Yak on keyboard copy and paste. Ways to copy and paste the text from the keyboard not to the vicious misha

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When "inserting" a file of any fragment, which is stored in the exchange buffer, the data is inserted at the specified place.

Yak copy text for additional keyboard

For the whole it is necessary:

Presentation of "hot keys"

  • "Win + E" launch Provider;
  • "Ctrl + S" save the document;

"Hot keys" - special combination of keys on the keyboard, designed for forgiveness and acceleration of robots on computers. The price is an alternative to the commands to follow the help of the mischief, which gives some extra help to the need to go through the numerical menu items in the jokes of the required operation.

After the "hot keys", as a rule, there are two or three buttons, which slid down last or one hour. Diy, which is a special combination of keys, can be used as a sign, and receive specific functions (a robot with a text, with a provider, with windows). Nayvidoms from the “shy clavis” are the sign of the home, which was taken by the victorious for the performance of the copying and insertion. To copy and paste on the keyboard, it is enough to use the combination Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

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The function of copying a field is in the fact that a file or a fragment (text, sound, image) is copied for an hour to the exchange buffer:

  • It is necessary to see the required object (file abo shmatok to the text), the misci cursor;
  • Use a combination of keys Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert.

Combination "Ctrl + C" є actual for operational. Windows systems... Mac OS X users need Command + C.


  • For the help of the cursor, mark the place, where to transfer, insert the object (if the text, then press it with the left button, you need to insert it);
  • To insert a combination of keys Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert.

    Yak klavіshі on klavіatury, how are you coping?

In the operating system Mac OS X, you need to run "Command + V".

Presentation of "hot keys"

You can see more than a few brown combinations of keys, so it is easy for the robot to lie down in Windows:

  • "Win" or "Ctrl + Esc" opens the "Start" menu;
  • "Win + E" launch Provider;
  • "Win + Tab" or "Win + Shift + Tab" switch between buttons on the panel;
  • "Printscreen" to screen the entire screen;
  • "Alt + Printscreen" to create a screen shot of the streaming active screen;
  • "Ctrl + A" view all (objects, text);
  • "Ctrl + X" or "Shift + Delete" to view the object or the text in the buffer exchange;
  • "Ctrl + P" for the document visonati;
  • "Ctrl + S" save the document;
  • "Ctrl + Z" skasuvati will stop diyu;
  • "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift" switch the keyboard layout (for example, from Russian to English).

"Hot keys" - special combination of keys on the keyboard, designed for forgiveness and acceleration of robots on computers. The price is an alternative to the commands to follow the help of the mischief, which gives some extra help to the need to go through the numerical menu items in the jokes of the required operation.

After the "hot keys", as a rule, there are two or three buttons, which slid down last or one hour. Diy, which is a special combination of keys, can be used as a sign, and receive specific functions (a robot with a text, with a provider, with windows).

Yak kopiyuvati text, baby

Nayvidoms from the “shy clavis” are the sign of the home, which was taken by the victorious for the performance of the copying and insertion. To copy and paste on the keyboard, it is enough to use the combination Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

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The function of copying a field is in the fact that a file or a fragment (text, sound, image) is copied for an hour to the exchange buffer:

  • It is necessary to see the required object (file abo shmatok to the text), the misci cursor;
  • Use a combination of keys Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert.

The combination "Ctrl + C" is relevant for the Windows operating system. Mac OS X users need Command + C.


When "inserting" a file of any fragment, which is stored in the exchange buffer, the data is inserted at the specified place. For the whole it is necessary:

  • For the help of the cursor, mark the place, where to transfer, insert the object (if the text, then press it with the left button, you need to insert it);
  • To insert a combination of keys Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert.

In the operating system Mac OS X, you need to run "Command + V".

Presentation of "hot keys"

You can see more than a few brown combinations of keys, so it is easy for the robot to lie down in Windows:

  • "Win" or "Ctrl + Esc" opens the "Start" menu;
  • "Win + E" launch Provider;
  • "Win + Tab" or "Win + Shift + Tab" switch between buttons on the panel;
  • "Printscreen" to screen the entire screen;
  • "Alt + Printscreen" to create a screen shot of the streaming active screen;
  • "Ctrl + A" view all (objects, text);
  • "Ctrl + X" or "Shift + Delete" to view the object or the text in the buffer exchange;
  • "Ctrl + P" for the document visonati;
  • "Ctrl + S" save the document;
  • "Ctrl + Z" skasuvati will stop diyu;
  • "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift" switch the keyboard layout (for example, from Russian to English).

Vinakhid computer mish Significantly lied down that forgiven the life of an ordinary koristuvach computer. It is especially prone to be seen with robots tied to photo and video editing, as well as a bagatooh interface operating systems.

When robotic text files You can use the menu commands by the programs or the context menu, like clicking with the right mouse button. Order z zim, admonished, to spend a lot of hours in text editors, and programs, such as writing from program texts with DOS commands, stopping "hot" combinations of keys.

Copy and paste on the keyboard using standard methods

It is permissible to speed up the hour of editing the text.

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Seeing the text

Please copy the text for an additional keyboard, you need a copy of the video:

  • Place the text cursor on the ear of a part of the text, so that you can see the keys with the arrows to the left, to the right, up and down;
  • push the Shift key, push the arrow to the right, push the key with the arrow to the right (with a one-time push of the arrow, one symbol is seen; with the trivial push of the Shift key, the arrow to the right, the text is visible);
  • Allow the onslaught of keys when the cursor reaches the text to see the text.

If you want to see a part of the text from the cursor to the end of the row, you need to use the combination of keys "Shift" and "End".

Seeing all the text in in the form of a document Visitor to the one-hour onslaught of the "Ctrl" and "A" keys.

Copy and edit

To copy and transfer the seen fragment, the text needs:

  • Copy the seen text to the clipboard and exchange one-hour attacks of the combination of keys "Ctrl" and "C" or "Shift" and "Insert"
  • Move the text cursor at the point of inserting a fragment to the text;
  • Paste the copied (abbreviated) fragment to the text by one-hour onslaught of the "Ctrl" and "V" or "Shift" and "Insert" keys.

On the keyboard of laptop computers, the "Insert" button can be combined with the second button ("Delete", "Pause Brk").

All combinations of keys with victors have a letter to rely on respect;

The interface of the Windows operating system is universal - adaptations for keruvannya with a mouse, keyboard, and in new versions, with gestures, for help touch screen... Vikoristannya "hot keys" (special combinations for quick launch quiet operations) can be spared an hour before an hour to see the standard operations of the system.

For a more effective control of the computer, you need the nobility of the main combination of keys, as well as the basics of managing the system for the additional deprivation of the keyboard. When robotic text documents Koristuvachev, then retally vivify a second key, when the text is copied and inserted, as well as for re-positioning.

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Copy to text

Please copy the text behind the additional keyboard and insert it in the same place in the document, you need:

  • View document.
  • See a fragment of the text behind the help of Misha chi keyboard.
  • Press Ctrl + C at once to save the text in the memory of the visions.
  • Move the cursor to a part of the document, where you need to save the fragment.
  • One hour press the keys Ctrl + V, then insert the text.

It is necessary for the text to be copied, not to copy, but to transfer, after the combination of keys "Ctrl" + "X"

Інші combinations

With robots with the text of koristuvachev, there will be noble nobility of such a combination, like:

  • "Ctrl" + "A" will see all the text in the document.
  • "Ctrl" + "B" make all the text visible in bold, or include the indication of the attribute for the text to be typed.
  • "Ctrl" + "i" will see the vibrating fragment of the text in italics, otherwise you can enter the text in the specified way.
  • "Ctrl" + "P" send the document to another folder.
  • "Ctrl" + "Shift" or "Alt" + "Shift" change the input.
  • "Ctrl" + "N" displays a new empty document.
  • "Ctrl" + "O" wikklikє dialog for displaying a file.
  • "Ctrl" + "S" is the current document.

"Hot keys" - special combination of keys on the keyboard, designed for forgiveness and acceleration of robots on computers. The price is an alternative to the commands to follow the help of the mischief, which gives some extra help to the need to go through the numerical menu items in the jokes of the required operation.

After the "hot keys", as a rule, there are two or three buttons, which slid down last or one hour. Diy, which is a special combination of keys, can be used as a sign, and receive specific functions (a robot with a text, with a provider, with windows). Nayvidoms from the “shy clavis” are the sign of the home, which was taken by the victorious for the performance of the copying and insertion.

To copy and paste on the keyboard, it is enough to use the combination Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

Newsletter navigation for the article


The function of copying a field is in the fact that a file or a fragment (text, sound, image) is copied for an hour to the exchange buffer:

  • It is necessary to see the required object (file abo shmatok to the text), the misci cursor;
  • Use a combination of keys Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert.

The combination "Ctrl + C" is relevant for the Windows operating system. Mac OS X users need Command + C.


When "inserting" a file of any fragment, which is stored in the exchange buffer, the data is inserted at the specified place. For the whole it is necessary:

  • For the help of the cursor, mark the place, where to transfer, insert the object (if the text, then press it with the left button, you need to insert it);
  • To insert a combination of keys Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert.

In the operating system Mac OS X, you need to run "Command + V".

Presentation of "hot keys"

You can see more than a few brown combinations of keys, so it is easy for the robot to lie down in Windows:

  • "Win" or "Ctrl + Esc" opens the "Start" menu;
  • "Win + E" launch Provider;
  • "Win + Tab" or "Win + Shift + Tab" switch between buttons on the panel;
  • "Printscreen" to screen the entire screen;
  • "Alt + Printscreen" to create a screen shot of the streaming active screen;
  • "Ctrl + A" view all (objects, text);
  • "Ctrl + X" or "Shift + Delete" to view the object or the text in the buffer exchange;
  • "Ctrl + P" for the document visonati;
  • "Ctrl + S" save the document;
  • "Ctrl + Z" skasuvati will stop diyu;
  • "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift" switch the keyboard layout (for example, from Russian to English).

In the program "Word", it is difficult to improve the speed of robots, to know with such algorithms, as if they would allow them to concentrate on technical details and for more than an hour to devote to average creative and professional employees. One of the reserves for the improvement of efficiency - very well, minus the keys. І when editing, і when writing a text (for example, when quoting), the most useful function is copying with a small insert. The robustness of the menu for help is not rational at all. If you insert the text behind the help of the keyboard, it is assigned to the text of the article. Particularly relevant is the price of an hour of robots on a laptop.

Yak see text

Before the tim, how to insert the text, yogo, zrozuilo, it is necessary to see. Most often with robots in a text editor, the keyboard is the same as Misha. For the help mish, it is easy to navigate, quickly move from side to side, put the cursor at the required place, it is not easy to back up, as the text is seen for the other mish, but copied and inserted. However, a loan to the loan tool to complete great number the hour that the efficiency is reduced, the more beautiful it is to see the text behind the additional keyboard.

Robotic keys for tsiy - Shif, Ctrl, arrows, Home, End, A (Latin). Rise of the combination of allowing the viewing of small fragments, which can be obtained at the same time on the most requested options:

  • See everything (read the text). Ctrl + A (російська Ф). Most often it is possible to crawl, as it takes the whole instead of one file to create a part of the file.
  • Vidіlity one chіlka slіv. Ctrl + Shift + arrow (right or left). Place the cursor in front of the first word of the fragment that you need to copy and paste, press the Ctrl and Shift keys, and then push the arrow to the right until the docks will not see the required fragment. Skin onslaught of shots is seen in one word. The same logic with the robot at the turn-by-turn (the position of the cursor is displayed behind the last word).
  • View one (or parts) number of paragraphs. Ctrl + Shift + Arrow up or down. As the cursor stands in front of the first word, then as the arrow moves down, you see a paragraph, if it is in the middle, then the part is in the cursor until the end. Skin attack onslaught will see a fragment of the text before the paragraph mark.
  • See the sign. Shift + arrow right handed or left handed
  • View the row. Shift + arrow up or down.

Skasuvannya vidіlennya

It’s not important to see it, or it’s important to see it.

If you need to clarify the area you have seen (for example, if you saw it in the past), then you can pick up the same command, so you can use the same logic (to turn the position back).

It is also necessary to download all the images, enough to allow the working keys (Shif і Ctrl) and press one of the arrows.

The first way to copy and paste

There are two ways to insert text behind the additional keyboard. With the first method of pratsyuє, start the next key:

  • copy: Ctrl + C (Latin);
  • paste: Ctrl + V.

Tsya operats_ya vikonutsya, as a rule, with one hand. Also, it is often the case that they are often victorious, hto pratsyuє, for example, with the Adobe package, skins in these programs, copying that insert will go for the help of the same keys.

Another way to copy and paste

Doreno nobility and other way, like to insert the text behind the additional keyboard. The basic key is Insert:

  • copy: Ctrl + Insert;
  • insert: Shift + Insert.

This method can be used most often for two hands (rights - for Insert, liv - for robotic keys). Yogo knowledge will become in nogodі with robots with browsers.

Bagatorazov insert

Even more often, it is necessary to insert that very fragment of the text into the picture. Yaksh take vikoristannya not transfer automatic joke Please note, you can read the help text for the author and editor. Move around the text with the help of Misha, and insert the text behind the help of the keyboard. Gradually pushing two keys is even less manual - it’s not easy to produce either to the mercy, or to the unacceptable physical appearances (some of the guilty hand is always known to be in one and the same position and work of the same hand). To that, in such vipaddly nobility, how to insert the text behind the additional claviatury bagatorazovo. It’s even more easy to pick up the function of the repetition of the operation.

Make the first insert in the way that you insert it manually, and then push F4 (repeat).

Copy and paste within one document

Often it is necessary to know about those, how to insert the text from "Word" rationally, as the copying fragment is in the same document, but not often in the same paragraph, but in the wrong place, where you need to insert it.

At the end of the day, you cannot easily see the text from the outward motion and insert it into a new position, but simply change it.

For a complete view of the required fragment and press the F2 key.

Move the cursor to the middle, de maє buti insert, and press Enter. The text is moved.

Virizannya to the text without visibility

Changing the text with the F2 key is not manual: for example, if there is a place for insertion, it is not necessary to duplicate the insert.

In cichs that іnshih vypadkah it is possible to speed up the so-called function of the virtualization: the program can see the text, but it’s stored in it.

You can quickly speed up the robot, change the physical input to that hand, as a good target, that change a few pardons (make the robot more accurate).

"Hot keys" - special combination of keys on the keyboard, designed for forgiveness and acceleration of robots on computers. The price is an alternative to the commands to follow the help of the mischief, which gives some extra help to the need to go through the numerical menu items in the jokes of the required operation.

After the "hot keys", as a rule, there are two or three buttons, which slid down last or one hour. Diy, which is a special combination of keys, can be used as a sign, and receive specific functions (a robot with a text, with a provider, with windows). Nayvidoms from the "shy clavis" of the zeal significance - those, which were taken by the vicarists for the performance of the copying and insertion. To copy and paste on the keyboard, it is enough to use the combination Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

Newsletter navigation for the article


The function of copying a field is in the fact that a file or a fragment (text, sound, image) is copied for an hour to the exchange buffer:

  • It is necessary to see the required object (file abo shmatok to the text), the misci cursor;
  • Use a combination of keys Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert.

The combination "Ctrl + C" is relevant for the Windows operating system. Mac OS X users need Command + C.


When "inserting" a file of any fragment, which is stored in the exchange buffer, the data is inserted at the specified place. For the whole it is necessary:

  • For the help of the cursor, mark the place, where to transfer, insert the object (if the text, then press it with the left button, you need to insert it);
  • To insert a combination of keys Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert.

In the operating system Mac OS X, you need to run "Command + V".

Presentation of "hot keys"

You can see more than a few brown combinations of keys, so it is easy for the robot to lie down in Windows:

  • "Win" or "Ctrl + Esc" - open the Start menu;
  • Win + E - launch Provider;
  • Win + Tab or Win + Shift + Tab - switch between buttons on the panel;
  • "Printscreen" - screen shot of all screen;
  • "Alt + Printscreen" - screen shot of the streaming active window;
  • "Ctrl + A" - see everything (objects, text);
  • "Ctrl + X" or "Shift + Delete" - display objects or text in the buffer exchange;
  • "Ctrl + P" - document visonati;
  • "Ctrl + S" - save the document;
  • "Сtrl + Z" - skasuvati stop diyu;
  • "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift" - switch the keyboard layout (for example, from Russian to English).

Bagato koristuvachiv PK zvikli vikonuvati vse zavdannya vikoristovuchi computer misha abo touch pad notebook. However, at any moment, the bear may not end up with a hand, for it will become unauthorized, then the knowledge of the keyboard will be of help - the victorious hot keys for the visitor of the young people, well, at their own house, in addition to helping the robotics.

Yaksho vi vitrachate to fill up an hour for those schob copy and paste text, vdauchis to the victorian bears, navchimo, as zrobiti tse nabagato simpler and shvidshe. Having familiarized yourself with this article, you can find a helpless robot mouse with the keyboard, without going through the computer mischief. Otzhe, to the main staff є navchit you how to copy and paste it behind the help of keyboard.

Copy and paste the text behind the help of hot keys

See the text:

  • for a cob, you need to see the required fragment of the text (you can use this function for a help bear);
  • if you need to copy the whole thing (to copy all the material), you can hurry up the next key - "Ctrl + A";
  • if you need to see a singing fragment of the text without the victorious computer bear, you should press the Shift button and for the additional arrows, which are displayed on the keyboard, are re-assigned according to the text;
  • you can also see the row in front of the cursor with the combination "Ctrl" + "Home";
  • You can view a row for the cursor using Ctrl + End.

In this rank, you have є vision fragment any text that needs to be copied to the clipboard for insertion into the required document.

Copy to the text:

  • schob viconati function copying the text, go to the last key for copying - "Ctrl + C" (you need to press the "Ctrl" button, and then "C");
  • As well as the copy function, you can follow the additional offensive combination of Ctrl + Ins (Insert) keys by pressing the Ctrl and Ins keys.

Otzhe, for the help of additional information, all the necessary text is copied to the exchange clipboard, which will need to be inserted into the required memory.

Pasting text:

  • copying text (text that is in the clipboard) should be added to the consumer's demand, so that the insertion function is vikoristovuvati. Without the victorianny of the computer bear qiu function it is possible to visit for additional help two keys - "Ctrl" + "V";
  • as well as the function of inserting text is possible by tightening Shift and Ins (Insert).

Pislya vikonannya the description of commands, you need a fragment to appear at the required misc.

If only one more corisna team "Copy all and paste in new document» , to resist the onslaught of the offensive combination of keys "Ctrl + A + C + N + V"

In such a rank, they saw 2 set before themselves a zavdannya - copying that insert to the text without the help of a bear. It is also possible to visonati beless brown functions for the help of the keyboard and without the help of the bears, as they can serve you as your guides. The actions of them are clear.

Side of the new document:

  • combination of keys Ctrl + N to allow to insert a new document in Ms Office.


  • You need to check the part of the document, you need to see it, and then go to the hot keys "Ctrl" + "X".

Skasuvannya diji:

  • skasuvati incorrectly vikonanu diyu can be used for the additional key "Ctrl" + "Z" or "Ctrl" + "Y". Two combinations to help you skasuvati the last ones you live in, and if you need to skasuvati a little bit, then repeat one of the combinations a little bit of development (styles, skins.


  • you can see the word in front of the cursor behind the additional key "Ctrl" + "Delete";
  • You can also see a word by writing to the cursor by using the "Ctrl" + "Backspace" key.


  • To know the necessary meaning in the text (a number, a word, a phrase or a whole sentence), then, as soon as possible, press "Ctrl" + "F" key once, to let you know the necessary fragment of the text.

Remixing vіkon:

Document saving:

  • If you are in a situation where you need to save a document (for example, if you need a laptop battery), you can also use the combination of keys "Ctrl" + "S";
  • To the viconati command "Save the yak", you need to press the "F12" button.


  • Clicking on a combination of keys Ctrl + P allows you to open a window in front of the front view of the stream side of the browser, and in text editors you can also enable you to open a window to another document to be able to use it.


  • Shut down the program, just press "Alt" + "F4".

Slid zapam'yatati, when the keys are hot, you may not be able to use the “Ctrl” key, and then, on the other hand, you may not be able to see the function you need.

Having read the article, you helped me to write a helpless robot mouse with material (copy the text and insert it, as well as display the other commands) for the help of the keyboard without asking the bear and touch laptop pad Tse will help you to improve your productivity, hastening your hour.

Lots of PCs copy and paste text not for the help of the keyboard, but for the help of the bear. Stink on the right button of the bear and vikoristovuyut command "Copy" and "Insert". Such a pidhid is good pratsyu, ale win to finish the povilny. To copy and paste the words to the text, you need to create a lot of clicks with a bear. The whole process can be significantly accelerated, like copying and pasting the text behind the additional keyboard.

The classic way of copying and pasting the copied text is the combination of keys CTRL-C (copy) and CTRL-V (insert). For the help of CTRL-C, you need to see the text for the help of the bear, or keyboard, press on the CTRL key or not allow it to press on the “C” key. As a result of the onslaught of a combination of keys, the text will be copied and displaced into, the sounds of it can be inserted in any other place. Rotating the CTRL-C key on the keyboard is designated for the little one below.

You can also copy the text behind the additional CTRL-X key combination. Tsya combination of clavish viconu with the operation "Virizati". The text is visible (seen) from the flow-through process of roztashuvannya and placed in the buffer exchange, so that it can be inserted into any other message. The rotation of the CTRL-X keys on the keys is indicated on the little one below.

In addition, as the text of copies or updates, it can be inserted into the required copy. To go to the programs, you need to insert text into it, place the cursor at the required document mice, and use the combination of CTRL-V keys. Combination CTRL-V to press on with a similar rank, when you press on the CTRL key, and then press on the V key.

Krym tsyogo, є y іnshі clavіshі, which can be victorious for copying and inserting the text. For example, you can set the combination for the additional keys CTRL, SHIFT, INSERT and DELETE.

  • CTRL-INSERT - copy the text (analogue of CTRL-C);
  • SHIFT-DELETE - display the text (analogue of CTRL-X);
  • SHIFT-INSERT - paste copied text (analogue of CTRL-V);

All the descriptions of the combination of processes are in the absolute large program of operating systems. If you forget it, it is worth asking you a robot for a computer.

The best combination of keys for robots with text

Krim, for robots with text, there are many standard combinations of keys. With this help you can copy and paste copied text, and you can display the basic operations.

  • CTRL-A -. Most often it’s stuck at the links with copies. You can quickly copy the entire text and paste it into the required space quickly and easily.
  • CTRL-arrows - see the text behind letters, correcting it from the cursor.
  • CTRL-SHIFT-arrows - see the text behind the words, correcting it from the cursor.
  • SHIFT – PAGEUP / PAGEDOWN - seeing the text on the sidelines, repaired by the instant the cursor is moved.
  • SHIFT-CTRL-PAGEUP / PAGEDOWN - view of all text above the cursor.
  • CTRL-Z - Skasuvannya last change... The combination of clavish allows you to quickly correct the pardon. For example, in order to see the required text, you can simply press CTRL-Z and rotate all the text.
  • CTRL-P - Document Druk. With the help of CTRL-P, you can quickly send text to a friend.
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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