Google saying, you are a goof. Yandex ty honey

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Innocently, at a joke, such results are drunk, as they are relieved to be a sense. I admit it, I suppose, in such a time, introduce the first power supply, albeit such corystuvachi, as they loaded that sound optimizations into a joke, to continue the chukhati potentiality.

I picked ten results for a joke for the last couple of months and for the last few weeks of the Viclast on the bloody, so the smart team took the fate of the last one.

№10 - Love University Google

№9 - Vіkіpedіya yak baked shit

I was happy that the stench read the text in the middle of the Flash file, but it’s not so available, I admit that the stench of all the odds has come with a lot of respect for everyone with the "add" text to the anchor. 🙂

# 5 - Your site is dumb here

# 3 - De good friend

I am busy with a ludin, and the fly is moving from the drive of the wheel even more strongly. In such a rank, I am a fool marriage license seattle, wa.

Me zupinila state institution, recommended by the whole card, I can say that it’s a good place to get a license in Sietli. However, for whom addresses are not displayed (navigating through the map, you cannot know the address) and for whom you are sent to the wrong side (correct url or, I didn’t know about it.

# 2 - One of the number of domain feeds is not the same, as is

It’s not a little scary, which is why Google sent information about the URL behind the feed.

Vzagal, energized for any kind of domain to give standard results, a lot from the site's capabilities. So, as the domains are still popular, I do it, I do not care for the bastards, as they try to do something about them with such wonderful results.

# 1 - Math and Beatles

Now I am kindly aware that it’s time to formally take revenge for seven days, but it’s not like that, especially since it’s a problem. In such a rank, the Beatles gave us Eight Days a Week... Ale Google's drive is amazing.

Zrozumіlo, scho tse 8, dilene by 7, but I can’t see the calculator.

You can post comments or beware of nezumіlnym appearances in the results of a google joke on the blog of Renda Fishkin.

Privit, to all the readers of my blog and this year, I want to write you a tsikava on the topic, Yandex ty honey. I don’t know, maybe you’ve seen it, but maybe not about such a velmy pikantny power, which, before the speech, picks up decent traffic. That very history with a google feed is a sweetheart.

Having analyzed the power supply, I found out that I was guilty to avenge even greater competition, but the popularity of the power supply is even more great, then you can't write about it, it would be bad.

You can say at once, moving, Yuriy writing a post on how to madden a chi tse povna fignya, ale, povirt, an axis with such things and jokes, if not to the Internet, then even more perspectives. Read to the end and see if you can pick up a great deal of traffic from jokes.

So the axis, well, for such a power supply, for which I am bored on the writing of the plant and zagal, that is to be seen. Try to rozibratisya, before what, ale, for the cob, I would just ask you to enter this phrase in Google, and itself: Yandex twee.

Let's take the onslaught for a joke and for my bachimo.

We wikidah, well, it's not a sweetheart to win, is it so? Well, if you have been misinterpreted, overconfused in the fact that such a joke is true, now it is necessary to see it, now a joke has been opened and a joke is given to its author.

Before speaking, on this topic, you can look at my short video:

Well, wonder how it’s such a joke, when you open it up and down, it’s like Mister ix. Honestly, I’ll tell you, if it’s not a tribute, then I’d hardly know how to use a ludin, and so I won’t be more likely to see it (don’t worry about the dependency). Now, there are a lot of people on this blog, and the basis for the donors to come by themselves.

Now we have analyzed the key word. Naturally, from the very ear of the cob, we will feed it to zero, well, if you want to introduce those that Yandex is so cute, is it true ?! Potentially, the number of power supplies for the bullet is individually opened from the time of the given display.

To go, how the lyudin opened the tsikava to the power supply, the pozukova system itself, moving, it’s not a sweetheart, yapping.

Yandex ti my honey

So the axis, mi z'yasuvali, that z'avisya daniy will be fed, well, well, vipadkovo, yogo viv. Then, having pushed into the whole perspective, like a ludin, and in this case, the blogger, having blinked on her, has come to the soul with a bagat, and it’s really fun. Then, after an hour, if the power is supplied simply by becoming wider on the Internet, like a virus.

"Privit, you want a joke? Want. Enter this word in Google. And what will you do? Ty enter and then some more. " The axis of such a rank of power supply is widened in the Internet, and the stench is simply teeming in social fences. It turns out that the power supply is high-frequency, and this means that it’s spinning up to good visibility, you can reject stable traffic. I hope that the author of the list of messages will be taken away from 100-200 times per day and for the least amount of money. If you want good traffic, then you will have to show your imagination.

Zvychano well, at the same time it will be fed at once, having already developed a lot of vicariousness, and moreover, it will power up the “google twee” and become just a runet joke, which can often be poked in public at social fringes. Well, that garazd, є tsіkaviy power supply-joke, but what else can you do it yourself?

I think it’s a great deal of the matter of how you can do it on your own. The axis, for example, should enter the power supply, ale, just do not be asleep to the onslaught, it’s easy to wonder how people seem to be whispering.

Well, the axis is simply not to be invested in the head, but on such a simple way, I’ll reject even decent traffic on my Internet resources, so, if you want to spin up, and even more quickly, you will need to fix the rules.

Otzhe, the rules for setting up piece HF power supplies:
- Your zapit maє buti tsikavim;
- insanely, that the win is unique, it is always possible to protest against competitors;
- such a drink maє buti is fun. For example, I love Yandex, I check on you, well, I’m from the seria;
- it is possible to vikoristovuvati dana pins in iznich pohukovyh systems, naturally, so tsey will already be fed neatly into Yashi chi Goshi.

That, paradox, is alright, so it’s possible to be round 0 in the CEO, ala, that’s not the least, spin up your Internet resource up to 1000 updates. I will carry out an experiment without fail, such a power supply, which can give even good and stable traffic. If you don’t know anything about it, then I recommend that you think about the food for the rest of the year, and even get started, if you can get your site on good traffic.

Moreover, the traffic will be even tighter, oskil people, who come in before you, read your article, as you sharpen the trick, as well as read your іnshi articles.

Visnovok: the Internet - it’s not out of place, it’s necessary to get the CEO to drink it. You can use your imagination on the Internet, and you can use your website, blogs, online shops, portals to make the most of it.

Well, well, drink it up: Yandex is a sweetheart, Google is a sweetheart at a time even more popular, ale it is not less, you can know at a time such a drink, as you can also kindly stick it in.

For all I have everything, leave everything!
Do not miss anything on my bloz, I recommend you before paying the update to my blog .

With a povaga, Yuriy Vatsenka!

Everyone is grateful, this year I want to write you a cikava statute, yak to be called Yandex Loch. Do not kick it, for good reason, I don’t get mad about our favorite system, but I’ll respect the new experiment.

Wait a minute, as soon as we went to the quiz statu, then they also vikoristovuyut the power supply, which just got stuck, why is the popular system so called. Well, well, if you don’t know, then I will introduce myself, I don’t sound - Yuriy Vatsenko in the whole statty, see about my new experiment.

Well, well, if you read it, then it’s tsikavo for you, and it’s also practical for you to use the system - Yandex. Why is it so vvazayut? And maybe a separation? And how can I enter the power supply? And why not block me for such a power supply?

Zagalom at all costs I will try to accommodate you. Why would I want to ... Oh, so, why did I want to write the article. Nasamped, the experimental stattya, the creation of what will be used to unscrew the power supply, will win the traffic. Wait, it's not shitty.

Dal, tsei energized, yak bi, attracting people, analyzing trochs, I dyyshov a simple visnovka, the heading of my dvi functions:
- Received traffic;
- privablyuє, zavdyaki of his exotic name, already esoteric.

Yandex is a goof, you may be in the top ... bang and your statistics, they are not a joke! For all the same, Google is a google, with its zoo, pandas and penguins and life, the analysis of sound systems is here.

So it was already that Google and Yandex are the goal of the Runet leader.
The smell itself gives the greatest traffic for a joke, the very same two noise systems are the most beautiful in the lands of the SND ... but why are the nicest stinks for the sake of justice? Who is good about them, and who is bad?
Yandex goof? Chi Google goof? And maybe the stench of offense is even worse, do not bash normal sites and blogs!
And the robots of cich pohukovyh systems, like zombies, are led to fat posilannya?
Nicholas didn’t think why the site, how to buy advertising in the directorate, to stand in a fancy view?
And you try direct advertising, and then see it, you know what will happen?)
All yours to drink, fuck the stars came!
Maybe yasha vvazhaє all warm?
Try Gosha to get a joke at the lady without trying, did you?)
You don’t be smart ... I’m not talking about low-frequency units, but I’m talking about mid-frequency ones, you can slip in a very high way, just for an hour ... for the first time, rik?
Posilannya vzhe do not talk about?
Why do 10 old trust sites have fat resources on them?
Why do you know so well, guess?))
Right! God of all trimmings for a horse!
Rozbiraєmo, which in the Russian pozhukovoy system of rotations relish.

Yandex is a goof, and your side is still not able to navigate the top 100

You have bulo like that, your side of the release is about the 10th, hurray!
Upcoming update ... bam! And її is still dumb there! Ні, the price is far beyond 10.
Fix it ... by spamming it with keys? And maybe, what is the relevance of which you have poured a lot of?
I go, I wonder, I rearrange ... she's all normal.
Hmm ... Oh! The reason for the behavior is ... I'll look at the metric. That’s all right.
Well, that god because of her with the price of the article!
Going through a couple of updates and how am I back?
Oh my god! Vaughn, there is a new joke!
... From і think, who was writing a warm me, whose Yandex didn’t know?

And buvaє so.
Pereviryaєsh pozitsії in a pohuku, 5 mіsce, well, it’s not bad, right?
I don’t believe! I'm going to change it myself!
I go in for a joke, drive in the power, de? De vona ?!
There are no sidelines at 10, on the third side you know.
Do you like it, is it okay? Chi vin usih for suckers trim, and on bananas all twisting?

And we will, as on the side of our site there will be a link to this site, well, why would you like to have such a fat, trustworthy one?
Yak vi think?
The Runet_vska poshukova system said, “What’s it possible to do?
Ні! It’s for sure that he didn’t know how to do it himself, why we are because of you for the donkey trimmings!
Pratsuyut posilannya, ra-bo-ta-yut!

And now it is clear that yours will be powered up in the third, not importantly yak, for the help of the social. hedgehog, posilan, announcement in subscribe is clearer ...
In general, win the axis of the day after drinking it.
You know what will happen if there is a competitive power supply?
Put your side on the shoulder blades of the competition!
Don't beat the top 10 anymore!
You know, I have the same bulo, the side has jumped in three, for a year, two come in, two see.
Come in for 5 seconds and zap it.
Your div_z_yu k-a-k?
At me on VKontakte, go to her and not the same vidmovi, people for 30 khvili - 1 year read її!
I don’t vvazhayu, quiet, who has a simple side of the screen, bullet 5-6 years old, that bully and so.
Auditoria vkontakte vzagali not to like any reading!
Qiu side was just angered.
Yandex gliboko chav to your uniqueness! (I say on respect the uniqueness, not how to show the plugin).
From і think hto ram, and hto nі.
Nachebto are not bad robots in new, and such simple speeches are not reasonable.

When I write an article, after writing, I change the relevance, it’s close to 100%.
And here a dummy creeps in and why don't you look, why are you looking for the best statistics?
Wonderful ... marvelously marvelous, marvelously marvelous, how do you think, how relevant is the top 1?)
1%, I honestly went crazy with such a distribution ...
On my mind, all for fuckers trim, and all the rules, like an indian televizor.

How would you like the index of new statistics for the day?
Poki vin її proindexu, її 10 times you cheer!

Now let's get rid of Google sucker.

Rumble goof і zoo yogo hvorіyut on skaz

I am writing an article, everything is great!
Bang the button! Publishing.
Top 50, garazd, but what about the topi?
I'm going to revise the article ... that one is spammed with keys!
I don’t tell you, I don’t want to google google, don’t bash a great kalyuzh with keys.

And what about you, rewrite the statty, competently overwhelm the joke of the original dzherela?
Is it okay?
Is it normal?
Yak vi think?

And what about you Goshin Zoo, on choli with pingvin and panda?
Tsikavo, scho 2 sites with the same indicators, well, there is a trust, etc.
Visited, poked their heads around, repaired aggressively to buy the posilannya, through a month offended the site for bagatma keys in the top, even through a month ...
Is it okay?
We need to be a sucker, put one in the top, and drop the other for the top 30-50.

Filter "pisochnitsya" from google yak you?
I want to vvazhayu, well її dumb, well, dumb, wow є?
Є Trust, win viznachaє, on every occasion, put your side on a joke.
Well, I know, so I stick with it, but on the thought of a larger filter all the same є.
It's okay, wien є.
So I am writing the official statute!
Oh, bi mice at ten, but I don’t get to the top on yogo thought.
Set win me at 30 minutes.
Know my article about the fucking trust site, rewrite the article, top 3.
Go to the classroom, I ni? And take my mind at the top.
Well, how can I say googol horse, why am I sick?)

That's all.
And vi yak vvazhaєte, yak poshukova system crushing, yandex chi google?
At the onset of the statty, it is necessary to save, in which "+" and "-" the number of erotic systems, and it is easier to squeeze out.

Yandex is stupid- having called me a tsyu stattyu. I’ll show you my life, who’s there, who’s propagated in the Internet for 5 years, as if it’s the moment, if he’s similar to Zadornov, win viguku, having seen the table at once as a stupid! ”

Change the water and turn over, as a number of people come to such a meeting:

Yandex is stupid- 1.668 chol. at the month.

Yandex ty stupid- 715 specials.

Naytupishy Yandex- 138 (if you choose to find a good news at the great fourth Yandex, Bing, Google and Yahoo !, it seems like in Odessa, "That's right, Yandex is good!").

Yandex Google is stupid- 106. But here I will argue, that if Google is included in the whole list, then nutritional status - and why does not the webmaster of low quality govno-site itself, however negatively see all sound systems?

« Yandex t dumb Google- is fit for 99 people, like mirkuyut with a certain rank.

Well, then the cry of the soul follows:

« Yandex ty beast is stupid!!! " - About shouting 74 individuals.

And next to him:

« Chomu Yandex is stupid

Why is Yandex stupid? I can give you 10 reasons to explain it right away:

1. ТІЦ - legalization of rekets, which sniffs whether a web master purchases any posilannya, if you can't get into the top. With the requests of Yandex itself, it is important to deprive those who write, do not vrahovuvati factor of behavior: an hour on the site, the activity of koristuvachiv, the amount of peering, a few comments, the fret of views only on the TIC as hypocritically. Chi zgodni?

2. History with copy-paste - open the bot, which you know about the copy-paste, that automatically robots invisible to the site, from which the text is stolen - well, is it so neat? The first time we stopped stealing, knowing that, having disposed of the inclusions of the text, you will automatically wind up the TIC to the one who has the wrong one.

3. The first friend is so easy to understand, de pershodelo, and de. Ale ni, Yandex is not stupidly beastly at the price of uvagi, allowing the villains to eat in the TOP, and that, hto is the text of the incursions, bovtatisya in position 101.

6. With all the mysterious sound systems, Yandex itself has found itself, and this point (I am not sure at all) will not prove anything special.

7. Yandex and dumb Google - another point, which I accept without the super-links themselves, is more than Google's love. And if so, then I am not good for them, hto declare "Yandex Google is stupid", I am fucking all for one comb. And at the same time I’m skody, how our spivgromadyani don’t reprimand Yahoo! - Naybilsh honesty and peremptory about sound machines.

8. Still one explanation, why Yandex is stupid - trying to assign the skin site a unique regional ownership. And if you write to the blogger from Peter, “you saw those and those in Ulan-Uda,” I don't leave the technical staff, I won't bring it, but it's not a deer, your maidan will be attributed to you, you won't have any attributions to you. Buryatya.

9.That, having suffered, having written the word “” in your statti, see what you have included in the black lists or given the sign “18+”, you can hardly tell you about the drive of that, as Yandex is stupidly angry with the resources.

10. Well, remember the whole point, remember that you have been drinking here for power "Yandex is stupid", "Yandex is stupid" "Yandex is stupid cattle" or "why Yandex is stupid".

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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