Rules for writing WRC. Registration of headings in structural elements

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Submitted to the Department of Robot Qualification Qualifications I am guilty of adding up from explanatory notes, graphic materials, documents, and advising vimogs and the rules of paperwork, vikladenim in GOST 2001 GOST 7.32 - 2 SIBID-і.

The explanatory note includes title page, Heading for the diploma robot, calendar plan, zm_st, text part with general designs, diagrams, diagrams, tables, etc., a list of victorious dzherels, glossaries and supplements.

The release of the quality of the robot is presented in a solid palette.

Zagalny obsyag - 80-100 typewritten pages.

Introduced - up to 3 typewritten pages.

Theoretical look - 20-30 typewritten pages.

Rozrakhunkovo-analytical part - 35 typewritten pages.

The design part - 30-35 typewritten pages.

Visnovok - up to 5 typewritten pages.

Up to high quality robots are available (NOT available):

Vidguk kerivnik (div. Dodatok A);

Zovnishnya review (div. Dodatok B), forms for students to see at the release of the department;

Act of passing the normative control

The revision of the WRC for normative control is valid only when it has been issued again (if there is a review and a message written by the certificate).

The FQP pages cannot be framed.

2.3.2. Rules for formatting the text of the WRC

Registration halls

The release of the quality of the robot is drawn up in Russian language. Allowed parallel to the text formatted by robots or parts of the Earth Movies (English, German and French) in the form of a supplement. At the same time, the best qualified robots on the Earth's Movies dodatkovy dodatok with a short zm_st of robots on the whole earthy language є obov'yazkovim.

The robot is made out in the form of a text prepared on a personal computer with the help of a text editor and handled on A4 format archives from one side. The text on arkushi is guilty of the mother of the booklet; The text is handled through the author's interval in TimesNewRoman font, 14 point size.

An explanatory note (PZ) should be typed on one (right) side of the paper sheet A4 (210 x 297) mm in accordance with GOST 2.301.

PZ to be drawn up using the following sizes of fields:

liva - 30 mm,

to the right - 15 mm,

top - 20 mm,

bottom - 20 mm across the edge of the sheet.

The integrity of the PZ is guilty of the satisfaction of the good news. It is necessary to take care of the equitable scholarship, the readability of the whole FZ.

Fast Russian words and words are allowed in accordance with GOST 7.12, fast words are not allowed.

The paragraph should be repaired with a space of 125 mm across the cob.

The number of sides is located in the lower part of the sheet in the center. You will be stuck on the numbered pages, correcting from the title page and including supplements. The page number on the title page should not be fought.

Name all razdіlіv, introduction, layout and biblіographic list to be repaired from the new arkush and written in capital letters (in the center) in bold type. Name the paragraphs in the sections to be repaired from the great letters, given in small letters, also in the center, in bold. The full stop in the title of the chapter and paragraph is not put. Enter between the title of the chapter and the title of the paragraph to set one one and a half interval, the entry "auto", between the title of the paragraph and the text - also one one and a half interval, the entry "auto". The paragraphs of the central chapters are displayed one in one and a half intervals and are equal to the text (without a new arkush).


The lines are numbered in Arabic numerals in the middle of the side without a speck in the corner, the numbering is inscrutable, in normal font No. 14.

Title pages include up to the title page numbering. The number of the side is not put on the title arch. The title page is the price of the first side, the manager is the friend and the third side, the calendar is the fourth and the third side.

Illustrative material, tables, or the text of an additional character should be included in the view of the supplements in the Kintz PZ.

The text of the skin supplement, if necessary, is added to sections, podrozdili, punctures, numbered okremo according to the skin supplement.

Rozdіli, pіdrozdіli, dotted lines, numbered in Arabic numerals.

They were guilty of the ordinal numbering and start with Arabic numerals with specks, for example: 1., 2., 3, etc.

Pererahuvannya, written in front of the front two-piece, made out through hyphen z new rowі fought with small letters. A speck with a lump is placed in the skin pererahuvannya.

Pererakhuvannya, if you need a specific one, if you need to do it on one of pererakhuvannya in the text of the PZ, there may be given all the middle points. Pererahuvannya slіd numbering in sequential numbers in Arabic numerals with a bow, for example 1), 2), 3) etc. і drukuvati with small letters from a new row (paragraph).

In the boundaries of one pererahuvannya not allowed more than one group pererahuvan through a), b), c).


Іlustratsii (armchair, graphics, diagrams, diagrams, photographs) are followed by the development of the text without the need for the middle, in which the stench will be guessed ahead, or on the offensive side. On all illustrations, there is a response to the text of the PZ. Smells guilty of admitting to the state standards of the ESKD.

Іlustratsії is denoted by the word "Drawing" with a number, which means lower explanatory tributes (Dodatok G).

The number of illustrations is to blame for the fact that it is sufficient to explain the text of the Victory. Іlustratsії can be roztasovani yak on the text of the document, as well as in the beginning. On all illustrations, there is a content in the text.

I will name the illustrations to my mother, as they change from the illustrations.

Іlustratsії slіd numbered in Arabic numerals in simple numbers.

If there is only one little one, then it is called "Figure 1 - Algorithm for evaluating economic efficiency".

Allowed to be numbered in the middle of the section. At the same time, the number of the illustration is stored from the number of the section and the serial number of the illustration, where the speck is placed. For example, Malunok 1.1. When you read on the illustrations, write down "... according to figure 2" when numbered and "... according to small 1.2" when numbered in the intervals.

Even though there is only one illustration in the PZ, there is no way to number and the word "Malunok" should not be written before it.

Ilystratsіyu slіd visonuvati on one side. As much as the illustration does not resist on one side, it can be carried over to the ones, while on the skin offensive side in the right upper cut, one can play "Continued baby ...". The name іlustratsії hints at the first side, explaining the tribute to the last side of the story.

The illustrations can be adjusted so that they can be viewed without turning. It’s also not a good idea to distribute it, їkh to distribute it like that, for looking at the demand, turn the PZ behind the old arrow.


The digital material is guilty of being drawn up at the table, GOST 2.105.

The table will be retracted without presetting the text, in which it will be guessed ahead, or on the offensive side. All the tables are guilty of the order in the PZ.

Displayed between the table and in trivial text - 1.5 times the interval. As the table does not fit into one (flow) side, it is necessary to advance the text by sending it to it, but the table is roztashuvati on the offensive side. If one table does not fit on one side, then it is necessary to move on to the other, from the meaning "Table extension ..." in the upper right part of the sheet.

There is only one table in PZ, її is not numbered and the word "Table" is not written.

Skin table has a heading. Subject, fix it with great letters in font No. 14 and not fancy (Dodatok G). The numbering of the table is guilty by division (Table 1.1., 1.2. І etc.).

The table of the next steps is so that you can read it without turning, the author's manuscript. As it’s not a pity, it’s not a good idea to spread the table like that, so that for reading the demand, you’ll turn the manuscript for the year’s line.

If the rows or the graphs of the tables go according to the side format, then they should be divided into parts, changing one part from the bottom or by order, with the same head and side in the skin part. In case of a break on the part, the head is allowed, or the side is replaced according to the number of columns and rows.

As all the parameters, spaced out in the table, can only be one dimension (for example, million rubles). The name of one size is quickly displayed above the table. If in the tables there are graphs with parameters, it is important to have the same dimensions, or indicators with lower dimensions, write about the difference in dimensions above the table, and give information about the other dimensions in the headings of all graphs.

Counts "Number one by one", "One vimir" (Od. Vim.) Do not include in the table. If necessary, the numbering of the parameters of the parameters or the given order numbers should be entered in the side of the table before the names.

The numbering of the columns of the tables is allowed in the text of the manuscript for designation.

If you do not indicate digital or the data in the table, then put a dash in the graph.

To speed up the text of headings and subheadings, columns and rows in the vicinity of the witness are replaced by letters of meaning, as well as the stench of explanation in the text or pointing at illustrations, for example: d- diameter, H - height, L- dovzhina.

Indicators with one and the same letters are grouped last in the order of growth of indexes, for example: H 1, H 2, H 3, etc.

The design of the table is welcome here GOST 2.105.-95 (2001).

Table 1.1 - Title of tables



Topic graph

/ Pidtitle graph /

/ Rows (horizontal rows) /

1. Spend, yew. Rub.

2.Prіbil, yew. Rub.

Side Header Graphs (Columns)

virivnyuvannya along the left edge vyvnyuvannya along the center

Malunok 1.1 - Butt prompting tables

Tables of evil, on the right and below, as a rule, are flanked by lines. Horizontal and vertical lines, so that the rows of tables are interlaced, it is allowed not to carry out, as long as it is not difficult to check the table.

Formulas and Equivalents

Rivnyannya and formulas go to the next row. Vyshe and lower dermal formulas, but one row is missing. Ikshcho rivnyannya does not fit in one row, it is guilty that the letter of equal sign (=) was transferred, or the sign of plus (+), minus (-). multiple ( ), Date (:).

The clarification of the meaning of the symbols and the numerical values ​​of the performances should be directed without preference to the same last, in the kind of stench of the formula. The value of the skin symbol and the numerical performance should be given from a new row. The first row of the explanatory note should be repaired from the sliv "de" without dvokrapki;

З = С + En K (3.1)

de Z - induced vitrati;

C - flow vitrati;

En - standard efficiency coefficient;

K - capital investment.

Rivnyannya and formulas go to see the text in a row. Vishche and lower dermal formulas, or even if guilty, have been deprived of at least one row. Ikshcho rіvnyannya does not fit in one row, it is guilty that the letter of equal sign (=) was transferred, for the sign of plus (+), minus (-), multiple ( ), Date (:);

Formulas, behind a vignette of formulas, placed in supplementary form, are guilty of being numbered in plain Arabic numerals, which are written in equal formulas, right-handed in round bows. One formula means - (1). The formulas, which are placed in the supplement, are guilty of being numbered around the numerals in Arabic numerals in the interiors of the dermal supplement to the supplements in front of the dermal numeral of the supplementary, for example the formula (B.1). The numbering of formulas is allowed in the intervals between razdilu. In any case, the number of the formula is stored from the number of the part and the serial number of the formula, divided by specks, for example (3.1).

Formulas in a row are symmetrical.

The formulas are numbered in order of numbering in Arabic numerals in round bows in the inter-razdil in the extreme right position on the row with the formula.

The number of the formula is stored from the number of the section and the serial number of the formula, distributed with specks.

There is only one formula in PZ, but it’s not numbered.

When victorious calls are made, the information dzherel in front of the Agency's payers is bound to them. Behind the m_sztashuvannya the following is admitted to the main text: internal text (є part of the main text); pіdryadkovі (vines from the text down the side); out-of-text (for the text of all robots). For high quality robots, it is necessary to preserve only the texts of the available text.


"... about the statti of G. G. Petrov ...."

“... for the data of official statistics, the turnover distribution trade in the Republic of Bashkortostan sklav in 2006 rots 239124 million rubles. ... "

Behind the text (in the list of references):

26. Petrov, G. G. Russia and All-Day Trade Organization / G. G. Petrov // Pic. externally. Visn. - 2007. - No. 2. - S. 15-17.

The text of the document is not allowed:

1) Set aside for one at a time to understand the development of scientific and technical terms, close to the zmist (synonyms), as well as earth words and terms due to the manifestation of equal meanings and terms of Russian language;

2) The speed of the meaningful unit of physical values, as it stinks to live without numbers, behind a vignette, the unit of physical values ​​in the heads and sidewalls of tables and in decryptions of intermediate values, which should be included in the formulas;

3) To fix the speed of words, except for those established by the rules of the Russian spelling, punctuation, as well as the current state standards;

4) Vikoristovuvati in the text the mathematical sign minus (-) in front of negative values ​​of quantities. Replace the mathematical sign (-) next to write the word "minus";

5) Live mathematical signs without numbers, for example: , (less or less expensive), (more qi rivno), (Not expensive), as well as signs № (number),% (vidsotok);

7) In the text of the document, the numbers are written in numbers, and without space - in words. For example: "The gap is not more than 2 mm", "Leak through the coil two times."

8) The unit of physical value of one and the same parameter in the boundaries of one document is to blame for the last time. If in the text of the document a number of numerical values ​​are introduced, which are rotated in the same and the same physical magnitude, then only the last numerical value should be indicated, for example: 1.5; 1.75; 2 m;

9) The values ​​of symbols and numerical factors, which should be included in the formula, are given without a priori by the formula. The meaning of the skin symbol is given from a new row in the last, in the stench of the formula. The first row of deciphering is guilty of reading the word "de" without writing a letter.

The text of the high quality robots is guilty of interweaving (embossing) into the hard lining.

The graduation of the quality of the robot is presented by the student to the department in one copy two days prior to the day, to the student, prior to the distribution.

List of Literature

The topic "List of Literature" is designed as a chapter and to be repaired from news.

The list of vicarious dzherel is guilty of mother's attack structure:

    legislation and normative legal acts;

    special literature (monographs, dissertations, science books, handbooks, scientific statistics and інші publications from periodical views, dzherela statistical tributes, encyclopedias, vocabularies and in.).

Dzherela of the 1st group to be re-insured in the order of their importance behind the oncoming pidgroups:

    international legal acts;

    Constitution Russian Federation;

    federal constitutional laws;

    federal laws;

    decree the chambers of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation;

    decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

    normative acts of the Uryad of the Russian Federation and the second bodies of the viconau power of the Russian Federation;

    decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the General Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

    Constitution and statutes of the sub'єkts of the Russian Federation;

    normative legal acts of legislative (representative) bodies of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation;

    normative legal acts of the viconavich bodies of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation;

    normative legal acts of organs of the muscular self-assembly.

Dzherela 2-ї group can be roztashanі according to different principles: alphabetical; thematic; logical; chronological; for types of dzherel and ін. In high-profile robots, the alphabetical principle of dzherel rosting is most acceptable, with any vicorian dzherel roztasvuyutsya in the alphabetical order in the alphabetical order, the names of the authors or the titles, as the book (article is named) is described.

Create a friend to be described according to GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General vimogues that fold rules. Internet resources are described according to GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General vimogues and rules for folding (supplement D).

Russia has a system of state standards that regulate bibliographic descriptions:

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General guidelines and rules for folding (є the main standard, which regulations describe all creations in other documents and unpublished documents);

GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. Local vimogues and rules for folding (regulations for describing Internet resources and electronic resources for local access - CD-ROMs);

GOST 7.80-2000. Bibliographic record. Title. General vimogues that folding rules;

GOST 7.12-93. Bibliographic record. Fast words in Russian language. General vimogues that rules.

The list of victorious dzherel also includes instructions, see, order, normative documents and other documents, how a student should be victorious when writing an FQP. The name of the organization, the number of the document, and the date of the date will appear at the end of the list.

Vidomostі about the standards of guilt include: the designation of the document, including the index of the document (GOST, OST, GST, STP, DU), digital or alphanumeric designation of the document, rik (two remaining digits) hardened, the main heading, for example: GOST 7.32-91 (ICO5966-82) SSIBID. Sounds about the scientific-prelude robot, the structure and the rules of registration.

Also in the list there may be names and addresses of sites on the Internet, as a vikoristvoyutsya vipusknik.

Supplements and glossary

The additions should be drawn up like the continuation of the text in the Kintz PZ on the її on the offensive sides;

Illustrative material, tables, or the text of an additional character is allowed to be given by the viewer of the supplement.

Skin program next to the new side from the meaning of the hill on the right side of the side of the word "Dodatok" and the meaning of the meaning.

Dodatok is guilty of the mother's heading, which is written symmetrically to the text with the Great Literi in a row.

Dodatki poznachayut great letters of the Ukrainian alphabet, mending z "A", behind a vignette of letters E, Z, Y, O, CH, L, T, I. Napryklad, Dodatok A.

It is allowed to assign additional letters to the Latin alphabet, behind a vignette of the letters IiO.

The supplements are responsible for the mother's style of the part of the diploma project with the numbering of the sides.

One supplement in the text is called "supplement A".

As long as there are additional documents in the documents, then they are given an explanation in the main text of the document, and in the context of all additional information from the assigned numbers and headings (if explicit).

It is allowed to arrange supplementary materials on archives of A3 format (297x420).

Glosary key words to induce tlumachennya of special or malovzhivanі terms according to the principle of prompting the vocabulary.

In the case of a dermatological VQR (bachelor's degree robotics), the student is brought up with numbers to characterize those things and facts. If the numbers are trochas, then the stench pererahovoyutsya in the text in the course of the material. If it’s rich, then it stinks in the tables. It is even more important to correctly fold the table, so that it allows more openness and intelligence in the process.

The table is a chain of such way of presenting information, if the digital or textual material is distributed in columns, we move one out of the same vertical and horizontal lines.

Before the warehouse of tables should include: serial number і thematic heading (title); side (change of parameters); headings of vertical graphs (head); most horizontal and vertical graphs.

The heading of the skin graph in the head of the table is as short as possible. It is necessary to stitch for the time, but the headings of the third graphs did not repeat the heading of the tables of any part. The headings of the columns of the tables are due to be repaired from the great letters. The side of the table is also guilty of being laconic. Repeated words are required for wine in general headings. Headings for all headings of the side of the word are expanded at the heading above the side. Signs should not be placed on the side of the headings. The main headings of all the middle tables are written from the great letter. Adding headlines are written in small letters, as if they were to endorse one proposition with the headline, but if they did not, then in great ones.

Headings and headings of a graph, as well as a sidebar on the view of the text of the VKR (bachelor robotics) can be displayed through one interval and in a font smaller than “Times New Roman"- 14. Notes to the table and the authorship citation should be distributed without the need for it in 10 fonts. The design of the table is in accordance with the rules according to the rules up to GOST 2105 - 79. The skin table, which can be found in robots, is numbered (behind a vignette, the table, which can be found in supplements). At the same time, it is necessary to vikoristovuvaty skryznu numbered, at which the numbering is carried out within the framework of the robot as a whole. The numbering of the tables within the distribution, and more paragraphs, is not allowed.

Whether the table is preceded by the word "table", as it is written from the great letter and the ordinal number (in fact, in the sukupnost - the code of the table), with the sign "No." "(Display on the right side of the sidewalk). However, even if in the main part of the VKR (bachelor's robotics) there is only one table, then the number is not nadayut and the word "Table" is not written.

The skin table is to blame for my name, as it is spaced over the table (and in the code), to be handled from the great library and displayed in the center of the side. The point of writing the names of the tables is also not put.

Behind the zagalnom rule of tables. If a little bit of mischief has been left on the side, then the text will go on, and the table should be moved to the next side. The standard is allowed to razrivati ​​tables only in the same way, if the stench does not fit on the whole side. When the table is moved to the next side, the head of the table is updated on the new side more times and the writing "Extended tables (number)" is placed above it. Yakshcho head is a bunch, repeat її not slіd. In general, number the graphs and repeat the numbering on the offensive side. The title of the table has not been edited.

With all the illustrative material in WRC (bachelor robotics) , Including and under the skin table, vkaz_vki are given in the 10th size font:

Statutes for quietly writing the VKR (Diploma) independently and if you want to know how to write to the robot correctly, without shortcomings and we will be allowed to get away without being nervous. Here you can find out how to issue a certificate of qualification for a robot for 5+

Sho take WRC (diploma)

The diploma of the robot (WRC) is the student’s stay at the end of the mortgage. Suchasnі standards of education visuvayut vimogu about the acquisition of a diploma by students of bachelor's and master's degrees. At the master's degree, at the same time, it is often the case for a dissertation to replace a diploma robot.

2013 have students chief programs viklyuchenii rivn fahivtsya. From the moment of rejection of the finished product of education, the transfer entered before the magistratura without the need for a bachelor's degree. Education and diploma work is one of the brain's most advanced skills.

Vimog and GOST before WRC (diploma)

Vimogi, before graduation work, grows straight ahead. For example, the robot over the diploma of the student of the humanities field is important in the collection of the necessary information in the new dzherels, and the reprocessing of and for the rest of the formalization before the imposition of the new ones. Robot with technical specialties is a significantly greater labor worker, which includes folding and great jobs, analysis of statistical information, and developmental indicators. It is practically unwise to get a diploma robot straight from a technical one. There are many reasons for many students not to undertake the application of the diploma robot on their own, because they are more involved in more beautifully trusting the professionals. Such a move allows you to spare the power of the hour and to protect the reputation in the eyes of the scientific master.

Well, it’s specific to GOSTs that are from such state standards to issuance the quality of the robot not іsnu і everything is given to the owner of the mortgage

Preparatory work that is written vie - seriozna pratsya, scho vimagaє great team hours, rosum and emotsionnyh vitrates. On the cob stage, the plan of the robot is broken up, which is bound to be bound with a kervnik. The whole plan is the winner of the diploma in a short wikklad from the final points. I will honestly ask for a joke of the necessary information and the whole process of robotics over the diploma as a whole.

The structure and plan of the diploma is correct

Whether the head of the robot is guilty of the mother of the structural viewer and of including the deyaky obov'yazkovy elements. Most often, a diploma is stored in 3 parts, showing its specifics to the following:

  1. Theory. At the distribution of the victories, the information is selected from all the information, as it is, by all means, guilty of being up-to-date. At the same time, the author may be victorious in theoretical theses on the subject of robots.
  2. Practice. In the whole distribution of science robots and practical skills, without a priori tied to the theme, are selected. For a more successful acquaintance with the author, it is important to understand the concept of robotic methods. It is recommended to formulate a table with information from children science materials for permanent visualization of all methods.
  3. Doslіdzhennya of the author. On the basis of legal information, the author is guilty of conducting his own information on the subject. It is important to mention the vicinities of the author, as well as the methods of revising the verdicts in the process of the previous problems and the formation of their effectiveness in the context of the minor. The description of the advance is guilty of including and folding, such as for the first hour of the robot. By the big crock, until the successful development of the problem, the solution of the problem will be new, on the basis of how to develop one's own efficiency. If you don’t give in to the problem, then you can tackle the problem, as the author of the building is virish with his robot.

Graduated from the diploma:

The order of binding straps in the structure of the diploma of guilt include the following elements, such as:

  • title page registration;
  • zm_st. Diplomas are most often drawn up in Word, so that the function is automatically vibrated. There you have the opportunity to uniquely edit and spare for the whole hour. It is necessary to make out the changes for the urahuvannya of vimog methodical instructions;
  • the introduction of a volume of 1 to 3 arkushiv. Introduced to avenge the priming of the relevance by those who look at the main problems, the setting of the goals and the establishment of the robot;
  • Visnovok - to take revenge on visnovka for the steps of the established goals. In addition, the relevance of the diploma for the young women themselves - suspensions, economics and so far - will be established in a wide variety of ways.
  • a list of literature, designs up to and including methodical instructions. The new one guilty includes at least 20 dzherels - scientific robots, handlers, official documents and so far. The Internet can be included in the quality of the dzherel, ale later on the official website, and to take revenge on the translation and exact information, for example, Rosstat.

Malunki in diploma (FQP)

It is easy to show a good diploma robot without little details, graphs, tables. It is recommended to distribute such dania okremo on one sheet. It’s not just use the elements to dilute the test part of the robot, but it’s more beautiful to win їх in an okremiy dodatok to a diploma. The program does not need to be numbered and should be applied to the diploma for the list of victorious literature.

Yak correctly issue WRC

On the other hand, I respect the merit of the design of the robot. After completing the collection and analysis of information, the entire text must be drawn up in accordance with the applicable rules, such as:

  1. 14 sizes to the font with one and a half mid-row spacing and width lines. Lead in paragraphs at the fold of 1.25 mm, and enter at the edges - 2 cm.
  2. When inserting a table, it is necessary to make out the same font as the text part. Allowed to change the font up to 12. Tables are listed in the center, from the top of the right-hander to register її name. The skin table is numbered.
  3. Vikoristovuvani babies can also be displayed in the center. The numbering and names of all small items are also drawn up in the center.
  4. Name the malunks and tables in the same font as the text part of the robot.
  5. Between the headings and the text part, it is necessary to leave a gap of 1.5 cm, and all headings in the robots are made out with indents by analogy with paragraphs. Headings are written from great letters, but in the end you cannot put a speck and insert a seat to the text.

Whenever there are any foldings for the design of robots, you can simply respectfully read the methodical notes, then finish everything in detail and explain.

In order for the robot to correctly vibrate the robot over the diploma, it is recommended to use the singing algorithm, which includes the number of the last crocs:

  1. More detailed information about those and information about them in the new dzherels.
  2. The formulation of the main problem of the diploma robotics with the analysis of the analysis of the selected information.
  3. The development of their own power solutions of the formed problem. At the text of the diploma, there are steps for opening information.
  4. Emphasis on respect for those new solutions to the problem of breaking up by the author himself and have never been victorious before.
  5. A description of the progress of the robot, but it was not necessary to do some work, as the solution to the problems of the robot in the robot, and the analysis of the information was carried out.
  6. Correct registration of the results and reference to the effectiveness of the solution of the problem known by the author.

Review before WRC

The obligatory stage of the diploma preparation is to write a review before it. A review of a diploma robot is a short message about a robot, an assessment of the relevance of those and the effectiveness of ways of addressing the main problems. Only those students who have rejected a positive review are allowed to take over. The scientific report is to blame for the review, for some of the victories, which may be directly attributed to those in robots. In practice, such a decision is not practiced by the managers of the pledges, but the students themselves will write the review before the robot. Vikladach Abo the scientific book is simply written down for the year with the vicladeni theses. For reasons of recommendation to write truthful, unsubstantiated reviews of the problem of unregistered signatures.

Skіlki stinok maє buti in WRC

Writing a really good diploma robot is not so easy. Moreover, it’s not enough to write it down to the point that it’s been recognized by the comic success. It is important to take care of the offensive rules when writing a diploma:

  1. Robot service - from 100 to 150 lines. I will show the information, the lesser obsyag does not allow me to open up the topic and describe in detail the message.
  2. It is necessary to work on the dzherela indicated in the list of literature. Roboti and wine are allowed, but rather to be covered by the recommendations of the department.
  3. The indicator of uniqueness of robots is responsible for 70%.

Yak to convert WRC

Do not go to the completion of the design of the robot and go back to the design. Bagatorazovo is confirmed by the approval that the diploma robot is often overruled, and, apparently, overruled. I mark the economy more beautifully than drukuvati robot in parts and on blacks. Writing to another skin part, it is recommended to show it to a scientific reference book for scrapping. Demonstration to the scientific benchmark will also bring up the finished robot in a melodic way before it is possible to recycle it.

Write a high-quality VKR (diploma) in accordance with numerical vimogas and rules - collapsible and for a bagatokh nezdijsnenne zavdannya, so vimagat maximal patience, great number hour and border respect. For the very reason that the students are rich, they vvazayut for beautifully swearing for help to qualified professionals, which will guarantee a good young result.

Vimogi before the issuance of a license qualification robot for fah 050708.65 -

Pedagogy and methodology of cob education

Methodical instructions for breaking up according to the main provisions of the State system and standardization, zokrem:

GOST 2.105 -95 ESKD Zagalny vimogi to text documents.

GOST 7.32-2001 Sound about pre-scientific robotics. Structure and rules of execution.

GOST 7.82-2001 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources.

GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General vimogues that fold rules.

Vimogues before completing the diploma robot

The text of the diploma robot is to be handled on a single paperboard, A4 format (297 × 210 mm).

The line with the text is guilty of the mother of the field:

      liva - 30 mm,

      to the right - 15 mm,

      top and bottom - 20 mm.

The text is handled through the author of the Interval.

The size of the font (size) is 14.

The font type is Times New Roman.

The font color is black.

Paragraph indent (new row) - 1.25 cm.

The bold font is victorious when you see the headings of the structural parts of the diploma robot (ZMIST, VSTUP, VISNOVKI, LITERATURA, Dodatok) and when you see the titles of chapters, paragraphs, visnovki before distribution.

The main text is bound by width.

"Hanging rows" at the bottom of the side of the side are tidied up.

The text is typed according to the offensive rules.

Vikoristovyatsya "legs-yalinka", for inserted legs - "legs-feet".

Chi do not see when transferred from one row to іnshu (put an unreasonable Shift + Ctrl + Skip ):

      names from іnіtsіalіv (Ivanov A.A.);

      fast words from the names of the mighty, to such a stench, (comrade Ivanov, Kemerovo, Parkova st.);

      digits and letters with a bow speck (if overhauled) from the offensive word behind them;

      Roman numerals or Arabic numerals from the fastest or most recent names (1970 p, 1000 rubles, XX century);

      signs and numbers from the next digits behind them (No. 75).

Chi can't be detected:

    dots abo komi vid in front of the text;

    three specks, like a pause sign, from the forward and offensive word behind it;

    a dash between numbers, which means between values ​​(1-5);

    dash from Komi and paws;

    the sign of a def_s m_zh spіlkami and when transferred (schos);

    paws and bows from the layers placed in them;

    signs of wine in front of the front speck of someone;

    signs of vids, degrees of hilin, seconds per figure;

    plus signs, minus and plus-minus.


      a dash between words from both sides (Moscow is the capital of Russia);

      dash in a straight line on the cob to a paragraph;

WRC structure

For GOST 7.32-2001 structural elements of robots є:

    title page,


    <основная часть>,




The heads of the main part of the robot are not structural elements, such an element is only the whole main part as a whole.

Registration of headings in structural elements


For GOST 7.32-2001, the headings of the structural elements are drawn up with great letters (Caps Lock) without specks in the corner, they are placed in the middle of the row (in the middle) without a paragraph indention.

Font type of headings - Times New Roman, napivzhirny.

The size of the font (size) is 14.

The skin structural element is to be repaired from the new side.



Registration of headings in razdіls, pіdrozdіlіv and points

The main part of the text goes on sections (chapters), pidrozdili (paragraphs), if necessary, you can vikoristovuvati points.

All parts and partitions are next to be repaired from the new side.

The headings of the sections and sections should be handled from the paragraph indention, from the great letters, in bold type, without specks in the letters.

Font type - Times New Roman, size - 14.

Rozdіli, pіdrozdіli, dotted lines, numbered in Arabic numerals. The number of the section (paragraph) is stored from the number of the section (chapter) and the number of the paragraph in the chapter, where the speck is placed. There is no speck in the room numbers.

The numbering has a number of digits, but not a tab.

If the heading does not fit on one row, then transfer the word to the bottom row. Redrawing of words when transferred is not allowed.


1.3 Methodical ambush the formulation of the master's minds in the lessons of mathematics

1 - chapter number, 3 - paragraph number.

If the title is stored in two words, then it is distributed with specks.

If the title is stored in decimal rows, then the interval in the title is single.

Displayed with a heading and text should be written in one empty row (15 pt).

Placed under the headings of chapter and paragraph - 8 points.


Side numbering

The title page, zm_st, entry, handed out the diploma robots and supplements may be numbered.

Robot lines are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The side number is placed in the center of the bottom sheet without a dot.

The size of the font is 12.

Font type - Times New Roman.

The title page is included in the out-of-home numbering, ale number is not put on the new one, the numbering is to be repaired from the right.

Title Arkush decoration

The first sheet of work is the title arkush, which is drawn up as soon as possible before applying it.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary

all the professional education

"Novgorod State University of the Name of Yaroslav the Wise"

Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education


Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Pochatkova Education


Head of the department

G.A. Orlova

"___" ___________2014 p



Vipuskna quality of the robot

behind fah 050708.65

"Pedagogy and methodology of cob education"


to. file. D., associate professor

L.N. Sergєєva

"___" _____________ 2014 p

Student group 7251

N.M. Lebedova

"___" _____________ 2014 p

issued zm_stu

For GOST 7.32-2001 heading ЗМІСТ write great letters, In bold type, in the middle of the row.

For GOST 2.105-95, naming, included in the zmist, written in small letters, repaired from the great letters.


JOIN ………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations of the formation of the head teachers of young schoolchildren ......................................... .......... ... .............

1.1 Features of the development of out-of-town schoolchildren ...

1.2 Organization of project activity in the community of schools ................

1.3 Methodical ambush the formulation of the head teachers at the lessons of informatics ......... ................................ ...... ............................................ ...... ...

Drawings on the first razdіlі .............................................. .............. ...

Chapter 2 Pedagogical experiment on the infusion of design competence for the development of domestic workers .............................. ...

2.1 Vivchennya vyhіdnogo ryvnya development of the local department minus the control and experimental classes ....................................

2.2 Development of out-of-town teachers in computer science lessons in pohatkov_y school to the victorian method of projects .... .................................... ..

2.3 Analysis of the results of the experiment for the development of the field teachers of young schoolchildren using the victorious method of projects ..........

Visnovka in a different way .... .......................................... ............... ...

VISNOVOK ......................... ........................ .................. ........

LITERATURE ......................... ........................ ......... ... ............ ...

Dodatok A Navchalny project "My family" ... .....................................

Dodatok B Creative robots scientists 3 A class for the initial project "My family" ... .............................. .... .............................................. ....

Dodatok V The Navchalny project "Traditions of the Holy Gospel of the New Rock in native lands» ………………………………..………………...........

Dodatok G Creative robots for scientists 3 A class for the initial project "Traditions of the New Rock Christmas Day in the Eastern Lands" ...... ......

Dodatok D The results of the pedagogical department of the development of educational ministries of 3 classes ..................................... ................. ...

registration of documents

For GOST 7.32-2001 in the text of robots for all supplements, they are guilty. Dodatki roztashovuyut in order, posil on them in the text.

Skin program to start from the new side from the meaning of the mountain in the middle side of the word "Dodatok" and the second meaning. Dodatok is guilty of the mother's heading, which is written symmetrically to the text with the Great Literi in a row.

Dodatki poznachayut great letters of the Ukrainian alphabet, mending from A, behind a vignette letter E, Z, Y, O, CH, L, I, '. Writing the word "Dodatok" is followed by a letter that signifies its last (for example: Dodatok B). It is allowed to recognize additional letters in the Latin alphabet, behind a vignette of letters I and O. As there is only one supplement in the document, it is called "Dodatok A".

The text of the dermal supplement can be divided into sections, sections, etc., which are numbered at the boundaries of the skin supplement. The number is preceded by a number.

The numbering of the sides of the supplements and the main text is guilty of but honestly.


Decoration of the illustrations

Before the illustrations, you can address graphic images: small ones, diagrams, graphs, histograms, diagrams, photographs. All illustrations are referred to by the word "Drawing".

The little ones are guilty of roztashovuvatisya bezposeredno writing the text, in what stench they will guess ahead, or on the offensive side.

Malinki are numbered in Arabic numerals, numbering in the space between the sections (chapters). The figure number is stored from the part number and the serial number of the illustration, distributed with specks, for example, "Malunok 2.3" (third figure, chapter 2).

Pidpis to the little one roztashovuyut on them in the center of the row. Font type - Times New Roman. The size of the font is 12.

The word "Malunok" is spelled out. For the number of the figure, put a dash; The point in the name is not put.

Before the іlustratsієyu and ії її nymenuvannya guilty but was deprived without a single row.

All the little ones in the text are guilty of being able to. If you ask for an illustration, you can write "... as far as little 2.3".



Malunok 2.3 - Gorodetska rozpis


As long as in robots є supplements, then babies of skin supplements are identified by the numbering in Arabic numerals in advance of the designated supplements, for example: "Malunok A.3" (third figure in supplementary A).


Malunok A. 3 - Analyze robotic studies

on the topic "Kazkoviy kvitka"

Naymenuvannya malyunka is not guilty of vikhoditi for razmіri malyunka. If you name a dovge, then you will add to the number of rows. Interval in small letters is single.


Malunok 2.2 - Gistogram "Dynamics of development of initial and intellectual minds"

scientists of the experimental class "

formatted table

In a text document, a table is made using the method of unified text, which is a great informational community, in fact, allowing strictly classifying information, easily generating analogous data.

The table, according to the possibility, is short and I will name the lectures. The table can be supravodzhuvatisya primіty, in which the dzherela tribute appears, more lectures open up a series of indications, an explanation is given, like the table to take revenge on the tribute, rejected as a result of the calculation.

The numbers are rounded off in the tables with the same accuracy level (up to 0.1; up to 0.01, etc.). As in the tables, there are a lot of growth, then in the budget, it is up to 300, and more changes in size at times. For example, write not “1000%”, but “10.0 times”.

Replace with your paws the numbers, mathematical signs, signs and numbers, as well as regulatory documents and numbers, in the tables. Not allowed. When there are no dashes in the table, put a dash (dash).

The name of the table is below the table of evil, without a paragraph indention, without a speck in the corner. The title of the table is guilty to add up to the word "Table", the number of the table and through a dash - name the table. The name of the table should be displayed through a single mid-row interval, in “Times New Roman” font, font size - 14. Before the name of the table, and without a single row, it is missing.


Table 2.3 - Correction of the formation of the cob earbuds reading on the nymetsky movs from friends

A table of the next steps in the robot without a priori writing the text, in which it will be guessed ahead, or on the offensive side. On all tables of guilt in robots, for example, “In table 1.2 is presented. ... ".

Tables are numbered as it is, as for little ones, for example, "Table 2.3" (the third table of another section).

Tables of the skin supplement are identified by the numbering in Arabic numerals with the supplements in front of the designated supplements, for example, "Table B.2".

The table with a great number of rows is allowed to be transferred to the first arch. When the part of the table is transferred to the first part of the table, the word "Table", the number and the title should be inserted once above the first part of the table. Above such parts of evil, the word "Continuation" and the number of the table, for example: "Continuation of the table 2.1", appear. When transferring a table to the other side, it is necessary to repeat the head of the table or to add a special row with the numbering of hundreds.

The headings of the hundred and the rows in the tables of the writing from the great letters in one, and the headings of the hundred of the hundredths - of the small letters, as if it smells like one word in the title, for the great letters, as if it doesn’t mean anything. Do not put specks in the headings and subheadings of the hundredths and rows. The headings of the stovpts, as a rule, should be written parallel to the rows of tables, or, if necessary, allowed them to be perpendicular to the layout.

Behind the changing tables there are both analytical and non-analytical. Analytical tables є the result of processing and analysis of numerical indicators. As a rule, when such tables are used, they should be used as new (vivid) knowledge, as they should be introduced into the text with the words: the analysis of the tables allows the creation of visnovoks, so ...; from the table you can see that ...; the analysis of tables allows you to create patterns, so ... etc. Often such tables give the ability to formulate and formulate laws. Non-analytical tables contain, as a rule, statistical data, which is necessary for information or for information.

formalizing formulas

Formulas and іvnyannya slіdіlаti from the text in a row. Above and under the skin formula, or else it will be necessary to overload an empty row. If the rivnyannya does not fit in one row, then it is guilty that the letter of equal sign (=) is transferred, for the signs plus (+), minus (-), multiple (x), duration (:), for the other mathematical signs, Repeat on the cob of the advancing row. When transferring the formula to the sign, which symbolizes the multiplication operation, lock the sign "x".

Explanation of vicious symbols and numerical performances is induced by the formula in the same post-date, in the stench of the formula.

Formulas in the text are numbered with Arabic numerals between the lines. The number is stored from the number of the section and the last number of the formula in the section, from the right side of the arkush on the equal formula in round bows, for example, (2.1) is the first formula of another section.


A = C + B (2.1)

Formulas in supplements may be surrounded by numbering in the boundaries of the skin supplement with supplementary supplements in advance, for example, (B.2).

pererahuvan registration

The text of the diploma robot can be stuck pererahuvannya, which are made out in three ways.

Overexposure will be on one occasion and on a bagator. For the first person, you can be victorious, be it from pererakhovanih vische ways pererahuvan. When you are overwhelmed with a lot of problems, the first method will become stagnant, then - another, far - the third.

The butt of the registration of the baggage list

Classification of software security

1. System-programmed security:

    Operational systems;

    file managers;



    programs for servicing disks;

    anti-virus programs.

2. The middle of the program.

3. Applied programs:

    zagalny priznachennya programs;

    special designation programs;

    іgrovі programs.

Quotation and text formatting

Quotes - literally vityagi from some kind of scientific text of a scientific or publicistic character.

When quoting, it is necessary to follow these rules:

    Dzherelom quotes, but quotes are seen, but not seen by the author, quotes are the text of ghosts in the form of a showcase (vinyatok - it’s always inaccessible, or it’s difficult to reconstruct; it’s difficult to cite the published archive document; the author’s quotes from the author’s records as a result of the name)

    The text of the quotation is in the paws and in the grammatical form, in the dzherel, because of the preservation of the peculiarities of the author's writing.

    Quoting guilty we will, without too much speeding up of the quoted fragment and without sensing.

    The omission of words, words, paragraphs during quotation is allowed, as it is not difficult for the entire fragment to be written, and it is indicated by three specks, as it should be put on the place of the pass.

    If a quote is included in the text, then the first word is written in little letters.

    If the quote is seen from the main text, then write in the left field of the side on the side of the paragraph in the text, while the skin quote is guilty of the supravodzhuvatisya to the dzherelo.

Paws, for a quote, put only on the cob and the letters are right in accordance with the size of the quotation and the number of paragraphs in them.

Just as all the middle quotes are words (words, phrases), in their own place in the paws, then the only ones who are to blame are the little ones, below the paws, when they curl up and bring up a quote (call the paws - "pull the paws")


State Religious Institution


BASHKIRSKA State Pedagogical University IM. M. ACMULLI

Recommendations for the design of the license quality robotics

Recommendations are made on the basis of state and galuzev standards from information, state-of-the-art and standard information, as well as on the basis of documents, to regulate the type of performance at universities, on the basis of standards of educational M.Akmulli ". Vimogues to a computer set, the rules for drafting a manuscript and a documentary guide. Guided by the glimpse of the design of the title arch of the WRC, the forms of the supra-documentary, the butt of biblio-graphic recordings and the quick-to-hearted words and words.

Before the formalization of the FQP, it will inform the system and management of the quality of the lighting process, so that the BDPU is being implemented under the name of M. Akmulli.

Appropriate for students, viclates, deans and directors of institutes. You can also be correct when writing abstracts, coursework and documentation.

ROZUMU is majestic as a teacher of the Department of Physical Geography, Ecology and Natural History for the donation of material.

© Publishing house BDPU 2010

Registration of high quality robots

1. Zagalny vimogi

The release of the quality of the robot is presented in a solid palette. The text is guilty of typing on computers and vidrukivaniya on standard archives of a white paper in A4 format (210x297 mm).

The text is typed in MS Word editor. When recruiting, it is recommended that you choose a garniture. Times New Roman. The size of the main font - 14 pt, additional (for wines, tables) - 12 pt, mid-row interval - 1.5. Margins: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm. The naming of distributions, chapters, paragraphs are short.

All sides of the WRC are numbered in order from the title arch to the last side. On the first side, the title arkush should be used, but the number 1 should not be placed on the new one, on the offensive side (next to the title page, let the number 2 be added, etc.) numbering throughout the text. Side numbers are affixed at the bottom in the center of the side without a speck in the corner (menu - insert - side number). Illustrations, tables and diagrams, roztasovani on the edges of the arch in the middle of the text, enter into the back numbering.

2. Rules for the computer formatting of the text

Robotic material is formed in one MS Word file.

The transfer of words in the titles is not allowed. Naymenuvannya razdіlіv (introduced, zmіst, visnovok, list of literature, supplements) are played in the first order of the headings, without a speck in the picture and from the new side. It is recommended to put a side view before the heading (in the menu Insert - open - new side).

The text should be typed according to the offensive rules:

1) the formulation of paragraphs is displayed through the command Format - Paragraph;

2) the words are added to the deprivation of one pass;

3) no punctuation mark should be placed in front of the punctuation mark;

4) with a set of guilt, a dash (risk) and a definition (short risk) are recognized. The dash is seen with punctures, and the hyphen is not.

5) singing іnіtsіalіv before the apology, all in the middle quickly, before the fast r. - vkazіvkoy rock, etc. put an irregular space (Shift-Ctrl-space), for that purpose, do not open up the integrity of the writing, for example: A.S. Pushkin, 1998, T. D., T. E.;

6) the main text is printed in width, with an inset of the first row of 1.25 cm;

8) the type of visual appearance in the middle of the text due to the indication of the offensive of the state: row napyvzhirny straight - row naphtha italic - row light italic;

9) tables should be typed in size 12 and placed in the main text;

10) quotations, direct mov, alegorical twisting more beautifully than the paw;

11) with three headings (chapters - paragraphs - dashes), the headings of the first rivny (entry, zmist, name razdiliv, visnovok, list of letters, additions) are typed in capital letters (font 14), another font - named paragraphs ), the third (name in the paragraphs) - in row nap_vzhirnom italics (font 14). In the case of the courtyard headings, the headings of the first rivny (name the chapters and in.) - malimi napivzhirnymi (font 14), the other (name the paragraphs) - in bold italics (font 14). Virivnyuvannya headings - centered. Number chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs in the text of the robot, followed by Arabic numerals.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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