Pennies for youtube for 1000 views. You can make money on YouTube for peering: real numbers

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I'm going! Auditing YouTube become a billion people - even a third of all people on the Internet. Shchokhvili on video hosting will take 100 years of video. Today koristuvachi are watching close to 2 billion video clips.

Such godly figures can be navigated smoothly! At the same time, even though the first video (the legendary video, de Javid Karim, a couple of seconds, it’s bursting with cakes with an elephant) has been locked up on YouTube for only 12 times!

And as the limitless possibilities of passive arrival on YouTube! First of all, let's talk about those, how you can make money on YouTube and then pour in on the size of your income.

"Grosovost" nishі

Merezha doesn't have so many pitiful topics: business, finance, medicine, looking after oneself, business, repair, іgri. And the axis of such "botanic" nishi, like the shahi or the viralization of the orchids, will bring symbolic pennies. It is also unlikely that the number of peering views of such a video could exceed 1,000,000.

I want the rule of thumb! The show of the mega-popular Seriala Gra of Thrones has ended. For the first time, newcomers have gone into the depths of earning money on crazy interest up to a movie. For example, the channel "Chorno-biliy dim" with the facts about heroes and actors maє mayzhe 170,000 pereplatnikiv. In 2014, the video clips were looked at about 30 million times.

Why should the size of income on YouTube be covered by those? On the right, the main influx of the owner will be promoted by advertising on the channel. Chim so much the topic - you can make more money on advertising.

Correct SEO keys

On YouTube, it is subtly important to describe the video from the audience. Yaksho Vi knew a video about business on rabbits, or on the sale of goods from China - there are some “rabbits” and “comrade with China” at the keys.

I will aim a specific butt of an irrelevant supply. I think V has been stuck on several occasions. In the list of popular programs, write the word "new release" or "novelty". Go to the video and write, for the "fresh" release for sure already 2-3 rock. Turn around, such a "trick" does not make a bagatomilyon auditor.

When opening a channel, choose key words to describe the video and headlines! Itself by key words people know your video. І, you can, become permanent front-runners

Content quality

Gladachs ninth pishov pampering. It’s not so easy to make money on front-desktops, as before. On the skin theme (navіt nayekzotichnіshu), there are many thousands of videos. І as є vibir mіzh "vіdminnoyu yakіstu" and "so sobі" - koristuvach melodiously vibe the first option.
The whole sensi of the robot does not see the video over the video as the robot over the article. The video has a readable structure, cinnamon (abo cicavium) change and 100% similarity to the eyes of a corystuvach. We will not fill the video with effects and titles.

Regularity of distribution of new videos

One of the 10 "commandments" of a successful YouTube businessman is: "Regularity, regularity, and again regularity".

It is not possible to play in the first week of 20 videos, but then forget about the channel for a couple of months. One-one video is more effective than one video - then a video (chotiri video for a month). Regularity of distribution of new video to evaluate and glance, and YouTube.

Number of views

First of all, you know the simple formula: "more peering - more access from the channel." At my glance, a few glances are the simplest, most obvious criterion. It is possible to make money on the video channel, as long as the number of peering views is 10,000.

How to monetize

You can monetize the YouTube channel in a number of ways:

  • Direct advertising (text, picture, video from a cryptic advertisement on the cob of a video);
  • Contextual advertising Google Adsense (vipliveyuchі publicity, like YouTube itself pіdbiraє pіd topics);
  • Partner programs (advertising of products by third-party authors on the topic of the channel).
    For example, your channel of assignments to pre-income earnings from Merezha. In one of the videos, you will tell us about such a way to open a site. First, give a good author's knowledge of the new course. If your vidviduvach will go over to the suggestions and to replace the product recommendations - you will get rid of your comic;
  • Sales of power services and goods. Mabut, the most popular and best way to earn money on monetization on YouTube.
    Say, you have been successfully trading goods with China for a long time. Vlasny video channel allows:
    1. Robiti look around the goods (you can see the box, show how you see the goods and how they look at them, tell me about the plus and minusi);
    2. Ditty with some pretty recommendations about the nuances of replacing goods from China;
    3. Roboti dobіrku TOP-10 (the most popular, found cheap goods);
    4. Create an initial course "All secrets of purchasing from China" or "Business in the sale of goods from China: covering instructions for teapots ".
  • Combinations of earnings (blog + YouTube channel or Facebook + YouTube). The combination of text and video content is allowed in the case of traffic. Apparently, it’s faster growth and your income!

Specific income figures

Singingly, do you think it’s tricky, can you make money on YouTube channels specifically for pennies? Unfortunately, I will not please you with a specific formula with numbers.

A few pennies can be found in a dozen factors. On deyakі from them it is possible, onіnshі - nі.

For example, the payment for pereviews to deposit in the quality of the video, the regularity of the publication and the efficiency of the roll-out. And the axis of the popularity of the clicks and the view of the advertisements will be good for the skin of the country. For example, the United States has 1000 pereviews, zagalom, estimated at $ 51, and Canada - at $ 16.48. Russia has that very modest figure - close to $ 4.13 per 1000 views or $ 41 per 10,000 ($ 4100 per 1,000,000).

In addition, the channel is seriously infused with the topic of the income.

Neighborhoods are interested in cars, tuning and repair ($ 1–5 per 1000 views), business and finance ($ 1–4), as well as beauty and health ($ 0.25–3).

Well, dovgoochіkuvanі concrete figures. Zychayno, I will aim the yak butt of "the best from the smallest." Schhob bulo, who is pragmatic.

The channel of the blogger Wylsacom (reference name Valentin Pєtukhov) of the Apple theme assignments (transfer of video clips from the official English dzherel, look at the gadgets). In 2011, the winners have taken 3.2 million front-end users and 606 million views. Shomyatsya video blogger earns his own channel 2-3 million rubles.

Would you like to make money on YouTube?

With the development of the media industry and in the Internet, a new income earned. Video maydanchik is more globally hunting. Day and night illuminate hundreds of millions of people. Accordingly, an investment has been made to the holding, which allows them to make money from the most popular festoons. The statti will be rosibrano, you can earn money for the distribution of video content.

Table of earnings on YouTube channels

The videoservice itself will complain of its koristuvachiv for those who stink video clips. When connected programs, content monetization will be activated.

The price is not very expensive here. Price means that estimate 1000 spaces will be at the range of prices from 0.5 to 1 dollar. There is also a rule for great sumi. The same solution to the administration of the site is connected with the team, but the stinks of the video are related to the topic of the video, I go for the interests of auditing, advertising.

It seems that the advertiser is going to go out from the crossroads quietly, who wondered if they could sell the service or the goods. A leather advertiser has a contract for video hosting to pay the rate of displaying content in commercials for a general auditor.

The estimate was taken from the average income of popular bloggers, which are unique content from viglyadi videos. Well, to the ear of youtuber, then come, as long as the auditor is not formed with the monetization of traffic, it will be significantly smaller.

As a matter of fact, the most important ones, as they are engaged in vivanting videos on the server, as long as there are not 100,000 front-end ads per channel, the traffic for showing advertisements will be up to 50 dollars per month. With a total of 1000 -100000 looking at one video, it can be equal to zero.

The main factors of earning money on YouTube

In addition to earning money with the included monetization from the administration, you can start earning money for the entire auditorium earlier, if there are no more than 100,000 front-desktops. For many є 6 main factors, like allowing income to be trimmed in the early stages of blogging:

  • The welcome idea.
  • Content quality
  • Competent optimization.
  • Frequency of video recording.
  • Number of views.
  • Diy of monetization of traffic.

Mayuchi pererakhovani points, є the possibility of removing from the auditor from 50,000 in advance payments up to 1,000 dollars. Immediately, I’ll develop a homemade thought about those who can easily make money on video. It's not like that.

Vlasniki kanaliv z bagatomilyonnoy auditor it means that it’s always necessary to be in a drink and to promote to your eyes the tsikavi and unique content. Tse of the robot's reference. Everyday it is necessary to conduct dialogue with children social fringes With your front-panel speakers, you can show videos of popular topics.

For that, the return went from the first clean to the eyes of the old people, the video bloggers were not 1 month, but an hour and a half.

Welcome to the Idea

For a cob to start the channel, you need to evaluate your idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe financial gain. Vona rotate for the audit trail of such content. Bagato bloggers-pochatkivtsiv to shake off the mercy of the viglyad simple copy plots in popular specialties in fancy. Look at the plugins, and ratings go on.

In order to publish attractive content, you need to create the following:

  • vibrate sobі nіshu yak themes, de the author of the videos to feel the best orієntovanim;
  • know all bloggers on YouTube with a variety of topics and assess their content;
  • try to analyze the video clips and see the strong and weak mice, which are the ones who receive the messages and the audiences;
  • development of educational script of videos on the basis of rendered analysis.

It is because of the popular media individuals, the video may be such that the stench of the most ehny creator befits. Varto is also vrahovuvati, but everyone will not see it. Kozhen from the creators of the channels are experiencing the attacks of the negative part of the audit. Reaguvati on them is not varsity, but robiti rollers for those quiet, who really should stench. Smell to become a permanent target auditor.

Content quality

It's just that vicladati "siri" videos without a well-thought-out plot will not come to life. Є Topics of commenting videos from popular bloggers. However, it stinks to cunning, nibito zapevnyayuchi, scho banging content tsei stubbornly and writing down their reactions.

Smell a little bit of a plot and a playlist of videos to play. As far as the plot itself is concerned, it is important to include in the viewer a lot of moments. Prior to the main ones, it should be mentioned:

  • the presence of people at the frame;
  • writing for the script text;
  • plot inserts;
  • music on the background.

Yakshko koristuvach virіshuє znimati on the camera for vikladannya videos at the edge, todіvіdnіvіdzіdbati stabіlіzatori and a good camera. Navigate as much content as it will be, for the nasty quality of downloads of front-end devices to the checkout channel is not a matter of course. Determining the plot, such a picture will not deprive the publication, but get even more front pages.

Competent optimization

Under the term "optimization", we rely on respect for the correct adhesion of the roller in the hem.

The name of the video is screwed up, like the picture on the post.

However, the ominousness of the publication is not varsity. As the owner of the channel often has videos with names, how to scream, how to create sensations, but if the story is about something, then you can eat the disgrace of the great audience. Dovira to the channel is important to earn money.

However, a boring name is not bad. It is necessary to look at popular novelties in a specific area, it is necessary for a part of the material, which is to be whispered, to be present in the video. Ale not slid zabuvati, but the name is maє vidpovidati vmestu.

It is not easy to develop oneself in one Maidan for an audit and as a result of a number of peer-reviewed channels. Slid to promote the video material on the first social majdans. Do not allow for a few glances.

Frequency of pre-assigned video

In addition, since the first step of the rolls and the stench have increased the respect of the auditor, it is necessary to steadily take care of it. People do not check out the channel video once every 1-2 months. Activity is important. Most of the majdanchiks are hosted today

You can visit, for a skin day, a part of the thematic auditorium, you can visit the creator channel. It is important for tsyo to establish for itself the periodicity of the content. The side of the roller є can be finished by a folding process, especially 1 person will be engaged in it.

In order to earn a penny from the channel, it is necessary to take the eyes off. As long as there are short stories up to 5-10 quills per hour, it is necessary to carry out a cycle of at least 3-4 times per day. Such an activity is to get more traffic and, apparently, a few glances at the channels, for which the administration is less expensive.

As videos are released for an hour from 20 hilin up to 1 year and more, such content is more beautiful than vipuskati not less than 1 time per day. Marvel at the great number of people in the video. Poki publika know new bloggers in yogo videos, such promoted respect is not varto ochikuvati.

In the bag optimal solutions for a cob there will be short videos up to 10-15 minutes up to 4 times per day. This format of the channel will allow new views, as they come to the channel for access one time before the great number of videos. If you see 1-2 videos, then I will not be interested in seeing them again.

Number of views

It is necessary to analyze the statistics of your channel by looking at the activity of the audit. Everything for bloggers necessary tools scho allow to provide ci parameters. The price is necessary in order to increase the amount of intelligence from the videos.

The more we look at it, the more we look at it from the audit. It is necessary to analyze and analyze the best videos for new plots. Deyaki popular bloggers, navpaki, reckoning on negativity. The stench creates a great social resonance in a concrete audience.

However, the gratitude on the eyes and the emoticons of the glances is not varied; Negotiate for the sake of peering over the world, actively seeming, as everyone else has heard so well.

Gladachi are expected to be divided into 2 tabori, and it’s unwise, as if people’s thought would be breakfast. To that, I give an assessment of the thought, it is important to look at the situation from the skin from the sides, albeit, I don’t clue to anyone, but give the opportunity to work out the power, how to wonder the rollers.

Monetization of traffic

Vlasniki of the channels do not interfere with the traffic monetization. Pay the main part. However, due to the explicitness of a specific target audit, bloggers can make money on their channel for the addition of advertising inserts and integration.

For a complete supply of contact data for the spіvpratsі and shukati of the general advertising provider. Mainly, it is used by advertisements in both channels and products of companies. Servants with advertisements are requested mobile igor that dodatk_v.

However, to reject such a salary, it is necessary to formulate permanent glances and front plates. Shukati sponsors video is still possible, repaired from 20-25 thousand front plates. The more auditorium and the number of views, the greater the number of advertisers. Pislya passing signs of 100 thousand pereplatnikov read the letters of the company.

Here it is important to evaluate yourself and proponuvati specific services. Do not put a single price tag on the top. While the channel is not very popular, the price for the look will be low. When spіvpratsі with advertisers, it’s also not easy to forget about your audience.

Kornystuvachі with skin rock all react negatively to a great number of advertisements in commercials. Vibachiti її, as the great number won, can deprive popular bloggers, and the axis for newcomers can immediately read the writing of negative messages. Do not work more than 2-3 advertising inserts for 1 video.

If you are stosuєa views of advertisements, then here also we will protect and respect. It’s not a matter of zingyazuvatisya with shakhrayskiy tralnye organizatsiyami. Gladachi such content cannot be grasped at once, it’s vazhayuchi, but a blogger will get rich on them by deceit.

Best methods of earning money on YouTube channels

Now let's talk about the methods of earning money for the Maidan. There are 6 main ways to get rid of income from a given resource:

Kozhen sposib is able to get his own keys and specialties and a quick navigation from the blogger. It is not necessary to immediately start the channel. It is important to choose for yourself that you will be welcomed by the victorious, and I will not diminish the quality of the presented content.

Read the blog and channel

Bagatom koristuvacham zavzhd tsіkave stranger than the life of people. I will be brutally respectful on the latest TV shows on TV and the rating of the tsya dumka will be confirmed. If you want to listen to your videos more, you can read a blog about yourself on that channel.

Bazhano set the blogger's profile on some of the great social maidans. Writing a lot of content on them and sending them to a profile. In the world of growth, there is a lot of activity in front of the board. If you want to contact the blogger for a larger audience, this will be a miraculous solution to social fancy.

During breaks between vivant videos, you can play with koristuvach in social framing and robustness with photographs and other materials. Tse allow trimati activity on one that high level.

In social promises, the rule is that the most active resource is that of the audience, then the greater the growth of the number of their front-runners.

Vivantage of other people's videos

Delivering a tsikaviy and economically vigid type of earnings. Bagato koristuvachiv simply copy videos from other resources and victories on their channels. The addictive method is tim great traffic of people.

Vivantazhuvati is possible for 5-10 videos on the day of the thematic events. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend an hour to process the content, start the script. All that is needed is to provide interest in platforms and often fill playlists on your channel.

Now it is necessary to view and minus. The first one is the head of the copyright. The channel is not large because of the number of front-end platforms of up to 100,000, but the bloggers are not surprised. The ringing situation is far away. There is only one of them to play a video on the channel, but you can write a scarg before the administration.

Until the moderator is staged seriously, the video will be blocked, monetized zupinen, and the channel itself from other people's videos will be seen. As an example, the practice of earnings from such resources is small. In the middle of such a channel, you can trim up to 100-150 dollars per month for the presence of an active audit of at least 20,000 people.

Video hosting YouTube is known for the skin koristuvachevі Internet. Yogo vikoristoyut millions of people: here you can not just peer at an infinite number of video clips, but you can play the original video on your YouTube channels. I want more people to use YouTube as an essential resource, for the owners of popular channels in a stable and high income.

Have ts_y statty you know, skіlki kostu 1 000 000 having looked at youtube and skilles is needed for pennies, sob wikupiti 1 million real views.

Besides, if we sell 4 dzherels, you can buy inexpensive re-glances from such a great number.

Before the speech, it is obligatory to wonder, You can earn money for 1000 views, if you connect before partner programs Youtube, as well as up to one of the partners' hemlines, which distribute advertising in video. So, you can easily develop an approximate arrival - if you look at it cheaply, you will earn more on advertisements, but not on video images.

We call our technology Arbitration video.

Pay for YouTube

YouTube is developing very quickly and actively victorious advertising: it’s logical to let it go, it’s just chimali pennies here. Otzhe, why is it necessary to zrobiti, why should you start trimming a profit, vikoristovuchi youtube? Skіlki kostu 1000, 10000, 1000000 views on the whole channel?

People who are far away from the community do not expect it to be reasonable, why should they pay for the kind? Why sell on YouTube and pay for the price? Are the qualifications necessary for the best result?

Vashnik earnings to the canal warehouses 68% of the property paid by the advertiser for the price of peeking at the clues; інше - comicia youtube. Bottom, it is easy to see if you see advertisements on YouTube, as the stench itself is paid for, as well as about the options for earning money on all resources.

You can see a small number of officials, as they infuse the power of rejecting the arrival.

The main factors that allow you to infuse your income

  • number of overlooked advertisements and advertisements. Yakshho Lyudin, when looking at the video, added an advertising insert to the end, the peering is vvazhaєtsya kommertsіynym and paid by YouTube. Yaksho pulling the button "skip"- Not to be paid. For those types of advertisements, go for more advertisements.
  • the price of a glance chi klika. The qyu price of YouTube will be established independently, consistently from the topic of the channel, from the audience and from the top officials. For example, earth traffic can be paid more dearly, lower Russian.

Dodatkovi factories

  • Thematic direct to your channel... The price of a leather advertising tag is based on the subject matter: those like business, medicine, business are expensive and are paid more beautifully, less humor. On the other hand, getting a lot of koristuvachiv on a humorous channel can be much simpler, less on an alarm theme.
  • Number of views per month... The more you look at, the more you earn. If you want to look not to be paid for, the number of times you see the proportions of the number of ads on your channel.
  • Auditing... If you are amazed if you are less of a schoolboy and pensioner, that is, people with low purchasing power, for those of the most intelligent minds, the channel will bring less income, the lower channel, which will marvel at the most important business, if you want to be extravagant people. And again, there’s a lot of land for your front-desktops, the US has a lot to offer, and Europe’s advertising is very expensive. For the reasons of the Western Youtubers, they are making more money, but not for the other colleagues from Russia and the SND.
  • Number of front-end users... There is also nothing to pay for peredplatnik_v YouTube, but the rating of the channel is assigned itself for a cim indicator. And then, front-panel speakers, on the view of the vidvidkovyh vidvidvachiv - your "army", as you turn around on the channel and re-watch your video bolsh-mensh regularly, so you will not be able to earn the wages of the ruler to the channel.

YouTube has become a global information machine. Win propony payment for content temporality... It is fair to pay for the price.

See ads on YouTube

  • InStream. One of the most popular types of advertisements, deduce a few glances of advertisements before the video. Such an advertisement is practically used on all channels: before the video is shown, an advertisement is played, which can be turned on in 5-10 seconds from the ear to a peek.
  • Overlay- Won "viizhzhak" on the rollers at the banner viglyad, which is located in the lower part of the video clip. Qia advertising is not paid for by YouTube video hosting. Payment will be paid only when Lyudin clicked on it, went to the site, the advertiser gave it to him and went there for a dozen hours. Yaksho well, having gone to the site of the advertiser, YouTube channel do not pay for the price, since there would be no such visits.
  • Substitution of advertisements without the presence of advertisers. In general, there is no way of storing up the income from the YouTube itself - you directly discuss the amount of money and discard it from the advertiser. There is no sign of advertising videos, there are not large advertising inserts in their videos, but there are also options - you can use the advertising symbols (cap, kitchen with a logo) or put the advertisements in the description with the video.
  • Email address. To achieve an exotic way, or else you can vikoristovuvati. The front-runners send their addresses to the owner of the channel - on the address you can publish the lists with the advertisements of the goods and services.
  • Distribution of banners on the side. Tsey sposib can be a little to YouTube. Along with the vi channel, you can get people to use your site's needs, and there you can change the number of partners. You can pay for a thousand impressions, or for referrals.
Grow your YouTube channel with a rose: Learn how to spin up your YouTube channel and earn $ 10,000 for a new income

Rate 1000 and 1000 000 views

Here you can see the fallowness from the thematic right to the channel. As far as the topic is concerned, it is more widespread, the number of advertising providers is growing, and the price is also growing. Just by my moyu - that the topic of the channel is wide, then there is the partiality of the clique.

Look at the food, which is the rank of breaking through the number of thousands of peer-to-peer views, not really, but not just the algorithm, but not on YouTube. Some go to earn a dollar for a thousand, in others it is more.

For an average person, from thousands of displays, become one to one to the next.

The sum is insignificant, even if the canal is paid 10 thousand pereplatniks, for a month of earnings it can be decent.

Immediately after the popularization of YouTube, a service appeared to help you download statistics on channels in one message. At that number and finances. For example, the SocialBlade service can show the income from any channel. Foreign bloggers, judging by statistics, get $ 250-4,000 for 1,000,000 views

As soon as you enter the name of the channel in the row of a joke in SocialBlade, the service is an approximate size of the salary. The axis is the statistics of the typeє SocialBlade by the channel of the most popular youtuber, Swede PewDiePie,:

  • monday 57 million pereplatnikov on YouTube,
  • 217 million looked over the last 30 days
  • The total number of video views for the whole hour is 16 milliards.
  • Dohіd on month - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

It’s unwise to pay for a specific amount of money on YouTube, or just make money on the whole resource of decent pennies, but you need to collect a few million dollars over a month.

Youtube affiliate program

To start making money on the glances, you need to connect to the partner programs channel. The price can be changed, if the channel is not less than 10 days, and for a new one there would be 5 videos.

You can activate monetization at the Creative Studio on your channel, by connecting to the YouTube partner programs

Yak zbіlshiti svіy dohіd on YouTube?

Remember, be-like success is the end of the bagatokh factors

  1. Yakisny and tsikaviy content. To rob video good quality , select tsіkavі plots
  2. Regularity. Video is required for Vicladati on a regular basis;
  3. Optimization. Guess original headers that write the inventory before video.
  4. Advertising and promotion. Without them, you will vitrate for a little hour, and you will not be able to take away a thousand pereplatniks.
  5. Vibir by those. If you look at the topic you will wrap up, the more income you can get from the channel nadal. From the side, you are guilty of finding out in tsiy them, and you will be able to do it yourself - without it you will not be able to post a tsikavi video.
  6. If you want to know some of the videos (10 minutes or more) and small advertising inserts.

Video: how to buy a lot of pereviews for a small penny

Only the owners of the channels need to correct great number looking at your videos. You can buy from such a look - the price is called a video view. Є kіlka options vіdeoposіvu:

Bazhaєte diznatisya, how can I have a channel from the top without paid advertisements? Tweak the plan for a jet 🚀 launching your penny car on YouTube on your other people's videos!

There is a need for some reason, because some part of such a video image can be more, less potential income from YouTube.

And if the moderator service suspects a cheat, the stench can turn on monetization or block the channel.

This is a good way to be good on the cob stage, if you need to pick up the number of peer-to-peer views / front-plates from the first current channel, if you don't want to open up the channel, it would be better for people to write to the channel. If you want to pick up video views for making money, it’s important to get your money back and how to make money on YouTube.

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On my site about earning money in the Internet, I constantly post up, like earning a penny. Today you should know how to earn money from youtube and pay you a few pennies for 1000 views.

Making pennies on YouTube is similar to business bloggers who run their own friends on the Internet. Video blogging - lead your friends on the youtube site to see video files, as other people marvel. Video blogging know videos and victories at the edge of the business. Chim tsіkavіshy vidosik, thаt more people can marvel at. Rally pennies for a number of glances. We were singing advertisements on the cob of strings of films, and maybe in the middle. Axle for it to fuck up a penny.

How many more people marvel at your video, more and more people earn a penny. Number of views of the most important indicator. Name the win in multiples of 1000. Do not look at 100 or not 10, but even a thousand.

Skіls on youtube pay per 1000 views

Today, millions of people are amazed at the gags, clip and filmy on the Internet. More part of them roztashovuutsya on video hosting YouTube. Kozhen koristuvach has his own canals, which can be very rich. Tse nagaduє channels at TVizorі. As long as you have a popular channel with no peering, you can make money on a penny.

Dohid lay down on the subject of your channel. Advertising in marketing videos should be paid less, not videos about earning pennies on the Internet.

Vlasniki of sites for additional video will receive traffic. For the list of videos in the inventory, insert the posilannya into the site. Koristuvach, which will give you a video, you will go over it obov'yazkovo.

Reviewed: 708
Dodana: 07/09/2018
Feel free to accept the project - please, dyakuyu!
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