or concrete slabs for the cable protection, if such a protection is necessary. Materials that are soft to the point of rotting and laying in the ground (wood, silicate chains are thin), it is not possible to block cables for the protection of cables.
At the places of change and closeness with engineering spores, concrete, concrete, ceramic, chavun and plastic pipes are installed. Steel pipes zastosovuyt less for vykonannya aisle of a dilyanka trace by a method of a puncture of a pound.
The depth of laying cables with a voltage of up to 10 kV, according to the planning sign, is to become 0.7 m. In times of poshkodzhenya (indentation, piercing on the coils, cracks in the "cap" thinly), the cable is allowed to be laid only after the repair of the smaller areas, rechecking the insulation for moisture content and soldering on the ends of the cable of new caps. When repairing robots, the cable from the drum is most often pulled out for an additional winch.
Permissible load weight for cables up to 10 kV induction in Table. Zusillya tyazhinnya when rozkochuvanni cable voltage up to 10 kV to control the additional dynamometer two additional monters, as they are at the drum and stitch behind the rozmotuvannya cable.
Admissible zusillya tyazhinnja at razkochuvannі for cables up to 10 kV

bіlі, mm 2

Admissible susillya, kN, at tyazhіnі

for aluminum sheathing voltage, up to

Lkabela on

a lot of aluminum wood

personal aluminum

* Heavy cables with plastic and lead sheaths are allowed only for living. ** Lived from soft aluminum with visible distances not less than 30%.
Kabeli Effective in stock, Rivozn 1-3% yogo traffic (ZMіiko), for the viliary of the unsuccessful Mechanichnye, for the spoken of the spinner, the temperature of the temperature deforming of the cable ZMііKoyu during the Troynnі Lebіdkoy Vikkuyt Pisl Zakіnchennya Rykochevnya Z drum in the procession of the cable to the bottom of the trench. When parallelniy puncture kabelіv at the trenches of Kіntzі ї ї, recognized for a detached installation of ZUDNUVALNY MISS, MAYUT ZRUZHENNYY MІSTZA Z'єднаннаннаннаннанная неменшень ніжная за 2 m. Single-all laying, which protects the muffs from damage in case of possible damage to the soil and temperature deformations of the cable, as well as to re-route the muffs in case of damage.
In cramped minds with large flows of strong cables, compensators can be installed at the vertical plane, placing sleeves below the level of cable laying. The number of couplings per 1 km of cable lines, which are replaced, is due to the day of three-core cables 1-10 kV with a span up to 3 x 95 mm 2 no more than 4 pcs., and with a span 3 x 95 * 2 x 240 mm 2 - 5 pcs .

Replacement of cables in blocks.

To replace defective cable lines, as a rule, by means of a route of backup openings of block sewerage. Looking around the well, two electricians shy under the sight of a ker_vnik robit (maistri). At the same time, one electrician in a fitter's belt, tied to a new sack, descends into the well, and the other electrician, who knows the skein of a skein to help the first one, is left with a ring at the opening of the well hatch.
In order to escape the vibukha for an hour spent working at the wells, it is not possible to smoke, burn the sirniki and burn with fire. When working in the well, it is possible to install portable lighting fixtures at a voltage of no more than 12 V. Above the hatches of the wells, a fence is installed near the looking tripod with forward signs and lighters.
The maximum allowable weight of the cables of the brands VVG, AVEG, VRG and AVRG from the fastened rope for living can be taken from the table. with coefficient: for other cores - 0.7; for aluminum conductors made of solid aluminum - 0.5; for aluminum conductors with soft aluminum - 0.25. To change the tension of the cable, when pulling the cable, it is allowed to saturate the oil, so as not to avenge the speeches, so it’s hard to blow on the yogo shell (grease, solid oil). Vitrata of thick oil should be made 8-10 kg per 100 m skin cable.
Pulling the cable is rotated with a speed of 0.6-1 km / year and, if possible, without a dent, so that when pulling the cable, it will take a lot of effort. After the completion of the broach, the cable is laid at the well on the supporting structure, it is sealed, and at all points the cable exits from the channel in the block, elastic pads (for example, sheet asbestos) are placed to protect the shell from being erased.

Razkochuvannya cable in the tunnel іz zastosuvannyam rollers:
1 - drum with cable; 2 - straight cut; 3 – linear split rollers; 4 - kutovy rozkochuvach; 5 - cable; b - winch cable
The rear muffs in the well after their installation are placed at the rose protection casing.
On the introduction of blocks near the buddies, tunnels, etc., open in the blocks after laying the cables, they are laid in a non-flammable and easily collapsible material. In places where cables are close by, they are less than the permissible distance (for example, in places where cables come out of pipes, in places where they are thinned), asbestos-cement rings are pulled on the cables.

Replacement of cables at cable installations.

In cable applications, it is allowed to lay only cables without a fire-resistant curve, for example, cables that can be laid on top of the armor with a fire-fighting fibrous curve or a fire-fighting hose made of polyvinyl chloride or other equally incombustible materials such as fire-fighting cables.
If, when replacing, the cable with an oval curve, which burns up, then the curve can be seen at the distance all the way in the middle of the cable trunk until the very moment of exit from the pipe, or I will open it. Unarmoured cables with a polyethylene sheath behind the fire safety can not be laid in the premises.

Replacement of cables in virobnicheskih applications.

In the middle of the most common applications, it is possible to lay only armored cables without an outer curve that burns up, and non-armoured cables with a fire jacket. In applications with an aggressive core, cables with polyvinyl chloride and other sheaths, resistant against the aggressive core, should be installed.
Laying and laying of new cables on trays and boxes on short tracts and laying out of overflow towers, platforms, gusseting, drabins, etc. Cables on trays are laid in one row. It is possible to lay cables without a gap between them, and also in bundles one to one in 2-3 balls (near the bundle) and, like vines, in three balls. The actual diameter of the beam can be no more than 100 mm.
At the boxes, cables and darts are laid in a bagatosharovo with sufficient mutual expansion. The height of the balls in one box is not to be exceeded by 150 mm.

Features of installation of cables of the AAShv brand.

Cables brand AASHv zastosuvanya zgіdno s "The only technical specifications for choosing and zastosuvannya electric cables". Qi cables at temperatures above + 30 ° C and lower - 20 ° C are not laid and not rewound.
If it looks like the laying of the cable route is due to the mother, the minimum number of turns, as a rule, no more than three per weekday, not rahuyuchi turns when the cable is put into work. Laying of cables at pipes is allowed only on straight lines of the plant, no more than 40 m and at the inputs at the cable ducts.
The internal diameter of the pipes, which is to be installed for laying cables of the AASh brand, is to blame for all the fluctuations, but not less than twice the diameter of the cable. For the protection of cables from mechanical supports on vertical plots, vicorous casings are made of sheet steel.
In the air cable spores for folding minds for mechanized laying zastosovuyut manual way. When laying cables, manually rubbing them about the ground, under the log, the wall is just guilty but turned off. Razvantazhennya, navantazhennya and transportation of AASh cable at temperatures below - 10 ° C should be carried out with special care.
When heating the cable with a three-phase strum, shortly all the cables lived on the same inner end, and with a single-phase fast stream In addition, two wires lived on the cable in the southern country. With one wire of the lancet, the twin buti two lived, they were connected in parallel with each other, and with the other wire - the third lived in the cable. The value of the struma strength during heating of the cables is indicated in Table.

Permissible value of struma power during heating cables, A

Repair of a hose hose to a cable of the AAShv brand.

Repair of the blasting hose is carried out in a jet of hot air at a temperature of 170-200 ° C with the help of a brewing gun with an electric wind blower or a gas gun. Squeeze the wind when you press it with a vice 0.98 * 104 - 3.9 * 104
As an additive during welding, a polyvinyl chloride rod with a diameter of 4-6 mm is used. The place, which is to be repaired, is cleaned with a cable knife before welding, check the third-party inclusions and see the edges that protrude, and bully the hose in the areas of the hose. Open the hose to repair it from the installation of polyvinylchloride patches or open cuffs.
The patch is made from plastic in such a way that the edges of the її are 1.5-2 mm overlapping the opening. Along the entire perimeter, the armor is welded to the hose, then the bridle of the seam is welded, and the filler rod is welded, and the protruding surfaces of the rod are welded and the seam is welded in the area of ​​welding.
When repairing the hose from the zastosuvannya of the slit cuff, the shreds of the polyvinylchloride tube are pulled in by 35-40 mm more for the length of the spare part, the tube is cut open and pulled on the cable symmetrically until the end of the cut. The cuff is fastened at the same time with a polyvinylchloride stitch with a 20-25 mm crochet, welded the needle into the sleeve of the cuff with a hose, and then stacked and welded the stake on the butt of the cuff. Take out the fastening stitches, weld the bar to the opening of the cuff, cut the surface of the bar that protrudes, and vibrate the residual bending of all the welded seams.
When repairing punctures, small openings and shells, the place is leaked in the hose and the end of the rod of the additive is heated with a 3-5-minute jet of hot heat, the end of the bar is pressed and welded to the hose in the place of heating. After cooling, after having brewed a dart at the mystic, they sip it.
With the method of sealing the hose and the repair of the welding seam, the repair is heated until a sign of melting appears, up to 380 heated space, press the piece of cable paper, folded into three-chotiri balls. For reliability, the operation is repeated 3-4 times.
If the cable is laid, the repair of the hose can be carried out with no less than two balls, a sticky polyvinyl chloride line with overlaps and a smeared with polyvinyl chloride varnish No. 1.

Z'ednannya and end of cable cores and wires.

Contact connections of the streak-conducting veins can be pressed, welded or soldered.
Technological operations during the installation and installation of cables during repair are similar to those during installation and are examined in detail above.
When repairing KL armor, a part of the armor is removed, the sample of the armor is soldered with lead sheath, the part not covered with armor is protected by an anti-corrosion warehouse. If it is necessary to repair the cable sheath, then, along the sides of the cable, carefully look at the insulation, turn the upper ball of the insulation into the water. For this, the lines of paper insulation are taken from the wired cable and they are immersed in paraffin heated to 150 ° C. Potreskuvannya that vіdіlennya pіni svіdchat about the penetration of vologis in the middle of the cable under the lead sheath. As the vologers in the middle of the cable do not, they put a lead pipe on the thin part of the shell, which is opened, with two filling openings. The pipe is made of rolled lead (two halves). It is guilty of buti 70-80 mm larger than the bare part of the cable. After pouring hot mastic, the pipe is sealed with a seam and a copper bandage is applied to it, which is soldered to the lead sheath. Like in the middle of the cable there is a volog, a small pole can be seen.

Control nutrition

  1. Yakі roboti vykonuyut pіd hour of in-line repair of cable lines?
  2. Yakі roboti vykonuyut pіd hour overhaul of cable lines?
  3. How to go to the cable lines?
  4. What technologies should be taken and stopped at the end of cables?

Before the exit from the fret of cable lines, there may be various reasons, such as natural wear and tear of insulation mechanical failure cable to pardons at the rozrakhunkah and wrong ones for the service staff. At one's quarters, it is not uncommon to bring up cable lines to emergency situations, spalah, and burn that fire with an electric jet. In order to preserve similar observations, it is necessary to regularly measure the insulation of cables. Virishiti tse zavdannya can be done in two ways:

  1. Transfer to the regular layout of specially trained people from the group tolerance required for the work technical maintenance and repair of cable lines and power cables.
  2. Entrust the conduct of such work to professionals by placing an agreement on technical service cable lines.

Repair of power cable lines

With a loose power cable, the supply of electricity is connected. This time you need:

  • Find out the reason for the cable failure, so that during the filing of life after the repair work did not go out of tune, the car was already repaired.
  • For the help of special fittings, you can find a place for a spare cable.
  • Zdіysniti repair of cable lines. Fallow in terms of scale, vin can be local or else replace all cable lines. Cable makers install the necessary mechanical works with the cable route (open/close the trench, install muffs, cut/clean the cable thinly). With this stench, they actively cooperate with the workers of the electrical laboratory, yak show a problematic plant, perform flow control and residual rechecking before applying the voltage.

Installation and repair of power cable lines 10/6/0.4 kV owe to carry out the training of specialists, yakі mayut vіdpovіdnі admissions. In order to install the cable gland, slid the cable assembly to the spacer, install the cable gland. It will win for the supremacy, in the end or for the maintenance of power cables, as well as for their connection to the repair of power transmission lines and electrical outbuildings.

In the process of processing the cable, all balls from the outer shell to the phase insulation of the strum conductor lived in succession with the active sound. Tse vykonuetsya for further strengthening chi vodnovlennya іzolyatsії chi zameni poshkodzhenoї dolyanki insert. The installation of the mufti is a foldable work that allows you to reinstate the power of the cable line, inflicting damage on the past. Such operations are carried out by electricians-mufters, who passed a special training and took away the necessary documents for the construction of such works.

Repair of cables

Nasampered, broken links are mingled with practical wagers, and the settlement of the area of ​​​​ushkodzhennya is carried out by electric vimiri and a remote survey. The cable route is visible, the outbuildings are looking around, the opening zones are being turned over, the pressure is being reversed. As a problematic area, it was cleared out within the framework of an inspection building, after the mufti was hired, this area was dried.

As if poshkodzhenі okremі pari lived, vіdkrivаєєєє she proglyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє zmidi plіnt. They lived soldered, burrs and fills with solder are smoothed out, lived and the pin is insulated, the pin is adjusted and fixed and other repair operations. The plinth can be dried by hot winds or promited by cable mass. Clemi, what went well, please change it. After the completion of the repair, a re-verification of the communication is required.

Repair of fiber-optic line link (FOCL)

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