For whom the electrical power stations are needed. Appointment of electric power stations

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of danger, if the child is in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

The classification of electrical substations and switchgears is based on the terms and conditions established by the state standard specifications and regulatory and technical documentation. Until mainly naybіlsh often zastosovuvanih termіnіv that viznachen vіdnosyatsya takі: pіdstantsіya elektrichna - elektroustanovka, priznachena to priya, she peretvorennya rozpodіlu elektrichnoї energії scho skladaєtsya of transformatorіv abo іnshih peretvoryuvachіv elektrichnoї energії, pristroїv keruvannya, rozpodіlchih that dopomіzhnih pristroїv zgіdno of GOST 19431-84 (GOST 24291-90). Pidstations with transformers, which re-create electrical energy without a spare, are called transformer; and then re-create the electrical energy for the rest of the parameters (the change of frequency, the straightened stream) - re-create. At the substation, two or more, as a rule, three-phase transformers can be installed. Installation of more than two transformers is based on technical and economic design, as well as on vipads, if two middle springs are stuck on the substation. For the duration of the three-phase transformer, the necessary strain, as well as transport, can be used for a group of single-phase transformers. Pidstantsia, as a rule, is stored from decilkoh RU of different steps, connected with a transformer (autotransformer) link; arrived PS (RU) - food station ( rozpodilny pristіy), before the main activity of the power station or industrial enterprise (PUE, p. 4.2.7); the PS (RU) is brought up - food station (rozpodilny attachment), as a loan to a part of the budget (PVE, p. 4.2.8); internal workshop PS (RU) - a food station (rozpodilny pristrіy), roztasovana in the middle of the workshop in the open area (without fencing), behind a network of fences, in the surrounding area (PVE, p. 4.2.9); when an additional property is assigned (ZVN) - when it is necessary to stock up on the items necessary for organizing and carrying out the work technical service the repair of the possession of the PS (PUE, p. 4.2.16); transformer station (TP) is an electric station, designed for the conversion of electric power to the same voltage for energy and power for additional transformers (GOST 24291-90). Available TPs are available for complete, zakriti, shhoglovy and stovpovs; complete transformer substation (KTP) - substation, which can be stored with transformers, blocks (switchgear and switchgear) and other elements, which are supplied from the selected one, or if the virobnik is prepared at the factory before picking up the viewer (4.2.10). At the KTP, all high-voltage and low-voltage equipment is installed at the factory, and the power station is fitted to the facility at the ready-made viewer, to be included in the kit. A complete set of internal transformer substations (KTP) and external (KTPN) installations are produced with one or two transformers with a capacity of 250 to 2,500 kVA (KTP) and up to 1000 kVA (KTPN) at a load of 6-10 kV; from 630 to 16,000 kVA (KTPN) at a load of 35 kV. The PS is equipped with a switchgear device, attachments for power supply, signalization and power supply that are stored in a block of high voltage input, a power transformer and a 0.4 kV switchgear. KTP will be of dead-end and passable types, as well as other modifications, including: kiosk, shafovy and other types. KTP of dead-end type vikoristovuyutsya for power supply of settlements and silskogospodarskikh spozhivachiv. KTP of kiosk type (blocks) will be stagnant as dead ends of transformer substations with a capacity of 250 kVA and even with service providers from the earth. Such PS are handy and safe in service; There is a transformer substation (MTP) - a transformer substation, all the possession of which is installed on the structure (including two and more supports of a submarine) with a maidan service on a height, which does not require a fenced-in, PS (4.2.11. MTP is equipped with A-, P-or AP-like or one-sided constructions, which can be produced from solid concrete or wood-like structures. All the equipment of the substation is mounted on the A-substructure: roz'ednuvach, zapobizhniki, power distributors, a single-phase transformer with a pulling pressure of 10 kVA, and a power switchboard 0.23 - 0.4 kV. Pidstantsiya not majdanchik servants and descendants. P-subdivisions of the design are suitable for substations with three-phase transformers with a capacity of up to 250 kVA inclusive. The transformer is mounted on the Maydan at a height of at least 3.5 m from the ground. The AP-type design is fixed for substations with transformers with a capacity of up to 400 kVA. All ustatkuvannya, zokrema and roses are mounted there. For servicing the MTP at a height of not less than 3 m, the majdanchik must be pulled from the handrails. For going to the MTP, it is recommended that you go to the annex, which is fenced in when the commutation device is turned on; a transformer substation stop (STP) is a transformer substation, all the possession of which is installed on a single sub-base support at a height, as it is not vimagaє gardening (PVE, p. 4.2.11). Structurally, the substation is stored in a single complex; distribution point (RP) - RU 6-500 kV with equipment for controlling the robot, but do not enter the substation warehouse (PUE, p. 4.2.12); sectional point - a point, designations for sectioning (automatic or manual keruvans) for 6-20 kV lines (PVE, p. 4.2.13); the camera is used for the installation of devices, transformers and buses. The camera is closed - the camera is closed from its sides and from the front door. The camera is fenced off - the camera, yak can see, it was stolen by or partially discontinuous (often or not) fences (PVE, p. 4.2.14). A camera for a one-way service (CWS) is a type of switchgear that can be used for typical schemes , if there is no modification, it will be necessary to get rid of the special electrical services and be serviced by the staff; system of zbirnyh tires - attachments, which is a system of guides, which can be stored from tires installed on supports from insulating material, which can be passed in channels, boxes or additional casings (GOST 22789-94); section (system of spare tires) - a part of a system of spare tires, provided by a commutated device (GOST 24291-90); strumoprovid - pristіy, vikonaniy at the viglyadі tires or wires with insulators and adaptable constructions, designations for the transmission of power to the electrical power in the boundaries of the power plant, PS abo shop (PTEEP, terms); oseredok (PS, RU) - a part of PS (RU), to take revenge on the whole part of the commutation (or) of the equipment of one person (GOST 24291-90); rozpodilny pristriy (RU) - an electrical installation for receiving and distributing electric power for one route, to replace the commutation devices and spare tires (tire sections), so that it is managed (GOST). Yak RU 6-10 kV will be able to fold up a high voltage with single-pole roses and vertical expansion of the phases of one connection and one KSV chamber with vimikach installed and installed by means of connecting the transformer. For a 0.4 kV switchgear, the folding of low springs from the outsiders and the vertical rosetting of the phases of one unit must be stagnated. At the substation, it will be stagnant to open (ODP), close (ZRU) or complete (KRU) rozpodilny attachments. Vіdkritiy rozpodilny pristіy (ГРП) - a whole electric rozpodilny pristіy, possession of a rozpodilny pristriy (GOST 24291-90). Zakritiy rozpodilny pristriy (ZRU) - a whole electric prism, the possession of a roztashovani at pristishenny (GOST 24291-90). Zakriti PS and RU can roztashovuvatisya yak in Budivly, so it’s ok to stand, so it’s awakened or arrived. At the out-of-the-box type of PS and RU є warehouse electrical installations, which are: for the signs - generating, redeveloping-rozpodilny and living. Generating electrical installations serve for the transfer of electrical energy, redevelopment and distribution of electrical installations, converting electrical power to the hand for the transmission of that living view, transmitting and supporting people; behind the family of a struma - a permanent chi changeable struma; for a batter - up to 1000 or even 1000 V. The scale of nominal springs is surrounded by an altogether small number of standard values; In the installations of a triphase struma, a nominal pressure is taken into a pressure with phases (interphase pressure). According to GOST 29322-92, a scale of nominal pressure has been set: for an electric circuit for a changeable strum with a frequency of 50 Hz, the midphase pressure is 12, 24, 36, 42, 127, 220, 380 V; 3, 6, 10, 20, 35, 110, 150, 220, 330, 500, 750 and 1150 kV; for electrorezine of the post-struma: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 110, 220, 440, 660, 825, 3000 and vishche. For the method of connecting to the electrical sub-station, it is connected to dead ends (blocks), to gallozhuvalny (blocks), transit (transit) and vuzlovs. Dead-end substations to fix food for one or two dead-end submarines. Vidgaluzhuvalny PS must adhere to one or two submarines with one-sided or two-sided living. Passing substations are included in the rosette of one or two passing submarines with one-sided or two-sided living spaces. Vuzlov Subsidiaries, if they live, are radial or transit submarines, which come in. The method of controlling the PS can be: only telesignalization; TV signals from TV signals; from telesignalization and control from the headquarters control center (OPU). Pіdstantsії promptly be serviced by permanent staff on the board visitor teams(OWB). The repair of the substation is provided by special visitor teams for centralized repair by the personnel of the station. At the RU with a force of up to 1000 V darts, tires, equipment, attach that design vibrates behind the normal minds of robots (napruzi that struma), as well as for thermal and dynamic injections of struma short confusion(KZ) abo the boundary permissible effort, which is included. In RU and PS, 1000 VISION IN VISION IN ELECTRIC CONDITIONS, APPARATUS, STREAM PARTS, ISOLATORS, fences and constructions ) could not bring up to poshkojennya possession of that KZ. At 6-10 kV fences, there are wide distribution points (RP), but not for electrical switchgear, but do not enter the warehouse of the substation (GOST 242910-90), and it is intended for the distribution of electrical energy in the middle of the outlet. RP є distribution on the section of the busbars, a single number of intervals (delivery) and the control corridor. Occasionally serve for the distribution of communal and administrative equipment in them: vimikachiv, transformer struma (TT) and transformer vaprugi (TN), rose-ednuvachiv, zapobizhnikiv, attached to capture. The control corridor of the Republic of Poland is a primacy, in which installation bring vimikachiv and roz'єdnuvachiv; The corridor of servants is called the corridor of vdovzh cameras abo shaf KRU, signs for servicing devices and tires. The bus duct is a chain of strum-wire elements, roztashovani in metal obolontsi, which serve for the installation of the head warehouse parts KTP assessed until electrical circuit z'єdnannya and constructive vikonannyam KTP (GOST 14695-80). RU 6-10 kV may have two sections at the RP, where they can live on single or double cable lines from 185 to 240 mm 2 from the separate sections of 6-10 kV RU of one (from the substation 35-110 kV) or from the other centers of living. On the sectional circuit in the RP, the attachment of a two-way automatic switching on of the reserve (AVR) is transmitted, as it is displayed on the side of 0.4 kV on the contactors with a nominal stream from 600 to 1000 A. ABP on a sectional vimicach), either close to it, or even with hedgehogs (at the lower points of the hedge), so that it will not be possible to update the liveness of the hedgehogs with the help of the PS. Rozpodilna transformer station (RTP) - the whole electrical installation, in each of the following RP and TP. At the RTP, transformers can be spaced with a single voltage up to 1000 kVA inclusive, a 6-10 kV switchgear with a singular number of alternate ones and a complete 0.4 kV switchboard. To that, the RTP allows the power supply to operate at a voltage of 0.4 kV, which is a transformer substation, and at a voltage of 6-10 kV, at a power supply. Otzhe, the RTP on the RP vidminu serve as a reception and power supply, and at the transformation. As a rule, from the RTP there is electrical power supply to the TP. The RTP is partially victorious at the time of the electrical supply of the places and the great agricultural complexes (farm creatures, ptah factories, etc.). RTP vikonuyutsya zzvychay closed type. The center of living (CP) is the center of the power plant of the generator and of the power plant or of the secondary power of the lower power substation of the power system, to those attached to the grid of the given area (GOST 13109-97). The price of power plants of 35-220 kV, which can accommodate the supply of 6-10 kV rosettes. From the CPU to the power supply, the power is transmitted without the need to the TP bus or through the RP bus. Sukupn_st of the designated type of electrical installation at once from the spores and primitives, in whatever stench is established, by the name of the other term - electrical installation. The electrical installation is a complete installation of a back-to-back electrical installation in the boundaries of the given space, abo the primacy (GOST 30331.1-95, GOST R 50571.1-93). The electrical installations and the constructions linked to them are to blame for being steadfast as soon as they are injected into the midst of the community, or by the abduction of everything in the pool. Vіdkritі abo zvnіshnі electrical installations - electrical installations, which are not stolen by waking from atmospheric injections. Electrical installations, seized by navis, with frequent fences, are scanty, they look like a call (PUE). Close any internal electrical installations - electrical installations, such as expansion of all the middle buds, for the storage of all of the atmospheric injections (PUE). Elektroprimіschennya, tobto primіschennya abo vіdgorodzhenі (napriklad, sіtkami) Chastain primіschennya in yakih roztashovane elektroobladnannya, availability tіlki for kvalіfіkovanogo obslugovuyuchogo staff for vplivom navkolishnogo seredovischa vіdpovіdno to klasifіkatsії for Buyeo podіlyayutsya on takі Vidi: suhі - primіschennya in yakih vіdnosna vologіst povіtrya not perevischuє 60%; vology - primitiveness, for those who have a tolerable vology of over 60%, but not overwhelming 75%; siri - primitiveness, in some of them there is 75% of the prevalence; especially if they are primitive, for those who have a tolerable vology is close to 100% (stele, walls, pidlogs and objects that are found in primitives, including vologo); specotnі - primitive, in some kind of injected heat viprominuvan the temperature continuously or periodically (more than 1 add) changes +35 ° C (for example, attracting from dryers, stoves, stoves, boiler rooms); zapilyuvalny - primitiveness, in those behind the minds of a technological saw; you can sit on the wire-guided parts, penetrate into the middle of the machines and equipment, etc. attracting from a chemically active or organic middle ground - attracting, in some permanently or for a tricky hour, aggressive bets, gas, birthdays, to be applied to the application of As a rule, people are not safe with an electric strum to develop: a suppression without pidvischenoi is not safe - supplication, from those who are on the day, mind, but they are not safe to move; Attendance with pidvischenyu not safe - enmity, which is characterized by the manifestation of one of such minds, but it’s not safe to drive: whatsoever is abo string saw; pipelines (metal, earth, concrete, tseglyan); temporal temperature; the possibility of an one-hour dota of people to metalworking of the earth, technology equipment, mechanisms, just from one side, and to metal cases in electrical conditions; especially insecure primacy - primitiveness, which is characterized by the manifestation of one of such minds, which creates a special concern: the ability is especially special; chemically active and organic middle; one hour two people who are more than minds are not safe. Territory of electric power plants is not safe for people to be equipped with an electric device for the benefit of especially handy applications.

With the help of economy, metal when preparing a LEP of a vine is the need for a significant increase in pressure to be transferred, and in its own turn, a change to the stage of active support. But the pressure, the more the pressure entered, the more the more, the more power is transferred. Electric power plant є installation, vikoristovuvanu rozpodil chi re-development of energy. Electric power stations are, madly, one of the most important constructive elements of any transmission system or power supply. The presence of the addition of transformers allows for a decrease and increase in the amount of pressure.

Attachment of the electric power station

Whether an electric power plant is stored from a number of elements, the most important is a transformer, the establishment of such a pole at the redeveloped electric power, split, increased number of reductions. Working at high pressures, the transformer means the amount of heat, as it is introduced and developed by the design, equipped with a radiator. For an adequate robotics of all elements of the design, it is important that the production station is operated by the staff. Another important element of the annex to the electric power station is the introduction to the construction of the power plant. cable lines... Їхн zavdannya - organizing the reception of the input voltage, transmitting it to the input of the transformer. The idea of ​​re-engineering the energy is transferred to the power supply unit (RU), the management of which is to accept the power supply.

Among the main components of the plant's possession are the decal of the modules, which are specific to the plant.

  • Rose

Zd_yisnyuyut operatively mixing in the electrical wiring diagram of the RU and the stem of the visible lance. Roses cannot be brought up to meet new designs, the odor of stink does not faint arcing elements. Risers are stored from unruly (fixed on insulators) and loose contacts.

  • Vimiruvalny components

A transformer that can change electrical values ​​and live up to a relay switch. At the maximum value of the values, the force and the external strum do not exceed 100 V and 5 A.

Enjoy around the RU elements. It is prepared from medium and aluminum.

  • Regulating annexes

Reactors, batteries, phase wraparound the value of the struma.

  • Non-linear interconnecting equipment

Zdіysnyuyut zahist lіnіy from commutations and atmospheric overstrains.

  • Earthing annexes

Take part of the possession from the earth, prepare for the metal.

  • Silovі vimikachі

The commutation components, which are considered for the inclusion of the power lance in the mode of the strum naunting, rewiring, idling, short flickering.

  • Automation systems for ta zahistu

This includes the system of commercial and technical power supply, the control system is too small.

Classification of production

The main types of electric power stations are electrical and transformer stations. Power supply to the university and the establishment of the electricity supply. The transformer substation changes the change or the change in the value of the power supply of the built-in transformer.

It is necessary to see a small number of types of production stations according to the method of attaching to the netting:

  • Vidgaluzena

Might be brought up to two or one line in a deaf way, so that you can follow the scheme of 2 blocks with short-circuits and wedges. Come to the lines of 35-220 kV.

  • Prohidna

To enter at the razsіchennya two or one line of one or two-way living. To become stagnant at a simple closed framing. For a passing station, a line can be transferred to enter from a rose. Force transit through a normally closed jumper with Vimicach.

  • Promіzhna

A food station, it is necessary to eat well. The industrial station can be brought up to two or one submarine, which can be passed, or by way of the submarine's approach to one / two-way equipment.

  • Transit

Vikoristovuyutsya for the livelihood of living and transferring flows of labor to the summery of the subsurface power systems.

  • Perevoryuvalnaya

The station, which serves for reception and transmission of effort on post-strum... It is characterized by a great strain and a significant number of straight, parallel working units.

  • Vuzlova

Type of station, up to which more than 2 lines can be supplied, which must be supplied from a number of electrical installations.

  • Tupikova

A whole range of different types of power plants will take away the power from the power plant according to some or one line. Vykonuyutsya for the block diagram: the transformer - the line from the zapobizhnik and the electric rose.

Structurally, the switchgear of an electric power station can be of the type (if the possession is simply the sky) and of the closed type (as a rule, in the minds of the city).

Vyhodyachi znacheniya pіdstantsіy classify on the systematic and lively. At the system stations, there are connections from the development of energy systems and the surrounding areas of the energy system. Power supply and power supply with those who live together here. The need for that designation of the environment taken by the station is to start with the configuration of that scheme of the hedge, within the framework of what the production station is for operation, and also by the nature of the new options, which are taken out of the existing ones.

Viznachennya springs on boats

If you need to calculate the amount on the tires of a low pressure (PN) at the station, then you will need to add additional improvements in one step. They are guilty of being forced to drain at the supports of transformers and autotransformers and the presence of a magnetic ring between the windings.

Shown is the sequencing of the layout from the butt of the stand 1 in front of the front diagram.

The baby shows a diagram of the identification of the elements, which are in the case of the designation of the installation of the training station 1 and the instructions for the exertion, which are due to the knowledge and the calculation .

So as a spring U 1 in the house (indicated on the front stage), then the pressure in the support of the transformer Z t1 can be known by the value of the stress U 1 and the pressure , scho against the support Z t1.

At the same time


and guiding the springs on the tires of the low springs of the station


Shukana napruga on tires ПН підстції 1


It is possible to register and transfer the reduced parameters of the circuit to the mode up to one stage of transformation. In our application, we will additionally bring the operating line of the LP to the nominal voltage of 110 kV. At the same time, an ideal transformer, points unite, and support Z 4 replace with support:

The stress at point 3 during the development, we will take it to the next stage of transformation, so i, tobto. rahuwati, scho ... Insult go to rozrakhunku іvnotsіnnі.

12.3. Rozrakhunks to the regime of lines with two-sided living with springs of dzherel living (by end)

For the development of schemes from a large number of independent dzherels, harvesting is widely used overhead principle.

According to the principle of strumming and laboriousness in the bottle, it can be seen as the result of a number of warehouses, the number of which is equal to the number of independent dzherel springs.

Leather from cich struma viznatyatsya every once from dzherel springs when equal to zero sprung dzherel.

Lines of double-sided livelihoods in case of childish springs are brought up to electric lantsyugiv from the independent dzherels of exertion. For її rozrahunku, the principle of superimposition can also be used.

Set the different strains by the end of the line, for example U 1> U 4.

Due to the effort to install S 2 and S 3 and the support of the lines of the line Z kj de k - the university is a cob of the line, j - the university of the line of the line.

Need to know the flows of urge S kj.

According to the principle of overlapping, the line can be represented by two lines (Figure b) and c)).

The streams of pressure on the outward line can be recognized as a result of the overlapping (summation) of streams in the cycle of lines. Streams of urge to line with prying springs along the end (U n.) Of babies b) begin as virases:



At the line of the malunka c) at the direct view of the dzherel, the vividness with a great effort to the dzherel with the lesser pressure is the opposite of the high-level educational strum I lvl. That is the level of urgency of the S level.

Based on the results of the flow rates, which are based on formulas (1), (2) and (3), there are flows of pressure on the line from bilateral livelihoods per baby a)

The value of the required effort DS kj should follow this formula:

de k - Vuzol a corncob of a line;

j - high school

Then the springs begin.

Acceptable point of flow base є point 3, Figure 2). Razrіzhemo line at the university 3, Fig. e)

Now it is possible to make a difference, or to fall back
(DU nb) two open hemlines, tobto. in lines 1-3 and 4-3 1 because U 1> U 4, then DU 1-3> DU 4-3 and DU nb = DU 1-3


Pislyavarіynі modes

B. Naybilsh important - the connection from the fret and the connection of the 1-2 and 3-4 (the closest to the dzherel live). The analysis of the mode of operation is significant for the most significant loss of DU nb in the mode, if 4-3 babies are switched on (e). Apparently the most vtratu springs DU 1-3 av.

Melodiously, we’re talking to us at the courtyard of the living rooms of the booth, from which to enter without the power of the electric wires. To be called such a small time is easily foldable to the first glance with the word - electric transformer station.

Bagato hto dosi I don’t know what it’s for the construction and for whom it’s victorious. Proceedings are given in the statistics.

Yak vіdomo, the main advantage of electricity in front of the other types of energy є the ability to transfer to the majesty with small vrata. However, it’s not too big to waste all one thing inevitably, so as a dart the power supply and heat up as a result of the transmission of an electric stream through them.

And, in order to reduce the transmission in an hour before the minimum, it is necessary to transmit the strum with a strong force, because The strength of the struma can be reduced, in the event of a significant change in the heat of the conduction, which has changed as a result of the loss of the struma. The principle of reaching the end of the simplicity is that when the power transmission line (LEP) is completed, then it’s more stress for a new one to be victorious.

The generator of an electric strum at power plants vibrates a low strum for efficient transmission in large cities, so a transformer is installed on them p_dvishchu type.

For the delivery of the struma to the client via the power line, for the first time with a bout of water, it is already guilty, but it has been reduced to 500, 380 or 220 volts, as it is in the booth in the socket. For a whole lot of transformer substations. downward type.

The most low-level workshops should be set up to stand near the large courtyards of the living quarters. Otrimuyuchi the strum of a high-spirited stench to transform it to 220-volt, which is victorious for the livelihood of large by-turn electric attachments.

Speaking in simple language, a transformer station of a lowering type is stored from the onset of the main parts.

  • The chastina is entered - by taking the struma of the visokoi napruga.
  • The transformer is a reworking of the struma.
  • Vyvidna chastina - vyhid struma of low springs.

On the other hand, transformer substations have been distributed and divided into blocks and container sets. The first to be seen from others is deprived of its own building - a blocky power station is installed at the concrete site and climbed onto the platform - so that it is stationary. At the container-type stations, the building is vicarious, and the stench is picked up at the virobnik plant. Such production stations are transportable and can be easily moved from one minute to another.

If you want to know the prices on the unit, you can get to know them, for example, from the companies There are represented companies that sell transformer substations.

A transformer power station is a special kind of energy installation, designed for rejection, re-implementation and differentiated power generation in terms of objects that require ї. To run різні tipi transformer stations, which have their own design, especially installation and operation.

In the middle of the 20th century, we went to the wines, they were satisfied with and tested the energy constructions, so they allowed the payments of the electric power of the necessary exertion to the industrial facilities in the settlements. This is how the transformer station has become known. Electricity is transferred to great cities and by the road from the power station to the point of being used up. In order to keep them small, they should be victorious at the school.

There is a stench to be found in an open-ended twilight, behind a ragged fence. In densely populated areas of the station, you can grow up in a closed neighborhood. The most important element of the installed is a three-phase transformer or a few single-phase ones.

Є It is also a possession for a yogi zahistu that cool. For the cooling of transformers, special oils are used, as they are locked into the cold mechanism, they are connected from grounding and a lowering resistor.

There is a lot of space around the neighborhood, there are transformers, buses and control add vimiryuvalny, be called a camera. Vona will be closed, if it’s attached, or if it’s fenced, if it’s roztashovuyutsya behind a sieve or grats. Servicing a professional electric power station with access to robots on high-voltage lines. For the robot, a sposter is attached to a Chergovy energetic, who is constantly known at the head shield.

The electrician should come from the power station, then go to the dzherelo struma, which is transferred, de napruga, the power transformer is growing. There is an increase in the decrease in the amount of time per hour of transmission of electricity to great cities.

Then the electrician goes to the station, then it goes down to the necessary level, passing through the lowering transformer, and going up to the center of the outlet. Here it’s hard to go down for a week through local edge, Zvidki elektrika with a power supply of 220 volts is supplied to transformers of zhytlovy districts.

There are 19 types of transformer substations that are in place as functions of the transformers there. Axis of the best vikoristovuvan:

For the acquaintance of the visitor's view, she dzherela elektroenergy and for a few of the living efforts of the station to carry out to one of the coming views:

During the month, the transformer stations are expanded to open and close. Visitors can be found on the open territory, close at the virobichny shops and the closed ones. In addition to the main transformer stations, where the power of the great survivors is good, the power supply system is vikorist and small traction power stations, such as servicing electric trams and trolleys.

Schoglovy stations are built for power supply to distant settlements, cottage settlements, garden cooperatives. Another name is stoppage, the odor of the stench is put on the support. The stink robot principle is awkward. From the central rozpodilchiy center, the electric strum comes to the training center, de vin redefinition and go to the residents. With regular cooling, the system automatically controls the adjustment and reduction of the required stress.

Є two options for the design. Prostish complete transformer station, the call is similar to the letter "A" transformer unit with a rosette module. Another pidhid, P-podibny, foldable when built, albeit true to itself when operating.

Before the warehouse of the central configuration, there are some components, but also with small details. For example, the module for generating the energy of ideas here will add a low tension. Most of the livelihood can be done with oil and dry transformers.

Sporuda is equipped with automatic switching on ta vimknennyam. The current models are transferred to a zamikan, as well as a kind of blocking with a method of safety. Stovpovi pіdstantsії Mayut a lot of perevag, to that it is widely expanded. For them, it is not necessary to getuvati maydanchik, but also to reduce the vitrati for the hour of editing. In addition, this installation is absolutely safe for everybody. When the temperature is too low, the setting of the transfer unit is set.

One of the types of food stations - a complete electric power plant of a kiosk type - represents a folding electric power supply, in which the revision of the electric power is supplied to the residents. Equip in a room with an indoor climate at temperatures not lower than -40 degrees.

The warehouse of the design includes a power transformer, a power transformer, an auxiliary attachment, storage and auxiliary elements (vimikachi, relay storage, vim_ryuvalny attachments). At the station you will find:

  • reception of a triphasic struma;
  • transmission of electrical energy;
  • re-development of energy;
  • її rozpodil.

There is also a diagram of a cable or connection for vivedennya tension, the side of a reduced tension is to replace grounding. Kioskov systems are designed in a separate building and distributed in two parts. In one area there is possession, in the other - low-voltage annexes. The sporud is hermetically sealed and secured the electrical part from the floor to the board.

Installation of kiosk KPs can be made according to the rules of cleaning electrical installations and safety:

  • vilny pid'їzd;
  • access to repair;
  • it is normal to come to the living quarters
  • level of noise isolation;
  • ventilate open and vilny povitrobmin.

The kiosks of the KTP are guilty of the vicious middle-class, which is inadmissible for the annexe instead of vibrant-insecure words and aggressive couples. Oh, you can't give blows and get up on the surface, so that you can see the vibrations.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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