Domain (domain name) - what is it and what is needed. What is the domain name and how is the domain name system

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The creator of the first generation, among the first blames, has food about those who are such a domain, they need wine, take it and choose it. Vіn present on any resource, varto only lift your eyes to the address bar of the browser. Domain name - tse naming the site.

Need more wine?

As a rule, any site is hosted on the servers of various hosting companies. Qi servers, like a computer, make their own unique IP address, as it is added up from the numbers of the song sequence. To search the site, it is necessary to know the combination of numbers.

The problem is that there can be a thousand sites on one IP address (server), and it’s hard to know what you need. For easy navigation at the Light Web, they came up with a unique name for the skin resource. Whatever the site hopes to be unique domain name. It will definitely make it easier to search for a necessary resource.

Domain Name Collation Rules

Tse podednannya symbols. Establish the following rules for how to create:

  • Dovzhina may be from two to sixty-three symbols.
  • The domain name of the site can be filled with numbers from 0 to 9.
  • A new one can have a hyphen, but not on the cob for example.
  • Vono is not guilty of revenge clearings.

Be it as it is, it is folded into a few pieces, like speckled. The skin part is the main domain of various equals. As a rule, three equal domains are required for a site.

Rivnі domainіv

The stench is vynachayutsya tim, skіlki slіv, razdіlenyh speckles, avenge im'ya. First, I need to be assigned to the audience of the resource and on the basis of which name to choose.

For the first equal, you can divide them into two types:

  1. Domain, which means geographically roztashuvannya. The stench will show you how the country lies. For example, means that the site belongs to Russia, .ua - Ukraine, .au - Australia, .cz - Czech Republic and so on.
  2. Specify the type of activity. The .org domain is talking about those that the site is non-commercial, .info - informational, .com - creations for commerce.

Tsya klasifikatsiya dosit umovna, zareєstruvatisya can be someone. For example, a site that ends in .cz may not be the mother of a year to the Czech Republic, but s im' may not be engaged in commerce.

The domain of another equal is unique to the site. For example, the should be organized or before the speech, the oscalls of the name are not guilty of repetition, at the hour of the registration, reverification of the domain name in the song zone is necessary.

Third peer - assigns the resource to the middle domain of another peer. Basically, they are cost-free, but not to mention the great popularity of professional webmasters.

Choose a domain name

If the project is to get a new line and re-insurance for a cash advance, then you can choose a domain of another equal. So, wine is paid, ale tse koshtuє is not so rich and allows for shortcomings, like a domain of the third. Irrespective of those who are without cost, there are a number of minuses:

  • I'll wait, father, it's more important to remember.
  • As a rule, if you bind to the first hosting, if you change the rest, you will have to change the domain.
  • If all the services are costless, then you can’t help vimagati from the masters of the host. With the site, it might be possible, and you won’t make any claims to anyone.

The third equal to the domain can be chosen, so that the resource is created with a method to try one's strength and gain knowledge.

Also, when choosing a varto vrakhovuvati, as an audience of site orientations. If you are in Russian, then choose a domain zone. For international multi-movie projects, the best option would be .com.

How to choose im'ya

Domain name - tse site, that does not fit to the choice of abiyak.

First, the laconic name, the better. I can be unforgotten and not too old. In the name, you can choose the type of activity, for example, and you will understand, as you know the information on the side. And the axis doesn’t really cover the subject of the site, just for the price features blog Ivan. If it is an online store, then the domain is guilty of mischief. Dobre pіdіyde іm'ya, yak vengeance is the key word.

In another way, the name in the domain is mainly written in Latin, so it is necessary to prostrate, so that it would appear correctly and be read. Don’t worry if all koristuvachs know English, they can be blamed for problems with the written letters, like the letters in the foreign alphabet (h, w, u, z).

Thirdly, before the English variant, it is necessary to check the correctness of their spelling.

Fourthly, there will be no re-verification of a domain name that does not exist in other zones of similar names. It's okay, as you know, but if the resource is a competitor, you can pardon me to go to someone else's side.

Domain name registration

It is not necessary to register a domain with other partners. Be sure to carefully read the documentation and the seller's abilities. Do not save money, otherwise we can blame the inaccuracy. Registration of a domain, for a cost of 99 rubles, looks more suspicious, and as a result, having bought it, you can see that, for example, the administration panel is visible. Otherwise, for resale, it is necessary to send a hundred documents and a viconate without a name. The results have a lot of nerves and strength.

Domain (domain name) - site address, which consists of a set of characters or numbers, unique for a group of domain names. Under a group of domain names, they are subject to special zones of, .com, .org, .net, etc. The domain appears in the address bar of the browser.

If you can create a website, it doesn't matter, whether it's a special blog, a portfolio page, an online store, a forum, etc., then the first thing you need to do is come up with a name for your project and that domain name. We will then need to place your project on hosting, so that other people can access your site.

In this article, we’ll figure it out, how to name for your future site, what domain (domain name), how to choose a domain, how to change it, how to register and create a domain for your site.

What is the domain of the site, in simple words, is it necessary?

The domain is needed in order to differentiate the site. Navite as a koristuvach will not enter the address of your site into the browser himself, but, for example, will go to your site through the search system Yandex or Google, then it’s necessary for the poshuk systems to correctly separate millions of sites and redirect the koristuvachiv correctly.

Now let's look at the address of some respected site. If you copy the site address from the address bar of your browser, try something like this:

Let's take a look at the parts of the Danish domain.

The abbreviation http is deciphered as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol". If you speak in simple words, then http - so you ruled the road on the road, otherwise you can say, like translations between two people, like speaking different language. Vіn allows you to register a coristuvacha, who opens that other site on his computer and the site itself, which is created according to the song rules.

The HTTP protocol, like a relay, from the beginning of hearing, that to you it seems like one person (computer's computer) and then we transfer it to another person (site). The results between the first and the other person are mutually intelligible, as they appear in the fact that the person needs the right side and provides the necessary information.

Use other protocols, such as HTTPS, which means securely. Tobto all the information is transmitted from the encrypted viewer. Abo is the SMTP protocol, for the help of which email notifications are superseded.

What is WWW?

WWW - abbreviation, as it stands for the World Wide Web, which at the crossroads means the All-World's Web. All-world webs are established by millions of web servers in the Internet, which are spread all over the world. Web server - ce computer program that runs on a connected computer and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data.

Vlasne, files of various websites are hosted on web servers. Under the files of my mind, there are different pictures, video, audio, different warehouse sites and folders, in which all the state is roztashovuetsya. І behind the HTTP protocol, the whole world can connect to such web servers and look at all sites.

Ale, on the right, in the fact that in the 90s of the last century and on the cob of the 00s the web servers were even weaker, he had to host, for example, files for the site on one computer, a mail server for email-advice on another , a FTP server for remote access to files third. The names of the servers were based on the names of computers, on which stench they were roztashovulysya, and depending on what people needed, for example, look at the site or send a mail, looked like this:, or .com. That part of the WWW at the name of the site helped to identify what people need. In this particular moment, it was necessary for you to look over this site.

Alas, with the development of the Internet, computers, web servers, the emergence of new data transfer protocols, etc., the WWW part has ceased to be necessary. More precisely, browsers, through which we look at sites, have learned to assign the address of the site without it. To that at once, if we are typing in the address bar, I will name the site a piece of www, you can not write. And often there are a lot of sites, on which it is passable, for example, through search systems to show the name of the site also without the WWW part.

What is the domain of another equal?

Domain name of another equal(English second-level domain) - a part of the domain name, with a dot in front of the next one next to it to the domain of the first level (Wikipedia).

Why another rіven? Because the domain of the first level in our application is part RU, but we will talk about it a little lower.

Also use the domain of the third equal and look like this: On my domain, the third level of distribution was distributed for clients. Also, the domains of the fourth, fifth equal, but the stench stinks in the region rarely and practically does not wink.

The domain of another equal is the name of our site, it is depicted in this way in English mine. On the right, in the fact that at once it is possible to vigaduvat the domain and the Russian language. In my mind it looked like my ruble. Possibly, even though such sites were already published on the Internet, in some domain names it was written in Russian language and in the city there was a part of the Russian Federation.

If you are creating a website, then you can come up with a name for the domain of another equal, smut, so that the name of the bula is not busy. Below, I will show you how to find out, what is the domain of my name, what was worthy of it, otherwise you will take it.

What is the domain of the first (upper) level?

Now let's take a look at a piece of posilannya, a piece of RU. Tse tezh domain, less than the first, or else name the domain upper level. It is not possible to register the domain of the first peer equal to the original coristuvach, but it is easy to register the domain of the other peer.

Upper (first) level domain(eng. top-level domain, TLD) - in the hierarchy of the domain name system (DNS) is the highest level. With a cob dot (right-handed in cash), for which the domain name is written on the Internet.

For the sake of international favor, the skin of the country saw the domain name of the first equal, which means that the site belongs to the sovereign state:

  • .ru - Russia.
  • .ua - Ukraine
  • .uk - UK
  • .de - Nіmechchina
  • .fr - France
  • І etc.

Also, use the domains of the first equal, related directly to the activity of the site, for example:

  • .gov - for US government organizations.
  • .com - looked like a domain for commercial organizations, but at the same time, it can be distinguished by any types of organizations, including primary mortgages (sound private), private individuals, non-commercial and non-commercial organizations.
  • .edu - assignments for initial mortgages.
  • .info - assignments for information resources Yogo can easily win as physical, and legal issues.
  • .biz - for business organizations. Such a domain can be registered as a physical person, as well as a legal person, prote registration may be oscared, as the owner of the domain is not engaged in commercial activities until the statute of the domain. letters of creations for easing the situation with the, which, having become namov_rno popular, like the last, repovnenie.
  • .net - I'm like the word "merezha", showing on my cob recognition - registration of organizations, employees mesh technologies, such as Internet providers and other companies involved in system administrators and etc. But at the same time, it is victorious everywhere and in Russia, becoming popular among the resources that are engaged in fighting against whatever ailments, social aspects, for example,, which means Hepatitis І,, which means Alcohol HI. Prote ce is a free domain zone for registration, be it special, both physical and legal. Moreover, this top level domain is one of the most popular
  • .org - a list of nominations for the selection of non-commercial organizations that do not meet the criteria for other domains. Also available for registration, be it a person. We’ll use the butt of the middle of the site to win over the domain zone, є
  • .pro – this destination domain in rich countries of the world for licensed and attested lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers. Russia has a lot of domain name registrars that also require you to submit documents confirming your belonging to the type of activity indicated on your site.
  • .aero - these domains can only be registered by organizations related to repeated transportation. Russia has a bright butt, a kind of vicorous domain of the upper level - the Peremoga airline (

Is it better to choose a domain for which domain zone?

If your site will be insured in the Russian population, then it is recommended that you choose a domain of another equal in the .RU zone. This is important for us for the search systems Yandex, Google and others. You will be aware that your insurance site is on the Runet (Russian Internet) and rank your site better in the results of viewing.

A report about those that are ranked in the results of the search for search systems and how domain names are added to it, marvel at the video below:

However, it may be possible to find out which version of the domain name you have come up with before hiring a zone. If a domain suits you and you want to get rid of it for a price, then you can also change it in other domain zones, such as .com, .info, .net, .org, .rf.

The domain zones go to another place after the, so that the priorities are set between them. On the third place go and tse pov'yazano in Persh churg z tim, sho tsі zoni varto vibiraty tіlki yakscho you will take commercial activities and you can confirm the validity of your future site to tsієї dіyalnostі.

For pіdtrejzhennya you can ask you to request a svіdottvo about Reystratsky іp, and Torzozh Vityag z conferences about vibrant diyalnostі, l_cenzіyu on the view of Dіlnosti, threshing, Yakschko Viyatsyajiyuya Budіvnitztva і Your site scribes TsIY TEMTITSI, Documents about Vіdpovіdnu Oswet site of assignments to medical topics, then you may need a Diploma of completion of any medical establishment.

Ale, if you plan to create:

  • Business card site;
  • Website for portfolio;
  • Features blog;
  • information site;

Tse varto focus on such domain zones: .ru, .com, .info, .net, .org, .rf.

If you create a personal side, if there are few sides, for example, portfolio, contacts, suggestions, then there will be no retail in this domain zone.

If you are creating an information site or a special blog, in which you plan to regularly write articles and get a large number of contributions from search engine systems, then the priority will be in zone.RU. Also, all the cool names are taken, you can choose your own anytime in the .com, .info, .net, .org zones.

If you create a one-sided site, where you sell and get people for additional advertising, then it doesn’t matter in which zone you will have a domain.

If you are creating an online store, then it is necessary to focus on that country in the first place, so that the main mass of your customers will be available. For example, for Russia tse, and for And if the domain names will be taken, then it is not critical, if you choose your own option in the .com, .biz or .pro zones.

Okremo varto tell me about the zone. Qiu domain zone is the best choice for one-sided sites and personal business card sites, and not for informational sites from a great number of novelties. They can be blamed on the inconsistency of the technical plan, due to the Cyrillic coding and the attachment of the server software to the Latin alphabet, as well as the incorrect display of the address of your pages in old browsers and when viewed in poke systems.

What is cybersquatting and domaining?

In the process of choosing a domain name, we will talk about some of the reports below, and also in the process of rechecking those options, you will see that a lot of names will be taken by other people. Otherwise, if you want to go to the selected name, then there will be no site there, but you should be slandered about those that this domain is for sale.

This is the very same trend, if the terms cybersquatting and domaining are victorious.

Cybersquatting- Registration of domain names, what to avenge trademark, scho lie down іnshіy sobі z metoyu їhngo far resale or unscrupulous vikoristannya. People who practice this way are called cybersquatters.

For example, to state that the Coca-Cola company does not have a website. І axis the moment has come, if the stench virishi yogo start. And yet the axis was unfortunate, it was known that it was more inquisitive and a gentleman of a person, as it registered a domain name on itself. Naturally, having built the wine with a scurrilous method, we will then resell the domain to the Coca-Cola company for a cheap penny.

Domaining (eng. domaining, від domain - domain)- may be the same, that cybersquatting is speculation with domain names. The essence of the field is in the transfer of domain names to the Internet for further resale with a method of taking profit.

The main thing is that it’s not the brandy of any other company that is registered here, but the garni of the clique of the word from the most popular areas of our life, so you can victorize for the creation of any website great number traffic, for the uniqueness which word.

Highway Domain

Yaskraviy butt is the domain of, which has gone up to the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive domain, which is the number of sales. Suma please $13 million. Sale date: 2010.

There are more applications, if people have made a great capital on the sale of a domain name:

  1. sold for $3 million in 2006
  2. sold for $7.5 million 1999
  3. sold for $11M in 2001
  4. sold for $2 million in 2008
  5. sold for $7 million in 2004
  6. sold for $7 million in 2006
  7. sold for $5 million in 2009
  8. sold for $4 million in 2008
  9. sold for $2 million in 2004
  10. sold for $2 million in 2007
  11. sold for $1 million in 2009

So, as you can see, domain trading can be more profitable. If you are not planning to trade domains, but you want to create your own website and come up with a name for yourself, then you may have some problems.

Behind my subjective fagots, 80% of the current names are already occupied by cybersquatters. That's why you happen to be crazy enough to think about it, to come up with and revise dozens, as well as hundreds of the most popular names and their variations in different domain zones.

How to come up with that vibrati domain name?

The process of looking for a domain name can be taken from you every year to every day. First, proceed to this process, I recommend preparing a notepad or having a special folder on your computer, de wi fix all the options that come to your mind.

Remember, the domain is chosen once and for all. If you want to change the name of the domain to a different one, then be prepared before the search engine system negatively affects you and it may be significant for you to change the number of pributka.

So give respect to those who name the site and that address can be redressed. For example, naming my site sounds like "My Ruble". And my domain name looks like For a different name, I named my site and my domain is similar, and the axis of writing is different. In this case, for writing a domain name, I made a translation into English language slіv ​​"My (my) Ruble (rouble)".

If so, I could win such an option: This way of translating domain names is called transliteration - the exact transfer of characters in one script with signs of another script.

Establish special services that will help you to work out the correct transliteration, for example, this service:

When choosing a domain name, it is important to choose the theme of the site for which you will choose and register the domain.

  • If you are a freelancer and want to create a personal side of your portfolio and reviews, then it is recommended that you choose your name, for example or, and the first letters sm will be initials.
  • You can also win words that characterize your activity or use such words, including those with your names or a nickname. For example, if you are engaged in design, you can search for domain names that cover the word design (,, etc.)
  • If you choose to launch an information site or a blog, then it is logical to choose a domain with the theme of your site. As a culinary site, it is necessary to select a domain name, as well as to display a culinary theme.
  • The domain name for the corporate website of the company can be misplaced by the name of the company, or else it’s a good idea to swear key words oh, how to characterize directly the activities of the company. For example, if your organization is engaged in European repair, it is logical to choose the name Another example - and - for the site of a travel company.

Bazhano, when choosing a domain, select short options, which, if necessary, will be sweet-sounding and do not call out food with spelling options, and also such that it is easy to forget.

Such "sharks" of the Internet business - for example,,,, - just one name can tell you not only about your topic, directly about activity, but about the quality of work, the rate of submission of information , your target audience and many others. Obviously, in order for your website to stand on a par with the web giants, you need to do a lot of work on your yoga robot. However, it's easy to get a site for the account of a domain name.

Ideally, your name will be between 4-8 symbols. Ale navіt akshcho іm'ya vide more, it's not critical. Keep in mind that people will first rate the quality of the content on your site as such.


Because of your creative nature, you have a composure and few options for domain names come to your mind, I recommend that you follow the steps below:

  1. Check out the search engine system and fill in there different keywords that are worth your future site. Let's look at the names of the main sites, as you see Poshukov system at your request and try to come up with an analogue, a synonym, or play different parts of the words.
  2. View the catalog of Internet sites, choose a specific topic and marvel at the words in domain names that match your competitors. On the basis of this, try to guess your variant.
  3. Look for English-Russian docs and search for the translation of key words, which most accurately describe the subject of your site. For example, if you want to create a sports website, then look for a translation of such words as: sports, fitness, movement, health, healthy image life, badorist, power is too thin. Based on these words, try to guess a name for your site.

You can learn more about all these options for choosing domain names from the video below:

How to reverse the availability domain?

Then, after that, as you throw in a dozen or other different options, the hour has come to start rechecking the availability of your domain. Dobrіr domain I'll call roblyu. In the same place we will register the domain. The report about the procedure of verification and selection of a domain name can be seen from the video.

RU-CENTER is one of the largest registrars on the Russian market since 2001. We provide services of registration, continuation and transfer of information about domain names more and more: national, international and thematic.

Schob, enter a request in a row, ask what to call you, and press “Reverse”. The list of results will show free names in domain zones with a price for the first river - all available, from the most expensive ones. Our suggestion is to allow you to revise which particular domain is right, so that you enter yoga in a row of jokes.

Select the best option from the results of the search for the categories or according to the entire list, issue and pay the application. Assigned to the first day of registration and can be re-adjusted depending on the vartosti of the domain at the end of the hour.

If the possession of pennies of the domain name is registered in the central database (Registry) - the administrator must indicate the physical person or the organization that laid the contract from RU-CENTER.

After registration, all information about the domain becomes available in the For Clients section.

DOMAIN (on the Internet) DOMAIN (on the Internet)

DOMAIN (from French domaine - region), sevna zone on the Internet (div. INTERNET). physical person) to ensure access to information posted by the Vlasnik. The skin domain is given the address of the server on which the song site is hosted (div. SITE). The domain is given a unique domain (character) name. Outside im'ya the domain is composed of the names of the used domains, in the yakі vіn enter, which are cremated with dots.
The entire space of the Internet is divided into domains, organized according to the hierarchical principle. Equal to the domain - the number of addresses separated by dots. Prior to the domains of the first level, you can see: RU, US, etc. (national domains), COM (commercial organizations), ORG (non-commercial organizations), NET (merezhevye services), EDU (primary mortgages), GOV (usual establishments of the United States), INT (international organizations), MIL (national organizations) etc. bud. Registration and support of the first level domain is handled by the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN - Domains of another peer in the company accredited by ICANN for domain registration in the visible zones. was first registered by the Russian NDI for the development of community networks (ROSNDIROS) in 1994, after which it was transferred to the company RU-Center ( The domains of the third equal are registered by the companies, which will be the domain of another equal. Give free third-tier domains:,,, and in.

Encyclopedic dictionary. 2009 .

Wonder what is "DOMAIN (on the Internet)" in other dictionaries:

    The top level domain TLD in the domain name system (DNS) hierarchy is the highest ranking next to the root domain. Є cob dot vіdlіku (right-handed cash), s ... ... Wikipedia

    - [Fr. domaine Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    D.w.u. є cob dots for example, from which domains are created on the Internet. Shards of the skin name of the Internet domain are composed of a number of parts, separated by points, one is recorded in the reverse order, then the domain of the upper level. Glossary of business terms

    DOMAIN- (1) a microscopic area of ​​the middle of the crystals of chemically homogeneous speeches, as it is inspected in the sum or physical. dominance, which is the degree of ordering of particles in yaks; (2) D. magnetic element of the feromagnetic core with a changed ... Great Polytechnical Encyclopedia

    Zmist 1 Domain of the upper level of the country 2 Domain that lies before the group of countries ... Wikipedia

    Domain- - The largest structural unit of the Internet. Ring out the domain - the country is another great structure. Domains can be subdivided into sub-domains, which reflect different areas of interest or specificity. Organize groups of computers on the Internet with ... Encyclopedic Dictionary ZMI

    - (English country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)) top level domain, visions for a specific country, for example .ru/.рф for Russia, .ua for Ukraine, .de for Nіmechchina, .it for Italy. 1 Recommendations ... Wikipedia

    GTLD (generic Top Level Domain) Zmist 1 History 2 Classification ... Wikipedia

    - [turn], a; m. Internet type international net international merezh] [from great letters] All-world merezha computer (information system zv'yazku, scho go anonymous computers in the whole world). * * * Internet (from lat. inter mizh i… … Encyclopedic dictionary


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Richly koristuvachіv zіshtovhuyutsya with food, like domain names.

Especially the stench becomes relevant, if the coristuvachi virishuyut create their own.

Todi y z'yavlyayutsya different terms and definitions, in which it is necessary to orientate, in order to understand the new attachments of the Internet to the expanse of that place of znakhodzhennya in the new created site.

Just going to the right, we can say that the domain is the name of the site. It will take one IP address, which allows you to simply enter the name “”, and not the address of such a site - “”.

It’s worth doing it manually, so you can go into the details of vinicating a lot of food, which will be hung in the distance at the statue.

What does domain name mean

How the domain was assigned - tse im'ya site. For a koristuvach, one hopes to select from, which wines can be called your resource.

The name itself is up to the first point and is meaningful to the address of this portal.

However, there are some difficulties, due to the fact that such names are already taken, then it is necessary to change the value and selection is not reserved for a specific domain hosting.

Get respect! Domain and domain names are synonyms and may have the same lexical meaning, regardless of how they are distinguished.

Im'ya domain is bound to a specific address in the merezhі. Won may look like Under the hour of switching to another server, the redirection is blocked.

This means that the technology makes it possible to win one name for a site, to name it as a wine, and to be transferred to different domains.

For the sake of saving the unique name of the site, the technology of the domain name was split.

Vaughn allows you to assign a specific special name to the portal and transfer yoga to different servers without wasting your money.

Yak vlashtovan domain

For understanding, I will arrange for the domain to look at yoga from the very cob on the butt.

In order to give your address to the site of uniqueness, the retailer is guilty of naming it.

For whom wines I create not a name in the measure. Let the wine be called “primer”.

After all, before the name of the site, it is necessary to attach or attach the domain zone.

Vaughn pokazuvatime, on the very same territory, the site of the retailer is roztashovuєtsya.

The finished looking wine is called “”.

I take into account that when registering the site “primer”, I take out the domain name of the “.ru” category.

There are 2 main rules when registering a domain name:

  • Zones, if you enter at the same address of the site, are repaid in cash according to the hierarchy.
  • For razdіlennya rivnіv dmenіv zavzhd put mіzh them only a dot.

How will you find the addresses of the site "", you will look at let's come rank:

  • net- Domain of the fourth equal;
  • blog– third-level domain, where to enter the fourth-level domain net;
  • primer– a domain of another peer, before which domains 3 and 4 are included;
  • en– the domain of the first rіvnі, which includes all descriptions of the other rіvnі.

The first check according to the hierarchy must always stand for the rest after the sign of the division of the point.

Table of domains of the first level, recognized for the hromada wiki

Looking at the domain names, you should indicate that the stench is international.

However, it is stale, in view of their roztashuvannya, to be established by law, installed exchange or the rules that are to be played on a specific territory of the state.

The domains of the first equal are nayvischimi in the cimu lanciuzhka address.

Є geographically assigned addresses, to which the lands are marked, de ci domains are victorious.

The butt of such domain zones of the most valuable equal can be:

  • ru - RF.
  • br - Brazil.
  • cn - China.

Crimea geographically the most famous domain names are of particular polarity, the domains of the first equal, as they may be international community recognition.

The tables will have all available addresses:

Domain name naming Yogo public confession
com commerce
net Merezha and nalashtuvannya merezha
org Non-commercial organizations
info Information portals
biz Business
name Private portals, the names of Vlasniks are devoted
aero Aviation is the service that relies on it
arpa Internet infrastructure
edu Lighting system (important USA)
int International companies
gov order
mil Viysk structures
coop Service organizations and cooperatives
Museum Museums and individuals are related to them
mobile For mobile attachments
pro Fakhіvtsі rіznyh galuzey
tel Automatic page generators with contact details
travel Podozhі, tourism, resorts
xxx Cinema industry for adults

Yaki є equal to the domain

Razbirayuchi ієrarchіyu domainіv, sled specify їхнє specifically recognized.

From the front division, it is clear that the domains of the first equal can be more specifically recognized, or geographically attached to the month. The very name of them begins to be named.

Everything that went after them, increased the number of subdomains, and by the same token, increased the number of equal domains.

At first glance, it was looked at more from the butt of the same address "", de reading, right-handed, in a clearer way than the hierarchy of the assigned zone.

Fahivtsy see 3 main zones:

  • Koreneva.
  • Another rіven.
  • First rіven.

A number of skins may include an additional number of domain names. At the same time, the stench becomes and spreads out with the rules through the dot.

Get respect! Domains can be 3-4 equals. The stinks are subdomains and do not enter the global border.


Vin is recognized as zero. Iogo recognition - ce podіl іnshih equal domainіv.

In other words, all the records of the address are due to end up with a dot in the kіntsi.

It appears that earlier the systems were victorious for the introduction of equal domains of the offensive type “”.

Now, the rest of the zero domain is omitted, and the address of the current day has been filled with an offensive look like “”, demarcation in the end of the day after the domain of the first equal is no longer put.

Varto also signify that national domains can win, as recently appeared all domain systems.

The victorious stench is not signified by the Latin alphabet, but by my specific country.

You can now register a website address with Russia". The choice of national alphabets allows you to ask for a domain name and a specific fixed address to them. However, all national sites have the same unread addresses, as if they were behind the written official mine.

Other rіven

Tse expanse, redundancy for vkazіvka name the site of authority. The very same is the domain of another equal.

Come out, that the author of the portal registers the address itself in the merezhі, and not just im'ya. Prices on such portals are subject to change during registration.

If you register a domain in the “.ru” zone, it will be cheaper than the same one, but in the “.com” zone.

Basically, for the registration of such a name in the company, there are special companies that are engaged in registration of the name of the website address.

The price is to lie down in the choice, on which maydanchik of the first equal roztashovuvatime there is a necessary resource.

Є th rental system that allows you to check in with domain names of another equal on a monthly basis. However, if you don’t pay the rent, the site will be switched off from the border and once it disappears.

First rіven

From the beginning of the day, the name of the skin site is repaired. Tse can be entered into Oman, so the site sounds like it reads evil to the right.

However, in order to be accurate in the binding language rule, the address, the domain of the first equal (for the domain of the root equal, which is not safe and null), always stand in the first place, and farther behind the fall.

In the skin country, such addresses may have the head "great" rhive and mean in the changed name of their country.

Other rivers

Varto also designate that another peer's domain can be written differently. Їх varto see okremo. However, the stench does not have a global significance.

I base the middle domains of another equal. Sound the stench is not registered, it is not issued.

Koristuvachs, like managing a site, adding the domain of another equal “primer” to the name, can independently see the names of the third and fourth equal.

Look at your own address, you see the subspace necessary for seeing one more address from the already registered one.

In other words, domains 3-4 rubles are based on the account of the domain of another equal and є yogo subspecies, which can be seen independently by the master of the site.

Such drive numbers cannot be used without an officially registered name, portal, which is the domain of another equal.

Purchase and registration of a domain name

The situation with the purchase of a domain name may be low. It is necessary for us to have jurisdiction and legislation.

There was a situation with the creators of torrent sites, as if on the back of the head, they were present on the domain name of the first equal “.ru”.

However, after the strengthening of Russian legislation, the establishment of copyright rights, the resource began to be blocked. That rozrobnik, schob niknuty, had a chance to transfer their resource to the “.org” domain, which may be an international rіven.

In the skin country, there are official registrars of domain names of another equal. Voni may have allowed that license, which gives the right to exercise such activity.

Itself from them it is necessary to carry out a purchase and registration and name the site.

Krim tsgogo in official registrars are representatives, who look like partner companies, as they also take domain names on the rights of an official registrar.

As a partner or a representative, having violated the contract, it is necessary to file a complaint with the official registrar.

Prices for services are taken up. Call the representatives to register the domain name of another equal from a monthly payment.

Official registrars establish rules for registration with payment of a domain name twice for 1 rec.

Get respect! If the payment is stitched, you will not be able to access the site. Zalezhno vіd the registrar hopes to establish the terms of the renewal of payments under the agreement. If it will be skipped, the domain name will become free and it will be possible to register another person.

Rechecking the domain of another eligibility for employment

At the same time, the Merezha has over a pivmillard of domains of another equal.

For this, there is a special administrative panel that allows you to edit the domain, connect to a new service.

Itself through such panel koristuvachі can see z otrimanoї domain addresses at 3 and 4 equals.

Revisiting history and adding new names

According to the established international rules, the registrars give information about the holders of the domains of another peer, without any fees.

Tobto be a kind of zayshovshi on the official website of the registrar in distributed "Whois", maybe, after stating the address of a specific site, take all the information about the person, so you registered it.

However, at the same time, services are also hoped for attaching such registration information about the Vlasnik to the resource.

Rіznі official services to propagate such a service as for a fee, and without cost. It is also hoped that the data can be changed to fictitious ones.

According to the registration rules for a domain of another equal date, the hour of laying down the contract with the official registrar, you must specify your own special contact details.

Site addresses are tied to a specific physical account legal entity, with which the agreement is kept.

A lot of Vlasniks of the popular to please the servants of receiving information, or replace them.

It is connected with tse s tim, scho є in the measure and tі, who wants to get the information chi penniless. The specifics of the data of the koristuvach significantly forgive the ill-treatment of the service.


Depending on the materials of the article, you can create a listing that the domain is one of the most important warehouse addresses of any site on the Internet.

Without fixed names, it will be impossible to go to the resource, vikoristovuyuchi. A lot of retailers give great respect to the nutrition of the domain.

It is explained why we should call the portal to lie rich, as well as thrive.

If it will be unreadable and not concise, and also roztashovuvatsya, in few areas of the first equal, the number of resources will be minimal.

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