Mobile before payment yak vimknuti. Yak get used to having paid up-front payments - please subscribers to Megafon, MTS, Bilaynu and Tele2

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Paying ahead of payment is just evil. The stench z'yavlyayutsya rapt. For їх activations, one vipadk tapa on the screen is enough, for which your rakhunok can be gutted on enna's bag.

Stars are taken for a fee before payment

Supposedly, you wanted to listen to the music on your smartphone and introduced a separate power supply for mobile browser... Poshuk having seen the list of relevant sites. Having worked on one of them, we pushed the plug on the projected transition for listening. Close up is not possible.

Pislya tapa on the muffler threw you to the operator's bik stylized sound, About scho explicitly say the address row of the browser.

The picture is broken competently. A panel with a musical instrument is not called, please respect me. Biliy text on a light background; Another tap, and you already have a paid subscription. 30 rubles per day or 900 rubles per month. Before payments, before the speech, you can buy it at a price. What is the scale of the problem?

Deyakі bіlsh-mensh educated in the technical plan, people can get bogged down: "What kind of idiot will become SO shukati?" Podibne food є a kind indicator of impertinence of misery.

Russia has 146.5 million hulks. Not all of them are known in technical terms. It is impossible to forget about the children and people of the kidnapped vіku.

The operator of the stylistic call, slyly, is to visualize the turbocharger about their customers and vdayut, not to change the situation. Something that stinks only does not look: supplements, for the help of which it is possible to reconsider the appearance of the payments, new tariffs from the most favorable conditions for the payments and so far.

Ale yak schodo wink the process itself? Why wouldn’t it be a pity for a penny obvious? For example, for the help of SMS support?

The problem is that the operators will receive the arrival from paid up-payments and the imitation of the turbot about the clientele is a type of hypocrisy. Bjoli against honey.

Yak get rid of paid fees

Єinium superb way Save yourself from paid upfront payments - set up a supplementary (content) rakhunok.

Federal law from 23 linnya 2013 p. № 229-ФЗ "About the introduction of changes to the Federal Law" About calls "goiters are called by operators for the subscriber's bills, okremiy rakhunok for payment of content services for third parties. Writing off the cards from the main rakhunka to pay for the content services of the third ones, which are received by the operator, becomes uncomfortable.

It’s more simple, if you send a content rakhunku, the operator will no longer be able to write off a penny for a fee before paying for the services of partners from your main rakhunku. You will only lose trim and the balance of the content rakhunku is zero.

If you haven’t enabled the auto-popup of the content rakhunku from the main rakhunku, please. The operator of the call can impose a service, so that the whole idea can be drawn into the senses.

Zvernit uvagu: content rakhunok grabbing from paid upfront payments for the services of partners of the operator zvyazku. If it’s a paid service to get the call by the operator himself, then pennies for it all will be written off from the main rakhunka.

Yak open content rahunok

It's a pity, the procedure is to get a call from the young operators and you can change to navigate through the region. In one vipad, it will be enough to update the USSD power supply, and in the second, it will be brought to the salon with a passport. Get in touch with the operator's attendance service and provide clear instructions. Your right is guaranteed by law.

Telephone numbers of the attendance service (call in the territory of Russia without a kiosk):

  1. "Biline" - 8 800 700 06 11.
  2. Megafon - 8 800 550 05 00.
  3. MTS - 8 800 250 08 90.
  4. Tele2 - 8 800 555 06 11.

Yak to kill children, batkiv, babus that didusiv

  1. Yaksho є the ability to help create a complementary (content) rakhunok.
  2. As soon as the stem of such a rakhunku vimaga will send a call to the salon, but a lyudin cannot come there, arrange for a new new number in your own name.
  3. Control the share of your subscriber through special cabinet... In this rank, you can change the appearance of paid services for the need for these keys. However, the price is a nad_yny option.

How robust, how can I write off pennies for services on the phone, you don’t know about them?

17.02.2017 15:51

For one hour, Voronezh skargi were active on those who were mobile phones began to write off pennies "unavoidably for scho". As a rule, you can read about SMS messages in advance: “You activated a paid advance payment. Subscription fee RUB 30 in a day. Service of giving to the company such-and-such ". “And I’m not pushing for it,” - singing more quietly, having spent some time in such a situation. Who is imposing on us a fee in front of the payment that you are struggling with?

Is it paid content too?

The price can be paid for gras, programs, subscriptions for news, weather forecast or exchange rates. Until then, the service is most often not an operator mobile phone call("Biline", "Megafon", MTS or "Tele2") and as a provider, whose operator has a contract for the provision of content services, and who has seen a premium short number (as a rule, SMS about paid subscriptions come from some digits).

Moreover, legally, it is easy to dress up to operators. On their official sites, the stink of subscribers is smelled, but content services are nadayutsya by third-party providers, but the operator is not practically aware of them (movlyav, you are registered on them). And once counterproductive content providers have a subscriber, they have the right to pay the operator for them. As soon as the scarg appears coated, the operator can block the provider by adding this short number.

Is it possible to pay a fee to the phone before the payment?

The ways of subscriber's perception of content providers are abundant. You can get automatic payment for additional paid servants send SMS or calls to a short number, too many phone numbers on torrent resources (nibito for re-staging).

People who do not bother with the Internet, often trawl, vipadkovo pushing "OK" on the intrusive banner, which hangs on the screen, from the line "Would you like the most accurate forecast, wait a minute?"

It is more common to catch paid subscriptions, go to the Internet (see about mobile internet 3G chi 4G). Enough to click the tsikavu new, press the "add" button or "lay" for the video, and all you signed up for a paid plug-in. Under the law, the provider is guilty of you overpaying about paid in front of payment. Ale vіn rob the tse ice in a dim, familiar font, sir in the black at the bottom of the side, the docks are not all guttural.

Yak reconversion, why do you have paid subscriptions and enable them?

It is easy to reconsider the availability of paid subscriptions for services (and services) in a special cabinet on the website of your operator. Log in to a special account, call, you need to add your phone to the site, if you send an SMS with an access code or a password.

As long as you do not go to the Internet, remember: if you subscribe to paid content, you can receive an SMS from a random number. Upon the arrival of a certain occasion, the payment for the first day of the service will also be debited (as a rule, 20 - 30 rubles). To get the message, send a short number to the word STOP or STOP. Possibility of being overwhelmed.

How can you save yourself from non-paid premium payments?

The easiest and the most convenient way - create an environment for paid content. Your main account will be paid for calls, SMS and Internet. And as soon as you sign up for a paid service, the content provider can write off pennies only from another content rakhunku. As soon as the rakhunka will be 0 rubles, then, obviously, it will be written off. If you want to pay for any paid content before you pay (wait a minute, just tell me the forecast), then you will need to add your own content rakhunok to the required amount. Content rakhunok is an 11-digit number, which is displayed from your mobile number by one digit. For example, 6 replace 9 from prefix, to replace 8-903 from 8-603. Popovnyuєtsya vіn like that, like a phone call.

Surely, content rakhunok is not a panacea. Deyaki operator (for example, "Megafon") on the content rakhunku put a binding credit line we can drive you to a small minus (read the report below). Besides, be smart if the operator can write off pennies for paid services(as the price of the authoritative content of the operators) from the main point of view, to navigate for the explicitness of the content. Ale so, before you pay, you will hardly ever pay for it, if you follow the instructions on an unknown site.

It is possible to start a content rakhunok without koshtovno in the salons of the stylistic call of a particular operator, having brought in a passport and having written a separate application for a request. Є y іnshі ways to secure yourself from paid upfront payments. All methods for the dermal operator are easy to understand.


To connect the content rakhunku, dial * 110 * 5062 # and natisnit wiklik (powered without a stand). Changing the balance of the okremogo rakhunku - * 622 #. The command to transfer pennies from the main balance to a supplementary one is * 220 * (sum) # (for example, to transfer 100 rubles, dial * 220 * 100 #). The command to re-transfer pennies from the additional balance to the main one - * 222 * (sum) #. The command to enable additional balance is * 110 * 5060 #.


You can view the content display at Megafon only in the salons (with a passport). "Megafon" is one of the operators of the great four, which needs an obligatory and non-exclusive credit limit for the content market. Tobto allow zaganyat rakhunok minus - however, a maximum of 150 rubles. For the sake of blocking, a little over 150 rubles and still blame.

However, without any kind of content rakhunku in Megafon, you can fence mobile subscriptions by sending an SMS with the text USTZAPRET1 to number 5051 (the post is bezkoshtovna). Shkopravda, the fence will stand for 3 months. After the end of the term, the operator will tell you from the SMS that the service can be continued.

It is possible to display a content display from MTS at the salons without a call (with a passport). However, the operator MTS maє koshtovna servant"Fence to content", as it does not allow you to accept paid SMS and calls from short numbers and to acquire from all paid subscriptions. The servant number 0890 is connected. To reconsider, if you have paid before the payment, you can enable it by dialing the command * 111 * 919 # (wiklik).

"Tele 2"

To connect the content rakhunku, dial * 160 # and download links (post-service). * 160 * 1 # - a tip about the balance of the content special rakhunku. * 160 * (sum) # - transfer of items from the main subscriber's account to content. * 160 * (sum) * 0 # - rotation of items from the content display to the main ones. * 152 * 0 # - the command to enable paid content and paid subscriptions, as long as it stinks є.

For example, leaf fall 2016 for the Russian subscribers of the most stylist operators Once again, they began to pay for paid services and subscriptions, which are connected pomilkovo, or even cost koristuvachev in a few rubles a day. Editorial site rozibralasya, yak vimknuti unused servants that will be re-connected.

Russian subscribers of stylistic operators regularly pay respect to subscriptions and paid services, which, for example, appear, for example, when they visit singing sites to impose additional services.

The leaves fall in 2016, the director of the strategic communes of Mail.Ru Group Georgiy Lobushkin rozpov_v on his side on Facebook, having turned up at his grandmother, as if to obey the services of "Bilaynu", borrow letters, as they were paying 6 rubles for a day or 180 rubles for a month. At the chat, they saw that they were asked to connect some services using the method of clicking on the Internet.

Through a few days, in a similar history, a copy was submitted directly to the robot from social media "Alfa-Bank" Ivan Kalyuzhny - vin viyaviv your mother, an MTS subscriber, has a subscriber list for the out-of-pocket amount of 27 rubles per day or more than 800 rubles per month.

In 2015, the owner of Liveinternet, Herman Klimenko, will put the president's radio station on the Internet at once. Vin explained that he was using the services to Megafon, and he skipped one of the new sites, which redirected the messages to the side with the video clip. For a glance, the subscriber is not aware of the key to the payment before the payment - write the letter at the end of the text in an unreadable font at the code of the screen.

When published on the site, the operator’s representatives looked at it, recorded “the fact that the subscribers had been received in bad faith”, fined the content partner for taking care of the connected subscribers, and also turned the keys in front of the subscribers.

Editing the site of the publication of instructions for subscribers of some of the most popular Russian operators - about those who count and receive unused subscriptions and if they need help.


Yak viyaviti and vimknuti plugged in before payment

When you connect a paid subscription, or if the subscriber needs to send an SMS from the information, a command is also given to help the subscriber see the service.

If you look at the connections for paid services and subscriptions, you need to go to a special account on the site.

In addition, the power account is available in a mobile supplement.

Yaksho koristuvach viyaviv, scho vipadkovo signed up for yakys service, you can use the phone before the service call 8-800-550-05-00 and fill in the scarg. The operator can turn a penny for such animals.

Subscribers to "Megafon" in any operator's salon can connect a non-line content display without a cable. For a mother, she needs a passport. The operator also connects to the fence for subscriptions to subscribers who have issued their own bank card"Megafon", tied to the main rakhunka.

Such a rakhunok can be connected via contact center by phone, but for three months.

І to mobile add-on.

Yaksho koristuvach viyaviv, scho vipadkovo signed up for yakys service, you can use the phone before the service number 611 and leave the scarg. The operator can turn a penny for such animals.

Yak to secure yourself from the connection before the payments are made

To control the vitrats, the subscriber can switch on a special feature, which will be written off the vitrati for the content.

Submit an application for a content display special rahunku available at the service centers of Tele2 subscribers. For a full operation, the owner of the SIM card needs a mother with a passport.

On the operator's website, commands are indicated for updating and re-adjusting the pre-finished rakhunku.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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