Zahist vіd kz on any bloc zhivlennya. Nayprostisha zakhist vіd short zamikannya

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

It is not easy to implement the scheme of zahistu, however, it is more important for the zahistu of all its outbuildings in the form of a short chime and overwhelm. In addition, for some reason, a short hum can lead to inaccurate consequences for the new one. In order to protect you from zayvih vitrate, and the attachment from vigorannya, to do it for a little extra work, following the scheme below.

It is important to note that the whole circuit is based on a complementary pair of transistors. To understand, decipher the sense phrase. A complementary pair is called transistors with the same parameters, albeit with different directing p-n junctions.

That is why all the parameters of voltage, struma, tension and others are absolutely the same for transistors. Vіdminnіst is less manifested in the type of transistor p-n-p or n-p-n. We also recommend that you apply complementary pairs to make your purchase easier. From the Russian nomenclature: KT361 / KT315, KT3107 / KT3102, KT814 / KT815, KT816 / KT817, KT818 / KT819. Like imported miraculously come BD139 / BD140. The relay needs to be selected for a working voltage of at least 12 V, 10-20 A.

Principle dії:

When the threshold is exceeded (the threshold is set by a change resistor, an additional path), the keys of the complementary pair of transistors flicker. The voltage at the outlet of the accessory disappears and the light is lost, which is evidence of the application of the accessory system.

The button between the transistor, allows you to switch off the lock (in the stationary station it is closed, so it works on the opening). You can throw off the defense in another way, just turn it off and turn on the block. Zahist is relevant for life or battery chargers.

The simplest defense against a short circuit is relevant both for an informed person, and for a radioamator start, and as a pardon for no insurance. At this article, it’s simple, but to complete the original scheme, as to help you save your attachment in the bag exit from the fret. The self-monitoring guard is defusing the scheme, and the light signals signal about an emergency situation, swiftly, surprisingly and simply.

Scheme of protection from short circuit:

The scheme, pointed at the little one No. 1, is very simple in the installation of a shield for the radio amateur block of life, or be it any other scheme.

Baby No. 1 - Scheme of zakhistu vіd short zamikannya.

The robot of the scheme of zahistu in the short zamikannya:

The scheme to finish is simple, and I understood. So, as the strum flows along the path of the smallest support while the FU1 protector of the cilium, then the outlet for Rn babies No. 2 is connected and the strum flows through it. At the same time, the VD4 light is constantly on (little green color of the light).

Malyunok No. 2 - The robot of the scheme with a whole zapobіzhnik

As well as the strum of advancement, outweighing the maximum strum admissible for the guardian, we spratsovuє by ourselves raising (shunting) the lancet of the advancement of little ones No. 3. When this light comes on, the VD3 light (of the red color of the light) and VD4 goes out. With whom, your ambition and scheme do not suffer (especially for the sake of mind, in your own time, the help of the defender).

Baby No. 3 - Spratsyuvav zapobіzhnik

Diodes VD1, VD5 and zener diode VD2 protect light diodes from the wind streams. Resistors R1, R2 surround the strum in the circuit. As a FU1 defender, I recommend vicariously self-supporting the defender. And the denominations of all elements of the scheme should be chosen according to your needs.

Presented below are amateur radio schemes for the protection of life blocks or chargers can be used in practice with any kind of cords - wired, pulsed and rechargeable batteries. The circuitry implementation of this design is simple and available for repetition by a radioamator.

The power part of the Vikonan is on a tight field-effect transistor. In the process, the robots do not overheat, so the heat exchanger can not be beaten. Attachment at the same time є vіdmіnno zahistom vіd replіsovkі, vіkorystаnіnі і short zіkannya vіhіdniy lantsyuga, strum spratsovuvannya can be chosen by selection of shunt resistor, in our vіp vіn to become 8 amps, vikoristano 6 in parallel pіdklyuchenіh support_v The shunt can also be built with a pressure support of 1-3 watts.

More precisely, it is possible to adjust the support for adjusting the resistor with a path. In case of a short flickering and switching over at the exit, the zahist mayzhe immediately spratsyu, turning on the live block. About spratsyuval zahistu pіdkazhe svіtlodiod. Leave for 30-40 seconds when the exit is fading, the polovka is left cold. This type is not critical, it’s practical to use a power key with a strum of 15-20 Amperes for a working voltage of 20-60 Volts. It is recommended to use transistors from the series IRFZ24, IRFZ40, IRFZ44, IRFZ46, IRFZ48 or more harder.

The Danish version of the scheme will be familiar to motorists in the role of a charger for a lead-acid battery, as if to confuse the polarity of the battery, then there is nothing terrible to do with the memory.

Zavdyaki swidky spratsovuvannyu zahistu, її can be effectively vikoristovuvat for pulse circuits, with a short zahist zahist spratsyuє richly swidsh, lower burn out the power keys of the pulse power supply. The design of the pipeline is also for impulse inverters, in the role of a streak shield.

Short circuit protection on MOSFET-transistors

If a power transistor (MOSFET) is used in your food and memory blocks for switching the voltage, then you can easily add a short circuit or a switch to such a circuit. In this application, we will zastosovuvaty internal RSD opir, which is to blame for the voltage drop, proportional to the current flowing through the MOSFET.

The voltage, stepped through the internal resistor, can be registered behind the auxiliary comparator or wind the transistor, which switches when the voltage is equal to 0.5 V, so it can be actuated by the current-sensitive support (shunt), on which sound the fault is too high. Behind the comparator, you can follow the help of the microcontroller. In times of short circuit or rewiring, you can programmatically launch PWM control, alarm, emergency ring). It is also possible to connect the output of the comparator to the gate of the field-effect transistor, as in the case of a faulty short circuit, it is necessary to turn on the polovik.

Block of life with a system of protection from short circuit

Today my article will be purely theoretical in nature, in fact there will be no “growth” in it like in the previous articles, but don’t worry - it hasn’t become less brown. On the right, the problem of the hostility of electronic nodes without intermediary influxes on the superiority of the outbuildings, their resource, and, therefore, on your important competitive advantage - ability to give Trival a product warranty. The implementation of the defense costs not only my beloved power electronics, but if I build it in principle, then I’ll build it if you design an IoT-product and you have a modest 100 mA - you all need to understand how to secure your wireless robot.

Zakhist on the strum or zahist in the form of a short chime (KZ) - singsongly the widest kind of zahist to that which is missing in the given food, evoking ruinous traces in the direct sense. For the butt, I propagate to marvel at the voltage stabilizer, which became summarily in view of the vinyl short circuit:

The diagnosis here is simple - in the stabilizator vinicla a pardon and in the lances began to flow over the temporal streaks, for a good reason, the mav turned on the attachments, but it went wrong. After knowing this article, I can let you know what the problem could be.

What is the cost of self-advancement ... If you have an electronic device installed from a sirnikov box, there are not many such strums, then do not think that you cannot become so self-consciously, like a stabilizer. Surely you do not want to spit bundles of microcircuits for $ 10-1000? If so, then I will ask you to understand the principles and methods of dealing with short hums!

meta articles

I focus my article on people for some electronics tse hobbies and early retailers, so everything will be revealed “on the fingers” for a more meaningful understanding of what is being seen. For those who want to be academic - let's go and read be university assistants in electrical engineering + "classics" by Horowitz, Hill "The Art of Circuitry".

Well, I wanted to say about those that all solutions will be hardware, that is, without microcontrollers and other problems. In the rest of the world, it became fashionable to program there de need and not need. I often watch for a "zahist" in terms of current, as it is realized by a banal ADC voltage variation, such as an arduino or a micro controller, and then I will add everything to go out of tune. I really don't want to work for you like that! About this problem, I gave a more detailed report.

Trochs about short circuit currents

In order to start vigaduvat method and zakhistu, it is necessary to have a little understanding of what we are fighting against. What is a "short chime"? Here, Ohm's law will help us to love, let's look at the ideal fall:

Just? Vlasne given a scheme є equivalent circuit practical whether any electronic attachment, that є dzherelo energiї, yaky vіddaє її in navantazhennya, and that grієtsya and shchos sche rob chi not rob.

We believe that the tightness of the dzherel allows you to be tenacious, then you should not “sit” for any adventurousness. With a normal robotic strum, which will be in Lansy, it will be more expensive:

Now you can see that Uncle Vasya, having let in a wrench on a dart, go to the light bulb and our ambition has changed 100 times, so the replacement of R won has become 0.01 * R and for the help of simple calculations, we will strum 100 times more. If the light bulb lived at 5A, then now the current for the voltage will be close to 500A, which is why you need to turn it all the way to melt Uncle Vasya's key. Now a small visnovok ...

Short chime- a significant change in the support of the advancement, as if leading to a significant increase in the struma in the lance.

Varto understand that the strums of the short circuit sound hundreds and thousands of times more, the lower strum is nominal and wind a short interval for an hour of play, so that the viyshs are out of tune. Here, someone singsongly guesses about electromechanical outbuildings zakhistu (“automatic” and other), but here everything is more prosaic ... Sound the socket of the buttov is protected by an automatic machine with a nominal stream of 16A, so it will turn on at 6-7 times the stream, which is already close. The power supply of a laptop can be close to 100 W, so it is less than 1A. Navit if it becomes a short circuit, then the machine will not be checked for a long time and turn on the attention, only if it still burns out. It’s more like a defender of the future, and not a defender of technology.

Now let's take a look at one more, often fluttering flutter - deep strum. I will show yoga on the dc / dc converting topology with a synchronous buck, all MPPT controllers, a lot of LED drivers and DC / DC power switches on the boards themselves. We look at the scheme of the turnaround:

The diagram shows two options for moving the strum: green way for the “classic” short circuit, if there was a change in the support for the advancement (“snot” between the roads after soldering, for example) and orange road. If the strum can run along the orange path? I think a lot of people know that the open channel of the field-effect transistor is already small, for modern low-voltage transistors it should be 1-10 mOhm. Now you can see that on the key one hour the SHIM with a high level came, so that the offence of the key was turned on, for the “VCCIN - GND” jack it was necessary to connect the voltage with a support close to 2-20 mOhm! It is necessary to have the great and mighty Ohm's law and it is necessary to induce when eating 5V the value of the struma is more than 250A! If you don't want to worry, there will be no such strum - the components and conductors on the other board will burn earlier and open the lance.

This pardon is often blamed on the eating system, and especially in power electronics. Vaughn can be blamed for various reasons, for example, through the pardons of the management or the transitional processes. In the rest of the day, do not lie to the “dead hour” (deadtime) in your turn.

I think the problem has become clear and well known to you, now it has become clear why it is necessary to fight and it’s too much to come up with a YaK. About tse i pіde away rozpovіd.

The principle of robotic zakhistu po strum

Here it is necessary to zastosuvat zvichaynu logic and chime in the causal-inherent link:
1) The main problem is the great importance of the struma in lance;
2) How to understand the meaning of the struma? -> Dim yoga;
3) Dimmed and subtracted values ​​-> Porіvnyuєmo yogo s given admissible values;
4) As a result, the meaning was overstated -> Vіdkljaєmo navantazhennya vіd dzherel strumu.
Vymirati strum -> Recognition exceeded the admissible strum -> Turn on the vanity
Absolutely be a zahist, not only in terms of current, you will be like that. The fallow, in terms of physical size, will be zahist, will be blamed for the implementation of various technical problems and methods of their improvement, but the essence is unchangeable.

Now I’m pronouncing in order to go through the entire lansy and inspire you to defend and solve all the blamed technical problems. A good zakhist is a zakhist, they gave a yak a zadalegіd and won’t work. So we can’t do without modeling, I’ll win the popular and bezkoshtovny MultiSIM Blue, which is actively pushed through to Mouser. Zavantazhiti yogo can be in the same place - strength. Also, I’ll tell you in advance that within the framework of this article, I will not delve into circuitry and hammer your head with speeches at this stage, just know that all the trochs are more collapsible in a real life.

Vymiryuvannya struma

The first point in our language and sing-songly the easiest to understand. You can use strums in lances in dekilcoma ways and in the skin є its own advantages and shortcomings, which one of them can be used specifically for your task - only you can do it. Well, I’ll tell you, relying on my own knowledge, about their own virtues and shortcomings. Some of them are "swallowed", and some of my light, I ask you to respect that I do not pretend to pretend to tell the truth.

1) current shunt. The basis of the foundations, "practices" everything on the same great and mighty Ohm's law. The simplest, found, most seen and the very best way, but with a low shortfall:

A) Width of galvanic decoupling. Її you happen to realize okremo, for example, for the help of a swedcode optocoupler. It is not easy to implement, but it does not require additional space on the board, a loose dc / dc and other components, so that you can add pennies and add overall dimensions. If you want a galvanic connection, it is far from necessary, you know.

B) On the great currents, the global warming will soon. As I wrote earlier, “practice” everything is on Ohm’s law, which means warming up and warming up the atmosphere. It is necessary to bring the KKD to change and the need to cool the shunt. The only way to minimize this shortfall is to change the shunt support. It's a pity it's impossible to change yoga indefinitely and vzagali I would not recommend changing yoga to less than 1 mOhm, Even though you still have little information, more because of the need to fight with shift codes and move up to the stage of designing a different payment.

In my outbuildings, I like to use the axis of such a shunt PA2512FKF7W0R002E:

Vimiryuvannya strumu vіdbuvaєtsya way vіmіryuvannya drop of voltage on the shunt, for example, when passing struma 30A on the shunt will fall:

That is, if we take a fall of 60 mV on the shunt - it will mean that we have reached the borders and that the fall will increase more, then it will be necessary to turn on our attachments or vanity. Now let's look at how much heat we see on our shunt:

Not a lot, right? This moment is required to be protected, to that the limiting tension of my shunt is to become 2 W and it is not possible to overshoot it, so it is not possible to solder the shunts with a fusible solder - you can solder it, but it’s better.

  • Vykorist shunti, if you have a large voltage and not very large strumi
  • Keep track of the number of times you see a heat shunt
  • Vykoristovyte shunti there, where you need the maximum svidkodiya
  • Win shunts only with special materials: constantan, manganin and similar
2) Hall effect strum sensors. Here I will allow my own classification, as a whole I can imagine the essence of different decisions on this effect, but myself: cheapі expensive.

A) cheap, For example, ACS712 and similar. Three pluses can mean the simplicity of the choice and the obviousness of the galvanic decoupling, on which the pluses will end. The main shortcoming is the unstable behavior under the influx of high-frequency shifts. Be it dc / dc, or it’s a hard reactive impulse - it’s a change, so in 90% of cases the sensors are marn, more “God willing” and show better weather on Mars. But is it not a gift to shy away?

The stench can make a galvanic decoupling and can win the great streams? So. Don't like pereskodi? That's right. Where do you put them? That's right, in the monitoring system with a low range and for vimiryuvannya struma spozhivannya s accumulators. I have a stench to stand in inverters for CEC and WEC for a good assessment of the battery life, which allows you to continue the life of the battery. These sensors look like this:

B) expensive. Mayut all the pluses of the cheap ones, but do not mourn their minuses. The butt of such a LEM LTS 15-NP sensor:

What do we have in the bag:
1) High swedcode;
2) galvanic connection;
3) Excellence of victoria;
4) Great vimiryuvani strum independently of the strain;
5) High precision vimiryuvannya;
6) Navit "evil" EMB do not respect robots and do not; pour on accuracy.

Ale, why is it a minus? Tі, hto vіdkrivali posilannya more unequivocally yogo pobachili - tse price. $18 Carl! І start on a series of 1000+ pieces, the price will not fall below $ 10, but the actual purchase will be $ 12-13. For a couple of bucks, you can’t put such a thing in BP, but I wanted to ... Let's take a bag:

A) This is the best solution in principle for vimiryuvannya struma, but the road;
b) Put these sensors in the important minds of exploitation;
c) Chi zastosovuєte qі sensors in vіdpoіdalnyh knots;
d) Zastosovuyte їx as your attachment cost even a lot of pennies, for example, a 5-10 kW DBZH, there you will definitely be right, even if the price will be a thousand dollars.

3) Strumu transformer. Standard solution in rich outbuildings. Minus two - do not work with a post-strum and may have non-linear characteristics. Pluses - cheap, nadіyno and you can win just majestic streams. At the transformers itself, the automation system was prompted and the automation was installed in RU-0.4, 6, 10, 35 kV at the enterprises, and there thousands of amperes were a normal occurrence.

Honestly, it seems, I try not to cheat, because I don’t like it, but in other management cabinets and other systems I still put it on a replacement stream, so that it costs a couple of dollars and gives a galvanic connection, and not $ 15-20 like LEM- and its task in the measure of 50 Hz is to be victoriously. You can see the axis sound like this, but you can also see it on any EFD cores:

Maybe with the methods of vimiryuvannya the struma can be completed. I spoke about the main ones, but I did not understand about all of them. To expand the vlasnogo horizons and knowledge, the raja dodatkovo would like to google and marvel at different sensors on the same digikey.

Strengthening the vimiryanoy voltage drop

A little further pobudov system zakhistu pide on the basis of the shunt as a strum sensor. Let's start the system earlier by saying the struma value is 30A. We need a drop of 60 mV on the shunt, and 2 technical problems are to blame here:

A) Vimiryuvat i porіvnyuvati signal with an amplitude of 60 mV non-manually. ADC can sound the range of 3.3V, so with 12 bits of bits, we can take quantization:

Tse means that in the range of 0-60 mV, which is 0-30A, we take a small number of curves:

Let's take it that the rozryadnіst vimiryuvannya will be nothing more than:

Let's understand that the figure is ideal, and in reality the stench will be even worse, because the ADC itself can hurt, especially in the region of zero. Of course, we won’t use the ADC for cheating, but we’ll use the strum of the same shunt to encourage the control system. Here the task was to explain in detail, but it’s so very relevant for comparators, if in the area of ​​the earth’s potential (0V sound) it’s even more unstable, like rail-to-rail.

B) If we want to stretch a signal with an amplitude of 60 mV across the board, then after 5-10 cm nothing will be lost through the jumper, and at the time of the short circuit, it’s definitely not possible to get it on the new one, so EMI will grow up. Obviously, you can put the scheme of protection directly on the leg of the shunt, but in the first place we won’t have any problems.

For the solution of these problems, we need an operative pidsiluvach (OU). I won’t tell you about those, I’m not going to practice - the topic is Google’s opinion, and we’ll talk about the critical parameters and choice of OS. For the cob, let's make it meaningful with the scheme. I said that there won’t be any special subtlety here, that’s enough for the OU with a negative turning point (OOS) and we take away the boost with the help of the coefficients of strength. Dane dії I model in MultiSIM (image clickable):

You can download a file for simulation at home -.

Dzherelo narugi V2 vykonuє the role of our shunt, vіrnіshe vіn simulyuє podіnnya prаіnnya narugi noma. To be precise, I have chosen the value of the drop equal to 100 mV, now we need to increase the signal in such a way as to transfer it to a larger voltage, sound between 1/2 and 2/3 V ref. Tse allow otrimati large kіlkіst kіlkіv knіv nіvіvnja in the range strumіv + deplete the reserve for vimіrіuvannya, schob otsіnіt nasіlki everything is rotten and stop the hour of growth of the strum, it's important in folding control systems for jet vanity. Strength coefficient in this case is more expensive:

In this way, we may be able to strengthen the signal of our signal to the required level. Now let's take a look at the parameters of the varto to bring respect:

  • The op amp is responsible for rail-to-rail to adequately handle signals close to ground potential (GND)
  • Varto select the OS with a high speed increase in the output signal. My favorite OPA376 has a high value of 2V/µs, which allows you to reach the maximum output op-amp value equal to VCC 3.3V in just 2 µs. Sogo swidkodії as a whole is sufficient, to vryatuvat whether-perevoryuvach or navantazhennya with frequencies up to 200 kHz. Given the parameters of the varto increase and turn on the head when choosing an OU, otherwise there is a chance to put an OU for $ 10 there, de vystachilo b and pіdsilyuvacha for $ 1
  • The smuga of the transmission, the reversed OS, is to blame, but at least 10 times more, lower the maximum switching frequency of the drive. Anew, joke the “golden mean” in the spivvіdnoshennia “price / performance characteristics”, all is well in the world
Most of my projects have a vicorist op amp like Texas Instruments - OPA376, which has a good TTX for implementation. If you need it cheaper, then look at the solution in ST, and if it's cheaper, then Microchip and Micrel. I’m from the religious mirkuvan vicorous tilki TI and Linear, because it’s better for me and I sleep so calmly.

Adding realism to the system

Let's now in the simulator dodamo the shunt, navantage, life dzherelo and other attributes, so as to bring our model closer to reality. Withdrawing the result looks like an upcoming rank (picture clickable):

You can download the simulation file for MultiSIM -.

Here we already have our shunt R1 with a support of all the same 2 mOhm, I’ve chosen 310V (it’s straightened out) and I’ve chosen a 10.2 Ohm resistor for the new resistor, which again follows Ohm’s law and gives us a current:

Fall on the shunt like a bachite, earlier it was fixed, 60 mV

At the output, we need to increase the signal with an amplitude of 3.1V. Wait, it’s already possible to apply to the ADC, and to the comparator and stretch along the board 20-40 mm without any damage or deterioration in the stability of the work. With this signal, we will give you pratsyuvati.

Possibility of signals for the auxiliary comparator

comparator- the same circuit, as it accepts a signal at the input 2 and in the same time the amplitude of the signal at the direct input (+) is greater, lower at the inverse (-), then a log is displayed at the output. 1 (VCC). In another way, the log. 0 (GND).

Formally, whether the OU can be turned on as a comparator, or else the decision on the performance characteristics should be made to the comparator for the code and the “price / result” sponding. Our attitude, which is greater than swidkodiya, is greater than imovirnist, that the defender is able to practice and vryatuvaty attachments. I love to freeze the comparator, I'm new to Texas Instruments - LMV7271. On what varto turn respect:
  • Zatrimka spratsovuvannya, for the fact tse main obezzhuvach shvidkodії. The designated comparator has a total hour of about 880 ns, so it’s too fast and in many problems it’s too much for a price of $ 2 and you can choose the most rational comparator
  • Well, I know - raju vikoristovuvati rail-to-rail comparator, otherwise you will have not 5V, but less. Change to a simulator that will help you, choose not to rail-to-rail and experiment. The signal from the comparator is sent to the input of the driver failure (SD) and good mother there is a stable TTL signal
  • Choose a comparator with push-pull output, not open-drain or otherwise. It is only possible and possible to predict performance characteristics by output
Now let's add a comparator to our project in the simulator and marvel at the robot in the mode, if the host did not work and the stream did not override the emergency (clickable picture):

You can download a file for simulation in MultiSIM -.

What do we need ... We need more than 30A strum in different times, so that at the output of the comparator buv log. 0 (GND), this signal will be applied to the input SD or EN driver and mimikati yoga. In a normal state, the log is to blame for the exit. 1 (5V TTL) and turn on the power key driver (for example, "folk" IR2110 and less ancient).

Let's turn to our logic:
1) We measured the current on the shunt and took 56.4 mV;
2) Strengthened our signal with a coefficient of 50.78 and subtracted 2.88V at the output;
3) A reference signal is sent to the direct input of the comparator, so we will be correcting it. Let's ask for the help of a dilnik on R2 and install 3.1V - it will supply current at about 30A. Danim resistor regulates the threshold for spratsovuvannya zakhistu!
4) Now the signal from the output of the op-amp is sent to inverse and alternately two signals: 3.1V> 2.88V. On the direct input (+) the voltage is higher, lower on the inverse input (-), so the stream is not overdriven and on the output log. 1 - the drivers are working, and our light LED1 is off.

Now we increase the current to a value> 30A (coolly R8 and change the opir) and marvel at the result (clickable picture):

Let's look at the points of our "logic":
1) We measured the current on the shunt and took 68.9 mV;
2) Strengthened our signal with a coefficient of 50.78 and subtracted 3.4V at the output;
4) Now the signal from the output of the op-amp is sent to inverse and equally two signals: 3.1V< 3.4В. На прямом входу (+) напряжение НИЖЕ, чем на инверсном входе (-), значит ток превышен и на выходе лог. 0 - драйвера НЕ работают, а наш светодиод LED1 горит.

Why hardware?

The power supply is simple - be it a programming solution on the MK, with a call to the ADC or otherwise, you can just "hang" and turn it on and get a competent software driver and turn on the watchdog timer and if it freezes up - as long as it will all be possible to set fire to your device.

Hardware zahist allows you to implement the system with swidcode in the range of a few microseconds, and if the budget allows, then in the range of 100-200 ns, which is sufficient for any task. Also, a hardware hack cannot “freeze” and sag, for whatever reason your microcontroller or DSP “hung”. zahist turn on the driver, your circuitry will calmly turn on again, protest the hardware part and or give a pardon, for example, in Modbus, or start up like everything is good.

Here varto designate that in special controllers for stimulating power conversions there are special inputs, which allow hardware switching on the generation of a PWM signal. For example, everyone's favorite STM32 has a BKIN input for it.

Okremo varto tells about such a river yak CPLD. As a matter of fact, the set of high-level logics and, in terms of superiority, are in line with the hardware solutions. As a whole healthy mind, you will put CPLD on the board and implement it in your hardware and hardware, and deadtime and other things, as we are talking about dc / dc or some kind of management cabinets. CPLD allows you to create such solutions even more flexible and handy.


On tsomu mabut i all. I encourage you to read this article and it will give you some new knowledge, or to refresh the old. Be sure to ask yourself ahead of time to think about what kind of modules your add-on can implement in hardware, and like in software. Often hardware implementation is orders of magnitude simpler than software implementation, but it saves an hour for expansion and obviously vartost.

The format of the article without the “Zalіza” is new for me and I ask you to express your thoughts in the experiment.

Good day. At this request, I want to request your attention to the block of life of the auxiliary pressure relief device for the portable radio station "Veda-FM". The output voltage of the live block is 24V, the nominal current surge is 3.5 A, the threshold for the surge protection against a short flicker is 5.5 A, the short flicker surge is 0.06A.

A deep look at the set of indications in photo 1.

The scheme for the block of living is presented in little 1.

The power transformer for the block - rewinding the fencing transformer from the old TV set TS-90-1, in the quality of the primary winding - all the turns of the fringing windings of the transformer are twisted. New secondary winding to place 2 × 65 turns on the PETV-2 wire with a diameter of 1.25 mm. With the presence of a wire of this diameter, it is possible to wind 130 turns of a wire with a diameter of 0.9 mm on a leather coil. In this case, the coils will run in phase in parallel while saving the scheme of the bridge rectifier. If the coils are connected sequentially, then two diodes can be seen (Fig. 2).

The scheme of the stabilizer was chosen by hanging installation (1 in photo 2). Capacitors C3 and C4 I have in the housing of the ventilator. Digit two meanings of additional regulation voltage stabilizer for eating "Veda-FM", selected on the microcircuit KREN12A. By changing the voltage of life of the radio station itself, it is possible to change the tension of vibrating the pidsiluvach in certain periods. The scheme of this stabilizer can be found in the heading "Blocks of life" - "Voltage stabilizer on KR142EN12A". The indicator of revantaging works with an offensive rank. The voltage on the capacitors of the filter in the rectifier C1 and C2 is approximately 37 volts, the voltage is 24V, the voltage between points 1 and 2 will be around 13 volts, which cannot be pulled out for breakdown of the zener diodes VD5, VD6, so the total voltage is the same . When the “short” voltage is between the points of growth, the strum will flow through the stabilizer and the HL1 light will light up, and the HL2 light will go out. Give respect to those who on the "earth" know the collectors of hard transistors, well, well, just manually, placing transistors without a middle on the housing of the machine. The block of life and tension is hung on the wall of the mountain under the antenna, which significantly changes the loss of tension in the cable. Good bye. K.V.Yu.

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