We collect statistics and the "contact" button in the instagram. Pribiraєmo "special blog Yak in the instagram of a business account

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Unimportant to the popularity of business accounts, I want to turn my account into a very special kind and ask the food, as you can add a "special blog" to Instagrams. Nicholas foldable in a whole lot, you need only vrahovuvati kіlka moments.

Scho treba vrahuvati before tim, yak clean up in the instagram "special blog"

Arrive sir written in the inventory of the profile, it is not a matter of order to secure a business account at once. For a whole lot of corystuvachev it will be necessary to turn the INSTA side into an extraordinary view, having seen it as a business function.

An important point is that when the side is turned to the eye-catching view, all statistics on followers and publications will be ruined. Navigate as soon as I know how to build a business account from my blog, then the statistical data will be retrieved again.

Yak in Іnstagram, pick up "special blog" on the phone: instructions

Schob turn your account very special, signs for a koristuvach viglyad, it is required:

Yak pribrati z Іnstagram "special blog" on a computer - instructions

On PC s operating system Windows 10 can be installed with an official update. With this help, I can’t transfer my profile to a business account, but I can’t turn everything up to the eye-catching glance, as much as possible, for whom it will be necessary:

  1. Open the program and tighten the gear icon.

  2. At the right side of the menu, know and vibrate "Switch back ...".

  3. Confirm your solution.

  4. Change account.

Yak zmіniti wrote "special blog"?

Business account Instagram will be promoted on vibration of close to hundreds of categories (written). If the whole problem is that I don’t write the text of the koristuvach, then it’s possible to change, not being considered in the business function. For the whole it is necessary:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and click on the arrow icon in the upper right corner.

  • At the vypadayuyu menu, vibrate the item "Keruvannya storinkoyu".

  • The list of links, vibrate, yaka is tied to Instagrams.

  • There are three horizontal points at the window.

  • Vibrati item "Redaguvati".

when connected new optics A lot of people were immediately asked to feed - how to add a business account to Instagram? Dilova side, linked to a Facebook profile, can be incorrectly processed through great number koristuvachiv. It's a mess of pratsyuє cross-posting, records are being edited not in the account, Instagrams may not need to use Facebook pages. There is no way to close your profile, but there are a lot of bots and inadequate commentators on great blogs. Also bloggers know that hunts are falling from the connections of the business account, and the criminals are allowed to use paid tools to pass through the party.

The business accounts introduced by the retailers have played into the hands of the owners of online stores, as well as those who sell their services through social welfare... To bring statistics to show that Instagrams are on sale for the season. Yogo koristuvachi may be very promising, and the emphasis on visual content allows businessmen to demonstrate their comrades in the most beautiful and manual way. The business account in the Instagram has the following moments:

  • Buttons with contact information, roztasovany under the heading profile, for the help of which you can easily connect to the organizing, minayuchi Direct.
  • The statistics have been expanded, showing all the indicators needed for SMM-submission, for the standard audit, the number of transitions to the profile according to your choice, the prime time for the selected side.
  • Advertising in social media is targeted. You can pay for advertising posts, which will appear in the lines of the other criminals, can be directly added to the supplement (for a large and well-thought-out marketing company, everything is more quickly I'll repeat the version via Facebook).

For those who are koristuvachіvnіvіdіvіyuyuyut plus, and vіnіkі bazhannya add a business account in Instagram. Zrobiti is possible from an iPhone, for whatever it is, a gadget.

Necessary activities

Turning on the robot is as simple as turning it on. There is no need to carry out any folding operations, the whole operation is borrowed with a little bit of hilin and a couple of clicks. In order to enable a business account, you need:

  1. run mobile supplement, Go to your home page and view the profile settings by vibrating the icon from the images of the gear.
  2. Scroll down the nalashtuvan line down to the distribution "Nalashtuvannya kompanii", click on the button "Switch back to a special account". Confirm the operation.

Change to a special account, and drop the statistics of views and hunting and no more opportunity to launch promotions. It is possible to turn to the working side at any moment, but the statistics of past publications will not be available. It is not possible to switch to a special account, since the launched promotions have not yet been completed.

It is necessary for connecting a business account on Instagram

How to enable a business account in Instagram, the report is described in the front item of the statty. In some cases, koristuvachivs have a problem with the blocked side of Facebook, they are tied to the Insta-profile. If you change the service to a special side, you can see a pardon. Usunuti її is possible by the offensive rank:

  • Go to your Facebook page and Ads Manager (advertising manager menu). At the right column natisnut on the button "Nalashtuvannya".
  • At the column of evil, go to the order "Storki".
  • Vibrate from the list of the old pages you have created that is linked to your account in the Instagrame, view and set up.
  • The menu, which is rostered in the left part of the party, has “Instagram”.
  • Scroll down and vibrate the "Complete data" button.

For the completion of the operation, it can take a dozen hour - through a great number of corticals of both social fences on the servers, it will be piled up in stages. In addition, as the Facebook page will be linked to the profile in the Instagram, you can again switch to a special account.

For quietly, who would like to turn to a special profile, mi rozpovimo, how to clean up a business account in Instagram. This type of breakdown profile is specially for the owners of online stores and all who propose services from their own side.

Він дні perevagi:

  • additional contact information: phone number, address;
  • access to statistics of social networks;
  • advertising, marketing is directed to the university.

Allegedly, and inadequacies, and the axis of actions for reasons why you want to get your business in the Instagram:

  • incorrect robot sideways through the great number of koristuvachiv;
  • cross-posting pratsyuє with pardons, deyakі records are sent not for the address
  • Instantly don’t need a Facebook page;
  • you can not close the profile.

Tse tsikavo: how to zrobiti igtv on Instagram rozpovimo in іnshomu oglyadі.

yak clean

By converting an account into a business profile, at any moment you can transfer the specialties again. The price is simpler, there is no need to be built. The messages were connected to the installer guided by the instructions, as to enable the business account in the Instagram.

On the phone

To turn to a special profile from a mobile add-on:


It is not possible to enable a business profile through the version of Instagram for the browser, but it can be done quickly with the Android emulator for Windows. Mi vikoristovuєmo BlueStacks.

About those, like a zorotny vіdlіk for an hour, you can read it on your own.

Instructions, like in the instagram, get your business profile from your computer:

  1. Open the emulator and install on a new Instagram;
  2. Open the program and log in to it;
  3. Press on the ikonka in the lower right codend, then go to the side of the profile;
  4. From the top, vibrate for three horizontal cm;
  5. Press on the cogwheel, the settings are displayed;
  6. It is known to share "Switch back", the onslaught is for turning;
  7. Lost confirmation of the transition at the rosy end.

Ready! Wait, nothing important. About those, which means krashі friends in addition, be aware of the first in the іnshіy statty.

An important point - the inclusion of the business profile of the company in the Instagram can only be done after the completion of running promotions.

what do you spend

To view your business account, you can see the options available earlier:

  • Drop off statistics. During the transition, the statistics of hunting, re-views, information about front-boards are erased. Named. Navigate as soon as you turn to a business profile I know that the statistics of past publications are not safe.
  • There is no way to launch promotions. Tsei privilei business-profile.
  • There are no buttons to Connect. now dodavati contact information about your organization is not possible.

Now it is clear that I can get my business account on Instagram. For a lot of deprivation, it is necessary to look into the nalashtuvannya. The transition operation can be repeated beforehand. It is necessary to vrahovuvati, since the data about statistics are erased during the transition.

And if you change your mind and want to switch to a business profile again, then you will be amazed at how much work in video.

Pitannya "yak, bring statistics to Instagram?" Even though the rock was not so good, even in the days of socialism, the function of the powerful analytical service has not been taken into account, but it has allowed the estimation of a few glances, the target audience and the indicators. However, the additional functionality of the information on the requirements through the increase in the number of commercial links, which the creators of the social network have sent in the right way. The Danish functional was far from being necessary for everyone, so statistics became available only for business accounts. In the tsіy statty mi razpovimo about those, how to collect statistical information about your profile. And the axis about those yak, navpaki, read the okrem_y statty.

Yak from dnati Facebook from Іnstagram

Statistics in Іnstagram pratsyuє only in links with Facebook pages. It is no secret that the social edge of Instagram was bought by Mark Zuckerberg's company, and it was quietly managed from the same headquarters. A little bit of angst could not fail to fit into the functionality of social media. The whole service is collected from the statistical information instagram by increasing the copies from the analogous one, explicitly from Facebook. In addition, there was a possibility of synchronization of profiles from both social fences. Koristuvachi may not go through the process of restoring on Instagram, but simply.

When you see it on Facebook, you need to see the following:

Having determined the last day, see the link.

How to enable statistics?

Instagram has two types of accounts: specials and files. A few accounts can only be connected to the Facebook page, as all management is viewed through it.

Business profile statistics. If you want to enable it, you need to transfer your side to the status of "special".

It is necessary to check the process, the viconati offensive algorithm:

You can also see the attributes of a commercial profile on Instagram itself. For a person it is necessary:


With such a rank, take all the attributes, the power of business accounts can be done for a bit of hilin, for which it is enough to go into a "special" mode. You can also turn on the connection.

Post - tse, by day, and the whole Instagram. There is a messenger, history, profile, but everything is not respectful. All go to Instagram. schob open new record for reading strangers. Apparently, there is a great deal of information about the information, and it’s not okay to think about you. The Instagram provides the function of editing photo and video materials, and promoting the option before skin publishing content.

Yak post to Instagram

Before edits, content is posted. It is as easy as possible to be afraid. On the head side, it is stamped on the plus sign, the button will display for the new element's opening. The data will fit in with all the necessary data. The whole menu has a tsikava function: the opening of the post from the decilcom photo and video. To add a few media materials, just click the button with two squares and the onslaught on them. So you can add a photo of a photo in one post. After completing all the necessary things, you will need to change it for your friends.

You can change the record, you can overpower everything, like and comment. In її ї ї ї ї ї і і і і і і і і і ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї їglyadі it is possible to carry out re-education.

Yak vidredaguvati describe a photo on Instagram: a cover plan

For editing, be-your-own-record (and what about it?) We go into the profile and onslaught by the required post in the Instagram. Gortaєmo write down to the buttons "Like", "Comment" and three specks. Onslaught on tsi sami three points.

The menu is displayed, de vibiraєmo "Redaguvati". You can also see publications in the whole menu. Yak seen a post in the Instagrame I think it was zerous. The "Vidality" button is located above the "Redaguvati" button.

Now you can zmіnyuvati post in Іnstagram with text. Fuck, the operation may be given for an unavailable endless hour. As often as not, the meaning is not important, but rather early, the function becomes inaccessible due to the old record. More beautifully, before publishing, reconsider all the accuracy, so that I did not suffer from redactions.

You can copy text from the menu, change it and attach a picture. Yak to save snakes? Just! Pislya vikonannya all operations, stamped "Ready". That's it, now the design is anew.

Є Deyakі moments, as it is possible to revolve when editing. For example, the signs in the photo. From the hour of writing the signature to the image, select the item "Significance of the Corinthians" and select quietly whom you want to refer to the photos. Now we know, as for people. The function of pratsyu yak before the hour of the first publication, as well as when editing.

Yak vidredaguvati hashtags on post

Yak redaguvati post in Іnstagram we found out, by cim method change and tags. Redaguvati hashtags are just as simple as text. Yes, by the same way, when you edit symbols, only when you change the tags. It's simple.

Autoposting in Instagram

With the help of utilities for an active Instagram, there will be auto-posting. Tobto, you turn on the special machine, as you will automatically post it. Set all parameters for new publications every hour, if you need to record the development. The bot itself virahuє hour and send the record in the required hour. Duzhe is a handy utility for people who actively sit in the inst. Such programs are available from the computer and not only. Oh rich, so I will vibrate and I will only shorten it for you. My f on the right will tell you about the manifestation of such a manifestation.

Review of the hunting side

To look at the statistics, you need to connect to the Facebook Instagram. For a complete change in the settings of the regional office, I will write to the company profile.

If you want to connect to a business profile, you can start hunting. Now, on the skin, there will be specified metrics of peer reviews, auditing, clicks and people who bring active living on your side.


Now you know, yak redaguvati post in Instagram. On the other hand, we will tell you about the need for creative post design. private photo get new koristuvachiv, which will be displayed in statistics in the Instagram. You can use the breeders, if you plan to plant them yourself, you can get more numbers and add your content plan to the publishers.

Wrap services: Wrap services + Birzhi:


Number of koristuvachіv in Іnstagram

Skіlki koristuvachіv registered in Іnstagram - tsim to the food people singingly asked more than once і vi. Tsіkavіst is not a vice, and if you regularly post in your love of social media, you will melodiously tsіkavі facts and statistics about it. All to repeat about those instagrams for this day - one of the most popular supplements, the number of coristas in light, and in Russia of winter, constantly improving, the rating of growth, robotic efficiency. But all the same - rozlogo and outbound phrases. And we are on the lookout real numbers, These are the best data.

Lifehack for our readers - 50 likes in Instagram

Historical statistics Instagram

You know, if it’s the day of your burnt-out Instagram, a supplement, you’ll fix your wounds, and what don’t you want to do with all your light? Project of launching projects in 2010 roci, 6 zhovtnya.

And the axis is the best sign, wickedness in the net by Kevin (the same Kevin Sistrom, one from the copy of the Instagram).

Already before the new 2011 rock, the number of accounts in social media exceeded the first million. Even through a number of months, in the middle of the same, the figure increased to 5 million.

  • spring 2011 rock - 10 million of profiles in Instagram;
  • birch 2012 rock - ponad 30 million.

A significant date is coming in the history of the Instagram - April 9, 2012. For 1 billion dollars of social fringe, go to Facebook as well. In the vastness of the Russian Federation, the increase in popularity is growing only in 2013. At the zhovtnі tsiy roku advertizing campaign for the interlaced stake of koristuvachіv, for the broad masses was seen in 2015 roku.

Financial statistics Instagram

This is how the Lyudin is ruled: head the nobility, who, if, kudi, and - naygolovnish! - Skіlki pennies vitractive. So, the axis, which is the first to finance the project, was bought by Mr. Sistrom in the birch 2010 in the sum of 500 thousand dollars. Baseline Ventures and Andreessen Horowitz became the sponsors.

Less than rock has passed. Already in fierce 2011, Instagram proudly announces about a solid good fortune of numerous investors - Benchmark Capital, Jack Dorsi, Kris Sakka (for the auxiliary fund LOWERCASE Capital) and Adam D'Angelo. The whole bulo is trimmed close to 7 milion, all the same "green".

For 2015, the arrival of mobile advertisements for Instagrams has sold 595 million dollars - you can get the profitability of the supplement, figures are in conflict. According to forecasts of experts in Instagrams, in 2017, global advertisements will be estimated at about 2.8 billion dollars.

Statistics koristuvachіv Іnstagram

Well, now about the smut - about quiet, hto do not see a day without a post in Instagram. All of them will be restructured in month for the annual data from 600 to 700 million in the whole world. It is noteworthy that in the United States there are less than 25% of koristuvachiv. Інші cіkavі figures and facts:

  1. In the States, 31% of women are very active, and 24% are representatives of strong status.
  2. The social media got an account of 30% on the Internet.
  3. 90% of active bloggers did not reach the 35th grade.

Tse tsikavo: a brand that otrimav most front-end- National Geographic with a figure of 68.5 million cholovik. The account that has taken the maximum number of front-end users is Selena Gomez with a figure of 108 million. Well, porobish, visit the cutest creatures and play with the voice of a black-haired Latin American. Wonder yourself:

Instagram statistics in Russia

In our land, there are dozens of skins that are creepy - tobto, close to 10% of the population. The price is close to 14.5 million people (there are more than 20 million people for deyakim tribute). The maximum popularity of the programs and the activity of corystuvachіv is recorded in Moscow - here in the Instagram of registrations of skin quarters resident. In Piter, there are leathery p'yats. In the middle, bloggers go to the social network 16 times a day, for a day. First of all, don’t nourish my father anymore, what to do with her 15-rychna daughter, it’s easy to use it.

Activity statistics Іnstagram

For the entire period of the program's launch, there have become more than 40 million photos. Skin day publishes about 80 million credits, you can get more than 3.5 million likes from them. With skin rock, a number of active accounts will fight. The number of inactive (quiet, who does not fast often at least once a month) becomes 29%. Instagram accounts (bots) do not outweigh 9%.

First and foremost three:

  • in pershu dobu for the launch new functions VIDEO PUBLICATIONS BULLO VICLADENO PONAD 5 MILLION VIDEOS;
  • Clarendon - the coolest filter on the thought of the whole world;
  • Pitsa - nykrutisha їzha for photos in Іnstagram, let's go to dry and crooked steaks.

Half of all posts are embellished with emotsiyami, and the most befitting of completing to the Finns - maybe the class is known. Naypopulyarnіsha - well, very sweet heart! Let it be like that, let it be so, let it be so beautiful and beautiful, if it’s not in real life, then I would like it in the vastness of Instagrama.

Service of complex automatic drying - to follow the limits, bloodily fixed in the success of the koristuvach:
  • Pamagram - a comprehensive approach to drying out, kind and honest service, seeing a turbot about koristuvachiv;
  • Zengram - like Pamagram, to put emphasis on live front-end platforms, the price is not unimportant (but bots for business marni), but not very high. In addition to the classic functionality є the ability to follow the Kim-nebud ...
  • Doinsta - robbing their voices on automation, koristuvachi befit the simplicity of the victorian - once they add a lot of competitors, and then go in for a long time, and the front-plates are finished).
Wrap-up services:
  1. Likemania. Pratsyun s usima sots. festooned. The popularity of birzhi has been ensured by the simplicity of wrap-ups. Maliy vіdsotok boats. Yoogo still love working with iPhones, smartphones, tablets.
Wrap-up services + Birzhi:
  1. Bosslike. Є bezel-less and pay-as-you-go reviews of likes and insights. The visibility of the "livi" sides and the mittєve zarahuvannya comments provided the BOSSLIKE leading position in the middle of the analogs. On our test, out of 100 screwed up front plates in 2 types, we have surpassed 80.
  2. VKTarget like and earlier was asked to have the most popular services among advertisers and viconavts. By boosting likes in the Marketplace's Instagrams, you can get 5+ points.
  3. CASHBOX is a cashbox-free and paid account upgrade. To value through the great number of buildings. You can earn money. The guarantor of only "live" likes and subscriptions - the administration is fighting bots everywhere.


previdkovy center

When you convert your account to your Instagram business profile, you can deny access to Instagram statistics.

Instagram statistics allow you to know more about front-line users and people who are engaged in modifying your Instagram company. For example, it is possible to enjoy such a tribute, how to become, a wide range and a sense of finding. It is also possible to create a publication and history of your auditorium and which of them is the most interesting.

Revision of statistics in business profiles

  1. View your business profile.
  2. Tork in the upper right corner of the business profile. All people, who interact with your business profile, will appear in the open.
  3. Viber publications, histories and promotions, for those you want to marvel at the statistics.

You can view Shows, Hunting and Show profiles for the day.

You can also know, at any hour, add the front-panel speakers to your business profile. Tse help you vibrate an hour for the publication of new materials.

Access to statistics from publications

  1. View your business profile.
  2. Torknіtsya image, for what you want to marvel at the statistics. Yakshcho in the lower right corner you poke, tse means that you have successfully slipped the publication.

      As soon as you go through the publication, you can marvel at the statistics both for the latest and for the publication. Click the button for the latest publication, so that you can marvel at the statistics for the latest version. Press the button Drainage, you can marvel at the statistics on the drainage version of the publication.

  3. See the images torkn_tit Be amazed at the statistics.

As soon as you see the statistics from the publication, you can see the Shows, Hunting, and Earnings. The success of showing the number of unique Instagram accounts, Yaki put the badge "Become like" your publication or overflowed the comment before her.

  1. Go to history.
  2. Swipe your finger up the image or video.
  3. Natisnit.
  4. Access to statistics from history

Іstorії is automatically roztashovuyutsya in chronological order, but you can see how people interact with your materials. History statistics are available for 14 days after the event.

May be on uvaz, how you can look at the statistics on the foreground histories, however, you can not go back to the history, the term of the image is over. The history will end in 24 years since the publication.

More details about available statistics.

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38 Instagram-sly, I don't know everything about you | Rusbase

I love robotic screenshots from the web version of Instagrams. Nice to grip the browser. For robots with Instagrams, I am a vicious SMMplanner and Flume - in new I am referring to comments and specials of the occasion.

2. Post yak part of the great picture

Front-planners marvel at the photos not only in the pages, but in the accounts. You will see the middle of them, they will stop the technique of great pictures. Take a great image, as it is drawn to others. The axle is so cool to drive, yak at Micah504.

3. Posilannya in the inventory of the account

Infectious I will say banality, but in publications, if you insert it, it won't be classy. First, if your partner is a marketing specialist, insert the power, minify the robot or the partner. There are a lot of people who are sick, the stench can still be wildly come up with.

Fix it with a webmaster, don't give me a short domain name for your site, if you have a redirect to the main site, through a short domain. Suppose you have a small shop with the address cvetoteka.ru, short domain cvet.ok. Now in Іnstagram it is possible to change the line to a certain bouquet, for example, cvet.ok / rose.

4. Personal list of filters

Infected in the Instagram of 40 Filters! I am a vicious 2. To clean the working space, I can clean up the filters, or change the order of the filters to a larger one.

Tighten the filter and pull it in a bigger place, or see ...

or go through the filters to the end, and select the item "Zminity".

5.Intensity of filter

If the results are too small, you can also correct them by clicking on the filter and changing the intensity of the filter. In addition, in this mode, you can overlay the frame.

6. Edit your photo

If you do not befit a zhoden filter, you can vikoristovuvati fine editing. In the mode of vibration filter the pressure "Zminity".

7. Chernetka in Instagram

If you lock the filter to the image, or if you want to turn back, the Instagram will propose to save the publication in blackout. Injuring two little blacks, and vrantsi in obіd published їkh.

8. Collect comments

Before publishing, scroll down and read “Expanded Settings”. Vimknit comments. Now your photo is getting only likes. Zruchno, if spam comments are constantly on you.

9.Monitor the publications of the referrals

Follow us on consumer account Then click on the button to adjust, and select the item "Turn on the news about the publication". As long as you have 2000 - 3000 sublists, this button can help you not to miss important publications. And yet, the whole function can be vikoristovuvati, sob monitor rivals or vartuvati їkh comments, vikradati Lidi.

10.Like history

You can always know the list of quiet publications that have been liked. This is how I reconfigure the robotics to the mass-liking service.

Go to the nalashtuvannya regional record, swipe down to the item "Thank you for the publication."


If I am only a keen photographer, I have robbed hundreds of screenshots, so that I can save the hostile frame. Now in Іnstagram є bookmarks, and robust screenshots are optional.

For the suggestions of the Instagrams of yours make a sound... Yakshcho you whispered to the gifts of the squad, and be afraid, that through a whisper your surprise will open up, you can clear the history of the whisper, and you don’t know anything =)

Press on to set up your own regional record, and scroll down to the item "Clear the history of the joke".

13. Activity of subscriptions

For a long time, it is possible to learn, how they liked, commented, or who your subscriptions were subscribed to. Ale is a little bit victorious for the analysis of his target audience. So it is possible to be intelligent - to be like the target audience, at once in the trends and adapt their content plan.

At the deposit, you will occasionally learn on the "Prepayment" and analyze the range of submissions. This is how you can know the letters, which are reprimanding to mass following.

Price for the latest Instagram update for 2016. Now I can sit and monitor updates, comments and updates from five accounts for one hour. It’s a pity, if you have five accounts connected, it’s also possible to fail and skip the password for your account, or in one account you can see the specials of the account.

In the settings of the regional record, know the item "Submit a regional record", enter the login and password from the new account, and change between the account and the onslaught of the avatar icon in the lower right corner of the program.

If you are astonished at your account, you will be under pressure to publish the wiki in the "front-to-back" mode.

17. Greater photography

Can't you see other details on the screen before? Publish a publication with two fingers.

18. Take photos

Sometimes it is necessary to quickly take a photograph, as it was not long ago published in Instagram. Update the adjustment of "Take a photo" and "Take a video" in the adjustments of the regional record.

19. Take foreign photos

Smyshchiki are guilty of vikoristovuvati koristuvalnitsky content, to promote the reputation of your brand. Є Three ways to take a picture of the front panel.

    Add the picture through the sidebar code. Click the right mouse button on the page from the publication → select the item "Change the page code" → press the keys "Ctrl + F" → read the input "jpg" → copy the text I write, it will be highlighted. Tse will be straightforward on the image at the high yakosti.

20. More than one filter per photo

Inodi, required visual effect can be trimmed, only if you have stashed the filter. For the whole, freeze a copy of one of the filters. Then turn on the "Lite" mode and publish the photo. It will not be published, but in the gallery it is necessary to take care of photography, before it is necessary to store a new filter.

21. Business account

Business accounts in Instagrams were recently introduced, not all of them were heard before, but even more recent myths:

  • Decrease in the number of publications.
  • Decrease in the number of hits in the Top by geo and hashtag.
  • People are afraid of business accounts and see them on a normal account.

Nishcho from the reinsured was not brought. Take a business account є miracles of power, a special button for calling, statistics and the ability to launch advertising directly from the programs.

Transfer an account to a business account, I am guilty of virishity smmschik, I have broken my vibe.

22. Clean spam comments

The number of comments added to the ER is hypothetical, and even good for an account in the era of algorithmic strings. Only spam comments about the robot can psuvati all the enemies about the account. Such comments are more beautiful to see.

You can see a comment before publishing. I do not recommend seeing the negative. Correctly chipping negative comments, selling 4-5 good ones.

If you got a fake account, if you spam in your account, if you don't allow it, if your oblivious record was swearing, you can set it up automatic conversion comments on keys.

Once I get spam comments on me, I choose key words I am listing the list of comments.

If you need to get some photography with a “photo with you”, it is especially important for great brands, which are permanently used in photographs.

We go to “Photo with me” → select an objectionable photo → onslaught on the mite → “Pick up the mint” and know the mint from the photo, if you destroy the picture, the photo will not be available to the wider in “Photo with me”.

You will write everything in the Instagram, maybe you can not glue it against you! To replace the text, how to read it, you can make out the extended letters.

Such a thing is not visible, writing a point, it is innocent of any sign. Smileys, glazes, letters, dashes, bows are all signs. Additionally, you can fold the text in notes or notepads, and then insert it into the Instagram. It’s easier and faster to use our service. Wine does not break the rows, and the paragraph is not linked.

26. Video with pictorial scenes

You can open help sketches and comprehension of video clips, just use the "video camera" add-on in the middle of the Instagram. It’s not so professional as to ask for video operators and for playing the video, but then it’s fast.

Stiffened the clavish zyomki zyomki consumed the demanding scene vidzhali clavishu. You can continue to know the distance.

27. Video without sound

For video suggestions in the Instagram, it will be broadcast without sound. Yaksho vi was known in natural minds, de bulo rich in noise, more beautiful sound open switch.

28. Change the cover of the video

Press on the uncomfortable button "Cover" in the mode of filter selection, and vibration of the display cover for video. At SMMplanner you can customize your cover for video.

29. Підбір hashtags

Poky ісnu myth, how hashtags add to the promotion of the brand, whether it be relevant tools for joke and selection of hashtags. If you have an Instagram, you should enter one hashtag, and the Instagram itself will be proprietary, with which hashtags you will often be victorious.

30. Photos from archives in Instagram-History

Іnstagram-іstorії was conceived as an alternative to Snapchat, so that in Instagram you can download only mobile content here at once. Happily, you can add the best photos to your phone, and then you can use them in the histories.

Try to keep up with the old photo and edit it in any way graphic editor... The last date of the photo is updated.

Go to the history, and swipe the screen up the hill below, and you will see photographs and videos that have been broken for 24 years.

31. Boomerang stimulation

Boomerang - the program, yak additional help to create a looping gif. In one recent instagram update, retailers installed a boomerang in history. Now you can see Boomerang on the phone, and use Instagrams.

We went to History and selected the Boomerang button.

32. Stories for conversions

Publish Іnstagram-іstorії for contacts.

You can not only show the history, but we will only deprive the accounts, ale and prikhovuvati from all of their eyes. For the sake of demand, go to the setting of the regional record that in the setting of history, in the settings of history, vibrate people, as there is no need to show history.

34. Additional colors in history

Viber text or brush. At the bottom of the screen, a palette appears. Having tightened one of the colors, the panel of the pallet was expanded.

35. Skills are readily available for stickers and text in Instagrams

Draw a sticker, or a text. They inserted, changed the size, remembered the position, and again wrote the key of the sticker or the text. So it is possible to build new miracles.

36. Miki in Іnstagram іstorіy

Just find out to enter the login of the target account, via @

37. Save history in the gallery

As soon as boomerangs are victorious, after the stickers, after the penzlik - you can go to the best history if you want to save it to your phone.

As soon as you got on the line with 25 photos of the same one, skip it smartly. A link to history skip one scene from the history of your account, and move you to the next history.


We saw 38 cunning robots with an Instagram and special features of robots with them. It’s all clever, voiced in the statistics.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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