How to practice with a mobile supplement. Our addendum suits both coristuvachas and experts

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

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  • History

    2018: Russia has adopted a standard for the distribution of mobile supplements

    The state, having approved the forward standard for the distribution of mobile supplements, is said in the announcement of Rosstandart, published on the website of the department on April 10, 2018. Vymogi be of a recommendatory nature, but, according to the words of the authors, they will be guilty of becoming a “guideline in the development”. More details.

    2013: PwC about the future of mobile applications

    According to the forecast prepared by PwC in spring 2013, the next generation of innovative solutions in the field of mobile technologies will be focused on recognizing and modeling the contextual situation of the calm. Information about coristuvachiv for three of the main parameters - physical education, virtual and social media - become the main resource, which will allow you to create mobile supplements and services, which will allow you to create radically new abilities and building transfers of support. Mobile attachments can become truly digital assistants.

    PwC responds to the results of Phase II "New Technological Capabilities" as part of the Mobile Innovations Forecast (MIF) Phase II: New Technological Capabilities coming generation.

    "Mi vstupaєmo in nova, dinamіchnu phase rozvitku mobіlnih tehnologіy scho znamenuє perehіd od obmezhenogo set іnformatsіynih i obchislyuvalnih funktsіy to іntelektualnogo analіzu that ratsіonalіzatsії fіzichnoї, vіrtualnoї i sotsіalnogo seredovischa koristuvachіv pristroїv - zaznachaє Raman Chіtkara, kerіvnik mіzhnarodnoї practice of nadannya poslug kompanіyam tehnologіchnogo sector PwC. - Nezabar mobile annexes will be buildings to analyze and transfer people's needs, vicorist platforms, like zadіyuyut koristuvach, spying on information, otrimana z numerical dzherel. The head of the meta process is the creation of even more intuitive mobile devices.

    As voiced in the PwC world, contextual intelligence in mobile billing can capture situational information from three main gerels, including:

    1) data about attachments (for example, life expectancy, operating system, data collection, etc.);

    2) data about the physical environment (physical education, weather, etc.);

    3) data about the koristuvach (ID, supplements, what information is being collected, etc.).

    Mobility, which are the faults of volodity of mobile outbuildings, merezhi, appendices and servants of the offensive generation, in order to collect data about coristuvachi from such dzherel, like sensor sensors on outbuildings, portable computers and an electronic ecosystem of transponders on other people, and objects process them:

    • localization and navigation,
    • sensory sensors attached and used for corystuvach interface,
    • ID and information security technologies,
    • fences and "gloom" of the advancing generation,
    • mobile operating systems.

    2000s: The era of communicators

    At that time, the market for mobile extensions of the style connection began to be gradually conquered by smartphones and communicators. Mayuchi more wide possibilities and productivity, the stench roared in the wild mobile phones I will notify you of a different operating system (Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, RIM, Android, Mac OS), as it is allowed for distribution of software by third-party retailers, to the software environment of mobile phones, as it is closed for third-party retailers. With which varto it is important that the installation additional supplements allows significant expansion of the functionality of smartphones and communicators among the most powerful mobile phones. Ale, respectfully, that the skin-specific operating system allows the installation of the most advanced add-ons that are created specifically for these other OS programs. For example, an organizer program created for Windows Mobile can be installed on the Simbian OS, as it is installed in Nokia Corporation smartphones, or Mac OS (Mobile Touch version) for the Apple iPhone.

    Until then, varto means that the presence of fully functional operating system rob smartphones and communicators are more addicted in the eyes of more koristuvachivs. Modern style telephones, and exact model, What can be seen to the middle price category and more, often they can go all the way to a lot of tasks. The stench can work with electronic mail, look over text documentsі spreadsheets, Photos and videos.

    In addition, the screens of a number of stylish telephones are not given to most smartphones and communicators, but other models equipped with touch screens and roses for memory cards. To this day, the masters of the most important mobile telephones are laying down a great part of the software additions.

    Ale's si-sideways, smartphones in the eyes of Danaї Kathagorії Koriorhuvachіv Visigaydyat Bіlsh Privarbili for Rahununs of the All-Shoulder Magnifies, such a Yak, Ruffle, Lamani Multi-Machini Funki (Bіlsh Yakіsna Camera, Rizoshiren Mozhvyostі Vіdodofailіv, Polіpsenі Muzichnіylіvtі), Wi-Fi, GPS ІBNOSTI), Wi-Fi, GPS І INSHI.

    It is also necessary to understand that the programs written specifically for the operating system of a smartphone or a communicator, are additionally compiled into a binary code by sequences of low microprocessor commands. And due to the fact that all smartphones and communicators have more powerful processors installed, lower ones in mobile phones, the programmer's ability to create such add-ons is practically not exchanged.

    Specialized add-ons of functionality, more efficient use of processor resources, lower J2ME-programs, based on an impersonal Java platform, used for work in attachments with resource sharing , as well as low availability and insufficient communication capacity). Therefore, smartphones are popular among software developers and enthusiasts.

    1990s: The era of mobile phones

    The starting point for the creation of mobile add-ons was the appearance on the mobile phone screen. Naturally, the first software for telephones was a built-in add-on, which was assigned to specific functions of the telephone and installed into the attachments by the dialers themselves.

    Maybe, the first mobile supplement, cream software, which directly supports the work of the phone, has become phone book- that part of the software for the device, as if ordering the contacts of the coristuvacha. You can enter the address book into your notebook only by the name of the subscriber and the telephone number of the subscriber. Ale step by step given an addendum new functions were added - a new name to the phone, it became possible to enter the address, e-mail and other data of that third subscriber.

    With the appearance of the ability to exchange short text messages (SMS) Another addition has been added to the phone, which allows you to write, edit, correct small electronic texts.

    The hour of the appearance of the first mobile add-on, installed on the phone on top of the already obvious software, can be seen until the end of the 90s of the last century, if the style call began to gradually enter the lives of millions of people in the world. Varto mean that at that hour, phone makers already clearly stated that the software for the "mobile phone" is directly promising, both from the point of view of the development of technologies, and from the point of view of the near-commercial version. Todi in the software shell of stylish telephones, krim themselves necessary supplements, Virobniki began to install additional PZ. As a rule, the cost of various multimedia supplements is small arcade games, ringtone editors, calculators, calendars and etc.

    There were no third-party retailers, as they propagated to the stylists of the stylists' telephones supplements similar to the ones installed on the back, as well as the mass of other corynes and other branded software.

    With the advent in 1997 of the introduction of WAP technology to the market of style communication, which allows you to access the Internet for an additional mobile phone, the number of software add-ons, like and їх retailers, has grown. On the right, now it has become more convenient and simpler to install the program on the phone, be it as it is, so that earlier the installation of an add-on could be done only for the help of a DATA cable, which is connected to a stationary computer or a laptop with a mobile phone. Varto means that at that time a non-leather model of a stylish phone was supplied in a set with a DATA-cable, which separated the other mobile accessories.

    The ability to access the Internet without intermediary through the phone made it possible to install different software on the device, as well as to play games for these people, even though they are not small home computer. In addition, WAP can now function on budget phones, for which reason the number of mobile add-ons has also increased. The only disadvantage of WAP-access was the high data transfer rate - having downloaded only a few programs for the phone, you could easily see your entire account.

    Before the beginning of a new thousand years, a raging development of the mobile content market in general and mobile supplements of the cream has appeared. Like mushrooms after the board, there are specialized sites for the sale of software products and multimedia content for mobile phones. And the advent of new technologies for the transmission of data for an additional telephone connection (GPRS, EDGE) makes it possible to make mobile Internet traffic cheaper. Coristuvachi became in inconceivable quantities to zavantazhuvat z merezhі pictures, music ringtones, games, short programs and etc.

    Paid and no-cost programs

    Depending on the fact for which I build that other program, mobile supplements can be paid on a paid basis.

    Bezkoshtovnі programs, as a rule, are simple software with a limited set of capabilities. Cost-free software is often used to accomplish a specific task (for example, revision of electronic mail). According to the opinion of the experts of the organization GetJar, free supplements in the most vipadkіv vikoristovuyutsya by phone clerks for a non-trivial hour. One of the reasons for such behavior of the koristuvachs is slandered by the fact that it is not handy to work with dekilkom with the help of short-handed supplements. In a first way, it adds up to productivity, and that means I’ll add on the reliability of the robotic battery. In a different way, a koristuvach can simply make a post_yny transition between programs (especially on devices with touch screen) I pov'yazana z tsim vtrata hour.

    Well, if there are paid mobile supplements, then stink, now, pronounce coristuvachevi extensions functionality for skin cream software product. For example, an alternative SPB Mobile Shell interface for communicators based on Windows Mobile introduces koristuvachevsky sprat control options for attachments and yoga software security for the help of one program. In addition, retailers of paid mobile software, as a rule, show the possibility of updating software.

    You can't run out of freebies for Apple and Google

    Bezkoshtovna model wider attachments for smartphones will soon be attached to the base. Igor Esipovich, the author of the Cost Track project, told Artezio, the author of the Cost Track project. Following the words of an expert, in the place of a cost-free and smartly-cost-free model, a system of monthly subscriptions will come, as for now, for rich retailers, it is a priority.

    Chimalu played a role in the growing popularity of the signings of the Apple policy, which is to increase the rate on the bulk of the debt, lower on the one-time sales revenue.

    “Apple is seriously stimulating retailers to promote paid subscriptions. From the sale of content, the corporation takes 30%, and from subscriptions - only 15%, depriving 85% of the retailer against 70% of the income from the sale, as in a big drop,” said the head of the Artezio department.

    The expert determines that while in digital stores the largest profit is generated by projects with a smartly-cost-free wide model.

    “Smartly-bezkoshtovna model, the new model is freemium and premium, while it is more richly practical, lower everything else. For example, Clash Royal, Clash of Clans, World of Tanks - these programs are not for sale, only purchases are included in them. Gra Mortal Combat carried in itself not less promotion of the brand, lower Ubisoft s Assassin's Creed, but in Mortal Combat itself, purchases are more efficient, ”says Esipovich.

    Fahіvets vvazhaє, scho scho z hour smart-no-koshtovna model will become unpopular, and the main income of retailers will be taken from renewal subscriptions. When absolutely cost-free supplements practically not overwhelmed.

    Types of mobile apps

    Also, mobile applications can be added to rozvazhalny (multimedia), communications, navigation, dovіdkovі and applications. Before for mobile software you can add an audio and video file programmer, an image viewer and e-books, Igri. Programs of transfers are given for asking the correspondent by phone and SMS, and contacts in email, ICQ, social measures. Before navigation programs be seen by programs that work with the GPS system, electronic maps and geographic coordinates. Before the advanced software, you can add various dictionaries and encyclopedias, databases of data with the possibility of searching. Applied programs can be linked notebooks, Organizers, calculator, programs for robots with graphics and text.



    Close to 90% of Russian popular Android apps share specific data with third parties

    On July 2, 2019, it became known that The Bell’s Internet service behind the AppCensus supplementary service and the Exodus privacy auditing platform analyzed, processed and transferred the popular Android apps to the Russian Google Play Store, and also allowed the stink to be asked from the corist.

    Based on the results, 89 of the top 100 cost-free add-ons are credited to third-party platforms. Almost all programs transmit information both in encrypted and unencrypted Android Ad ID channels. In this way, not only does it allow the Google advertising system to easily link attachments to a specific correspondent, but it also gives third parties access to the personal information of the correspondent, including geolocation. The leader for the number of channels in the transmission of data was the supplement "Read without cost" from Litres - 31 channels. The First Channel, in its line, takes the first place in terms of the number of unencrypted streams. It also turned out that the additions of Channel One, the Rosiya TV channel and NTV, when transmitting data to the Mediascope media meter, changed the HTTP protocol to replace more secure HTTPS.

    Practically all programs analyzed (97 out of 100) were used to create advertising trackers, which help search engines and social networks to recognize a specific account and show targeted advertising. The largest number of trackers fahivtsі Exodus revealed in the popular service "looped" video Coub - 30 trackers.

    If there are permissions, then the most among the most popular add-ons in the Google Play Store are to request Group. Appendices ask for 60 different permissions, including access to geolocation, camera, microphone, call history and notifications and data about the attachment of a koristuvach.

    Twelve Popular Mobile Dating Add-ons

    On 24 September 2019, before the “oxamite season”, Rostelecom-Solar held a regular investigation of the protection of twelve popular mobile dating apps: Tinder, Badoo, Loveplanet, Mamba, Photo Country, Topface, FriendVokrug, MyFriends, Galaxy, [email protected], Teamo and Hitwe. Additives for analysis were selected according to the popularity criteria: the number of downloads in Google Play and the App Store, as well as positions in other ratings of dating sites. All addenda were considered in options for mobile operating systems iOS and Android.

    With the skin rock, online dating services are becoming more and more popular both for the target audience and for investors. According to the analyst of the Japanese holding Nomura Instinet, Mark Kelly, by 2020, the growth of the global online dating market will increase to $ 12 billion. The number of titles that the audience moved to mobile applications, often up to the end of 2018, according to analysts, reached 60%.

    According to the results of automated analysis, in the Android version of the [email protected] program, which is positioned by the creators as the leader of the Russian market of dating services, a high-critical intelligibility was revealed, as it is included in the international rating of the most critical inconsistencies "OWASP2 Mobile01 Top 1" . In times of successful operation, the attacker can take away access to oblіkovogo record Koristuvacha appendices and, obviously, to all unencrypted information, as an appendix is ​​transmitted to the server. These other frivolities were not allowed [email protected] more than the last month in the list due to the equal protection of the middle supplements from the number of installs over 5 million (8 of the 12 remaining supplements).

    The hackers of this class can become a master of the login and password of a koristuvach, with the help of which they can gain access to the listing, video and audio content, exchanging their knowledge as an addendum. Tsey content can become compromising evidence on whether a person is, for other reasons, catching the attacker. This information can be shared in the least, as it was in the past with the scandalous dating site Ashley Madison. Nareshti, koristuvachs often remember to remember different logins and passwords and use the same link for a formal record as an addendum of acquaintances, and, for example, for access to an online bank. What, in my own hands, I create already financial risks,

    In general, after the results of the analysis of Android versions by the most stolen add-ons of acquaintances, Teamo and Photo Country appeared: the highest level of protection of both add-ons is 3.2 points out of 5.0. Stars of the global market - additions from the number of installs over 100 million - Badoo and Tinder showed average indicators of the level of protection, 2.9 and 2.6 points in general. The biggest difference was the addendum MyFriends (1.9 points out of 5.0).

    83% of the remaining mobile apprenticeships based on OC-Android have the task encryption key in exit code. Tsya critical intelligence can lead to compromising the data that is being misplaced in the program - both for the koristuvach and the system ones. In addition, all known add-ons of knowledge based on Android allow an internal round of valuable information, which an attacker can gather to spread the plan of attack on the add-on. So all the stench is to avenge inconsistency, as if creating a threat of vikonnanny by an evildoer of a sufficient code as an addendum.

    As far as iOS-additions are concerned, what are looked at in the past, the Hitwe dating service is to avenge the least amount of inconsistencies in the middle of the "apple" systems - you can score 1.0 points out of 5.0 on the total level of protection. iOS versions of the light brands Badoo and Tinder, like Android, took the middle positions in the rating - the highest level of protection for both is 0.5 points. The most unsafe addon based on iOS of Topface recognition (0.0 points).

    All analyzes of the iOS version have a weak hashing algorithm, which can potentially lead to the loss of confidentiality of the data processed by them. And more than half of them have weak encryption algorithms, which create a threat to their evil method of brute-force search. In general, iOS versions mobile services znayomstvo vengeance by an order of magnitude greater number of inconsistencies, lower Android add-ons, which, however, in the real world is compensated by a greater high protection of the operating system itself.

    Analysis of the security of the code of mobile attachments of knowledge is automatically created for the help of Solar appScreener - a Russian software product for checking the security of attachments. A solution to victorious methods of static, dynamic and interactive analysis. When preparing the next module, decompile and deobfuscate the inclusions. Static analysis was carried out according to the binary code of mobile applications in automatic mode.

    Russia is the leader in cyberthreats for Android

    Russia sits first place for the number of creations of Android shkidlivih programs for the Eset tribute for the first April 2019. With 68% of the frivolities, it is critically unsafe for the normal functioning of the attachments on Android, or for the safety of special data of the coristuvachiv. Tsei pokaznik is signifi- cantly a vision of the past fate. Experts vvazhut that the number of inconsistencies in the development of various mobile platforms will continue to grow in proportion to the increase in the expansion of the distribution.

    Based on the findings, the largest number of programs was revealed in Russia (16%), Iran (15%), and also in Ukraine (8%). Experts came to Visnovka, that the number of Android attachments has changed, however, a part of the not-so-secure aspects of the smart software has grown significantly. Thus, the number of Mob_lni focus of railing by 8% in Porіvnyannі z analogist perigital 2018. "One of the hiposhiren Vimagachi. Nicely influenced by Android / Filecoder.c whiserist Як Symmetry, so і asymmetric ciphedrum і ripovyjuju the list of contacts.

    The results of WapStart's follow-up showed: 62.5% of customers who make online payments from mobile phones. At the same time, the third koristuvach pays for the cost of a smartphone once a month.

    We consulted with Evgen Malєvim, a clerk in the electronic commerce Yandex.Money about those, how to connect by accepting payments in mobile supplement.

    Who can include payment in his addendum?

    Whether a retailer of a mobile supplement can be connected by accepting payment, as it was transferred by the logic of the supplement itself. Ale scenarios different.

    For example, deyakі programs may be on the vazі purchases additional goods abo services, yakim can skoristatisya only in tsmu dodatku (subscription to the service, options in grі, for example, the owner or the choice of the game hero, etc.). At this time, the language is about Inn-App Purchases - such payments are connected through the store ( App Store or Google Play), I cannot win any other payment solution. The plus is that the technology is ready and it doesn’t need to be shushed, the minus is the great commission, as the parties take their own (30% for leather payment).

    A lot of programs allow you to buy tickets that win on your own: delivery services, taxi services, transport tickets, tours, parking fees, tickets to the cinema, theater, festivals, sports visits, etc. In these cases, for the acceptance of payment, you can choose a ready-made payment solution. Yandex.Money has a ready solution - Yandex.Checkout. For example, payments to Yandex.Parking and Yandex.Taxi are processed through it.

    How to enable payment in mobile through Yandex.Money?

    Mobile add-on for the site - the client for a smartphone, a kind of expansion, to make it easier to use the site on mobile attachments.

    The development of mobile phones allows you to create an additional channel for expanding the audience and acquiring new people.

    Navіscho site mobile addendum

    To promote sales

    The addendum allows you to make contact with the coristuvach. Tse notifications, push notifications. You can gradually tell people about yourself.

    To gain competitive advantage

    At the same time, such advertising tools as SEO, SMM and so on are on the crest of popularity among advertisers. Some companies are investing in the distribution of supplements. As we have already stated, the effectiveness of the selection of supplements is in a greater contrast, therefore, it allows us to win competitive advantages and bypass other representatives of the proposals on the market. For the maximum effect, you can give bonuses / discounts / gifts for the installation of the program. And if you deny access to the client, you can pay for it through advertising.

    To increase customer loyalty

    Through an addendum, you can not only give advertising, but also send citations and relevant materials, which will be relevant for corystuvachs / carry out promotions (accumulate 10 kukhlі shkіrі and take 11 without cost, etc.). In this rank, the gentleman does not know that advertising is being imposed on you, and only mischief in the form of victorious programs.

    Sob without intermediary practice with the target audience

    The mobile add-on allows you to choose only representatives of the target audience and work directly with them. You can tell about discounts in beauty salons through banners, SMM and other advertisements, sifting the budget for the entire audience. And it is possible to propagate coristuvachevі zavantazhiti dodatok (like a person to cіkavlyat goods / servant, vіn zavantazhit) and further concentrate the advertising campaign on the promotion of coristuvacha.

    Some sites need supplements

    Mobile supplements are most needed by these companies, who have to acquire a lot of geo-deposit deposits. For example, a taxi service. You can call for a number, you can book a car through the site. You can through a special supplement.

    Today, there are galleys, you simply cannot do without a mobile supplement. For example, banks. It is necessary to transfer wheels for kava, pay taxes, fines - the best way to do this is by phone.

    Other food: who can do without a supplement. It’s not necessary to take on the job, because you don’t know if the manager of the addendum is guilty of cheating. But there are no cats. Better pokati s mobile version your service, please don’t let any additional additions, as if you’ll play a dirty trick.

    Like a good supplement

    • Unique and creative idea. It is necessary to earn respect for the market of supplements.
    • Regular updates. The addendum can develop, become more beautiful.
    • Support for different languages, geolocation, time and dates.
    • High productivity rate. The addendum may increase the high level of ambition and increase productivity.
    • Usability. It turns out in a well-thought-out navigation, intuitively sensible interface, Private design.
    • Simplicity. Don't varto revantazhuvat addenda with graphics, folding videos and other "complicated". Then the energy supply is moving forward + guaranteed for a long time.
    • Stress testing. Navіt in case of influx of numeral negative officials, it is the responsibility of saving the praxis of the resource. It is necessary to have the function of automatic saving of data.

    How to create a mobile addon for the site

    The creation of a mobile add-on is available on special services, perhaps the most popular of them:

    • AppsGeyser. The service transforms blogs, websites, pages in social networks and videos into add-ons for smartphones that work on the basis of Android and host them on Google Play. The functionality of the service is cost-free, you can save money at any time. Headaches: quick conversion of materials and content of any formats into an addendum.
    • The App Builder. Here you can create service additions, which will be more necessary for internal cooperation and work of supporters, lower for clients and employees. With the help of yoga, you can correct the reminders, tell the minds of the spivrobitniks about anything, spread the rest of the news. The resource is paid, the variance is purchased individually for skin care.
    • Apps maker store. Here you can get ready-made programs for the galley business. For example, for a restaurant, clothing store, hotels and so on. Ready additions can be used on various smartphones: Apple iOS, Android, Mobile Web and so on. Plus Maidanchiki - you can store multimodal add-ons, make an unrestricted amount of changes in functional programs + hope for secure hosting. One supplement here will cost 49 dollars.
    • iBuildApp. This is a Russian analogue, without learning and knowledge in programming, you can construct a powerful add-on that can be used on Android devices and Apple. There are three tariffs offered to correspondents: “Business” (2400 rubles per month), “Unlimited” (3700 rubles per month) and “Corporate” (27100 rubles per month). Tariffs vary depending on the number of add-ons, how you can expand, as well as the number of installations and a number of other criteria.

    In this rank, the development of a mobile add-on for the site today is a promising direct marketing. Tse future. After the distribution, do not forget to send the message to the mobile addendum on the site.

    Dmytro Dementii

    Are you wondering what to invest in the development of a mobile supplement? Yogo can be practiced independently and absolutely without cost. You can have a test option, for the help of which you can manually evaluate the effectiveness of the mobile strategy. And if you try it, you will earn a decent mobile supplement, as you will become the main tool for online interaction with smartphones and tablets.

    Tilki lie, scho to get the coolest mobile supplement can not be the only tool for pushing. The maximum result in terms of traffic and sales is given only by complex Internet marketing.

    Chi varto work your mobile supplement

    Varto. Just don’t believe the word, the axis of the facts:

    • Behind the credits of Flurry Analytics and comScore, the masters of smartphones and tablets are covered by the browser only 14% of the total hour of work with the device. And 86% of the time the stink is spent on various supplements.
    • added addendum- your direct channel zv'yazku zі spozhivachem. Just think about it: you don’t need to spend money on advertising or checks, if people know you for the help of Yandex. There is no need to improve the functionality and give it relevant content.
    • The number of purchases made for help with tablets and smartphones is growing both on the Internet in general and in RuNet. According to the marketing agency Criteo, already in 2016 more than half of online transactions in RuNet will be charged for additional mobile devices.

    If you want, an addendum is a mobile browser, in which only your site is displayed. In what way is a koristuvach having installed such an Internet-observer? Only in the fact that it is caused by your product or information. Remember that: having installed an addendum, the client is a loyal and ready to buy representative of the target audience.

    In such a way, what is the best way to risk and pronounce DIY add-ons to loyal customers, and not to smash the piece of software for Android and iOS by professionals? Let's unravel.

    If you can create an addition on your own

    Do you remember what is necessary for the development of sites? The stench comes because of the content or the functionality of the resource. People want to see information, buy something, marvel and comment on photos of friends and so on. Koristuvacham mobile supplements need the same. The stench is joking about the information, or else it will be like a transaction.

    Do you remember if a business can independently build a website? That's right, if there are still no pennies to work with professionals, and an hour and a day to work with WordPress or Joomla. The same is the situation with supplements. Created independently programs for iOS and Android, you can mentally align with sites on the "engines" with the code.

    To start practicing, not to register. Press the Create Now button on the main page or select the Create App menu in the upper right corner on the service side.

    Select the design option for the program. As a language about a content project, you may be asked the following options:

    • manual. This template allows you to create a guide program.
    • Blog. An addition to help the audience of your blog read new notes on the screen of a smartphone or tablet.
    • website. The template converts into an add-on site.
    • Pages. For the help of this template, you can convert it into an addendum with simple functionality, whatever content.
    • news. The template allows you to create an additional aggregator of Galuzev or regional news.
    • Page. The template converts offline content into an addendum, for example, an e-book.
    • VK Page and Facebook Page. Create an addendum that allows you to follow the updates of open groups on Vkontakte and Facebook.
    • YouTube. Victory a template to push your YouTube channel.

    How to create an addendum for a blog

    Speed ​​up the Blog template. In the specified field, enter the URL of the blog or the RSS feed. Select note header color.

    Enter the name of the program.

    Add a description.

    Choose a standard or add an appropriate icon. The visual size of the image is 512 by 512 pixels.

    For folding zavantazhuvalny file press the Create App button. Then it is necessary to register in the system. Confirm the registration and go to the special office. Here you can install an add-on to your mobile device, publish yoga on Google Play and Amazon App Store. The system also offers the option of monetization. As you speed up this function, advertising will be displayed in addition.

    Flip it, as if you are working on an addendum to your mobile device. On the tablet, the program is responsible for displaying the list of publications in the blog in the header and announcement format.

    IN special office With AppsGeyser, you can track for the number of installs, create push notifications, publish add-ons in stores, monetize the program for additional advertising, and also add add-ons.

    Do you want more donations? Then create an additional guide for the additional Manual template.

    After editing the content, enter the name of the program, add a description and an icon. Press the Create App button. After the creation of the advanced file, install it on the mobile device and reverse the practice.

    To give respect, more mobile extensions for locking blocking the installation of add-ons from non-domestic dzherel. How to send the program from your site or from the site of the add-on constructor, if you try to install її wines, you will be warned about a security breach. Part of the clients are sing-songly inspired by the installation of the program.

    8 similar constructors to AppsGeyser

    Just like the universal constructor AppsGeyser is not good for you, give respect to similar services:

    • Apps Maker Store. For additional services, you can create add-ons different types: From software for Ecommerce to solutions for content projects. Constructor to rob programs for iOS and Android. Russification service interface. For beginners, there is an informative help from the constructor's choice. The service is paid.
    • Mobincube. A tool for creating and monetizing iOS and Android add-ons. The basic functionality of the service is available free of charge. The constructor allows you to create additions of different types.
    • good barber. For help with this service, you can expand Android and iOS add-ons. The constructor is paid, the variant of the choice is 16 USD per month.

    A large part of the requested services may have an English interface. How hard it is for you to practice with constructors on English, Choose platforms with Russified content.

    Constructors of addenda: kam'yana sokira chi thin modern tool?

    Do not rush from extremes to extremes. For the help of proponated services, it is effectively possible to create practical functional additions. You can win the selection of programs for different tasks: from the security of online trading to the expansion of content and education of the audience. Created in the constructor add-on can be published in Google Play and the App Store, edited, monetized for additional advertising or paid installations.

    Do not varto overestimate the proponated services. The clichédness is overflowing with obvious shortcomings. There are both about design and about the functionality of programs. In addition, access to platforms with decent functionality is paid. What is better: once pay the robot of the retailers or pay a lot of rokiv to the designer’s supervisors? Cheer yourself.

    And more: if you don’t have time to create a mobile device on your own, join our company. We are engaged in the development of mobile supplements, i.

    contact us Negotiable? Get a free consultation

    Viewed by Google analytics, more 73% koristuvachіv, Yakі zdіysnyuvali purchases in the store, in Persh churg shuffled information about the goods for help mobile outbuildings. Today's people can no longer live without gadgets, shards of smartphones have become a hard channel for popularizing that promotion of services. To this very fact, the representation of business on the Internet significantly contributes to the level of customer loyalty. And the development of add-ons for Android, iOS and Windows will stimulate interest in any business project.

    Facts about the mobile world

      Big profit in supplement stores in 2017 - $90 billion

      Income retailers for iOS in the same rozі grown up to 45%.

      Earnings in the App Store and Google Play stores were 74% and 91% successful.

      The market for buying gadgets in 2017 will reach $ 215 billion.

    How many hours do you need to expand the software?

    The development of add-ons for iOS and Android is being done in stages. Therefore, the timing framework can be resurrected stalely due to the laboriousness of the singing stage of creation. Let's give some approximate terms:

      Program discussion with a manager and storage of commercial propositions loan up to 3 days.

      Analytics of competitors and setting goals for a specific project - about 6 days.

      folding TK and prototyping is borrowed from one type.

      Design stage borrow up to three tizhniv.

      writing code to deposit due to folding and borrow up to two months.

      testing addenda pass for about a day.

    To create a program, you must specify:

    Benefits of distributing mobile donations for investment

      Kerіvniki and marketers for increasing the loyalty of the coristuvachiv and the number of sales.

      Kerіvniki vіddіlіv і tsіlih agencies for vedennya obіku i administruvannya.

      Pochatkіvtsyam pіdpriєmtsyam, yakі svаryuyut іn business іn merezі аbo prodavayut іsnuyuchy resource.

    Stages of distribution of mobile applications

    Looking for effective tools to promote your business? Set up the development of mobile apps in the company KOLORO and our software will create an indispensable web helper for your customers.

    The process of developing a new program is composed of the following sequence:

    On scho varto give respect for the application of a mobile supplement?

      The presence of forward analytics necessary segment of the market. Someone else's dosvіd dopomozhu niknuti the most extensive pardons pіd hour rozrobki.

    Support the project - share your efforts, thank you!
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