How to draw up supplements in the WRC. WRC writing standard

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

To save the hour of writing a thesis (WRC), as well as to make it easier for yourself to pass normative control, follow the rules in advance registration of a diploma in accordance with GOST in 2018. When revising the thesis work, the clerk of the project, the Comptroller, as well as the members of the attestation commission, pay respect not only to the mark, but also to the form. In order for you to be able to escape the exceptions, we know you, and we can hang up to the completion of a diploma work in accordance with GOST in 2018/2019 in Russian universities.

Depending on the specialization of the university, you can apply before registration. For example, in humanitarian universities, it’s more simple, and in economic and technical folding, because there it’s necessary for all the rules to draw up different formulas, rozrahunki, graphics, armchairs, etc.

So that you don’t have a chance to waste an hour for nothing, seeing your authoritative style of registration, follow in the beginning of the year to speed up with methodical instructions, in which the design of the graduation work according to GOST in 2018/2019 is described. You can take these manuals at your department or at the primary methodical higher education institution.

The main standard was zastosovuvana when revising graduation qualification projects DSTU 2001 No. 7.32. Briefly, yoga vimogi can be described as follows.

Standards for the completion of a diploma in 2018, 2019

  • Title page
  • manager
  • abstract
  • zmist
  • redevelopment smart designations, which is
  • Entry
  • Main part. At least three splits and tanning on the skin of the visnovi
  • economical distribution
  • Protection of work and safety
  • zagalni vysnovki
  • List of victorious literature
  • appendages

It is necessary to make such a work from 70 to 120 sides.


in the diploma can be from 2 sides. As for the order, the signature of the certifiers of all divisions of the diploma (protection of work, special parts, economic service, technological, etc.) is required after the order form and annotation.

If you don’t need it, then after the title arch on the next side of the page, there is an information sheet with the next tribute:

Im'ya issuing the department

Signatures, the name of the plant and the science degree of the dean of the faculty

Potіm head of the department

after the reviewer

Behind him is a scientific clerk

In the remaining row, indicate the place and place of writing of the diploma.

For accuracy, the butt of the title arch:


Perm State Institute


Department of Management in the Sphere of Culture

Graduation qualification work


Specialty: "Manager of something"


Student group №13-13 Sidorov I. BUT.

Scientific curator:

Professor Petrovska W.F.

Moscow 2019


include the names of structural blocks with their numbering.


yavlyayyat, like a table of two stovptsiv. In the right, the decoding is different, and in the left, the meaning.


New needs a date short description your graduation qualification work, Explore the essence and relevance of your research, its novelty and necessity. Designate the goals and objectives.


THEORETICAL PART. Yogo obsyag 20-30 arkushiv. Theoretically part of that, as here it is necessary to give an overview of scientific research on the topic. Show different points of view.

MAIN PART. The second and third divisions are practical.

For another, it is necessary to reveal the essence of the investigation carried out by you, to give a resurrection. I got 20-40 arcades for this distribution.

For the third one, it is necessary to identify the solution of these problems, so you can do it. Obsjag tsgogo vіddіlu 20-30 arkushіv.

ECONOMIC GROWTH is obliged to show the economic efficiency of what you promote in the third division.

If you need to make a chapter on the security and protection of work, which is in the National Assembly regime, you can contribute to 15 arcades.

PRIKINTSEV VYSNOVKI work on the basis of theory and practice. Krіm tsgogo, write down your propositions, as if you were putting into life the results of your work.

LIST OF WIKORISTAN LITERATURE show all the depth of your work. Ask only for those dzherel, yakі you vied in the course of the work on the diploma. І yakscho on them effectively є sent in the text of your diploma.

ADDITIONS- space for placement of supplementary materials. What will help you better understand your text - graphics, tables, little ones

Zagalny GOST according to design

The diploma project is written on clean white arches from one side. The color of the font is due to buti black, the size of the font is 14, there are no special differences to the style of the font, so be sure to be extremely adequate. Inter-row interval- one and a half. Paragraph opening (new row) - about 1.5 centimeters.

Rosemary watering is due to the attacking vimog: 3 cm on the right, 1 cm on the right, 2 cm on the bottom and bottom.

The sides of the thesis work are numbered in order. The titular arch, the assignment to the diploma, and that yogo zmist are numbered, but the numbers on these sides are not affixed. Tobto title page you will be respected by the first page, etc. Numbering is carried out in Arabic numerals at the bottom of the page.

Names, nicknames and names should be named according to their “native” mine without edits. For example, it is worth asking for the names of foreign enterprises, or the names of foreign enterprises.

All little ones are bound by language, but they are signed. An example of a little signature:

Mal. 3 - Wing span panicle s h ( l)-derg

header design

An important point is the design of different headings. The stench is due to roztashovuvatisya in the middle of the row (formatted in the center), written in great letters, do not put a spot in the end. If the heading is made up of decal propositions, then the wine is drawn up according to the rules of the Russian movie with the use of different signs, but it is not necessary to put a dot in the rest of the proposition. If the heading does not fit in one row, then it is necessary to transfer one part to the next in such a rank, so that the words are transferred as a whole, and in the last rows there are no “hanging” splits, primaries, etc. It is better to transfer to the next row. Words in headings are not hyphenated.

All the main structural units of the graduation project start from a new arch. The chapters are most often divided into paragraphs. When numbering the chapters after the serial number, we put a spot, then after the gap in the great letter, the name of the chapter is written. for example:

1.Characteristics of the supply system Russian Federation in 2000-2018

When numbering paragraphs after the first number (the number of the chapter), we put a dot, after another (or the third, etc., which is more than two equals below), we do not put a dot. for example:

2.2 Peculiarities of manifestation of aggressive behavior of pidlets

After the headline, before the main text, there should be a gap of at least 1.5 centimeters.

You can find out more about this in more detail in the methodological statements of your university

Keeping in mind the rules for completing a graduation project, you will definitely make your work easier and you can save an hour for rewriting and making corrections.

As in the diploma dosl_dzhennі є tables, it is important not only to remember them correctly, but also to fill them out correctly. How do you design tables according to GOST 2018?

We will again have to go back to the same GOST, for some reason to swear at z'yasuvanni. Tse GOST 7.32-2001. It’s clear for once: GOST 2015 according to the design of the table in nature is not used, even though it’s richly rocked after the good old 7.32-2001. The principles of the design of tables and graphic elements are also regulated by GOST 1.5-93 and GOST 2.105-95, and ESKD (Unified System for Design Documentation).

Sob it would be easier for you to grow up in tsikh historical documents, Most importantly, we vinali in theses tsієї statti.

General rules for the design of tables in diplomas

  1. Table roztashovuєtsya in the next paragraph after the paragraph, to stand on it. Binding to binding text. It is not possible to put a table through a sprinkling of paragraphs, motivating us that the beast on the offensive Arkush will look better. Vinyatok - wine table in Dodatok.
  1. Tables can be opened, but not bad. It’s better to leave the empty space after the paragraph with the letters on the table and place it on the step arch. Ale, with whom, obviously, it’s not enough to deprive the great empty space.
  1. Prote, іnоdі rozrivati ​​tabіlі to bring. If the table is even longer than it is wide, and the rows and graphs of the table go beyond the arcush format, then it can be divided into parts. As a rich graph, then parts of the tables are arranged on one arch, one under one. Like a lot of stovptsіv, the table is trivaє on the step arch. In the first one, the head is repeated in new parts, in the other - the side of the table.
  1. As for the tables, there is a great deal, and її be divided into parts, and then more transferred to another arc, for easier navigation, the numbering of columns and columns is numbered. The numbers are written in Arabic, put down in another row. On the next side, it is no longer necessary to repeat the headings of the columns and columns, to finish putting the numbers.
  1. All tables in the diploma paper are numbered, for which only Arabic numerals are used. GOST allows three principles of numbering tables in the thesis work:
  • Sequential numbering. butt: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 etc.
  • Numbering according to the divisions from the assignments of the division number i, after the dot, the numbers of the table itself. butt: Table 1.1, Table 1.2, Table 1.3, Table 2.1, Table 2.2 etc.(Another variant is zastosovuetsya, as in the graduation work, large obligatory tabular material is placed).
  • Numbering according to the number of the addendum (we guess that the addendum, according to the rules of registration, are indicated by Latin numerals). butt: Table B.1, Table C.1.1, Table C.1.2 etc.
  1. The name of the table should be placed in a row above it. Do not put a dot after the number of the table. After the numbers go to a dash, then - the name of the table.
  1. Tables can always have a name. Vymogy to the name: it’s guilty to be short, concise, but with whom you can clearly see the tables, the essence is induced in it. It is recommended to win in the names of the tables 2 - 5 words, uniquely cumbersome formulas.
  1. Catch the respect that the word "Table" was written from the great letters and obov'yazkovo, not quickly.
  1. When transferring tables to the next side, it is necessary to put in the top of the table the same name of the table with numbering. When subdivision of the table on the part in the boundaries of one arch above the skin part, it is simply written “Production of the table” (without paws).
  1. Font, size in the name of the table - the same as in the main text (in the middle you can use a smaller font size). It’s not like you can especially see the name of the table, the vicarious color, the sub-christening, etc. While, in practice, the bold font is different (this moment should be specified in the training manual or with a scientific ceramics specialist).
  1. Roztashovuєtsya heading of the table on the arch of the thesis work zliva. The paragraph entry into this type of speech is not victorious.
  1. You can’t finish the chapter, I divided a paragraph into a table. After the table of obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to give an overview of the submitted information, to place the text vysnovok.

The butt of the design of the tables in the diploma robot according to GOST.

Submitted to the Department of Graduation Qualification of the Robot is due to the summation of an explanatory note, graphic materials, supplements, and compliance with the regulations and rules for the execution of documentation, and a deposit in GOST 7.32 - 2001 SIBID and GOST 2.105-95 (2001) ESKD.

The explanatory note includes a title page, a task for a thesis, a calendar plan, an essay, a text part with important information, diagrams, diagrams, tables, etc., a list of quotations, a glossary, and additions.

Graduation qualification work is presented in a solid palette.

Zagalny obsyag - 80-100 typewritten pages.

Introduction - up to 3 typewritten pages.

Theoretical review - 20-30 typewritten pages.

Rosrakhunko-analytical part - 35 typewritten pages.

Design part - 30-35 typewritten pages.

Visnovok - up to 5 typewritten pages.

To the graduation qualification work are given (DO NOT apply):

Supervision of the kerivnik (div. Addendum A);

Zovnishnya review (div. Addendum B), forms for such students are seen at the graduation department;

The act of passing normative control

The re-verification of the FQR for normative control is only possible after a full formalization (if the review is clear and it is signed by the certifier).

The sides of the WRC do not fit into the framework.

2.3.2. Rules for formatting the text of the WRC

Zagalnі vismosі decorated

The graduation qualification of the robot is issued by the Russian language. Parallel to the text of the work or part in a foreign language (English, German and French) in the form of an addendum is allowed. At the time of the distant zahistu of the graduation qualification work in a foreign language appendage appendage with a short zmіstom roboti on tsomu іnozemnoy mine є obov'yazkovim.

The work is drawn up at the sight of the text, prepared on a personal computer with the help of a text editor and overwritten on arches in A4 format from one side. The text on the arch is due to the mother book orientation, the landscape orientation is allowed only for tables and schemes of appendices. The text is repeated through the second interval in Times New Roman font, 14 pt.

An explanatory note (PZ) is written in a typewritten way on one (right) side of the arch of a white paper in A4 format (210 x 297) mm according to GOST 2.301.

The PZ is issued with the following additional fields:

left - 30 mm,

right - 15 mm,

top - 20 mm,

bottom - 20 mm from the edge of the sheet.

Yakіst PZ is guilty of satisfaction with the help of a clear statement. It is necessary to take into account equal width, readability according to all PZ.

Abbreviations of Russian words and phrases are allowed according to GOST 7.12, but shortened words are not allowed.

Start the paragraphs with a spacing on the cob of the rows by 125 mm.

The side numbers are placed in the lower part of the sheet in the center. The numbering of the sides is fixed, starting from the title page and including appendices. The number of the side on the title page is not different.

Name all the divisions, introductions, vysnovok and the bibliographic list start from the new arch and are written in capital letters (centered) in bold type. The names of the paragraphs in the sections start with capital letters, then they are written in small letters, also in the center, in bold type. Do not put a full stop in the chapter and paragraph. Between the name of the chapter and the name of the paragraph, set one and a half interval, the entry is “auto”, between the name of the paragraph and the text - also one and a half interval, the entry is “auto”. The paragraphs in the middle of the chapter are cremated one by one with one and a half intervals and are repeated according to the text (without a new arch).


The sides are numbered in Arabic numerals in the middle of the side without a speck in the end, the numbering is crossed, in normal font No. 14.

Title pages are included up to the title page numbering. The number of the side on the title arch is not put. The title page is the first page, the leader is the friend and the third side, the calendar plan is the fourth and fifth side.

Illustrative material, tables or text of an additional nature are included in the list of PZ.

The text of the skin appendix, if necessary, is divided into divisions, subdivisions, points, numbered OKremo according to the skin appendix.

Razdіli, pіdrozdіli, puncti followed by numbering in Arabic numerals.

They divided the guilty mothers into serial numbering and denoted by Arabic numerals with a dot, for example: 1., 2., 3, etc.

Pererakhuvannya, after the front dvokrapka, are issued through hyphen from new row and use small letters. In the end of the skin pererahuvannya, a speck with a coma is placed.

Pererakhuvannya, after the front double-dip, if necessary, a specific message on one of the perekhuvany in the text of the PZ, can be given in the middle of the paragraphs. Pererakhuvannya next numbering serial numbering in Arabic numerals with a bow, for example 1), 2), 3) etc. and write in small letters from a new row (paragraph).

In the boundaries of one pererahuvannya, more than one group of pererakhuvany through a), b), c) is not allowed.


Illustrations (armchairs, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, photographs) should be placed without intermediary after the text, in which the stench is guessing ahead, or on the next side. On all illustrations, there may be a message in the text of the PZ. The stench is due to the support of the state standards of the ESKD.

Illustrations are indicated by the word "Drawing" with a number, as they are placed below the explanatory data (Appendix D).

The number of illustrations is due but sufficient to explain the text presented. Illustrations can be sorted out both in the text of the document, and in the beginning of yoga. On all illustrations, there may be strength in the text.

Ilustration is due to the name of the mother, how to place under the illustration.

The illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals with a scribbled numbering.

If there is only one baby, then the vin is indicated by "Figure 1 - Algorithm for evaluating economic efficiency."

It is allowed to number the illustrations between the divisions. In this case, the number of the illustration is composed of the number of the division and the serial number of the illustration, between which a spot is placed. For example, Malyunok 1.1. When writing on illustrations, write “... appropriately up to figure 2” with cross-sectional numbering and “... appropriately up to small 1.2” with numbering in the borders of the division.

As there is only one illustration in the PZ, do not number the following and do not write the word “Baby” under it.

The illustration should be shown on one side. As the illustration does not fit on one side, you can transfer it to another, while on the skin offensive side in the upper right kut, another "Prodovzhennya little one ...". The name of the illustration is placed on the first side, explanatory data on the remaining side under the little one.

The illustrations are placed in such a way that they can be seen without turning. It’s impossible to place them in such a way, so that in order to see it, it was necessary to turn the PZ for the year’s arrow.


The digital material is to be drawn up in the form of a table, GOST 2.105.

Spread the table without intermediary after the text, in which case it will look forward, or on the next side. On all tables, they are due to be written in the PZ.

Vіdstan mіzh table and trivayuchim text - 1.5 interval. Since the table does not fit on one (stream) side, it is necessary to continue the text by referring to it, and expand the table on the next side. If one table does not fit on one side, then it is necessary to continue on the other, from the designated “Continue table ...” in the upper right part of the sheet.

If there is only one table in the PP, її are not numbered and the word "Table" is not written.

The skin table may have a heading. Topic, start with capital letters in font No. 14 and do not add letters (Appendix G). The numbering of the table is due to divisions (Table 1.1., 1.2. etc.).

The tables should be placed in such a way that they can be read without turning, the author's manuscript. It is impossible to place the table in such a way, so that in order to read it, it was necessary to turn the manuscript after the year's arrow.

If the rows and graphs of the tables go beyond the format of the side, then divide them into parts, placing one part under the other or hand, while in the skin part they repeat the head and the side. In case of rozpodіlі on parts, it is allowed to use the head, or replace the sidewall in the same way with the column and row number.

However, all the parameters placed in the tables may only have one dimension (for example, million rubles). If in the table where the graphs with parameters are more important than one dimension, and if there are indications with lower dimensions, write about the greater dimension, and the information about other dimensions should be given in the headings of the higher dimensions.

Columns "Number one by one", "One vimir" (Od. Wim.) Do not include in the table. If it is necessary to number the indications in the parameters or other data, the numbers should be indicated in the sidebar of the table before their names.

For understanding the meaning in the text of the manuscript, the numbering of the column of the table is allowed.

If digital or other data are not indicated in the tables, then put a dash in the column.

For the short text of the headings and subheadings, the column and rows of okremi understand are replaced by letter signs, as the stink is explained in the text or pointed at the illustrations, for example: d - diameter, H - height, L - length.

Indicators with one and the same letter designations are grouped sequentially in the order of increasing indexes, for example: H 1, H 2, H 3 and so on.

The table is designed according to GOST 2.105.-95 (2001).

Table 1.1 - Table heading



Theme Graph

/ subtitle graph /

/ Rows (horizontal rows) /

1.Spend, yew. Rub.

2.Pribil, yew. Rub.

Header sidebar Graphs (columns)

alignment on the left edge alignment on the center

Malyunok 1.1 - Butt of the table

The tables are divided, on the right and at the bottom, as a rule, they are surrounded by lines. Horizontal and vertical lines, which separate the rows of tables, are allowed not to be drawn, as their visibility does not complicate the arrangement of the table.

Formulas and alignment

Rivnyannia and formulas should be seen in the next row. Higher and lower than the skin formula, or else it may be missing one free row. If equal does not fit in one row, it is guilty but transferred after the equal sign (=), or after the plus sign (+), minus (-). plural ( ), Delay (:).

Explanation of the meaning of symbols and numerical values ​​of the coefficients of the sequence should be put in the same sequence, in the same stench put in the formula. The value of the skin symbol and the numerical coefficient should be given from a new row. The first row of explanation is repaired with a slіv "de" without a doublet;

Z \u003d C + En K (3.1)

de Z - aiming a window;

C - in-line staining;

En - normative coefficient of efficiency;

K - capital investment.

Rivnyannia and formulas should be seen from the text in the next row. Higher and lower than the skin formula, or equal guilt, but not less than one row is missing. If equal does not fit in one row, it is guilty but transferred after the equal sign (=), or after the plus sign (+), minus (-), plural ( ), Delay(:);

Formulas, behind the vinyatka of formulas, placed in an addendum, are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, as if they are written on equal formulas, right-handed in round arms. One formula means - (1). The formulas that are placed in the addendum are numbered in Arabic numerals between the skin addendum and added before the skin number of the addendum, for example formula (B.1). The numbering of formulas in the boundaries of the division is allowed. In this case, the number of the formula is added up from the number of the division and the serial number of the formula, divided by a small block, for example (3.1).

The formulas in a row are arranged symmetrically.

The formulas should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals in round arches in between, divided in the rightmost position in the row with the formula.

The number of the formula is added up from the number of the division and the ordinal number of the formula, divided by a small block.

Yakshcho in PZ one formula or equal, її are not numbered.

When vikoristannye zovnіshnіh dzherel іnformatsiї prepayers of the Agency sent to them є obov'yazkovymi. For the purpose of roztashuvannya, it is clear to the main text that the following are added: intra-text (part of the main text); pіdryadkovі (blame from the text down the side); transtextual (blame for the text of all robots). For graduation qualification robots, it is necessary to score only texts sent.

At the text:

"... about tse in the article of G. G. Petrov ...."

“... according to official statistics, the turnover retail trade in the Republic of Bashkortostan clave in 2006 roci 239124 million rubles. . »

Behind the text (in the bibliography):

26. Petrov, G. G. Russia and the All-World Trade Organization / G. G. Petrov // Pic. external con. Spring. - 2007. - No. 2. - S. 15-17.

The text of the document is not allowed:

1) Zastosovuvat for one time understanding of different scientific and technical terms, close to the zmist (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms for the obviousness of equal-meaning words and terms of Russian language;

2) To shorten the meanings of single physical quantities, as if they get used without numbers, for a little bit of single physical quantities in the heads and sides of the table and in the decoding of the letter meanings that are included in the formulas;

3) Zastosovuvat abbreviated words, krіm established by the rules of Russian spelling, punctuation, as well as the relevant state standards;

4) Tick in the text the mathematical sign minus (-) in front of negative values. Replace the mathematical sign (-) next to write the word "minus";

5) Live in mathematical signs without numbers, for example: , (less or more expensive), (more chi equal), (Not good), as well as signs No. (number),% (Vidsotok);

7) In the text of the document, the numbers with the expansion should be written in numbers, and without the expansion - in words. For example: “The gap is not more than 2 mm”, “Leak the coil twice”.

8) Unity of the physical value of one and the same parameter in the boundaries of one document is guilty of being constant. If a number of numerical values ​​are introduced in the text of the document, expressed in one and the same unit of physical quantity, then it is indicated only after the remaining numerical value, for example: 1.5; 1.75; 2 m;

9) The meaning of the symbols and numerical coefficients that are included in the formula must be given directly under the formula. The meaning of the skin symbol is given in a new row in that sequence, in the same stench put in the formula. The first row of deciphering is guilty of beginning with the word “de” without a two-fold after the new.

The text of the graduation qualification work is guilty of interweaving (broaching) into a hard lining.

Graduation qualification work is submitted by the student to the department in one copy two days before the day of graduation.

List of references

The topic "List of Literature" is drawn up as a chapter and starts from a new side.

The list of vikoristanih dzherel is guilty of mother attacking the structure:

    legislators and other normative legal acts;

    special literature (monographs, dissertations, science collections, handbooks, science statistics and other publications from periodical publications, statistical data journals, encyclopedias, dictionaries and other).

Dzherela of the 1st group are re-raised in the order of their importance after the next subgroups:

    international legal acts;

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    federal constitutional laws;

    federal laws;

    resolutions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

    indicate and order of the President of the Russian Federation;

    normative acts of the Order of the Russian Federation and other bodies of the victorious government of the Russian Federation;

    decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

    Constitutions and statutes of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    normative legal acts of legislative (representative) authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    normative legal acts of the higher authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

    normative legal acts of the bodies of mass self-regulation.

Dzherela 2nd group can be sorted according to different principles: alphabetical; thematic; logical; chronological; for the views of dzherel ta in. In graduation qualification works, the most acceptable is the alphabetical principle of roztashuvannya dzherel, with some vikoristan dzherel roztashovuyutsya in the alphabetical order of names of authors or titles, as the book (article) is described under the name.

Create others are described in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. Zagalni vimogi and rules of folding. Internet resources are described in accordance with GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. Zagalnі vimogi and rules of folding (addition D).

Russia has a system of state standards that regulate the bibliographic description:

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. In addition, the rules of folding (є the main standard, which regulates the description of all creations of other and unpublished documents);

GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. In addition, the rules of folding (regulations for the description of Internet resources and electronic resources for local access - CD-ROM and in.);

GOST 7.80-2000. Bibliographic record. Title. Zagalni vimogi that rules of folding;

GOST 7.12-93. Bibliographic record. Short text of my Russian language. Zagalni vimogi and the rules.

The list of voicings also includes instructions, calls, punishments, normative documents and other documents that are queried by the student when writing the WRC. In each case, the name, name of the organization, document number, date of sight must be indicated.

Information about the standards of duty include: document identification, which includes document index (GOST, OST, GTS, STP, DU), digital or alphanumeric identification of the document, рік (two remaining digits) of confirmation, main heading, for example: GOST 7.32-91 (ISO5966-82) SSIBID. Sounds about scientifically advanced robots, structure and design rules.

Also in the list can be presented the names and addresses of sites on the Internet, as the winner of the graduate.

Appendices and glossary

Addendums should be drawn up as a continuation of the text in the end of the PZ on the її coming sides, the rest of the addendums will appear in order on them in the text.

Illustrative material, tables or text of an additional nature may be given at a glance.

The skin program was started from a new side and from the designated mountains on the right side of the side of the word “Additional” and the first sign.

The addendum is to blame for the mother's heading, which is written symmetrically to the text of the great letter in a row.

Additions signify the capital letters of the Ukrainian alphabet, beginning with “A”, followed by the letters E, Z, Y, O, H, L, T, I. Napriklad, Addendum A.

It is allowed to designate the additions with letters of the Latin alphabet, followed by the letters IіO.

The additions are due to the mother in addition to the other part of the graduation project, the numbering of the sides.

One supplement in the text is indicated as "Appendix A".

If there are additions in the document, then they should be given permission in the main text of the document, and in the other place, all the additions from the assigned numbers and headings (if present) should be redeemed.

It is allowed to draw up appendices on arches in A3 format (297x420).

Glossary key words tlumachennya spetsialnyh or little terms for the principle of prompt vocabulary.

When writing the WRC, students are obliged to complete the registration in accordance with GOST 2018. When the Derzhstandard dictates the superficial norms, and the smuts, they may hang the initial mortgages in an individual order. What is shown in the creation of methodical presentations before the graduation of the WRC. Dotrimannya standard could allow the attestation commission to better understand the sensation of your inquiry, and you - to gain access to.

WRC writing standard

Current GOST 2018 is no different than GOST 7.32-2001 “System of Standards for Information, Library and Documentation. Sounds about scientifically advanced robots. Structure and rules of registration. Taking into account the significant changes in 2005, supplementing them in the current 2018. The standard has a great deal, but the main points are:

  • robo Font TimeNewRoman,
  • suvore completion of all tasks of fields,
  • drukovaniy nabіr materialu, scho vykonuєtsya for the help of a computer printer or drukarian machines.

Fundamentals of assistance to the design of graduation work

For the basis of the vykonanny varto, take methodical instructions, which are seen in the departments of the initial mortgages. To that, GOST is given only more than global standards, and the attestation commission, as it supervises vikladach, will be taken as a basis for the very private values ​​of VNZ or Susa. Ale, in a be-yakuy vapadka varto, to reach the offensive shift of normative parameters:

  • rozmir arkush A4, A3 vikoristovuetsya for the design of small pieces, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, wickedly like no varto, so that before they are reversed it is most reportedly, it is not whimsical. If it’s impossible without them, then it’s better to blame them in the “Additional” section;
  • white papier, more beautifully painted, with a thickness of 80 g / sq. Tse standard vomogi to paper for printers;
  • text material (,) to be developed for the help of the printer;
  • the material is spread out on one side of the arch;
  • leather new distribution, Addendum or wine, starts on a new arch. And the axis of a paragraph or a paragraph can be repaired at your own discretion. There is no exact standard here;
  • the width of the fields, indentations and paragraphs, the most important part in the design, do not proceed through the damage until the text material is rechecked:
  1. right handed 10mm,
  2. zlіva vіd 30mm, which is lined with stitching,
  3. top view 20mm,
  4. bottom view 20mm (the concept of “view” is omitted, and all assigned parameters require an exact fit);
  5. the orientation of the arcus is only vertical;
  6. virіvnyuvannya in width, which is not spelled out in the Guest, but it is accepted “posture publicly”, and it means richer more precisely and it is more accurate;
  7. the clarity of the paragraphs of the language, the entry here is 12.5-17mm, which should be specified in the methodological instructions or at the department of your initial pledge,
  8. the color of the text is only black, and no visuals, no background, no font;
  9. font size 12 or 14, 10 can be used in wine glasses, allowed in great tabular materials;
  10. inter-row interval is strictly 1.5. Tse bezperechne vimoga GOST;
  11. large font only in the area of ​​the name of the thesis work and titles;
  12. formulas and їх proofs are allowed to be entered manually, but only in black ink;
  13. to see the headings / subheadings and especially important moments, you can use a bold bolt,
  14. ring out between 100-150 sides. The smaller one does not allow to finish the topic, the larger one - to revenge the original material. Uniqueness not lower than 70%;
  15. give special respect to the list of literature, de skin of indications dzherelo is guilty of figures in the text, which is not obov'yazkovo, but rather bazhano;
  16. Strictly seek pardons for the manifestation. Stink in the region of negligence, that is absolutely unacceptable. Most of the time, the stinks don’t just rage, but rather often growl. Therefore, I especially respect the work on the residual editing of already finished material.

WRC Heading Standards

Tsіy those varto add special respect. Therefore, there are no standard GOST standards, the stench is even richer and more folded to the point of being wicked. The headline is not just the essence, which is laid out below the division / subdivision. Tse structural part of the WRC. Name it before yoga, so it’s more scrupulous to go to the design of the varto.

From the design features, obov'yazkovymi for vikonannya є advancing vimogi:

  • the appearance of the point after the new. The remainder is permissible, as the heading is referred to as "Part";
  • numbering in Arabic numerals. The sequence and singularity of the numbering is written in the Guest;
  • between the text part and the heading 15 mm, to set one spacing at a point size of 1.5. The theme of the subplot in the subdivision is 8mm or sub-interval;
  • the name of the title is expanded in the middle of the row, and the subtitle starts like a paragraph;
  • in the title is not guilty but transfers. If you are guilty of a few propositions, then you can put a dot between them;
  • the heading can be seen with a bold bolt;
  • The sign of the paragraph, which was so widely used earlier, today is considered to be old-fashioned and not binding.

Other corrections can be specified at the department of your initial pledge. In the skin VNZ and in the skin department, stinks can be introduced, which are allowed by GOST and are thoroughly prescribed in the methodological manual.


  • Diploma, master's, dissertation work;
  • Promoting the uniqueness of the work (rewriting);
  • Materials for the defense (additional, presentation, handout material);
  • Decisions of tests and appointment in special office(Vіdpovіdі on tests);
  • control, course work, accomplishment of tasks;
  • Yes, referee;
  • The building of the session "on a turn-key basis", additional help with the execution of the pro-stitched budget plan and the start-up.

Submit an application for rozrahunok:

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Golovnya in this paragraph, thoroughly and accurately prescribe all the additions and structural units of the WRC. І, obviously, strictly correcting their scientific knowledge after skin correction of text divisions and additions to the WRC.

Three features of varto are significant:

  • in zmіsti it is not indicated;
  • all the divisions/additions are registered. Before the speech, it is as accurate as possible for the help of the Word, de “hope” for the service of automatic folding. For whom is it enough to correctly see the headings / subheadings of your electronic material;
  • as if it is made up of decal parts, which is rare, but all the same, it will change the structure of all robots. And the other - only a few given parts. The WRC was subdivided into practical and theoretical work, but not by the yogo on the development of the elements, so that it does not depend on the folding of the underbelly.
  • It is issued as a table without a frame, represented by two columns. The first one has the numbering of divisions, headings and subheadings with names, the other, with right-handedness, has the number of the side on the cob. The numbering of the sides is strictly ones over ones, tens over tens, hundreds over hundreds.

The numbering of the pages is carried out in Arabic numerals. Її to be carried out on all sides, including the title page, only the number should not be put on the new one. The additions continue the global numbering, which does not satisfy the bloc, so that it does not stand upright in all work, which requires the implementation of the final numbering. The number is put down in the right or left lower fold of the skin arch.

How are you having trouble s WRC according to GOST standards, go wild! Fakhіvtsі navchalnyh zakladіv, yakі revіryayut normative control of diploma work, to your services.

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Sometimes you can feel the following phrase: “It doesn’t matter, like a diploma of spellings, it’s important, like registrations.” І the truth in tsmu firm fiyno є. Members of the State Committee should not read your thesis paper, stench just burn out. And it’s very respectful, so that on top of the enemy, the enemy will be in your greed!

In order to keep the committee commendably nodding its heads, glorifying your report, it is necessary to clearly reach the completion of the graduation work in accordance with GOST 2017. In these articles, we dwell in detail on the nuances of the design of the diploma report, which is important for both the student and the student lancer.

Guests, as a sign of registration of a diploma work

Strictly seeming, there is no special GOST 2018 for issuing a diploma. GOST for the design of the diploma work practically did not change in 2001 (there was only a small change in 2005).

Thus, the current rules for issuing a diploma paper (2018) are regulated by a document called GOST 7.32-2001 “System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Sounds about scientifically advanced robots. Structure and rules of registration.

This is a voluminous document, not every bird can fly to the middle of which. You can learn it independently, but in this article you can see the most important moments, as if you should be safe when you are issued a diploma in accordance with GOST.

Krim GOST 7.32-2001, the design of the graduation document is regulated by more dekilkom documents. So, GOST 7.32-2001 itself is grounded on dozens of GOSTs, the most significant of which for a graduate student are:

  • GOST 7.1-2003. System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. Zagalni vimogi and rules of folding.
  • GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76). System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Abstract and annotation. Zagalni vimogi.
  • GOST 7.12-93. System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Bibliographic record. Short text of my Russian language. Zagalni vimogi and the rules.

In addition, when issuing a diploma, other documents are also forfeited, for example, GOST 9327-60 (otherwise, the design of texts, tables and graphic materials are also required).

Are you afraid that when you are vacated these guests are going to go? Do not boast, it's a simple way to ideally draw up a diploma - reading these articles. We have announced the number of motorized guests in the fields!

It should be noted that, regardless of the detailed bureaucratic regulation of the design of scientific reports, some of the finer nuances have become variant. For example, the font type in the Guest is not specified, but in practice, the rule of typing has long been established Times New Roman.

The nuances of the design, not included in the Guest, but for reasons that are necessary for your department, are indicated in the training manual, so you can’t ignore it. Be sure that the student's trump card "And the Guest is ordered!" stovidsotkovo to be vikladatsky "And the requirement was to marvel in the training manual!".

Final vouchers before the diploma is issued (side parameters, font, spacing, etc.)

Registration of the diploma work according to GOST 2018 May on the basis of official registration

1. Paper is due to buty white, standard size A4 (valid to Derzhstandart 9327), thickness is recommended - around 80 g / sq. m. In other words - a great office papier for printers. (Here and further away, sometimes you will take the word Kapitan Obviousness, but rather let you speak out, and screw up in some way).

vine: Buvayut fluctuations, if the GOST permits the variation of the A3 format in the preparation of scientific research papers. It’s worth trapping, if in the diploma work, what else should be missed large number great tables, illustrations, armchair. Ale better, yakscho є mozhlivist, blame їх in Dodatka.

2. GOST state that it is necessary to submit a diploma in a superficial way - type on a different machine or a computer and printer. Go to the meeting below in the document, find the term PEOM - personal EOM

For a person who is joking about the rules for completing a diploma work in accordance with GOST 2018, such a document can be a slight stupor. But it’s not forgotten that GOST, in fact, did not change ten years, but specifically this part - maybe fifteen. In those old hours, when this GOST was confirmed, then in 2001, not yet all students had computers, black viklads read manuscripts, and began to learn the profession of folding texts on a computer. A little earlier, in the middle of the 90s, drukarska machines were widely used for typing, but they still didn’t forget about the laying of GOST. Abo, which is better for everything, they simply torn the formula from the greater early GOST, 7.32-91, with light changes.

Wow, if in an offensive turn students will shukat information about the design of a diploma work in accordance with GOST 2017, stink again with Drukar's typewriters and PEOM

3. The text is guilty of more or less injunctions on one side of the arch. on the to the well-being no images, sign, etc. but not guilty. Vtіm, the graduate student is no longer a novice, after a dozen writing essays and a piece of coursework sing-songly tse already forgotten.

4. Structural elements of the diploma work (introduction, division of the main part, visnovok, list of literature, list of wines) start from a new arch. Paragraphs / paragraphs can also be started from a new archway, or a canonical version and continued on the same side (this moment should be clarified with a scientific certifier or in a training manual issued by the department).

Give respect: Namagaytes, schob kіnets heads taking at least half of the sheet, or wanting a third. The rule is not fixed anywhere, but it is referred to the quiet unspoken "etiquette" laws, as it is accepted to do so.

5. The width of the fields in the graduation work is set by GOST with an offensive rank:

- right not less than 10 mm (1 cm);
- left not less than 30 mm (1 cm), the margin is given for broaching;
- top not less than 20 mm (2 cm);
- lower - not less than 20 mm (2 cm).

Well, regardless of the formula “no less”, in most cases the statement is interpreted by scientific scientists as “exactly” or “no more”. You can understand: students, bovaє, are evil with wide margins.

6. The orientation of the arch is vertical (bookish). Horizontal orientation (landscape) is allowed when completing supplements, but not the main part of the diploma work.

7. Editing of the text in current diploma papers is taken to be width-wise. GOST does not regulate this moment, so, in theory, you can align the text on the left edge (ale, of course, not on the right and not in the center). However, in the century of computer technology, you will look marvelous. Well, guess what, if all GOST was written (the foundations for more ancient Gosti 7.32-91): in those hours, if Drukar's cars have not yet become hundred of antiques. On other machines, you can transfer it, it’s even more difficult to achieve a similar view. І stacking of tsikh tsіnh vkazіvok, maybe, vvazhali such an overworldly zhorstky vomogoyu Ale, you have a PC or a laptop, right?

We will talk a little lower about the revision of the headings of the chapters and subpoints of the report, there are some nuances there.

8. Paragraphs of obov'azkovi, and not according to GOST, but according to the rules of Russian language. In GOST, however, there is a line of shukati vkaz_vki of a different size. Ale, what are we doing? In addition to GOST 2.105-95 about the size of the indentation gap of 15 or 17 mm in Gosti 7.32-2001 was gone. In other words, you can work it out, be it ... within the framework of the reasonable, wonderfully. Reasonable vvazhaetsya paragraph vіdstup rozmіrom 1.25 - 1.5 cm.

9. The color of the font in the graduation robot is black. Diploma work is not guilty of buti colorful visions of the text - you don’t have Lyrushechka.

10. What font should I use? GOST is taєmniche to say, but in common practice (and domestic, and foreign) science robots use the Times font New Roman. Tse, in fact, is already a tired standard.

food: Can you spell and write other fonts in the thesis work? On the whole GOST window, you can see the following details: for example, okremі formulas, terms can be written in other fonts, which are in line with the font of the main text.

"It is allowed to use computer versatility to accentuate respect for singing terms, formulas, theorems, zastosovuyuchi fonts and different typefaces."


More than that: GOST allows you to manually enter formulas and other parts of the text, which cannot be entered in a typewritten way. For whom victorious, either black carcasses, or black ink. You need to write in obov'yazkovo with different symbols. But, in our opinion, for a student who draws up a diploma in accordance with GOST in 2018, this freedom is unacceptable. Modern computer technologies allow you to imagine formulas. As there are no visible symbols, the formulas are inserted at once in the visual image.

11. Size (size of letters), compliant with the State Standard, is guilty of no less than the twelfth. In practice, graduate students write in 12 and 14 size Times New Roman font. In wine glasses, in signatures up to tables and images, you can type in a smaller font size (up to the 10th).

12. Interval, on a different type, is regulated by GOST. Vin is guilty of buti and a half.

13. CAPS LOK is allowed when writing the names of the chapters of the thesis. NO MORE YOGO VICORIST IS REQUIRED!

14. To see the structural parts of the robot, so in the headings and a short zmist, you can highlight the capital font. Yogo so itself can be victorious for seeing some important phrases, terms - ale without enthusiasm. Those are the same in italics. For example, you can see in bold or in italics the words “hypothesis, subject, object, goal, task”.

15. Pardons are unacceptable. Well, after all, you still knew when reading the diploma work pardons, typos, graphical inaccuracies, then, according to the Derzhstandart, they can be filled with white farboi (for which the proofreader is to be written) and the animal should be carefully corrected - so that there were no blots. Alas, gentlemen students, an emergency option - for example, you wrote right at the university to re-read the diploma before the reviewer’s assignment and you don’t have time to get to the printer. Well, in our days, the development of a diploma work does not represent folding, so make corrections on the computer and re-develop the required sheets.

Designing titles in the thesis work

On the design of the headings and subheadings, there is a scribbled okremo, so that GOST in this food should be done intricately. The rules are:

  • The headings include the names of the structural parts of the work, representing a short and clear reflection of the difference between divisions, subdivisions, points.
  • For numbering, use Arabic numerals.
  • When numbering divisions, subdivisions and points, do not put a spot after the digits.
  • When vikoristanny formula "part of such and such" or "head of such and such" after the figure put a spot.
  • When numbering divisions, subdivisions, paragraphs, follow the following rules:

Vtіm, in graduation robots you can’t go to such extremes, so you can forget about letters and numbers with shackles.

  • Vіdstan mіzh text and heading is not regulated by GOST, but, according to tired rules, become 15 mm, i.e. One stray row at one and a half intervals. The subject of the head at the heading of the subtitle / paragraph will sound in 8 mm (sub-interval).
  • Headings are different, according to Derzhstandart, in capital (capital) letters. KAPS Lokomo, SHORT
  • Headings are centered, subheadings - from the indentation.
  • As the headline is folded into two words, the stench is scattered in a speck.
  • Headings are not allowed.
  • Headings can be seen in bold, but not underlined.
  • Krapka in the headline should not be put.

How to quote you the design of the thesis work in accordance with GOST 2018, a copy of the design of the headings in front of you:

But this variant is victorious, as in the following parts (chapters) are not seen. Shards in the thesis work chapters are seen, it is necessary to put a dash after the number in the title: "Chapter 1. Confusion RULES FOR FORMING ACCORDING TO DSTU". Dalі dot in the numbering pіdrozdіl no longer put.

It is also an option, if the sign of the paragraph (§) is victorious when you see it, and if you see the sign of the paragraph (§), then the old one is taken into account. Often, when numbering chapters, Roman numerals are victorious. Buvayut at other departments and other options, following the principle of "in the skin of your bryazkaltsya". And yet, as you need to work according to GOST, you now know, and variations - according to the validity of your scientific researcher.

Numbering of the sides and decoration

The thesis work is responsible for including a change, which includes all structural parts, including additions. How to write a name - in small or in capital letters? On the basis of GOST 2.105-95, the new GOST 7.32-2001, we give a decision on this food for the author's investigation.

The butt of the design was submitted in the diploma work:

Torknemosya one more GOST nuance. Students, who independently wrote GOST 7.32-2001, can be sloppy, pishovshi offensive vkazіvkoy:

5.4.2 When folded, which is folded from two or more parts, in the skin of them there may be some light. At the same time, in the first part, you should place a change in the last part from the assigned numbers in the parts, in the next - only a change in the second part. It is allowed in the first part to replace the advancing parts by indicating only their names.

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