Self repair tablet. The tablet does not turn on - do-it-yourself tablet repair

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All of us called to mobile technologies and it is important to show how bi mi lived without mobile phones, tablets and other primary gadgets. Prote early chi pizno stink out of tune. The reasons for the breakdown and the breakdowns themselves are plentiful, and all the stench is different. І axis your tablet is broken. In order not to be separated from him for a few days, going to the service center for repairs, come to the service center to repair it with your own power. Why start?

Most of the time it is necessary to have diagnostics, tobto. investigate the cause of the breakdown. Breakdowns, as seen by an indefatigable eye, such as broken touchscreens, vilamania roses, speakers that wheeze. And the axis determines why the tablet turns and does not turn on richly folded. Here, the Internet comes to the rescue, where you can find special diagnostic programs. І axis having identified the cause of the breakdown of the tablet, a decision was made to repair it independently. For which we need a minimum set of tools (as well as the need to select a tablet):

1. A set of magnetic twists;

2. Tweezers;

3. Spatula for cutting the body;

4. Thin double-sided tape;

5. Video instruction or pokrokov ceramics with photos from the selection of your tablet.

Let's describe how to repair a tablet, so that it can be done for home minds:

1. Flashing the tablet. It is necessary, as the programs themselves curl up, or they see pardons, the tablet is re-vanquished, or it freezes. For rich tablets, there is a drop button or a combination of buttons, pressing it, you can drop all the parameters and turn to the factory settings. Even though it did not help, you can reflash the tablet through the official website. W we go to the official site of my own, I will add it and I will tell you my model. If there is a new firmware, it will most likely be archived. After that, as the firmware was captured in the .zip, .rar, .7zip format, we launch a special program for Windows, like in automatic mode update your attachment.

    Battery replacement. The battery on the tablet has stopped charging, or it is charging incorrectly, so it needs to be replaced. The back cover is removed from the tablet, the dimensions of the old battery are fixed, the capacity can be increased even more. Remove the battery and install a new one on double-sided tape. Sing darts: red to red, black to black. Axis and everything, the battery replacement is completed, remember that plus and minus the lock is categorically protected.

    Change the touchscreen. The slop was broken or the sensor ceased to react to the torsional. In order to replace the sensor on the tablet, you need to select the tablet and look at the marking on the touchscreen cable. According to the marking, there is a new touchscreen (as there is no marking, then for the name of the tablet). Having bought a new touchscreen, turn on the old one and turn on the new one and change the practice. As the sensor works, a way of heating with a hair dryer opens the old touchscreen. For the help of double-sided tape, glue a new one. Take your tablet.

    Other repairs are not recommended for home use. Self repair dotsіlny less for awkward breakdowns. Replacement of parts, as if connected with soldering, and not with cables, but with connectors, should be trusted to fakhivtsy.

Perevag repair in the service center:

    professional equipment for repair;

    dosvid roboti maistriv;

    guarantee for vikonan robot;

    availability of original branded spare parts.

    If you want to spare the hour and do not risk your attachments, tablet repair in Lviv carry out IT-service outsourcing at the service center.

Today's tablets are practical at home for the skin. You buy them for children like a gaming gadget, that one is not grown-up leather like such a toy. Prote tablets dosit tenditnі. Dzhe vrazlivy їх great screen, And the oskіlki pristіy є mobile, then vіn vіdchuvaє on their own shaking and tovkuchki raznogo step in buses, shopping centers and other places of crowding people. Why don't they trap with them. Forgetting the tablet on the couch chi krіslі, you see the risk that the beast should land. The lower microcircuits in the middle can suffer in the event of a cold when falling on the floor, or penetrating the middle, as if your child were suddenly thrown onto a new tea. Zagalom, feed rich, to that nobility, like a tablet, if you want leather.

First glance

Really, repairs at home minds are less possible for some people. The primary coristuvach can replace the battery, as well as repair your own. In this case, there is only one problem: it is necessary to know exactly that the problem is in the battery itself. For example, if the tablet is charged to the maximum and the insoles are quickly charged, and if you heat up the wall in that area, the battery is drained, the problem may be not in it, but in the zamikanny. So, how to make the tablet easy to do it yourself, you can carry it to the master at the same stage. Obviously, fahіvets take pennies for the diagnosis, but in the result you take away the swedish and nadіyny result.

Touch screen replacement

And we continue to look at the various breakdowns and tell you, like a tablet. Another tip, if you can try to get in on your own, is the touch screen or the case, which is cracked. For whom it is necessary to expand your tablet, which can represent a kind of folding for a simple koristuvach, which cannot be used with electronic devices.

So, in order to use the tablet carefully, without damaging any of the microcircuits, it is recommended to know the scheme for arranging your model. Ring out, stink on the special sites of the virobnik. In addition, there are video clips in the measure, for which you can easily follow the set tasks. For which you may need a flat twist with rounded edges or a plastic card. Gently insert any of these objects at the gap between the body and the lid and gently push the brace to the body. Now in front of you is all yoga insides. Turn around with a cross-like twist and turn the sprat of bolts. It is necessary to work carefully, so as not to damage the cut. If you get to the touch screen, open all the loops and carefully pick up the bumps. If so, it is necessary to take attachments from the return sequence.

Yakshcho do not stick

Even richer vipadkіv, if not visible reasons breakdowns (strike, impact), but attachment does not give a sign of life. Let's talk about those, how to use a tablet, because the wine is not turned on. There may be a lot of reasons, because of the problem with the "glow", so that the internal stuffing of the device, or a malfunction in the robotic operating system. However, let's go in order. Guess how long ago you last time yoga was loaded. With a new discharge, you may need less than 10 quills when connected to the connection. So check the trochs and try to turn on yoga again. If the charging didn’t help, carefully look around the case for the presence of bad things. Possibly, they missed the attachments, but you still don’t know about it.

The tablet is not zavantazhuetsya

Chi can you please a tablet, if the problem is in the OS? To lie down, as far as you know well the software security. And here, on the back of the head, there is a mistake, that picture of an unpractical robot. It often happens like this, as if the robot program was completed incorrectly, for example, there is little space for the completion of system processes. As a result, the firmware is suffering.

You can give a tablet to your home minds for help special programs. It's easy to get caught on specialized sites, and it's called Hard-reset. Truth, like on the tablet is rich important information, tse can threaten її with a waste. Like the Crimean music, there is nothing of value there, then you can proceed to the right. So, how to get a tablet in your home minds can only be in singing depressions, so if you do everything right, take a look at the address of a good repair center.

Remove the attachment and remove the sim and micro-card. Now press the button to increase the density a little less for 10 seconds. Now, additionally pressing the button, select setting and format system from the menu. Then choose Reset and re-attach it.

Get ready

This procedure will lead to a reset of the system to factory settings. Tobto you take the tablet away from such a look, as if you had yogo in the first place. Prote procedure may not give a result. In this way, you can repeat the manipulations again, or think about the new firmware I will add. Tsya procedure is cheaply folded, it will be better for him to turn to fahіvtsya. Programmers know what is badly installed operating system fraught with bagatma folded in a robot, it’s better not to risk it.

Like the tablet does not respond to the up button

So buvaє i can’t say that it’s rare. That is why you need to know how children are in this situation. It is recommended to connect the charger and immediately press the button for lowering the volume and increase. The "Loose" button will access the menu system, where you can select the bootloader and expand the powder off device. This option is selected by the life button. Now unmute tablet and open charger attachment. When the charger is connected again, you will see a growing indicator on the screen.

Yakshto manipulations did not help

Then you need to shukati, you can use a tablet. Most often, by choosing the address of the service center, it is indicated on the warranty card, so the term has already ended. Or hurry up with the recommendations of your friends. If the tablet does not get in and out of charge, the problem may be in the charger or power supply. In other modes, the button itself may be disabled. Mechanical failures are used by the path of analysis, I will add one of the offensive actions: replace the buttons, restore the path, remove the shaving of the contacts.

broken screen

This is one of the most important bids. Great display service center zavzhd repovneni tablets, yakі require yogo replacement. Speaking about those, like a broken tablet, I would like to say that independent work is not recommended. You need to know the current screen, which is more dear to you, lower service centers. As much as possible, that the model is fixed for you not pidide, but the whole thing will appear at the time of installation. Nareshti, the procedure itself is foldable and the ability to harm your outhouse at the temple. For example, if it’s hard, you mess up the matrix, and the varity of repair is more mature than the order “be stingy to pay girls”.

Replacement procedure

Fallow according to the model, it can be changed. Original Apple tablets It is impossible for Mayzhe to open it independently. On the right, in that their screen is trimmed on special studs, as if it were more foldable without special attachments. But still, you didn’t get stuck with such a problem, it’s a smut in front. Expanding the touchscreen and display is not so easy. Їх odnuє optical optical glue, which needs to be heated up to 250 degrees. How to reach in domestic minds, it is important to bring to light.

However, the problems will not end there. After the appointment zahisnoy skla, on yoga, they are installing a new one, on that very foundation. Hi, it is not necessary to heat up, the tablet is installed under pressure for a year to fix the result. Pardon can be costly. Poorly gluing a new touchscreen will break, and too much fixation will lead to a new breakdown. That’s why it’s not smart enough to learn everything independently and turn to professionals, as you may need to possess that knowledge.

Deputy Uz'yaznennya

We have not described half of the symptoms, if your tablet may need additional help. Not everything from this list can be corrected independently. Therefore, to conduct a first look, reverse the battery and charge, reload the system, and as if nothing is helping, go back to the appointed master. More vipadkivs will be richer, more efficient, and cheaper.

Due to the rest of the statistics, due to the fate of the skin, the number of realizations of tablet computers is increasing. The reasons for this are: the balance between the dimensions and the counting capabilities of the devices; absolute silence for an hour of work, the presence of additional components (keyboard and bear); energy efficiency; high nadіynіst through vіdsutnіst ruhomih parts. However, although the food is not to blame for the first points, then the rest is not so simple.

At the same time, there is a large number of inexpensive tablets in the market from Chinese manufacturers, which do not bother too much high quality choosing what to bring to blame for some other inaccuracies. In some cases, you can’t do without training in the service center, but sometimes you need to get to know information about those, like a tablet in home minds, and to take away knowledge in practice. Although it’s marvelous, it’s more common to “lift” attachments on your own, saving pennies that hour. Golovnya - constantly remember that you should be positive about the power of “what can you use a tablet for?”


Whether any repair is started from the indication of a malfunction. All of them can be mentally divided into two categories: software, with some of these other causes, the blame is "software" failures, and also hardware, if you get out of tune, be some kind of internal electronic component. Zalezhno v_d tsgogo vіdrіznyaєtsya pіdhіd before repair.

The momentum of self-sufficient renewal of the practice is greater than it is high, so there is a need for a systemic pardon. If you want to have a tablet for the first time, you can use it. broken screen- this is one of the most frequent breakdowns, as it can be sunk without third-party help. For the next line, it is assigned to the display digits, as it is indicated on the new one, replace the new one and replace it. It is significant that the models, as indicated as a summation, can be applied in this configuration. That's why 100% zbіg for the signs is guaranteed. Well, the tablet robot is broken after the update system files, taking away the rights to root access, try a recent firmware, then, definitely, a software problem file system I will become the first. Such inaccuracies are most often blamed. Let's take a look, like a tablet, because the wine is not turned on.


In order to restore the functionality of the tablet computer, I used it through a software bug, which caused the impossibility of the entanglement, otherwise, if it is similar to the inaccuracy, it is necessary to invest on the computer Flash program tool. Vlasne, it’s your fault, but you know, be it someone who wants to once put your own food “like a tablet.” This addendum of appointments for robots with processors from the company MTK.

Let me say for myself about the tablet models on such counting cores, the stink shards are the most wide. In old versions of the program, it is recommended to check it out, but there may be some confusion with new models in the proper connection. Revert warto respect to version 5.x. All software solutions allow recording in internal memory add new system files, so that the flashing is called so.

System dial

It is also necessary to know that zavantazhit archives from the firmware on the computer. Vaughn is a set of system files, which sound like a rozpovsyudzhuetsya in a single archive. It is important that the won was assigned to itself for revision, including its revision.

Best, if the firmware will be removed from the site of the retailer, I will add it. So, for example, for the Oysters tablet, there is no varto merging resources id Apple, Lenovo and int. So do not varto and ignore the possibility of looking for what is necessary software solution on special forums, as on the official site, for some reason, the model is not supported. І, nareshti, you need a cable that allows you to connect the tablet to the computer.

Designated modifications

Even more often it happens that two bells are exactly the same outbuildings, they are really blown up. For example, a virobnik, picking up a new batch, you can start installing a tablet with a different type of display matrix, similar to the characteristics, alcove with other drivers. Obviously, two revisions of one and the same device are for sale, which are updated to update the firmware with a driver. In this rank, the one who wants to grow up, like a tablet, just goiter correctly designates the modification of the gadget.

As the system’s practicality has not been exhausted, it can be checked in the “About phone - Warehouse number” section. For example, in one version there is version SA0001, and in the other - SB0001. In such a situation, the firmware from one device to another does not work. Modification is also indicated on the board, which is wrong, so the device does not start.

The process of acquiring a new system

The archive from the firmware needs to be unpacked into a folder in advance, so that the name can only be replaced with Latin symbols and numbers. Then run the Flash Tool. For this program, select the scatter file and MTKxxx.bin, to display the paths to some languages, a dialogue is displayed. The firmware mode can be installed in Download. Then it is necessary to press the green button on the cob of the process and bring the tablet to the computer. If everything is set up correctly, the system will be captured on the internal nose.


A new look at the sights of new interesting programs is, so to speak, an ideal option. Wanting a service center to build such a robot for the sake of a great winegrower, there is nothing foldable in the first place, so, obviously, it’s a good repair, and the breakdown is programmatic. And the axis is like a tablet, because the wine does not turn on through the “sivshi” battery? In any case, be it as if you try to plug in the attachments, they appear to be the same, and the connection of the charger will not lead to anything. In fact, it’s not a breakdown, but the peculiarity of the work, as it is worth the same smartphones, registrars and others.

How do you like a tablet, which one turns and does not take a charge? With a special plastic card with sharpened edges, it is necessary to pick up the body of the gadget and the battery. Ring out it arrived before the main payment of two darts through the block controller. Mostly tse chorna ("minus") and chervona ("plus") lived. It is necessary to take any charging unit that you see will need a voltage (strum - not less than 1 A), that signifies the polarity of the wires - often it is indicated directly on the case. We will then solder off the batteries to the main board of the tablet and wind / solder them to the cores like the prepared charge, increasing the water supply. The block is liable to heat up (as much as 50 degrees) fallow according to the parameters. Upon completion, the controller interrupts the process and the temperature drops. You can solder the wire back and take the tablet. As if the problem was in the supra-world order, the attachment will be raised and will be more practicable.

How to please a broken tablet

Maybe, this is one of the most complicated breakdowns. As for the repair of dotsilny (attachment is not broken vshchent), it is necessary to respectfully look around the element and know the new sign that represents a set of letters and numbers. Sweat, floating on the hands of the given data, make a change. Tshomu has an important leather symbol. In truth, there is nothing foldable about how to use a tablet. One of the minds of a successful viconnanny of this operation is the correct selection of programs (in case of “software” malfunctions), as well as the exact designation of component models for numbers-designations - as a hardware failure.

Tablet є small-sized mobile computer, which z'appearing on the market zavdyaki Apple in 2010 roci. View of a tablet from a stationary computer or a laptop є the presence of a keyboard and a bear. To handle the tablet with a robot, it is enough to touch the pad of your finger to the second screen (tap on the slang) at the required point, and for the larynx of the sides, it is enough to swipe your finger across the screen in the right direction.

Zavdyaki small roses, vase and simplicity of control tablets have conquered the whole world and today, no matter how small a little bit of the planet, you can see a person with a tablet in their hands. The mobility of the tablet resulted in not only a new ability to interlock, but also provoked additional malfunctions of the tablets, resulting in mechanical failures. The tablet can be let in vipadkovo, on a new one sit or step on with your foot.

All tablet malfunctions can be divided into two types - software and hardware. The software windows on the robotic tablet are blamed for the brokenness of the robotic software and are fixed by the firmware or the re-installation of the non-practical add-on. Hardware failures (mechanical and electrical) caused by out of tune tablet elements, such as microcircuits, transistors, resistors, capacitors, battery, buttons, touch screen chi matrix.

At this article on the example of repair Acer tablet A500 reviewed a way to repair a tablet mechanical failures buttons are raised, ruffled on the yogo body. Through the breakdown of the button, the tablet could not be bulo vmikati that vimikati.

If the tablet does not fit, what is it?

As a matter of fact, the tablet, which works stably up to this moment, does not hit the power button when it is turned on, it doesn’t get in the way. Aje so wanted to chat with friends and surf the Internet. The first thing to do is to calm down and analyze the situation in order to determine I can guess the reason view tablet PC.

Reasons, through a tablet you can not turn on

The tablet may not turn on for one of the following reasons:

  • Discharged battery.
  • Live adapter failure.
  • Incorrect software robot.
  • Leave the fret buttons included Power, battery and other components.

In case of faults, they are rehabilitated in the order of frequency of their faults. Let's look at how you can determine the cause of the tablet's failure and how to repair it.

Discharged tablet battery

If the tablet has been practiced for a long time, and they didn’t turn off the button, then it’s possible to turn it on all the time. If you want the tablet to automatically switch to sleep mode after an hour of installation, all the same, it continues to save an insignificant amount of electricity. As soon as the battery is interrupted for an hour in the robotic tablet, it will be discharged again, the tablet will automatically turn off and turn it off for the help of the power button, it will be impossible.

To recover the tablet, you need to connect the new life adapter to the new adapter and, pressing the button, press it in the pressed position for more than three seconds. The tablet is to blame software security.

The button may not respond, as the tablet has been out for three hours on the street at a negative temperature again. This is due to the fact that for a negative temperature, whether a battery is using a building, it is completely supplied with electricity.

It is not possible to immediately turn on the tablet after a strong cooling. It is necessary after bringing the tablet from a frosty street in a warm place to get no less than a year old, the docks of the tablet do not warm up and do not evaporate the condensate that has fallen on its surface. Contact with water on electronic components can cause electronics to go out of tune.

Also, the tablet may not turn on without the connection of a life adapter, so the battery is in good order. The battery can be moved beforehand through a low battery life, perebuvannya in the camp of a deep discharge of three times, or as a result of a depleted resource. The batteries are used for 3 to 5 years, at which time the battery life of the tablet in offline mode changes step by step through the old battery.

Install on tablets lithium-ion batteries, it’s bad to endure trivaly deep discharge Such a battery mill even lowers the term of the yogo service and you can again bring the battery out of tune. Therefore, at times, an alert appeared on the screen of the tablet about the need to plug in the charger, it will be necessary for the first time. The battery also needs to be re-charged before leaving the house or before the break of the tablet.

On the screens of any electronic devices that work like a battery, a dynamic icon will always appear, showing the charge of the battery. The icon є is shaded partly, or the battery is in the same color, as shown in the photo right-handed. If the battery is all shaded, the battery will charge again.

Malfunctions and repair of the tablet life adapter

Tablet life adapter with an electronic unit that converts the change in the voltage of the butt line 220 V to the voltage fast strumu 12-18 V. Rosemary of the voltage to be deposited according to the model of the tablet.

The adapter is also charged for the singing strum, and therefore it is unacceptable to mindlessly replace the standard vicorist adapter for living in other outbuildings, to turn on the rose connection, so you can put the tablet out of the way.

In the adapter of the life of the tablet, the wire was frayed

Irrespective of the high supremacy of adapters for life of tablets and laptops, navit Chinese, buva, stench goes out of tune. Naychastishe tse vіdbuvaєtsya through violation of the rules of operation. Deyakі koristuvachі pіd an hour of work on a tablet with a plug-in adapter to the electric circuit through a lack of a rod, I pull yoga, like a string. Buvay, provіd adapter pogrizut and svіyskі creatures.

As a result, in the middle of the exit, the wire from the rose of the wines is frayed, or the contacts in the socket of the tablet are deformed, and the supply of voltage to the tablet is intermittent and succesfully attached.

Even if you work on the tablet for an hour when the adapter is connected to the battery, the flashing symbol on the battery icon periodically appears, to be aware of those that are often frayed or the contacts in the plug socket of the adapter are deformed.

In order to identify, decipher the contact, it is necessary to insert the adapter's roses into the tablet i, pressing it to the tablet, try to make a blink appear on the battery icon. Let's remember the conductor. Yakshcho bliskavka propadatime, guilty provіd. If the bliskavka is not known, then the reason lies in the filthy contact of the rose of a lot of problems. It is necessary to inspect the plug. In times, as a sign of yogo mechanical collapse, there is no sign of deformation of the contacts in the part of the case, as it is inserted in the tablet. Replacing a rose in a tablet is only possible with a service master.

Tablet life adapter does not see voltage

Even earlier, when the tablet was working, the battery was stably charged, and the battery was charged quickly, although the battery was not fully charged, it means that the adapter was inserted into the wrong outlet, or the socket was out of order.

On the adapter of live life, there is a sticker, in which case everything is shown technical characteristics, including the output voltage and the admissible stream of tension. For example, on the guide plate of the adapter, it is indicated that the adapter provides an output voltage (OUTPUT) of 19 and allows a maximum current flow of 2.15 A.

Chi the adapter is to blame for the fact that the tablet does not fit behind the auxiliary power button, you can determine the value of the voltage on the output socket of the adapter using a voltmeter.

For what is sufficient with the probes of a multimeter, included in the mode of muting constant voltage, sticking out the central one of the old visnovkіv rose. Plus, ring out to be known on the central rose. Even if the voltage value is more correct or more indicated on the sticker, the adapter is correct and the cause of the malfunction is indicated in the tablet.

How to repair a tablet life adapter with your own hands

As diagnostics showed that the tablet does not turn on through a faulty life adapter, then there are two ways to solve the problem - buy a new adapter for $ 15 or repair it yourself.

In order to accurately identify the faulty wire or the electronic unit of the life adapter, it is necessary to identify it. Ring the adapter body and two halves glued together. To separate the halves, it is necessary to insert into the gap a guide from the center of the adapter cord, a flat twisting tip and step by step cut the halves around the perimeter. Sometimes it’s not so easy, but, as a rule, you always get in without damage to the outer surface of the case.

After the adapter is opened, access to the soldering point of the wires of the cord is allowed. For localization, it is necessary to call for an additional ohmmeter through the skin from the wires of the cord, sticking with one probe to the point of soldering the rod, and with the other until the rose is seen. With this, it is necessary to bend and stretch the cord. If the wires are used close to zero and when they are plugged into the cord, they do not change, the fault is correct, and it is necessary to change the work of the electronic part of the adapter.

Respect, a part of the electronic board of the adapter cannot be galvanically separated from the butt wire and dotik to the bare parts of the parts and the other conductors are not safe.

As if the cord is leaning against the reference station, it is necessary to distort the work of the electronic part. For this, it is necessary to connect the adapter to the lifeline and measure the voltage on the contacts of the solder wire of the cord with a voltmeter. Like a rosette, the best vikoristovuvat podovzhuvach type "Pіlot" with vimikach. Vimicach "Pilot" must be installed in the wrong position and the adapter is inserted into one of the third sockets. Next, set the multimeter to the constant voltage mode and the solder point of the wires of the output cord will be touched. Highlight "Pilot". The voltage may be equal or greater than that indicated on the label.

Like a strain in the day, it is necessary to look back old look electronic parts, conductors and electrical capacitors (in the photo, a blue-coloured cylinder) for the presence of a blower or a trace of electricity. Yaxcho so є, їх it is required to replace.

Repair of the electronic board of the adapter requires knowledge and experience of the work wimming accessories. As if with a glance, you can see the element that you have seen, but it’s not far off, but you can finish the repair and buy a new tablet life adapter.

Just as the cord is leaning in a shave in the outlet from the adapter, it can be shortened, removed from the ends of the insulation and soldered, adjusting the polarity, into the other board. If shaving is known at the entrance to the rose, then it will be necessary to replace the cord, the shards, when replacing only roses, it is impossible to zakrypit in a new dart. Buying a new cord, choose yoga with a rose of the same type of world, which stood earlier.

When soldering the cord into the board, it is necessary to adjust the polarity. On the adapter board, the polarity is shown in the photo with signs + » ta « - » not assigned. Ale and so understood that in the open, the meanings of GND (global drіt), always solder negative drіt ( external contact rose'mu), and VO - positive (the central contact of rose'mu). There is no standard for the color of wires of adapters, and therefore, it is necessary to solder the wires to the board, it is necessary to call them for an additional multimeter.

It was left to lay the cord at the side of the adapter body and close the yogo halves. For gluing the body, it is necessary to cover the whole stick with Universal Second Glue Super Moment, firmly press the halves one to one and remove the fluff in this position. Ale, before gluing, plug the life adapter to the tablet and convert it to the robot. As soon as the tablet is opened and the battery starts to charge, you can glue the adapter case and for this repair of the adapter to live the tablet with your own hands, you can finish it.

Incorrect tablet software operation

There are some fluctuations that the tablet does not turn on when pressing the power button (Power) due to thoughtless actions with software security, such as incorrect installation of new programs, firmware failed, change or relocation of system files. Imovirno infection of the tablet with a virus. In such a situation, the tablet is activated with the Power button, but the software does not get caught up, or it works incorrectly. As a result, an image of a broken robot may appear on the screen, or the screen will become black.

When the screen is black, you can try to restart the robotic tablet for help, embedded in the body of the RESET button. On some tablets I can’t write, but the order from a small opening is applied to a red dot. The RESET button is built in on purpose, so that it is impossible to interrupt the running programs when you press hard on it for an hour of work with the tablet. Therefore, it is possible to press on the reset button of the RESET tablet only for an additional toothpick, an end of a folded fold, or a similar thin haircut.

Before pushing the button, turn on the tablet from the docking station, and remove the new sim and flash cards. Next, press the RESET button and hold it down for at least 3 seconds. The system is guilty of rebooting and it is possible to charge the tablet as a whole.

Before restarting the tablet, for the help of the RESET button, check that in some models of tablets the system can turn back to factory settings. In your opinion, all the details you have learned will be spent on special information. Even though all the listed above did not lead to a positive result, after returning to the service, the fragments of the tablet can only be upgraded when connected to another computer, on which a special software is installed to ensure that the work is done with them.

Appointment of inaccuracies
that repair of the power button on the Power tablet

Buvaє, scho the tablet does not vmikaetsya when the robot is broken and the Power button is turned on. Button failure is easily diagnosed by the behavior of the tablet when pressed on it.

Troubleshooting the Power button

Pressing on the right Power button can be accompanied by such a behavior of the tablet:

  • Quiet mechanical clatter, like a button.
  • When the tablet is in sleep mode, call until the image appears on the screen.
  • The appearance of a splicing menu for wiping the tablet, as if it were working.

If, when pressing on the button, the tablet is moved otherwise, then the button is not working and for repair you need a tablet to be reassembled. On the tablet, you can practice, but it will be impossible to turn it off, but turn it off by inserting the plug of the life adapter, connected to the measure, or pushing the RESET button. While the battery is being charged, the tablet is rebuyable either at the working station or at the sleeping station. It will be impossible to turn off the tablet, but it will turn itself off, if the battery is discharged again.

Since it was determined after the diagnostics that the tablet does not turn on through the wrong Power button, then you will need to repair the tablet again.

How to pick up an Acer A500 tablet with your own hands

Let's take a look at the application of the Acer A500 tablet, how to properly select the tablet. First, proceed to sorting out the tablet, it is necessary to prepare a working space and stock up on tools.

Stil, on which to choose for the repair of the tablet, it is necessary to cover it with soft cloth. The tool needs a twist with a thin cross sting, tweezers different expansions, metal blade, plastic mediator and bank card.

Ring the two halves of the tablet case, utrimuyutsya between themselves for additional clasps. Ale in some models is even more gvinti. Sometimes the stench is clearly marked on the rear roof, and sometimes it is hidden under the humic stops. Therefore, the first time to break the lids, it is necessary to respectfully look at the tablet and at the time of the manifestation of the twists and turns.

Along the entire perimeter in the middle of the main half of the tablet, in which the screen is installed and all the electronics, there are plastic slugs with holes, as shown in the photo.

And along the perimeter rear cover shattered ledges, yakі when zmikanni krishok come at the ruined front part of the body of the tablet. When the halves are squeezed, the body of the step enters at the burial and in such a manner it is ensured that the halves of the tablet body are closed and closed. To that, to pick up a tablet, it is necessary to lead a speech from the grave.

The smallest stigma is located in the area of ​​the buttons for adjusting the volume of the sound and turning on the tablet. For this reason, it is necessary to repair the division of halves of the corps.

Now, judging by how the tablet is screwed, you can proceed to sorting out the body. The tablet needs to be placed on the soft cloth with the screen down. Then, a couple of millimeters deep, insert a metal blade into the gap between the halves of the tablet, and lowering the handle down and twisting the closest brad. As soon as a gap has settled between the halves, it is necessary to insert a flat twist into it, or another object, so that the halves do not close again. Now, passing the shoulder blade along the perimeter of the wedge, it is necessary to open all other clasps.

On the Internet, you can find recommendations for replacing a metal spatula with a plastic card or a mediator (a small thin plastic three-piece player, which is a kind of vicor playing for musicians when playing stringed instruments), but I did not succeed in trying to pick up a tablet for help with them. The plastic card was deformed when pressed against the gap between the covers of the tablet. And the axis of the rose remote care for the help of a plastic card, it’s already handy.

It is necessary to lift the rear cover carefully, so as not to tear the darts, so that you can walk through the electronic parts that can be installed in them, for example, speakers, microphones or video cameras.

The back cover of the tablet has been removed and now it is possible to change the internal attachment to make a decision about the sequence of further analysis.

How the tablet is taken apart for replacement battery, then now it is necessary to turn the screw on the fastening of the cover, so that the battery is closed. Dalі, vіdpayati droti, scho go from the battery to the payment (like soldering) or win the roses and replace the battery with a new one. When soldering the wires, the polarity must be trimmed.

The tablet was sorted out using the method of reactivating the robot and the Power button, which was found to be inefficient as a result of diagnostics. After removing the back cover, looking around the button, it became clear why it didn’t work - soldering around the places of soldering the base of the button to the other payment. As a result, the button became dead, and the Power key became impossible to press on it. Ale, it was too early, so that access to the repair of the button could be taken away only after the removal of the mother's payment with the processor.

How to correctly rose roses and flat cables of the tablet

Skladnіst znyatya maternity pay believed in the fact that a lot of loops were connected to it from the wires behind the auxiliary roses, including a sprat of flat roses without roses, which are thin and easy to be shaped by the ears. For the correct rozstikki raznіman it is necessary to show how their halves are trimmed between themselves.

Uvaga, roz'dnuvati roz'єmi, vytyagyuchy їх for darts to a train that comes out of them, it is unacceptable, shards of darts are thin and can easily be torn. It is especially unsafe, as if the sound of the drіt looked like a cylinder, and in the middle of the plastic shell the vein broke off. It will not be easy to know that usunut such an injustice on your own.

The simplest roses in tablets are coaxial, which are used to transmit a high-frequency signal. Significant half of the rose is fixed for the fold at the top of the zipper on the spring-loaded rim of the rose cup. To make a rose, it is necessary to pick up a cup for a rim with a flat sting of a twist.

Roznіmannya, shown in the photograph, do not mourn zasovok and utrimuyuyutsya for rahunki rubbing. For їх rozticuvannya, it is enough to grab with the sponges of tweezers a small part of the rose and steal її in the direction of moving from the stationary part. If you entrusted the separation of two the same roses on the flexible wires, then to turn off the stray when folded up, before the separation of the roses, mark.

This type of rose may have two fixators at the sight of protrusions on the upper plane of the outer part. The steps are occupied by two square-shaped openings, crushed in the soldered part of the nest. Roz'em rose in the same way, like in the front.

For the winding of plastic inserts in roses, I vicorous small tweezers with a length of 10 cm. With such tweezers, you can also manually pull out resistors, diodes and radio elements similar to them when soldering.

This kind of rosemary connection is a flat cable, exposing the end of some pressure to the contacts at the plastic well. On the roznіmannі you can see the black bar, yak and є important fixer.

To make the train swell, it is enough to turn the bar 90 ° behind the year arrow, as shown in the photograph, holding the ribs of the train with your fingers to pull it out of the nest.

To fix the plume in roses, it is necessary, with minimal effort, to insert the train on the plate in roses with your fingers on the left side.

All the roses in the mother's pay were left out of the day, and there were no more adhesive tapes with adhesive tape, as if the darts were pressed against that vіdgvintiti and the sprat of gvintіv. It is necessary to save the adhesive tape, for that, when folding the tablet, it will be necessary to stick it on more space.

This is how the button turned on the tablet looked like, obviously, that the Chinese picker was saved on the solder. The bula button was installed on the front space and soldered behind the help of a ten-watt soldering iron to the other board. Dodatkovo bula overturned the button for the help of a multimeter. When pressing on її shtovkhach opir becoming equal to zero, and when letting go - inconsistency.

Behind the power button, you need to finish the hardened tablet position sensor. To turn off the reusable button, the button was turned on with a vernier caliper in the rear wall of the button to the side of the sensor. Vono folded three millimeters. From the plate of sklotekstolit tovshchina three millimeters, the plate was crushed with the size of the button.

The plate after covering its sides with a thin ball of glue Moment was firmly inserted between the button and the position sensor, as in the photograph. For such an additional mother's payment, it was impossible to turn on the power button for a month with a strong pressure on it.

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