How to set an internal side in a group or a group of VKontakte. How to create an internal side for the group menu in contact Yak correctly creates a link

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Correct linking on the site is one of the important moments of internal optimization. Vona is not required for the distribution of the vagi between the sides, as you might think the old way. Tse go through the site, like pass the coristuvach. The first step of the proclamation is such a rank, that the winners are bound to arrive until the end of the whole day. Yak tse zrobiti, rozpovidaamo in a new post.

Also, linking is needed

Re-linking - the price of "linking" the links to the site for additional help.

Re-linking of internal and external contacts.

Internal linking- installation of posilan in the boundaries of one site.

Internal linking manager:

  • polіpshennya (site for an old man and zrozumіlim);
  • sidelines (poshukoviki are more beautiful than the structure of the site - like sidelines to lead, since they are important);
  • adjustment of the relevance of the parties (for the display of different key supplies in the system and more beautifully, according to the supplies, the list is in the joke).

As long as the correct internal re-linking is applied:

  • polish behavioral indicators (increase in the hour spent on the site, glimpse of glance, decrease in the view) і, also, "pidtyagti" positions in a joke;
  • increase the conversion rate on the site (purchases, applications, subscriptions, etc.).

zovnishnya linking- installation of a link from a vlasny site to іnshі maidanchiki (sites, socialist sites, catalogs, etc.). It’s not easy to cheat. If you talk about the call of a link, you may be on the lookout for a strong link, and before linking, you have to increase the number of people.

Head of the last link:

  • give me access to the corny information, distributed on the new resources;
  • vkaz_vka pershoderela danih (for example, with quotations or transfers);
  • redirecting traffic to partner and affiliate resources.

The name is correct for the viewers, but there is no need for additional manipulation for the transition to third-party resources. Moreover, the system and the rating of the sites can be adjusted to the authoritative Maydans.

Yak correctly build the internal linking

In the net, you can know a lot of different linking schemes - "kiltse", "zirka", "yalinka", etc. of the guilty party before conversion).

Zbir Danikh for linking

As long as your site is right now for a good day and having chosen to submit statistics, information about clicks according to your choice can be viewed with the help of the “Possil Map” tool in Yandex.Metrica. You can beat, according to what you can click more often, and you can know the regularities.

Fragment "Karti Posilan" Yandex.Metrics

Ale yaksho site is noviy, "Map posilan" will not give information. For a wide variety of reasons, pick up the tricks of Yandex and Google, which are formed on the basis of attributes for the consumer.

Visible on the butt. Supposedly, you have an online technology store. You would like to place information on the movement of the model from the side of the Smartphone catalog. Enter the phrase in Yandex. "Buy a smartphone" and delete the list of suggestions. Koristuvachiv, who want to buy a smartphone; Samsung smartphonesі Xiaomi, popular models і new items.

Vipisumo all the "pozhannya" and I will accept, according to the essence, the list of links, on which you will pay and on which you will definitely pass the part of the coristuvachіv. If you don't want to buy a stink, you can deny it, but it means that the position of the site is violated.

I will manually pick up tales of a lot of robots. To simplify and accelerate robots, you can use the tool "" in SeoPult. Provide a list of key phrases, vibration of the system (Yandex or Google), the region, the rules and the amount of collection (maximum - up to 3 rubles) and press the button "Start the rewrite".

The finished result can be downloaded in XLSX format.

The sackcloth sounds like this:

We have selected enough information for the purpose of consuming corrosives and creating a link.

A lot of pochukovyh pidkazok can be victorious for linking similar feeds, which are based on the results of the trick.

The power supply is available in the Yandex.Wordstat service (right column):

For the collection of similar power supplies from the previous tool SeoPult - "Zbir phrases of association". Pratsyu vin is similar to the tool for the selection of sound cues, the look out.

Why have we zupinilsya so detailed on the collection of phrases? On the right, in that, without intelligence, consume the robots of the robot over the perelinkovka is not enough for the senses. How to arrange the posilannya navmannya, chaotically abo, navpaki, "kiltsyuvati", there will be no whole transitions along them.

Internal linking methods

Establish linking on the site is possible in different ways- the bottom of the list of types but the placement of the positioning between the sides of the site.

Main menu

Tse naskr_znі posilannya, as to be shown on all sides of the site. In the horizontal menu, ask for the link “About us”, “”, “Pay for the delivery”, etc. It is not recommended to use the head side, for some reason, just stick to the logo and / or the title of the site.

Posilannya on the current side is not to blame for being active (for example, if you switched to the “Contacts” side, then when you push on the “Contacts” menu item, the side is not to blame for re-engaging). Besides, do not pick more than 7 times in the menu, you can get lost in the information retrieval.

Product not menu (menu to catalog, category)

Two types of menus

When you change the position in the product menu, pay respect to the following moments:

  • Use only the most popular flavors to drink (for example, before you can be brown, light, orange, and which are good) , then the site will not be handily koristuvatisya, which will lead to the destruction of behavioral factors);
  • in the names of the sub-items, uniquely perespam (for example, in the item "Front" it is not necessary to name the items "Modular front-ends", "Little front-ends", etc. so zzumіyut, so mova idde about the hallways);
  • Give the names of the pictures (the same go is more helpful in visualizing the website. Do not substitute pictures for the text in any case - name the points and points to blame for the text, which is intelligent for noise systems).

innovations : Assist the whole robot on the internal optimization and submission of the site to the fakhivtsyam. All tools - in one motion. Campaign launch - in three clicks. Automatic budget allocation. Rozstrochka!

As a rule, recommendation blocks are vikoristovyutsya in. Here you can see similar comrades (smartphone 1, smartphone 2, ...), paired comrades (earphones, charging attachment, ...) or popular comrades from different categories. Do not rob the set of complementary positions chaotically without any kind of logic - so as not to give the desired result.

The goods can be promoted from the history of the peer-review - in the whole range of the number of clicks on the basis of your choice.

Recommendations can be made available on the other side of the catalog to clarify the power supply of the corystuvach. For example, if you are in the category "Stoli", you can go to the category "Obidnі stoli", "Comp. I know this kind of priyom to allow the unfolding of the fold-out menu in the catalog in the left sidebar.

For information sites, recommendation blocks are viewed in a different way: here it is important to pick up koristuvachіv in the glance of new links with content. In this way, blocks with clicks of notes, the remaining novelties, the most popular sidelines, the most commented articles, and so on.


Leather goods can be described with different parameters, as it is uncomfortable to be included in the menu. For example, the shafa can be brown, with chipboard, 100 cm wide, 50 cm wide.

You can, see, shut up, everything can be done in filters. So, it is possible and necessary to change - all the possible characteristics of a joke to win in a filter. However, the results of filtering are not indexed by a sound robot, so the most popular drink on the screen will pay for them for additional tags.

Butt tags on the category side

Tags go for information sites - similar statistics are called from other sites. Wine in tags only and drink, as the most popular (div. Vishche, yak will drink). Visually rotate the side of the street. Get a balance.

Contextual linking

The order is placed in the descriptions of the part of the page (for example, in the statistics) and lead to the part of the site. Possibly to pick up in the cards of the goods, a bit of the stench to bring the coristas out of them. And the axis is on the head side in the categories of stench whole pre-river. For example, in the category "Notebooks" it is possible to see people who are talking about someone who has a laptop.

Re-linking to a catalog with information links

As soon as on the website of your store, information is distributed, contextualized, written into the text, you can also redirect traffic to commercial pages, for example, to product cards, etc.

Contextual linking of statistics with parts to catalog and product cards

It is also possible to link to each other with a different statty (with the help of a vikoristvo in the posts given to the blog), more importantly, the stench of the boule was tied thematically and added one to one.

Navіgatsіynі lantsyuzhka ("hlibni kryhti")

Make sure to pick up the whole way of interlinking on all sides, when you see it, if you are, if you want to turn to the opposite stage.

More beautifully victorious reports are lancers, as they show the whole route to the flow direction, and not quickly (if only the first side is used and the "Back"). Read more about the establishment of khlibnykh krykht in our rosiltsi.

HTML sitemap

Tse okrema storinka, on how to distribute on all sides of the site. Won additional help to the structure of the mind. The price is cinnamon and for corystuvachiv, and for polishing and indexing of sides with sound systems. Marvel at the instructions on the picture of the site.

The axis of the kilka is happy, like varto vrahovuvati when linking:

  • pick only dofollow-based;
  • do not let the linking be done according to the rules - adhere to the principle of a healthy deaf and corny for people;
  • it is not recommended to overload linking from the cards of goods (for example, to the pages about delivery and payment), you can also introduce the correct link; distribute all the necessary service information right there in the card in the stisle viglyad;
  • uniqueness (if the side depends on itself);
  • do not put a lot of money behind one side (only the best old ones);
  • do not often use the internal sides on the head;
  • sideways, on how to go to the head, it is better to be indexed;
  • regularly revise the site for the presence of "broken" messages (like leading to the side with a code, see the number 200) and see them.

Yak correctly zrobit the call

Bagato web majstri are afraid to use the call resources, motivate them, but according to the calls made by them, the "vaga" sides are negatively identified on the rankings. Dіysno, earlier so and bulo. Ale in the courtyard of 2018 rik - prodigy systems and work on the basis of piece intelligence, and for them, the satisfaction of koristuvach is at the first place.

For example, in the streaming statistics with the help of Yandex.Wordstats, they have set a specific call to work. As a result, you don’t need to go to the post, enter “Yandex Wordstat” and click on what you want in the post - you go to the whole service directly from the statty. Is it easy? So. As soon as you read the article, see the Wordstat, go through the pages, test the methodology described in the article and read the details. І nothing for the cim to the power of not "vitikє", but the axis Behavior officials, Navpaki, pol_pshuyut.

Unimportant to the obvious corrosiveness of outrageous calls, it is necessary to put it correctly. The axis of the basic rule:

  • the skin call is guilty of being pre-riverine, organically fit into the context (in the same type of sound system, it can be paused, as long as it is allowed to grow on a paid basis, and the sanction is fixed);
  • if you don’t believe in the hopes of the site, if you try, let it be missed - there will not be any kind of popping in any way, but you can go to them;
  • do not disguise posilannya for help scripts;
  • to make the best possible sense of the word from the main text;
  • pick natural anchor (name brands, site URLs, vkazivnі anchor - “for the best”, “here”, “instruction”, “site”, “brown resource”);
  • unique anchors with explicit commercial barriers (with the words “buy”, “replace”, “price”);
  • for additional information about the text, give the koristuvachams of intelligence, so that the clicker, according to the stench, go to the calling resource;
  • Obviously adjust the indications of the new conditions in the new window - in the new context there will be some indications.

If you will, you will end up with a lot of joy, you will be able to see it from your spratsyuyut only as a plus.

Relinking to the site is not a simple task

To update the entire staff, it will be necessary to conduct an analysis of the feeds, update the behavior of the website, visibility, such as links and what rank will be tied with oneself. It is important for you to be victorious on your own, you can get help

Administering sports goods for the VKontakte group, I will write down the most frequently used pages in the most popular format, such as transferring a message text, video or a photo from the gallery with attached resources, as long as the site is on the other side. Ale Inodi is now such a moment, if you need to install more designs of the material itself in the social. headers, vikoristovyuchi headings, lists and special features of the design, which invoke the attached standard links on information sites. It is also varto vrahovuvati, who are rich in koristuvachiv VK iz happy to read the material in the social. If you do not want to go to the other site, before that, the links can be indexed by sound systems, but you will be sure to add them to the list, as you can sign up.

In order to open the link on VKontakte, you need to copy the offensive URL to the address row:

remember "XXX" to the id of your public or group, change "Title_Print" to the title of your maybutnyy statty and natisnuti Enter. Now the side is closed, and you can start until the next day by pressing the button "Reveal with a zmist".

For that, the side is ready, you can publish it in the record of the group or the group, having told the address of the material without ending “? Act = edit ". If the page will be locked before writing, check the url-address, if all one is done, it will be active and not aware. Once before the post, immediately attach a link and a photograph, so when you press on the photo, your material will be displayed.


1) Access to the side

At the lower right side of the corner you have opened the side є the button "Access to side", you can tell who will have access to the side for viewing and editing. For substitutions, editing is available only to administrators, so do not rejoice in minting, so as your guests, it’s better for everything, don’t miss the opportunity to make a contribution to the material.

2) Save the address of the traffic you have set up

When issuing a wiki page, do not forget to copy the material to the address; If you list the materials in the group, then you can go back and forth for an hour to edit the newsletter, having seen the headline and having printed it, “Give it your power”.

3) Writing a page title to the material cannot be remembered

When you enter the page, you will specify the correct name for the material in the URL "Example_title", if it will be the title of your page, which I do not remember.

Re-linking - price ...

... the ringing of the sides for help. Possibilities can be affixed both from one site to the other, and from all over the site.

Razr_znyayut call and internal.

Zovnishnya is the whole linking of the sides of several sites, if there is one link to the last.
Internal linking - linking links in the middle of one site. Won є one z the most important officials internal optimization. The price is tied to that, for the help of which the request is transferred to the static vagu of the side, apparently, for the help of a competently configured linking, it is possible to polish the ranking by high frequency, rakh and especially low power supplies.

Let's talk about the internal.

Yak correctly rob the linking of the site: the basics

When powering up, it is necessary to follow the rules: all the high frequencies go to the head, the low frequency goes to the sides of another plan (breaks), and the lows go to the sides of the third level (cards of goods, statistics, etc.).

Є three basic linking schemes:

"Kiltse" - the whole vaga is transmitted to the low frequencies to drink, and the stench is tied in its own heart.

"Zirka" is an equal number of questions on the site. If the head is squeezed out, it is divided (category) and comrade.

"Drabina" (Ієrarkhichna) - the vaga is transmitted to the mid-frequency power supply. Suction of distributions and categories.

  1. Let us know what you can do. Proceeding from the site bar, the horizontal menu and the footer is guilty of leading to all the most basic distributions and distributions. Moreover, the smell of boules is available not only from the head, but from the other sides.
  2. Khlibni krikhti. Not only do you add koristuvachev not to ruin on your site, but to transfer the load from the daughters to Batkiv. And if the key words are victorious in them, then it is possible to increase the relevance.
  3. Posing with the logo. Change the line from your website logo to the head in the format: (or, in the form of a head mirror). Prescribe key words in the alt and title.

  • Submit a sitemap to the site (do not cheat on the sitemap. Xml). The visibility of the picture to the site will certainly accelerate the indexing process. Until then, you can use it from side 404. If you can do it even more, then you can clean the card from side to side like “cat” and “ special cabinet»I only have landing sides.
  • Perelinkovayut published sides between themselves. Tim can broaden his own call (it’s often important to know, I’ll look at those who don’t think it’s cheap) on the other side of the resource.
  • Correctly put down the lines in the text:

Ankorny posilan in the text is not guilty but it is too much.
Vignettes are thrown out, if the text is already "in the subject", or the text is great, and three and three times more than we can remember. But in most cases, too many people are not too overpowered, most likely they are not only visually irritating, but also spamming. Follow the rules of no more than 3x per 1000 symbols and not 50 pieces per side.

Anchor posilan povinnі buti rіznymi.
Possibility with repeated anchors can "glue" and even transfer of the message will be urizana, before that there is a great number of poles in text descriptions with the same anchor can be seen by sound systems like spam. Come up with different texts for internal linking and don't forget about relevance.

  • Create a blog for your own resource
    Create on your site distributions for the distribution of specific and thematic articles, as you can be sure of yours. The statistics of the fault are imprisoned according to the information supplied, as it is possible to submit it to Yandex. Wordstat and Google. Put down the internal lines from them on the published partitions and make sure that the sides come through.
  • Rethink old content we know
    Submit new content? Perfectly. Put tags from old to old, and from old to new. I wish you happiness. New content will be indexed faster, and older content will be updated with relevance.
  • Also, remember that the sides are not guilty of themselves and do not see the anchor text in the text.
    It is necessary to arrange it correctly. Internal re-linking є by the pathway of the koristuvach on the site, allowing you to save an hour for a joke of necessary information. The scandalous robot in such a rank will deny the declaration about the structure of the site. Internal linking of a loan is the most important place in SEO-optimization. І є effective method Submitting to the site, for the purpose of which you can significantly advance the position of the site.

Dmytro Skalubo

Tsya stattya will be korisna in pershu chergu tim, which is not a website. As long as you already have a website - you can, you know a few ideas for polishing the existing structure, or for the establishment of new distributions.

The axis of my caution, renounced to the power of the robots from the call and internal powers. Only those who, especially at me, have spattered nasty or good on dozens of prospective projects:

  • For a new project to check traffic from Google without checking and clicking on them (from sites, social media, forums, etc.) First 3-6 months sensu may not be. As long as your audience is "Google", you will have a chance to read the right messages.
  • Internal re-linking is required in the first place in order to solve the problem of a koristuvach, and not for the ability to cram the required power supply into the anchor.
  • Posilannya, according to how regularly pass koristuvachi, pratsyu nabagato more beautifully, niz that, yak just here є.
  • For інshih rіvnyh (as the two sides are even more similar in content, site trust, behavioral factors, etc.)
  • Vidminny content without respect is not lost - to supply new content without you.
  • Increase in positions and traffic by internal users from one to another, lower to new content. "Yandex" and "Google" love what you can do.

Filter a site for any ban in sound systems is also better for everything to come by itself through posilan. In addition, for the sinister internal re-linking, it’s as simple as that for the owner of the site.

About the importance of internal linking

The rest of the rock is on the importance of the fall. Not in the image of patriots, but the Russian segment of the Internet on the day of copying into the development of the English Internet with the records of 3-5 years. In the days of MOZ three years ago, the first 2 months are borrowed by:

Here the most important pardon is to be asked - at the entrance of the process, the robots call themselves "link building", so that the link building is sent to the site, the request is prompted. Chi is not a purchase, but a robot with thematic sites, їх authors, forums and іnshim. Creation of the shortened content, which will be extended.

And when you go in, it’s so good - as long as your target audience is reputed to be “Google” (for example, the people of the United States), it’s necessary to be smart, because it’s close to 100%, and you don’t call the project, you don’t think about it. Do not buy it, but engage in the "link building" itself, analyze competitors, work with other sites and auditors.

For Russian projects, organized for the inhabitants of Russia, for the first time of life, the project will be brought from 50 to 95 times per day by Yandex, and we still have a lack of perfection of modern Russian content in this period. stand for 3-5 months. Tse factors, linked to the specific side of the site:

  • Some content of the page will be sent to the feed of the koristuvach. The quality of the content on the side, the success of the experience, as well as the problem of the visitor.
  • Obsyag content, yogo readability (layout), uniqueness, swiftness of the entangled side, additional "features" on the smallest mikroozmіtki, https-protocol, correct display on the add-on of a koristuvach.
  • The earning of the koristuvach, the behavior of the factor. The price of the click-through rate of a domain page at different views, views, views of a site, an hour per site.

І behind the additional internal linking can be infused on all 3 factors. The infection on the butts is free. The axis is even better broken:

Well, good in a whole lot:

  • The block with internal space requirements is so, as it is not so and it is necessary - the price is correct for additional information for a koristuvach.
  • The line is contrasting and matched;
  • Good readability, zoosuilo, how to beat a koristuvach, if you go according to the order.
  • At the linking block, which does not vibrate from those links, you can enter from one to 10 words, which give additional traffic on low-frequency and low-competitive power supplies to the stream side. Dear reader, I know in the first butt of the book of non-droopy zbigiv with Yandex data:

By the way, such a block of internal linking can be supervised by 3 points, which can be referred to the understanding of the link. The linking block will add additional content of the page, increase the amount of information and readability, give you a chance to get a chance to see the page on the website for more knowledge about the insulation of the balcony.

As soon as I look at it, it can be brighter - once the whole block, you can go to the other side, as you ask the clerk closer to the signed contract - terms, guarantors, prices. Axle for one buttstock:

Well, good in another application:

  • Specified prices.
  • Posilannya rozbitі on the group.
  • Okremiy block rewarded by itself in the ts_y company.

It’s not even better - a priceless block, that is, it’s the same on the empty sides. With SEO-warehouse (transfer of cars on important lines), such a block can be handled. And a shortage - on the side about balconies, 3 on the other hand, about windows, the stench of any pre-existing value doesn’t mean anything, and it’s not necessary for everything.

More reasons to set up a competent linking

For great projects, linking blocks are one of the ways to quickly index links to a site. Samiy zrozumiliy (whoever is not called correct) butt is a new site, it is critically important, but all the new ones were previously consumed as a result of a joke. It is also important for new sites to add a site to Yandex.News and Google News, as in the first place, new results are formed on the basis of RSS feeds. The axis is like a vigleadє:

Such a view is formed by itself for the return of the tribute in Yandex.Novini and Google News. And the axis yak vikoristovusya linking on the new site:

Such blocks on any site will allow you to speed up the consumption of new parties as a result of a joke. Not great glad - new sides in now with empty view give the first views through a few days of publication.

The main plus of internal linking is not in SEO. The main point of reloading is the correct vibration of the nobles of the koristuvach on the site and, as we know, is the growth of the conversion. Samiy "fat" butt with special information:

  • On the site of the bureau of distribution of distributions with pre-existing information.
  • After 3-4 months, the visibility of the pre-sales page from the joke in the first place changed the visibility of the main pages to the site.
  • In the coming 4 months, experiments were carried out on the distribution of links on the pre-sided sides of the link blocks for selling the side.
  • Selling stakes as a joke grew for the main supplies in the middle by 25-30% (SEO-effect, which, in the meantime, is a result of the first robots on the site).
  • From 5 to 11 we switched to the sale of the line according to the orders in the linking blocks, the goods were replaced (in the middle, close to 8% conversion). At the same time, the average conversion is to sell the pages for all traffic jerels, including the traffic, which is 3%.

Tobto just for a rakhunok that, on all informational sides of the site, there will be a change to the mind “And you can get the price and buy it here” - in a month there will be 30 to 50 new animals.

I have carried out similar experiments on new projects and topics. In the case of the financial one, the linking gave explicit and virtual financial results, as it was even easier to freeze:

  • At the block of links, the UTM-tag was “sewn up” from the values, from which side there was a shortcut.
  • In the analytics system, for the purity of statistics, the data are taken, for the entrance to the site - the links, and the linking block.
  • For mitsuvatsya vvazhayutsya site, as they became customers (for all, it is necessary to set up the number in Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics).

Bilsh by sight:

Tsei way of accessibility for any CMS and navigation for a small site, scho working on HTML files. There is only one shortage of this method - you will not quick access to the knowledge of the statistics on the skin power, if you do not have the links of the statistics systems and the application file with the programs.

Bilsh prossutiy rivn - set up a robotics module with capabilities for your CMS, which allows:

  • Insert the code on a number of sides at once (place the list in the code of the sides at once, so that you will be able to use it, and then put the required block in one click on any number of sides).
  • Automatically select the number of transitions according to your choice (allowing you to select the most selectable blocks).
  • Conduct A / B test automatically (as well as vashtovuyut current indicators of click-through rate and conversion of option A - not change all the blocks, but show option B for a given number of drives).
  • Show the linking blocks, designed for the annex of the koristuvach (in the presence of the vicorist OS and the screen will show adaptations when the attached block is attached).

As long as the site engine doesn’t have any other modules, it’s better for everything, you’ll get to master it from TDS (Traffic Delivery System) systems. TDS is a system for distributing traffic, it allows you to change the code of strings for tasks in the number of dozens of parameters - by display type, by OS, by a key word, by geolocation, etc.

Let us remember the entry, so again, it’s more important to say briefly:

  • Earlier, the number of calls to the site and to a specific site is more important, the lower the content and behavior of officials. Infection (accepted for "Yandex") to navigate the site with zero time.
  • Without calls, the traffic in Google can be processed smoothly. In bagatokh commercial topics in the top 10 are old, non-manual, ale pumped up sites.
  • "Yandex" in commercial topics is also vrahovuє posilannya.
  • For a purchase, you can check out the filter in Google and Yandex. The posilannya is a good purchase - the one they did not think about the yaku, they didn’t think it was bought.
  • Internal re-linking is good for SEO, but it is correct for great projects, de stars and kudi put on the power.
  • For additional internal linking, you can post a donor link to your site and edit the required anchor on your own side.
  • The internal linking allows you to "store" the corystuvach and transfer him to the landing side.
  • Internal links from the added links to the site on a new one will bring them into view.
  • Re-linking with an emphasis on marketing, not SEO, can be done even more precisely - in earned pennies.
  • Take care of the internal re-linking you need with a scientific approach - respect everything and everything, experiment.
  • If you don't want to ride a bike, it’s better for everything, if you consume the module for the engine of the site, or if you come across one of the TDS systems.

Site structure. Why is there power in SILO and the sound of a term?

For myself, I first introduced the term "SILO", having read it (you can see it, there is an obsyag - about 30-35 book pages). The basic idea is simple:

The grouping of links to the site in thematic distributions, or allowing the sound systems to be more precise, to start the topics of links in these groups and the topics of the site as a whole. The optimizer can be vibrantly "enhancing" actions in groups, as well as internal powers.

Previous transfer of "SILO" (bunker) is not passed in the turn of the Russian SEO-fahivts. Name the terms "cluster", "group of parties", "category".

Infectious diseases are often detected when designing a site architecture. "Site architecture" sounds imperceptible and is immediately built, but even neatly. I’ll say more simply - the price of the links on the website of the robot and the other, as of the group.

Website structure for SEO

The first pidhid - the choice of the yakomog more values ​​for the corystuvach of the power supply and distribution on the side of the site according to the principle of semantic relevance. Tobto, wash down the group by text zbigom. Tse viglyadaє approximately like this:

At this point:

  • You can get all the power you can in our site, you can see non-profit (the only place / country, do not go for the type of goods but services, for the price and so far).
  • Drink up into groups according to text (і chastkovo) according to logical zbіg. The quality of the breakdown is based on the fact that the visitor can use this site. It’s possible to get rid of it badly - it is possible on the landing side to power up the power supply for the purpose of the auditorium, for example, “cheap” and “premium”.
  • The site structure is added to the list of links. Even more often - the main 10-20 sides seem to have a sound structure, and the sieve of the sides is simply published in the sections "Information", "Corisne materials" or analogous.
  • Prices are displayed on the site, so that they can be made before buying a new page.

The first shortage of such an approach is that most often new groups of power supplies are not taken. The site will be promoted on that stage, on which it is located.

Another shortcoming is the internal linking to work with certain schemes known in the Internet:

As the site does not have a different logical structure, the linking is normal in a new structure, it is even foldable.

Well, on the site, all the parties are called into the coup, so there is no way to choose the topic for the site, or there can be no group of parties to the system. Small (100-1000 pages) sites are to be bypassed from viewers of giants on the "site about everything" standard, including those of the university's special site or the site.

The third shortcoming of such a scheme is the very nature of the sides, the same theme of the context. It's also short - in a large number of vipadks it is not possible to take and destroy a side, as obviously it will be 40-50 power supplies, especially if some of them are commercially available, and a part is information.

What kind of system and structure of the site?

Post-installation systems can be based on the topic of the selected site. I can quickly and correctly adjust the structure of the site, as well as the lines of distribution according to the divisions of the site physically or logically. Physical distribution:

Tobto in a browser the structure of the URL of the viewer is approximately like this:

name-site / legkovie / diametr
name-site / legkovie / marka-avto
name-site / legkovie / brend
name-site / legkovie / sezon
name-site / legkovie / sezon / letnie
name-site / legkovie / sezon / zimnie

With such a structure on the site, it is clear that there is a reason to think about it, as the sidelines are more likely to be indicated on the power supply of a koristuvach. If you deny more correct linking within the same group of links automatically. To use the most important parts in the main or additional menu, on the contribution of the parties to include "khlibny krihti" - navigate through the divisions of the site and їkh ієrarchії. Axle butt:

At the same time, all the sides of the same group will do well on the father’s side, daughter side, and the group’s side. Poshukovik in the whole simpler mind, about the site. Website will remove traffic:

  • For vuzky food (for example, "buy laptop asus model X ") - on the side of the product cards;
  • For more wide power supplies ("buy an asus laptop") - on the side of the category;
  • For competitive high-frequency power supplies ("buy a laptop") - on the "Laptops" side.

At the same time, you just need to “pump up” the necessary sides with internal resources - for example, having moved the “top sales” block in the category, “improve the rating” or similar ones with requests for the required side. The price is not limited to online stores. Axis from іnshoї nіshі:

At once the stench of the cluster. For the out-of-the-box supplies at the vidachi, it will appear on the entire Directorate, for the larger supplies - on the side of the cluster. Yak vi rozumite, what is more common site - more clusters of vines can be integrated.

Logically, the structure of the site is rendered only because the engine does not set the URL structure, and the links between the system and the links are linked. All aspects of the site may be the same and the same amount of contribution, for example:

site-name / page1 site-name / page2
name-site / pageN

name-site / pageN +1000

In such a vipad of the sound system and the great value, there will be the most significant sideways on the internal linking. There will be links from the main menu (as they are present on all sides of the site), as well as links with the maximum number of internal services.

Clusters may be based on internal capabilities. For example, 100 pages of the site will be accepted one on one, and all the stinks - on the 101st side, and the text on the same sides has a semantic meaning (for example, “project”, “budinok”, “bar”, “price”). Post a system and start, but the price - side of one part. If the structure is correct, the structure on such a site is foldable, and the basic linking of all the middle clusters is 100% automatically generated, it will be necessary to think over and write down the rules for skin groups of links. Yak tse viglyadaє:

For the structure of the system, the sentiment of the sound system, and the sides 2, 3, 4 and 10 are the sides of the same group, and 10 - the main side of the group (so all the people can do it).

The main lack of such a scheme for the site is the complexity of the vibudovvanny structure of the site for the linking process. The axis seems to be driven by John Mueller, a robot fighter with Google's webmasters:

And changing the structure of the site can take an hour and not bear fruit. So, if you have no obvious rogue with a structure - it's more beautiful to just push the robot.

Site structure for people

When the structure of the site "for SEO" is set up, there are all the possibilities to feed the corystuvachiv and there are groups of links to feed it. When the site is set up for people, it’s a ringing situation. The structure of the site is created, so that all can be fed from the side of the corystips, and when the side is opened, it is optimized in that number and from the statistics of noise systems.

Main passages:

  • There will be more links on the site, for a discussion of consumer auditing.
  • The pages will be tied between themselves in the first place, not for semantic familiarity, but for the needs of koristuvachіv. Tse yes you can bring an adverb to the site on any stage from a choice of goods / services to a choice - de buy.
  • For the connection of the links, the more beautiful the behavior of the factors on the site is more than a glance, an hour on the site.

At the same time, the structure of the site for people will allow you to beat two hares - correct internal linking and updated behavior of officials. nishi:

1. Budding from the timber

Yak butt in one vuzka group of interests of clients - booths from a bar with an attic. In short, when SEO-based on the site, there will be 1 to 5 sides (projects, photos, reviews, ready objects).

And the axis of such a group of links on the site can be changed, if you think about consuming a koristuvach:

You can add different foundations, coverings, squares, geometries (6 x 6, 8 x 8, 10 x 10), the appearance of the terasi up to 30-50 options. With such a move, a number of relevant internal lines will be numbered in tens or hundreds, it will be shown on them. Such a group of links will collect traffic over hundreds of power supplies - from low-frequency to high-frequency. If it is necessary for SEO purposes, it will be necessary to "transfer" the link to the side from the sides - you can add the linking blocks to the donor side.

Krym internal posilan - conversion on the cich sides of the future, converted into new ones.

At the same time, when such groups of ideas are established, new content will grow as soon as possible. for example:

  • Features of glued and profiled timber, overwhelming and short.
  • A different type of foundation can be vikoristovuvati when building a double-topped booth from a bar.
  • To enter the booth from the bar "pid key".

2.Internet store of awesome goods

As a matter of fact, it’s possible to move the crock towards the catalog structure, practically whether it’s an online store that sells materials for business and repairs, seeks lifeless ideas, which have not really been implemented. I have a short vipad to help the customers and to increase the average check, the blocks “with the goods to bathe” will be sold.

At the same time, GOSTs, SNIPs, normative documentation should be ignored. Kozhen, having started repairs, guessed several trips and trips "to buy something more". Tse mayzhe inevitable croc to navit at the presence of competently folded costoris. I can be victorious to reject the internal power:

  • Technological pictures for carrying out robots with a list of tools and materials. For example, from the technological picture for laying the laminate, you can draw it out on the materials, on how to use tools, on the side of the categories for the laminate for the classes.
  • Instructions for the selection and registration of vitrate materials - repaired from Farbi and finished with cutters.
  • Photo by inter'ariv from the catalogs of the suppliers - you can put the internal data on the victorious articles of the materials.
  • Instructions to the form "Yak yourself to grow such-and-such robots."

And now the food - have you seen this? I left the list only in catalogs, at the same time:

And such sides can easily fit into the structure of the site, the stench of corns is seen in, the stench gives internal power. You just need to think about people, not about SEO.

3. Misky portal

Call the portal of the place is a collection of novin, a catalog of organizations, posters of new projects and events. It is very easy to create a website for the corystiffs, and it is easy to read the internal solutions for the needs of the parties. To deliver vivoditi danі in the format, korisny koristuvachevі:

  • Not just a list of children's kindergartens and schools - but by districts and zupinks.
  • Whether you are a serviceman for the delivery of goods and services for food and drink.
  • Come in for free and paid distribution. For children and grown-ups. For children of preschool age, for young classes and so far.

Axle buttstock for Moscow:

And there will be a powerless group of power supplies to the kshtalt "go to the child 2/3/4 rockets in Moscow", "go to the child at night in Moscow" and others.

How does the structure of the site allow people to know the ideas for the site and the conversion rate?

The “structure of the site for people” can be seen as a marketing approach. Tse pratsyu in nishah with great checks, with a great way from vidviduvach to the client. Companies that want to start vibrating the structure of the sideways so that you can send your customer to the required stage before the sale - it’s early to cheat competitors. For not letting competitors get around you.

How much food will be less tsіkavity, what if I want to stay awake, or if I myself am not tying up with life?

  • Are the surfaces and rooms needed?
  • Would you like to overshadow the project and the environment? Yak is more beautiful and why?
  • Yak the shape of a booth vibrati (because the price is not surrounded by the shape and size of the dish)?
  • Do you need a pidval / basement on top?
  • Do you need a mountain or an attic?
  • The height of the stele?
  • What kind of foundation is there?
  • Why robustness?
  • How much is the surface of the surface - how is the color of the cross?
  • What is the cover?
  • What are the camera rolls in the sklopakety?

The chain is only part of the stages of the "boxes". Kozhen from tsikh points can be "rocked" on the same list.

The first axis here is a great field of activity for the development of the site and the establishment of new materials. For example, in my region of wall materials it is possible to name 7 or 8 offhand (tsegla, rakushnyak, aerated concrete, timber, sip-panels, cinder block, thermo, foam concrete). The skin has its own passions and shortcomings. As long as the company is engaged only in business - it is possible to robustly work a cluster of parties, professionally make all the materials.

First, there will be even more corian material. And on the basis of such sidelines, one would like to move on. The first site rises to the top just for the reason that an hour is on the site and the number of views of the pages is 2-2.5 times higher than that of competitors.

Such sides can be brought forward to the company, and we can give Lady. The form of a letter to the form "Send us a phone number and send out the corresponding characteristics of the top 10 materials for the walls already in 3 minutes" give applications of potential customers.

Such a reason should not allow you to miss out on things that could have been lost when the structure of the site was changed and when the power was taken. І skin from cich sides allow the development of internal resources to sell sideways.

Also, on the sides of the university, the conversion of food is straight. Yaksho vi read the ciu article, you have a website. To find out that a streaming hoster is not in charge of you (your internet store on Bitrix became galmuvati for adding 30,000 goods) and you shouted something new - as I propose to you:

  • Vidminny hosting for your site.
  • Hosting for great online stores on Bitrix.

Shvidshe for everything, friend. I tse pratsyuє in be-yakіy nіshі, de bіlshіst clientele tamper vibіr, and not curry wow-effect.

Site structure and admission

The structure of the site and the linking is even more strongly injected into the position of the site. Zrozumilo, which is the site for the basic vimogam:

  • There are no technical pardons on the site, so you can add the site to the site.
  • Information is relevant and competitive (for example, prices plus-minus average in the market).
  • Site shvidko zavanazhutsya, a gift for koristuvach.

How big is it that it is correct to measure the efficiency of the great site, how to search for a topic on top, and a small narrowly focused project, how to compete in a group of supplies? As long as there is no nobility of financial indicators, it is possible to change the number of references, submission to the number of pages on the site. For example, the middle axis indicators on two topics:

The data for all sites are taken from the same services, so the costs for all are approximately the same. Competition - a lot of power supplies, for some sites they move to the top 10. There is no trust in the domain, to the site, because of all the indicators of the great site.

Such a tribute was taken absolutely for small projects, in new ones. First, there is only one fallowness - a site that can be used in a larger university (for rіdkіsnim vinyatka, Less than 5%) pick up even more ads per side. For example, the axis of the site, which voluntarily declares its opinion. I have vibrated sites that have less than 1,000 links in Yandex and Google indexes:

Reshta 30 - special sites. Shho tse means:

  • The site is not about all bank products, but only about debit credit cards... For only about the hypothesis and mind.
  • The portal is not about accounting from ZED to 1C, but only about everything for VP.
  • The site sells not 100,500 new goods, but only doors. For only wooden doors.
  • The online store sells not everything for handicrafts, but only everything for knitting.

Why do sites on a larger scale of higher education have a number of views on one side in hundreds of times than on larger competitors?

Less content, less less content, less less content, less less content... With a miraculous butt, you can use - the site of a foreign SEO-fakhivtsya. Hundreds of thousands of transitions from a joke, while there are 71 links on the site. Internal re-linking there may be broken in an obvious way - there is a desire for the skin in the text.

The pages on such sites are linked to each other, give more information... There, on a great project, there is one side, on a small one, there are a few knitted together into a cluster or a group. Moreover, most often the skin side of the group on a small project will increase, but not a side on the great.

To spend more than an hour on the site for a rakhunok in front of the front point, marvel at a number of links... Go to internal requests. That is, the internal linking process is even more beautiful, as on the site there is a cycle of materials, manually tying around oneself, not just as simple as possible for pumping over the links.

Bagato topics may have some slang or special terms... Small thematic sites in the form of semantic hoardings turn the big ones. Something like this:

The axis and go, but there are not large sites, with well-organized links, with excellent content, with a good logical structure (you can "hang" on the site and divide by 5-10 sides).

How can I create a logical structure for the site?

As long as you have a commercial resource, such as money for the sale of goods or services, the correct logical structure can be described in one statement:

Potential client on the skin side of the site is guilty of the problem of prostitution and mindlessness of the onset of the croc, which is close to it, please.

In deyakikh vipadkah, the tse of growth is even simpler. For example, online stores and mayzhe start working on the scheme.

Meta - registration of the order. For the whole visitor, he is guilty of adding the goods to the basket. You can add a product to the basket either from the product card, from the category to the category. It means that all the way of the koristuvach on the site is required vibudovuvati so, wіn wіn eating, either in the category, or in the card of the goods. On the butt, there are 10 categories, stattya (aka decilka), suspicious articles can be used for a popular article.

I іnshі parties, which do not sell the goods without a second, or the service - to try to sell the items. There can be a lot of food-related information, additional information, part of the analysis, statistics in bloz, news.

On small sites (10-100 pages) everything is simple, the most basic side of the menu is on the menu, and it means that you can get it from all the sides. Other menu items can also be set internally for marketing or SEO purposes.

On middle sites (up to 10,000 pages) zazvychay implemented abo catalog structure (yakscho tse internet-shop) or headings. The pages are divided by groups (headings, categories), the skin side of the group is to be found on the other sides of the list of the headings. For SEO, on the most important headings and links, a list of the top headings is placed.

On the great portals (with hundreds of thousands and millions of sides) either it is possible to implement the drive up to the categories (only with the amendment to the number of categories), or just all the sidelines will be based on the Wikipedia principle. As a systematic linking robot on such projects, it is unrealistic for the following reasons:

  • Bagato UGC-content - koristuvachi share content on the site.
  • The site will eliminate traffic for hundreds of thousands of power supplies. You can only “pump” the inner side of a side by vibrating, if it’s like a side, which gives the main result (sales of something).
  • Often traffic traffic, or vzagalі development. The price is especially relevant for new resources - you just need to change more and more.

Site URL structure

On the current day, there is no big deal, the structure of the site has been organized according to the level of investment (sometimes it can reach 4 or more money), as on great projects:

Inodi buvaє and so - Main page / category / sub-category / sub-sub-category / sub-sub-sub-category / page / page-option

Such an option is a one-on-one team that will automatically handle all sides in the lancet. Incomplete - it is necessary to think over the structure of the site in advance, in order to transfer the links from one section of the site to the most desperate redirect settings. Yaka tse hard labor is not intelligence, as long as there is no need to distribute a few thousand handles into a few hundreds of new ones.

Another pidhid - all links to the site can be increased by 2-4 rubles of contributions:

But in fact, the goods are located on a different level, and the block / p will be added to the category, or a parameter to the store.

The transfer of such a move - all the main routes in the list can be transferred to the same category, and the list of routes is simply to provide lists for the convenience of the food. For example, all comrades are located behind the site / tovarN100500 address, but the category is like:

Main page / notebook-asus /
Main page / notebook-asus / 8gb-ram
Main page / notebook-asus / core-i3

Simply by listing the goods for the given characteristics. The main plus of this approach for internal linking is that from such categories it is possible to correct dozens of internal requests for a friend.

Nedolik - to finish off a lot, either with the head or with the hands. The goods themselves do not appear in the category, if you need to turn them on with your hands, or think over the templates of the vivedennya.

I will direct butt for Internet shops as the most accessible to the smallest, but on the other hand, the principle can be used to the projects of the various topics themselves. For example, for a site about dogs, information about the breed can be trimmed in one category, for example, "Head / poroda / haski"

Main page / srednie-sobaki /
Main Storinka / krasivie-sobaki /
Home side / sobaki-dlya-semei-s-detmi /

What kind of internal linking of vibrati?

If you know for sure, you won't have an hour or the opportunity to engage in a point-to-point link - choose one of the automatic schemes tied to the URL structure. Check out these options ...

First - all sides will do it one on one:

In such a situation, all sides are more significant, all sides of linking between themselves.

The third option is to overflow onto the end of the site. The diagram of the bullet is analogous, only the arrows are used in the vortex straight line (up to the side blocks).

Be it from a number of circuits, add the protection to the site's robotics logic. If you want to go to the inserted internal linking, then the diagram will be something like this:

It will be implemented in the URL structures and in the physical structures of the site - to lay down a vicious technical solution.

On my thought, such an option (for whatever adaptation is from your business) is the maximum flexibility. In the guided view, the butt - a specific model went from production and sale - was replaced by an analogous one. And in more conservative topics, for the first time or two, you can put dozens or hundreds of internal orders on the main selling side.

Yak organizuvati zberigannya danih on the site?

If you want to be built, the diagram in front of the picture is my hypothesis about content marketing "yak on zakhodi" and we will not have any nikols, for if it’s not coming in 5 years, go to whether it’s a statute behind a power supply:

More than 1,000 materials, in which the internal linking can be easily entered, with the help of a request for the driver to go closer to the cashier and the device:

Skin posilannya Veda on the general distribution "Yandex.Market". Apparently, within the framework of the Internet 1000+ articles - chickens in the sea. Ale tse "Yandex". For all your audiences from any commercial supplies, you can vivoditi "Yandex.Market".

The first great companies to roam the same:

Do you think great companies don't have a penny? It’s possible to inform me that there are dozens (or even hundreds) of times more expensive, but not for an online store or for a thematic site. І 2,000 articles for the butt on the right, mayzhe melodiously cost a couple of millions of rubles (and sooner in a sum of 7 zeros).

In runet, it’s a lot of nish, where great companies can only reach through a little rock. And all the tsі rocky you can cut off the drives and sell them to your comrades. You just need to do it earlier, if you have enough.

To successfully implement internal linking, as soon as it is done, SEO and marketing - take the next step forward:

Characteristics of goods or services... Everything that can be respected by the characteristics - can be saved in a format that allows you to automatically edit the information again. For example, if you sell tapestries, all the characteristics are for "monotonous", "with a great malunky", "bili shpaleri", "with a black one" and іnshi options - guilty but closed for the latest articles. We could add a couple of clicks to the category “bili tapestries with a black malunky”, just by listing the characteristics.

More beautifully 1 time to hit, less than once to read... Classical posilannya can be very good, as it stinks to the point. Ale in the information materials and more beautifully transferring the garniture of the link. I would like to use banners, as well as it is correct:

The axis is a good butt:

Miss it widely - with the largest number of auditing groups you can search for - the greater the number of reviews and sales.

More content marketing at the most advanced distance... The new wow-technology yak "is guilty of tearing the market and taking back some of the sales" is a joke in the rik algorithms. And the projects that systematically work on the virobability of the yak content are just scrupulously growing. In recognition, in recognition, in pennies.

And it’s not only in conservative places, but for the last 20 years of principle nothing new has not appeared and more than 20 times has not appeared (for example, there are a lot of awesome things). Surprise, the selection of projects, technical assignments. Technology is old-fashioned chorically, ally leading portals and a lot of newcomers spokylyuyut their part of the audit.

Think about how to open new pages with explicit content, how to consume your potential customers.

When designing a new functionality of the site (content distribution, filter, blog, nutritional advice, etc.), think how it is possible to quickly put a red and white message on a friend's service.

Respect efficiency immediately. Analyze competitors, robust forecasts.

Why robiti, why don't you have a big project?

Bagato priyomiv, meaning earlier, is simply sold in online stores or catalog sites. Ale scho robiti, why do you have a small project on a university subject? The universal option is a distribution with meals and suggestions.

  • Do not rob everything with one side. Okreme food - okreme storinka.
  • Let's be clear about it. The pages "for SEO" with references to the standard "and you can know the price by using the phone by phone" as you go to the TOP - hopefully you will not get caught up there. Besides, on the uninformative sides, it is easier to put the content on the other side of the site.
  • To break it apart with a hand. Various light-blue fonts in 11 sizes. If you yourself are not handy to read such sidelines - it may not be handy for you to read such sidelines, and the stench fills.
  • Yakshcho food is rich, I grow up to navigate. Pidrozdili, headings.
  • Wonderful glad, ale of transformations on my projects. If you є have an online consultant - do not give additional nutrition to the feed. The stench will often be short, unreasonable and unwritten. I, however, are of the same type. It's shitty for efficiency, and for SEO.
  • On the sides of food, give the opportunity to call you from the same sides - telephone numbers, messengers, social media.

In addition to nutritional advice, you can pick up information, rules, instructions, standards. As long as you have few ideas for small distributions, marvel at the very traffic sites of yours in the great places. As old projects as possible, they can see for the rakhunok of the power, for the domain, for the trust of the site, and for the youngest sites to get the best content.

Why is there a sale?

Yaksho vi shukayte "black woman's down jacket with a hood" - you can see it on the tsiy side:

І is in the top 3 for the largest supply of food. In addition, due to interlinking - on the other sides of the presence there is a direct power supply.

If you are going to walk around the place for the next time, I respect the color of the PVC window profile, like a white one and a “go tree”. And then joke in your own place on the wall "windows pvc% color %% city% price". І marvel at the appearance in the even competitive niche. Ta hocha b in Moscow:

The screenshot shows that the price of a wine with a color profile is 40%. Such a power supply can be provided in accordance with the "food-in-feed" section; The first buyer to call, so that everything is in charge. And such sides can be pumped up by the available ones. Khmarno vigoda, in the zagalny.

Yak is a small step. On the site, there are such links, I will need to first think, and then try to fix it.

Yak zrobiti correct linking to the site - checklist

As long as you already have a site with a great number of links, I can only please it more clearly - respect the sides and try to find the links from the others. The most simple and painless way to "overflow" the vagu. There is a small checklist.

  1. You are guilty of being a semantic core for the site - to feed the koristuvachіv, rozpodіlenі on the side of the site. Information to power supply is guilty of being sold in the information distribution, commerce - on the side of the sale.
  2. As far as possible, it is innocent of kanibalizatsiya within the framework of one project. So that one group of supplies on the site is guilty of representing one side. Yakshho strіnok decіlka - the site will compete by itself from itself at vidachі, it is crap. Yaksho take є - turn in one direction, set up a redirection from the far side.
  3. In case of robots with internal powers, it is possible to avoid using point 4, the rule is only one thing - do not squeeze with anchors. It is more beautiful to write in a non-new supply naturally, it is not natural to write in a new one.
  4. If you have a lot of ideas on the site, you can “overflow” the sides of the sides in nikudi.
  5. On the donor side, add 1 line to the acceptor side, as long as there will be a decal, so that it will not be transferred. If you need to put a bit of power, you can close it in the script.
  6. Posilannya, for the yak to go over, transmit more vagu, not just posilannya.
  7. Posilannya maє viglyadati yak posilannya (for example, іnshy color, pіdkreslennya, effect when hovering), like a text.
  8. The acceptor side can be lowered for a non-natural internal more efficiently. That is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati constructions from 2-3-4 words, while in the framework of the site it is not often repeated.
  9. Yakshcho in yakosti posilannya vikoristovutsya image - yak anchor bude vrahovuvatisya tag "alt" for the whole image.
  10. You don't think you are smart enough to think about it, do not get overwhelmed by "pumping" important aspects with js-scripts in different ways.
  11. Bother less. Be it overwhelmed by manipulation from the side of the site - a signal that the site will magnetize as it should be outwitted by algorithms of sound systems. I have not yet bothered a website, as a sinister bi I mean a message for a robot with internal powers, because there they simply gave me a hand to navigate (and at the same time they were able to pass through the whole side).
  12. Vikoristovyte such linking blocks, in which you yourself would like to natisnut on posilannya.
  13. For an informed project, you can quickly slip new sidelines for non-competitive supplies simply by setting the request and redoing the transition to the middle of the site. Tsei priyom will also accelerate the consumption of links to the main index of sound systems.
  14. Chee pratsyuєte zi feasible - respect the result. In SEO-indicators, but pennies. Yakshcho vikoristovute internal power for marketing purposes - conduct the test, select the shortest option.
  15. If you have a lot of links - please, if you spend an hour on the site, there are a lot of links.
  16. As long as your site structure is motivated not by the URL, but by the posilannyas - magnetize the links between the thematic divisions of the site.
  17. If you don’t know, the stars are potent - to start a blog or content distribution.

trochs of practice

Two simple rules:

  • Correct or tidy up the bits.
  • Cross over, how important it is to catch best number internal power supply.

Poshuk beatih posilan on the site. Yak without koshtovno to carry out a change and quickly correct the bit?

Bezkoshtovna Xenu program(You can download it from the official site) you can scan a small site for a bit of hilin and know a bit if you can. Lock up, launch. Pislya establishment:

For the sake of the change, use the combination Ctrl + R. The re-conversion of the pardons is required, the program could have been merciful - at the time of the conversion, it could have been unavailable, I want everything to be in order. You can also access a robot site in a second, through a back-end server. If you have been re-inverting, the pardons have gone too far - rewrite, but not so. In order to see the side of the bat, you will need:


  1. We switch to the power of the URL with the status "not found".
  2. The “Page URL” distribution has a bit of power.
  3. The distribution "N pages linking to this one" has a side (or a side), for which there is a difference.

All you need to do is get lost - you can correct your bit.

How do you know the control wag of links for internal linking?

For small sites (up to 2,000 pages) cat-free version program Page Weight Lite, you can download it on the official site.

For small projects, complete 2 passages, but only the cited side of the site. Displaying a large value є sense, only when there are two iterations of the difference, the difference is insignificant; For the development of the internal vagi, it is more beautiful not to vrahovuvati zvnіshnі posilannya. Christmas stench є, tomorrow їх dumb --- that is included in the option.

Grant friends. Today I want to talk with you about the competent internal linking of sites, and not just some of the most popular sites, but specifically online stores. If I’m busy with only my own information sites, I’d be talking about content, but at once with lads in the studio of borrowing only commercial sites, and 80% of them are online stores.

All the stores are unique in their own way: the theme, the engine, the structure, the development of the "manual" site from the side of the owner. І on the leather site it is brought up to the site. The most recent options for linking Some of the most common types of information you will know are new and correct for your online store. In addition, I have a stock of nasty priyom_v, yak robiti not varto.

I have described in detail how important it is and how to implement it correctly. Well, pookie, trochie foreign theory.

The linking is also correct and for whom it is necessary

Formally, linking from one side to one side is the same as linking. And now we are amazed at the linking in the offensive key: linking is the price of the order or the blocks of communication, which will help the visitors to the site to see more and more simply to know the required goods or the service, to consume for the used link. We will send the robots to the linking of the site with additional help from the index and re-index of the links, the correct way to connect the static vagu between them.

Interests of koristuvachiv when linking in priority Also, it is not possible for buyers in a block of similar goods to show dissimilar comrades, or in a block of similar goods, when buying a refrigerator, to show refrigerators, or, for example, car covers. Everything is guilty but reasonable: first for all conversions and sales, and seo - only one channel for traffic. It's great for real people to have fun at practice for seo.

Otzhe, the re-linking in the ideals is guilty of Virishuvati and the following:

  1. Help in navigation for people;
  2. Accelerated and polished indexes;
  3. Transfer of a static power-by-wire message of the required sides;
  4. It’s melodiously still, but it’s better not to come to my head.

General rules for linking sites

Reach for the offensive rules when linking(Regardless of the type of site):

  1. Internal actions are innocent of the rel = "nofollow" attribute. In the first place, there will be no change from the side of the donor, and the Plusuvati axis will not be on the side of the acceptor, so that it will simply be replaced.
  2. The rel = "nofollow" attribute is required to be vikoristovuvati in quiet droppings, if you are allowed to read on the Unindexed link, if you can do it. Apparently, there is no need for a robot to switch over to the request and to the hour and the crawling budget is not easy. The butt of such a vipad can be posed on me on the blog: at the bottom of the post there is a block "What's new on the forum:" for the help of JS, about those, I already wrote, the method yak and earlier pratsyu.
  3. Determined to be guilty of leading to the indexed pages of the site, the history will be repeated, is described in paragraph No. 1 of the article.
  4. Navigate when placing an internal position when linking a slice of a unique anchor. Shvidshe for everything, the whole rule can be stuck in the Internet stores only for the information section, if it is for the information, and for the order, I will put it down. Rashta for the menu, blocks, filters, tags, etc. do not give in to a dynamic serpent, which is generally not consumed, but it’s just a matter of being able to pass it on to a static wag.
  5. There are a lot of internal references and recommendations for a number of internal references on the sides of the site. I often have to power it up, moving, I am here feeling, for more than 150 internal messages on the side, it’s still rotten, how robiti? Having said that, the sounds of such information went - I don't know. Ale know for sure that everything can be found in a specific site and a specific situation. Naygolovn_she, why the need for a vikhoditi is the finesse of the corystuvach, for the sake of guilt to get the same style, as it is necessary to inform your site. If you are asked to be assessed, just marvel at the site of your main competitors, you are better at everything, all the stinks are similar in structure, navigation and basic elements, you can change all of your successful advices.
  6. Internal efforts are made directly and strictly on the whole side. Tse means that the transition according to the decision is guilty of 200 OK. I don’t think about those who are not allowed to do anything, it’s obvious, but I’m talking about those who are not allowed to be guilty without (and even if there is not a 301, but a 302 redirect, then it’s a call). Not surprisingly, if you change the structure, for blaming the layout designer (forgetting the slash in the end of the line, for example) the internal power to go through the redirect, the way to the end is still foldable. Skin obov'yazkovo varto I want to drive my site crawler once, for example, if not be a kind of tool.

I will be in the past, if you see me in the comments for given to razdіlu from your practice. Well, I'm going to describe the schemes and methods of linking online stores.

Linking circuits for online stores


The first thing I’ll read is an element, which cannot be done without the Internet store, the same website is the whole menu of the navigation. Navigation can be horizontally, vertically, yak vipada, navigate further, її meta - access to all key distributions of the site from any side, no matter if there’s no corystuvach.

What are the robots from the menu, how are they being linked, how are they going to be bothered by the answers, etc.? I especially care about how the site's elements are skewed, the menu is overwhelming, the sound systems do not get lost, or it’s even weak, because there’s little change in the presence on the skin side and in the presence / presence.

Protect mіsze mіsce buti rіznі options. You don't need to go far, I saw 4 great online stores that first came to mind:,, and Easy to read skin reports:

On the Technosila site, the menu is like a menu, and nothing has been done with it.

On the M. Video website absolutely all navigation menus with categories and categories are closed in the noindex tag. A similar picture on the site Eldorado. Close up the menu in noindex I’m not sensible to the text warehouse, the menu didn’t use the snippet in the snippet, and it didn’t add the value of the relevant side (it’s not often). In the general plan, I will bring up the description of the noindex tag, but I don’t look like it, but the tag doesn’t look like it’s in Yandex, but Google doesn’t know, but in Google, there are often no problems in the snippet.

On the DNS site in noindex, close only the most important categories in the menu (so I really respect it, if noindex picks up і rel = "nofollow" for trying - for now, I’m not seen.), But globally Scho tsikavo, on the site DNS vikoristoyuyutsya tagsі... These tags are not meant to be considered a global joke on the stock, but are intended for the management of indexes for corporate solutions, for example, intranet. Mabut bozhevilny seo-fakhivtsi, who are engaged in this site, inadvertently interpreted the meaning and storing of the given tags.

Footer menu. From the menu in the footer, there is nothing you can do, do not close up, and do not be afraid of running your way on the technical side. It’s just like me, like it’s realized on the butts pointing at the eyes. You can also find available contact data, social media, as well as information on important information: payment, delivery, about companies, etc. Duplicate in the footer, navigate through grocery distributions.

There are some items on the menu. Bagato is worried about the number of internal requests on the skin side of the site, and with such menus, like in Eldorado and M. Video it is not wonderful. What is it possible to change and need? Yak option: in the menu there are no re-list category, subcategory, subcategory, etc. And obmezhitsya vivedennyam only Batkiv's razdiliv. I'll show you on the butt: see the Eldorado website, the Elektronika menu item, at a given time it's close to 100 times, but you can see only 6 (Televisori, Computers, Telephony, Soft, Photo and Video), totobotov Victory daughter items. Ale є i Zvorotniy bik- the visibility of the details of the plug-in, the vi-axis, for example, can you see it all at once, de shukati faxes, pictures of the memory or the earphones? I don't. So, such a variant of the "lean" menu does not wait for a long time, in the first place you need to marvel at the eyes of your driver (and we are dumb, as it didn’t sound wonderful :), but the hypothesis is that we’re going to overturn the dough A /.

Grounded on the practice, I can say that the manipulation with the strengths does not give any visible result on seo. I tried to clean up and add power, I tried to close the power in JS - on the positions and traffic, it was absolutely not visible.

Khlibni krikhti yak linking element

The offensive inadvertent element of any site, and especially for an online store, is hlibni krikhti. The corrosivity of this element is easy to reappraise, the criticality is the essence of the information-navigation sensation: marveling at them, you can see it, in which case you can go to the best category for the product.

Krikhti is an important element for linking, so in 95% of all types of krikhty they take part in the same category and in the navigation menu. In the іnshikh vypadki in krykhty there can be a revenge for the seo-filters from the singing category, as it is generated by the tough category of goods with respect to being in power or characteristics. In general, it is possible to proindexuate such side-filters.

With bad krykhtas є as an unambiguous solution, so and not even worse:

Index. I absolutely vpevneniy, scho prikhovuvati from indexes for additional noindex і / anyway rel = "nofollow" is not required. Having opened a dozen different websites of shops, I myself did not hit the index fence.

Development of Razm_chat khlibni krikhti varto. Tse see on the beauty of the snippet in Google, I want to functionally, unfortunately, not to give anything. (Yaksho pam'yataєte, before navіgatsіyna lantsyuzhok in Google, in the first place, the stench became just textual.)

The availability of the flow line in the navigation. portions of food, Vivoditi chi I will not vivoditi name / heading of the streaming line, which is koristuvach in the navigation lanciuzhok. I vvazhayu, so the name of the flow line may appear at the heading in a great font lower than the chrome, and in the wicked chunks themselves are guilty of only the father's category without the name of the line line.

My thought is sub'active, but you yourself will be more like it. Prior to speech, on the websites of Technosila і MVіdeo, name the product without a name, and at DNS і Eldorado I will name the product present.

Menu, scho vipadaє in points. Another ambiguous decision is a list of categories that are categorized in one logical order. In which sense, it is even similar to the navigation menu. Axle you butt, which I took from the site

Abo axis one more butt

I don’t know, it’s so good it’s handy, but it’s also a solution to make it hard.

There is one more element that can be victorious everywhere - similar comrades and recommendations. The Danish block is ready, yak bi vin is not named and what function is not mav - similar comrades, recommended comrades, fellow accessories, other comrades to the brand, etc. - Signs in pershu cherga for koristuvach. І maє marketing meta: another joystick to the console, a bracket to the TV set, a kilimok for a bear - all the price to sell additional goods, Not for seo.

Tse є perelinkovkoyu liche formally. If you are talking about seo, then you need a lot of technical / algorithmic input before setting the order, one of such algorithms is linking.

Kiltseva interlinking

I don’t know if I came up with the logic of the robot and the name of the given algorithm. I would like to think, what I have come up with, if I have been victorious in the Danish algorithm for my sites, and then I have released two modules for DLE. Alee viyavilosya, that everything was invented before us: in the Internet there are more early riddles, not my post about linking and modules. Ale tse is absolutely not important at a time.

Basically, the establishment of the linking ring is equal to the level of the link between the sides of the same level. The main marker in this type is є id of the side in the database. Tobto yde the last pidbir і setting a request for a friend, you go to anyway to send the flow of goods. For example, the skin side will stick to 10 alternate sides, and in the end, the lance will stagnate, tying the last and the last product into the lance. With such an algorithm, the skin side is without remission, the same number of incoming and outgoing requests, as well as the same internal vag, are rejected. Vipadannya with index of sidelines from a lance does not lam the algorithm, which is due to 10 sides at once. I think the principle of robotics is visible.

Modules for circular linking I have worked for my information and marketing sites and revised only there, but theoretically, it can be useful for any site with a great number of links. Previously, my experiments gave an amazing result: I reached 100% (and not approximately, but precisely, a side to side) index of all links for sites, a de-vikorist module.

Logically, you can't go and tell me about the similarities of the sides, or the goods, if you just vibrate by id from the base. For the whole in the module, I came up with an intercourse, if I wanted to see a problem - I would like to vibrate by id, altogether within the framework of the singing category. The directors of the whole house want to see the same type and similar messages, without destroying the technical capabilities - which is not just one majestic circle on the entire site, but a rich one within the categories.

If you talk counter about online stores, then for all my life I have only one single store, de vikoristovutsya kіltseva linking - You can be amazed by the butt by going to the side of any product and scrolling down to the block "Іnshі tov".

To preserve the similarity of goods, there was a lot of change in the range of goods from the home of the Batkiv category. Yak bachite, all the same about the similarities say not to be brought. Vzagalі the site to finish the tsіkaviy in the plan of seo-shmeo, a lot of different teams have occupied themselves with it (and my team in that number), so I recommend it to the invitation.

To summarize, I will say that there are even more summaries of linking options for an online store and I will hardly recommend it.

random linking

Even more non-guided linking options, which I call "random linking". With the name given, you can add a number of types of posilan. The first option is a purely water-based interlinking, if there is a clear block, in which there is a power supply to N vypadkovyh sides. As soon as it is possible to be dynamic, so that when the skin is seen as a side, it’s possible to change, so it’s static, so that it’s like a set of things that can be cached in the base at the first time it’s coming in.

The first option is linking links by we will make a sound transitions Yaksho pam'yataєte, rocky volume 6 buv such a script HTracer, which from the referrer squeezes the address of the link and the sound supply, when the link goes from the sound system and takes it to the base, on the sides of the site it is formed, the block has been added key word, For yakim buv, go to joke. A buvsche module for DLE, built under the name "Go" and similar functionality. Uncompromisingly polished sites have been filtered, as vikoristovuyu to match the linking scheme; I want to know for you a live butt or screen shot, but I don’t know a site with such a scheme to navigate the middle of our sites, not pretending to be about online stores.

Summaries of schemes can be thought up quite a lot when bazhanna: a block with permits for non-indexed lines, for speeding up indexes, a block with permits for lines, which may be maximum / minimum.

Re-linking from descriptions of categories / goods

Yet another marne on my mind is busy - placing seo-texts in categories, for product descriptions in the same category, for comrades.

Perche, seo description in categories Internet store is not for reading by people, it’s unreasonable to get used to it, it’s crazy, but only seo’shnik could go to the site for a fee “buy 4k TV” and start reading text, not goods :) Whats wrong? Otzhe, I will not describe the cries for adversaries in the posilannya, I will not describe the seo-corysti from the posilannya on the scale of the great site. About seo-reprobation, I say that I have brought it to my robot so I can put it down, and I can say that the effect of them has never been discouraged.

You know, if you didn’t bach linking from the description of goods in an online store? I will describe not the characteristics, but the text itself. I don’t think of such shops, but my colleagues helped me to know a copy of the bookstore “Labyrinth”.

Appendix from pages і

Anchor "knizi", "that scho", "hour"! It’s insane, the stink is just to shy away the joke when I describe it, according to the name of books and links. So the very lines on the head and the keys are distributed. You can walk around the site and wonder at the price.

Lighthouse price. Pass on such posilannya it will be deprived of vipadkovo, the effect "ala Vіkіpedіya" doesn’t come in - because it’s not contextual and not zerous, where the stench leads. Prior to the speech, the same functionality is used in the HTracer script, which I have already zgaduvav, in the sound of the necessary words from the morphological and linking statistics, one to one in the middle of the site. Having tried it on my website, but to no avail, I wish I firmly said that it could have been injected with pratsyuvati, then once every hour (6 years that), and not this year.

To finish writing about daremni priyomi, vreshti-resht, I'm guilty of writing about those who bring a positive effect, not navpaki.

Re-linking from the publication of the information section

Practically in any commercial subject, without information supply, as it is impossible to cover neither categories, nor goods, nor other sidelines. And buvaє, behind the out-of-town supplies, information about the replacement of commodity lines appears. Let's clear the butt from my practice є the theme of shops for the grown-ups (sex shop, so it happened, there are even more pratsyuєmo among them), for interest, enter a "vibrator" in Yandex and wonder at the look. Hourly, a single option wedge into the top - post information on the site.

One by one we went on such a path. The entire catalog, categories and categories, filters and tags, product lines - all the boules of Vilisano and brought to the ideal, on the skin side there are unique texts of the boule written. I simply didn’t have a big site based on my practice, I’m serious. Ale traffic did not want to go to the commercial side for the first time. If I pick YA, I did not become aware of the information requests, but clustered and folded around the group, as a result, having picked out about 50 topics for future publications. So, as on the site of the already existing establishments, they distributed articles, we immediately began to read it slowly. On the basis of the news, information requests have become visible in the TOP1-top3 of Yandex and Google. As a result, the traffic on the site was brought up to 700-900 per page for additional traffic, and only 15-20% of the traffic went to the commercial side. Zrozumіlo, we have published statistics on all kinds of product categories and filters (not more than 3-4 as per the publication).

Ale bulo and bolsh yakisne solution, as we accepted - set the contextual product information. Tobto blocks, kudi were brought up to the most popular comrades from the catalog of categories. With the price, name, rating, the ability to pay attention to the cat, etc. It went even organically and cool.

Do not marvel at all the steepness, the business of the customer is not successful. But it’s already outside the scope of this post, and it’s definitely a failure of no ties with perelinkovka, we are talking about them :)

Є In our practice, there is another butt, at least positive. For singing categories of goods, orders with characteristics and descriptions are given at the instructions for installation and look after the goods. Judge from the behavior, the price of the side to the customers, they read the stench, take in pdf. For the most popular parties, we have recorded videos. Instructions are kindly ranked as a joke and generate transitions, I know, we have placed product information on them. Yak result - a few dozen decorated orders in a month of such pages.

With a butt, I want nagadati, so interlinking is not afraid of interlinking, but of the singular result - sales. So the Rajah jerk off mutely to anchor and some internal efforts, but for a little more I will take it :) Well, you sound ...

Another good butt of informational side of product information and multiple links on Yandex.Markets. I think it’s okay to start using Yandex in the seo plan, but it’s okay to start in the conversion and sales plan.

Teguvannya for online store / seo-filter

Emotions, skinny for you chuv about teguvannya, vipaluvannya or extended semantics, seo-filters, etc. It's all about one and the same - the stem of the pre-set sideways for the sound of the drink (call the low frequency for the supply). Rock trend 3-4, no more. At the same time, there were a few changes (the post about clusterisators has been written for a long time, you can say something about it).

For Internet shops, great portals, catalogs, teguvannya the most effective and intelligent ways to generate traffic from sound systems. Even before it had become a trend, and it became more public and talked often, I had already practiced this kind of thinking. As one of the most popular applications, I published and pointedly showed how it was pouring into traffic.

A number of rockets have been put in by agencies and studios to practice seo-filters and in a net, as many sites have already accumulated with a wide obsolete semantics. In Moscow and the other great places in competitive topics, everything is silly, there the victorious tagging is not innovation any more, as I can get you ahead of the competitors, and navpaki is probably not the way to go. Regions have a simpler, more thoughtful SEO to blame competitors, but if they come to the end.

For the first time, they were sensitive, moving Yandex to get out of punishment for the lack of eyes and the wrong generation of such seo-filters, as for the inaccurate side of the side (zgaduєmo part of the AGS). Ale on the right has quieted down, and I didn’t spite any punishment. The motives of Yandex are reasonable - no one needs categories, for all the number of goods, for as soon as a friend will not be seen by others. Possibly poachy.

As I have already said, seo-filter call me to go out from the category of goods and powers of authority. High-quality filter butt - brandy. Simplest price on the butt by-run technology, For example, televisions, de links with brands may be more frequent, lower power supply without a brand. To go to the power, to the power category of the goods, in the category of the Telecom: type of matrix (LED, OLED, LCD, plasma), dial (Full HD, 4K, 8K), technology (3D, Smart TV, Android), view (vignutia , s) etc. So it is even easier to see the specific product, or to match the "populist filter" from the wordstat. Often praise і perekhresnі filters - for example, the link between authorities and brands - 4k TV Samsung, TV Philips with Ambilight.

Such filtering for seo, apparently for them, are responsible for the preparation and optimization of the page - headers, meta tags, descriptions. If you want to go straight from the filter block to such a side, or else you can go to the middle of the category, everything is due to the foldability of the technical implementation:

Іnternet-shop Technopark vzagal lute zadrot on filters. All the filters in the sidebars of the cables and go to the sidebars of the heavily weedy sides. There’s no way to go, rivalry thing is awful!

Є mensh vitoncheni solution, just random pick up on the filter for good food. Yak on Wikimart. Douzhe negligently:

Another non-hot butt. I know in the top 10 in Moscow for the purchase of a TV show. What is ranked not by the category of TV sets, but by the tag "cheap", which has an empty side:

Also, they talked about the teguvannya, about the filing from the block of filters in the categories. Applying the implementation is not easy to know - take any site from the top in Moscow for a local feed.
Especially I vvazhayu, that it is necessary to have those distant and to kill those, but not to be robbed. I overburned the TOP50 of Moscow by elektronіtsі and do not know the butt of what I want to show you - posilannya on seo-tags from the characteristics of the product. I don’t take it to the respect of our customers, in memory I have only one site, so I’m going to implement it, the SotMarket, which is scattered around the shit, having reworked into the door. Protest, surpluses of great glory in the world:

Beast of respect for the text of the seat - the same as for the message of SEO-filters. I’ll let it go, but it’s just a little bit corny and we live to see it.

Obviously corrosiveness for supersonic robots - there is a great number of internal powers and a great static vaga of sides and trimmings in index. Shorter, cool decision, it is not easy in the implementation, at least, our clients give them a penny for the support of their programmers or staff. Povirt, there is a varte!

Verdict ': re-linking is good!

We have read the great post with the joy of that lively butts, for which I and I want to finish, albeit, if it is wrong to take the axis so it is wrong to take and leave you alone with your thoughts, food, and, perhaps, summaries. So let's put it together like a resume + short feedback on nutrition, as it was not discussed:

It is absolutely possible to state polishing indexes for linking rakhunok- often the sidelines are not indexed, but they are displayed with the index as a lack of acknowledgment, for the worse it’s just a marriage, and we don’t want to give internal support.

Number of links for linking not meaningful - not being exactly the singing number on the side, as it would be normal. Do your best to get the same style, but we will live enough to see the site for a comfortable navigation on the site. Go to the Metrics Webview and look at a few dozen records of the behavior of the videos. You will be happy with the results!

Yak injected into the position of the internal linking? Bezposredno niyak. Allegedly, the linking links are usually trimmed in the index, and for the larger static side, the side is guilty of more ranking for all the central power supplies, but not okremo for the power supply. I’m sorry, I’m talking about online stores and the automatic linking of menus, filters, blocks and everything else they said about it.

Yak correctly vibrate the scheme - linking from product cards to category, from category to product cards or from product to friend? Earlier, there was a lot of traffic on the topic і, nachebto, they came to the logical posting: if the most traffic potential was the most important for the cards of the goods, then the whole wagon was asked to distribute on them, as the category, the maximum amount of cards on the goods. I will aim the butt: when buying a laptop or a phone, a large part of people will power up specific model laptop or phone, the highest potential of the cards is displayed. Iakshcho lyudina shukak tapestries, for example, you don’t know the articles or name specific tapestries, “buy tapestries”, the maximum amount of money you can use to power the tapestries, or power (vinilov, flizelinov, pid farbuvannya). V given application Potential of Volodiyut categories, categories and seo-filters. Whichever type of sides it is necessary to suvat it absolutely intelligently, at which I prohibit the need for it to be set directly to try to do more, and like the sides to try to do it. In my robot, I can see the schemes I have described, they do not change in the fallowness of the type.

Manual linking for online stores is not consistent. At one point, perhaps in the present there is a manual process - informational information, there, with a request, you will need to put contextual information on the information about the distribution and the cards of the goods, in the form of goods information. In the last few months Danish view slave pratsi zastosovuvati is not varto :)

Nareshti everything, I'm finished. I know the food supply in the comments, I will add them to my list. And thank you for the respect!

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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