Yak know about the brand (model) of the motherboard: look at the ways. Yak know the model of the motherboard of the computer For additional information programs Windows

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Yaksho vi shukayte information about those who know the model mother's pay Do not open the processor block, then this article is for you. More beautifully, start looking with all the stuffing of your computer and write it down here in your notebook. Ale, yak vіdomo, all the information about our possession is only about todі, if it’s to junk, or else it’s no longer pratsyuvati. Earlier, I had such a boom. Now I have written down that it was installed on any computer, it was repaired from the gate to the program. To that, he lives up to his life, which is more beautiful than the vitratity of one day at a time, at least one day at a time.

Is it necessary for the nobility to model the motherboard?

When the program is launched, go to the "Mainboard" tab. In razdіlі " Motherboard"in the field" Manufacturer"(Im'ya virobnik) and" Model you can tell me the name of my motherboard.

The axis i changed was the model of my soul.

Yak viznachit motherboard model pay for the help of the command row

Є Another way is the whole command row. In Windows 10, you can eat up to it by clicking the right mouse button on the menu buttons Start.

Enter or copy the command below:

wmic baseboard get Manufacturer

Write on the keyboard button Enter... Get information about the virobnik company.

Then enter the command

wmic baseboard get product

І appear information about the model of the motherboard.

Also for viznachennya models of the motherboard you can quickly use the Speccy or SIW software. Singingly, there are still a lot of programs for the whole family. If you know, then write in the comments.

In ten hours the computer will need an upgrade. Deyakі koristuvachі vvazayut for the beautifully carry out the upgrade by buying a new computer, and replace the old components with new ones.

Before buying new PC accessories (video cards, processors, operational memory that іnshih) it is necessary to know the characteristics of that motherboard model. The price is necessary in order to remove the insanity of the components.

Physical look

For a physical look at the installed motherboard, it is necessary to sort out the system unit.

In order to carry out the task of assembling the system unit, it is necessary:

This is the way to go for masters of stationary computers.

Important! Wrote motherboards "ASUS" write the name of the model for the rose "PCI-E", the "GIGABYTE" wyrobnik distributes information about the board near the RAM slot ", the ww" MSI "like and" ASUS " єmu "PCI-E" ".

Windows Standard

Because of the lack of information, you can't run the system unit, and wonder if the motherboard is installed, so you can speed up standard work operational Windows systems, such as: bios that command row.

You can also speed up with regular utilities operating systems.

Please quickly use the "Vidomosty about the system" utility, check out the following:

  1. for the cob, it is necessary for the additional hot keys WIN + R viclikati vіkno Vikonati;

  2. then at the empty row enter the command "Msinfo32" click on the "OK" deposit;

  3. then go to the window "Views about the system", if the characteristics of the computer are displayed.

Important! The standard utility "Views about the system" may not display information about the motherboard.

Also, for the installation of the model, you can speed up the standard Windows utility"Get DirectX diagnostics."

Please quickly use the "Save DirectX diagnostics" utility, you need to check the following:

Important! Dani may not appear. The item "Computer Model" is vaguely vaguely displayed against the "System Product Name" information.

Another standard method of assigning a model is PostScreen conversion. Post-conversion is displayed before the start of the computer.

Important! Today's computers pass the Post rewiring practically instantly, so such a screen may not appear before the PC starts.

Video: information about bios, motherboard and processor

Via Bios

You can check the motherboard model for the additional BIOS.

In order to know the model of the motherboard through the BIOS, you need:

Other ways:

  1. as described in the first vipad, when starting the computer, it is necessary for the keyboard to push the Del / Delete keys or press F2 in the presence of the BIOS model;
  2. when entering the BIOS, you need to vibrate for an additional key on the keyboard "right-handed arrow" tab "Advanced BIOS Features" and the name of the motherboard will be displayed on the screen.

  3. Command row

    One s best simple ways dіznatisya, as the motherboard on the computer costs - tse through the command row. It is not necessary to install additional software from a koristuvach, it is enough to visually display the command line.

    To use the motherboard model through the command row, you need:

    Persha team "wmic baseboard get Manufacturer"... For the help of the team of the command, it is possible to pay a fee for the mother;

    Friend team "wmic baseboard get product"... For the help of the command, it is possible to use the motherboard model without preference;

  • then you will get lost if you need a command.

Another way of seeing is like this:

  1. for the additional combination of keys "WIN + R" it is necessary to choose a dialogue window "Viconati";

  2. an empty row needs to enter the command "cmd" that natisnut on "OK";
  3. then at the window of the command row, you need to enter the command "systeminfo" that natisnut on the key "Enter";

  4. when the command is introduced to appear again technical views about the computer.

The third way of assigning an additional command line to the viewer is as follows:

Diznaєmos, I have a motherboard on my computer in Everest

You can check the motherboard model for additional help special software... Everest (on the current day of the program I will call AIDA64) personal computer.

For help from Everest, you can learn about technical characteristics PC, test the processor (CPU), video card (GPU), RAM. Everest allows you not only to know about the characteristics of your computer, or about the system driver's new information, but you can do it for jumping on the official side of the virobnik.

Important! The program will be expanded mentally and without a shipment and a minimum term of 30 days.

Trіal version of programs maє suttєvi funcionalny interchange.

To know the model and characteristics of the motherboard in the program, you need:

  • for the ear, you need to add the program to the computer;
  • then it is necessary to launch the program from a shortcut on the work table;

  • if necessary, vibrate the "Computer" tab;
  • When you see it, the following tabs will be displayed: Summarized information, computer, DMI, IPMI, Rozgin, Electrozivlennya, Laptop PC, Sensor. In this list, we need the first item "Sumarna information";

  • Please give me information about the technical characteristics of the PC, if you see information about the mother.

  • Also, by virtue of the pay-to-everest model, you can:

  1. for a cob it is necessary to natisnut on the deposit "System board";

  2. When the CPU, CPUID, Motherboard, Memory, SPD, Chipset and іnshi are displayed. It is necessary to vibrate "System board";
  3. then at the upper part of the window there will be presented information about the motherboard model.

The everest program is the most effective model of system board characteristics.

At the top of the statistics, there is a method for the designation of the model of the motherboard. It is necessary to vibrate as soon as possible.

Good afternoon.

To reach often an hour of robotics on a computer (or a laptop) is required to know exact model that is the name of the motherboard. For example, it is necessary in case of problems with drivers ( also problems with sound:).

Good, if you have lost the documents for the purchase (albeit most often, the model is not specified in them). Vzagal, є a few ways to learn about the model of the motherboard of the computer:

  • for help special. utility program;
  • visually wonder at the board when you see system unit;
  • at the command row (Windows 7, 8);
  • for Windows 7, 8 for additional system utilities.

The presentation of the skin from them is easy to understand.

A special program for reviewing the characteristics of the PC (including the motherboard).

There are dozens of such utilities (maybe not hundreds). On the skin of them zupinyatsya, mabut, no sense. I’ll bring a little program here (please, look at my humble glance).

1) Speccy

If you are familiar with the motherboard model, you just need to go to the "Motherboard" tab.

Before the speech, the program is handy, but the payment model can be copied directly to the clipboard, and then inserted into the sound system and shukati for its driver (for example).

One s best programs in order to know the characteristics of a computer or a laptop: temperature, information about any accessories, programs, etc. The list of characteristics, which can be seen, is simply hostile!

З Мінусів: the program is paid, a demo version.

AIDA64 Engineer: system virobnik: Dell (Inspirion 3542 laptop model), laptop motherboard model: OkHNVP.

Visual inspection of the motherboard

You can find out the model of that motherboard virobnik simply by looking at it. On a large number of boards, there is a markup with a model and a rock release (the vignatas may be cheap Chinese options, on which it is applied, it may not be indicative of the validity).

For example, taken from the popular mother's virobnik ASUS boards... On the "ASUS Z97-K" model, the markup is indicated approximately in the center of the payment (it is practically unwise to make mistakes and download for such a payment, or the BIOS).

Motherboard ASUS-Z97-K.

Yak another stock taking the Gigabyte virobnik. On admittedly new payment so approximately in the center the mark is said: "GIGABYTE-G1.Sniper-Z97" (div. screenshot below).

GIGABYTE-G1.Sniper-Z97 motherboard.

In principle, see the system block and marvel at the markup - on the right there are a lot of hilin. Here, problems can be found with laptops, while the motherboard needs to be paid, for an hour, it’s not so easy and it’s not so easy to get rid of the whole setup. But it’s not the least, the way to design a model is practically bezpomilkovy.

Yak diznatisya motherboard model in the command row

If you know the model of the motherboard without third-party programs, you can get it quickly. command line... This is the way it is with the current Windows 7, 8 (Windows XP has not been tampered with, but I think it’s guilty).

How do you see the command line?

1. In Windows 7, you can use the "Start" menu, or enter the "CMD" command in the Viconati menu and press Enter.

2. For Windows 8: press Win + R buttons to display the Viconati menu, enter CMD and press Enter (screenshot below).

Windows 8: launching the command line

  • persha: wmic baseboard get manufacturer;
  • friend: wmic baseboard get product.

Stationary computer: AsRock motherboard, model - N68-VS3 UCC.

DELL laptop: model mat. pay: "OKHNVP".

Yak viznachiti model mat. pay for Windows 7, 8 without programs?

It’s easy to get it done. Open the "Viconati" window and enter the command: "msinfo32" (without legs).

Windows 8, press WIN + R (Windows 7 can be found in the Start menu).

That's all for the whole year. Yaksho є scho dodati on the topic - I will be in vyachny. Let's start with the robots.

D_znatysya, as the motherboard is installed in a computer and a laptop, you can do it in different ways. Call to wonder about the information about the "motherboard", if you need to install it. At the top of the article, I will show you a number of ways, for the help of which you can definitely post information about your motherboard. It's also pretty much ...

1) It’s not trivial, but beforehand it’s necessary to joke a box of "mother". If you took a computer from the accessories, then you won’t get it. I will name that model on the next picture:

2) It’s like a dumb box, it was ruined a long time ago, so it’s the option with the other "spare parts", which can be done at once, when the system unit was bought from a collection or a laptop. In the early hours of my day, I’m on the road to the very instruction I want to use discs. I will also name them on them:

3) As with the instructions, the disks and the box, everything is nasty, then the remaining "physical" version will be lost, the model of the motherboard will be surprised - the system unit will be displayed. Zrozumilo Daniy sposib It is more suitable for "system users", or a laptop is also available for use. Only take the axis away ... Protect the fact from becoming a fact. Wirobniks on all motherboards write the name of the product:


4) Vidkrivaєmo that is entered before it

wmic baseboard get product, Manufacturer, version, serialnumber

If you decipher the whole row, then here is the information about:
Product - Model
Manufacturer - Virobnik
Version - Version
SerialNumber - Serial number

If you don’t need it, you can simply not include the rows in the power supply. For example, if you just know about the virobnik and the model (which is most often required), then the row will be like this:

wmic baseboard get product, Manufacturer

5) For help special programs, as rozrahovani on getting information about the computer. What am I writing about at the statti? abo. There are naprikіntsі articles, I gave permission for such programs. For example, the statistics may have a lot.
You can just go quickly kosteless program CPU-Z() and use your motherboard for the required deposit

Nasamkіnets I want to note, but I didn’t especially write reports about those, like mono wonder about the information about the motherboard on the laptop. Vona will appear if only in the "beech" and on the black screen at the bottom of the information. Axle only I don’t think so. You’ll memorize so quickly, you’ll need the information and sit with a piece of paper (and re-enroll you through the chain of times), if you have a lot of easy ways for you to get the motherboard model.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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