Also User Agent and how to change the browser. Bagato anonymous not buvaє - prikhovuєmo User-Agent Program for automatic change of the windows agent

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Chergovy attack paranoia buv a whole lot of rulings - guides to read, de the author on the application of the FireFox browser informs about the potential turns of identification information. I became tsikavo - and on the soundtrack, the decision can be saved, say, to the browser Google chrome?
Take advantage of the real IP - vikoristovumo development VPN servers, enable the left part of the external scripts - Adblock Plus і Ghostery fix the Referer - no food, so they got stuck ... , say, s IP) it is easy to identify a koristuvach. First of all, there was a need for robots. Knowing the decision was not static, the value of the User-Agent changed, which was not enough. Todi i bulo decided to write a plugin for a real User-Agent, and if it’s more accurate - to change it to a random one. Abo mayzhe random.

Three of the theory

Vzagal, User-Agent (further behind the text - UA) - the thing is required. It is required for the correct display of the sides, and we also need to see the different versions of the new browsers render the side in a reasonable way, and the web-program is able to support the fact that it is easy to use the scripts that are used by the stylish Rizna pіdtrimka available technologies "engines". Look for vipliv persha vimoga to pidsumku - the power of "imіtuvati" of different browsers, and now it’s more powerful vibora mіzh them.
UA - tse nasampered set. A set of other identifiers, for which one is viewed - a browser, which operating system, which version, and which specific PZ (privit, IE) stand at the corystuvach.
Why does the IP itself and UA need to be prikhovuvati in advance? And let's wonder at the girder of an empty stub site, in which there is nothing like it:

$ cat | tail -3 - - "GET / HTTP / 1.0" 200 5768 "-" "Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot / v1.4.5; ) " - -" GET / HTTP / 1.0 "200 5768" - "" Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; YandexBot / 3.0; + http: // " - -" GET / HTTP / 1.0 "200 5768" - "" Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv: 30.0) Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 30.0 "

There is nothing on the site, but I know about the driver more than enough. All that, scho "the logs know everything."

Practice triplets

Otzhe, virіsheno - presented fake UA. Would you like to formulate yak yogo? I walked through a dozen of UA skin browser, I write a regular line for the skin, I will generate maximum likelihood and at the same hour, in the singing world, a unique video beat. Bazhaєte butt? The axis for you is 10 UA of the browser "IE 9" and there are five references in the middle. How can you see?

Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident / 5.0; chromeframe / 12.0.742.112) Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Win64; x64; x64; CLR 3.8.50799 ; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0E) Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 8.1; 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident / 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0. 30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;; WOW64; Trident / 5.0; .NET CLR 2.7.40781; .NET4.0E; en-SG) Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; en) Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible ; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident / 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 2.0.50726; Media Center) Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident / 5.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30726; Media Center 4.0, Tablet PC 2.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C ; .NET4.0E) Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 7.0; Trident / 5.0; .NET CLR 2.2.50767; Zune 4.2; .NET4.0E) Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT Win64 ; x64; Trident / 5.0
So, it is worthwhile, but for the whole it is necessary to analyze. Analyze, for example, can stand on any OS, analyze the version, and the nuances. If the stench of being ruined in the shop, the zavdannya becomes a little trivial. Anyone who is looking at the regular season is kindly asked to do it. Generation day vicorist randexp.js (thank you for the gift of habrachuvak by name).

In the beginning of the expansion, you can successfully see yourself for these browsers:

  • IE from 6 to 10;
  • Chrome (Win / Mac / Linux);
  • Firefox (Win / Mac / Linux);
  • Safari (Win / Mac / Linux);
  • Opera (Win / Mac / Linux);
  • iPad and iPhone.
What a tsykavogo? Automation... By ticking the checkboxes as browsers are imitumo, ticking the box "Resume automatically", will set the interval to hour and start. Nichogo interesting. For tsikavikh - to marvel at the "background side" in the console - everything is well secured there.

Vіdkritі dzherela. Yaksho є bazhannya finish for yourself, everything that is necessary, tse:

  1. View the Power of Expansion on Githabi;
  2. Natisnut "Download Zip" or catch up;
  3. On the side of the extension put the checkbox "Retail mode";
  4. Natisnut "Zavantazhiti rozpakovane expanded ..."
I will be even more constructive criticism and propositions.

Brush once more beautifully.

User-Agent in Firefox and in other browsers є row values, such as identifying the browser and the necessary information about the server system, on which sites are located, which are displayed. The change of the agent's row can be cinnamon in the singing scenarios, for example, if the functions of the site are blocked for specific platforms, and you need to bypass the interchange price.

Also, User-Agent is often used by web developers to optimize web data for small attachments. The User-Agent can give the web servers a message about the operating system of the user-agent and the version of the browser.

Yak change User-Agent at Firefox settings

For that schob Change User-Agent from Firefox, visit the offensive:

User-Agent browsers

Axis of deyaki Yuzeragenti, you can just by the way:

Chrome on Linux:
Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, yak Gecko) Chrome / 65.0.3325.181 Safari / 537.36

Microsoft Edge:
Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 46.0.2486.0 Safari / 537.36

Internet Explorer:
Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident / 7.0; AS; rv: 11.0) like Gecko

More information can be found on

The parameter "general.useragent.overridepreference" will be stuck to the skin-friendly tab in Firefox and will be saved until you do not change or see it. You will be prompted to prompt you to navigate when you close or re-open your browser.

Yak change User-Agent Firefox for additional extension

You often change the User Agent in Firefox, think about setting up a special browser add-on, like sparing a lot of time.

Change User-Agent from Firefox for additional extension User-Agent Switcher can be done like this:

The latest version of the popular User-Agent Switcher extension is written behind the addition of the Web Extensions API. The old version cannot be used with newer versions of Firefox. This version has been expanded to make more sense with Firefox Quantum.

Well, that's all for now. Now you know how to change User Agent in Firefox. Well, if you want to speed up the Firefox browser robot, then you.

As soon as you have a mania of pereliduvannya, it does not mean that there is no way to follow you ...

Medicinally cautious

Deyake marvels: "How about who knows my OS and browser?" So, a lot of services to collect such information, tk. It is important for the correct presentation of the links. It is also important for collecting statistics. For example, the developers of such information, I know, that the middle of the messages on our site is 33% of the OS Ubuntu and 30% more than other Linux distributions.

Vzagal, then, in the whole (collection of such tributes) there is nothing terrible, as well as all 5 hard points from the hovers below:

  1. You do not use Windows.
  2. Do not troll on hacker sites (and do not be rude).
  3. All valuable information is stored on remote servers with a regular backup and a 2048-bit password (well, at home with a pillow).
  4. Do not be hungry for the mania of peresliduvannya.
  5. We are a respectable paysite of taxes.

So you can not be afraid of anything, as long as you do not go to the Internet.

Especially I can’t visit items 4-5, because I regularly “change” my browser and OS.

Dovidka on User Agent

In order to know the information about the drive, the server will be powered by the browser with the information, which is called USER-AGENT. There is a row of text like this:

Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident / 4.0; Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1); .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Call in there information about the PZ version, the operating system, and the system, but it may be available elsewhere.

The following information is available at the guided row:

  • Windows Vista
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 browser
  • .NET version 3.5.30729

Deyaki companies (everything bought by Microsoft plus a lot of banks, which can be used for HTTP-client-bank) do not provide their site for browsers, viewed from MSIE. To that very reason, the meaning of USER-AGENT is relevant not only for quiet, who want to get their information, but for good linux-koristuvachiv.

With the list, the value of the USER-AGENT field can be found in Vikipedia.

We will try to change the value of the USER-AGENT field in Firefox and Chrome \ Chromium browsers. Everything is described in Ubuntu, but it is miraculously practical in any OS.

Let's go ...

User-agent support for Firefox browsers

Option 1 - simple

For the cob I will install the User Agent Switcher plugin. Restart Firefox and the User Agent Switcher button on the panel (it is possible not to win, but to win through the "Tools" menu).

Ale for the list of names User-agent-switcher even more maliy, that needs to be expanded (hocha, you can do it).

The file useragentswitcher.xml will be blocked. Vidkrivaєmo setting up User Agent Switcher embossed button Import and vibrate fresh file.

Now you can imagine yourself practically being from the current browsers.

Option 2 - for red-eyed

Viewed from the browser and set it up. For someone in the address row it is written:

Storymo row parameter general.useragent.override... For the substitution of yogo not іsnu

I ask you, be it meaningful - the very same browser will show you on the power supply User Agent.

User-agent box for Chrome and Chromium browsers

Option 1 - simple, ale bezgluzdiy

Tsey method is similar to the first version for Firefox, but the Chrome plugin is very short-lived, because can't replace the real User-agent field. Tsya blenka dіє tіlki, as the site is designed for the OS that browser using Java. The axis is oriented to the side of the plugin. For the statement of the author of the plugin, everything will be chocolate, if Google publishes the API for the feed.

In this short note, I will show you a simple way, like changing the User Agent in the Mozilla browser. What kind of User Agent? This is a browser-identifier entry that can be used in a skin packet for a given hour of the robot in the Internet. Tobto, the skin browser has its own User Agent. The record is written in the HTTP header, there you can still know the information, but also the history.

The whole parameter is required in the first place for sites, the stink is more beautiful, the browser is victorious (it is necessary for the correct display of the site on all browsers, both on old and modern). So, if you have Mozilla, and you put the User Agent in Internet Explorer, then apparently the site will think that you are sitting, and not with Mozily.

Changing the User Agent from Mozilla can be done in standard ways, for the additional side of the set, you can still spend it, if you write the tse axis in the address: about: config:

At the top of the field, you will need to enter the word useragent, and wonder if there is no such parameter:

Yak bachite, the lower parameter has є, but you, shvidshe for everything, will not. Also, turn off the row parameter from general.useragent.override. Just wonder if the parameter is rowdy! Therefore, for all the middle parameter, you can enter a special row (two times natisnit after the parameter), which identifies your browser. The axis is on the right side of the row:

Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident / 5.0)

then the server, or the site, will bachit you like Internet Explorer 9, you do not need to restart the browser, everything is right at once. You can find a bagato koristuvachiv-agent on the Internet, be it a browser - just copy a row, insert it in this order, push OK and that's it - send you back with your browser

Still further, you can add it, call yourself User Agent Switcher, but the truth is I can’t see it, why I’m not shutting it down (but standing up to me). After installing the add-on, in the browser there is a menu with ready-made browser agents, it’s really nice to sing and you can easily minify it ... but there’s not enough - just a couple of versions of Internet Explorer and the third iPhone, and that’s all. I’m so intelligent that it’s just expanded, so you can choose the same menu yourself, if you wonder in your settings, then you can remember the option of adding your own agents, the axis of the won:

Zagalom, I think there’s a jamb on my side, but you can get up, all the same, they have already raised a lot of koristuvachіv, as there are no problems. Zovsim forgetting, the axis is official, the stars can be downloaded.


A great number of additional features have been implemented, which allow the sutta to expand the functionality of this web browser. So, at the top of the article there is about the additional information about the browser, which you can choose from - User Agent Switcher.

Singingly, even more than once it was mentioned that it is easy for a site to be familiar with the operating system, as well as to be victorious by you, and a browser. Practically, any site needs to reject some information, so as not to preserve the correct display of links, and other resources, when the file is locked, it will immediately be prompted to download the required version of the file.

The need to be familiar with the website information about the browser may not be just for the satisfaction of the traffic, or for the general web surfing.

For example, the site's actions, like and earlier, are rendered normally by the Internet Explorer browser. And if for the Windows users it’s in principle and not a problem (if you want your browser to love it), then the Linux browser won’t be overwhelmed.

You can go to the installation of the User Agent Switcher at once, having followed the instructions for the statistics, so you can know the additional information independently.

For a complete click on the browser menu button and go to the section "Upgrade" .

In the upper right corner, write down the name of the additional update, how to make some noise - User Agent Switcher .

On the screen, there will be a few results for a joke, or we will go on to add more results to the list. To the right, click on the buttons immediately "Install" .

To complete the installation of this copy of the update browser, restart the browser.

Yak kistuvat User Agent Switcher?

Knocking User Agent Switcher is much easier.

For promotions, the icon does not appear automatically at the right-hand side of the browser, so it needs to be done on its own. For a complete click on the browser menu buttons and click on the item "Zminity" .

In the Lviv region, the elements appear, caught from the eyes of the koristuvach. Among them is є User Agent Switcher. Just press the icon of the additional icon with the button and drag it onto the toolbar, or start the icon to expand.

Change, click on the current contribution by the end with a cross.

Schob change the current browser, click on the icon for additional updates. A list of available browsers and attachments will appear on the screen. Viber is the available browser, and then the second version, for which add-ons are sent to their robot.

Overwhelming the success of our projects, having moved to the side, in the first place, they will be asked to start updating information about the computer, including the version of the browser.

As a result, you can bachiti, unaffected by those who use the Mozilla Firefox browser, the web browser is designed like Internet Explorer, and this means that the addition of the User Agent Switcher will help you cope with your favorites.

As soon as you need to zupiniti the robot, you need to do it. turn the real information about your browser, click on the end of the update and the menu, vibrate "Default User Agent" .

Beast to respect, that on the Internet a special XML-file is expanded, implementations specially for updating the User Agent Switcher, which expands the list of available browsers. We are not prompted to use the resource for quiet reasons, but the file is not to the official solutions from the retailer, but it means that we cannot guarantee its security.

If you have already removed such a file, then click on the end of the update, and then go to the item "User Agent Switcher" - "Options" .

On the screen, you will see a window with the adjusted ones, in which you need to click on the buttons "Import" , and then go to the front of the enclosed XML file. After carrying out the import procedure, the number of available browsers will significantly expand.

User Agent Switcher is an addition that allows you to get real information about the browser, which you see.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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