De sell Wordpress template. Yak sell ready by those and plugins

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The popularity of such CMSs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal is great, and they can be used to create and grow, on yakisnі those and templates. Yaksho є will drink - maє booty and proposition! Just realize, see those who look like you, if you look like you, do not go out of the house and take away your passive dohid.

To reach the popular ones at the bottom foreign services, de freelanceri has successfully made money on sales of PSD templates, team for WordPress, HTML, and recently another additional project for Runet has appeared. We tried to rozibratisya, as all the same umuyut to proponyu ts maidanchiki freelancers. Let's wonder in detail.


One of the most popular resources on the foreign market for topics and templates. Author can be easily re-structured and displayed on sales
WordPress by those, HTML templates, PSD, etc. Slide to mean that on Maydan for a great number of templates to finish Suvoriy Vidbir and Vimogi to the point of being good. Tsіni on Maydanchik vstanovlyuyutsya moderators.

Hundreds of sales in unique templates - from 50 to 70%

Free ads for sale of non-unique templates - 30%

Affiliate program for receiving new koristuvachiv - 30%

The ability to set your own price - Ні


Apparently new, but not to reach the popular maidanchik for the distribution of logos, illustrations, templates, fonts, etc. Designers can register for the sale of their robots by asking for an invite beforehand. On the site it is also said that, having removed the invite, it is possible to publish a friend on sales without additional adjustment.

Vidsotok per sale of unique templates - up to 70%

Free sales of non-unique templates - up to 70%

Partner program for the results of new koristuvachiv - Ні

Reєstratsіya - Інваєм

Content moderation - Ні

The only Russian marketplace of this kind. The site is full of sales of unique Russian themes, premium quality, PSD templates, HTML, WordPress. Restoration of the display for everyone, the authorization can set up their values ​​and publish them as unique, as well as unique templates. Maidanchik is obviously new, protest sales statistics on the site are growing. In addition, at the same time, during the restoration, a bonus was transferred from the size of 150 rubles.


Price project on runet. Let’s wonder if I’m going to propose to the authors:

Free sale of unique templates - up to 80%

Free of charge per sale of non-unique templates - up to 30%

Affiliate program for receiving new koristuvachiv - 15%

The ability to establish your value - So

Restratsіya - Vіdkryta for all

Content moderation - strict moderation

Dodatkovo - 150 rubles bonus for the first change

The resources are very low, the de-restoration is available only from the power supply. We didn’t send reports on the cich Maidan, so for a detailed vivchennya nezumіlo, where you can sell vzagalі there. Information about specific koristuvachіv, how to sell to us to know, without going into distance, protest you will see! Axis list of given sites:





You are engaged in the design, development of websites, templates and team - radimo viprobuvati resources for the reduction of additional income. According to statistics, on the current day only on the sale of English WordPress templates in most author's resources, in the middle, from $ 10tis to $ 50tis. Dolarіv schomіsyatsya, and the out-of-town riches come from sales of templates in the form of millions.

Have cracked a miraculous theme for the plugin, don't you know how to sell it? Every year, for example, there are effective advertisements to help you make money.

The design is not expected to be sold!

It’s simple the truth of the matter is that, since we’ve found the best topic on the market, you may not be on sale! Chim shvidshe vi zrozumієte tse, tim shvidshe will think of making a penny.

Talent, creativity and design are important, but not all. To sell those plugins, you will need to develop a marketing strategy and develop the price before your product is ready.

To grow up without koshtovno!

So, we know, you want to make money. Create your own robot without kostevate not enter your plans.

Ale for all the three things in the past. As soon as you fix it, you have no strong representation in the Internet and people do not know you and your robot. Trying to sell those plugins in such a scenario is uncomfortable. There are not a lot of people Vikladatimut pennies komus, about whom not chuli. Tim is not the least, the stench will be vikoristovuvati yours or plugins bezkoshtovno. Therefore, it is necessary to audit through the "sarafanne radio".

Ale yak shodo pennies?

It is not necessary to robotize everything without a shipment. Protect the base version.

Having added a dough of premium functions, you can sell those plugins that will not be lost on your arrival. You can get started if you know the available catalog for selling themes and plugins, and then you have released the Lite version of your robot. Shvidshe for everything, people, like to love and vikorist to your version of Lite, we can viklasta kilka dolariv for I'll repeat the version.

Plus this solution:

Popularity. The release of basic versions of your themes and plugins will give you the need to have an Internet presence.

Widgets. Tse help you otrimati Zvorotn_y zv'yazyk from potential clients, you could have worked with them until the release of a new version.


Adequate auditory At the same time, it is not a fact that auditing can become your client.

You can sell by those

Like Amazon for products, online retail markets, you can sell those plugins for WordPress and other CMS.

Below are the actions of the main gravitas in the whole business:

WordPress Repository- WordPress Oscillations will secure 18.9% of all websites, and there are more and more markets for the sale of themes and plugins for the dvigun. WordPress Repository is a whole platform that allows you to add your WordPress plugins to the market. Your products will go through the conversion process, so that you can display the statistics of whether your theme / plugin has been tampered with, you will see that if you have made a mistake, and if you have returned, you will be able to reject the estimates. You can check out the base, you can check out the Lite version, check out the basics of business, view it, do it right, and then add it again and sell WordPress with those / plugins for pennies!

ThemeForestє one of the most popular Envato thematic links on the Internet. The market has published over 10,000 topics and templates for over 2,500 authors. The site generates a very high traffic, as you can just by the way, if you want to sell those on the whole market. Wievert polyagaє in the fact that, as a new author, you are guilty of recognizing the picture, and giving the market a lot of sales.

CodeCanyon Also, by the Envato link, if you want to sell plugins. You are simply guilty of being a part of CodeCanyon's spirits, and you can use your audience to sell your robots.

We talked about the sales of your robots, how would you like to make money on them?

Thanks to the statistics, ThemeForest boasts 7,986 WordPress themes. The mid-range theme ranges from $ 13 to $ 350, and the mid-5-day output goes from the comic template to $ 52,992.50. So CodeCanyon itself can boast of 4861 WordPress plugins. The average price range for plugins is from $ 5 to $ 299, and the average income for 5 rockets from the template is estimated at $ 9,848.

If you want є інші markets, such as Mojo Themes, Mojo Code, WP Eden, you can sell products for WordPress and other CMS, ale ThemeForest and CodeCanyon є by the main grants.

Alone, to roam the trade in maydans, not to take a comic, or to allow you to connect to the great auditorium.


Marketing is not required. In addition, if you will become the author of the great trade majdanchiks, you will find yourself in the difficult audit trail to your robot and buy your plugins. Everything you need to grow, buy the product, and you can earn a penny.


Comisia. The essence of the cich rinks is in the fact that the stench takes the comic of his service. But the more you sell, the more stink you make. However, the fact that you will sell more on these sites, as a rule, is sold independently, depending on the source.

Come and see your colleagues and designers

Yaksho vi pratsyuєte in the team, marketing grows deserving.

You plan to sell by those who do not know what to buy. Do not worry, you are not the only one wanting to deal with the problem. The Internet is a quick and easy way to make money, and it’s very important. However, you can simplify the process of helping out with the designers, distributors and bloggers to launch your product and making a penny at all.


Less navantazhennya. As long as you have three people who work over three more objects, you can be more focused on rozrobtsi.


"Zanadto Bagato Cooks Poured Bouillon." Robot in command - good on the porch, but important for the good. You can not be overwhelmed by the characters, for the result will be seen. Vnaslidok vtrati, not arrival!

Paint yourself

Say, you are no less a commanding grave, and you don’t want to go to the comics there. The solution for you is to create a website and sell it through a new independent. It is not important for you to browse your own site, as we will use the butt of a garnoy robot. People will add your robots and pay a penny for your products.

It’s easy to sound, but it’s all the more important. A rozrobka, like a gagged vishche, є to the smallest employees in the whole scenario. And the axis of earnings is ni. Developed a website for the sale of themes and plugins, you need a mother on uvaz, but in the first place you will need an audit to bring traffic. Order from the submission of your products, you will also need to host your site. Tim is not the man, and it’s not just freedom to give you - you can also save your skin for a copy.

Think about it, it's not bad, right?


Liberty. You don’t need to get rid of it, and you don’t need anyone to negotiate which your topic will sell.

Zhodnoi komіsії. Income, if you will not see the sale of WordPress themes / plugins, yours. Zhodnogo obminu.


marketing. You will get to track the traffic to the site, transfer the audience, and your product is varto kupuvati.

One Team - Marketing Needed!

People just don’t know if they don’t think about the description of your product. It is necessary to kindly tell about new!

Pick the hover methods below:

Social media:

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have a large base of a clerk, as well as groups of people with similar interests. You can find a dedicated WordPress group for browsing your themes and plugins. The price will not only bring you to popularity, or you will not have any trouble. The presence of a strong presence in social fringes With the personal side assigned to your robot, you can also help to complete the required additional information.

Poshukova Optimization is a need for a modern society. , Your site is guilty to find a place on the site of the ranking sound systems(SERP). As soon as you develop the website, you are responsible for the development of your SEO-friendly, your positions have grown, and also for the literate users.

Affiliate Marketing:

Launching partner programs will help you with clients' jokes. You can sell your product through the websites of other people. You can launch an affiliate program, and target provincial marketers and bloggers to those who want to pick up your product and advertise on your sites. For leather sales, like bringing a stench, the stench pulls off a little comic. Affiliate marketing is good, so it’s a good idea to help you with the information, and also, if you don’t know people’s side, there’s some stink of knowing about your product through the site that you don’t know.

Create a form on the site for generating an email address. As long as you have a great website with good traffic, opening the exclusive roster list will help you not only to find out your spirits, as your robots, but the market, for which people can constantly, hour by hour, turn around to see you.

Injection Marketing:

Deyakі people become idols for the Bagatyokh people. Tse bloggers, moreover, they are rich, who are close to you in spirit. Ask them to tell you about your product from your audit - you can make a stupid effect, and I will definitely send it to you.

Hire a kogos!

As soon as everything is written, it sounds so funny for you, you need a professional to develop a marketing strategy that allows you to browse your website, so you could concentrate on rozrobtsi for an hour. Naymannya is quiet, how to develop your site and advertisements are inexpensive, not worth a penny, but in the pre-construction prospects, we can become a little investment for your pennies.

Well, who knows everything that is necessary for the nobility about marketing, if you are a professional not only in SEO, but in marketing in social framing, as well as in affiliate marketing, marketing injecting and other marketing technologies. To that you will be spatially late at night, knowing that your pennies are in the hands of the upper hand.

Try knowing

Marketing is not an easy task, it’s necessary. You may not be able to get everything ideally ahead of you, even if you don’t fence try to reach the bazhany, having tried it again.

Having nestled on the vlast grave, you will step by step become a pro not only at the outlet, but at the sale of vlast products.

At our hour of such a bright development of web creativity in the Internet, a miracle appeared not only to buy new content for your projects, but to earn pennies on popular taverns for selling templates for websites ...

Mabut, a lot of "kreativnikiv" know about such maydanchik yak ThemeForest. However, he is not the only creator of the party of the modern virtual world. Having set ourselves a utopian idea of ​​knowing an ideal project, we sent a report to describe that order from our survey of the most popular websites for sale of templates for websites - smartly, on the theme of ThemeForest.

Let’s help you to vibrate your maidan, both for the sellers and for the buyers. Let’s be surprised at once, as the stinks are awesome portals with “creative” content, and why would it be great for the brave creators of templates and plugins, if the stench would take the decision to set foot on the thorny, alley promising paths to glory.

Represented by the participants

Pose to compete for popularity on our list, madly, the ThemeForest portal, which is є part of the large-scale Australian online content store, launched in 2006.

In addition to the stock, the project will include more than 8 portals, which can be used to introduce different design elements, can be repaired from flash videos, and completed with plugins for websites and primary materials. Kozhen koristuvach when bazhanna know everything here is good for the soul - good, nearly 18,000 templates for sites until the end of the day. And yet there is even more amicable communion!

Likewise, according to the introduction of the future, TemplateMonster is the company’s child from New York, intending to know its own place by the sun on the “coastal beach”, starting from the distant 2002 rock. Maidanchik is not so good at sacrificing its main competitor, ThemeForest, for a number of templates for websites (15,000), or a program for the Envato web giant for an assortment of products, as it is possible to see them like that, and the backward presentation of 4 thousand materials , 5 million! It is important to know the same "flash" and the poorly presented "clean" design files, but, for example, there is a lot of extra templates for Facebook. Ale golovna view from ThemeForest - the undesirability of selling your content here. All materials presented on the site are presented by the TemplateMonster team.

The Іnsha American company from the Salt Lake City under the name Mojoness Inc is the site of MOJO Themes, which is partly to contribute to the great online store MOJO Marketplace.

The project, unaffected by its youth, is trying hard to "push" and reckon with all the forces not to face the competition. Bagato koristuvachіv means a quick response to the service - zazhayuyu for everything, the company is very earnestly fighting for a skin potential client (and it is correct to rob!). The portal with templates for websites has close to 2,000 items, and the number of content in the online store is 4 thousand.

It would be unfair to go around one more service from the USA - CreativeMarket, who, I wish I could not boast of a great number of templates for websites (three more than 3,000), I am talking about those and freedom for sellers.

Wit yourself, only here those do not undergo moderation, but the creators of the templates themselves can display the values ​​on their creation! And vzagal, if you take all the content, views on the site, there is a hostile figure - about 176 thousand new elements! It’s a great place for the pockets to be “mighty templates”, which can be felt constrained on the other templates with endless vimogs and strict rules.

Nareshty, zamikaє our list Russian maidanchik On its own side, the portal proudly dignifies itself as "the greatest Maidan for buying and selling HTML templates and companies for new platforms", and with a "small" amendment - we are talking about Runet. Send a message that the DOS portal has not removed the index from the home Amazon service Alexa. However, I won’t get the most popular vichiznyannyy birzhey content (navigate from the urahuvannya that there are only about 50 elements on the site), so, wait, we will be able to compete with the robot because of the foreign competitors.

What do you tell the list of you? We went out of that, to show them, how to build a site, to be found on the latest popularity scopes. To that we were taken by the most maidanchiks - ThemeForest and TemplateMonster (sometimes the portal has come up with a lot of uvagi), promising that the young merchant MOJO Themes, which is a resource of CreativeMarket with an unseen "creative" one coming to the sale of the Web portal, is promising. ru. Zrozumilo, є more frustrating bourgeois, as in those in the world you can copy the Themeforest to find your blackjack:,,, and others. Okremo is definitely a maidan from a business model, for which a client can choose to pay for a fee all templates presented on the site (call up to 100 items). The most popular resources of this kind are from and

Trochi about ratings and visibility

If you take a look at the popularity of the site in the prism of the format instrument Alexa, having taken all the participants in our glance, the next picture is coming (pitched on the 28th fierce 2015 rock):

Graphics, the first for everything, I will show us some of the cool things on the ThemeForest portal - the 146th place in the global light rating, but also because it is important to “fight” against its competitors in the mainstream market for the sale of content, did not give a position.

Scho tsіkavo (і, zagalom, peredbachuvano), it is practical on all foreign portals to become indusy the most (21 - 27% of all foreign sources of corystuvachіv, it is in the resource). Lishe CreativeMarket is committed to helping our youngsters from the shores of the Ganges - even half of the audience (43.5) go to the site from American IPs. So, only here ( is not rakhumo) on the list of countries with the best number of coristas in the German city of Turechchini, which show enviable stability on the other portals (close to 5% of the backbones in all If you are talking about the most popular "users", then the maximum activity is promoted at TemplateMonster - 5.7% and 800th month in the list of the most popular sites on the Runet.

Now, it’s explained - TemplateMonster is looking for a single foreign exchange for the sale of templates, as it can boast of the Russian version of the site, as well as the receipt of a direct phone number in Russia and Ukraine. Significantly, it is also, well, good for the statistics from Alexa, great number You can go to the ThemeForest and CreativeMarket portals, you can go to schools or universities, and to the rest of the audience’s site you’ll add a larger part of the audience - it’s already unknown to the audience in the decision of the business, as representatives of the statistics

Christmas in assortment

On the skin portal, content for sites of rozbitiya on the group is fallen from the sphere of stasosuvannya - restaurant business, fashion, books, rozvagi tosho. A whole list of roughly the same for all participants in our look around. For example, this is how categories are presented on the TemplateMonster Maidan:

Just talk about the categories of templates for functionality, the most popular products for use є templates with adaptive layout, which have gained immense popularity for the purpose of ensuring that the correct visualization of the site is not provided. There are especially rich responsive themes on ThemeForest and TemplateMonster.

There are templates for specific CMS, here is the position to compete with WordPress - on all Maydanchiks, WP content is distributed in okremiy razdil. The leader for a number of virtual goods for the most popular CMS is nowadays the name of ThemeForest - 5 thousand topics. Let's go TemplateMonster (1962) and CreativeMarket (1671), and then MOJO Themes (1039). Tsikavo, that the CreativeMarket team has even more templates based on PSD-files, as it becomes two-thirds of the content in the universal category Website Templates.

Even more popular e-Commerce templates, especially at TemplateMonster, which can boast a solid number of relevant content (5379 items). For example, the ThemeForest base has 1169 commercial templates. Most popular on the market with a monstrous logo are modules for osCommerce, PrestaShop and ZenCart platforms.

Looking from the side: navigation and use

Take a look at our heroes, I’ll look at the side of an extravagant buyer. Go to a collection of navidomisha birzhu and trochas of the withers. ThemeForest promotes the lack of flexibility in joking topics, including sorting for the "fashionable" template (tsykavo, how does it smell?), Filter extensions by date added, manual tags, software, and added functionality.

Bagato koristuvachiv, however, skarzhivat on the visibility of the readable documentation as well as a specific template and in the middle of the instructions from the installation. Then, wonderfully (awesome), the Live Preview function was implemented to know about the demo-version of the template, and the rich authors, when they talked about their image, help the customers to see the problems, as soon as the robot gets more content.

If you talk about MOJO Themes, then there is a weak sound filter for the content (sorting only for the number of sales, the price of the date added), then the side for the product is also informatively prompted. I will describe that demo version by those who are koristuvachev available history of changes to the template and nutrition of the other participants assigned to the seller. Prior to the speech, the MOJO Themes marketplace, the authors' crawls before the sales support of topics and regular updates - "dead" products can be seen from the site.

Along with the purchase of the MOJO Themes template and TemplateMonster, it will offer additional options, such as those established by those who change the color, added to the logo of the buyer or to find hosting. At vipadku z ostnіm tse viglyadє trochas obtrusively. Until then, on the "monster-birzhi" it is impossible to assess those. It would sound like a wild, then, savagely, I will not let the author know that company from the honest, even an hour even more horrible and unimaginable for business "huge thoughts".

It is also significant that the average number of new topics on TemplateMonster is often 30-50% after ThemeForest, and the number of products is always worth it. For justice's sake, doodaty, right now, on the Envato family portal, you can add a template with a wonderful design and even crap code. Prices for content from CreativeMarket and MOJO Themes are also closer to ThemeForest - this theme can be bought for 50 US dollars.

If you turn around to use it and wonder at CreativeMarket, you will immediately accept it. zovnishniy viglyad without any overconceptions. You can “fall in love” with a topic, add it to your collection, or to love a “pin” from Pinterest directly from the list, do not go to the side of the template. It is even cute that unobtrusively realizing the sound filter. It is not easy to see a card of goods with basic information and a gallery of screenshots.

Nareshty, navigation on the vicious birzhi has been overwhelmed by the hateful hostility. Not just an hour on the comments, especially if you add it, you can assess the beauty and efficiency of the resource for the whole time.

Sell ​​Content - Sounds Proud!

The process of restoring a new koristuvach at all portals is viewed as standard. Navit nadto is standard yak for our hour ... great lettersі in numbers (hіba scho "kindly" yes, please), all the activation of the regional record for the additional help of a unique effort, like relying on e-mail new participant. The bigger the number of times, most notably the combination of "Secret food-see", which is a submission point for the distribution from MOJO Themes.

Writing a standard reconstruction, you can vibrate "the author's samurai's way" - ask to know "directly" to the skin site is not difficult. It’s possible, for the bagatokh (and especially for the quiet, who didn’t read the vistava of the participants in Trokhi vishche), but it will be a surprise, but TemplateMonster doesn’t allow authors to sell their creations - over the goods presented on the site, the team of the portal is completely free. On the right from On the website, there is a Wiki-distribution, to submit reports and descriptions from the authors, from the list of sales, instructions and from the edited files and from the files. Ale! Possibility for a cob of robots on the site “I don’t know it in the day”! Even unserious pidhid, like for "the best maidan for buying and selling templates and themes."

In the morning, we turn to the provincial light birzh. Also, ThemeForest has enough to vibrate the Become an Author item in the top menu, so that you can be sent to the side, I will describe all the "goodies" that are popping at you because of the sale of content.

Stream, you need to see what you want, and plan to sell your creations only on the Envato Maidan, including ThemeForest and creative portals to the project (Exclusive Agreement), or reserve the right to distribute copyright content on non-Exclusive Agents. The solution is even more important. "Exclusive" status of templates gives you more clean arrival, protestingly surrounding you. The profit in the comission is significant - for the right to sell in other places, 55% of the price for the product is required, and the "exclusive" seller will pay from 12.5 to 37.5% in advance on the basis of the total benefits of his creations.

At MOJO Themes, three is the scheme - the creator of "great" content will reject half of the final price, and the comic for the "uniqueness" of the templates presented in the design is based on the number of sales (for example, 70% for the quiet authors, more

Simplest on CreativeMarket - 70% of net income for sellers and other "exclusive" options!

Blocked content and moderation

Portals Templatemonster and don't have much to say to given given For the reasons described by Trochi vishche, we pass to ThemeForest. Earlier, to access the content before the content was blocked, it was necessary to pass a small test for knowing the foreign rules. They have tidied it up a lot, so all at once, for the designation of "exclusiveness", you can go to the endorsement of the author's elements. views are a list of categories, sending the selection to the required display page for the upload with different parameters.

Dodatkovo, you need to confirm legally any content that is used to root your robot - this is the rank of the site that we will deny "alibi" for the type of claims from legal practitioners.

Forwarding the content for moderation in the author's profile, there is a scale at the posts, as the conversion process is displayed. Call in 10-12 years, the row will display 100%, and the author's email will be sent as soon as possible. Now it is possible to change it, so they wrote to us moderators. Remain vikoristovuyut three statuses - positive APPROVED FOR SALE (grabbed for sale), which is provided with NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (required to correct deyakі dorobka) and inappropriate REJECTED (seen). Vidmova in the publication can mean both problems with the content for the hour of testing and critical shortcomings, as well as overwhelming the catalog with more robots.

Loading templates on MOJO Themes is similar to the ThemeForest procedure. In addition, you can use the global online store MOJO Marketplace to enroll those without a preference, however, the procedure for seeing a trochi inakche is a matter of course. Any author of "exclusive" content can legally share his robots on two resources. The MOJO light has three simpler statuses - “accepted”, “seen”.

In addition, on the MOJO Marketplace portal, like CreativeMarket, the author's content is also presented in the view of small outside catalogs - the seller can create images of his windows that came up with a name, , Google+, Twitter too).

On both sites, moderators may report on the reason for the message. If you want to correct shortcomings, you can update the content for a change. It is also significant that ThemeForest and MOJO Themes will most likely determine the price of your product, from the accepted internal parameters. If you want, in some cases, the most popular portal can give the author the opportunity to publish the price himself.

It's CreativeMarket, here the author may need to find the Open A Shop at the top menu. However, it’s not so simple for a whole range of content distributions - the resource is viborny for its nature, so you will need to use your resources on your own resources, show your portfolio and choose two words for what you want to sell to Creative ... It’s such a small quest, like, dim, it’s unlikely that you can get good ideas in your creativity, right?

Community and office attendance

The organizing of the spilnoti in ThemeForest is full of praise. Here, everything, about maybe only the author, is repaired from the great forum that the opportunity to send a special participant to a particular participant, they finish with small files, like to kindly wipe them out. On the site, you can wonder about the ratings of the best sold by those and the most successful authors - the best of them will find the best heights of the “stickers” to their own profile.

I am actively adding links from the authors and the ThemeForest team itself. Aside from the official blog, the spokesperson for the portal regularly write on the forum, corny information for a robot that calls out to all participants to a discussion - a demand to say, which positively infuses into the loyalty of all the participants. In addition, Themeforest is actively promoting offline entertainment participants (Envato MeetUps), and you can either help with organizing a call, or just know the planned “party” in order to participate in your place and take.

Bad tools for developing community at CreativeMarket. In addition to the traditional (hocha, varto viznati, not particularly active) forum, the company maintains an official blog for spilkuvannya with koristuvachami, and also allows the participants to create their own kind krashchich robits. On the side of the dermal corystuvach you can find a short information, sign up for the latest update and return to the author's RSS-page, which will help you! For the sake of justice, it’s important that Envato’s children also receive personalized feeds.

On the theme of ThemeForest and CreativeMarket, the participants in our view are darker, if on the right you can reach a friendly community. The MOJO Themes portal can boast of being a big-men-living forum, so you can visit such a viewer without obviously getting into a TemplateMonster bi-maidan. As a matter of fact, we have a nice official blog, so you can find information about it at any hour. Nareshti, the forum є і at the vіtchiznyanoy bіrzhі, ale any community there is dumb and close - є literally 11 topics that don't need to be tough.

And yak from viplata?

Make sure that payments are made on the 15th day of the offensive month, which is shown by hand on the graphic from CreativeMarket:

A vip payment can be requested from the Envato project upon reaching the sum of 50 USD. The company promotes such popular payment methods, such as PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, and if you want to get a round figure of 500 dollars for food, you can request bank transfer... For those who are especially close to the company of creators, who can grow up to a sum of 40,000 dollars, Envato sent a special form for express payment. It’s a very logical crochet - for such a penny you can be friends, right?

The MOJO Themes portal also promotes a vip payment of $ 50 through PayPal and MoneyBookers, and for the amount on the balance sheet of $ 1000 a ready-made international bank transfer through the SWIFT system. CreativeMarket provides only PayPal, then the minimum threshold is lower - even 20 "Benjamin Franklin" on the rakhunka give the seller content all submissions for payment. I will sell a lot of Russian koristuvachi to TemplateMonster - here you can substitute a vip payment, you can go to the electronic gamanet WebMoney! Shchepravda, tse actual deprived for partner programs, about yaku mi razpovimo trochi lower. Nareshtі, vіtchiznyany maidanchik supervised the authors of the wine city viklyuchno to R-gamanets from WebMoney, and the minimum vyplaty to become 1500 rubles.

Affiliate program: chi varto?

All our participants will actively look around to see their clients. Here is a standard standard reconsideration method: you will reject the singing message from the sum of the replacement or the update on the site, like the one who has been registered for your unique efforts, and will use it as a new resource for vitality.

The most generous partners here are ThemeForest and MOJO Themes - offending majdans account for 30% of all financial operations received by new participants, who went to the referral URL. Shchepravda, є one great "ale" is a lot of one-time sale. On the day, you will only take it from the first purchase or to upgrade the rakhunka. All offensive transactions, as long as your letters come, will not bring you a copy.

Trochi less proponate TemplateMonster - 25%, skin protector sale. And even more figure it is possible to increase the number of the founders of the special partnership programs: the company gives 5% supplements, if you wish to register on the site, there are some “affiliations”. gives the participants-partners 15% of the sum of money to be replaced with an increase in the balance, moreover, all transactions will be covered, and CreativeMarket - 10% on all the "financial" projects of the client by holding the first rock of the yogh re-strata. It's not fun because of the minds of TemplateMonster, right?

From sites to nittsi

About the most popular Maydan ThemeForest, walk wonderfully responsive to the drive of the central "promotion", as if they weren't trying to beat their own author, buy ... their own ones and in such a rank vibrate at the top sales. Unfortunately, such a "cheating" theory has the right to live - the creator of the content will throw back 60-80% of his "capital investment", and the rush, like the Envato project, can be mistaken for advertising vitrati, why not? For a dishonestly, seemingly, business conduct, authorize you to admit it is less in front of your conscience, in the face of significant sales growth, as if the topic is "screwed up" to be included in the rating of the smallest products.

The TemplateMonster portal can boast of not depriving the Russian version of the site with a telephone message for the Moscow and Kiev ones. phone numbers We live with a Russian operator, which, before the speech, instantly vyshov to the call. Navigate at the site. Navigate about another year of the night. Of course, companies who are kudi zrostati - for an hour on the resources, they play through the "crooked" and unwritten texts, and distributed from the partner program to win the policy of association for the series of advertising spam "Yak earn two.

It is noteworthy that CreativeMarket is not the only author to be victorious for the sale of their templates, but a portal of their own kind for advertising their services - fortunately, the side for a skin seller is well-ordered. The author of templates without any problems can distribute from his profile to his office side, and even without any problems use his potential clients, discussing, for example, the possibility of customizing Creative Market by those on the website.

MOJO Themes has long been a partner of a number of great hosting companies (BlueHost, HostGator, and others), which allows customers to buy a domain, or maydanchik from a website, to vicarious products from American advertising hosting templates. In addition, the client can be installed in one click not only one of the popular CMS on its own vibe, but, say, a forum, an e-Commerce module, as well as a lot of other elements.

Koristuvachi get a bonus at the size of 150 rubles when you change your account. As soon as I will write down a vikorist for buying any product on the site, the company generously gives a price tag of 40 rubles. Viglyadaє tse descho tsіkavo, ale, wait a minute, this is far from the best way to get a client.

Ideal maydanchik: what kind of wine?

We are grateful to all readers, as they have greeted all our material. It's a pity that we didn't know the ideal Maidan. There, de panuє order and amicable communities (ThemeForest) - also suvorі vimogi up to some authors and zhorstka competition. There, in general, freedom of self-expression (CreativeMarket) is not so easy to waste, but still a lack of buyers, and the rest of them can rightly skip to filthy content. And there, de "Russian spirit, de Russu smelled" (TemplateMonster and - there are no com'yuniti, no keruvats with their own prices for products. Everything is perebachuvano - dumb in the light of perfectness.

On this note, it is possible to finish our large-scale article, but only food does not give us peace of mind in the whole fraudulent world. Yak maє viglyadati ideal maidanchik iz selling content? Yakoyu її bachite vi, Shanovnі participants of Habr-spіlnoti?
I’ll help the glorious habrauser ascold for help with the preparation material.

Our hour can rightfully be called the Internet and Internet technologies. It is easy to find a lucky person, as you don’t be fooled by the possibilities of a fancy-dress. Some people hang around social networks and chats, sometimes use thematic forums, or spoil purchases in online stores. Ale є y ti (and about them are not once displayed on the sides of our resource), as the vicariousness of the fringes for the vigorous vigodi. There are about people who make money on the Internet. First and foremost, they make money even more decent pennies. For bazhannya, deyakogo patience and singing set of qualities, it is possible without special efforts to earn money from several hundred dollars for a month or more. It is necessary to deprive yourself of knowing your own niche, and just lock yourself in with them. Our material will be assigned to one of the ways to make money on the Internet. And itself - the earnings on the development and sale of templates (team design) WordPress.

What about WordPress?

Vrahoyuchi those who are far from all volodiyut sites and blogs, the price of food is entirely logical. I’ll try to adapt to it simply, briefly and intelligently.

WordPress is a website management system. In other words, the site's engine. Yogo basis. The values ​​of the set of functions, commands, codes. The very developers of the system, function a lot of sites and blogs at the Internet. We have both in Runet and in foreign segments of the Internet. And what about the sites, which are designed according to the WordPress systems, as seen by themselves, they will be decorated with the same ones. Abo vіzerunky. Abo, speak simply by language, design.

The WordPress system itself, when installed, reveals a number of standard themes. You can just go to your site for blogging. The axis is only a set of the same for all. As long as all site owners vikoristov would use standard templates, all resources for WordPress keruvans would look absolutely the same. Tsyogo not vidbuvaєtsya zavdyaki vikorystannyu numerical themes of design.

Movun WordPress є I will grow without koshtovny. In addition, for new, simple, add-on modules (plug-ins), which can be connected, the functionality of the engine is often expanded. Singingly, all this has caused the popularity of Wordpress among the owners of Internet resources. First, you need to speed up. By the way, WordPress is a whole lot of potential clients. It is necessary to deprive the consumer of the required goods and services.

How to make money on the development and sale of WordPress templates?

On a current day, in the mesh, you can create a thousand of the most popular themes designed for the dvigun Wordpress. And all of them can be signed up and victoriously absolutely without koshtovat. It is necessary to say that it is the very same and to rob a large number of koristuvachiv. Ale here is a series of serious problems.

First of all, WordPress templates can’t be set up for your own needs. That is to be brought to the end of the day. Tse will require the knowledge of the program (not available to everyone). In other words, it’s not so easy to see a good template for thousands of non-stock options. Thirdly, the most popular and yakisny templates can be created on the websites of the fancy ones. So I know the supply of uniqueness. First and foremost, authorize the paperless themes of registration and add them to your robots as corrections and adjustments.

Зовсім інша річ - paid WordPress templates. Combining the theme of the design, the owner of the site is viral. Yogo site nabuv unique viglyadu (don’t wait). You can change the theme of the design for the consumer. There is no need to "finish up". These templates are more functional. Їx easy to lay up. Moreover, if you have a consumer, you can turn to the author's food. It’s not easy for the developers to run blogs, tell about their templates, publish demo versions and make changes to ready-made themes. The very same paid WordPress templates can also stand up to the great popularity of Internet resources.

To become a developer of WordPress templates and to earn a decent penny for the sale, you need to try. We are guilty of good knowledge of the HTML, PHP and CSS programs. Інші mov and programuvannya also will not be occupied. In addition, it is necessary to kindly vivify dvigun Wordpress and intelligence, as it is functional.

Add a decal of simple templates, vivchit їх, sound, like the stench of the stench and how to work. Try it in a similar way. Protest with those. Proceed every year to get more collapsible design themes. If you are smart enough to be kind to WordPress, publish a few templates for free access. Marvel at the reaction of the audit. Here you can use your blog (you can also decorate it with your own template). Proceed to quiet feasts, as long as you cannot find the right ones. Both in the plan design, and also in the functionality. You can only think about sales and first earnings.

You can sell ready-made WordPress templates behind an additional website. This is an ideal option, as well as a numerical audit of front-end platforms. As far as the site is, there is no front-end, you can use third-party resources. Infected at the edge of the maidan, dealers sell their WordPress templates. At the same time, the author will cut off from 30 to 70 per sale. For example, those, in some cases, templates can be sold in bagatoraz.

How much can you earn on sales of WordPress templates?

At the Login of authorization themes, you can win from from dozens to hundreds of dollars for a skin template. Our situation is not that kind of a raid, or else to make money all the same to surrender. The average price of templates in Runet is from 10 to 50 dollars. If you want, you can set up and other rates (3000-5000 rubles per template).

To buy selling through third-party resources (rewiring in that, there is no need to buy buyers), you can get it from 5 to 35 dollars for a skin sale. Vrahoyuchi, so the skin template can be sold as soon as possible, in order to avoid potential gains. Surely, depend on the power of a new Wikupu template. Tobto, as far as Lyudin wants, what the theme of the design was bula lishe on the її site. All templates are sold at once due to copyright. And it’s worth the price of a penny sum.

Naygolovnіshe in the whole business - the quest for trends, work your robot clearly, push the sales message to customers. First, your business is developing, and the thousandth arrival will be less and less expensive. Good luck to you!

The creation of templates is even more popular for entering business, which is open to the store of powerless possibilities, without the need to take pleasure in liking the deputy. Templates, for those for the sites to be drunk, give the opportunity to spare the customer and earn money for the store.

Such a salary is for everyone who knows the basics of the program, layout and design. Get around in such engines like Wordpress, Joomla, DLE.

How can you make money on the development of templates and topics?

The average part of the template varies between 10-50 dollars. When developing projects that are familiar with their own designs and designs, you can request about 5000 rubles for a template.

At first glance, the proponations of the dohid are not readily matched, protects mothers on uvaz, but the same model can be sold in a number of ways. Having turned on one template at one time, you can regularly trim passive dohid. Ale onovlyuvati yogo shvidshe for everything happens in an extremely tricky way for the new versions of Wordpress for example.

Buyer's decals can be customized with a custom template. At such a time, the sale before the purchase is transferred to the exclusive rights, and you still cannot sell the template again. However, there is a lot of difference and partiality to the product.

If you don’t want a special clientele, you can change your templates on special markets. At such times of obsession, the influx will decrease through the comic birzhi. However, the number of customers is larger, and it’s worth spending a penny for a sale. Bagato fakhivtsiv get together at the studio, so they can develop their efficiency and earn more.

List of birzh for selling themes and templates:

  • ThemeForest- Crazy leader, the most popular portal. Є one of the parts of the great australian store of content, which is similar to 2006 rock. On the portal there is a great variety of templates in sites, up to 18,000. Maidanchik of localization on no popular mobiles. Author projects can trim here up to 50% per sale;

  • TemplateMonster is an American company that has started online content on the market since 2002. There are nearly 15,000 templates here. Birzha proposes a minimum rate for growers of 30% with the possibility of growing. For the average person here, you can get close to $ 27 for one sale. Weak birzhi the smallness of the assortment is clear. Here it is easy to know the woeful "flash", for example. You do not see any useful and clean designer files. However, there is a lot of tsіkavih templates for social fancywork;

  • MOJO Themes- Another American market, which is meant to be fed to the young, protest not from previous competitors, meeting all standards of quality for buyers, as well as for developers of templates. Number of models on the market in 2000. However, you will see nykrashy ravnem welcome to the service;

  • CreativeMarket- American company, on the market there are close to 3000 templates. A great company є an emphasis on the quality of the presentation of the models and the freedom of the sellers. Birzha is ideal for newcomers who feel constrained by other resources. Here, the project does not go through the hard moderation, but the designers have the right to independently select the part for the template. On the portal є without tools for webmasters;

  • Russian maydan, which is the most popular on the market for sale of templates. Significantly, the portal does not look like a great versatility of layouts and design. There are a large number of viplat options, as well as the availability of referral programs, before the company is rewarded.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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