Krasnoyarsk Lotne School of Civil Aviation Office. Enterprises and companies of Krasnoyarsk

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Suchasny Krasnoyarsk is one of the great places of Russia, and in 1628 the tree was built fortets-outpost, surrounded by a ditch and walls with vezha, and was called the fortetsya - Chervoniy Yar. In 1690, when Chervoniy Yar was given the status of a place, Chervoniy Yar was given the residual status of Siberia to Russia in 1690.

The economy of the Siberian tract, which is located in the central regions of the state with Siberia, has made a significant inflow to the development of the economy, trade in Krasnoyarsk, and also infused to the expansion of the economy and the inflow of the city. The given development of Krasnoyarsk is tied to gold mining in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as to the Trans-Siberian Zaliznytsia.

A great number of industrial enterprises have been moved to Krasnoyarsk Bulo, the functioning of the bridge across the city and the expansion of the territory of the city has worn off. In the 50-60s of the twentieth century, the airport has been prompted here, which at the same time gains the status of an international, hydroelectric power station and academy, which has zoomed in the scientific and educational potential of the place.

enterprises of Krasnoyarsk

Zruchne geographic development of Krasnoyarsk allowed a small place to grow into one of the most important industrial, economic and cultural centers in Siberia. It is obvious that three main main lines of the Skhidny Siberia cross over to Krasnoyarsk - the water route along the river Onisei, the Trans-Siberian railway line and the federal highway Moscow-Vladivostok.

The leading and main industrial galuzes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are chemical industry, woodworking industry, color metallurgy, mechanical engineering and woodworking. The most important Krasnoyarsk machine-and-food factories can be called:
Lisova machine building plant,
Factory with virobnitstva refrigerators Birus,
Plant z virobnitstva silskogospodarskoy technics and harvesters,
The plant of heavy machinery and equipment for the production of Krastyazhmash,
Krasnoyarsk Shipyard and Ship Repair Center.

It is also true that in Krasnoyarsk there is a single plant with overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 200 tons - the Sibtyazhmash plant.
You can see a tire plant or a synthetic rubber plant near the chemical industry. The largest metallurgical enterprises in Siberia є Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant and plant Sibelektrostal.

Krasnoyarsk roztashovuuєa main virobnik of space systems -

I will enter the rules

I. Headquarters


1.1. If you are admitted to the college, you will take into account the rights of the community to the coverage, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, publicity and open-mindedness of the community, on the basis of an active assessment of health and confinement.

1.2.College Goiter's Job:

  • Knowing the newcomers with a license for the right to conduct educational activities, information about the state accreditation for direct skin preparation, for specialties, and that gives the right to issue a document of the state educator about the re-education of the middle of the profession. The fact of knowing the abіturієntіv with the Statute of the College, reinsured by all documents, is registered in the documents and must be signed with a special abіturієnt signature;
  • Give a chance to the entrants to learn about the change of the main educational programs, as well as from the other documents, which regulate the organization of the educational process and the work of the effective committee.

1.Z. Before the end of the receipt of documents, the committee is accepted by the College of Visitors and Deeds:

  • the transformation of direct training and specialties, for which the college has a wide collection of documents, as per the license;
  • the number of missions for admission to the first course is based on the number of missions at the onset of the course, which are financed from the federal budget from skin training and specialties;
  • a number of tasks that are financed from the federal budget, as they saw for the whole reception for specialties and direct training;
  • a number of opportunities for taking the first step on the offensive course for the direct preparation of the skin and for the skin specialties with the payment of the payment for the payment on a contractual basis;
  • a change of introductory vip tests on skin directly and specialties, programs, as well as a system for assessing the knowledge of introductory students, including the designation of the form of conducting introductory tests for applicants, as they may qualify for the right to earn money until college for the results of a change;
  • organizing a competition for a competition to be financed from the federal budget and by paying for the costs of the investment on a contractual basis;
  • the procedure for submitting and reviewing appeals on the results of introductory viprobuvan;
  • number of pieces in guesthouses for local entrants;
  • rules for admission of applicants from college and university;
  • the order of getting to college.

1.4. Welcome to the college, come to the special application of the huge people on the basis of the results of the introductory vyprobauvan, which is carried out with the help of the opportunity of the introductory student to master the professional educational programs.

1.5. When submitting, apply for admission to the college, submit the documents, re-insured in § 5 of the Rules. The Іnshі documents can be submitted by the introducer, as well as the claim for the pilgrims, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Acceptance of documents from applicants to the full-time form will end not earlier than 15 days. On specialties, for those who need to be asked, the correspondence form is available, the documents are accepted in lines, which are started by the college.

1.6. All introductory vip training during admission to the first course (except vip probation for a fach) is carried out only on the basis of educational programs of the Ministry of Education of Russia, developed by the college and approved by the director.

1.7. Entry vip testing is recognized not earlier than the acceptance of documents and can be carried out in the world, the formation of examination groups from the number of individuals who submitted the documents and are carried out at the form, which is supposed to be started by the college. It is unacceptable to zarakhovuvati in the capacity of introductory viprobauvan vipusknі іspiti іznіnі kind of paid courses.

1.8. Individuals who graduated with medals in the educational establishment of the average (general) foreign or cob professional education, as well as individuals who graduated with the knowledge of the established results of the average professional education until the end of the year. The profile should not be introduced, as the process of communication does not allow the ability to learn about the basic coverage of the program, because there will be a competition in the middle of them. I didn’t pass the contest and (or) didn’t go to the "vidminno" professional vip testing, to take part in the competition at the out-of-town exhibitions. The college has the right to establish itself for individuals who may be able to attend a professional education in the middle (new) secondary school and have finished it with a diploma from the applicant, as well as for people who have received gold or

1.9. In yak results and introductory viprobuvan college can be zarahovuvati:

  • the results of the centralized test of vypuskniks in the background of the establishment, which is carried out by the certificate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation;
  • the results of the All-Russian Olympiads (for the winners);
  • the results of regional Olympiads (for the winners), which are held by the governing bodies of the education of the federal subunits and the Council of Rectors for the weather with them;
  • the results of the introductory viprobuvan of the given calendar fate in the first state VNZ (middle professional navchalny pledge).

1.10. Individuals who did not show up for the entry test without an important reason, they took away the unsatisfactory assessment, and they also took the documents to send an ear of entry test, vibrate for the competition and do not get insurance before the college. Individuals that did not appear at the entrance of the test for an important reason are allowed to see them in parallel groups, or individually in the period until the end of the day. When organizing the admission of applicants for specialties in the decilka streams, it is not allowed to re-participate in the competition.

1.11. With the method of realizing the right of abіturієnt to appeal the assessment for sleep sleep, the skin abstraction should be denuded immediately after the completion of the experience, and for writing - by holding out the letter to finish the introductory viprobation.

1.12. Zarahuvannya for a month, which is financed from the budget of the federal budget, is guilty of completing the entry vyprobauvanny and ending not even more, not 10 days before the ear of the beginning to take.

1.13. The college admissions committee will not provide evidence about the results of the introductory tests for the written application of abstraction.


2.1. Outside of the competition for the successful formation of early adopters, the following will be accepted:

  • children are orphans and children who have become deprived of their fathers. Individuals specified in Art. 1 of the Federal Law from 21 March 1996 No. 153-FZ (from changes from 8 February 1998 to 7 September 2000);
  • children - Invalid, Invalid. I and II groups, as a matter of fact, establish the State Service of Medical and Social Expertise not against the show in the college;
  • hulks at the age of up to 20 years, as may be only one of the fathers - the Invalid of the I group, as the average income of the family is lower than the value of the subsistence minimum established by the Russian Federation;
  • community members, members of the military service at the testimony of the commanders of military units;
  • the folks who have learned of the radioactive effects of the catastrophe at the Chornobil nuclear power plant, the accident at the virobnichi "Mayak", dropped the radioactive sidings at the Techa River, and at the nuclear test drive.

2.2. Gromadians, who are doing military service under a contract, or being in charge from the military service, when they reach the border service, are transferred to the military service, with a health camp;

  • on the first that offensive course with the presence of an average Vyiskoe coverage;
  • on the first course - not less than the main foreign education.

The members of these families, who are starting in state religious institutions, may have the right to transfer (receive) to the college when changing the mission of service, or living in the service. The reception of the significant hulks is carried out by stretching out to the beginning of the fate, including until the plan established by the college.

2.3. Ability to go to college, may have the right to undergo a medical committee at the closest behind the place of living of VLEK with the onset of an expert's approval.

2.4. Children are orphans who have lost their lives without a father's education, since they would have been educated in the middle (new) home to get insurance on a course from preparatory work before joining a college without getting paid for education.


3.1. The college provides training of faculty members in full-time and part-time forms of education.

3.2. In full-time form, the training is implemented by the programs of the middle special training of aviation factions


2010 - Technical exploitation of transport radioelectronic equipment (quality of production - technology, term of production of 2 rocky 10 months at the basic level of preparation and 3 rocky 10 months - at birth)

2402 - Management of the turnover transport (qualification of the turnover manager from the control over the turnover, term of operation 2 rocky 10 months);

2404 - Servicing of literal equipment with fire-mastic materials (qualification fahivtsya - technik, term navchannya 2 rocky 10 months);

2401 - Organization of transportation and management of transport (on a daily basis).

For specialization:

2401/04 - Organization of aviation security on public transport (qualification of aviation security - technology of aviation security, term of delivery of 2 rocky 10 months);

2401/02 - Organization of vantage and passenger transport (quality of transport - technical air transport, term of 2 rocky 10 months);

Navchannya for the designation of specialties bezkoshtovne. Students will be provided with a gourmet food, if the finances are evident, they will not be hungry 3 times. A scholarship will be awarded for the results of the examination session.

2401/03 - Servicing passengers on board the ship (quality of service - technical servicing of passengers on board the ship, term of 2 days 10 months).

2401/05 - Licensuring and certification of aviation robots, transportation and services (qualification of fahivtsya - technik, term of operation 2 rock 10 months).

2401/06 - Reservation and sales of air travel and services (quality of service - technology, term of delivery 2 rocky 10 months).

Navchannya for special analyzes 2401/03; 2401/05; 2401.06 - paid for contracts with legal and physical persons.

3.3. On specialty 2010 2404, individuals of the human stati are taken, on the latter - individuals of both articles.

3.4. For extramural forms of navchannya (paid for contracts with legal and physical persons), it is implemented by the programs of the middle special training of emergency services

for specialties:

2010 - Technical exploitation of radioelectronic transport control (qualification - technology, term of operation 3 rocky 10 months);

2402 - Management of the turnaround transport (qualification of the fahivtsya - dispatcher from the control of the turnover, term navchannya 3 rocky 10 min);

2404 - Servicing of lithic equipment with fire-mastic materials

2401 - Organization of transportation and management of transport (on a daily basis); for specializations:

2401/02 - Organization of vantage and passenger transportation (qualification of fakhivtsya - technology, term of arrival 3 rocks 10 months);

2401/04 - Organization of aviation security on public transport (qualification of aviation security - technology of aviation security, term of delivery of 3 rocky 10 months).


A. Ochna Form navchannya

4.1. The headquarters of the organization of the reception of abіturієntіv in the college of viclains in § 1 of the rules.

4.2. At the beginning of the specialties 2010 and 2404, individuals of the cholovic stati are taken, at the latter - individuals of both articles.

4.3. Accept the application from 25 worms to 31 limes. (When joining the newsletter for specialties 2402 and 2401/03 - up to 25 limes).

4.4. Introductory services are held without the middle of the central community and in the zonal community offices from 1 to 31 lime trees. Reconstruction of knowledge on psychotherapies to learn from mathematics (usno), Russian language and literature (wiklade).

4.5. When accepting a specialty 2402, a professional and psychological review will be carried out. Acceptable committees for the selection of candidates for specialties 2402 and 2401.03 send abstracts for a medical examination to Lykarsko-lotnu expert committee of civil aviation (VLEK GA), GA. Candidates may have the right to undergo a medical committee at the closest place of residence of VLEK with the onset of consolidation at VLEK at an acceptable committee.

Individuals who come behind the health camp before the military service in the Zbroyniye Forces of the Russian Federation (behind the fach "UVS dispatcher" - individual assessment) are allowed to take a medical look. Candidates get a follow-up from VLEK for form 086 / y, a link from a neuropsychiatric dispensary for a place of residence, a vіyskovy ticket or a certificate of evidence.

4.6. With abіturієntami, which are necessary for paid specialties (2401/03, 2401/05, 2401/06), introductory vip tests are carried out at viglyadі spіvbesіd for a phase or a professional test. Vischevkaz not be applied also to the following:

  • they have passed the line service in the Zbroynykh Forces of Russia and are coming up to the beginning of the specialization of 2010;
  • we will reinsure in clauses 1.8, 1.9, 2-2 of the reference Rules.

4.7. The pose of the competition, with the successful delivery of introductory aspirations, the individuals specified in clause 2.1 of the Rules will be accepted.

4.8. The main prize will be based on the context of the competition, which is sent by the state and municipal authorities for the proper implementation of the whole mission, specially seen by the college within the framework of the control figures for the acceptance.

4.9. The whole reception is accepted according to the agreements under the sanctioned pledge of the middle professional education and state and municipal bodies.

4.10. Individuals that are sent for the whole reception, store the entrance viprobavannya according to the same rules, they will receive before the initial foundation of the average professional education.

4.11. Individuals, who did not pass the competition for the whole month, may take part in the out-of-town competition for any form of education in the college.

4.12. Tsilovі mіstya, scho became vacant for the opening vyprobuvan and zarahuvannya, nadayutsya persons who take part in the outbound competition.

4.13. All the procedures for the whole reception are drawn up by the protocols of the acceptance committee for the beginning of the foundation of the average professional education.

B. Absentee form

4.14. We apply for the term established by the college.

4.15. Acceptance of vip testing is carried out at the visitor to sleep in Russian language (referral) and mathematics (as usual) for all specialties.

4.16. At the start of the specialty 2402, individuals who may be in the middle of the day have finished training courses for dispatchers and work in services.

4.17. At the beginning of the special analysis 2401/03, the staff of the flight attendant service with the official certificate of the flight attendant will be employed.

V. DOCUMENTS, which are submitted to the PRIMAL COMISIU

A. On-site form

5.1. Documents to be submitted to the acceptable committee:

  • Application;
  • a document about new home middle education (original or certified copy *);
  • vipiska from the work book (for individuals who may have work experience);
  • photo cards with a size of 3 × 4 cm (without a headdress) - 6 pcs.;
  • medical add-on form 086U (with chips);
  • a passport and a document about the introduction to the vіyskogo observance (it is presented to the appropriate committee in a special way).

5.2. Students who are going to pass the newsletter for the fahom 2401/04 apply for a confirmation from the authorities of the internal reference.

5.3. At the institution established by the college, the presenter presented the original document of the sovereign education about education. The interval between the date of the end of the initial test and the date of submission to the original document about the sanction is guilty of at least three working days. The date of the end of the introductory tests is the day when the list of introductory members was bogged down, as they showcased the introductory tests because of the significant foreign results in the results of the introductory tests on the information stand of the Acceptable Committee.

5.4. For the entrant who wants to take back the information for the entry of the document (including the original document about the education) from the college, for the purpose of the document, he will see the written application by extending it.

B. Correspondence Form

5.5. Documents to be submitted to the acceptable committee:

  • Application;
  • a copy of a knight from a work book;
  • document about coverage (original);
  • photocards with a size of 3 × 4 cm - 6 pcs.

The passport and the certificate of the dispatcher or the flight attendant are presented to the appropriate committee in a special way.

The Krasnoyarsk branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation is a great pledge in the field of preparation of industrial transport workers. In the school, there are ten faculties, and the training of faculty members goes through five straight steps.

One of the names of the school is the technikum of civil aviation in Krasnoyarsk. The price is admittedly a young start-up mortgage, approved in 1981 by the government. Some of them had the status of a school, and in 1997 it was added to the name of a college. From 2008 to 2009, the revival of the initial mortgage in the status of the SPbGUA branch was added. The annual school is gradual in graduation and there is a great number of workers in the field of aviation technology of wide qualifications.

The 1990s, like a crisis for the aviation period, did not go around the Krasnoyarsk school. However, the forebears of the initial mortgage did not give up and did their best to trickle over the team, so that the college floated afloat. Kupuvalosya new possession, opened with lighting programs, repairs in auditoriums and expanded technology park. With the help of the curriculum and pedagogy, the college won’t only survive an important period, but also multiply its pedagogical and technical potential.

A whole book is assigned to the history of the college; They describe the life of the school at the moment of falling asleep of the eyewitnesses and non-mediated participants of quiet motives - viclades and members of the administration. Book to revenge photos of memorable moments and development of college students.

Specialties of the Krasnoyarsk public school

Krasnoyarsk Aviation Technical College of Civil Aviation Gotu Fakhivtsiv in the offensive spheres:

  1. Technik with radio control services for the traffic and navigation complex.
  2. Dispatcher carrying out transport operations in povitryannoy space.
  3. Specialist for organizing and planning transportation of aviation technology.
  4. Robot technician from PMM.
  5. Pilot.

The third and fourth of the specialties are available for graduation in extramural forms. Є Possibility of paid subscription.

Yak vchiniti in Krasnoyarsk lotne school: documents, payment

The Institute of Civil Aviation, Krasnoyarsk, regularly carry out a collection of abіturієntіv on the name of specialties. The rules for the reception are to be found in another special analysis. For the skin of them, it is necessary to finish 11 classes of school and or 9 classes plus an average special primary mortgage. All abіturієnti get a passport, certificate, photographs to college, write an application about acceptance in a consumer view and become an autobiography in a vilnіy formі. Applications for the entry for the specialties "lotna exploitation" and "management of polots" crops are bound to pass a lotnu expert likarskiy komisiyu.

There is a serious complex of medical conditions, which includes the look of doctors-people, analysis, prescriptiveness and psychological awareness. VLEK passed for a fee in a certified medical mortgage. Sum, you need to pay, the price is about 5,000 rubles. Terms of passage VLEK are established in the first hours of progress, and for her, it is necessary to go through a series of conditions, skin with certain terms of triviality.

Abіturієntіv pay for vacancies for the competition of certificates. It is important to take care of subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language.

Physical culture and earthly culture are also important for those specialties. At spirny vipadkah vibir shy at the corny of the one who has bali from the given objects in the order in which the stench is indicated. The same key role can be played by the result of psychological communication in times of VLEK passing. Those individuals who do not plan to tie a life for pleasures and pilots, go through an extravagant medical look.

In schools, there may be individuals that may be invalid. You can get rid of the social stipend for a lot of people who smell. However, it is important to wrahovuvati, it’s not a skin specialty that can be attached to them in a health condition. The number of times is interconnected and lies in the form of new and special features. The number of recruits of cadets can be from 20 to 100 people on different types of specializations. Yakshcho abіturіnt not take place on a budgetary admission, I can apply for a fee for a fee. Yogo availability of the warehouse from 74000 to 95000 rubles in deposit as a special feature. Apply to join the earth community. It’s possible to know the translation of the documentation or to confirm the fact of the bulk of the country’s paper.

Abіturієnti goiters'yazanі go through a free expert lykarsk komіsіyu

Vishta svita

Krasnoyarsk lotne school, crim, middle education, I will give students an education in absentia. For all the philanthropists, there is a special faculty. There are two specialties, assigned to the organization of the performance of the air ports and the organization of the victorious space. The rate in the past rocky became a maximum of 65,000 rubles per rik. In the Danish hour, we have typed in straight lines.

Navchannya in the Krasnoyarsk State College

The cadets of the school will get a comprehensive coverage of the education of special disciplines. There is an obligatory list of subjects included in the extraordinary humanities and social disciplines, in the earth. Especially respect comes to physical culture and sports. Professional subjects and include a great list of categories for vivchennya, which can be found in other specialties. The skin test is carried out during the attestation of cadets;

For the beginning of the Krasnoyarsk Lotne School of Civil Aviation, the official website for the distribution under the domain, is, in its own way, ordered two naval buildings. They have faculties, auditoriums, laboratories, training centers and all the necessary for new education. Okremo roztashovuyutsya at the headquarters, radio station and dispatch center. Building 1 has three gyms, a buffet, a library and an assembly hall, just outside the house.

At the building number two, apart from the standard facilities, a gym, a library and a buffet є laboratory for the PMM clinic. There is established a possession for the development of naphtha products. At the dispatching point, simulators were installed for maybout dispatchers, middle and possession for the development of English language, as well as a simulator for the development of operations in case of emergency operations.

In addition to dispatching simulators, the school has modern training complexes for simulating the robot and helicopter Mi-8. The Krasnoyarsk School is one of the nebagatokh in Russia, it is necessary to manage this type of transport. Radio transmissions, locator, indicator possession, radio stations, television possession, navigation systems, and a lot of the best are carried out on the radio station.

Students' weekdays

Gurtozhitok and scholarships

Students live in two gurtoys, rorakhovanih for more, less than 400 months. For lіzhko-mіsce schomіsyatsya, a small sum is drawn - 270-290 rubles for state employees and 560 for paid employees. Scholarships are paid to cadets of schomyatsya at times, since they have a lot of academic foreign trade or poor assessments in the session. There are no shortage of scholarships available, the size of which can be considered is one of one.

Buvak is academic, promoted, social and vidi viplat. The scholarship was awarded due to the student's achievements and special merits. Social benefits are offered to orphan students, disabled people and other specialties, such as those who may be in need: victims of accidents at the ChAES and other cases, visiting services, etc. For all, it is necessary to provide the necessary documents, as to confirm the fact of the availability of social assistance.

Students' weekdays

Sport and health

Being busy with sports is not a part of the life of a skin cadet of an aviation school. The Krasnoyarsk College of Civil Aviation has a lot of sports halls. Here you can sign up for basketball, volleyball, tennis, athletics, skiing and other types of physical activity. The cadets will find all the necessary sports equipment.

Commanders from the school regularly take part in tourist and hiking trips, races, sports games in the middle of the middle and main schools. The college has teams of volleyball, basketball, tennis. The health of the scientists is engaged in an outpatient clinic, in which it is possible to consult with the faculty members, go through the medical examinations, create an analysis and, if necessary, lie in the hospital.

Prospects for pre-school education after the end of the Krasnoyarsk State Technical College

The diplomas of the faculty of education will receive diplomas about the average professional education. Now the stench can be seen at airports, airlines, control points, as well as at numerical aviation enterprises. On the website of the school there is a distribution, assignments to the schoolchildren. Here, a re-establishment of koristuvachiv is carried out, because of what stench you might be able to see it, you may have an experience or look at vacancies in the Russian regions. Bagato cadets will volition to continue their education at the Universities of Civil Aviation, Zokrem, in St. Petersburg.

Mіsce maibutnoї robots lie in the specifics of the other specialties. Technik PMM can be used for naphtha products, for transporting it by turns, as well as through pipelines, for refueling aviation technology. You can try yourself at naphtha ancestors or naphtha refineries. In such a rank, the quality of technology is not only about aviation, but about the industrial sphere.

The organization of transportation includes in itself the logic of logistics, transportation of vantages and passengers, safety of the goods, the robot transportation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. Techniques about radio-work with the use of types of electronic and navigation technology in the literature. The sphere of control is the “brain” of twisting technology, which is determined for the course of the process.

Aviation dispatchers are most likely to work in airports, coordinating a series of pilots in foreign and foreign countries that flow through a specific aviavuzol. The price of the robot is ready to help you with the current computer systems. It is important for the high level of power of the earthy world and the nobility to use the vocabulary in the new language for the spilkuvannya with the pilots of the native lands.

Lots of exploitation is possible on the basis of respect for the use of lithuanians. Maybutny pilots of crocheting mothers are healthy, vitriolic, we live with an analytical mind and grow up to quickly accept decisions. Tse vysokoplachuvana robot, yaku, prote, not so easy to get rid of. For that, you need to spend a lot of time in the airline company, you need a lot of money in the air for a year, you have practically gotten to know the English language and knowledge. If you are not able to control a particular model of technology with the help of a knob, you will need to retrain yourself without a second on a robotics machine.

Vikhovna activity

As soon as it’s established, the Krasnoyarsk College of Education does not just work for the new people, but for the people of the maybutnics. The cadets are accustomed to love to the profession, flexibility and discipline. At the gurtozhitkahs and in the head buildings, readable rules of behavior have been established, which are necessary to take. Administrative and academic college organize patriotic and culturally popular come.

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