We take domain registration - we will transfer the domain from the name of the hosting provider to the Registrar on the REGTIME-RU application. Domain name management Access to domain name registration

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Entry: Websites are created by different people: you can be a lone programmer, or a team of people who work on the creation of the site, or just a person with a dream, as if you are setting up hosting, the domain is installing the CMS. But in any case, someone is guilty of knowing about the site everything is more important for yoga development, promotion of practicality that efficient insertion in poke systems.

Our practice has some quirks, if the brief is folded, everything is discussed, you can work on the job ... but there is no access from the supervisor to the site (or the official person).

Let's look at what this person is guilty of knowing and what might be possible, as if to let out one of the points on the list.

1. Hosting and access to new(login, password, to which registration email, Id (or contract number))

It is necessary to seriously set up to povіdomlen vіd hosting provider and immediately pay for the services.

Needed next: if it doesn’t work, then your physical record can be seen from the site at once, and if you happen to redeem it, if it’s a backup copy (backup), or if it’s work again, if there’s no backup. And ce addendum on the renewal and the website of the renewal process will be inaccessible.

What work, as if given access to the spent: write/telephone to the technical support for the hosting, indicating all the data, such as: website, email, account registration number, contract number.

An example from life. But if the renewal took more than 4 years, then the account was penalized for non-payment. As a result, the physical record (files and data base) was nevertheless revived. Ale, the shards of the server are not saved in backup copy, I had a chance to nalashtovuvati everything again.

2. Domain

If the domain is not in the same public record with hosting, then it is necessary to enter all data according to new: email, for which domain registration, access to the domain registrar's public record (login (say your email) and password). It is also seriously necessary to be placed before the reconciliation of the name of the domain registrar. It is not less important to pay for services hourly.

Needed next: if you don’t pay for the domain, the site will be assigned to the robot (if it’s unavailable), but I’ll spend it again, especially if you have a website for an online store. The domain can also be repurchased and then rotated it will be more foldable. A new vlasnik can ask for more money for a new sum, lower regular payment for a domain, or you can turn it around. Call after the end of the registration term, you still have a month to pay. If in this term you do not pay for the domain, then the registration will be canceled, and the domain may be registered be some other special. Also, remember that for international domains (com, net) the rules are savory: after the registration is completed (Expiration Date) the domain can be continued by a large sorcerer for a higher price. These are the rules of the international registrar. Also, in the international zone, it is especially important to keep the terms of payment.

Try to restore access by entering your email. If you don't know, or you can't guess which domain registration e-mail address, then write/call in the hosting technical support. There you will be shown what you can work for inspiration.

3. Access to the administrative panel of your site (with administrative rights) and FTP account

Addresses to the entrance to the administrative panel of the site:

email: [email protected]
login: alex
password: h98,_gh+fD

host: ftp.site.ru
login: alex_ftp
password: k+_rFth_4

Note: don't save passwords in browsers and ftp-clients, the shards of them can be changed.

It is necessary to know how to make changes to the site, how to create a one-way business card, and there is nothing to say about you. It is necessary to know the access and for the power security. Ideally, you may have at least one physical record with full rights (administrator). And in order to improve the practicality of the site, it will need oblique records for programmers, layout designers, CMS technical support tools, plug-in retailers, etc. Depending on the CMS (especially well implemented in Bitrix), you can adjust the difference in access to the site data and create new accounts for SEO-optimizers, content managers, programmers, etc.

How robust, how much access is spent: You can change the password to the site admin panel through the password reset-reset function, which is practical on the skin site. To update, you need an email, and the login-password to FTP can be looked over, added or dropped in the hosting admin panel.

4. There is a mobile version of the site that is implemented

Tell the nobility which of these options are victorious on your site: adaptive layout, okremy template for mobile version or Mobile version site on the subdomain (you can read about those that are the same and why there are differences between them and implementation options).

Hint: check if the site has a mobile version, open it on the mobile extension :).

5. Accounts in Google and/or Yandex

It is necessary to know what the lichnik is installed Google Analytics/Metrica i chi added to the site before Google Search Console/Yandex. Webmaster. It is also necessary for the mother to have access to the tsgo oblіkovogo record and vmіti rozsharuvati yogo z fahivtsami.

Needed next: account registration do not log in to the robots for opening the site, but the fragments of the installed code often have to be inserted into the code of the site template, the web browser itself asks to add the Yandex code. Metrics and Google Analytics. Therefore, after the completion of the work on the site of that launch, ask the retailer to give you access to these cloud records with administrator rights.
If there are licenses installed on the site, but you were not given access, please leave them. As if there is no way to contact the retailers, then you will have to re-create the appearance of the record, add the files confirming the rights to the site and the code Yandex. Metrics and Google Analytics. But in any case, all selected statistics will be unavailable to you.

Note: do not forget to delete the file or the meta tag confirming the rights to the site, as well as the code of the lichniks, you do not have access to them.

It's a pity that there are a lot of such disrespectful attitudes to public records, as they are created for the collection of statistics.

Notes: SEO-analysts for the work will need a few tests, first of all, you can conduct an audit and make a diagnosis. Particularly valuable є і tizhnі, as a site under the filter.

6. SSL certificate

You are to blame for the nobility, what certificate you have, de yoga was taken away, on what minds and how often it is necessary to continue it (sound to buy on the river).

Needed next: By itself, the SSL certificate allows you to work through the hijacking protocol, which can be more secure on the Internet. And it’s necessary to continue yoga at the hour so that the wine does not replace the self-signed one and does not disregard the site with upcoming notifications:

Notes: it is obvious that having received such an announcement, more of the respondents (but not all!) come from the site.

If you still have spent the password on the official record on the website of the certification center, you can confirm it for the help of electronic mail.

І last joy: like a bachite, you have a bunch of additional emails, so at least one account in Google and Yandex. So, for everything, please forward the transfer of these cloud records to your main email.

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Having created the site, call to buy or "given" by the domain name service for which and accessible site. They gave different situations, if the domain name needs to be continued, for example. And there is simply no access to the new one. Axis site є - vin to spin. І іm'ya nachebto є і nachebto are registered on you, but there is no access to the new one.

Briefly about domain names and rights

According to the international legislation of the Russian Federation, all domain names of the guilty motherVlasnik .

Vlasnik of a domain name may have the right to victorize yoga on his own investigation within the framework of dignified legislation that bears all the full responsibility for it (action). A little further legal casuistry is omitted. Tse those who can know the leather about the domain.

Buying a domain, we are guilty of currying it ourselves. Ale for the fact we are tied to global registrars and perhaps domain names through them.

The master of the domain may be a physical or legal person.

Important. Registration domain is not for your name = not your domain!

Who can take access to the domain

To the domain, access to the domain can be less than the master of the domain. All other representatives are intermediaries in the work with the domain and the responsibility of the child is dependent on the will of the sergeant.

It is important to understand that a technical specialist (for example, a webmaster who entrusted the development of a site) can pay less technical tribute to a domain. Change the vlasnik for a domain, it may be less than a vlasnik.

Vlasnik domain can be recognized from WHIOS.

This is a record at the registry about the Vlasnik and the main data on the domain name. Axis WHIOS for this site.

What is seen here.


Hosting. What kind of hosting has a parking domain at the same time.

Data about the Vlasnik (at the time of the stench prikhovanі).

- Registrar . The one who has the head record for the domain. The domain can be purchased from representatives of the registrar (it is cheaper, to say the least), but you will be registered in one of the main registrars. There are 3 head registrars this year, so I don’t have mercy. All stinks may have the same rights.

End date of the registration term.

De lie domain

Immediately I see a terrible mystery. The domain vzagali is not located anywhere. The domain is the least recorded by the global DNS servers. Read what kind of DNS is possible in my article at the request (see in the new tab). There rozpovіv i about the frequency of yoga updates. So the axis of this record is to remove the information already on the site to lie and how to reach the new state.

How a domain is managed

Management is carried out through registrars. Vlasnik domain go to the registrar panel under his name and password. Vkazuє address, where to lie yoga site, which vin "pіdv'yazuє" to your name. Addresses can be set explicitly, as the site is running on its computer with the seen IP address. But the addresses are not set explicitly, for example, hosting is registered, which itself creates a connection between them and the site.

How to restore access to a domain

Only Vlasnik may have the right to cherubate domain names. Tse key. Access recovery algorithm:

1. Through WHIOS, we know the registrar of his name. I'm a vicorist service on nic.ru

2. We write a list to the support service to restore access to the domain.

At the listing process, it is necessary to confirm your rights to your name (to ask for passport data and other papers, depending on the situation).

3. For the results, you will need access to the control panel, where you can check domain names (register hosting, continue yoga).

For a number of applicants, it is necessary to replace the access to a representative, through a certain domain. With a representative, it is so self-listing and taking away the right to management.

When the domain is called

Domains bathe in the singing term. Ring out rik. After the end of the term and not continuing the registration, it will be frozen for 30 days. On the 30th of the day "I see" the domain name is called. For a period of 30 days after the registration is completed, the sorcerer may have the right to continue. You can register my name, be it.

How to change the domain manager

For the transfer to the domain of another person, it is necessary to have a year like a stream sack, and a future one.

The process of transferring names is identical to the process of buying and selling a car. In this case, we have a registrar playing the role of DIBDR, which is a registrar of blue.

The registrar vouched for the paper wrapping of the change of vlassnik. Papers can be different. I will write an official report.

Transferring registrations to my domain. Registrar asking for:

1. A notary's certification sheet about those that I voluntarily transfer rights.

2. Copies of papers behind the list.

3. Yakis documents from the future vlasnik.

After otrimannya all documents, im'ya pass under the new administrator (vlasnik). And why technical characteristics do not change. Їx zrajuє in the special office already new vlasnik for consumption.

Viyshov lіknep for domain names. If you have lost food - put it in the comments.

Domain registration is made up of three blocks.

Krok 1 of 3

For this short term, it is necessary to choose a free domain name.
If you are busy, you will be warned about it, as shown in the screenshot.

Krok 2 of 3

It is necessary to indicate the person for which the domain will be registered. If you have registered domains through us before, you can choose to save a person from the list. Usі fields obov'yazkovі for filling.

When setting the checkbox to Private person, indicated PIB will not be displayed for the next hour of reverification of the domain behind a globally accessible database WHOIS.

If you have already registered domains through us, you can choose a person from the previous names. At the hour of registration, a person is automatically selected.

Krok 3 of 3

On the third crochet, you can check the correctness of the data assignment, as well as indicate what is necessary to create an admirable site for this domain:

When registering a new domain, you can:

  • .
    mydomain.ru and select " Create a new site ~/mydomain.com, and in the new directory public_html
  • .
  • Do not attach domain .
Also on this side you can activate automatic continuation for this domain, please request the issuance of a certificate for a given domain Let's Encrypt for your domain. After the selection of the necessary items, it is necessary to click " Register a domain".

Adding an already registered domain

In order for your site to be entered by a domain that is not registered with us, you need to add a domain given to this, and also change with your registrar NS server on our:

  • ns1.site
  • ns2.site
  • ns1.beget.pro
  • ns2.beget.pro
To add a domain, you need to go to the tab, enter the name of the domain in the specified field, and indicate to which site the domain will be added.

When adding a domain, you can:

  • Create a new site for the domain .
    In my case, under the site, there is a directory on the disk. For example, how do we get a domain mydomain.ru and select " Create a new site", a directory will be automatically created on the disk ~/mydomain.com, and in the new directory public_html, where you will need to upload files to the website.
  • Link the domain to the original site .
    In this case, it will be necessary to select a site (directory) from the list of already known sites, before which the subdomain will be attached.
  • Do not attach domain .
    At this time, the domain will be created, but it will not be assigned to the same site (directory).
  • Domain management

    You can check out the domains that appear on the public record. On our system on all tariff plans number of domains and subdomains NOT FILLED.
    For clarity, a table with the usual domains on the oblique record is presented.

    For domains, the delegation period is expected, as if they were registered through us or under our services.

    You can transfer the domain name of our services to your distribution. To transfer a domain (so that you can carry out the transfer of your domain through our company) you need to click on the transfer button required domain, and then vikonati give instructions. For that person, as you need the domain that you have shared, you need to add it to the contributor " Add or register a domain".

    For all domains (crim technical) available:
    - Vidalennya іz system;
    - Applying / installing SSL certificates.
    It is also possible to transfer the domain to another public record with the use of piddomains and by any means (or without them).

    For domains that are under our services, there are also options:
    - continue the domain;
    - enable/disable auto-advance.

    That kind of thing, like on your oblіkovomu record є bonus domains, auto-renewal is charged for bonus accounts In that case, because at the time of auto-renewal there are no bonus domains on the oblique record and there are not enough bonuses, the domain is not renewed. to administrative email push ahead. The test is repeated for doba.

    Domain management.RU and.RF for services of registrar Beget

    As your domain name in the .RU/.РФ zone is registered through us as domain name registrar, then in the section you can look at the person, at the registration domain, and, if necessary, adjust the data of the domain administrator, if you do not need to be identified, or you can automatically formulate an application for changing the domain administrator.

    To edit the data, you need to press the button next to the required domain

    After making the necessary changes, press the button " Change".

    You can also change the domain registrar code Authinfo code when pressing on the pop-up button . We respect your respect, which is in accordance with clause 7.8 Rules for registering domain names in domains. The administrator does not have the right to transfer the information about the domain name to another registrar:

    • just bypassing the domain name registration term;
    • for a period of 30 days from the moment the administrator takes away the right to administrate in another individual;
    • at the time of non-compliance with the registrar's request about the data of records and documents at the insertion of lines;
    • at times, as a court process is being conducted, the subject of which is a super-check of a designated domain name.

    For that reason, if you need to change the domain administrator again, then you can form a ready-made application in the distribution. For which domain you need, you need to click the button and then click the button " Change domain administrator". You will see a form, the same as for registering a domain. You will need to enter the data of the new administrator and click on the button" Change":

    At the next stage, the system will ask you to review the entered data. If everything is correct, then we press the button " Formulate an application"

    The application has been successfully completed. Now you need to request to deliver it to us in one of the following ways (depending on the person type of the streaming domain administrator):

    • How to carry out a change physical individuals:
      The application may be delivered by mail to TOV "Beget" at the address: 195027, Russia, metro St. Petersburg, post office 209. At this time, the signature on the sheet may be notarized, and a copy of the flow passport may be added to the sheet Vlasnik to the domain (first turn and page with a stamp about post-registration). The application can also be delivered by an in-line clerk especially to the office of TOV "Beget", if you need a mother with your passport.

    • How to carry out a change legal entity :
      The application may be delivered by mail to TOV "Beget" at the address: 195027, Russia, m. St. Petersburg, post office 209 or especially to the office of TOV "Beget". The application may be certified by the signature of the approved person and the seal. Prior to the application, you may add copies of the following documents: IPN, OGRN, an order for the recognition of an upgraded individual, authorization (at times signed by a non-visual authority). Copies of documents may also be certified by the signature of the confirmed person and the signet.

    You can check the status of the application at the pіdrozdіlі Applications for a change of administrator". If necessary, the application can also be submitted. We respect your respect that the application for the change of the administrator has already been submitted, but if you submitted the application in the same division, then it will be accepted and processed.

    SSL certificate management

    For any domain / subdomain, you can install SSL certificate in order to make your site work for a puncture https. For which domain you need, you need to press the button
    To secure an SSL certificate, you need to have a contributor " Replace SSL certificate Select the type of certificate and complete the form.

    After the issuance of the wine certificate, it will automatically be installed on your domain.

    If you already have an SSL certificate, you can install it on the depositor Installing an SSL certificate.

    We also give our clients the opportunity to secure and install a cost-free certificate Let's Encrypt. You can do it at the depositor " No-Cost SSL Certificate"

I split the keruvane with domains on the panel of keruvanny of assignments for the creation of such diy with domains yak:

  • Registration, transfer of domains
  • Adding a record about the domain
  • Creation of subdomains
  • Setting up mail servers on the input mail to the domain
  • Adjusting domains and subdomains (managing A, MX and other records, changing NS-servers also)
On all tariff plans can be placed Unlimited number of domains

Domain registration

To register a domain, enter it in the "Add domain" form, select a zone from the "ru, com, net" list, or else. Select "Register". For the reason, enter a comment (if you want the vin to be displayed only for you on the checkout panel, the vin can be darkened, as you have a lot of domains). In one hour after the addition of the domain, the registration will be repeated (the registration hour will not exceed 24 years).

Transferring an existing domain

If you already have a domain, it can be supported by another hosting provider, but you can host the site with us, there are some options for transferring the domain to us:

You will transfer the domain under our management again

Tse means transferring the domain under our partner agreement with the registrar, you can transfer the domain through us.

  • Just add the domain to be transferred in our recovery panel.
  • Write a sheet to our technical support service () to transfer the domain under our administrative control. We take on ourselves the whole burden of transference.
You are releasing the domain for administration from another hosting provider

Tse technical transference. The domain will simply be served by our servers, and you will continue to maintain the domain on your own, or through a huge organization that registers:

  • On the DipHost checkout panel, you need to “upload the zone”. For example, add a domain to transfer.
  • Then your domain needs to register our NS-servers (ns1.bz8.ru and ns2.bz8.ru). You can work on your own, or, for example, by asking for a technical support service from another hosting provider.

Subdomain management

Any domain that is on our NS-servers may not have a large number of subdomains.

To add or delete the piddomain, you need to go to the "Detailed view" side of the piddomain.

On the second side, the form for adding a subdomain is stashed. You need to enter the name of the subdomain, and, possibly, a comment (this comment is just for you).

In the same place, the list of sub-domains has been sorted out. You can remove the piddomen that you don't need.

To add pіddomen more deep equal ( For example: sub.bill.one.two.ru to the domain two.ru), just enter a name before your domain (so in our subdomain sub.bill.one list). Veil!

A ton of upgrades to the domain or subdomains

Fine tuning allows:

  • Set the parameters for receiving the mail ("accept", "do not accept", "reserve")
  • Install IN A, IN MX, IN TXT records for the domain
  • Change NS servers for a domain
  • Enter the IP address to allow transfer to the domain
We cannot describe the ability of the instruction, because The least pardon in the nalashtuvannyah can bring the site to the point of complete incompetence. If you are not convinced that you have a first-class knowledge of the DNS theory and have correctly understood all our knowledge, it is better to get back to the technical support service.

I thought about those who can change the hosting provider transfer to domain between old and new hoster. For whom, as a minimum, it is necessary to z'yasuvat, as an organization Registrar of our domain and write to the organization of the sheet with the details about the transfer between hosters, in most cases, report a scan of the passport to this sheet (to confirm the individual of the domain owner). In addition, the skin Registrar may have his own special knowledge and assistance necessary to satisfy such an application. However, there is another variant of keruvannya with your own domain. You can transfer a domain directly to the Registrar itself and take a second access to the domain registration directly from the Registrar's website. Do not allow us to check the status of a specific hosting provider and freely order your domain without the need to transfer the domain when you change your hosting account.

Prote varto understand that such "freedom" has its own price, and if the domain is rebuyed from the Registrar under our direct control, then we will soon have to pay for the domain name from the kilka more times. For example, when registering a new domain in the .RU zone through any hosting provider, the rate of payment for such a domain will be around 140-150 rubles, at that time, when registering a domain, without intermediary in the organization of the Registrar, the rate of payment for such a domain will already become 650 rubles.

I think here, in order to clarify the terminology, varto explain those, as I understand and share for myself the understanding of the hosting provider and the Registrar in the context of understanding about the registration / continuation of Internet domain names. Registrar- This organization has the right to register and sell names in first-rate domains such as RU, COM, NET, etc. vіdpovіdno to homeliness ( accreditation) and the rules of the international Corporations managing domain names and IP addresses - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). It is easy to find the list of accredited Registrars for domains on the Internet upper level, for example, for the RU zone, such a list can be found here -Accredited registrars in domains. . Most hosting providers are not registrars, but Partners of the Registrars, so, in fact, they act as intermediaries between accredited Registrars and end domain inspectors. Hosting providers buy domain names from registrars at large numbers and for lower partner prices, and they themselves can allow distribution of domain names to customers at low prices.

Also, in this note, we will look at an example of how the hosting provider can manage the domain that we have, and go to independent management directly from the Registrar's website. Like the last time, all manipulations with us are vikonuvatimemo on the butt of the domain IT-KB.RU

At the time of writing, the notes domain IT-KB.RU is registered under the name of the hosting provider IHC.ru, which was previously chosen by us. When delegating to a domain, it is hosted on our streaming host - SmartApe.

We are sure that the organization is the head Registrar of our domain. For whom you can speed up with an online service WhoIs on any of the sites of Registrars, for example RU-CENTER :

In otrimaniy іnformatsiї about the domain us ts_kavit attribute value register

Yak bachimo, the main registrar of our domain is the company ragtime, immediately pointed to the URL of the Registrar's website. Now you can go to the Registrar's website, get the contact details of the technical support and put information about the possibility of direct domain management through the Registrar's website without the participation of intermediaries (hosting providers).

Fill in all required fields in the questionnaire REAL DOMAIN, that later we will have to confirm a scanned copy of our passport. It’s worth noting the daw for good luck about the processing of our personal data and press the button save.

For example, once again, check the box for processing our personal data and press the button save, after which a list of savings profiles appears, de instructions from a well-created questionnaire press on the force Confirm data.

Here we need to attach a scan of the passport

How is it indicated in the instructions on the left side color scan of passport on the sides 2-3 (basic passport data), 5 (and advancing sides from a changed residence permit), 19 (History of changing passports). Before that, send scanned copies of the passport sides to the website of the Registrar, graphic editor I added a clear text to the skin side (or you can add a watermark) "Copy for webnames.ru". Well, about all sorts of fluctuations, schob to incapacitate vikoristannya tsієї scan-copies in non-l'ovyh straight lines.

When the scans are corrected, it will be automatically created to the technical support and we will be reminded of the ticket number, for which we can then check the verification status of the scanned copy of the passport.

Literally 15 minutes later, I took off the sheet for the approved application about those who had passport data confirmed.

What's next for the site menu special office > The form zvorotny zv'azku we create a new application in the appropriate form with a request for rescheduling

After a new application is created and approximately one working day (the list is over a period of approximately one year), we can receive the sheet by email the status of a supervisory officer is either the domain of successful transfers to the Registrar, or not (with a description of further problems). In my opinion, a sheet of nadіyshov stretched pіvgodini:

Domain management it-kb.ru has been transferred to your account.

After a successful domain transfer, we can go to the Registrar's website at the branch special office > My domain and services and switch to what is now available to manage our domain.

On the website of the Registrar, you will need to replenish the balance of your special rahunka(in retail special office > Refill your balance) and enable the option of auto-promotion for the domain (for the distribution special office > My domain and services > Domain management), so that you don't "blink" your domain.

You can change your status to inactive in one hour on the website of the hosting provider, after which the transfer to the domain has been completed, information about the service of registration of the domain can be changed to inactive and now you can say goodbye to the old hosting provider with a calm soul.

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