The found Beeline tariff: which one to choose? MTS tariffs without a subscription fee.

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Constant increase of the monthly payment on package tariffs (within the framework of which, packages of free credits, SMS and Internet traffic are provided) intimidate subscribers to switch to bigger budget plans. Today we will try to find out which Beeline tariff is found without the Internet and subscription fees.

For rich subscribers, for example, people of an older age, dodatkovi services for watching the Internet and SMS are simply not needed. In great places, Wi-fi is practically available, including public transport, which means you can, from one side, always be online, from the other side - do not overpay for calls.

Today, Beeline is proposing tariffs, with which your bills can be reduced by 5 times less, so you are more importantly communicating with your subscribers. At a penny equivalent, transfer to another plan allow to save close to 3000 rubles per river- chimala suma, yaku can spend other needs.

Change your tariff varto only in that case, as for example, you have a lot of unused thins, you practically don’t manage SMS, but for the Internet you win Wi-fi. The found tariff with a monthly fee of 300 rubles includes a package of 300 credits.

You can check the excess of unstained credits by dialing the combination *102# and the call key from your number, you will receive an SMS with information about the excess on the rahunka and packages of services.

You can also check your current tariff plan by dialing *110*05# on the phone and pressing the call button, and you can cancel the SMS from the required information. Tariff parameters (variation of calls) can be viewed on the operator's website.

Beeline promotes different plans without a monthly fee for winning in your region:

  • "Zero sumnіvіv"
  • "Second"
  • "We kindly ask"
  • "Mobile pensioner"

Mayzhe at all these tariffs have the same tariff for SMS, one additional cost of 2.5 rubles for domestic numbers and 3.95 rubles for international and international numbers;

Choose a new tariff to lay down depending on the number of factors:

  1. Which subscribers do you call?
  2. How often do you call?
  3. How many hours do you tell?

As you are talking more importantly with Beeline subscribers in your home region, the most optimal tariff for you is "Zero doubt".

The first piece of clothing was cut in the middle of the curtain cost 1.3 rubles, the price for the piece was 0 rubles. However, there is one change: the maximum trivality of the maternal ring is to become a pivgodini at the borders of one roam.

Tobto 30 khvilin will cost you 1.3 rubles, and 300 khvilin (the same quantity is transferred within the framework of the tariff plan z subscription fee) total 13 rubles.

This tariff can rightfully be found without the Internet and the subscription fee. Learn how to lie about the fact that you have a good deal with a subscriber of another operator ( , Tele 2) the local region will cost 2.3 rubles, and calls in Russia cost 2.5 rubles (Beeline subscribers) and 5 rubles (subscribers of other operators).

The Republic of Crimea is to blame, the call to this region is charged with an offensive rank: 12 rubles / credit to subscribers of the Kyivstar measure and 24 rubles / credit to subscribers of other measures.

Switching to a plan is easy. If you didn’t change the tariff for the rest of the month, then you switched to a cost-free tariff, as if you didn’t change the plan for the last month, 150 rubles will be written off from your account.

To transfer, you need to dial your mobile number 067410222. You can also change the plan at special office on the website of Beeline or at an addendum for a smartphone.

Visible tariff plan for calls "in the middle of the tariff"

Rate "We kindly ask" also pidide for those who often communicate with Beeline subscribers, as, for example, all of them are in the service of an operator. The tariff is also allowed to be paid on calls to subscribers of other networks in the home region and in Russia.

For maximum benefit, switch to the tariff “Tenderly we ask” more quickly for the whole family. Links from the included option "Dials in the middle of the tariff" to "Beeline" numbers with a similar plan cost 0 rubles (No more than 50 quills per doba).

In this rank, vitrati on mobile call they can reach zero, for example, as a tariff for a vikorist child and call the fathers. With this smut, do not forget to ring a paid call once every three months, so that the number is not blocked.

Calls to the line of numbers in all operators in the home region cost 1.7 rubles / hvilina, which is significant, as friends are connected to various networks. Periodically zdіysnyuyuchi calls and splіkuyuchis with other subscribers with a stretch of 50-100 minutes, you spend more than 85-170 rubles.

Usі mіzhmіsіkі vikliki stand however independent of the operator - 2.5 rubles / hvilina, the price is higher, lower tariff plans.

Switching to the tariff is based on standard rates (descriptions are higher), for the transition you need to dial 0674102013 . Option "Dials in the middle of the tariff" connects automatically or after the number 0674113311. .

If you want to spare a mobile call and remember that you should call mainly from the right, to clarify some information, and say less whilini (in a few seconds), the most optimal option for you is "Per second" tariff.

Within the framework of the call tariff to the numbers of all operators in the home region, the fee is 5 kopecks / sec. (3 rubles / min.). The price of the fines of the intermediary splurge is 3.9 rubles.

Essentially, the tariff is suitable only for economical subscribers, to speak to the point and do not call to other regions, because vartist hvilini rozmovy vishcha, nizh at the borders of other tariff plans without a monthly payment.

The “Mobile Pensioner” tariff could be conveniently called more viable, because. calls to numbers home measure cost 3.95 rubles for the plume, and 7.5 rubles for the plumage (Beeline subscribers) and 14 rubles (for the subscribers of other companies).

However, within the framework of this tariff, you can assign 5 numbers to any operator, on which you can call for 1.25 rubles per piece.

The Danish tariff is more suitable for pensioners, as they don’t make a special offer, call mostly relatives and relatives. The only thing you might need is help from connected servants "favorite numbers".

For which one, you need to turn on the option by dialing the style combination *110*085# and dialing a quick call. As soon as you have come to know that the service is connected, it is necessary to send an SMS to number 675, indicating in the text the numbers in 10-digit format with spaces between them. Variation of SMS correction within the framework of the tariff plan is 1.95 rubles.

One or the number of numbers can be changed by editing SMS with a new list to number 675. For changing one number, a fee of 15 rubles is charged, as well as the rate of sending SMS.

You can change to this plan only at the authorized centers of the mobile operator, after submitting your passport to your pension. If you didn’t change the tariff for the rest of the month, then you switched to "Mobile pensioner" no-shoulder Even though it’s not the first time to change the tariff for the last month, 30 rubles will be deducted from your account.

Which tariff Beeline found? All the clients of the operator were asked these power supplies repeatedly. Obviously, there is no one who has found one. Then, the deacons were able to see the differences, they made them, according to the needs of the skin people.

Active subscribers practically do not use call services, and also, no SMS packets, no unlimited internet they don't need it. Htos, navpaki, actively splkuetsya and, according to the ability to win, all possible bonuses. Before the skin client, the Beeline operator tries to know his individual account.

Tim, who is less likely to call from the right

For subscribers, it is practically not possible to use calls and send calls in the region, cheap fare- "Per second".

The main tariff plan of the operator, which transfers per second tariffication for monthly calls. In a second, write off 5 kopecks - it’s not too much for the quiet, who make only short calls. Wikis across Russia tezh vigidnі - 3.90 rubles. rozmov for the whiling. The great advantage is those that the price is the same for weekend calls to the telephones of all operators.

How do you phone only on Beeline

Subscribers who only telephone on Beeline telephones, without any doubt, evaluate.

This tariff plan allows the operator's subscribers to call Beeline numbers visually: the fee is charged only for the first call and becomes 1.3 rubles. In fact, tse means that varity usієї rozmovi koshtuvatime troch more than ruble. cheap style call it is important to reveal. Until then, subscribers are automatically connected to services, Є contact and a package for 100 SMS. But still, be smart enough to be smarter than those who don’t call the numbers of other operators: it’s good to talk about them with a cost of 2.3 rubles.

International calls

Active subscribers specially start a Beeline SIM card and transfer it to vigidn_ calls for the cordon.

On this tariff plan, you can speed up the option “Dials in the middle of the tariff” and make free calls to Beeline numbers, as if you switched to “We kindly ask!”. Twinkies on be-yaki style telephones in the home region the cost is 1.7 rubles. for a piece of bread, and in all Russia - 2.5 rubles.

“We kindly ask you” I didn’t see anything, it’s not like cheap prices for calls to other countries. For example, to Vіrmenії, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, you can call Beeline numbers for only 3.5 rubles. for the quill, and for the call from China, I will write off 3 rubles for the quill for the phone bill. Subscribers are automatically connected to the service “Dzvіnki sredinі tarif” and “Be in the know +”.


Obviously, it’s impossible, when telling about the operator’s viable tariffs, forget about the “ALL!” line.

This line includes tariffs , i . All stinks are similar and include the same number of services and are suitable for subscribers who are actively using calls, SMS alerts and the Internet.

For the amount assigned to the name of the tariff, the subscriber for a month will receive:

  • Free calls to Beeline numbers in Russia;
  • Pevna number of calls to calls to all operators in the home region;
  • Costless SMS package. Wash the package to lie in the chosen tariff. You can pay 300 for your home region, 500 for your region mobile subscribers whether there are operators all over the country on Beeline telephones.
  • Cost-free Internet traffic or unlimited. Wash the Internet so that it stays in the same way that you have taken the tariff.

On all tariffs of the line "VSE!"

Choose a visual mind

Look at which tariff you can switch to, you can always visit the official website:

Please see the list of tariff plans available in your area.

You are already an active MTS subscriber, which is richly connected in the middle of the border and beyond the borders, large number Internet traffic and regularly push silent SMS alerts? Specially for such subscribers it was created with a subscription fee. For a single fee, you will receive free packets, SMS, and Internet traffic. Without a doubt, these tariffs are affordable, but not for everyone! Other richly viable MTS tariffs without a subscription fee.

Find the one who has found the transfer fee for a monthly fee of 250 rubles. Ale chi varto pay qі pennies, if available within the framework of the tariff, the packages do not win?

MTS tariffs without a subscription fee give the ability not to pay for the marni for the subscriber of the call service. You pay less for those services, with which you have scurried. The MTS company hopes to respect subscribers for similar tariffs, and within the framework of this review, we will report on them.

Overview of MTS tariffs without a subscription fee

At the same time, operators are pushing tariffs with a monthly fee, so that the stench is good for them. Think for yourself, you are paying a fee for the singing services of a call, as for the fact you can not swear full obligation, ale payment through tse will not become a menshoe. How often do you get overwhelmed, SMS or Internet traffic? Most of the subscribers do not redeem the packages from the full account. Time to time, MTS tariffs without a subscription fee transfer payment only for the fact of vikoristannya chi іnshої services. Vtim, tse does not mean that tariff plans without a monthly fee, you can change the tariffs of the Smart line for everyone and there will be more flights. In this situation, everything lies in specific conditions, and, more likely, in the fact that with some servants you greet you and how often.

For today, MTS offers the following tariffs without a monthly fee:

  • per second;
  • Super MTS;
  • Red Energy;
  • Your country.

MTS tariff "Per second"

As you already guessed, do not transfer the actual subscription fee. Therefore, there are no obligatory payments and you pay only for the fact of a specific service, for example, for a call or for sending an SMS.

The tariff will be reasonable for subscribers who call with the same frequency to MTS numbers and mobile phones other lines at the borders of the home region. Depending on the fact, call on MTS or a subscriber of another operator, the fee for the change in the warehouse is 0.03 rubles. In some regions, the varity of hvilini may be different. For example, Moscow and Podmoskov'ї happen to pay 0.05 rubles. for bullshit. Below is information with prices that are relevant for the tariff "Per second" in the territory of the Moscow region. You can find prices that are relevant for your region on the MTS website.

Number of call services on the tariff "Per second":

  • Entrance calls - 0 rubles;
  • On MTS mobile phones, the average amount is 0.05 rubles per piece;
  • Subscribers of other operators of mobile communication within the borders of the home region - 0.05 rubles per line;
  • On the mobile MTS beyond the borders of the home region - 5 rubles per piece;
  • Other operators outside the borders of the home region - 14 rubles per piece;
  • 1 Mb of Internet traffic - 9.90 rubles
  • ;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of international mobile operators - 5.25 rubles;
  • Holidays MMS-alert - 6, 50 rubles.

If you think the tariff will change you, you can change your connection at once. Even though more than 1 month has passed since the moment of the previous change of the tariff plan, the transition to the tariff will be cost-free. As you have already changed the tariff for this month, the connection will cost you 150 rubles.

You can switch to the “Per second” tariff using one of the following methods:

  • Dial the command *111*881 # on your phone ;
  • Submit a tariff at your office;
  • Speed ​​up with the My MTS program;
  • Phone to the dovodkovogo center and ask to connect the tariff;
  • Call the nearest salon with a call from MTS and tell the spokesmen about us to switch to a Danish tariff plan.

Tariff "Super MTS"

The tariff plan of "Super MTS" will be especially attractive for subscribers, as they often join in the merezh. The tariff does not transfer the subscription fee, while you may be able to freely communicate with other MTS subscribers at the borders of the home region. In the meantime, the tariff will be based on your choice, as sometimes you need to call on MTS outside your home region. As part of the option "Call free of cost to MTS Russia 100" you can get 100 free calls to MTS Russia.

Like a bachite, the tariff is correct, but first, you can switch to a new one, it is recommended that you respectfully learn all the characteristics of your mind. On the right, in that the tariff looks richly attractive when the option “Call free of charge to MTS Russia 100” is enabled, without it, you can think of everything else. It is recommended to get acquainted with the prices for the obviousness of the option and without it. By itself, the option is paid and transferring the fee at the borders of the borders is 3.50 kr. We look at MTS tariffs without a subscription fee, then we look at a small price without options.

Call service options on Super MTS tariffs:

  • Entrance calls - 0 rubles;
  • First 20 credits for doba to MTS numbers and local telephones within the borders of the home region - 0 rubles;
  • Calls to MTS numbers at the borders of the home region from the 21st quarter for production - 1.50 rubles;
  • Dzvinki for Russian numbers from the 21st quarter for doba - 2.50 rubles;
  • Calls to mobile phones MTS Russia - 5 rubles;
  • Calls to mobile and local telephones of other operators at the borders of the home region - 2.50 rubles;
  • Calls to the numbers of other operators outside the home region - 14 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS within the borders of the home region - 2 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of other regions of Russia - 3.80 rubles.

It's not good to go out without connecting additional options. If you don’t have 20 credits for your doba, if you don’t win the Internet, don’t force SMS, don’t call outside your home region and to the numbers of other operators, then the tariff will be more reasonable for you. Even if 20 quills are not enough for you, you should look at other things or add additional options.

Call service options at the Super MTS tariff with the option "Call without cost to MTS Russia 100" enabled:

  • On MTS mobile phones in the home region of the first 100 credits for doba - 0 rubles;
  • On mobile phones MTS zі 101-ї hvilini for production - 1.50 rubles;
  • On MTS mobile phones for the borders of the home region of the first 100 credits for production - 0 rubles;
  • On mobile phones MTS Russia z 101-ї hvilini for doba - 5 rubles.

For SMS and the Internet, there are also other options, for example, "SuperBIT Smart" and "SMS Smart Package". If everything is connected, the subscription fee was charged, and we are charged tariffs without a subscription fee, to which we do not add respect for additional options. If the tariff will change you, then to switch to a new one, dial the command *888# on the phone. You can subscribe to the tariff in a special office.

Tariff MTS "Red Energy"

If you need to be called by one number of calls and SMS to all numbers in your home region, then you should get familiar with the “Red Energy” tariff. Tariff plan does not transfer subscription fees. Additional payments can only be made if the additional options are connected. Calls to MTS mobile phones and numbers of other operators cost 1.60 rubles. for bullshit. Weekly SMS to subscribers of the home region cost 1.90 rubles. If you want to match the tariff with other propositions in the MTS, then it is important to call it the best. Wanting to deyakih subscribers vіn vіdmіnno podkhodit. First, switch to the Red Energy tariff;

Call service options on Red Energy tariffs:

  • Weekly entry - 0, rub.;
  • On mobile MTS in the home region - 1.60 rubles;
  • Other operators in the home region - 1.60 rubles;
  • On mobile MTS Russia - 5 rubles;
  • Other operators in Russia - 8 rubles;
  • 1 Mb of Internet traffic 9.90 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of the home region - 1.90 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of other regions of Russia - 3.80 rubles.

Like Bachite, the prices are not the most private and other MTS tariffs without a subscription fee transfer more private minds. Tue, maє tariff and your perevagi. If you consider the “Red Energy” tariff the optimal proposition for you, then for yoga connection, dial the command *111*727 # on your phone . The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged, as it has been more than 1 month since the previous change of the tariff plan.

Tariff "Your Country"

If you want to call the MTS tariff without a subscription fee, which transfers vipdnі calls to Russia, as well as SND, China, Vietnam and Pivdennu Korea, then best solutions You will be transferred to the tariff plan "Your Country".

However, if you want to upgrade your tariffs with a monthly fee, it is recommended to switch to this tariff first and foremost, it is possible, if possible, to change the tariff plan from the Smart line. Report description You can find other MTS tariffs on our website. According to the tariff "Your Country", then for the singing furnishing of the wines it can also be seen. Below is the price, attached to the tariff.

Call service options on the "Your Country" tariff:

  • On mobile phones and subscribers to the tariff "Your Country" - 1 rub.;
  • On mobile MTS in the home region - 2.50 rubles;
  • To the numbers of other operators in the home region - 2.50 rubles;
  • On mobile MTS Russia - 3 rubles;
  • Other operators in Russia - 3 rubles;
  • 1 Mb of Internet traffic - 9.90 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of the home region 2, 50 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of other regions of Russia - 2.50 rubles;
  • Weekly SMS to subscribers of mobile operators SND - 3 rubles.

The best MTS tariffs without a subscription fee

Most of the subscribers do not want to spend an hour on the minds of the tariffs, and they need to know, which tariff without a subscription fee is the best. It's a pity, nobody will give you advice on the question. Think for yourself, how can you designate one highest rate if the skin subscriber is visuvaє vlasnі vmogi up to the tariff. Sob pіdіbrati discount rate It is necessary to check all the propositions that are relevant to the current day and, based on the information taken, choose the best option.

In the minds of zhorstkoy competition between mobile operators, the leading leather company, can get its customers with the most affordable rates and services. Axis and Beeline have options for subscribers that allow you to save on calls and SMS.

Propositions of Beeline without a subscription fee to be insured on economical koristuvachiv, even if you know the variability of the call rate, you can easily control your bills for calls. The stench will be demanded among schoolchildren, pensioners and people who will call for calls only as needed.

Cheap Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee

The most important propositions of Beeline are recognized by us as a leader for schoolchildren and students. Tariffs without a monthly fee are insured for cheap calls and SMS. Mobile Internet and holidays MMS are expensive - 9.95 rubles is practical on all tariff plans, and you can use them without connection additional services nedocіlno. Those subscribers, if they can do without an accessible Internet, or if they want to change the monthly tariff, can.

"We kindly ask"

Found a tariff plan for visitors, which is necessary in a foreign country to get in touch with loved ones. The tariff for the promotion of long-distance calls in the Moscow region is 1.7 rubles per piece, as well as a fee for international calls. Weekly wikis for all numbers of Russia become 2.5 kr. The services of an international call will cost from 3 to 15 rubles for a piece of fluff, fallow from a direct call. Internet traffic of the most expensive average plan, which can not afford a subscription fee - 12.5 rubles per megabyte downloads. The price of SMS-alert - from 2 to 2.95 rubles. . Some regions have a similar tariff plan with a similar name - .

"Zero sumnіvіv"

This proposition will be visible to these subscribers, to the nearest honed richly qualified Beeline. On the other hand, the number of calls to the internal borders of the calls to the numbers of the home region will be cost-free, in that hour, the first amount of the cost is only 1.3 rubles - this is a miraculous proposition. Weekend weeklies on other issues in Moscow and the region cost 2.3 rubles per piece. For 2.5 rubles per quill you can call Beeline subscribers throughout Russia, and for 5 rubles per quill - to other Russian subscribers stіlnikovy merezha. SMS notifications will cost 2.5 rubles for overstretched subscribers, and 3.95 rubles. - international. .

Beeline tariffs without subscription fee for pensioners

One of the unprotected categories of the bulk is undoubtedly pensioners and they need to be especially smart for mating with their children, onuks, friends. Help, pensions and social payments, unfortunately, are not great, and people of a frail age have to save literally a penny. Calling for everything, Beeline offers itself special tariffs to such subscribers.

"Mobile pensioner"

Tariff, specially designed for people of a frail age, as it is difficult to constantly control the amount of money spent on mobile calls. By connecting 5 favorite numbers, subscribers can call their loved ones inexpensively, having spent a total of 1.25 rubles for a phone call, and getting 3.95 rubles from other short-term subscribers in their home region. for quilt, rebuying from Moscow, and 3.16 rubles for quilt from the region. The price of SMS is higher, lower in other propositions, in order not to pay a subscription fee, to become 1.95 rubles. when administered in the Moscow region and 3.95 rubles to recipients of Russia and SND. .


This simple tariff is so self-evident, like the one before, for the summer people. Vіn will be the best option for those who speak only to the right of subscribers, if you dial the number of your loved ones only to ask for a call back. As you can understand the names, here they will cry for less than a second, without rounding up to hvilin. A second of a rozmovi z usima by subscribers of Moscow and the region cost 5 kopіyok. Calls to other telephones in Russia are charged at the same rate, and become 3.9 rubles. for bullshit. SMS will cost 2.5 rubles. when sent to the numbers of the home region and 3.95 rubles. on telephones of Russia and SND. .

Our store has the most advanced tariff plans for Beeline, which introduce new intermediaries for coordinators. Especially for you, we suggest:

  • vivid corporate tariff plans for unlimited billing;
  • tariffs for young people, which include a large number of free-of-charge holidays for any number, a large number of SMS and MMS;
  • one of the best minds talking about Moscow, MO;
  • see the tariffs in Russia;
  • vidni new tariffs with direct and federal Beeline number.

Vigidni tariffs for the best operator

The best tariff plans of Beeline in Moscow and Russia — tse, obviously, tі, yakі proponuyut unlimited billing for a modest monthly fee. You can see them like new corporate rates Beeline, so and so, which are promoted for ordinary coristuvachiv, how to value the quality of communication and economy of negotiations.

From our online store you can buy the most advanced tariff plans presented in the catalog. They are characterized by the presence of direct, federal numbers, the price of connection is available, significant discounts on international calls and unlimited connection with subscribers of other operators, like in Moscow, and all over the country, with the improvement of specific minds of the connection.

Unlimited calling services - tariff plans for the Beeline operator (including corporate ones), created especially for everyday people, will give you unlimited, cost-free credits, you can combine insole, you need insole for work, rozvagi, and if you don’t lie down in balance special rahunka. And besides, by connecting to an unlimited connection, you can immediately choose garniy number for your taste - direct, federal, platinum, gold.

Connection price: corporate, popular and new

The new tariffs of Beeline, promoted by us, may be the most wide-ranging and accessible to the skin - federal tariff plans of Beeline with a monthly fee of 1,000 rubles and an unrestricted amount of fines and SMS.

Z'ednannya with a direct number may be more high quality. However, I will tell the truth to myself, with a little vindication, that they appreciated a lot of corporate representatives. Direct numbers - the price is not only exclusive and prestigious, but also as convenient as possible for communication. Federal numbers are cheaper, but at the same time they don’t spit on the quality of the call, which the operator hopes.

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