Special set of channels for children from tricolor tv. Packages and tariffs "Tricolor TB

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

If you have a child or you love cartoons, then the Tricolor TV company has prepared a special package for children, deselected 19 channels, broadcast cartoons and programs for children from 0 to 12 years.

The price for a package is 1200 rubles for a price or a monthly payment of 200 rubles. Such a rank, a whole package є wonderful solutions for quiet fathers, who want to, and how many children wondered about the happy and corny transmissions and cartoons.

Connecting the Child package to Tricolor TB

  1. 1. Go to the official website and go to the special cabinet.
  2. Let us go to the distribution of services and packages.
  3. In the list, choose "Childish" and remember the form.
  4. Pay for the service.

Important! First, it will be necessary to pay off the "Single" package, and then "Child". The greatest conscience is not presented.

Channels that enter before the Child's package

The package includes the most popular TV channels, which will be useful for your children. Fakhivtsi Tricolor TV did a good job over the їхнім pіdbor. The axle is a short butt of some channel representation.

Childish svit

Old radiansk cartoons are broadcast here, as they are up-to-date. You know how to build big eyes for yourself.


New channel, which is designated for children from 1 to 6 years. Most often, the male channel picks up children from the middle of the channels. Baby package.

Cartoon network

The Danish channel is broadcasting newest and most popular cartoons. The whole channel is suitable for children from 6 years old and older. Not all daddy will grab the channel.

"Tricolor TV" will become a DTH operator

For information from the official dzherel ZAT "NSK" the most popular in Russia DTH-operator "Tricolor TV" took a decision about the vision of the old basic tariffs for a subscription fee. In such a rank, the operators of the satellite TV stand-alone telecommuting have already flocked to the market, the basic paid tariff for this operator has become a search-for-the-spot operator on the basis of the other platforms - "NTV-Plus" and "Orion-Express".

The innovation will come from the 26th day of the streaming rock, if the old tariffs "Optimum", "SuperOptimum", "Maximum HD" and "Maximum HD Sibir" have their own ideas. Nature is introduced new tariff"One" s by subscription fee 1200 rubles per pik. But for the convenience of subscribers, you can pay for 180 days (600 rubles) or for 270 days (900 rubles). Subscribers do not need to bother when they are connected at once by the operator to the "SuperMaximum HD" tariff (1200 rubles per rik for viewing the "Maximum HD" package, "Kinosali" and "Radio package").
It is possible to let it go, but such an innovation is linked to the flowing financial situation at the Operator, which, for the official information, will not deny the sale of subscriber possessions ("GS" receivers) for certain. It is possible to get a call from the CIM, so that Tricolor TV appears in 1 day from the blank broadcast of the "Basic" package for all its subscribers. service bezkoshtovnoy. broadcasts of the main federal TV channels
Pislya tsikh zmin "Tricolor TB" will become a watchdog operator for potential customers of a paid satellite TB and for the price of the basic paid package and for the rate of the recommended ownership. Of course, in the last resort, the distributor of this operator's possession is letting the sales of the GS B-211 consoles be sold at cheap prices, but not all subscriber's terminals of the Operator, but there are only a complete set of cards available on the budget.
Ale є y accepted the news for old subscribers of "Tricolor TV" - the masters of the receivers "GS 8306/05", as in the process of exploitation they rejected the free negative messages as from the subscribers, as well as from the dealers of TV. Now the receiver can be exchanged for the "GS B-211" attachment for the exchange of ownership program.
Turn to the main ones given to the material, nagadamo, in the first Russian satellite operators At a glance, the view of basic paid packages is cheaper than Tricolor TV: NTV-Plus - 29 rubles per month, Telekarta operator - 880 rubles per month 600 rubles per pik). Ale shvidshe for everything and in the cich operators, it is early to see changes at the bik zbilshennya subscription pay for looking at the main paid package of channels

Tricolor TV has become a digital lifestyle operator. For one purpose - to establish a home base for people of a growing age, for all families, for skin care and for those who are happy with it, they have access to information at any time in any event.

Tricolor TV subscribers have accepted a new proposition from the operator - an online cinema. The bibliotess has received 5 yews. One video material, and access to content is available for power supply until new models IVod.

Subscribers of "Tricolor TV", who were quickening with the new service "Siti", were able to connect to a satellite TV stand without installing an antenna and laying additional cables.

The operator "Tricolor TV" proposes a new service to its subscribers - two-way access to the Internet for a bandwidth of up to 40 Mb / s for a direct call and 12 Mb / s for a ringtone.

From the current streaming rock, Tricolor TV proposes a new tariff service to its customers, but also a new system of payment before payment.

"Tricolor TV" has taken away the contract for the broadcasting of successful European matches in Euro-2016. Fans of football can be heard from the broadcast as in the live broadcast, as well as in the recording on the TV channel "Sport".

During the season, "Channel 8" will be on top of the list of Tricolor TV marketing channels, new and wider content, adding new TV programs to the current list of TV programs.

“Tricolor TV”, having included a new TV channel - RTD, on the network of the new TV channel, will display its topical reports of legendary TV magazines, an analysis of political and economic podiyas and a lot of them.

The subscribers of the Tricolor TV operator, who have switched on the Eureka HD and Animal Family HD TV channels, can take part in photo contests, which are held by multiple channels, until the end of the day. Opportunity to visit the capital of Finland with unique excursion tours.

"Tricolor TV", spіlno s GS Group, has proponed to its subscribers a unique system with two Full HD receivers, which will allow them to look directly on two TV sets of different channels, and be included in one subscription.

3 worms of the company "Tricolor TV" launch a new service - "Multiroom", which will allow you to dive into two screens of different channels, and be included in one sub-list. A service to give subscribers, like two or more TV views, the ability to spare on the installation of additional ownership.

Having established a geostationary orbit point at a given point of geostationary orbit, the Tricolor TV cameraman took the opportunity to maximize the development of his radio content for residents of Siberia and Distant Descent.

The TV operator "Tricolor TV" took a contract with the Paramount Pictures company about the palace spirits, every hour of the TV operator's subscriber you can play 150 different genres of films from the Paramount Pictures, and for the low pictures in them they become very smart.

The directors of the launch of new partners of the Express-AT series, the operator Tricolor TV, has the opportunity to significantly expand the scope of its own movement and to protect the bags of Siberia and the Far Descent to all satellite TV users.

“Tricolor TB prepared for its subscribers a welcome surprise: everyone who wants to take part in digital receivers GS B210.

From the fierce rock of development TV channels, which are included in the network of the "Tricolor TV" movement, they prepared absolutely new projects and a number of programs that TV watchers also fell in love with.

The tricolor is one of the great companies in Russia, as thinking about growing older and developing programs at development and busy little glances. Tricolor TV you can connect great number additional channels, for the university category of clients, for children, among other things. Bagatokh koristuvachiv tsіkavit food, yak plug in the Child's package to the Tricolor TB. At the new one you can know the tsikavi childish transmissions, so be amazed by the little ones.

Important! If you install the "Childish" package, you can easily add the inheritance of children to most hour, dovіryayuchi їm view of the television viewer.

Smell you can sit behind him with a year old, peering over the numerical luscious educational programs.

A great package is a fact that there are numerous channels for children. It is unwise to spend on programs, to take revenge on violence and obscene information.

It’s still an important moment, because you don’t have to go to the memory of TB.

At the package є channels, which hunt different categories of categories. Є 23 TV channels, a list of rozrahovani on the category of children from 1 to 12 years. Before uvaga, everything you need is presented:

  • Old and new kazki and bilini.
  • Transfer to the right.
  • Cartoons that awaken kindness for kids and children.
  • Learn about direct TV broadcasts.
  • Zakordonnі serіali with loving heroes.

Tricolor TV Child package A package of connection for a door is 1200 rubles per day. For bazhannya you can switch on a monthly payment - 200 rubles per month. The power has been transferred to the channel for less than an hour of years. The company regularly activates great promotions, redefining the TV-stand child of the TV at the most accessible.

Yak connect a child channel to Tricolor TB for 1 month

To add a channel with children's programs, you need to be a permanent client Tricolor. To reconsider, you need to go to the official website of the provider, enter the receiver ID in the conversion row. If you enter the number є in the list, you can draw up a request. There are several ways to create it. Vibir zdіysnyuєtsya at the show of opportunities and special passages. The axis of the simplest and most intelligent options:

  1. You can see one of the number of companies in the company. Spіvrobіtniki additionally help the tariff for the required term and additional help to pay.
  2. Go to your own cabinet, make a new rakhunku and automatically correct access to the package. Because of the quality of the teacher, you receive calls by phone, you need to set up an attachment and immediately switch to the singing vibration channel. This also helps the transmission of healthy residuals, tied to the signal connections.

As it’s dumb, for the children need a transmission, you can start a trial period. The decision is made to pay for the package.

Yaki channels to enter before the package "Tricolor TV-Child" at 2020 roci

The list of digital channels, which is included in the descriptions of the package, includes such programs and programs, so that it is easy to become smart for every child. Immediately when the TV viewer is turned on, the child is not happy with it, Masha and Vedmid, Winnie the Pooh, Smishariki appear on the screen.

Navigate peering cartoons, children learn a lot Corinthian information, Otrimuyuchi satisfaction from the tsikave.

Axis of the most popular channels at the moment, which is included in the installation package for children:

  • Cartoon - new channel, which quickly gained popularity and popularity among the best. Here, to respect, not only cartoons are presented, but also television programs for children from rock to five rockies;
  • Cartoon Network - requests a channel, de otrimuyuyut the malady from cartoons of all children, є a lot for children of three older ones - Scooby-Doo or Ben 10. New cartoons will appear here;
  • Boomerang is a gift for a bitchy motherland, dear kids. There is a great number of transmissions from the zealous family look. Dobri fіlmy and still serіali allow fun and happy people to spend an hour;
  • A child's svit is a tse channel, which is like a trick for children and their fathers. Here you can often show pictures of the early radians' hours - Olenka Quote or Bremen's Musicians;
  • Baby TV is a channel that allows you to play the video on a TV with a child of 3-4 rockets. Here spokіynі cartoons appear, as they do not carry any malice. Often they are used to sleep for the child's hearing, the little ones can make the little sleepers;
  • JimJam - show fun and brown cartoons and films. The channel will automatically move more correctly to the public until the light of day and almost the necessary information.

The Іnshі numerical channels of the TV package "Childish" are standard. A complete package of ideal development solutions for all members of the family.

Baby bags

The tricolor company offers its customers a wide range of TV channels the same payment options. The exchange rate can be made through standard banking information for additional payment terms, mail, special account or online banking. Transferring items through the site will allow you to spare a lot of time.

Most of the TV company in the country thinks not only about the grown-ups, but about their little TV viewers, who are absolutely not astonished by the novelty of football. Tricolor TV specially for children... Here, there are many transmissions not only for the most glamorous, but for the adult. Vikoristovuchi package "Childish" from the company Tricolor TV, daddy can be without a fight for an hour to watch the children watching the luscious childish programs.

Perevagi dodatkovy block

The plus of the special package "Childish" є those who have all the channels rozrahovani viklyuchno on young people and not to take revenge on violent and obscene language. Seasonal TV set to marvel at us. The people have grown up, you can vibrate, you will be amazed, but you will not. Ditina winks to everything, without a blame. Pobed on the screen shvidko and willingly to forget and can seriously embed on the shape of the immaculate child's psyche. Call іnsha on the right, if there are enough of these channels in the list of channels that are for sure don't cheer your child. The standard sets of digital change have a number of channels for small, ale deluxe lovers of all new audiences. Schodo set "Childish", before entering 23 TV channels, rozrahovanih from 0 to 12 years. The set of programs has everything that is needed for the brain to grow:

  • kazki;
  • transmissions from ruhomy employees;
  • cartoons and good films;
  • educational and new TV shows;
  • beloved heroes;
  • and a lot of it.

The connection fee is 1200 rubles per month, the payment can be made up to 200 rubles per month. It is also possible to open the canals on the summer, if the child has a canykul.

The Tricolor TV company regularly hold promotions that are more accessible.

Promotions for the package

Television organization will give you a bonus for your clients, as it stinks until you see new channels. Most often it is enough to send a request to the site and to pay a package. The following promotions were carried out for the recruitment of daddies on children's programs:

Unimportant to those who have already finished the propositions, the company plans to update the day, so that the skinny little one can get cold feet for the affordable price.

Connection methods

As a matter of fact, you can add a set of children's TV programs, you will need to be a registered subscriber of Tricolor TV. For a change, chi є vi so, enough go on the website provider that make ID receiver at the special column of reversals. If the number є is in the list, then it can be given. Є kіlka options, how to switch on a set of TV channels for young glans:

If you don’t think so, but children really need special channels, you can see a test glance at the month. As soon as the little boy doesn’t evaluate the children's programs, he simply doesn’t pay for the channels.

Payment options

I don’t know everything, how to pay for the channels of satellite TV, but you can switch on, but there are more ways to do it:

  • registration of banks;
  • payment terms;
  • mail;
  • mobile phone;
  • special cabinet;
  • online banking;
  • etc.

Do not stand in the chambers, just as quickly as possible with online banking or transfer the cost to special cabinet on the Tricolor site.

Be-like a koristuvach, you can enter the list of registered ones, you can get access to the tributes tariff plan... There is also a great opportunity for change of TV channels, participation in promotions and management of power. groshima... The package can be added per month or paid for the whole price.

Іnshі opportunities

For quietly, hto vvazhaє, so mother vlasniy televizor child still can not, go to the service "Multiblioteka", which allows you to include cartoons and educational programs on computers, tablets and browse on smartphones. With such a rank, the little one is astonished, but those who grab the dad are not able to turn on the film zhakhiv or the transmission has matured. To activate the service, you need a subscription to "Childish". It is enough to go to the portal, enter the number of the receiver in the "Subscribers" mailing list, and you can enter the child of cartoons.

You can get food about the "Childish" package by calling subscriber service Tricolor. You will need all the necessary information to help you resolve the problem.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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