Poshukovy magnet for gold that brought that yoga of power. Poshukov magnets

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

You don't need to think that the whole "fishing" will start to throw the magnet for a distance and pull it back by the cable. In order to increase your chances for success, you need to increase the number of rules for working with magnetic magnets.

1. Practice with the throws on the open maidan with soft ground, to evaluate your strength and “shoot in”. Otherwise, the magnet can fly to the wrong place, where it looked, and hit you.

2. Podbayte about the cable, guilty of buti mіtsnim and yaskravim (it’s easier to get lost in writhing). Choose the optimal length, so that the cable does not stray. Tse to lie in the depths of the deep with water, yak, for the mind, it is necessary to z'yasuvati zazdalegіd.

3. For "fishing" with a magnet, you will need a coffin, and rather not inflatable, because. a large pool of rusty objects can damage the floating load.

4. Do not trim the magnet on the same plate. You can bring it to the point where you can magnetize the lining of the lining or break the cable.

5. The best way is to throw the magnet and pull it back from the middle swish (not too swish). You can also just walk along the shore in the swamps, holding out a magnet.

6. If the bottom is heavily mulled with water, then you can sense the shock magnet not to the cable, but to the pole, and shove yoga, with force pushing on the pole.

7. After skin zakidannya in deyakih waterholes, it is necessary to clean up a ball of scale with a magnet, to grab mittens and ganchir'ya.

8. After the bagatorase whisk, the galvanized ball sings from the surface of the magnet, and it starts rusting. Shchob vіdstrochitse a manifestation, after the skin puffing session, it is necessary to clean and dry the magnet.

9. Carry the magnet better in a wooden case, and do not close to the electronics. The mobile phone is definitely breaking into a nervous battle with "neodymium".

But how can you slander a magnet?

Catch on a magnet in a lake near one of the European towns.

“I caught three scuba divers, two divers and one man with steel eggs on such a fishing tackle. The rest of the found one repaired the opir, ”one of the poshukists said.

And if you fry a kill, then you won’t find gold-brilliants from a magnetic magnet - expensive metals are not magnetized. However, following the basic rules, in a couple of years you can catch up to 100-130 kg of metal brut with the Russian strong water. If you build yoga, then you will see the scrip.

Buy a tight neodymium magnet, which can be loaded at a time in hundreds of kilograms, you can

Before us there will be objects from the hall and chavun. The water has a lot of mementos of history at its depths. Most often from the bottom of the water they lift the streak. With a poshuk magnet, you can easily hoist treasures in wells and grave pits, as if for the sake of safety the stench was placed in a metal box.

Best proved to be magnetic magnets in search of virobiv and artifacts in the hours of the First and Other light wars. Even for the help of neodymium magnetic magnets, the Cossack checkers from the Dnipro repeatedly fought, on the Ladozsky lake, there were a lot of impersonal artifacts. Absolutely all materials, prepared from the hall or ferromagnetic metal, which are stored at the warehouse, are attracted by a neodymium magnet.

The design of the magnetic magnet

The construction of a magnetic magnet is simple and practical. In the middle there is also a rich metal of rare earth metals, boron and gale, some laying in a case made of stainless steel or aluminum, and it is possible just to cover the magnet with nickel. The entire free space is filled with epoxy resin, through which it is not recommended to heat it over 60 degrees. At the top or side of the magnet, a repair bolt is screwed in for fastening the coil or cable. With a vertical fastening of the rimbolt, the magnet is easier to break into the surface. Just twist this bolt for help, and the stud itself magnetizes the surface.

Respect! When heated over 80 degrees neodymium magnet loses power.

Metals that attract a magnetic magnet


Nasampered us poshukachiv tskavit gold. I’ll tell you right now: Pure gold is not magnetized to a powder magnet! However, most jewelry makers add a ligature. Ligature - ze metal, yakі add to gold with a method of increasing the strength and resistance to mechanical and temperature infusions.

For example, gold of 585 fineness has less than 58.5% pure gold, and reshta - 41.5% - the price of other metals, one of which is nickel. The zavdyaki themselves instead of nickel jewelry pieces and “chip” on the magnet. Ale strongly on the price does not spodіvatisya, oskolki instead of nickel are rather small and on the neodymium magnet, embellishment is not strongly attracted. For which dotik is necessary, the surface of the magnet is without intermediary to the jewelry box.


Another important joke metal is sreblo. Srіbla also has two different types: how to magnetize and how not to magnetize))

Varto respect that ancient silver services and sets of cutlery items were prepared from silver, like to be taken on a magnet (with additional ligatures).

Stainless steel

Stainless steel in staleness in alloys and houses are magnetized by a different world. Only a sprat of її vidіv, yakі dozhe weakly contact. Reshta well partly do not do well for those reasons, that in the warehouse there are 12 to 20% chromium. Please do not magnetize:

● Aluminum
● Brass and bronze
● Tin
● Lead
● Mid

Important! Poshukov neodymium magnets are more afraid of corrosion. Special respect should be given to the zahisny cover. With a light coating of yogo, it is negligible to follow the additional epoxy resin of chi farbi. As soon as the magnet oxidizes, its characteristics can fall more lower in 10 times, from 600 kg to 50!

We got together, like they threw a magnet around. However, it should not be forgotten that during the next hour of the Other World War, the German soldiers always carried a metal hermetic cylinder with them, from which they took the most important speeches. The cylinders themselves can be known with a magnet.

Poshukovy magnets, according to their abilities, are divided into three groups:

1. Unilateral. Vіdmіnno pіdіdіdut for strіmkogo poshuku (z pіrsіv, bridges tа chovna).

2. Bilateral. Universal magnetic magnets Good fit practically for any minds. On the right, in the fact that when a magnet is drawn along a muddy bottom, a one-sided magnet with its invisible side goes along the bottom, and the axis of the two-sided object sinks both from the upper and from the lower plane.

3. Magnetic trawls. The stench is the most suitable for postings along the bottom. Ale next to protect the fact that a magnet with a weight of 1.5 kg will be important to pull behind you on an inflatable gum line for additional oars.
Important! With strong impacts and small deformations, magnets lose their power. With the addition of the same magnets, their tension, which attracts, does not increase twice as much as it would like, but grows by only 30%.

Advantages and shortcomings of the tighter magnetic magnets

Press (especially double-sided) magnets for a search, as it is already clear from the deposited material, for searches of a larger cicava. Їhnya head trouble - tse tightness. Get more valuable knowledge (especially when you talk about expensive metals like magnets) with more help richer.

However, tight magnets have their own shortfalls:

1. It is important to throw a tighter magnet (for 500 kg and more) at the big stand, so it is important to take more than 4 kg.

2. More adventurousness with yakish hooked up is richer than the physical abilities of a person.

3. The quality of the hank can be on the heights and the mother has a two-fold supply of mentality. It is necessary for it to be possible to make a magnet flicker, which, having been hooked, from a flooded tree or a gorge.

4. Dzhe stomlyuє transferring an important subject trivaly hour.

According to the type of fastening of the repair bolt, it is divided into two types: with vertical fastenings and those with side ones.
For better results, a double-sided magnet for 140-200 kg of force and a bolt fixation are sufficient. Such a magnet can actually last a whole day, even though it’s not turned off, that the next day you see a small amount of money in the minds (without special training).

Vykoristannya poshukovyh magnetіv when poshuk z metaloshukachem

A lot of people are scorched by metal slugs, and less than half are scorched by pipointers. We know the situation, if there is a clear signal in the digging ground, but the mark is not visible. You can navigate the pinpointer on the ground, sweep a little, and know nothing. Here, a neodymium magnet does a good job for poshukіv: if it is magnetized, it won't stick to the surface. For such vipadkіv it is enough to use a magnet for 40-80 kg.

Respect! It’s also easy to wink a small bag from fabric. Metal smite does not stick to the magnet, which is rich in the earth. And also fabrics vryatuє vіd mekhanіchnіch poshkodzhenі і to incapacitate vyniknennya unsafe corrosion.

The obvious advantages of neodymium magnets are matched with the pointer:

1. They don't run out of batteries
2. Noiselessness
3. Small dimensions. Better transport. You can wear it just by the gut.
4. Meta itself chip on the surface.
5. Price. You can take 5 magnets for the price of one pinpointer.
6. Stability to mechanical strength and vology.
7. Long term of exploitation for the completion of elementary rules.

Important! Poshukovі neodymium magnets lose magnetism approximately 0.1% to 2% for 10 years! Give you a choice of a magnetic magnet to judge you, you can lessen the risk of misrepresenting the brand, which does not deceive from the declared tightness - "Svit Magnitiv" (marvel at the brand in the description to the magnet).

Search for valuable coins

The list of coins, yakі znahodjatsya behind the help of a magnetic magnet, to complete the value. Cheap tsar's rubbish is not taken for a magnet, but from a coin of an average denomination they were prepared with additional nickel and chromium, which once again speaks of the magnetic power of these coins. Naydorochchi coins of great denomination, made of gold and srible, don’t take a magnet for help, stench interact with a magnet, but only weakly.

How to remake a coin like the original for the help of a magnetic magnet

For this, it is necessary to put a neodymium magnet under a 45 degree angle, put the original coin on the surface (in the same way) and let it go. With this, the won can smoothly go down. Pіdrobka, on vіdmіnu vіd original, descent to be more quickly. It costs more than all the coins, as they are not taken on a magnet.

Important! Under the hour of re-verification, it’s better to vikoristovuvat cellophane or polyethylene for covering a magnet, even if the coins of a vinyatkovo collection will become a chance to be dishonored.

Attachment of a neodymium magnet - garna investment

The main problem of magnetic magnets is the price, which was quickly introduced in 2009: 95% of rare earth metals are transported and processed in the Middle Kingdom, and the stench is won for the needs of automotive manufacturing. Tsya krajina sent additional funds for the vivi- sion of magnets in its territory. By the end of 2011 neodymium zletіv at the price vp'yatero! Neodymium on the stock exchanges has risen in price by 50% lower than in 2017!

Luggage, belongings, skhovanki, koshtovnostі... Vіd tsikh slіv vіє prihodov, adventurism, romance.

Who among children does not dream to know the treasures?

The deyakі grown up people saved their children's dreams and instilled them in life, taking care of the treasures.

Like all the crowded people, amateur poshukoviks toil their clubs for their interests, sleepiness. There they exchange information, discuss outbuildings for a joke, arrange collective forks.

Today docking for searching for metals to help thieves of belongings. One of such attachments is a magnet magnet. Dali about the new report.

Poshukovy magnet building knowledge, hoard and pick up metal objects, vaga yakikh richer for himself at 50-100 times. Otherwise, attachments are called an eternal magnet.

The robotic body is assembled with a neodymium magnet (to replace Nd-Fe-B), placed in a glass-like turning case made of steel.

The body is galvanized, and the body is nickel, which allows vicorist attachment for poshukiv by the water.

The housing protects that form of magnetic field in the correct direction. Buvayut:

  1. Unilateral- Handy for a search for a chink, a pier, a bridge.
  2. bilateral- mayut universal recognition.
  3. Tralee- Good for the bottom watering.
  4. Strizhni- for narrow and importantly accessible for great magnets.

The stench is like that body diameterі magnetic force.

Top or side twisted special bolt(Rim-bolt), applications for a cable or spool.

Another function of the bolt is to take the object from the magnet for this additional help.

For which rim-bolt is screwed into the body, after which magnetization, the subject should be removed.

The most magnetic magnets afraid of high temperatures(over +80), with strong heating waste their functions.

Pratsyuvati with him is easy: having attached a cable to the skein or yogo, you simply lower it in the right place.

Vidminnosti vіd metaloshukach

Principal difference in that metal shukach the building is less familiar the misplacement of the object, but the magnet allows vodrazu w "get it" yoga. However, the magnet do not help with whispers near the ground. To that, there are two outbuildings in the arsenal of a shukach, calling to add one to one, but you can’t replace it.

Other external functions:

  • magnet saves its functions at the middle of the water;
  • there is no need to bathe batteries or batteries;
  • presence of sound signals, yakі privertyat respect chi "rozkrekrechuyut" shukacha;
  • do not take up a lot of space, it is easy to take it with you;
  • subjects independently attracted;
  • varity is available;
  • stіykі to poshkodzhen;
  • trival term one hundred years of strength for a hundred years.

Where can you stop?

Stop to search for items that you know beyond the borders of the field zoru:

  • at the ovens;
  • girsky failures;
  • wells;
  • sewers;
  • water bowls;
  • swamps.

Be a good help magnet during archaeological excavations, search for objects of hours of war.

Sound vicorist in tandem with a metal jukebox. For an additional magnet, they take zayviy, non-consumable metal, or else you will be tempted when you ask a metal scammer. Then we will search for more valuable alloys, such as gold and silver.

Chi building attract silver and gold?

Objects, as if they were made from metals, which could feromagnetic powers can be attracted by such a magnet. For example, or.

Feromagnetic power - the power of base metals, which allow "sticking" to magnets with great strength.

Actual nutrition - how can you pick up objects made of expensive metals for an additional magnet?

It is possible, as if at the warehouse, they threw it, which reacts on magnetic gravity.

special powder magnet for gold and silver don't know.

However, it is possible to embellish that coin from expensive alloys with a vidobuti from yogo as a whole, even if the stench is to avenge other elements, like a magnet is attractive.

For example: gold of 585 fineness for 58.5 cents out of a hundred is made up of gold. Other 41.5 widows of other metals, nickel nickel.

Nickel is easily attracted to a magnet. However, in order to make such an embellishment far away, maє buti dotik to jewelry knowledge.

Three times the same story. Yakshto to alloy dodanі ligatures(metals that are added to jewelry for increased wear resistance), objects or embellishments will be attracted.

Overview of popular outbuildings and their price

The leader of the campaign is respected China. Approximately 130 enterprises in China produce neodymium magnets.

At Russia these products are made by:

  • science and technology company "Supersistema", Moscow;
  • ZAT NVO REDMAG, Kaluga;
  • TOV "Plastic" near St. Petersburg;
  • TOV "Scientific and manufacturing company" Magnetic and systems ", St. Petersburg;
  • companyNepra, Moscow region, m. Zaliznichniy;
  • NVO "ERGA" near the city of Kaluga.
name Diameter, mm Height, mm Zusilla per v_driv, kg Price, rub.
Scientific and manufacturing company "Supersystem"
F80 (one-sided)48 10 80-90 690
F150 (one-sided)68 15 170-190 1190
F600 (one-sided)130 24 660-690 4290
Double sided F150x268 24 170-190 from the skin side1940
Double sided F600x2130 39 660-690 from the skin side7290
F30094 28 600 3050
F600136 25 600 5450
Manufacturing China(for tribute from

When working with neodymium magnets, the next step is to take special precautions, to get in touch with them, so that even these forces of gravity can lead us into oman, like stench can develop. Don't put on cloaks, rather suede mittens. Two magnets, with a total diameter of 50 millimeters and a height of 20 millimeters, are attracted one to one with a force of about 140 kilograms. Therefore, for working with them, it is necessary to take extreme care, otherwise the fingers, and also the skin can be severely injured.

Familiarize yourself with this information in front of the magnet magnet!



1. Magnets of great size that force can attract metal objects of small volume to itself, or be attracted to objects of great volume, if they are brought close to them.

2. Two magnets of the great expansion between themselves will be a dependent force and can easily damage the skin on the hands or fingers, as if the stench is stubborn between magnets.

3. Do not let children play with these magnets. It's unsafe!

4. Nominal pressure of the magnet - the force on the winder, how can the magnet be at 100% of the contact area, up to an absolutely flat surface.

5. Working temperature - up to 80 degrees, do not overheat the magnet, you can lose your power.

6. Magnetic field - due to the magnetic field, the magnetic field may be stronger, do not bring the magnet to bank cards, hard disks, pacemakers, etc.

7. Neodymium magnets are fragile! And in case of a fall, or a sharp gap on gluing to the metal, they can break apart, through which peel with magnets with the necessary accuracy.

8. By itself, a neodymium magnet is not slippery and does not cause damage to the superfluous medium - shards actually have a strong permanent magnetism. In neodymium magnets, there is no radiation splash, and this permanent magnetic field is absolutely non-slip for living organisms.

9. Be careful and plan your actions with victorious magnets, the stench can serve you all your life and without syncs!


It is not recommended to apply or bring close to a different kind of electrical equipment, magnetic attachments, electric motors, electronic equipment;

When working with neodymium magnets, the next step is to take special precautions, to get in touch with them, so that even these forces of gravity can lead us into oman, like stench can develop. Don't put on cloaks, rather suede mittens. Two magnets, with a total diameter of 50 millimeters and a height of 20 millimeters, are attracted one to one with a force of about 140 kilograms. Therefore, for working with them, it is necessary to take extreme care, otherwise the fingers, and also the skin can be severely injured.

Not less unsafe tricks, like two neodymium magnets, to fly one to one, as if on your own, you can get screaming. To that, trim them at a sufficient distance, so as to allow the disappearance of their unattached chain.

Keep in mind that neodymium magnets must be taken away from children in the distance, if they do not notice these ailments, if stinks can lift them with their gravity. It is not necessary to underestimate and small neodymium magnets for healthy children;

The strength of neodymium magnets is such that, being brought to the screen of a TV set or a monitor, the rest can be incorrectly zipped and you happen to replace them. There is one more argument, why it is unbearable that neodymium magnets were squandered into the hands of children.

If we add a neodymium magnet to magnetic data carriers, for example a hard drive, floppy disks or flash drives, then the information that is stored on them will be irrevocably lost. Remember for a long time about working with neodymium magnets. - First, attach a neodymium magnet to a metal object, think about it, but what can you do next?

Take special care when working with neodymium super magnets!

Poshukovy magnet of appointments for the search and pіdёmu objects from the hall and alloys from the hall. For help with a magnet, you can pick up such objects from important places and find a place to look for water, near wells, caves, pits and other places. Also, the magnet can be painted for other purposes. For example, cleaning up the earth in the presence of a dribbling bay.

The strength of the magnetic magnet is indicated by its name. It reaches the magnetization to a perfectly even metal plate. If the object is not equal in shape, or if it is corroded by oxides, then the force of magnetization will be less. If the magnet is weak, it is recommended to use cables with different suscils, which can be aligned with the tightness of the winding susilla of the magnet.

Poshukovy magnet is a special magnetic object, named after rare earth metals in a steel building. Magnit maє rimbolt for tying a skein.

Like a magnet primagnetivsya to the great equal object, tearing it apart more quickly with a bik.

Please come in.

Be respectful of the hour of the search for a magnetic magnet. This is a tighter and more serious magnet, a kind of building injury manager or a poor technique. Do not take this charge from electronic devices, hard disks, telephones, laptops, do not bring a magnet to TV sets at a close distance.

Driving a computer with a neodymium magnet

Neodymium magnet and laptop

Crash test: human hand between the toughest magnets

Be careful when magnetizing small objects - the force of magnetization can be strong, if you pinch your skin, or a magnet finger, you can cause a call or injury. Do not bring the magnet close to the body of the car - when magnetized, it will be easy to pull it off, without putting on the paintwork.

Vikonuyuchi poshuk under the water, to the magnet will be magnetized by different frills of the bay. Breathing in and cleansing yoga, be careful and vikoristovyte mittens, shards can easily damage the skin.

Take care of the magnet better in a special box or boxes with similar walls made of polystyrene, wood, gum. Tse to defend against possible inaccuracies.

Maybe, among other tools, recognized for shukannya karbiv, poshukovy magnet є "the least vyvchenim" and malovikoristovuvanim. I’ll add to myself that something like this is especially special for me, but I don’t often get dirty with him, but I’m more like it. A great know-it-all, she finished off for an additional device, tse mislivska towel, as if she had drowned her knowledge in drunkenness (once again, I confirm the rule that you shouldn’t drink alcohol on the brew!). But still, I don’t mind the main topics and try to figure it out: what kind of magnet is needed?

I will say once again that buying a marvelously modern industry is not a problem. At be-yakom specіalіzovanu shopі for metaloposhuk middle proponovanogo obov'yazkovo znadutsya y cі poshukі pristroї. If there is no such store in your locality, then the Internet will help you. At the extreme, there is no possibility to buy, you can always grow independently, the culture of DIY in the world of belongings flourishes, similar instructions are given by the majestic impersonality.

Father, now you can vikoristovuvaty poshukovy magnet from shukachi treasures? The shock magnet is intended for obstezhennya important places, where metal noise is not so easy to use. Tse can be a well, a small river, rates, a lake, a sunken place, practically be natural and piece water. Pratsiuє magnet is as simple as possible, it is enough to attach yoga to the mіtsnoї skein and lower / throw it to the bottom with water. If at the bottom of the water basin there are metal objects with a mist or nickel, then the magnet of their obov'yazkovo "attracts" and, apparently, you do not use (and maybe important, to lie in the type of magnet and vag of the object that you see) you will get away.

What kind of knowledge can you get from such a time? As a rule, ce speeches are made from home and the master's pobutu (podkovi, teapots, flowers, tools). Even though active battles took place in your region (Gromadyanskaya war, Great Vitchiznyana war), your raids can be mounted with water and cartridge cases, cartridges and other military wars.

Crimson, poshukovsky magnet actively vykoristovuyut when poshuk meteorites. Meteorites are outside the body, from space, obviously, alien to our nature, often take revenge on yourself for a large amount of nickel, which also reacts to a magnet. In principle, it looks similar to each other, you can just throw a magnet, tying up to a hank, making a lot of land in such a rank! And it’s better to fasten yoga on kіntsі palitsі and vikoristovuvat її її srazok reeds, turning over all the “suspected” kamintsі.

Another variant of vikoristannya is the cleansing of the Maidan, recognized for the cop. Tobto. in this case, a magnetic magnet will help you to pick up all the metal space from the surface of the earth. With a non-intermediate robot with a metal-shocking device, the device allows you to dodatkovo reverify or dig a hole in the subject of false speeches.

Not a lot of special evidence. With the passage of water, all my savants were surrounded by a coupe of a “salt” smitta, with which the most important and cikavim for me were pidkov. Poshukovy magnet, in my opinion in this case, is a good solution for picking up metal ware. I didn’t shukav the meteor, if I want to get it, but still ahead, I can’t say anything about it. For me, victorious work at the field, as an additional tool for clearing the vineyard, showed sublime results for me. For example, pidsipku on the hills of an abandoned booth can be revered and done effectively, but from cleaning the land plots, it’s unprofitable from the point of view of an hour-and labor costs. In a first way, to that there is more metal smittya in the earth itself, in a different way, it would take a lot of time to clean the greater or lesser great lot of the earth. As an option, you can try vicoristing similar poshuk tools on the beach, today the “walker” is magnetized, so, you can be selected in such a way, but also a rozvaga for an amateur. Possibly, it’s better to use this tool for a cop in war, but it’s not my patrimony anymore, I can’t say anything about that.

Choice of pickup magnet

Naturally, if you want to buy, you need to competently choose. Vlasne, the magnetic magnet is not foldable behind the structure, so the main operational characteristics of the new door:
- magnetic force, tobto. the characteristic, which is consistent with the poshukov's power, otherwise seeming, building to attract objects, is expressed in kilograms. Today, the magnetic force of the instruments, which are looked at, oscillates between 60 ... 700 kg. The most popular and widest - the price of magnets 200 and 300 kg, chips and working characteristics are not bad and the price is acceptable. I’ll say it again, declared, for example, 200 kg is a characteristic that is called in “greenhouse” minds, if it is checked on sheet metal with a smooth surface. In life, everything looks different!
- Waga virobu. In my opinion, power is important, to that, let’s say, a magnet with a weight of 150 kg is important close to 300 g, with a magnet with a weight of 600 kg, for your weight with success, you can exceed 2000 g, you already think of spending a year.

When buying shoes, think about it, as you see your magnetic tool as a metal tool, so it’s easy to finish it with your hands. The greatest advantage in this situation is magnets, possessing rim bolts, handy fastening for a winder and a singing way to get out, just enough to tighten the rim bolt to the stop and voila.

Іsnuyut raznovidi for the way dії - one and two-sided. Naturally, bilaterally effective, but costly more expensive.

Vlasne, axis and everything that I wanted to tell you about magnetic magnetism. In any case, I don’t undertake to stverdzhuvaty, that the magnets are magnetic - it’s more convenient or, for now, it’s a worthless device. On the whole, for myself, I understand that I am empty, I accept, in the context of my victoriousness, now I share my best warnings (varto means, not overly rich!). The ending verdict "vicorist chi ni", "buy or prepare independently" all the same is left behind you.

Naturally, people's thought is to chirp, like to read this post, about the cruelty of the subject of discussion. I would like to also feel about the possible options (apply) zastosuvannya at the rozrіzі of our infamous hobby.

ZI. Badge for yourself. It will be necessary to obov'yazkovo try to rob it with your own hands.

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