How to make a reminder in the tasks of the hour. vkontakte timer

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: Various effects, stickers, great emoji, preview messages and more. Ale, until now, there is only one obov'yazkova function - the ability to manage the notification of the layout.

There are fluctuations, if you don’t want to correct the reminder, but you want to replace it, so that it was delivered on the song day and hour. For example, tomorrow is your friend's birthday, and you don't want to forget to take yoga in an hour. In such a situation, you could easily put an alarm on the timer, and it would automatically break at the right time.

iOS developers have repeatedly asked to add this feature, but Apple hasn’t noticed it yet. If your phone is jailbroken, then you are lucky. Kairos 2- This is a jailbreak tweak that allows you to set iMessage and SMS alerts on a timer.

Koristuvatisya Tviko is easy to finish. If you install it, add an addendum of information and dialogue in which you want to write. Now enter your note and click on the edit button. Information not to recover, but to replace the screen with food, if you want to fix it right away, or better.

If you want to send a reminder in a second, click on the Send Now button. On another occasion, choose the date and hour, in the yak it was delivered to the guilty. If you choose, press the Select button, and the timer will be set. You will be alerted to your device until the set time, and then we will recover automatically.

This Tweek allows you to look over all your messages, like standing on a timer. On the main page of the Awareness program, you will find the icon with a calendar in the upper right corner. Click on it to look at the list of your notifications on the timer at the same time with the dates and hours, and they will be delivered in the same way.

Kairos proponuє and kіlka іnshih possibilitа, yakі transfer povіdomlennya on the timerі on іnshіy rіven. The stinks include:

  • Smart Airplane mode: If Tweek tries to reset the alert in the flight mode, it will automatically turn on for an hour, and then it will be activated again if the alert is triggered.
  • Smart Battery send: If you activate this mode, Kairos will automatically adjust the length of the year, as if your iPhone's battery level drops below the set value.

Tviko also has the same settings, you yourself can adjust the display decal in the program configuration. There you can turn on or turn off the Smart Airplane and Smart Battery Send modes, as well as choose how you want to set reminders on the timer. It is possible to work after pressing on the button to correct or after pressing on the Digital Touch button. You can also choose to change the screen, on the aphids of which there is a window for setting the timer.

Kairos nadaє mozhlivist, yaku already checked for a long time koristuvachi iOS. If you ever wanted to put a reminder on a timer, then you will definitely fall in love with this Tweek. Vіn vіdmіnno pratsyuє i ide z dekilkom additional functions, How to expand the process of yoga more accepting.

You can buy Kairos 2 for $2.99 ​​from BigBoss in Cydia. It is supported by all devices running iOS 10. Feel free to try this Tweak, write your opinion about it below in the comments.

Chi do not miss the news of Apple - subscribe to our Telegram channel, as well as to YouTube channel.

SMS - rich zruchna i korisna. Without them, like without hands. Ale chi for sure you rule short notice pid hour? Didn’t you stray the addressees in your hurry, or, even worse, did you forget about the need for correction? Added Delayd poklikane virishiti tsyu problem.

Startup Tinyyo Limited has developed a messaging service, which allows you to set the hour for SMS alerts and publications in social measures. The main "feature" of the program is the ability to set the hour for the next voice message or multimedia notifications from photos and videos to contacts in the address book. Koristuvach sets the hour and date of the correction, the text of the notification, chooses one or more decals of obedience. Possibility of editing scheduled updates.

As a result, you can not worry if you forget to send someone from your friends or relatives on your birthday, so you will automatically set Delayd to correct SMS-privation from the first dates. You have shown that the milk has run out, and your squad is on an important meeting, how can you end up on your own? Tell Delayd that the message "Road, don't forget to buy milk" is necessary after seven years. SMS-ki not vodverne її vіd prіv і come yakraz pochasno.

In the same way, you can wake up your SMS alone, asking for it, or for a long time, to share the greetings before the saint. The drives can be impersonal, and the solution is one - Delayd.

Reminders can be divided into groups: national days, rivers and social group. Mabut, malysya on uvazі zagalnopriynyati is holy and yakіs absolutely pobutovі nuances. It is also possible to say, what next proposition should be told about the correction of the update, and what is needed to work for a booster for some cyclicity (skin day, weekday, month, river).

The addendum will continue to work after re-advancement of the iPhone. All data is saved on the service, so the scheduled maintenance will be done at the time of recharging the battery of the smartphone.

In general, the idea of ​​the addendum is already a cicava, although it is not innovative. The interface is simple, visually more accepting. The head of the nedolіk servіsu pogaє in what is still in the list of countries, in some pracciuє Delayd, not in Russia. Wine is supported in the USA, Great Britain, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Brunei, Canada, China, Gambia, India, Israel, Pakistan, Pivdenny Africa. Ale retailers obіtsyat regularly expand the list of regions, so that Russian coristuvachas, in any case, may want to add additional funds, so that they can find out about the upcoming renewal.

Delayd expands cost-free and sends 50 cost-free SMS. The charges for over the limit are: $0.99 for 50 referrals, $1.99 for 100 referrals, $2.99 ​​for 250 SMS and $3.99 for 500 SMS.

Adding publications on VKontakte is a wonderful and handy option, as it allows you to set up the placement of records for the timer.

In other words, you can immediately create a record in your own writing, or a publication on the wall, as if it will be posted in the future (tomorrow, in a month, in a river, at the appointed hour by you).

The VKontakte timer is a special tool that can win the skin of a social media participant. The timer is attached to your records in the same way as photographs or videos, reviews or documents, and works at exactly the same hour.

Udina umova - maidanchik for publications is your own fault, and not someone else's. Tobto, create an entry on the wall of one or the other group, de vie not an administrator, you do not see. The VKontakte timer also does not work in special notes, in other people's rooms, on other people's sides, but it does not change its importance.

If you are leading a group of people or the public side of VK, the timer is to become your post-instrument, so with this help you can plan the layout of publications for the entire coming day in 1 year!

For the help of the publications of the administration of popular records VKontakte provides for the regular publication of records and news. Without a timer, people would not be able to get out of the social network, without sleep and care for the safe release of new records.

At this cover instructions for the site, the site (copy of Ru) we learn how to quickly create publications, as they themselves will be published on the appointed day, on the tasks of the hour.

Please, that the information will be familiar to all Vkontakte correspondents later, in order to understand the principle of working with your loved ones ().

VKontakte Publication Contribution: Pokrokova Instructions

krok №1

Let's make a note on the wall of power for the butt, so that the hour and date will appear in the need for us. Let's go to your side, to your profile, to start working with the wall of your account.

krok №2

We put the cursor of the bear at the window to place the reminder on your wall and select the option "More" - "TIMER".

krok №3

If everything is set up correctly, under a series of notifications, the “Hour of Publication” block is announced, so you can independently indicate the date of that Hour of publication of our record. By way of a click on the date, we open the calendar grid, we can change the date and month. Shlyakhom click on the hour, vіdkrivaєmo a line with a birthday or khvilin.

Publication hour:

Posting date of entry:

krok №4

Later, in this covering instruction, we chose the hour and date of the publication: February 1, 2017, 10 years and 56 years. Now, if the VC timer is set, we simply create a standard record, which will be published at the appointed hour.

You can add the following to your entry:

  • text records;
  • videos;
  • audio recordings;
  • posilannya (internal and zovnishni);
  • documents i files;
  • photographs and pictures;
  • notes, observations and maps.

In fact, before the deposited record, you can add what you need, what you need for the consumption, the axis will only be published in the lines, the appointments on the timer.

To launch the option for the next hour, press the button "Into the card".

krok №5

To look over the additional entries on the timer, embossed on the row “Installation” (in the row, the number of times is also assigned, in our view - one):

To edit the VK timer and edit the created record, press the bear right after the publication date, appear at the window, press “Edit” there:

Or move the cursor to the upper right corner of the note - then the “Edit” option will appear. All of them have tried to be listed on the screenshots below:

Clicking on the "Record View" is just to see your record at once with a timer. By a similar rank, you can see the publication of the publication from the side of the editorial board.

IMPORTANT: Recordings with a timer can be rich. Golovna їhnya umova - so that the hour of publication did not sound, so that the record did not overlap after an hour on another. And so - create at least 10, even 100 pieces for the whole coming month!

VK group administration

Axis so for the help of simple options you could plan to add news on your wall or on the wall of the vlasnoy group, de wi є administrator. Before speech, these functions are victorious and for making money in the social sphere, if you are leading other people's interests or the public side.

You can easily get a job in some kind of a group and do some renovations for some cheap wine town. Such a robot is rich today, and it is possible for a skin man to run into her.

SMS - rich zruchna i korisna. Without them, like without hands. Ale chi do you always make short notices every hour? Didn’t you stray the addressees in your hurry, or, even worse, did you forget about the need for correction? Added Delayd poklikane virishiti tsyu problem.

Startup Tinyyo Limited has developed a messaging service, which allows you to set the hour for SMS alerts and publications in social networks. The main "feature" of the program is the ability to set the hour for the next voice message or multimedia notifications from photos and videos to contacts in the address book. Koristuvach sets the hour and date of the correction, the text of the notification, chooses one or more decals of observance. Possibility of editing scheduled updates.

As a result, you can not worry if you forget to send someone from your friends or relatives on your birthday, so you will automatically set Delayd to correct SMS-privation from the first dates. You have shown that the milk has run out, and your squad is on an important meeting, how can you end up on your own? Tell Delayd that the message "Road, don't forget to buy milk" is necessary after seven years. SMS-ki not vodverne її vіd prіv і come yakraz pochasno.

In the same way, you can wake up your SMS alone, asking for it, or for a long time, to share the greetings before the saint. The drives can be impersonal, and the solution is one - Delayd.

Reminders can be divided into groups: national days, rivermen and that social group. Mabut, malysya on uvazі zagalnopriynyati is holy and yakіs absolutely pobutovі nuances. It is also possible to say, what next proposition should be told about the correction of the update, and what is needed to work for a booster for some cyclicity (skin day, weekday, month, river).

The addendum will continue to work after re-advancement of the iPhone. All data is saved on the service, so the scheduled maintenance will be done at the time of recharging the battery of the smartphone.

In general, the idea of ​​the addendum is already a cicava, although it is not innovative. The interface is simple, visually more accepting. The head of the nedolіk servіsu pogaє in what is still in the list of countries, in some pracciuє Delayd, not in Russia. Wine is supported in the USA, Great Britain, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Brunei, Canada, China, Gambia, India, Israel, Pakistan, Pivdenny Africa. Ale retailers obіtsyat regularly expand the list of regions, so that Russian coristuvachas, in any case, may want to add additional funds, so that they can find out about the upcoming renewal.

Delayd expands cost-free and sends 50 cost-free SMS. The charges for over the limit are: $0.99 for 50 referrals, $1.99 for 100 referrals, $2.99 ​​for 250 SMS and $3.99 for 500 SMS.

Buvayut situations, if it is necessary to correct important information in singing moment hour. For example, a fortune-telling about the evening to your partner exactly a year before the wedding. Abo is automatically welcomed on the day of birth by a woman. In this rank, you won’t forget the unimportant roses, as if they were beginning with the phrase “have you forgotten?”.

We are all occupied with our rights and we can forget the power, so deacons cost-free supplements on Android allow you to solve a lot of problems. Zavdyaki such 4 additions, you can schedule a further notice.

1. Do It Later

This program is the shortest modern SMS planner.

Do It Later manual interface. You need to choose the owner of the reminder, enter the text of the reminder, the date and hour, in order to save it. If your smartphone has two SIM cards, then you can choose which one to use to correct the notification.

More than that, you can plan to edit not only SMS, but also Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and social media notifications on Facebook and Twitter.

Zavantage: Do It Later (Shine Free)

2. Alpha Messaging

The retailers of this addendum call it a "reasonable personal SMS helper". Alpha Messaging will automatically send SMS notifications for the set date and hour, as well as automatically send SMS notifications to incoming calls.

Scheduled SMS alerts are called Events.

Duzhe zruchny and simple addition. It's possible, it's a little too easy, but Alpha Messaging can't kill those that seem to matter.

Zavantage: Alpha Messaging (Shipping Free)

3.Schedule SMS

This addendum is practically indistinguishable in the case of two overexposures, due to one particular feature: the possibility of eavesdropping is planned.

The Schedule SMS interface is clear and received, we have no complaints. The only shortfall, as I know, is that you can send SMS notifications for the layout, but there is no possibility to set repeated notifications.

take advantage: Schedule SMS (no cost)

4. SMS Planning

All the additions in this article are quick and easy in vikoristan, but SMS Planning is really the most obvious, because it’s quite simple.

One special feature - you can marvel at all the messages. In this rank, you can reverse it, if and to whom the addendum has ruled to be reminded.

Respectfully, SMS Planning has a SIM card installed behind the lock on your Android smartphones. So, if you want to change the SIM card for another SIM card, then you need to change the SIM card for locking in Android.

Zavantage: SMS Planning (no cost)

What's the winner of your planner? SMS reminder? Do you know any other supplements for correcting information about the layout? Be kind, share with us in the comments!

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