Connected to the channel in the mobile supplement YouTube. Yak open a channel on youtube and add your first video! Yak to open a channel on youtube from android

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All we know is one and the best viewed sites in the world of Youtube! І at the bagatokh winikє feed: "How to open a channel on youtube and download the first video".
We'll talk about this next year.

First, it’s necessary for the channel to get started, so you can get the regional record from Google. On the right in that, at once youtube service should be established Google company and be sure to be a good service, including youtube, you need a mother of your own clear record.

We pass to the site and gave an onslaught on the blue button "Go away", which is located at the upper right corner of the browser window. When you play youtube, it will vibrate and vibrate from the already existing ones. Tobto. If you already have an oblivious record at Google, then you just vibrate it and collapse the distance. If you have more than a little oblivious write down, then it will be necessary to natisnut on the posilannya "Create an oblivious record."

How to open an obl_kovy entry on google.

Otzhe, we squeezed on the power to "open a regional record" and went to the side with the form of restoration. There are two options:
1. Create a regional record with google with your own e-mail screen abo
2. Create a new screen on gmail at once with a clear record (post service from google).

All fields are remembered accurately and captcha is entered (enter numbers from the picture)

Obov'yazkovo enter your number mobile phone, vіn bude vikoristany only for technical purposes, for example, for updating the password from your regional account via sms.

If you google it, you may be asked to confirm your current record. Show up on the screen below:

Even on the front end, they did not indicate their mobile phone number, it is necessary to change it at once, and it’s worth noting that it’s necessary to enter the number as shown in the application. In order to enter the number and press the button "Continue", you can receive an SMS with a reset code on your phone. Enter the code in the special field:

Respect, the code can be overridden by up to 15 khvili, so don't worry, as the code doesn’t come at once.

Apparently, your name will be written there.

If you want to add a photo to your profile. For a whole onslaught mo on the posilannya "Dodati photo".
Vibrating on the computer for a pre-prepared photo and inserting it. You can also change the sign from your webcam.

Respect, there are special markers (bili squares) around the edges of vibrational photography, as you can drag the mouse button. That. you can more accurately place a photo of your profile from google.

Onslaught the button "Set yak photo profile" and send the button "Distant".

All! Our oblivious recording of the events, so, really, google us and vita :) Now the onslaught on the button "Back to Youtube service".

Yak to open a channel on youtube

After the end of the field record in google, we turned to the youtube service and promoted a number of popular channels for prepayment. You can choose channels by category and you can choose to help you and sign up for a new one, so that you will see about new videos on this channel. If you don’t want to sign up, press the button "Dali".

The list of popular channels is popular with Youtube channels:

I respect the checkmark below - "I want to remove the information about the update on the Youtube site, and also please those suggestions." If you don’t want it, you were asked to send it by looking at the youtube service, you didn’t notice it, you can just tick the box and press the button “Save”.

Let's go to youtube to "feed" us, as I want it to be victorious: name our channel so itself, as well as the previous profile at Google, or come up with a new one, specifically for the channel. Here vibir for you. For example, if you are a representative of a campaign, then re-structure your google account on your name, and call the channel the name of the company. If you want the first option, just emboss the "Ok" button.

If you come up with a different option, then you will need to push for a little bit "I’ll name the company if I’m going to be victorious."

Send the onslaught with the OK button. I will see another option in this statute, if the channel is seen from the google record. Tobto. My oblivious record is called "Oleksandr Guardian", and I will call the channel іnshe, for example "Opekuntestchanel".

1. Vkazєmo name the channel;

3. A tick is put on, if you’re going from the minds of the sides;

1. Cross over, how vibrate your land, like ni, vibrate on the list;

2. Enter the mobile phone number;

If we send you, I will redirect you to this side:

Write to us, that the channel has been successful in delivering to our regional record. I respect the blue square in the header channel, because I will name it for the channel, and the photo will be required to set the okremo. If you vibrate vikoristovuvati your channel yak and profile and name the channel to your profile, you will quietly submit a photo from your profile.

You can also take a look at the small fairy tales from the view of the flushing vines. You can read tsi tales and push the button "Dal", change it.

Yak dodati video on youtube

The channel of the opening and now has become redundant, as a way to add video. At the top right codec of the site there is a button "Add video", onslaught.

At the end of the day, in which case we can add a video, but do not sleep in a lot of work. Because we just opened the channel, youtube allowed us to add video triviality no more than 15 hvili. To make a difference, it is necessary to draw on the idea of ​​"Zbіlshіt svіy lіmіt".

It is necessary to update more than one confirmation of the regional record:

1. Vibrate your land

2. Vibiraєmo item "Send SMS with code"

3. Vkazuєmo number of your mobile phone

You enter the code for reconversion from SMS after the moment and onslaught, but the button "Send". Let us go to Youtube and see about those that our regional recording has been approved. Onslaught is the "Progress" button. Now I can get more than 15 minutes of video trivia!

Writing an onslaught on the button "Give a video". There was an onslaught just behind what was said on the little one below:

Beastly respect, when the video is blocked in the title of the video (on the screen shot it is designated as number 1), the name of the file is presented, which you are using. You can change the title of the video on youtube, but I recommend that you name your video files the same way as you plan to name the video on your channel on youtube service- Tse to adjust the rating of the website's display.

The upcoming moment - you can vibrate for whom the video will be available:

1. For all tse it means that your video can be known through a joke, whether it be a koristuvach Internet.

3. Especially - for such an option, you can only look at the video, like the owner of the channel.

In order to select whoever has access to your video, you can describe the video and tags (key words) and write the "Publish" button.

At the upper part of the side, you can see the progress of the edited video, as soon as it says “PROCESS IS COMPLETED”, your video becomes available for viewing on youtube, if you pressed the button “Publish”. As soon as the shaping is completed and we have not published a video, it is still not available for viewing.

In order to complete the process of processing, you should start at the end:

Privit lads. Over the course of a week, at the end of the day, we don’t see a robot (great, if you can take it with you), plan to raise the price of a new 2 rafting with friends in our native Perm region.

In the previous statistics, you looked at the crocs, and this year we are already taking care of our channel on YouTube and the new ones.

Let me explain right away that without a cloud-based record in Google, you cannot open a channel on YouTube. If you have previously rebuilt and opened a single regional record from Google, then in order to open your channel, you will need to enter it before new one. For such a vipad, you can skip the instructions for starting a new regional record and go to the section of the article "How to set up a channel on YouTube".

Well, he’s a novice, for some reason.

Yak set up a new regional record with Google

Croc 1

Go toі into the right codend of the onslaught the blue button "Go away".

Croc 2

At the entrance to the entrance, when you see it, there is an onslaught of "Create an account".

Croc 3

Memorized a standard questionnaire, all the necessary data for establishing a new profile.

In the questionnaire, you can choose your email address, you do not need to link it to the system. I have, for example, an oblivious record of events on my mail e-mail.

The phone number may not be stored, ale nadal, all functions are available (official affiliate programs, too), YouTube is all one to ask you to request and confirm the number. The same is more beautiful in the first place, by the way, by the way of the number.

Also, if you want to log on to the regional account, you will be able to receive authentication via SMS, to your profile using Google services, including YouTube, as if you can't log in.

Take a look at the video instructions.

Yak to open a YouTube channel

The channel is simpler.

Croc 1

Turn on, at the same time, try to press on the tab "My channel" and you will appear at the end of the new channel, or go to the "Nalashtuvannya YouTube".

In the first contribution, the onslaught of the onslaught “Create a channel”, there are a number of two buttons.

Croc 2

It’s obvious, in which it is necessary to write, how to name your channel.

Here є 3 options, how to name the channel:

  1. If there is a special channel, then it will have its own name and nickname.
  2. You can name the channel for your own project.
  3. Sharpen before the whole sound power supply... About the tse I raspovіdav at the statistics about those, like vibrate the topic of their channel (silannya bude piznіshe).

Anyway, I will name the channel on the channel, you can change it.

All! I'm going! We shot completely empty new channel on YouTube. Infectious I will look at it again, as it is possible to set up another channel that the basic setting of the regional record, and in the upcoming articles we will deal with the setting of the channel itself ( zovnishniy viglyad, Optimization, framed meagerly).

Yak to open another channel

You can open multiple channels on one Google cloud record. For all it is necessary to know to go to the "Nalashtuvannya YouTube".

Pobachte replace the buttons, de bulo simply says "Create channel", the button "Show all channels or open new" appeared.

The need for setting up the regional recording

Having opened a new cloud-based record from Google, let's see how the cloud-based record is set up, do not get lost in the way of setting up the channel's own functions. Nalashtovuvati the channel itself, as I have already shown, we will be better, everything is in order, so you don’t get lost.

From the same time, we go in know now, they pressed the button "Create channel".

Зліва there are tabs nalashtuvan.

General information

You can change the name of the channel, password, look over all your channels and open it.

Having pressed the button "Dodatkovo", you can open the function, for the help of which you can:

  1. Insert the URL to the channel. (For example: BlinovBlog).
  2. Link a channel with a link from Google Plus.
  3. Pobachiti the site, so that you can access your regional record.
  4. See the channel.

Tied account

In other contributions, you can link your channel from the side of Twitter, and when you add new videos to the microbloose Twitter, you will automatically receive news about the new video. To that I will publish with my hands in social news about vyhіd vіdeo, i have vimknena function.


Here you can set up, as your likeness will be shown to the queens and frontmen. You can get it, as the video was like it, on whom the video was signed up.

As soon as the restoration was carried out in Google, you can skip the whole section.

  1. At the row of the address of the web browser, enter the YouTube address -
  2. Create a regional recording by vibrating with a bear in the menu the item "Create a regional recording".
  3. The form has its own name and nickname.
  4. Pidbiraemo and it is brought in from the general row of the koristuvach, but it is not repeated in YouTube.
  5. In order to create a channel on YouTube, you need to enter a password. Win is so good, so important.
  6. At the offensive row, the vibration password is re-entered. The price is necessary to check the correctness of the input.
  7. The next step is the date of the people and their becoming - cholovik chi zhinka.
  8. In a special field, it is necessary to enter a code for the user who will be displayed on the screen. In such a way to see a change, there is a man behind the screen, and not a robot to enter information.
  9. If you want to live, you need to vibrate the land.
  10. Apparently, we got to know the minds of the koristuvannya by ticking the checkbox.
  11. For bazhannya you can add photos. Ale, as there is no big deal, you can skip this point and immediately press the button "Dali". Tsim and ended the restoration at YouTube. It’s easy to see how to open a Youtube channel.

Having registered on the site, you can go to the door of a new channel. How to open a channel on YouTube? With the help of the proponent system, issue a pre-payment on the popular channels of the region of residence. Ale taku can be skipped before payment. For bazhannya to sign on the canals, scho honored, it will be possible to get better. About those who unscrew the channel, read from tsiy statti .

To streamline the channel on YouTube, it is necessary to update the channel:

  1. In your profile, you know the item "My channel" and the vibramo yogo.
  2. The message will be promoted to establish privacy. It is recommended that you allow all of the activities. Tse allow a lot of activity on the channel, which is necessary for the promotion of your channel.
  3. Having pressed the button "Prodvzhiti", the stem of your channel will end.
  4. With the next step, it is necessary to give the channel a unique name, for which we go to the tab "Information and adjustment" in the channel's settings. Pressing the button "Change", change the channel. The Іm'ya channel cannot be changed. It is necessary to think carefully about it and see it from the wonderful name of the channel. Buy peer-to-peer on YouTube cheap you can push yourself up.
  5. Zdijsnyuumo re-inversion of the opened channel with its own unique address (URL).

Now memorable profile

You will need to update your profile information. For the whole on the head side, the right-hander knows and onslaught the button "Change". Then you can enter information about the company or for yourself for a special channel. It is recommended to enter the information on your site. It is also possible here to change the color of the channel.

Step on the crochet to register the tags (key words). Report on keywords on youtube (Side). You can recommend prescribing all at once with simple phrases, laying in your paws. It also slid perekonatisya, the item "Probity my channel is visible on YouTube" by ticking.

Then it is necessary to go to the section of the tab and immediately refer to the suggestions of "Tsikavi" and the "Blogger" mode. This is the sign to allow us to get rid of the video at once. Also, the playlist is automatically added to the channel you set, so you can let the play of the end of one video immediately change over to the next video. Time for the end of the channel on YouTube. Screw the front-end boards on the channel you can, vibrating the qiu service on our site.

Yak to open a channel on Youtube on the phone without koshtovno ta shvidko

On the phone, you can open your channel on the YouTube site. Winning is similar to the description, let's give it. However, it is possible, you need to download YouTube to your phone. Tse visit through Play Market For App Story.

Yak open a new channel on Youtube using your phone and computer

Mobile attachments step-by-step change to an extraordinary PC. Through them it is already possible to visit practically all of the sites.

You can navigate a video blogger without going to YouTube from your computer. Log in from your smartphone, log in and repair your maidan.

How to open a channel on YouTube from the phone? The easiest way to update the price is to go through a small browser at your own record and go to the standard channel. However, it’s not the same Zruchny Variant... More beautifully, speed up with an official dodatk, through all the new things.

How can I open a channel on my phone?

Most of the new Maidanchiks on YouTube are created to discourage the arrival. Singingly, and if you pass on such a message, you will know that.

Good openings of the channels bring a lot of money, but if it is possible to use smartphones, then it’s not fast.

On the channel, you can download all the videos from the phone, so that you can take a part of the memory. If you don’t want it, you’ll beat it up, show the privacy setting.

The crumbs came from those who also turned to food, like opening YouTube channel on the phone? As already mentioned, you need to download the official YouTube add-on to your mobile attachment.

At vikorystannya Android The profile of Google is bound to be set, so additional reconstruction is not necessary. If you go to the supplement, Required by Viconati:

Tse stopn_y croc, how to open a channel on YouTube through the phone. Now you can record videos or add them from memory, pushing on the badge at the lower right codend.

All videobloggers want to get maximum respect, but for all it is necessary for the nobility.

If you have vitamins no more than 5 chilines, you can start the skin channel from any mobile annex.

Naygolovnishe, after the opening of the file... Nichto is not attainable for popularity, they record non-standard videos and nothing shy for receiving front-end users.

You will also be tsykavo:

Yak correctly to open a channel on YouTube Tsikavo, who wants one ludin in a fancy, as you don’t want to open your channel on YouTube? I am summing up. Skin rose, the popularity of YouTube grows in skin days.

Wine is accessible to skin, simple in smart functional and brass-free. YouTube gives you the possibility of splitting one by one right out of the box; quickly transmit information; sell comrade that servants, prosuvati someone else’s brand, prossuvati partner comrades, get traffic to sites, blogs, channels.

Bagato many possibilities that function is needed for youtube.

Scho is required for access to YouTube

To access YouTube, a restoration is required on a Google account that. As soon as you still have done it, if it’s like re-staging in Google's services, then write the word “youtube” in the browser or write syudi... There is a side, on each of the two buttons to the entrance: evil at the bottom і right-handed person at the bottom.

Login button up to Youtube

If you want to enter the input button, point the axis to this side:

Enter your Google account data or send gmail which one і also. With this rank, you were sent to the YouTube site. It’s not a YouTube channel.

You can robit on YouTube

You can, you can:
- put "Likes";
- by way of the video clips, which were honored;
- Make out subscriptions;
- Take out recommendations from YouTube.

You can not:
- samі dodavati video;
- Kommentuvati іnshі videos;
- Can't open playlists.

In order to be successful, you need to properly open your YouTube channel.

Yak to open a YouTube channel

Why is it important to go to the YouTube channel?

The channel is even more openings, having lost 1 remaining croc and at a time lost and returned to the power supply:
What will be the channel: a special author's chi for business, company? As special, then for their own people, for their own people? Yaka theme channel? What materials do you have: new videos, how to start, razvazhalny, kids, sell?

The joy is important:
When choosing a topic, I respect the channel for 2 moments:

  • Chi є kogos has such a theme in the fancywork that is also unrolled? Surprise, contemplate, if there is a competitor, there is a demand for the nobility in disguise.
  • Frivolity and perspective. Explanatory - how can you make money on this topic? Prospects to be assessed from such a point of view, where in 3-5-10 there will be no need for these topics? For example: photography has been pushed onto the market by zyomkoy cameras.

If you see it on the power supply, then enter it in the row of the browser. Press on and enter the data on your Google account and postal screen Gmail. It is necessary to confirm the special data via SMS or by voice mail to your phone number. So shy away once before the hour of restoration. The phone number will not be attached anywhere;

One more detail, as you are on the YouTube site for regional record Google, you can click on the Submit video YouTube button, and you will be prompted to browse the channel, like in the picture:

The first axis was sent to the YouTube channel.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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