How to spread the protocol to Sberbank Ast. The robot of the deputy on the electronic maidanchik "Sberbank-AST"

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Now you can take part in any auctions on Maidanchik, de otrimali accreditation.

Krok 3. Preparation of an application for an auction

To participate in the electronic auction, you need to prepare an application. Vymogy to documents and filling in the forms assigned to the auction documentation.

How to fill in an application for participation in the auction. The application has two parts. The first part is to remove the separate files and forms: the year, the technical part (form 2). The other part will need documents of the organization: IPN, application form, declarations, powers, SROs, licenses.

Offenses of part of the application are zavantazhuyutsya on the trade maidanchik one hour. The skin of the document is due to the signatures of the ECP.

Krok 4. Application security

After confirming the accreditation, it is necessary to submit special documents to the bank. On the new transfer costs to secure the application to the auction.

The amount of security for the skin auction is set by the deputy between 0.5% and 1% of the cob price of the contract with the cob price up to 20 million rubles and up to 5% over 20 million.

At the time I win and see the contract, the money is reduced and transferred to the deputy. Until there is an electronic auction, the pennies will be blocked.

If you don't win, the security will be unlocked within 1 business day. If you can, then the security of the application can be turned around, but after the security of the contract is made and the first signing.

Krok 5. Applying for an auction

An application for an auction can be submitted, as for a special account for insured cats for your security.

  • The electronic auction for the Maidanchik is searched for by the registration number
  • Fill in the application form in the special office, get the documents
  • Leather file and pidsumkova application form signed by the ECP

When a skin application is submitted, a serial number is assigned. On some maydanchiks, you can determine the number of applications submitted, according to it you can calculate the number of all participants. As a result of doubts about the correctness of the documents, the application can be re-clicked and re-submitted. You will be assigned a new serial number.

Krok 6. Review of the first parts of applications

The auction committee of the deputy examines the first part of the bids within 1 to 3 days and makes a decision: to allow e-auction or adequacy. The name of the company in the first part is classified until the moment I see another part.

For pidbags looking at the maidanchik, a protocol is published with application numbers and decisions about admission. The names of the companies are overwhelmed with hobbies.

Krok 7. Participation in the electronic auction

If you have access to the bidding procedure, it is important not to miss the hour of the electronic auction. Call the first working day after the publication of the admission protocol.

Mozhlivy embarrassment with time zones. The auction can take place early in France or at night, three hours a day. Needed over the Internet and a backup channel, uninterrupted life or a laptop (and a charger!), Verification of the ECP's practicality.

There are many more overlays, lower can be seen.

How to conduct an auction. If there is a trading session on Maidanchik, participants can submit price propositions. Croc auction to become from 0.5 to 5% of the cob price of the contract. An hour for submitting a proposition - 10 hvilin. After a new skin rate, 10 quilins will be rehabilitated.

You always have ¢ 10 credits to make a decision about a new bet.

You can grab a cup of cavi, take and wait for a decision. After the completion of ten credits from the moment of the remaining bid, the main auction ends. The first place is borrowed by proposition with a minimum price. But still not all.

Start another part of the trading session so that any participant can set a price for the next auction and take another place.

On the price є 10 khvilin. At the time of acceptance of the application, the auction for other parts will be possible, the contract will be signed with the next participant. Additional submission to the electronic auction is an important stage, which increases the efficiency of the win.

Instructions for signing a contract for the electronic Maidan "Sberbank-AST"

1. In the browser, the main page of ETM ZAT Sberbank-AST is displayed, stashed at the address:

3. We select the certificate of the coristuvach.

4. Select "Electronic maidanchik from state buyers".

5. Click on the "Submit" button.

6. In the Special Cabinet in the horizontal menu, select the tab "Contracts" - "Contracts of the substitute"

7. To open a contract card, click on the “Information” icon

8. At the vіknі zamovnik can look over "Prії in chronological order", i.e. the date of formation of the card to the contract, and regulatory terms її directly to the participant. Chervonim color was seen as a sign, as it is necessary to vikonate in the regulation of the term.

In other words: “Chervona wrote” on the little one means that the deputy is guilty of the term until 30.03.2015 23:59 to send the draft contract to the purchasing participants.

9. In order to give the project to the contract to the participant, the deputy must click on the hyperposal “Send the project to the contract to the participant” in the “Available activities” section

10. A new draft of the contract is to be added, in which case the client attaches the back of the contract in the format .doc, .docx (Microsoft Word document). The contract for procurement is taken from the auction documentation posted on the website by the authorized body at the same time with notification of the procurement.

In addition, the deputy needs to fill in the fields marked with a zirochka, and itself: “Price for the contract” (indicated in the protocol for adding sums), “Type of price” (as a rule, the type of price “Contract” is indicated, but at the time of transition to the auction process through 0 (t .e the price was reduced to 0 and the auction began to increase for the right to place a contract), then the substitute is guilty of indicating the type of price “the right to place a contract”)

After filling in all the fields, it is necessary to click on the button "Subscribe and edit".

"Contract of arrangements" - a contract of signing from two sides, only one is available: "Open the contract"

“Protocol of differences has been implemented. Callback card »- Protocol of rozbіzhnosti was implemented. Available at the "Accessibility" section of the "Directs to the project contract to the participant" section, other options are available: "Reproduce the protocol of reconciliations", "Vidmova in the arrangement of the contract", "Rise the contract". A list of the above lists of available ones can be changed in the reserve in the "Status of the contract":

"Draft contract" - the deputy has not yet sent the contract to the participant. Available articles: "Directions to the project to the contract to the participant", "Vidmova in the form of the contract".

“On the signature of the participant” - the deputy has signed the contract to the participant, but the participant has not signed it yet. Available dates: “Finish the protocol of differences”, “Vidmova according to the contract”.

“Contract of signing by the participant” - the participant has signed the contract, but 10 days have not passed since the moment of publication of the protocol under the bag, and it will be available for the replacement for 24 hours.

"On the signature of the deputy" - a contract signed by the participant, but not signed by the deputy. Available dates: “Finish the protocol of differences”, “Vidmova according to the contract”.

The card will expire on this card, and a new contract card will be automatically generated with the status “Draft contract”.

11. The possibility of an electronic auction, with which the contract fits in, if there are differences under the draft contract, directed by the sponsor, you can send a protocol of differences, in which order it is necessary to change it in the draft contract.

The deputy in his office in the division of “Accessible Die” is guilty of “Finishing the Protocol of Detachments”, having registered his fortune or bad luck in the arguments of the participant, attaching the necessary document to it.

At any rate, the front card of the contract, after the completion of the protocol of reconciliations, will be called and a new card of the contract will be formed.

In order to directly renew the project contract, the participant, the deputy, needs to viskonat dії, described in clauses 9 and 10 of the instruction.

12. The deputy can himself be the initiator of directing the protocol of the differences to the participant. For example, in the draft contract signed by the participant, there is a bank guarantee, or a bank guarantee is included in the register of bank guarantees on the official website So, when the deputy finds out, there will be some pardons in the draft contract, pardons, maybe the protocol of reconciliations at some stage of signing the contract.

13. At the same time, the status of the contract “Contract of Signing Members” on the side of the “Contracts-Contracts of the Deputy” in the special office, when pressed on the icon “Information”, in “Subjects in chronological order”, on the side, in black color, “Directly signed contract to the deputy on 04/05/2015 ”, the signing of the contract to the deputy will be available only after 04/05/2015 for 3 working days.

After the signing of the contract for the electronic trading maidan from two sides, the goiter will publish a report about the new one on the official website stretching 3 working days.

For these purposes, the state protectors of the Samara region (as they work for the additional automated information system of the sovereign state of the Samara region of the PC WEB-auction-KS) goiter and form information about the contract (about the change of the contract), about the conclusion of the contract-CS WEB-auction .

Formation of the vіdomosti without intermediary on the OOS by such lieutenants - pulling behind them їх vіdhilennya and blocking.

Reshta zamovniks may have the right to win the functionality of the molding of the bills without intermediary on the environmental protection.

In a special office on the official website the card of the signed contract is automatically integrated to the register of contracts from the Maidan on the tab "Preparation of information". This card needs to be redrafted, as it is not necessary to be in full contact.

Let's edit the contract, it's necessary "Submit for publication"

They didn’t sign a contract, at AST-Sberbank, they seemed to get better at the signing of the contract - Pravoved.RU

Good early!

They didn’t sign a contract, for AST-Sberbank, they seemed to get better at the signing of the contract. On 19.10, it was recognized by the OFAS, Zamovnik is not against us, it seems that we will stand.

The reason for the non-signing of the Internet, was the completion of the Internet provider, they signed it later, so they checked the BG scan.

My only participant, The deputy in us of zatsіkavleniya.

Kakku we have a hundred chances:


The price of food is 175,000,000 (offered by BG for 34,000,000).

The deputy seems to be for you!

  • sheet 855.jpeg
  • sheet 855 (2).jpeg
  • photo sberbank-ast.jpeg
  • BMU 33 accident (1) .pdf
  • Notice.pdf
  • Sheet No. 1676 dated 10/06/2016.PDF
  • Screenshot of the registration in the OFAS.png

Victoria Dimova

Spіvrobіtnik pіdtrimka

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How to attach the protocol of transactions to Oschadbank AST

If you know the pardons in the contract, or if you want to stretch an hour, you need to file a protocol of separations. At this article, we will report how to attach the protocol of distributions to the Sberbank AST maidanchik.

Signed side: Register of participant's contracts. After the number or by name, we know the contract and click on the image of the sheet with the letter i, as shown in the screenshot.

Let's go to the side: General information on the contract. Going down to the subheading: Submit in chronological order and follow the date. At any stage you can sign a contract or attach a protocol of differences.

Let's go to the side: Protocol of differences. Save the text of the protocol. It can be shortened, tse obov'yazkove field, yogo cannot be left empty. Attached is the Protocol of Circumstances, signed by the ECP. We gave a choice of a certificate of signature (it is possible to stand behind the abbreviations) and press: Sign and correct.

It is also important to fold the document yourself, download for direct mailing free of charge and without registration:

An example of the protocol of differences

Let's turn to the side: General information behind the contract and in the subheading: Submit a new gathering in chronological order: Processing of the protocol of rozbіzhnosti by the deputy.

At the appointment day (stowpets: regulation term), you can submit one protocol, as 13 calendar days have not passed since the date of publication of the protocol for submitting the subbags to the electronic auction. If it has passed, then sign the contract or in the Black List.

Maidanchik Sberbank AST has become one of the most popular services for participation in tenders, various competitions and state purchases in remote mode. Knowing how to sign a contract for Oschadbank AST, you can do your best to allow the clerk to proceed to the wicking of the minds designated in the document.

features of Maidanchiki

Under the name of Sberbank AST, there is an electronic maydanchik, recognized for conducting various types of auctions and purchasers, initiated by the state. Individuals, physical individuals, as well as different companies are allowed to participate in this kind of entry.

In order for the mother to be able to take part in a similar kind of auction, the candidate needs to submit a number of vimog, as well as submit a package of documents. Vіn vіdіznyаєєtsya i lie vіd the status of the candidate. However, there are a number of dіy, yakі povnіnі buti vikonnі usіma koristuvachami, willing to take part in the auction. Among them:

  • obtaining the ECP and a special certificate, which you can obtain by going to one of the authorized centers, which you will get. A similar application will be considered for a stretch of 7 decibels;
  • submission of an application for withdrawal of accreditation. The review procedure can take up to 5 decibels from the moment the application is submitted;
  • register on this platform, using the EDS, as well as providing the necessary information about the koristuvach.

In order to win, this platform is given for participation in electronic auctions and contracts, it is necessary to guarantee that a lot of services that Sberbank AST is given are paid on a paid basis. As a rule, there is a certain kind of commission when making payments or transactions.

Sberbank AST - a trading platform is requested from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses

Directly that far away please please

Koristuvachi, like vikoristovuyut feasibility similar to the Internet-maydanchiki, with the right to vikonannya zamovlenya taken away, put the contract out of the deputy and proceed to work. In order to create an account, you will need a mother to register an account, to obtain accreditation and the ECP. It is also necessary for the mother to have the right to win the contract, as it is declared when winning in the tender / auction.

The signing procedure takes place in the following steps:

  1. The participant of the system is authorized on the site.
  2. The previous version of the contract will be written down by the deputy.
  3. The previous version, please, is forwarded to the converse.
  4. As soon as you wash the contract, the next step will be directly signed to the project contract by the deputy.
  5. The deputy signer agrees, after which the contract comes into force.

Oskіlki kozhen s pererahovanyh vishche etapіv vimagає vykonannya impersonal diy, varto look at their report.

Entrance to the special office on the site

In order to start the procedure, you will need to log in to the maydanchik, signing your registration data. Tse zhadaє nayavnostі dіyuchoї accreditatsії, as well as the ECP. Authorization is required for a few months:

  1. Go to the official website of the platform, cashing at the address
  2. Click on the button "Go to special office".
  3. Choose a certificate that you plan to win for entry.
  4. At the right part of the interface, it is necessary to select the item Electronic Maidanchik derzakuvel.
  5. Press the "Submit" button.

If so, the koristuvach can take away access to his special office and the signing of the contract, as well as other necessary duties.

How to submit a draft contract

Wash the service, that after the choice of vikonavtsya, the deputy is guilty of stretching the established term to send the vikonavtsyu forward version of the contract for a further improvement of minds and yogo way of life. In order to do this, it is necessary to log in to a special office, after which, to reach the offensive algorithm:

  1. Go to the section "Contracts".
  2. Select the item "Contracts of the deputy".
  3. At the end of the day, a copy of all the essential contracts initiated by the courtiers will be shown. To remove additional information about the required item, it will be necessary to click on the information icon, the expanded label for the skin item presented.
  4. The rest of the onslaught, the coristuvachevs, will be demonstrated all the undertakings, tied up with the favor. Before them, you should specify the date of the card formation, as well as the terms, in which it is necessary to direct the project to the bidder.
  5. Having entered the category “Available dії”, it will be necessary for you to click on the button “Submit the project to the contract”, which will allow you to submit the previous version please.
  6. After pressing on this button, a new window will be announced, which is called the “Draft Contract”. For additional interface elements, please attach a completed version of the contract in MS Office Word format - .doc / .docx. Please check the form for the additional service, as it seems to be part of the tender documentation.

When filling, it is necessary to add special respect to the price of the contract, as well as to other parameters.

If all the necessary information has been entered, and the correspondent has successfully attached the front version please, you can correct it for the help of the “Subscribe and correct” button.

When signing a contract, it is important to respect everything

Uzgodzhennya and signing of the contract

The Danish stage seems to be the final one, so after a successful signing, please on both sides, you can proceed to the signing of your own obediences, according to your minds. The order of the vikonavtsya, to whom the favor is directed, can be shaken up and lie down, depending on the fact that the wine is suitable for the proponation of the deputy head of the washroom.

For both options, the koristuvach is responsible for the mother of the registration account, as well as the ECP, if necessary, you will need to log in. Dії in a special office, as required for signing a document:

  1. Open the "Contracts" and select the item "Contracts of the contract".
  2. Know what you need and go to the information card for the help of a special badge, a rose gold in your name.
  3. Press the "Subscribe" button, after which, the status of the contract will change to "Stocked".

However, do not wait far to come to mind, as if you were preaching to you a deputy in front of you. In order to make changes in favor of proponing, it is necessary to vikonate a number of simple manipulations:

  1. To know in the category "Contracts of vikonavtsya" please.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the minds proponed by the deputy.
  3. Press the button "Send the protocol of differences".
  4. The form that showed up to describe the respect and propositions about the agreement.
  5. Click on the item “Correct the protocol” and check the correct proposition.

In a similar rank, there is an agreement on the minds of the contract, which allows the spivpratsy between the parties to be mutually supported. If the agreement is new and accepted, it will be necessary to follow the algorithm for signing please.

The deputy, in case of a similar protocol, needs to press the button "Reverse the protocol" in the transfer of the available ones. Vіn can either wait with the minds of the vikonavtsa, or speak to the widmova. It is very important to lie, that after the completion of the protocol, a new card will be generated please.

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