Write down the file names on the local disk. File: filenames

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

You have not learned the meaning of words, the reader, beep, pragmatic about the meaning of the word. Tsya stattya is a short excursion for a koristuvach by the light of the unknown.

Back to the file

Dovgotrivala zberiga all the data from the viglyadi files. So tse take? File є named after bytes, like at your own house, from bits. Vin maє vlasne іm'ya that address distribution. The first parameter is set by the person, and the other is set by the new memorized operating system. Send a message to the іm'ya file;

Boo so, what information can’t be found on a computer nose. If you can not navigate an empty file, it’s just because of the important power of the tribute recorded on the hard disk. As long as there is a day, such a structure cannot be called zberiganny.

File system

Kozhen (dull, hard or laser disc) can be a revenge to the greatness. The file system is designed for the collection of data and organization of the catalogs. A wide range of information is stored from a collection of all information on disk, a set of data structures, a complex of system software tools. The Korenev catalog is stored in the deposit of the 2nd rivnya, yak, at your own store, including the folders of the 3rd, etc. Odnorivneva line system Stored for discs from a number of files, bagatorіvneva ієrarchіchna - for discs from a great number. Another dominant tree-like structure.

File system assignment

Vono polyagaє near bezpechennі manual interface for people when they are brutalized before information, who are on the disk, that realizes the power spіlnogo vicoristannya ob'yktіv bagatma people and processes, so hey. Customize the structure, allowing you to reach the maximum result for an hour of robotics with data.

File types

The managers of the singing information computer can be "reasonably", which can be found in the set of data, and for other programs, the price can be viewed. Expansion є to a number of letters or numbers, which can be found in a dot in a standard file. This is the type of tribute and the type of program. For example, the information is recorded on the disk from the extended mp3, see the programmer. Picture by programs є on the image file. Behind the zim badge advices koristuvach One hour, it’s okay, it’s possible to fix the meanings of the type of tribute. The document is seen from the program, the designation for the text. Video files can be scrolled from the programmer. Information in the view of the pictures displayed in graphic editor... Isnu bezlich new files... Kozhen has an icon that will be placed on a variety of programs.

File: filenames

Koristuvachi give a set of data on a disk with a symbolic name. Files are identified behind them. At the same time, it is necessary to interfere with the system, and for signs that will be victorious, so for the entire duration of the word. Ім'я file - the price name, as can be included in the decal set of tributes. The end of the identifiers in the catalogs will be at a glance, so that the addresses behind which the information is located. In some systems, the same object cannot be called a name, in some of them it is not possible to name it. Once a set of tributes is found to be unique. This is a numerical identifier, which can be used as operating system programs.

Warehouse іmenі file

Whether it is information on the disk to take revenge on the number of elements. Where is the file stored from? You need to be smart, you need a mother before you can see. Іm'ya file і two mutually adjacent elements: name і extension, in the initial type of tribute. By new identification, be-like information on the nose.

Outside im'ya

You can aim such a butt:

C: \ Muzyka \ Holy \ Melody.mp3.

Specified at the top of the file is the price of the name, which should be stored out of the way of information. The last one from the significant elements є the turn of the folder identifiers, which are next to the last one of the best rivnya to a set of tributes. Outside of the file, it is necessary to set itself, by repairing from the root directory, and to take away from itself the change of all the deposits of the old ones. This name is absolute. Please refer to the information from the root directory directly from the stream folder. Effortless elements of the name are subdivided by the oblique boundary symbol (\). Tsei sign of maє buti instructions before the name of the root catalog.

Short im'ya

Obmezhennya became the reason for the denunciation of the term. At that hour, the file is missing 8 symbols in the name. Crumbs piznish there was a possibility to put a speck to name and add 3 signs of expansion.

Tse looked like this:


The retailers have come to see the expansion of the names for technical needs. Behind the help of the programs, the file type was discovered. The scheme for writing down to the file is called the 8.3 system (for the number of symbols, name that expanded that point between them). There is a small number of shortcomings: the unkindness of the punishment, the letters, the letters, except the English alphabet. To that end, I will name it very importantly. In short, I do not take revenge on the symbol of the oblique boundary ( \ ). For such a name you can refer to the data of the stream catalog.

Dovge im'ya

Earlier, if there were thousands of files on the disks, they knew well, the sounds appeared on the nose of those danny. In the Danish hour of quest for the history of information, it’s hard to come by. Tom for the tributes bulo zhorstki obmezhennya to name it. Where is the file stored from? Now I can call it written by Russian letters, with deyakyi razdilovymi signs and navіtnymi punches. Expansion is not deprived of three symbols. It’s just a matter of revealing a number of points, the type of file must be sent to the last mark.

Because of the tradition of revenging great power, computers cannot be used for more expansion. Three symbols, just to indicate the type of the file, the system is sufficient. Maybe not less than 250 signs, I want it, crazy, to be overwhelmed.

Problems about'єkti

The document, by name, can be misread on your computer. To that, with the overpowering of the Danih slid behind the help of Latin letters. The Russian alphabet on a computer may not appear, and instead of a word, an impertinent set of symbols may appear. For organizing the system and securing files on a vlasny computer of a koristuvach vikoristovuyutsya be-like lіteri.

Correct im'ya file

It can be folded from any letters to the upper and lower register, numbers, specks and seats. Vikoristannya tried not to be defeated. However, it’s not bad for him, but also name it on the ear. It is possible to include in ім'я symbols, except for reserved signs (>< | ? * / \ : "). Расширение отделяется от названия последней правой точкой. Длина имени ограничивается 255 знаками. На самом деле обычному пользователю хватает 20 символов. Операционная система не различает строчные и прописные буквы в имени файла. Это означает, что сохранить в одном каталоге два элемента с одинаковым названием, написанным в разном регистре, не получится. Так может выглядеть пример совпадающих имен: «Текст.doc» и «ТЕКСТ.doc».

Incorrect file name

For the most important ones, the fence is reserved for the attached names.

So, PRN є by a printer. COM1-COM4 - add-ons that can be attached to the last ports 1-4. AUX displays the function itself, like COM1. LPT1-LPT4 є with elements that can be connected to parallel ports 1-4 (printers), CON (consol) with input - keyboard, with input - screen, NUL - "empty" attachment. When I try the koristuvach, I will name it, the system is like a pardon. It appears as if it is victorious to fence symbols. Look at the unacceptable file. Incorrectly recorded information about the collection of dues is not taken, but the amount of money in front of it.

File name template

The command shells of the operating systems, as well as the development of the program, allow the use of koristuvache shukati in the names and catalogs of the singing groups. The files are being revised according to the given template, since they are based on the standard;

Do you need such an eyebrow now? It is often necessary to add one and the same file with a whole group of files. Tse takes less than an hour, below the level of the skin document okremo. The template for a file allows you to view a group, but it will be displayed to a group from a parental basis. Win vikoristovutsya navit for a joke danikh.

Special symbols

The template for the file is assigned for additional special characters:

  • Zirochka is the meaning of a group of symbols. Хня кількіст is not meaningful. For example, one little star is a template, which will display all information in catalosis. Commands * .mp3 can be changed from a single file of the same type. The name of the files, which can be repaired with my and ending with .txt, can be seen behind the additional template my * .txt. Zrazok * 2014 * Viznacha all used on computers, name of which to revenge a group of symbols in 2014 rock.
  • є the meaning of a single character. For example, pid zrazok music. ??? go to the dan, how to read a given word, how to expand from three English letters. The template na? E.txt may have a symbol instead of the standard power supply.

Інші teams

Transmission of the rules for folding information. The zavdyaki is included in the command of square bows (), because of the possible values, it is possible to make the noise more nasty. If it is necessary to know whether the files are to be repaired from the liter t, not the vrahoyuchi register, the template should be written like this: *. When you give a trick of the names, you can follow the abetka, you can set the range. More template for this view:? .Jpg. The system will know the files from the extension type, and the names of which are stored in two symbols. Moreover, the persha letter k, l, y chi z - without urahuvannya register.

The meaning of the command shell

In one view, you can vikoristovuvati a splinter of special symbols. Templates can be used with the following commands: browsing directories, copying files, shoving, etc. However, do not go out of your way quickly, but because of the data that went by. Required objects are selected by the command shell.

Expanding the template є By the process of replacing the symbol on a string, the last of the names of the files.

Okremi command nikoli can't know special sign have their own parameters. So what did you say for a joke? The command shell will need to be extended to the template in such a rank, so that all the files will be repaired.

File masks

The stench of being victorious at group operations iz data. The mask is the last of the symbols allowed for the names of the files, in which the food and the little star can also be fed. With help, you can see a time file on your computer. Changing files from the command can be a revenge on the meaning. The sign of nutrition є the mind of one that is certain to the symbol, and the little star is the whole of the last. For example, by speeding up with the rm * mp3 command, you can see all the files that end up with a whole fragment. It is necessary to erase all the data in the catalysis, then issue the rm * command. Mayzhe so the most effective team from the change of one symbol. Imen masks can be found in catalogs.

Problems with copying

Moving on to the old men, the problem of confusion with earlier programs, as vikoristovuyu little word-of-mouth. For the programs, the programs could display information according to the structure adopted earlier, the file system of the crops is linked against the press of unique short pseudonyms, as there may be folding names. New operating systems and new names are available. Ale inodі koristuvach stuck with unsupported problems. Copying files with different names can be difficult.

And here it is not possible to navigate the root of the jarlik. You need to change it if you want to change the file and repeat it. Yak option, you can save the archive, copy and paste it. Ale roboti, as in the hundredth pidkatalozi, in which there is a necessary file, name of files in such a way through the prescriptions in them?

Reserve options

As soon as possible, the methods did not go away, just go on hedge disc For the additional help click the right button of the Misha on the computer's image and the selection of the connection in the menu. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a letter for a bazhany carrying and a file.

In extreme cases, you can use the program to copy all the names of FAR 2.0 and navigate to the Recycle Bin connection.

file.Find the pardons at file structures.

Be affectionate, rob that you know !!! 10 . Specify the numbers of the main annexes, which are included before the warehouse of the personal EOM:

1) system unit; 2) printer; 3) monitor; 4) keyboard.

11.Yakі main universities of the computer will be installed in system block?

1) monitor 2) floppy drive 3) motherboard 4) manipulator "Misha"

5) living block.

12 First, before any category of software security for a PC, there are the following programs:

1) check out the additional functions;

2) to provide a list of necessary robots: editing texts; painting pictures is too thin;

3) provide new programs for the computer.

1. Programming system 2. System programs 3. Applied programs

13. Viber, as two tasks of ma virishuvati OS:

1) Rozpod_lyati hour of the robot at the computer of the skin corystuvach.

2) Organize the interface of the koristuvach.

3) Carry out a preventive repair of the equipment.

4) Organize the sleeping robot of all the universities of the computer and the connection of the dispatcher to the calculating process.

14. By the rank of rank it is possible to pay one-off and one-on-one rosary on a large number of corystuvac OS:

1) for a few hours, the plant was opened;

2) for a number of koristuvachiv;

3) for a number of processors.

15. Leather file, recordings on a disk, designation, which can be stored from two parts:

1) іmenі that expansion; 2) the date of the date;

3) іmenі and dozhini; 4) іmenі file and іmenі disk.

16. Vibrate and name of files, which are available with programs, ready before the release:

1) mas.he; 2) wt.txt; 3) mass.doc; 4) wt. Bas; 5) mac.com.

17 . Local fingering - tse:

1) a computer for a fringe, scho practice in the boundaries of one region;

2) a computer to a border, which is useful in the boundaries of the same land;

3) a computer to a border, set it right in the boundaries of one.

18 . For stem local framing necessary:

1) hedgehog board, modem, hedgehog cable, unsecured software;

2) a fancy board, a festoon cable, a fancy-free software;

3) hedgehog board, hedgehog cable, server.

19 . Show the view of the local hedge:

1) on the basis of the server, line bus, kiltseva;

2) zirka, line tire, kiltseva;

3) peer-to-peer, line-bus, kiltseva;

20 . Information is transferred from a speed of 2.5 Kb / s. What information will be sent for 20 min? Write the result in megabytes.

21 . Program for viewing hypertext linksWww:

1) browser; 2) protocol; 3) server; 4) HTML;

instructions from the root directory to some files that can be stored on a magnetic disk.

file_v.Import the file structure in the view of the tree:
\ COUNTRY \ USA \ INFO \ culture.txt
\ COUNTRY \ USA \ washington.txt
\ COUNTRY \ RUSSIA \ INFO \ industry.txt
\ COUNTRY \ RUSSIA \ INFO \ culture.txt

instructions from the root directory to some files that can be stored on a magnetic disk.

4. Write down the names of all files. C: \ My Documents \ Ivaniv \ TurboPascal.exe. C: \ My Documents \ Petriv \ Malyunki \ School.bmp. C: \ My music \ Hymn shkoly.mp3. C: \ My Documents \ Petriv \ Klyuchі.txt. Ivanov. eighteen.

Slide 18 from the presentation "Informatics" File and file system "... Rosemir archive from presentation 2729 KB.

Informatics class 8

short change of the first presentations

"Local framing between computers" - Vidi knitted cables... Merezhev program is safe. З'єднання кільцев. Global computers... Topology of local computers. Fiber optic cable. Fingering computer. Local computers. Robot at the local hedge. З'єднання зірка. Merezhi, like at the border of the mezzanine territory. All computers are equal. Kosty komunikatsiy. Z'єdnannya on zagaln_y tires.

Yak vashtovany personal computer - Zhorstki disks. The RAM has all the programs and data necessary for a robotic computer. The robot learned the 8th grade Gomtsyan Karen. Columns. Hard discs are great. Processor - signs for calculation, processing of information and control of a computer's robot. Misha. Kinets. The keyboard is used to enter information into the computer's memory. Monitor. Computer. Pzu. Yak clearing the computer. With the help of floppy disks, that information disks can be transferred from one computer to another.

"Website on HTML" - also tags. List fields. Praports. Insertable picture. Numbering transcript. Hyperpower on Web-sites. See the website. Website concept. Tags. The main site "Computer". Web sites and Web sites. See hypersilan. Explaining text. Hyperpower on e-mail... Stvoryuєmo sv_y site. Formatting the text. Text of the cob side. Address to the part of the gіperposilan. Marking list... Programs to shutdown the website.

"Robot in a text editor Word" - Programs. Rivn otsenki. Advancement of interest to the subject of vivchennya. Technology, scho vikoristovutsya. Viconannya by scholars of development workers. new document... Assessment of scholarships. Country houses... Framework for decorating a leaflet. Informatics. Text editor Microsoft Word... Rіznorіvnevі zavdannya.

"Coding information" is a practical robot "- Digit to code. Informatics. Code table. Code table. Code table. Morse code table. Literi.

"Technical for computer graphics" - The change in the quality of the image in the wrinkle of the graphical grid. Monitor. The display processor is a friend of the video adapter's warehouse. How to enter the color of the image on the screen of the Attachment of the image to the computer. Technical kosti computer graphics One point is "videopixel". Principles of robotics for the Videopixel monitor. Video memory that display processor. Svitinnya shvidko zgasaє.

"Stisk files" - Viruses. Vibrate the folder. For packaging, an archivator that is not required can be repackaged for non-standardized koristuvach. 17. Stisnennya 50 times! 10. 7. 9. What can I compress files to? Change the password. It's rotten.

"OS Linux" - File system Operating system Software for securing the computer. The Linux file system is a piece of cake. MOU Zavoronezka ZOSH. Linux distributions Linux installations distribution kits. Koristuvalnitski programs. Visibility is not so much for the interface, as for the internal organization of the OS robot.

"Files on disks" - The introduction of "* .jpg" will know all the little ones in the jpg format. Templates for a joke. The first sector is to come up for the placement of the invoice to the recording of the operating system. Disk structure. The formatting of the disc is similar to the filling of the zoshit. The files themselves can be recorded, can be repaired from 34 sectors. Would you like to show a joke, click Start? Search.

"Programs Microsoft" - Damage potential: What is the value of a shkodi at a vicious spread? Code access security .NET Framework. Reproducibility: How easy is it to repeat the attack? Dread: an estimate of the risk of infusion. Data Flow Diagram (DFD). stem baked supplements from the list of customers by collecting Microsoft.

"Linux system" - PSPO (package of vіlnogo software security). The power of the operational Linux systems... Type of software security A viznachennya vіlnogo software security (SPO). Linux distribution. Linux distribution. Tipi software security for PSPO. The 28th breast of 1969 was born in Helsinki - a Finnish programmer, a hacker.

"Catalog" - It is often possible to supervise a small description and an expert assessment. Universal catalogs allow shukati to different types. There are thousands of catalogs in Runet. Zavdannya joke at the catalogs. Poshukov_ catalogs nagaduyut subject catalogs of huge libraries.

All in all, there are 24 presentations

"[Sleep in informatics] [Ticket number 9]

File system. Folders and files. Ім'я, type, I can access the file.


Effort programs and data are taken from the pre-construction (last) memory of the computer from the view of files.

The file is a valuable piece of information (program abo dan), which can be stored in the pre-construction (called) memory.

The Іm'ya file is stored in two parts, separated by a dot: the file is not completely expanded, but it is of the original type (program, danisto). Vlasne іm'ya file is given a coristuvach, and the type of the file will be set to be set by the program automatically from the hour of the start.

In other operating systems, there are different file formats. Have operating system MS-DOS doesn’t have more than eight letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers, but the extension is stored in three Latin letters, for example: proba.txt

In the operations Windows systems The Іm'ya file can be up to 255 characters, moreover, it is allowed to register the Russian alphabet, for example:
One vimir information.doc

File system.

On the dermal nose of information (dull, hard, abo laser disc) can be taken great number file_v. The order of the files on the disk is stored by the installed file system.

The file system is a complete system for collecting files and organizing directories.

For disks with a small number of files (up to dozens of decils), you can manually store the one-level file system, if the directory (disk changer) has a linear last of the files.

As hundreds and thousands of files are stored on the disk, then for the sake of a joke, the files are organized in the file system, which has a “tree-like” structure.

Pochatkovy, root catalog to take revenge on the deposited catalogs of the 1st level, at your own store, in the skin they contain the catalogs of the 2nd level, etc.

Send to the file.

In order to know the file in the file structure, you need to go to the file. At the way to the file, there should be entries through the folder "\" logical name of the disk and the last name of the nested directories, the rest of the file being used.

For example, the way to the files on the little one can be written as follows:

C: \ Muzyka \ Piknik \

Outside the file.

Send the file to the file at once from the file to the next file.

Butt of repeated file names:

C: \ basic \ prog123.bas

C: \ Muzyka \ Piknik \ Ієroglіf.mp3

Operations on files.

In the process of robots on the computer on the files, the following operations are most often displayed: relocation (the file itself will be relocated to the original directory); visible (the record about the file is seen from the directory); rename (change to the file).

Graphical file system detection.

The MS-DOS file system, where directories and files are located, is presented in the Windows operating system behind an additional graphical interface in the form of the folder and document system. Windows folder є analogous to the MS-DOS directory. It is easy to understand the protection of the structure of the systems. In the file system MS-DOS is the top of the directory of the disk, which can be torn from the trunk of a tree - on new growth gilki (directory), and leaflets (files) on the gilk.

Windows at the top of the folder hierarchy reveals the Workspace folder. (The onset of the presentation in the folders My computer, Koshik and Merezheve otochennya (where the computer is connected to the local framing).

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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