Get a program for automatic promotion of advertising in contact. Cost-free software for SEO promotion in social

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A list of cost-free programs for promoting and automating robots in popular social networks, such as Instagram, VKontakti, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. The list is made up of quiet programs, with which I especially practice. The list is made up of cost-free and smartly cost-free programs. Sound in the non-cash version, just cut down the functionality, but you can and need it.

So let's do it!

- A cost-free program for posting on Instagram to help Masfollowing, Maslaking and more. Government program If you pay, then you can leave the task at the dark and calmly get out of the computer. A better rajah for the quiet ones who hang out on Instagram.

Allowing you to process one hour from an anonymous questionnaire and a small number of tasks for skin care.

– Viewing the sides of a given category of people with the possibility of evaluating photographs, adding to friends and raising awareness;
– Manual listing or typing auto-submissions, which will start a bot or a chatbot from;
- Support of scripts in JavaScript for the implementation of any kind of folding bot for listing;
– Synonymization and templatization of reminding what to correct, be it equal to the investment;
- Ability to accept input applications from friends;
- Processing of robotic questionnaires through proxies, monitoring of the proxies of proxies;
- Captcha bypass, service integration;
– A new browser for a quick review of profiles from a proxy proxy;
– Handy intuitive interface, auto-updating programs and much more.

Only a part of the sites can be implemented. The nearest plans we have are “requested for groups”.
For more detailed information visit our website.

Before this program, there was no good news.

- Z tієї zh seriї scho i poserednіy product, only for passing in Odnoklassniki. You can get a new license for 999 rubles. The payment is one-time, after which you can earn money by the program for a year. Є ta no-cost version with reduced functionality, but you can also work with it!
Detailed description of the program functionality:

Search for the target audience
We propose a mechanism that allows us to see only that part from the actual audience, as we set the criteria (target audience).
We proponuєmo gnuchki nalashtuvannya programs

Search for criteria:

Filter for the number of participants/correspondents
Filter online/OffOnline

Targeted traffic search

Revision to online.
Folding list for distribution.
Vibirkove rozsilannya koristuvacham
All processes are automated!
You can take care of your rights while the program is running.
Precise targeting
Saving time

Customize the program for yourself
Choose the criteria that suits you
Press the "Start" button
Check for the result
Careless robot

Gnuchki nalashtuvannya

The program has implemented a mechanism for imitating robotic people, so as to prevent the ban of your cloud records.
Everything is thought out for dribnitsa
Skin function can be improved according to yourself

Rozkruchuvannya without turbot

Like you don’t have time or know for safe and effective promotion in classmates-program crush everything for you!
Receive and understand the program interface
Wide fit different modes

- a program for expanding and pushing a group of sides from FaceBook. Rozpovsyudzhuetsya povnistyu without cost. Functionality of the program: mass extensions, Facebook invites. Search for the target audience on FaceBook. Cheat likes, reposts, prepayers on FaceBook. Automation of the processes of group expansion.

sobot- another program for passing through social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. Є no-cost version, but navit paid koshtuє 1 ruble per day.

Vikonanny head.
Search group and publication of posts and comments in groups.
Publication of comments on the news.
Likes of posts in strichtsі news.
Poshuk koristuvachiv and vіdvіduvannya storіnok.
Request from a friend.
Photo likes.
Confirmation of input requests from a friend.
Publication of posts at your wall.
Requested to the group/spіlnoti.
Repost posts from the selected group of the side.

Selection of koristuvachiv from the tasks of the group.
Group entry with questionnaires until full.
Group publication of novelties by questionnaires.
Groups requested by profiles of friends to sleep.
Editing of these questionnaires.
Group repost of posts, videos and photos.
Group like post, video and photo.

Group dodavannya koristuvach to friends.

Dodatkovі nalashtuvannya.
Unlimited collection of one-hour working questionnaires
Entering captcha through antigate service.
Gnuchki adjusted timing.
Gnuchka has been upgraded with a proxy server.
Group vikonannya elected manager.
Black lists of correspondents and posts.
Possibility to look over the side of the oblіkovogo record.
Possibility to attach a photo and video to posts and comments.
Collection of posts that are published.
Randomization of the text in the visual tags.


BotsApp- a program for displaying your profile and services on VKontakte. Roll up your side, group, or zustrich less in a few clicks. Є bezkoshtovna version with exchanged functionality.

Earn your prepayers or members of your groups on social media by setting the request for less credit.
Increase the number of friends or prepayers on the side, setting up the parameters of people's requests once - Botsapp rob everything else.
Stay at the center of respect, raising your audience “Me like me”: for specific parameters, or at the request for “Me like me” according to your prepayers
Let me know about the important speeches you need for your audience. Botsapp to create unique skin care
Keep your public pages in order by scheduling the cleaning task more than once.
BotsApp can work on Windows and Mac OS X if you are not at your computer.
Schedule a date and BotsApp launch it assignments hour.

- a cost-free program for automation of VKontakte. This harvester is of great functionality. Mayzhe kozhen know for her zastosuvannya. A simple tool for automating diy.
The program will be short:
For administrators of the public group
Who wants to become popular with their place
For Pochatkivtsy artists
Who wants a lot of likes and prepayers
Who wants a lot of new clients in their business
Vlasniki online stores
Who wants to promote their special services
Especially since I first got the job, then I switched to Quick Sender. Expansion functionality cost pennies, but there is a cost-free version with exchanges.

- Before the group
- At the public
– On zustrich
● Cheat voting (opituvan)
● Cheat comments (discussion)
- Cheat comments at the topic
- Cheat comments on the video
- Cheat comments on the photo
● Auto-like (automatically boost likes on new landings) NEW!

Otzhe, what can we have in the bag, zavantazhyuchi program? And what about the axis:
– The most advanced tool for spinning VKontakte
- Stylish design
- Shvidka cheat
- Intuitive interface
- Great functionality

Well, I think that there will be enough, so that you can take care of your own vicorist and cost-free software. Vіm everything is wonderfully "schodo" cost-free - the one who has to pay for the extensions of the functionality. Ale for the start without inserts - the very ones!

How did I help you, you can do it yourself!

I will accept your favor! I'm saving up for a car for my family. Just think for yourself, it’s like driving a car, it’s a good thing for you, even if your skin is good - just like a part of a car, from a bolt to a whole detail. Behind the hell!

Everyone who loves to actively communicate on VKontakte, spend their precious hours on such tedious and tedious work, like spreading spam. With the help of the VKontakte robot, rich people have the opportunity to give more time to the important people on the right. For example, in order to capture or visualize audio or video, or to correct a large number of addressees, you can win the program by hand. A program for spamming VKontakte spam can get into a lot of tedious work.
Such a program can have its positive side - the ability to set the date of the nationality and change the avatar on an empty image. Such functions are far from being found in a skin daily program.

Features of the program for spamming VKontakte

Warto say that this program has a large number of functions. So, if the program is updated, it becomes more functional and comfortable at the station. The bot’s features can be seen as follows:
the appearance of a viscon and other reminders in the process of taking away special reminders;
the ability to select special buttons, working with groups;
the ability to make changes to special profile information (it is worthwhile to change personal data, as well as work with albums on the wall, as well as to view friends with the entered parameters);
a selection of media files (here you can automatically upload that captured image in a graphic style, so that it can be displayed on the wall of your friend; a badge great number friends on video or photo;
the ability to change sleep;
spam for VKontakte groups and requests from an addendum, a group and a group today;
clearing the selected comments and comments, likes, badge on the video and photo;
rozsilannya podomlenya that іnshої іnformatsії;
clearing the list of friends;
automatic change the status of the merezhi;
hvalennya rіznih inquiries;
breakdown of friends into categories;
vyhіd іz usіh group а spilnot;
the ability to bypass the captchas and learn more about the details.

Program Features

This program may have a large number of features, such as building, it is important to send spam to VKontakte.
When working with media files, you can speed up "reasonable interests". Videos and music can be captured in small batches, moreover, you will also be able to capture selected files or albums. These include the attraction of pictures and graphs on the wall of one group and on the wall of a skin friend. You can’t help but guess about the possibility of identifying friends in a photo or video.
Working with the profile, you can replace the current avatar empty. It is also possible to change the date of birth. Here, it’s more convenient to work out the list of friends, yourself, add or see people for these other parameters. Razsortuvannya that nadsilannya povіdomlen, i robot zі stіnoy - tse far from all features of the robot. You can set it up to accept, so that you can send a request to a group or to zustrich, set an auto-update to the status and select hot keys, working with groups.
Possibility of curation by the program- the peculiarity is especially important, as it is rarely mentioned. Ta design old look The program for spam in VKontakte groups is already easy for vikoristannі. The bot is easy to manage, the bots can have a large number of functions and are mobile. Vykorivuyuchi tsyu program, you can put a sound suprovid, which zavlyatimetsya at the time of viniknennya vodomlenya.
So that the program for spamming VKontakte worked without any problems, it is necessary to get it, after which you install it on your PC and enter your special data: login and password.
The program for spam in VKontakte groups is miraculously for an hour, like for splkuvannya, and in order to push a group or a physical record. Among other programs presented by the company, the bot can be called the leader for the quality of management and the number of functions. Tsya rozrobka sent the first place in the rating of similar programs.
In addition, as you run this program on your computer, you can forget about spending an hour at the computer, and you will have an hour to get necessary and important information. In addition, when using such a program, you will be left with less clarity and reception of the enemy. Now, in order to send spam on VKontakte groups, you will spend less time chatting, but at the same time, you will get better results.
The program for spam VKontakte is completely safe. All your personal data is stored on a computer, and no one can compromise your side or take away classified information. All you need to do is update the program periodically to get a new set of features. The goal is to make your work more efficient and functional, moreover, spam by VKontakte groups can increase in number of times.

Like a butt pointed standard programs, and their functionality is critically small.

Now we are using special services and programs to get support from VKontakte. This option is suitable for large-scale extensions and even more fine adjustments.

Criteria for choosing a software for distribution support VKontakte

Key factors, on which it is necessary to give respect:

  • The quality of the victoria. Bazhano, so that the program can be quickly rozіbratisya and rozpochati robot.
  • Tools. The more options, the more flexible the mood to go to work.
  • Statistics. To evaluate the results of the work, you will need to show a lot of evidence.
  • Vartist. Skіlki koshtuє vikoristannya servіsu and scho to enter at qiu price.
  • Chi є free version or test period.
  • Additional functionality, krim rozsilok, which one can help with robots.

We prepared for you a short look at ten best services, and you choose the best option, depending on your needs and possibilities.

TOP-10 software services for VK extensions

Vkontaktі tsya program is called simply "Rozsilki vodomlen".

Might be the most primitive service on our list. VKontakte's VKontakte integration is very good for VKontakte, propagating the basic functionality of the deployment of extensions.


  • Bezkoshtovny.
  • Shvidka installation that cob robot.


  • There is a large number of settings.
  • There is no way to automatically return to a new prepayer.
  • There is no way for the functionality to understand statistics.

An option for those who want to test the effectiveness of the power supply and are not ready to pay.

Up to 150 allowances per day can be paid free of charge. For 150 r/month the number increases until 2000 podomlen. The maximum tariff is 2,000,000 daily renewals for 100,000 rubles/month.


  • Wide possibilities of personalization and customization.
  • Availability of a cost-free tariff.
  • Smart interface.


  • Є moments, yakі require doopratsyuvannya. For example, if a person enters into a rozsilka, then he goes to the category “without a group”. Through this occasional notice, people are corrected, who signed up, which is not guilty.
  • Prices for great groups are equal with competitors.

Option pіdіyde tim, who starts to develop the group. The Vlasniks of the great sleeps to practice from Senler will be less likely to see.

Overpayment cost 900 rub/month, regardless of the size of the group and the Bazhanoi number of support. Ale, you can skushtuvati without cost for three days. Vіdrіznyaєtsya vysokoy kliєntoorієntovanіstyu, dermatology painted, veils of why koristuvatisya maidanchik can wind up a newcomer.


  • Zruchnіst zastosuvannya.
  • The retailers give a lot of respect to the feedback, they can communicate with the members of their VK group every day.
  • Є ready templates pid different types rozsilok.


  • It is not possible to work without intermediary through the social barrier.
  • The price is higher, lower in others.

Handy addendum, VK integration, friendly and understand the interface. Aesthetically, there is nothing to sleep on, but at the same time it gives all the necessary functionality. Roses and widgets are created in a few seconds.


  • Trial period 30 days without any options.
  • Comfortable interface.
  • Vbudovanі lessons z rozsilok and sumіzhnyh topics, such as virvi sales.
  • Znizhki.

Since then trial period you have run out, you can continue to grow with the program, but even with the reduced functionality. Buying more for a month koshtuvatime 500 rubles. For pіvroku - 2800 (reduction of 200 rubles). On river - 5000 rubles (reduction of 1000 rubles).

For the functionality, the program is similar to the one in the front, but SocialSend is more expensive, and offers a fuller interface and more options. Cost of wines is much more expensive, natomist gives practically no need to be able to segment the pre-payers.


  • Possibility of setting up automatic responses.
  • Handy interface.
  • Different instructions and video clips for pochatkivtsiv.
  • Segmentation of participants by tags, comments, end of subscription, subscription time and other parameters.
  • Synchronization from Yandex.Metrica.


  • There is no way to vivantage the base of participants.
  • Under the hour of registration, the telephone number must be entered.
  • The price is high.

Samy cheap fare cost 990 rubles per month that allows you to pay for the whole hour 990 reminders. At the most expensive tariff, the quantity has not been upgraded, and the price has become 5990 rubles. The cost-free period is 7-14 days (the exact number is determined by the vipadkovy rank).

The appendage of the troch is guessing first (Happy Santa). The simplest interface, but also the functionality of the surroundings. Until then, Gamayun is paid.


  • Short interface.
  • Possibility of auto-subscription for a tag or a key.
  • The no-cost version has all the main functions.


  • Can't look at statistics.

To get a paid version with extended functionality, you need to pay 499 rubles per month.


A smart and functional bot, for the help of which it is possible to spread the VC for all people, so that you can make a dialogue from sleep. But the main recognition is the construction of chatbots.


  • It is not necessary to take over the program.
  • It is possible to vivantage the basis of the participants.
  • Zruchne pokrokove folding widgets.
  • Audience segmentation.
  • Inexpensive.


  • No integration without intermediary to VK.

You can use the service without cost for three days, then we will pull together 100 rubles per month for one spіvtovaristvo. The whole hour of stopping the power supply module to the base cost 500 rubles.

Serves a bunch of creations for robots with e-mail extensions, and later screwed the robot with extensions from the VK group.


  • Proponuє a wide range of possibilities - automatic vіdpovіdі according to the principle of the robot, segmentation, leaf lances.
  • Discounts when paying for a month's bill.


  • There are problems with the entrance to the public record.
  • Newsletter distribution has not been updated since 2017.

Vedennya one group cost 399 rubles per month. Knocker to evaluate those who care about the possibility of redirecting subs from the Telegram group. Statistical data of the service can be obtained little.

Next services go up to the “gray” SMM (services created as the main rank for spamming and cheating likes / pre-payers) and are responsible for victorious protection, so that the ban of the public record is deleted.

The program, which is being taken advantage of, allows you to tell about the name of the group or the koristuvach. The cream of this functionality includes mass addition to friends, requests for partnership, likes, reposts.


  • Comfortable interface.
  • A wide range of additional options.
  • Detailed instructions are welcome.


  • Trapleyatsya ban ban oblіkovogo record navit when zastosuvannі reverenіh proksі.

Cost-free tariff entitles you to 50 renewals per day. The new tariff cannot be reduced and the cost 1540 rubles per month. Possibility to create your own power tariff, making less required functions. For example, if you choose less than the amount, then the amount is reduced to 490 rubles / month.

The second functional bot. Introduced parsers to select the target audience. Є mozhliv_st folded behind the back of the table for the help of the timer.


  • Functionality.
  • The risk of a ban is reduced to a minimum, zavdyaki special algorithms and fine tuning.


  • There is no cost-free trial version.
  • One license gives the right to use only one building.

When buying for a month, warehouse stock 490 rubles, for 3 months - 1070. You can also buy the program once and for all for 2990 rubles.


Biggest handy options For yakіsnoї and honest distribution, you can call SocialSend, ArtSend and Gandy Mail - but look at your own needs like that.

Social network "Vkontakte" - not only the most social network in the world, but still one of the largest multimedia sites. On this site, there are millions of groups of different direct activities that are actively functioning, which will require advertising. Advertising is the most effective and most profitable type of customer acquisition. At the contact, it is necessary to be afraid of the need for any direct information. If I want to do this with my right hand, then it’s a good time. To this very end, we helped all those who are willing to write an article on the topic: “a program for spamming VKontakte”.

Spam - tse bezgluzde podomlennya, as if in their single-mandate rozpovsyudzhuetsya on some resources chistorinkah. In our opinion, this is the only name of the program, if you want to manage on the walls of different groups, you can also. Today we will tell you about the best spam program in contact.

VkSpam 3.0.6

VkSpam 3.0.6 - the price of the word in this sphere. Cream of that this program can spam the group The same way to contact, it also has the function of spamming such a site as The same version is considered in the previous ones, which showed the possibility of spamming friends, were supplemented with small shares in the VK parser, as well as the parameter of captcha recognition. The main functions of this program are: mass rozsilannya encouragement at LZ, in public and groups (also the possibility of vibrating rozsilannya); the possibility of exiting from the comfort of sleep at once; mass and vibirkove vydalennya friends; the possibility of mass purification of the wall; the possibility of attaching additional files to spam alerts; ability to connect to the "AntiGate" service; the ability to create a hitch for the hour of the administration; mozhlivіst vikoristannya korisnoї statistics, scho conducted pіd h rozsilki; the possibility of using a parser for a contact; the possibility of manual entry of captcha; the ability to follow the programs of the work process; the possibility of choosing a checker and the phone in contact. Qiu program without cost, you can zavantazhit for the coming orders on the site of the retailer.

I want to tell the visnovka that the interface given by the program is simple and does not require report description. From the attached screen, you can clearly see that the language of the interface is Russian, so it’s not the fault of the problems. If you blame something like food, then you can put them in the comments and you will take the correct opinions on them.

I helped you, or I was honored with this article, do not forget put your like Tse help other koristuvachs to know її shvidshe. And I can find out what to say to you the most, so that I can prepare you to write more and more funny articles! With respect V'yacheslav.

Speech, on yak people check with fates. I have the same song on VKontakte.

We were already thinking that we could write off direct and regular communications with clients, the emails of the mailing list greatly improved the position. Ale was terribly afraid.

As soon as the chatbots came, they also helped, then in practice, prompts appeared to remind me to VK.



Wanting this functionality to appear on the cob of 2017, I just at once decided to work it out. І tse unvipadkovo.

Our shards were overgrown with the knowledge of their knowledge, and the same servants for the rozsilok pumped their abilities well. I tell you this not from theory, but from real evidence of strength over 100,000 reminders.

I give respect to the phrase "in the name of the group/public", even if in this type of parties at the same time it is possible to work for a booster.

I logic of Vkontakte understood here. Groups and publics are created for commercial purposes, if the special parties are sharpened for special tasks, but not in conjunction with the audience. Ale ce so, to the point.

Vigoda for a person

The key joy of any business is the high vіdkritіst of your remembrances, at once we will make a report.

In email marketing, the figure floats close to 20-25%, if the situation changes sharply in VK and becomes close to 80-90%. You can rudely say that everyone whom you send information to, please them.

Zvichayno, only a few at a time. Aje special notices are not clogged with spam, and the maidanchik itself does not impose any kind of border and suvorih rules.

If I want to make special notes, it’s too early for all the roses to be reminded at VK there will be a folder with special notes. Such a thing is immediately implemented in G-mail and is called "Promotions".

You can procrastinate for a long time on the topic of vіdmіnnostі vіdmіnnostі vіdmіnnostі vkontakte vkontakte vіd e-mail marketing, but vіdrazu domomosya - it's not a substitute, but an additional channel of mutual modality.

And if the first ones are definitely pardoned, then others were spared. Well, it’s true, it’s been more than spring through the river after the official release of the roses.

Ale oskіlki we are talking about today, then radio, auto funnels at VK є. Ale, the stinks are not so fancy, as you think.

Everyone is just picking up wraps. But at the same time, you can see the main functionalities, which will develop:

  1. Change. Submitting data in the text, appearing from the information on the side of the payer.
  2. An overpowering moment. Vybіr in the distant hour that date for strength.
  3. Auto series. Strengthening one by one from the chosen hour interval.
  4. UTM tags. Vіdstezhennya dzherel, zvіdki nahodya prepayers.
  5. Statistics. Analytics in the administration, otrimanih podomlen and transitions for assistance.
  6. . Dodavannya that vidalennya participant in those subscriptions, vihodyachi s yogo diy.

Moreover, rest item, What is the main auto funnel of sales, at the same time pumping is rather weak.

At the time of writing, there are close to 6-8 criteria in customer segmentation. And I don’t write them on purpose, because, perhaps, tomorrow the list will not be relevant. Ale, in the next paragraph, I will give information, de everything to be explained.

All or not all

So much so that Vlasnikov thinks that now it is possible to spam on all and all in the name of sleep. But not so.

You need to take a small amount of money for an overpayment, and then we’ll give you an extra charge.

Tse already accumulating a singing sum, even though it’s not all so easy to go out. Ale hiba tse not great?

Otherwise, our personal would be pissed off with thinner women and Japanese diapers.

But I don’t want to know anything, and I’ll again improve the mechanics of removing the supply.

Moreover, in the opinion of many theoreticians, it is possible to subscribe in three ways.

I'll tell you about them, but I'll get ahead of them in advance, You'll need to remember only two. We have given the reason for which.

1. As a person, write to you in spіvtovaristvo, meaning signed, marvel at the picture below.

Lyudina wrote a reminder

2. Like a person on the press

Subscription fee

3. Like a person, write a code word at the group’s notice, which means signing

code word

Why did I so impudently say "on the thought of theoreticians" ?! The fact that already more than once bachiv vipadki, as for ever blocked the ability to manage the support of groups, as they took and began to work for the robit for criterion No. 1.

The logic is simple: just because a person wrote to you, it doesn’t mean that she was in time for a drink.

Tse means that there are really only two methods. Moreover, the most secure is different.

The third one is actually the implementation of the first, it’s less different, that if you have problems, you can confirm the support service, that the person actually wrote to you to the group, that you signed for the code word.

Please, sir

Before that, as you see champagne 30-year-old glass, you need to think about how you can get the audience to the top.

From the look of the mechanics, you victorious all those same, yakbi signed the people on, email-rossilku or. Ale, all the same, I will bring pіdbags + I will add our know-how.

  • Click to subscribe to the site. You can have this option on our premises. We obіtsyaєmo savory korisnіst for your benefit.

Click to subscribe on the site
  • Call to subscribe from the group. So we have a group up to a skin post + a fixed record, we suggest you pay a gift in advance.

Click to subscribe to the group
  • Targeted advertising. You launch advertising notifications by calling to subscribe to the mailing list for the baggage audience.

  • Retargeting. You also launch advertising messages, but only strictly for the pre-payers of your group or for your site.


Let's be honest. You are to blame but mega tsikavimy, so that people subscribed simply to the distribution of news from your company.

Mostly not so. To that, I not without reason wrote the word “gift/korisnіst” sprat times.

It is better to pronounce the overpayment to replace the cost for the client. They are called by the people.


I, zvichano, well done, tell you about the rozsilki, but forgetting to guess what the stench will fight through the special services of the rozsilka.

All as a rule, Vkontakte was given access to their code, and the smart people from this resource were robbed of their services, which allow them to overpower them. Within the framework of VK, they really are called programs for boosting messages.

І at the same time on the market of such programs is already finished richly. And there will be more. Ale, the shards caught up with us with the help of others and, most of all, the first-timers in this sphere, then we saw our TOP.

New man has no money, so paid services. And the head office is one type of one ... Garazd, three more rozpovim, back to back list of services for distribution.

Support the project - share your efforts, darling!
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