How to create a local network between two computers? How to connect a computer with home TB via the Internet. Abo local merging via Hamachi Routing parameters and launching the OpenVPN server

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local networks for a long time already it was not invisible, as it was at the dawn of its creation. The advantages of such measures are obvious. Computing computers, united in a single local area, deny access to saved files and folders and can absolutely easily exchange the necessary information, edit documents, play games, win command modes, etc. 'yuteriv, yakі z'ednuyutsya among themselves with vikoristannym wires and dosit large amount of "zaleznogo" obladnannya. And what work, if computers need to dosit far one type of one? Here, software products for the creation of virtual local networks come to the rescue. In the middle of them, milking is often absolute cost-free programs. Downloading cost-free programs for creating local networks and installing them on a computer is not a problem at once. As it seems, it would be bazhannya. In the midst of non-shedding burnouts for local chains of such supplements, two main types can be seen. The first type allows you to create virtual private mesh in such a way that one of the computers will override the role of the server. And here you can see the programs, like vikoristovuyut in the capacity of the main server of the computer alternately. The exchange of data in such a situation occurs due to the stagnation of P2P (peer-to-peer) technologies, that is, according to the universal BitTorrent protocol. To another type of programs, the role of the central server is removed from the server of the compiler software. Here it is necessary to register yourself on the site of the picker. If you are talking about cost-free programs of this kind, then, in parity with paid counterparts, they allow you to create connections between nearly two dozen computers or cloud recordings. It is clear that paid analogs can create a network of connected devices to create hundreds of computers. However, 15-20 koristuvachivs are absolutely sufficient for a home chanting or for small offices. It is necessary to say that the lines, created from the victories of such additives, can make all the possibilities of the great dart lines. That mood, in the majority of moods, is similar. The difference in such programs may be in the fact that sometimes the binding of one computer is carried out only to one specific IP address. For some other types, IP addresses can be assigned automatically. For work in such a measure, only a program will be installed on the computer. Some cost-free programs for creating private virtual networks allow you to retrieve registration data from anonymous Internet pagers, for example, Jabber cloud records. However, the feasibility of such programs is similar to each other. acts additional functions can, for example, wake up in chats, or exchange short text messages. Here it is, on this day, virtual dimensions all the same, it’s more beautiful, shards, allow you to combine computers into a single mesh, which you can find in different corners of the earth’s backwoods. On our website you can download current programs for the creation of local merezh.

The principle of the creation of a local dimension into a be-what Windows versions(XP, 7, 8, 10) practically nothing do not resent. Winnietka to create foldable bagatorіvneі corporate merezhі, de vikoristovuєtsya kіlka pіdmerezh, proxі server i vpn.

Ale in this article we can see how to create home merezha , Do not go to the point of buying an expensive possession, but rather a superior switch or a router with Wi-Fi support.

What is necessary for the creation of a fence

In the first line, for the creation of a local network with a large number of computers, we need to have:

Return respect: In that vein, as if there will be a direct connection (tobto twisted couple inserted into the attachment, not the router), then you will need not a standard cable, but crossover, Crimia vipadkіv, if modern fringes are installed with MDI-X support. In this way, you can vicorate the standard obtisch method.

How to create a local mesh

Now we proceed without intermediary until the meeting. For the cob, we need to prepare:

  • insert all possessions in one's own place - computers, routers, etc.
  • crimped cable, if necessary.
  • robimo wiring, Tobto prostyazhaemo vitu pair to obladnannya.
  • connected possession of torsion in pairs.

varto win respect, So, if the connection is turned off and all the extensions are running, the connections are connected on the computers shine. It’s worth it and routers with routers, only they have light bulbs on front panel. If the light bulb does not light up, it means the connection is turned off not properly.

If the connection is viroble - it is necessary to fix the line in the operating system.

For the cob reverb I work with a group, for which we are transitioning to power " my computer". You can not show power, but win every day Win+ R and enter at the window sysdm. cpl.

On all outbuildings working group guilty buti however, Otherwise, the computer will not play alone.

To change the group, press the button change and enter the name of the group. I'm guilty buti introduced Latin alphabet, I zbіgatisya on all annexes.

then we joke merezhі icon in the area of ​​assistance and assistance in Control Center for Fences and Overhead Access.

Here we are forced to click change additional parameters, Won the third evil and allow editing the parameters of the global access. For the skin profile choose: Turn on hemstitch display, autotuningі hot access to files and printers.

scrollable side and bottom included zagalny access with a password zahist. All other settings can be overridden. onslaught save change and see.

On which setting is completed. Merezha is guilty of zapratsyuvati, but only in that case, as you distribute a router dynamic addresses.

If the router has been changed, or if the extensions were connected without a cable, then it is necessary to add another decal to the patch.

sewing up the mesh

In times direct connection or the router's variant, we need change computer ip addresses. For whom necessary:

We won’t describe what the skin setting is for, because it’s necessary to cover the topic. Dosit enter on all computers addresses, as described above.

After the introduction of all the descriptions described above, the stitching of the mesh can be requested. However, do not forget that the firewall or antiviruses can completely block the network. To that, as if nothing had been done - turn them over, or else ignite timchasovo.

Local networking via WiFi router

Building a network through a router is absolutely nothing do not resent according to what we have described above.

Yakshto pristriy lashed for distribution dynamic address, then you do not need to change the addresses. Well, what about IPs static, Then you have to speed up the front split.

So by itself, there will be no difference between them connected by cable or via Wi-Fi, in most routers, setting up the distribution of the address will be adjusted immediately and on bezdrotove and on drotove connection.

How to zrobiti zagalni folders

After that, as everything is done, it is necessary to create hot folders to exchange information.

However, this is still not enough. Now on the vіknі authorities of the folder it is necessary to know the bookmark safety. І here successively onslaught changeAdd.

We continue to look at home weakly streaked lines. At this article, I want to talk about a topic that is still relevant for today - the local computer network.

We are attracted more and more outbuildings, which can connect to the local computer network and the light network of the Internet. Let's take a look at how to organize the connection of dekilkoh computers or outbuildings to the local area. How to organize access to the Internet on a local basis, so that it would be possible from a skin attachment, connected to the measure, mother access to global network Internet. It’s also easy to see how to create a wireless local network over Wi-Fi.

Local network between computers

In order to unite a small number of computers in a local area, a special attachment is established - switch (switch).

The switchboard may be a rosette of roses - ports, up to which for an additional special cable twisted couple UTP-5e connects computers or other attachments. Vita pair on both sides are tested with special RJ-45 connectors. This technology of darts is called ethernet.

Connecting to the Internet through a local network

understand local computer network LAN, Vaughn є vnutrіshnyu, as її svorit mi looked out more. also WAN network global computer, Vaughn-zovnishnya.

Let's take a look at how to connect attachments, united in our local network, to the global Internet network. I’ll arrange our skin from the skin (stationary computer, laptop, lace media player, TV) we could have access through our Internet provider to the light network of the Internet.

For whom there is a special attachment - router (router).

The router may have a WAN port, to which it is connected, a pair of ISPs is twisted. Through this port, our local network connects to the global Internet network.

So it goes, depending on the model, the router has a few LAN ports, for connecting the extension to the local network. Call tse chotiri and more ports.

In a wild way for the creation of local networks and the organization of access to the Internet, one router must be installed. Although there are not enough ports for connecting an extension to the internal LAN, it is also necessary to add a switch switch.

A little lower, I just showed the option, if part of the extension is connected through a router, and part through a switch.

Cable from the Internet connection provider to the WAN port of the router. Our router can be somewhat ported for connection to several outbuildings in the local area.

We want to connect:

Three computers; - Merezhevy nakopichuvach NAS; - TV with the possibility of connecting to the Internet; - it is possible in the future.

A monoblock computer and a network of storage are connected to the LAN ports of the router, one port is left as a backup port on the future, and the left port is left behind by a pair of turns with the right port of the switch.

Stationary computer, laptop and TV are plugged into the free port of the switch.

If it is necessary to connect more extensions to the local area, but there are no other ports on the switch, add one more switch and connect the extension to the new one. Such a variant can become useful when organizing a local computer network in a cottage, if an okremium switch can be installed on the skin version.

I want to respect that in our application it is possible to add a router to a larger number of ports and connect all the extensions of the local network to the new one. This commutator is not required.

Such a configuration with different router settings allows for a skin device, connected to a local network, to gain access to the Internet over one channel from an Internet provider.

Bezdrotov local network over Wi-Fi

Most of all, we looked at the topology of the core and local networks. And today, more and more outbuildings are being added, with the possibility of connecting to the jetless technology WiFi. Persh for all tablets and smartphones. How to create a local network over Wi-Fi? For which it is necessary to connect to the appropriate port of our router or a switch for additional protection of the twists of the bet, special attachments - Wi-Fi hotspot.

It is possible to allow the exchange of information between us by the outbuildings, connected to the local network, both by wired Ethernet technology and by wireless Wi-Fi. In addition, we take into account the possibility of accessing the Internet from our tablets and smartphones.

If Wi-Fi coverage is not enough, you can expand it by adding one more access point.

In the rest of the hour, wide expansion in apartments and small offices was taken away wifi routers, stinks to combine a router and a wireless access point in one case. How to create a local network Wi-Fi router, I looked in detail in the video, in the same place I looked at a few schemes for creating a local network, which I did not look at in this article.

Watch the video: Local networking booth via the Internet

The next publications will be related to the architecture (diagrams and layout) of an apartment low-voltage switchboard, including computer systems. Where it is installed, how the cables are stretched where, as if the possession is stagnant. So I recommend subscribing to the newsletter of new products, in front of the richly ticked one! Subscription form at the bottom of the article.

How do you connect a small computer between yourself and to the Internet, rozpodіlyayuchi the same speed to the Internet? Through such a platform, you can not only use files that are spread on your PC, the Internet, but also printers, as if connected to some kind of lanzi network. Let's try to look at all the options for setting up a local mesh, from the simplest to the most foldable.

Let's divide the sequence of events mentally into two stages.

For the cob, we will choose and choose an option, if you only need to share the Internet.

Connecting to the Internet 2 computers and more in one apartment without building a local network

Virishiti tse nutrition can be dekilcoma in the following ways:

  1. Installing a router (router)- allows the mother to access the Internet to a skin computer without including another in the network. If the Ip-addresses (identification details of the computer in the merezhі) are assigned without the middle of the router, then you will have one tariff for these Internet services, and you can use the Internet for two computers.
  2. Wi-fi technology- bezdrotove connection to the fence. Possibly with vikoristanni special kit obladnannya that yogo nalashtuvannya.

1st stage. Improving local lines

How to connect two computers in a mesh (Merezheviy Mist)

One of the computers is connected to the Internet, the other computer is connected to the first one. Head short in this way are those that are necessary for the exit to the border of another computer, so that the first computer is the same in the border. And also, if you are connected to the Internet according to the border card, then you need an additional border card to connect another computer to the first one, so that the border card is already occupied (it will accept the Internet).

To connect two computers between each other and to the Internet behind the help of the Merezhevoy Bridge, you will need:

1. Special cable (vita pair) and, possibly, an additional wire card.

You can get Vita a couple on the radio or in specialized stores. They are prepared independently, with the help of a special tool, which is called "crimping" and out of the necessary cable itself. The pinout can be found on the Internet. And you can ask to compress the "wituhu" directly to the radio (tell the sellers what it is necessary to compress for the type of card "from the media cards" or "comp-comp", also "comp-switch") or buy a ready-made cable (likely є), ale vin can be short. There is no factory selection for such a cable, only "comp-switch" is for sale, you can buy it, and then we cut and crimp one.

A twisted pair is an 8-core cable (for example, UTP-5) with RJ-45 sockets (connectors). Kіntsі kabelіv are crimped special. with a tool (special tongs) in the connector and in the right way up to the colors of the resht. The order of fitting the sheathed cable is as follows: BO-O-BZ-S-BS-Z-BK-K on both ends for connecting with a hub. To connect a computer with a computer on one side, you can use: BZ-Z-BO-S-BS-O-BK-K, de O-orange, Z-green, S-blue, K-brown , BO-white-orange, etc. etc. (do not delve into it especially, but give knowledgeable people a cable to obstiskacha).

Vita pair (2-2.5 $ - 3 m)

Crimp tool

Otzhe, for the help of "torsion bets" z'ednuёmo computer card-to-card (type of z'ednannya "comp-comp")!

Merezhev card ($3-6)

2. After the installation of 2 computers behind an additional cable, it is necessary to install them programmatically.

It is necessary that the computers were in the same workgroup, in the same address range, and with different shared names. The adjustment of these parameters is shown in the graphic diagram:

In this case, it is also necessary to set IP-addresses and pidmerezh_ masks manually (the pdmerezh_ mask is set automatically at the given IP-address). IP addresses can be selected in the range If so, on all computers of the local network, the IP addresses can be changed to the same language as "", and the remaining three digits (xxx) must be different (or else there will be a conflict, the oscillators are equal to the fact that two different houses can be one and the same address), and can be in the range 0 - 255. The setting of the IP address is shown in the graphic diagram:

2.2. Nalashtuvannya for the assistance of the master

For this, you need to go to the “Control Panel” -> “Master of Adjusting the Measures”, and finish reading the master’s instructions.

You can also eat hand lashing merezhi and nalashtuvannya for the help of the master, for example, after the settings of the fence for the help of the master, specify the IP address.

After all, you can give access to (share) the folders in the Power of the folder, in the "Access" tab. You can share folders by going to "My computer" and in the "List of typical tasks" select "Merezheve otochennya". Or, through Total Commander, go to "Merezha and Plugins" (extremely right-handed drive button) -> "All Merezha" -> "Microsoft Windows Network".

3. Setting up the printer.

3.1. Granting access to the printer on a local basis
For this, go to Start - Control Panel - Printers and Faxes. It is known that the printer is connected to this PC, click on it with the right mouse and in the context menu select "Global access ...". After this, the printer will automatically be assigned to other PCs connected to the same local network.

3.2. Whiskey of the printer, which is in the public domain, in the local area
On other PCs, go to Start - Control Panel - Printers and Faxes. Click on "Printer Installation", after which we follow the instructions of the printer installation wizard.

I. Select "Master printer or printer, connections to another computer"
Let's move on to the next step.

II. We put a choice on "Oglyad printerіv"
Robimo looking around the printers in the local area.

III. How often do you plan to change this printer more often or to permanently change this printer? - "So".

Tsim ends the setting.

We offer 3 PCs through Merezhevy cards according to the Merezhevy Mist type

Do not obov'yazkovo mother router or a switch, to connect 3 PCs, buy one more card.
This option is cheaper than the lower candle, because the candle is 3 times more expensive than the lace pattern. To connect 3 computers, you need to choose one of them and perform it, two other things. On a wired computer, it is necessary to install 2 mesh cards. Let's join together with 2 more twists in a couple and create Merezhevy Mist. Let's expand the Internet and local folders, in which case the computer is guilty of constant inclusions and connections to the Internet.

Up to 3 computers and more (up to 20 PCs) via external hub (switch or external hub)

How to connect 3 computers and more between yourself and up to the Internet, for the mind it is necessary to spread the same skin speed?

The simplest solution is to buy a candle (Hab), for 5 or more ports, N cables (to improve the dermal position of the possible position of the candle to the skin computer) with crimping the comp-switch (it was already mentioned above), de N - number of computers. If necessary, you will need to connect a computer with a candle. If so, the computer is also connected, as if it were connected between two computers.

Up to 3 computers and more (up to 6 PCs) are allowed via an internal hub (Hub)

We create a local area for the help of an internal 5-port 100 Mbit hub

This option is perfect for organizing a home and a small office (up to 6 computers), a vicorous hub (or, as it seems, a hub), for example, Genius GF4050C. The advantage of this PCI hub lies in the fact that it is installed in the middle of the computer as a basic expansion card. And for the same small pennies ($ 45) you take 100 megabits of Swiss money in your office. Ale sled vrahuvati, that when the server is turned off (PC, de installations of the hub), there will be no prac- tice. However, the concentrator does not take up power sockets and does not take up space on the table.

internal hub

We accept 5-20 and more PCs via the Central PC Server

We create a network with a central computer-server, which serves as a candle.
Tsey variant of appointments for great offices and corporate organizations. You can combine more than 20 pcs. As a hub, serve as a central computer server with a server OS installed on a new server, for example, FreeBSD + a switch.

If the number of computers in the local area is more than 20, it will be necessary to switch to a switch (hub) and install a central server, so with such a number of PCs, the transfer of data will lead to the halving of the computer. It is allotted through a direct request to the processor when transferring / receiving data, the oscillators are brought to a lot of processing, for example, if a film is vanquished (resources go to the creation of packages from the one who de-counts the data, and analyzes the packages, de-buying the receipt of data). Everything is to bring up the productivity of both computers: the one who reads the most and the one who reads the data. How to cost center. server, then it is on the right that it is engaged in wine, and not computer-clients. The very same and install a central server. The candle takes on itself a part of the cut, which is not enough for a large amount of connection to a measure of PC.

Ale better, zvichayno, beat the server and with a smaller number of computers, with this tinkering will not be, but in the same way, it is necessary to add additionally to the server, then to one more PC. Until then, the server is guilty of some service, for whom and іsnuє such a settlement, like " System administrator". Zagal, as there is not a lot of pennies for an additional computer, you can run up to 20 computers through a switch.

The server of the local network (Fig. 1.1) is the server, which serves as a service to the employees of the intranet network (Intranet). Don't confuse "Intranet" with "Internet". Merezha Intranet - ce internal corporate merezha, as a rule, without access to the Internet.

Show yourself small office space. As you have a broken mind, you can create a great local line, placed in a richly superficial bud. In such a network, the server can be equipped with different functions, for example, be a server to another or a file server. Ring in the internal servers of the server and only perform functions. Depending on the type of activity of the organization, in which the server is installed, it is often blamed for victorious in the capacity of the database server.

For a database server and a file server, it’s necessary to see one computer each, because the need for a database server is high, but if it’s more likely to do so, then it will reduce the productivity of the file server, and navpacki. If the productivity of the server is low, then, as a rule, the sufferer suffers. In his court, "suffering" koristuvachiv be assigned to no one else, crim like you - the administrator.

Mal. 1.1. Local Network Server

On fig. 1.1 shows a small local network without access to the Internet. All working stations and the server itself are connected to the central building of the merezhi - concentrator. Instead of a concentrator, you can switch (and, more often, switch) a switch. On the view of the switch, the concentrator “does not know”, to which connection port of that other computer, and if one of the computers transmits a data packet, then the concentrator repeats it to all its ports. The skin computer measures this packet and checks the presence of its IP address in its header. If the IP address recognized is not matched with the IP address of the computer that receives the packet, then the packet is simply ignored. The switch, on the other hand, transmits the packet only to the port to which the destination is connected. Zavdyaki tsomu, krіm dvishchennya bezpeka, nizzhuєє navantazhennya on the fence. This is how the packages of data are delivered from Dzherel to the month of recognition.

The cream of the concentrator or the commutator, in the majority of cases, it is not necessary to have any other treadmill, for a little more than the treadmill boards. At the time of the great length of the merezhi, the vicarious repeaters are repeated, like, passing a signal through themselves, pidsilyuyut yogo. For my sutty I repeat, let's forgive the concentrator. The concentrator, for virahuvannyam of some service functions, is a richly ported repeater.

About the choice of a tie-down adapter and about other “downloads” for the server, see clause 7.6 “Spring before setting up the server”. Immediately it is necessary to say a couple of words about the choice of the switch. Previously, the main stone of the switch for vikoristannya commutators was the high vartist. At a time, you can buy productive commutators for a remarkably small penny. For a home or a small office, we can recommend the LUCENT CAJUN P115G switcher. Vin May 24 10/100 Mbit ports and 1 100FX fiber optic port. For the rest of the tribute, it will cost close to 230 US dollars.

More expensive and more productive option for 48 ports 10/100 Mbit LUCENT-CAJUN P334T. This switch has an internal bus for 8 Gb, as well as a modular design that allows you to install add-on modules. The cost of the P334T model is about $ 900. With the installation of additional 100FX fiber optic ports, the cost will increase by about $ 150 ... 250 in the amount of ports.


To fix the creation of such a network with the choice of a server computer. Vіn is guilty of sufficient effort to manage the flows of information that pass through new to other computers or laptops. Another important factor is the availability of another twill adapter.

Connect a cable connected to the Internet to the selected computer. Set up access to the Internet for this add-on.

Bring a mesh concentrator (switch). Vіn is necessary in order to secure the connection of other computers or laptops with a computer - server.

Now you need to adjust the computer that you control. In the "Control Panel" open the folder "Merezha and connection to the Internet". Click the right mouse button on the icon of the "external" adapter, click on the menu that you see. Choose the option “Power” and go to the tab “Dodatkovo”. Designate the item “Allow other victors to join ...” as an ensign. As much as you care for the needs, allow other coristuvachas to manage the access to the upper level, designating the ensign as a high point. Press OK.

Say "Yes" to the warning about changing the IP address. "Internal" merging adapter merezha yu, will be assigned to the static address If in the middle of the network one of the computers plays the role of an FTP-or WEB-server, activate the button "Parameters" in the section "Global Access". In the list of services, specify the protocols, which will be selected in the middle of the line.

If you want to do a good service, press "Add". In the new window, enter a description of the service, the IP address of the computer name on which it will run, port numbers and protocol type, which will be selected by the service.

The DCHP protocol, which runs on a certain computer, automatically assigns network addresses to computers in the local network. Those who merezha bude nepratsezdatna, if the server vimkneniya. To make it unique, you can manually assign static IP addresses to client computers. Go to the "Control Panel" and open the connection icon to the link. Right-click the shortcut menu on the “Local Link Connection” icon and select the “Power” option.

At the “Components” section, select the item “Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)” and activate “Power”. If you choose to manually set the IP addresses, select "Write new IP addresses". You can change the address range - The addresses are responsible for being unique to the skin computer of the merezhі. Set the value of the subdivision mask to In the "Main Gateway" field, enter the shared server address

Enter for the item "Wickup new DNS addresses". Press "Dodatkovo" and go to the DNS tab. Enter MSHOME.NET in the "Connection DNS suffix" field. Designate the item “Register the address of this connection” as a warrant officer.

Launch the Internet Explorer browser and go to the "Tools" menu. Choose the item "Power of the watcher" and go to the "Connection" tab. Press “Install”, then, for the continuation of the work, “Dali”. Select "Connect to the Internet" and press "Dali". Select "Install connection manually" and command "Next" to continue the work. Select “Connect via a permanent high-width connection”, press “Dal” again and in the “Done” pop-up screen.


  • Connect the Internet through the link

local merezha- tse one of the various computer networks, surrounded by a singing territorial zone. Sound under the local merezha uvazі sukupnіst pristroїv, scho znahodyatsya in song boundaries (bud_vlya, kіmnata, etc.).


establish local counting measures, Yaki widened on a kilometer square. Irrespective of a wide range of coverage, the stench can also be seen to the local winds by the singing scheme of them. More local networks were inspired by the selections Wi-Fi technologies and Ethernet. It is not enough to break the fiber optic cables in the boundaries of the local network, so the twisted pair can achieve the amazing speed of data transmission on small distances.

For the creation of modern local networks, the most sophisticated equipment is used: networked concentrators, switches, routers, wireless access points and so on. Call the classification of the types of local networks depends on the method of their administration. Choose the type of merezhi to deposit depending on the order in which it is managed and how the scheme was won for її pobudovi.

If routing is victorious in a local area, then it is, as a rule, more primitive. It's all about the fact that private local funds are made up of a small number of computers. Lyudina, who controls the robot of the local network and corrects it, is called a network administrator.

Ring in the boundaries of the local merezhі vikoristovuyutsya nі range IP-address. Internal addresses are vicorated for connecting computers between themselves in the boundaries of a single local network. The stench is not available for connecting to external computers. To avoid IP-address conflicts, the DHCP protocol is used. Vіn allows you to attach, scho vyazuє kіlka computers in the local merezha, View skin PC unique IP address.

If you want to play two PCs without using the Internet, instantly transfer files from other outbuildings without USB-carriers, then you need to know how to create a local network between two computers. Tsya technol- ogy z'ednannya two PCs zastosovuєtsya dosit for a long time, but today has not lost its relevance.

An example of a local measure

A group of interconnected attachments is called a local chain: PCs, televisions, printers, and retailers, as a rule, did not give one application. Add a vicorist to the memory of the server and, in this way, mutually complement one another. Such a link allows you to create a game zone for a PC dekilkoh, without interruption and to file a quick transfer of data, other documents, as well as one installation hot printer, I work a lot more. Joint attachments today are more often used for the help of a router, but they can also win other connections, about which you can read below.

we're making a deal

It is easy to make a connection, as well as different ways: Via a router or a cable. The setup for both methods is similar. Retail is the main rank of the connection method: via cable or via Wi-Fi.

Calling via Wi-Fi, which is often more frequent today, can be richer, then connect two PCs with a cheaper cable, which means that they have not yet installed a router for some reason.

Call for help cable

The oldest type of link between two cars. For the new one, it will be necessary to connect less fencing cable RJ45. The cable is obov'yazkovo owe buti crossed, although for modern computers can often go zvichaynі straight cables. All the same, when buying, it is better to specify the type of cable from the seller. When you add a wire to the crossover cable, the color of the wires will be changed - this is the main thing. Also, for storage, there are merzhe cards on both outbuildings, but today the stench is already installed. Varto is less respectful, since the merezh card is already occupied by connections to the Internet, then you won’t be able to see it.

Such a connection was made earlier in order to win. But who can be handy today, especially since you still have to have an operation Windows system XP, as with difficulty, I support the connection without a dart.

After connecting the cable itself, it is necessary to know how to fix a local line between two computers:

  • Control panel, select the item that is worth merging z'ednan.
  • Choose what we created there, click on the new RMB, choose “Power”
  • Dali in the fall in the "Windy": for Windows XP select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), for Windows 7/8/10 Internet Protocol version 4.

  • Manually enter IP addresses: The remaining six digits can be entered independently, smut, so that stench was not repeated in other outbuildings.

  • On Windows 7, you will also need to go to the Merge Control Center, there, through the “Setup” item, select “Private” for our merge.
  • Let's go to the Control Center, turn on full access to files, less detection, and also turn on password protection.

If so, it is also necessary to improve the open access. Tse to fight in order for the PC to be able to exchange any files. Methods are differentiated on different operating systems. On WindowsXP:

  1. divided Merezhevy connection, Go to "Service", select "Folder Power".
  2. “View” tab, check the box next to “Victory easy access to files”.
  3. Next, go to the window "Power of the system": RMB on "My computer" - select the name of the computer.
  4. Click "Change", select "Member" - a working group. Let's think up a whole new group for both PCs.
  5. My computer, click RMB on hard disks (for example, Windows (C :)), in the "Access" tab, click on the power, set it to allow access.

That's it, access to the files of the selected disks will be open again. From Windows 7/8/10 we fix it like this:

  • Control Panel, then "Folder Options".
  • We put a tick "Vikoristovuvati master of sacred access".
  • Reports about the process will be the same as for XP.

Calling through a router

This is the most efficient way, since it allows you to connect not only two, but more number computers or other attachments that support Wi-Fi. Grati on such a charge is possible without long lashings.

IP-addresses with such a connection will be set automatically. For koristuvannya hot files it will be necessary to give more access to files, and then add two computers to one workgroup, as described above.

Now, to transfer files, you just need to enter the address string of the computer's name: \\ name \. Robiti tse is also possible through the distribution of the mesh. Warto also secure your personal or especially important files so that no one can take access to them from your computer. For whom it is better to show the disks, if you do not miss important information for you. For example, the disk, where the data is cloud records coristuvachіv, better not to work for all, otherwise, vikoristuuuchi menus to fix files and folders, encircle access to them: RMB on required folders, If you select there the settings of the global access.

Gra by local measure

Otzhe, we were able to connect two outbuildings to one without the Internet, allow them to exchange files. How to start grati on the local border?

For whom, as a rule, none dodatkovyh nalashtuvan work is not necessary. Less we turn on the group i, so you can play according to the local order, choose the most important point, and then let's go according to what we have already created.

For other games, connecting to a wild server can be upgraded. Here you will need to enter the IP or PC name. For minecraft, Counter strike, For example, you will need to create a server. Ale, as a rule, it’s easy to try to finish everything.


Such a traplyaetsya dosit rarely, but for an hour, be it a gra, you don’t allow grati through the Internet, but then you allow it on a local basis. Do not fall into trouble at the sight, remember that it seemed that your friend lives far away from you.

The Hamachi program allows you to connect locally and in this way connect to a new PC via the Internet. For whom it is necessary to add a program, register, and then create a new business, come up with a name and, if necessary, a password. If you can, you can easily vicorate the merezha for gris.

Like a bachite, uniting computers in a local area - dosing an easy process. You won’t take a lot of time, and you can eat two PCs, so that you can play with your friends, going as far as them, and being in the same place with them.

Ways to create a connection for all Windows, starting with XP, ending with "Ten".

I already had one article on my blog about organizing local networks via the Internet for help, but today we’ll talk about another service that wins for similar purposes - OpenVPN.

What is the language talking about? About those who want to link two or more computers, which are located in absolutely different places, into a single local area. So physically, they will be far one kind of one, and virtually - like nothing in one local area. What do you give?

  • Ability to share files by size;
  • Possibility to launch a program of the type that wraps from one computer to another;
  • Possibility to play at once in a game and a lot more.

The article itself was not written by me; I myself am less likely to edit the article, so that it would fit more into the style of this blog.

Otzhe, how to robite a LAN via the Internet with the OpenVPN links? The manager is not called simple and zazhada deykoї kolkosti manipulations, but the instruction was given to describe them to file a report.

Then, download the distribution kit of the program from the official site, unpack it and install everything behind the lock. Respect! You need to confirm the installation of the TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 tethered adapter driver if asked by Windows.

openvpn server

One of the computers will act as an Openvpn server, and other computers will connect to the next one. Bazhano, schob on new visions (fast). Let's start with yogo nalashtuvannya.

  1. start window command line Start - Vikonati (or Win + R) - cmd.exe
  2. The most complicated part of the setup is the generation of certificates and keys. Here it is necessary to be extremely respectful and strictly follow the instructions. In the windows console, enter without paws "cd C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ easy-rsa" de C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ folder z installed program. The window of the console is not closed.
  3. We enter again without paws "init-config"
  4. Edit the vars.bat file and set the following parameters: KEY_COUNTRY, KEY_PROVINCE, KEY_CITY, KEY_ORG, KEY_EMAIL. These parameters cannot be left empty, others can be left behind locks. butt:

    set KEY_COUNTRY = RU
    set KEY_CITY = Moscow
    set KEY_ORG = GazProm
    set [Email protected]
    set KEY_CN = changeme
    set KEY_NAME = changeme
    set KEY_OU = changeme
    set PKCS11_MODULE_PATH=changeme
    set PKCS11_PIN = thousand two thirty thirty chotiri

    With a standard notepad, you won't be able to edit dani file, So I squirmed with the program "Notepad ++".

  5. Entered through the commands "vars" "clean-all" and "build-ca". The rest of the build-ca command is to request parameter values. All parameters can not be changed by pressing Enter, except for one - Common Name. Here it is necessary to introduce the name of the name, I will name the organization forever.
  6. Now let's generate a certificate and a key for the server by executing the command: "build-key-server server" Similarly, as in the previous command, all parameters can be taken as a lock, but for the Common Name, enter the word "server". For the rest two meals "Sign the certificate?" And "1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit?" Respond firmly by pressing "y"
  7. Now let's generate keys for clients by following the commands:
    "Build-key client1"
    "Build key client2"
    (These commands are for two names, by analogy, you can generate keys for a larger number)
  8. Like the last time, we accept all parameters, such as Common Name, for which client1 and client2 are appropriate. At the rest of the meal I will take it again. One more command is missing: "build-dh"
  9. Also, as a result of typing all commands, we find in the folder C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rs\keys a number of files in keys and certificates. Go to the server in the folder C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ config and copy the folders there. \Easy-rs\keys. Please copy the following files for client machines: Ca.crt, client1.crt, client1.key, client2.crt, client2.key in a safe place, then we will need to transfer them to the computers connected to the clients. The i axis is all with the server, you can start the OpenVPN Service, you can automatic start services if necessary (via Start Control Panel - Services), but the config for the server has been lost. I would like to remind you that on Windows clients and servers you need to register the path through the SUBMISSION “\\”. And so, let's go to the folder C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ config and create the file "server.ovpn" there, it may be approximately the same:

    port 5194
    proto udp
    dev tune
    subnet topology
    ca C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys\\ca.crt
    cert C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys\\server.crt
    key C: \\ Program Files \\ OpenVPN \\ config \\ keys \\ server.key # This file should be kept secret
    dh C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys\\dh1024.pem
    server # vpn subnet
    ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt # Here will be saved ip addresses of clients
    push "route"
    keep alive 10 120
    comp lzo
    persist key
    status openvpn-status.log
    log-append openvpn.log
    verb 4
    mute 20
    client-config-dir C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys

The config is ready, the creation of 1 file with the name "ipp.txt" and the next zm_st has been lost:


That's it, you can see the OpenVPN server for the time being. Let's move on to setting up the client part for creating a local network via the Internet.

Openvpn client

To fix the Openvpn client, Go to the folder at the address C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ config and create the file “client.ovpn” there with the next change:

remote my_server 5194
dev tune
proto udp
subnet topology
persist key
ca C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys\\ca.crt
cert C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys\\client1.crt
key C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\config\\keys\\client1.key
comp lzo
verb 4
mute 20

Here you need to remember the value of "my_server" to the IP address of your server. Copy the ca.crt, client1.crt, client1.key files to the C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\keys folder for the "client1" folder and the ca.crt, client2.crt, client2.key files for another client (which is more than two of you are planned). To this end, the OpenVPN client setup is completed. Let's try to connect.

Note (Sander): If everything is set correctly, then after the service starts on the server and sessions on the clients, your computers appear in the same local area. Technically, you will look like a new one lace adapter, which functions as a local network via the Internet. I more. OpenVPN is a cost-free product with open code, so you didn’t work through a black box, didn’t connect from other people’s servers, in a secret, for the help of technology, you get the right protection from the outside world. In addition, OpenVPN works great, so you can connect one to one in one computer with completely different operating systems.

As soon as you have food, write, we will try to help.

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