Pleasure about information exchange between organizations. State statistics and the largest federal bodies Yak for the sake of information relations

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Typical form
please pro information vzaєmodiyu Federalnoї mіgratsіynoї service that її teritorіalnih organіv of admіnіstratsіyami gotelіv, sanatorіїv, budinkіv vіdpochinku, pansіonatіv, kempіngіv, turistichnih bases medichnih organіzatsіy abo іnshih podіbnih SET, SET krimіnalno-vikonavchoї system SSMSC vikonuyut retribution from viglyadі pozbavlennya Volya abo primusovih robіt at nadannі bezposeredno for when directed from victories to enter to the warehouse, the electrical connection to the warehouse is connected to the information and telecommunications information, as well as to the infrastructure municipal servicesі vikonannya sovereign and municipal functions in electronic form, information about the restoration and nobility of the community Russian Federation from the restoration area after the month of transfer

YEAR about information communication mіzh _________________________________________________________________________ (vkazuєtsya: Federal mіgratsіyna service abo naymenuvannya teritorіalnogo body of the FMS Russie) of _______________________________________________________________________ (naymenuvannya Gothel, sanatorіyu, budinku vіdpochinku, pansіonatu, kempіngu, turistichnoї bazi, medichnoї organіzatsії abo іnshogo podіbnogo mortgage, install krimіnalno-vikonavchoї system vikonuyuchogo retribution from viglyadі pozbavlennya Volia abo primusovih robіt) at nadannі bezposeredno abo at napryamku of vikoristannyam incoming to warehouse MEREZHI elektrozv'yazku zasobіv zv'yazku abo of vikoristannyam іnformatsіyno-telekomunіkatsіynih trammel and takozh іnfrastrukturi scho zabezpechuє іnformatsіyno-tehnologіchnu vzaєmodіyu іnformatsіynih systems for vikoristovuvanih nadannya DERZHAVNAYA and municipal services and a presentation of the state and municipal functions in electronic form, information about the restructuring and withdrawals of the citizens of the Russian Federation from the re-structured oblast behind them we will transfer p ___________________ "__" ___________ 20___ r Federal Migration Service (Office (Viddil) of the Federal Migration Service according to ____________________), hereinafter named "Operator", in the person of the head (date) ______________ document, at the submission of a certain house keeper (head) of the Federal Migration Service (Office (Viddilu) of the Federal Migration Service) from one side, vidosti about ________________________________________________________________________, individual entrepreneur (name, name, patronage (if obvious), series, number, date of issue of the document, dedicated to the person, IPN, IN, address of the registry ї after the place of residence)) gave the name "Provider of information", in person _________________________, (for example, іm'ya, by batkovі (for obviousness)) acting on the submitted _______________________________________________ (date, number, name of the __________________ document, , in the case of a party є a legal person or an individual adversary) from the side, mentally named "parties", told us to please about the offensive:

II. vzaєmodia Storin

2.1. The Information Provider, by ________________________________ (the term should be used, by the pull of the information) is to the Information Operator about the reconstruction and nobility of the Russian Federation community members from the *** of the *** 2.2. Transfer of information ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. (Vkazuєtsya sposіb nadannya Informácie: bezposeredno abo at napryamku of vikoristannyam incoming to warehouse MEREZHI elektrozv'yazku zasobіv zv'yazku abo of vikoristannyam іnformatsіyno-telekomunіkatsіynih trammel and takozh іnfrastrukturi scho zabezpechuє іnformatsіyno-tehnologіchnu vzaєmodіyu іnformatsіynih systems for vikoristovuvanih nadannya DERZHAVNAYA i munіtsipalnih service and presentation of sovereign and municipal functions in electronic form). 2.3. Mind interactions when sending information in the form of an electronic document: 2.3.1. Information in the form of an electronic document can be found in the formats that have been pointed at the official Internet site of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the branch "The package interface for the application software backup" Territory of the document. 2.3.2. 'I, according to Batkov (for obviousness)) are confident of the posadovan individual of the Information Postmaster) for the registration of the strongest qualified electronic signature. electronic signature ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. 2.3.3. If the information is provided on the new electronic carrier, the information provider will be logged in live to prevent unauthorized access until the data is transferred. 2.3.4. If there are any changes in the format of the data, the operator of the crop will inform the owner of the information about the changes that have been sent and the description the last version format_v danih. 2.4. The parties at the Victory Center of the Ugodi will live in the following events: to monitor the Victory of the State of the Ugodi; securing the reliability of the given information and, if necessary, promptly making it more precise; provision of information by the Post-owner about the unkindness of timely delivery of information due to the intended reasons; Newsletter, you can count on the Post-owner of the information according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.5. The information provided by the Information Provider, as a matter of fact, was not forwarded to third persons, as it was not transmitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

III. Variety of sides

3.1. The parties bear the essence of conformity in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the protection and confidentiality of confidentiality within the framework of the network of Information and Victory for the purpose, not transferred by the Year.

IV. The procedure for the transmission of disputes and consideration of the conditions

4.1. Dispute and dispute between the Parties in the event of a victory and negotiation.

4.2. In vipadkah, if the mutually acceptable decision is to appear unhappy, the food between the Parties will be in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.

4.3. Qia Please, you can be rozirvan for the initiative of one zi Storin. The party, who is the initiator of the promotion, of the crop must send a letter about the promotion of the process Not even more than 30 (thirty) days before the date of delivery.

V. Termіn dії Ugodi

5.1. Pleasure to gain the honor from the day of the last signature by the Parties and for the first time stretching out one rock.

The pleasure can be prolonged to the skin offensive risk, as long as it is necessary not to declare about your freedom to pay for this performance not less than two calendar months before the end of the term of the last day.

Vi. Prison terms

6.1. Worth until the end of the day. Please enter the weather for the weather.

6.2. Collaboration within the framework of a network of benefits to work on a free-of-charge basis.

6.3. Pleasure is put in two examples, which may be the same legal force, one example for the skin Party.

Vii. Signatures of parties

Operator Housekeeper _______________ / ______________ / _______________ / _______________ / "___" ____________ 20___ r "___" ____________ 20___ r M.P. M.P.


* Vidomosty to the People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme For the Russian Federation, 1993, N 32, art. 1227; Vidomosty Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine, 2004, N 45, art. 4377; 2006, N 31, Art. 3420; 2008, N 52, Art. 6236; 2010 N 31, art. 4196; 2011, N 27, Art. 3880; N 50, Art. 7341; 2012 N 53, art. 7638; 2013, N 48, Art. 6165; 51, Art. 6696; No. 52, Art. 6952; 2014 Rock, N 52, Art. 7557; 2015 Rock, N 1, Art. 78.

** Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 7, 2014, revision N 34256.

Since 1995, successful practice in the field of expert performance in business and in reaching significant results and knowledge in this segment of the market has been successful.

✔ Pratsyumo all over Russia i Expert center "INDEX" pratsyu all over Russia.

✔ We have a lot of problems with great admiration i Our fahivtsi may have a great experience of robots in their galuzy. The average work experience of our robot is more than 15 years.

✔ Individual pidhid to the skin clone i The skin needed an application to be looked at individually, with regard to all the features of your project.

✔ Issuance of visnovkiv EPD and і ії in 10 days i The term of the non-stop examination of the design documentation and the results of the engineering Vishukuvan warehouse is 10 days.

The registration of the approved design documentation for the results of the examination of the design documentation to the Single State Register of the Design Documentation (USRZ) of the design documentation, the assignment of the number of the design and the issuance of the examination to the Deputy is carried out in one day.

Pleasure for information communication with the Committee for Architecture and the Mistobuduvannya of the Moscow City

Pleasure about information vzaєmodiyu

Committee of Architecture and Building of the City of Moscow and


№ ________________

Misto Moscow "___" _ __ _____ 20 rock

Committee of Architecture and Construction of the City of Moscow

(Moskomarkhitektura), the naming of "Side 1", in the person of the intercessor

heads to the Committee of Architecture and the City of Moscow

Kerіvnika Contract Service N., yakiy dіє at pіdstavі

confirmation from 05 .0 3.2015 MKA number- 03 -832/5, from one side, i

________________________, MAK Certificate on accreditation for the right

Conducting an incontinent examination of the design documentation

(_____________) and results in engineering Vishukuvan __________ , at a person

General Director _________, which was presented to the Statute, was named in

Nadal "Side 2"

Named "Parties"

1... Zgodi item

1.1. The subject of a great pleasure є information

interaction of parties during the transmission of positive messages to incontinent

examination of design documentation and (or) results of engineering Vishukuvan,

breakdowns for companies that are distributed on the territory of the Moscow City, and

design documentation and (or) results of engineering Vishukuvan.

1.2. Qia Ugoda is broken up from the urahuvannyam vimog, Federal

m No. 363 "Pro information securityМістобудівної діяльсті ",

2010r. № 225- PP "About the introduction into the information system and safety

Mistobudivnoy dyyalnosti in Mysti Moskva and formulated middle-class

electronic communication for securing the

PP "About the consolidated Administrative regulations of the

administrative service of the Moscow City

integrated automated information systems unhealthy

approved by the Administrative Regulations of the Powers

service of the city of Moscow "Issuance of permits for business" and "Issue of permits

on the introduction of the object into operation ".

1.3. Qia Ugoda is folded under the meta vikonannya vimog

organizing and providing power and municipal services ",

in-depth information on cooperation of the authorities of the viconavchy

a place necessary for securing the organs of state power,

organs of muscular self-priming, physical and legal entities relevant i

reliable information in the field of business and educational activity.

2. Organization of interaction

2.1. Approval of the representative of the expert organization in a stretch of 7 (Seven)

working days from the date of positive presentation of incontinent

Expertise submitted to Moskomarkhitekturi Spravzhny Primirnik Visnovka

Expertise and reference copy of design documentation and (or) results

engineering vyshukuvan and a copy of the document, which is approved by the


Transfer of materials referred to in clause 2.1, can be done with

for the history of the Integrated Automated Information System

safeguarding the small-scale activity of the city of Moscow (dal-IAIS OGD).

m №87 "About the warehouse for the distribution of design documents and

2.2.1. by objects capital budgeting virobny that

non-viral sign:

Rozdil 2. "Scheme of the planuval organization of the land dilyanka".

Rozdil 3. "Architectural solution".

Rozdil 4. "Constructive and large-scale planning".

Rozdil 5. "Views about engineering equipment, about framing engineering

technical safety, overhaul of engineering and technical visits,

-subsection 5.1 "System of electrical power supply"

-subsection 5.2 "Water supply system"

-subsection 5.3 "Water supply system"

-subsection 5.4 "Burning, ventilation and air conditioning, heat

-subsection 5.5 "Intercept"

-subsection 5.6 "Gas supply system"

-subsection 5.7 "Technological solutions"

Rozdil 6. "The project of organizing the budget".

Rozdil 7. "The project of organizing rob

capital budget "(if obvious)

Rozdil 8. "Perelіk entry shodo to protect the navkolishny center"

Rozdil 9. "Come in for a safe meal"

Rozdil 10. "Come in for free access to online"

Rozdil 10 (1). "Vimogi to secure the uninterrupted exploitation of the object

capital budgeting "

Rozdil 11 (1). "Come on in, you will be secured for a moment. Vimog

energy efficiency and equipment

sporudami obliku vikoristovuvanikh energy resources "

2.2.2. On the basis of the line designation:

Rozdil 1. "An explanatory note".

Rozdil 2. "The project of smuga to the water".

Rozdil 3. “Technological and constructive solutions of the line object.

Customize the piece ”.

Rozdil 4. "Booths, awakened and built, are included in the infrastructure of the line

ob'єkta ".

Rozdil 5. "The project of organizing the budget"

Rozdil 6. "The project of organizing work for the expansion (dismantling) of the line object"

(if explicit)

Rozdil 7. "Come in from guarding the midst of the village"

Rozdil 8. "Come in now for a safe meal"

2.3 Formation electronic documents, Pererahovanih in clause 2 .1, guilty

zd_ysnyuvatisya from vikorystannya of one file PDF format(Version 1.7) i

Acrobat programs (version 8.0 anyway).

Transmission of an electronic image of the

Color mode with a separate building 300 dpi and signed with an electronic digital signature

(By electronic signature).

2.4. Moskomarkhitektura for the receipt of documents, re-insured in clause 2.1,

zdіysnyu їх restoration and distribution in ІАІС ОГД in the establishment,

by the ruling legislation of Moscow, terms.

Technical functions for reception, transmission, restoration and distribution in ІАІС

OGD documents can be transferred by the Moscow Committee for Architecture in the established

the procedure for special organization.

Vzaєmodiya Moskomarchitektury and special organization is governed by the minds

sovereign contract, scho to fit in the order established by federal legislation

2.5. welcome-transfer of documents, transcripts in p. 2 .1, ok

re-strata in the Journal - vidachi design documentation.

2.6 Moskomarkhitektura for the restoration of documentation on the paper nose

Securing the distribution of the electronic image in the IAIS OGD for the transmission of views

to Mosgosstroynadzor for the protection of the permissibility for maintenance.

2.7. Moskomarkhitektura can be updated in the restoration of documents in the IAIS OGD

at vipadk:

- if the design documentation and the results of the engineers

prompts for reasons of authority

the conduct of the sovereign expertise has been transferred;

Pleasure about the information exchange between the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and the "Post-owner of the house" (draft)

Dodatok 2 to the Regulations of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated 03/05/2014

YEARLY about the information exchange between the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and the "Post-owner of the house"
m ________________ "__" _____________ 20__ p

The Office (Viddil) of the Federal Migration Service according to __________, named "FMS (OFMS) of Russia", in the case of the certificate _______________________, which is provided on the display _______________________, from one side, _________________ General Director ______________________, which is _____________________ at the headquarters, from the other side, spіnly named "parties", they told us about the next step:

I. Subject of Pleasure
1. The subject of the general interest in information communication is Food, which is to become a mutual interest, according to the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. The order of interaction of Storin
2.1. The parties in the boundaries of their competence, subject to the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and on the basis of the period of time and information exchange with the help of the Post of the Office of the Federal Migration Service (OFMS) of Russia:
- information about the staging on the migratory region and the nobility from the migratory region ІГ і LBG;
- information about the re-construction behind the march of the transfer and the nobility from the re-construction region of the masses of the peasants of the Russian Federation;
2.2. Vzaєmodiya Storin for food, not in a regular manner, read on the submission of supplementary protocols up to the period of time and in accordance with the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.

III. Realization of the Land
3.1. Within the framework of the Information Service, taken by the Head of the House, when the services are provided, it will be transferred to the Federal Migration Service (OFMS) of Russia for any other young person to receive such information in the business.
Transmission of the specified information to the visitor _______________________ (please use a contact method).
Have a copy of the certificate (s) on the paper nose before you get a copy of the certificate (s).
3.2. The parties at the Victory Celebration of the Ugodi will live in the show:
- zd_ysnennya control over the list of decisions taken within the framework of cooperation within the framework of the Ugodi community;
- securing the reliability of the given information and, if necessary, promptly make amendments and clarifications to it;
- Timely preoccupation with the cited Party about the unkindness of the provision of information for the intended reasons;
- Registration of information, hoping to rely on the other Party in the boundaries of competence of the Story, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.3. Information, taken out by the Parties within the framework of the implementation of the meeting of the Party, is not intended for broadcasting and transmission to third persons.
3.4. The position of the center You will be able to win without additional financial crawls and costs between the Parties.
3.5. The transmission of a property cannot be handed over to third persons without a letter from the Head of the Home and a sub'єkta of personal tributes.
3.6. The procedure for information exchange of information, including between the territorial bodies and (or) structural parts of the sides, is connected to the visitor by means of an electrical connection, without first being traded on the nose of the nose.

IV. Variety of sides
4. The parties are responsible for the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

V. Prikіntsevі position
5.1. Tsia Pleasantness nabuvaє righteousness from the moment of its signing by the Parties and without interfering with the term of dei.
5.2. Up to the time of the land, changes and additional changes can be made, by way of writing additional land, which are not part of the land.
5.3. Qia Please, you can be rozirvan for the initiative of one zi Storin. The party, who is the initiator of the promotion, is obliged to send a letter about the promotion of the process Not less than 30 (thirty) days before the date of delivery.
5.4. Pleasure is stored in two examples, each of which may have the same strength, one for the skin and for the Storin.

Vi. Addresses and signatures of Storin
Office (Viddil) of the Federal Post
migrant service

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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