Yak archivuvati files on windows 10. Yak archivuvati file in Zip

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Do not lightly power up me: - "How can I send a file by email?" for navpaki, I ask someone to send me that file, but a ludin, I ask you, I can't understand, how can I get started ...
To that, I wrote a copy of the book.
For a cob, let's prepare a file that we will overpower by post.
For tso, the file can be sent to the unpacked viglyad, tobto yak є, just attach the file to the sheet, like attachment, or packing in the archive ...
As our file is not great size, Then you can do it without "Archivuvannya", Tobto without squeezing ...

If the file is of great size, then it is more beautiful to pack it in "Archiv", Zavdyaki tsomu, the file can be a little too small, so that you can speed up the overload.
Also, like and earlier, for this year's day, the mailing service, do not allow overloading files, so that there are a lot of library programs. Windows vykonuvaniyu file UTB.EXE - tobto file-program, i.DLL - file-library (Bibliotekami can be not only dll files, Ale all їkhni, I will not pererakhovuvati)... This kind of message from the postal services of intelligence, it’s tied to them, when transferring such files, can only be invaded by viruses, Trojans and various other guides ... , as the stench vvazhaut p_dozrіlimi. It is also necessary to refer to files of scripts and files to replace a set of commands, such as BAT and CMD ...
To that, such files should be packed into archives, and not just packaged, but packaged and protected with a password!
And yet, a couple of words about the packaging-archiving of files ... Files of pictures, such as .JPG, .PNG, can not be crumpled when archiving, you can pack it into an archive, only in that case, if you want to transfer a lot of files to a list To add all of them at the expense of even "muddled" ... Text files, navpaki, when packed into archives even more tightly, but when compressed, the archive takes about 30% of the cob size file. In the whole vipadku, more savagely packing the files, this will change the size of the file.
So, we z'yasuvali, scho pack the files into archives, tobto archivuvati, then:
- If we want to transfer a lot of files, for packaging, we need to add one file to all, and not 20 or 30 for example ...
- If I want to transfer text files, then when packing, the size of the file changes significantly, well, naturally, if we have a lot of files, then it's easier to add one file to the sheet ...
- I want to transfer the file with programs, etc. - the file (s) is required for archiving, the mail server is not visible ...
Also, we know, that pictures like.JPG, .PNG, next to archivuvati, only in that case, if I want to transfer a few files, so that the files may not be lost in size when packing ...
Now let's talk about everything in order ...
Yak zapakuvati in archive files:

For the butt, I prepared a small number of text files, which may have a size of 3.73 megabytes.
Check the files in the archives, we are guilty of the archivator's rulings. Newest archivator for this year WinRar http://www.rarlab.com/) one minus of the program, it is paid.
I program 7-zip(Official site of the programs: http://www.7-zip.org/) tsey archivator bezkoshtovny, ale mensh extensions.
Also, on the current day, all the operating systems can be displayed and the archive files are read. ZIP means that if you send people ZIP archives, then it is elementary that you can see it.
Now let's dodamo files in the archive. For a wide video I will need a group of files:

Klatsaєmo on them another (right) button Misha and select the item "Dodati to the archive" (In times, if you have an appointment as some kind of architect, you can name the menu item).

We can see the following files in the archives:

In which case we need to set up parameters:
1 - Set іm'ya file (for transfer_ files_via the Internet, please put і names in Latin letters, there are no problems with coding, etc.)
2 - Vibrati type archiv (we already said about it)
3 - Set the steps of the squeeze (the stronger the squeeze, the less our file will be archived)
4 - Push the button OK for opening the archive.
Axis dialogue program-archivator 7-zip:

You can see the yak on the little one, all the same, well, yes, call yourself a trosh according to a reasonable one, albeit in principle, use it elementary ...
For packaging, we have an archive file, which is only 31.6 kilobytes behind the size, and 3.73 megabytes in total!

Now, how to set the password for the archive:
WinRar- To close the archive with a password, at the window of the archive, go to the tab "Dodatkovo" pull the button "Set password".

We have a password dialog:

In which case, remember the offense of the field, so that the field for the password і the field for confirming the password і press the button OK.
7-zip- For opening an archive that is stolen with a password, at the opening of the archive, two fields are stored, naturally a password and password confirmation:

For what, all the supportive adjustments are carried out, as described by the visce.
Well, not really everything, we got out of the packaging, let's now go ahead before sending the file to the file ...
Completion of the file to the sheet.
Infectious, we need to get in touch with deyakie speeches ... send the program but through web interface, Tobto go through the browser, to the website of the mail server, enter your data there, etc. (Browser, price of the program, as you look at the Internet site)
Yaksho Vee Web Interface Then go to your postal record ...
Create a new sheet. (I will show you for the butt, how to run on servers google, mail.ruі yandex)
And in order to write the text of the sheet, as it is absolutely necessary, to write:

posilannya "Attach file"- v google

button "Attach file"- v mail.ru

button "Attach file"- v yandex

For what, you have to see a dialogue to select files:

In each case it is necessary: ​​- to go to the file, to go to the folder in which you save the files for overwriting, or in which you were opening the archives. vibrati required file and push the button vidkriti.
For what, the file will be sent to the mail server and added to the sheet:

If you need to add some files, then you will again push the button “Attach a file”, well, it’s completely predicted everything that is described ...

Vlasne axis and everything, sending the leaf and adding the attachment to the file, the onslaught on the forward button and forwarding the sheet ...
Now let's see how everything is done through the postal programs. For the butt, I will talk about two, the most popular postal programs, price The Bat!і Microsoft Outlook.
a little bit about Microsoft Outlook.
Yak i vypadku with the Web Interface, I open a new sheet, write the addressee, subject, text of the sheet ...

insert file

(In older versions, the button is located in the іншу місці)

In the same way, you can add a number of files as needed ...
now about "The Bat!"
Yak and in all the foregrounds, I open a new sheet, write the addressee, subject, text of the sheet ...
Add onslaught file Mo button Attach file

Why do we have an attachment file:

In the same way, you can add a number of files as needed ...
Everything, for the direction of the sheet, the onslaught of the button ...
Corrupt the criminals, and you can overwhelm the files, through the majority of the Post servers, the vicious ones, the Web Interface and the Lots of Post Programs ...
By way of sending programs, at the moment of opening the sheets, you can simply drag the files with a bear to edit the new sheet (From folder to folder).

Vikoristovutsya squeezed tribute (without losses). In such a rank, the size of the archives can be less than the size of all the victories that can be revenged. Archives can be filed for the pre-construction collection of the tribute, combining a great number of files into one, or for changing the size of the tribute.

Visiting archives does not become difficult. add Zip archive. This Zip archive can be viewed on any computer with operating system Windows, navigate without installation additional programs... To display the archives of these types, you need to install special program archivator. In any case, in order to see the archives enough to click on a new bear. On the other hand, it’s not so simple, there can be options. We have a lot of materials about those, how to archive the folder.

Yak zaarchivuvati folder vbudovanimi zasob Windows.

You can archive the folder without installing the archivators. For the whole it is necessary to press the bears with the right button on the papa and select the item "Nadislati - Stisla folder".

To start the process of archiving the folder. The hour of archiving is stored in the folder size.

For this purpose, the folder will be archived by ordering the ZIP folder to appear. Tse і є your archіv.

For the names of the icon, the archives of the viglyad are like a folder with a stash-blink.

The Danish way of archiving a folder is even simpler, but I don’t need a lot of control over the archiving process. If you need to regularly archive folders and files, then install the archiver program better.

Yak archive the folder for the additional 7zip archivator.

The 7zip program will be the most popular and popular. Among the not less popular, albeit paid, WinRAR archivators, the 7zip archivator has only one shortcoming - the unhappiness of archiving archives in the RAR format. There is nothing to do with 7zip.

You can add the 7zip program on the website. For installation of 7zip programs in the context menu of folders and files, a new menu item appears - "7-Zip". For an additional point, you can archive a folder or files.

The "7-Zip" menu item is visible:

  • Add to archive - start window with archive settings. Here you can use the stisnennya, as well as the dan.
  • Clarify and send email - the same as the next point, but also for the further updates. e-mail.
  • Add to "file name. 7z" - the folder will be placed in the 7z format from the standard settings.
  • Stay in the "file name. 7z" і - the same, і the first item, and the further updates by e-mail.
  • Dodati to "file name.zip" - the folder will be placed in zip format from the standard settings.
  • Squeeze into “name the file. zip "and send email - the same as the next item, and then send it by e-mail.

In order to correct access to all archives, go to the menu item "Add to archive".

In the window "Add to archive" you can specify the format of the archive, the level of compression, encryption settings and settings. To start the process of archiving, press the button "OK".

I go, dear friends !!! In the case of the statistics, I want to talk about those and the packaging of the folder (file). For a lot of people, the statute is absolutely not new, albeit turn me on, well, I’m a lot of people who fix them. WinRAR archivator and for whom the wine is needed. If you do not have the WinRAR archivator installed, then download it (fortunately in the Internet at once) and install it on your computer.

To install the archiver, click the right mouse button on any file or folder, you will receive additional points for archiving vibrating folders or files. Click on the "Add to Archive" tab.

You will also see the axis with the settings, de-select the "RAR" archive format and I always select the "Zvychainy" compression method, and you can vibrate whatever you want and push "OK". In addition, when you press the "OK" button, the folder (files) will be archived and the folder will appear in exactly the same way.

To unpack the archives, just click twice on the archives and when you open the file, drag the folder (file) with the left mouse button onto the workstyle. If you want to pack the archives into the folder, then you will start: Click the right key of Misha on zip folder abo fileі click on the tab "Knit files" in the window, select the folder and click "OK".

Archive is a whole file that can be placed in its own files and folders. When you open the archive, you should be able to make a dent in the archives who are in charge of the archive less than the existing ones, as they should take revenge on their own. Archive vikoristovuyutsya for the exchange of a great number of files, pre-construction zberigannya danikh or change the size of danikh.

You can archive the folder for help Windows-archivator, So and for the help of third-party programs.

By the frontier of the inspired archivator, those who open the archives can be seen on any computer, so as they are guilty for the suggestions they can be taken without a blame Windows versions... However, the steps of the compulsion will be even lower, on the basis of third-party programs.

When archiving, for an additional third-party program, there is a possibility of choosing the level of compressed archives, albeit and not just zabuvati, but what is more, it will take more than a trivial hour to archive and then unzip.

Archivannya for the help of the built-in ZIP archivator

Vikoristovuyu tsey way when archivation is not necessary to install a third-party programmatically secure... For archivatsiya to finish viconati the last days in Windows.

Otzhe, it is necessary for the cob to the archivation process. I will need a folder and an onslaught for us with the right button of the bear for wiklik Windows context menu.

In the context menu, the bear cursor is hovering over "Vidraviti" as a result, open the submenu, there is a select item "Styles ZIP folder".

Checking the completion of the process of archiving the folder in the archive with the original name. After completing the process of archives, appear in the same message and output file.

The Danish way of archiving a folder є we’ll even forgive, but we don’t have the ability to manage the archiving process. If it is necessary to regularly archive folders and files, then the archiver program will be installed more efficiently for everything.

Archiving for additional third-party programs


7-Zipє one of the most popular archivators, the unchallenged mastery of the given architect; Single minus - the trick is to save archives in the RAR format.

You can add the 7-Zip program on the official website. go for cim to direct requests.

When the installation process is completed, the item "7-Zip" appears in the Windows context menu, and you can zip the file or folder.

To access all the possibilities of archiving the folder, you need to use the item "Dodati do"... Here you can enter the stisnennya rivn, the password for encrypting the tribute, as well as the іnshі tribute.

To start the archivation process, press the button "OK".


If you need to correct great number files, the compression may be stronger, but not transferred to the standard ZIP-archiver. WinRAR has been closed.

You can sign up for the WinRAR program on the official website and go to direct requests.

After the installation is completed by the programs, a list of new items will appear in the context menu.
To archive the folder, you need to see the required file or the folder with the right button of the bear, Schob viclicati in the context menu of Windows, de vibiraєmo item "Add to arhive ...".

As a result, you can see the WinRAR archiving menu, you can vibrate the steps of clamping the folder, for which you need to change the method of clamping "Shvidkisny" on the "Maximum".

If you want to reload the program, you will grip the file, it will take more than an hour to borrow the process, and the archive itself will be smaller.

If you do not want to pick up the archive on your own, then you can pick up the item "To add to the archive" the name of the archive.rar "", In such a vipad of archivation, one will feel mittuvo, without dodatkovyh nalashtuvan, on the "Middle"рівні stisnennya.

With all the challenges of this architect, it’s not hard to forget, but WinRAR є is a mind-bezel-less program. Through the month of the installation, with the skin launch, the license will be validated. At the same time, the archiver will become more functional.

Otzhe, for all, I am assisted by the information, the wikladena in the statistics helped you in the process of archiving folders.

Privit everyone! I will show you how to archive a folder with files in the most efficient way and correctly!

If you need to transfer files via the Internet to sots merzhakh(For example, on Vkontakte), for it is necessary to send it by electronic mail, but the files are too large and, in all likelihood, come with the help of the archivator's programs.

Yak squeeze the folder with files

sami popular programs for stitching, price WinRar and 7-zip. I’m creepy yak and a lot of WinRar, but if you’re not satisfied with the size of the folder, try to squeeze the 7-zip program.

On the official sites, you can download їх. WinRar is a tse archivator with Trialny period, and 7-zip is a kosteless archivator.

It’s written down that installation, as if it’s like a daddy’s to appear on the menu items. In order to archive the folder with files, press the right mouse button on the necessary papacy (I will squeeze the folder with photographs).

Now you can see the parameters.

  1. A collection of vibrant archive format. The rar format is clearer, and the zip format is only necessary on the Internet. If you do not have any vimogs, then the squeeze is in rar.
  2. The given method of squeezing is set to the maximum.
  3. In some cases, it is necessary to distribute archives to a number of parts, but the leather archives have been borrowed in the first place. It is also necessary at the point of distribution on the volume of the size, the set of the required size is set.
  4. Also, you can set a password on the archives.

In principle, nothing more is needed. Onslaught is OK.

Pislya squeezed, marveling at the growth:

Folder to shrink:

1st style archiv:

Economy in our vipadka 5 megabytes. If the files are left behind, the size of the compressed can be small. But it is more beautiful than the squeeze to reach in text files or pdf. But again, if you need more compression, you need to use the 7-ZIP archiver and select the ultra compression method in 7z format.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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