How to add the function graph in calc. diagrams

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Diagrams are graphically presented text and digital information. Diagrams are automatically updated when there are changes in financial data.

As soon as the diagram is copied and pasted into the first supplement, it will not change when there is a change in the downgrade. The supplement Calc has a diagram є about the tables. The robot with diagrams will be seen in more detail in another part of this book "Calc Tabular Editor".

To edit the required part of diagrams (areas of diagrams, rows of tributes, nets, axes, legends), two click on them and in the general screen, add the required changes. It is possible to change and visualize diagrams (as well as to assign them a linkage and roztashuvannya) so it is possible, as well as graphic objects.

How to insert a diagram on the side of a Writer document

In a Writer document, you can insert diagrams with data that is cut from the Writer tables. If there are no data points, then the diagrams are inserted with standard data.

2. In the list of commands, place the cursor on the Ob'єkt item.

3. At the opening of the menu, select the Diagram item.

4. Diagram appears on the side. Insert yak into the diagram of the master

1. At vіknі of an open document see sub-clinks will need diagrams.

3. In the context menu, select the item "Danih Diagrams Table".

4. In the window of the Danish Table, enter the authoritative data.

If necessary, you can add rows and hundreds of buttons. Yak change type diagrams

1. At the screen of the displayed document, I will need a diagram of the sub-clinks.

2. Click the right mouse button on the diagram.

3. In the context menu, select the Diagram Type item.

4. Vіknі Type diagrams vibrate new type diagrams.

5. Close the window with the OK button. Insert vrіzki Vrizka - a non-lying container for non-standard spaced text or ob'єktiv. Suddenly there is an internal text field and a frame. All warehouses part of the warehouse can be formatted. Maximum size at a time to the size of the side.

Insert yak at once

1. In the opened document, open the Insert menu.

2. In the list of commands, select the item Врізка.

3. At vіknі Vryzka on the tab Type with the regulators Width and Height, set the required sizes.

When activating points, the size of the display is set as a percentage.

4. To set the automatic width or the height of the frame, instead of quick, activate the Automatic item.

5. For the Link group, set the link link:

To the side - to the flow side;

Up to a paragraph - up to a flowing paragraph;

Before the symbol - before the vibrational symbol;

Yak symbol - I will tie the yak symbol. With a full visota production line pick up at random.

6. For the Position group, set the position of the horizontal and vertical direction on the flow side.

If for guys you want to set the correct parameters in the horizontal direction, activate the item Mirror position on the partner sides.

7. For utrimannya vrіzki in the boundaries of the text, until it is tied, activate the item Follow the text.

8. On the Framing and Background tabs, if necessary, set the parameters of the frame and text box suddenly.

9. Close the window with the OK button.

Yak ask for a piece of furniture

Suddenly you can roztashovuvatya on vіlnuy mіsci sides, on top of the text or in the middle. In the rest of the drop, you need to set the frame upside down.

1. At the screen of the screened document, see the door at a glance to the click of Misha.

2. On the automatic panel, Instantly press on the Power button of the frame.

3. At the vіknі Vryzka on the deposit. required type obtіkannya: zlіva, right, along the contour і etc.

If necessary, use the sliders to set the Enter the text box up to the border.

4. Close the window with the OK button

Diagrams be of a type - tse ob'єkti electronic documents in order to present an array of numerical tributes in a hand-drawn graphical format, which allows you to meaningfully simplify the intelligence and the mastery of a great number of information and the connection between different tributes.

So let's see how you can open the diagram in OpenOffice Writer.

Varto respect that in OpenOffice Writer you can insert diagrams, only primed on the information from the data tables, created in the whole electronic document.
The tribute table can be found, as it was opened by the clerk before the diagrams are set, so for the hour

Making diagrams in OpenOffice Writer when the previously created tables of data are already visible

  • Open the document in which you need to insert the diagram
  • Place the cursor in the table with the data, according to the required diagrams. Tobto in the table, information that you want to see
  • Dalі in the main menu program natisnіt insert ob'єktdiagram

  • Meister diagrams appear on the screen

  • Select the type of diagrams. Vibir type diagrams lie in order if you want to visualize dan
  • crocs range of dataі rows of tributes you can skip it, so as for the stench's suggestions you can also take revenge on the necessary information

Varto respect that if it is necessary to draw a diagram not for all tables of gifts, but only for a specific part, then on the crotch range of data in the same field, it is necessary to use only those intermediate intervals, for which there will be an operation. They are afraid and croc rows of tributes, It is possible to provide ranges for the skin row of tributes

  • At the end of the day elements diagrams If necessary, add the title and the title of the diagrams, the names of the axes. Here you can also see the legend of the diagrams and the grid along the axes

Making diagrams in OpenOffice Writer without front-to-back tables

  • Open the document in which you need to enter the diagram
  • At the main menu, program to natisnit insert, And then later on ob'єktdiagram... As a result, a diagram appears on the arc, filled with stereotyped meanings

  • Speed ​​up with a set of standard icons in the upper codend with programs for correcting diagrams
  • Varto brutalize respect to the ikonka Danih diagrams table... Written by the onslaught of the table, according to which there will be a diagram

Varto respect that if you are in the first place, it’s the other way around for a koristuvach є there’s a chance to change your mind, її zovnishniy viglyad so and add to her іnshі elements, for example, write

As a result of such simple crocs, you can create a diagram in OpenOffice Writer.


  • navchalny:
    • Read the buduvati diagrams in Calc;
    • show the robots how to decorate them;
    • Zakrіpiti material is practical, vikonuyuchi zavdannya for a PC.
  • vikhovni:
    • vikhovannya feeling new, progressive;
    • vikhovannya ob'ktivnost і, winesіdlivostі, discipline.
    • vikhovannya pratsovitosti.
    • pinned to the scientists a little bit of self-reliance in robots.
  • Developing:
    • development of great interest;
    • development of a logical message, uvagi;
    • the formulation of information culture, computer literacy and consumption in health knowledge.

Employment type: mastering new material.

Interdisciplinary links: mathematics, Russian mova, economics.

Rivne knowledge: vmіnnya i navichki.

control: for a visit to practical events.

Zabpechennya busy: Instructions to practical robots.

I. Organizational moment(3 min.)

II. New knowledge(7 min.)

An explanation of the new material will be provided by showing a presentation.

1. Basic understanding

diagram - tse methods of scientific information submission, tasks in the view of tables of numbers. Demonstration of tribute for the help of well thought out diagrams additional help is more beautiful than intelligence and can often speed up the robot. Zokrema, diagrams are even more correct for the scientific discovery of this information, like to take revenge on the great sets of numbers, you know, like you get knitted together. Having quickly opened the diagram, it is possible because of the tendencies and structure of the process, which is practically uncomfortable to change, if only a set of numbers is needed.
Diagrams are set on the basis of numbers, so they can be found in a working arc. Zvvychay dan, as vikoristoyutsya in diagrams, roztashovany in one arch or in okmemu file, Ale tse zovsim not obov'yazkovo. One diagrams can be used to show tributes from any number of archives and from any number of work books.

OpenOffice.Calc permitting yourself різні tipi diagram. The presentation tables have a list of types of diagrams and a number of subtypes that are specific to the skin type. pidtype - tse riznovid of the main type of diagrams.

Zovnishny viglyad diagrams Diagrams type Note
Gistogram Vikoristovuє to be for the representation of discrete data, as opposed to continuous data.
Liniychata It is a histogram rotated 90 ° behind the year's arrow. Perevaga vikoristannya such diagrams are polyagaє in that, where the category tags are read on them is simpler.
circular Diagram korisno vikoristovuvati, if you want to show proportions, for a part of something, something whole. The name of the circular diagram does not become stagnant for more, less than 56 points of tribute, in the least important sense.
oblasts The diagram is similar to the rosefitting of the graphical colors. In the main area diagrams vikorystovuyutsya for the presentation of views in different categories. Stacks of ryadіv danih allow you to present the additions of the skin row of tributes to the zagalny bag.
line The values ​​are displayed at the points on the Y axis. The X axis is used for displaying categories. The value of Y of the skin row can be found in the skin line. Often zasosovyutsya for visualization without perervnyh tributes. For example, when you see a lot of sales from the graph, you can clearly see the tendency of the hour.
Diagram XY Diagram XY in її basic form is based on one row of tributes, which can be stored in name, list value x and list value y. The skin pair of values ​​(x | y) is displayed at the viewpoint of the point in the coordinate system. Іm a number of tributes are tied with meanings y and appear in clever ways... Vyrishu are the following: 1) the scale of the x axis, 2) The setting of the parametric curve, for example, the spiral, 3) the beginning of the graph of the function, 4) the statistical connection of the serpents. Diagram XY can be traced back to the number of danichs.
bulb It is possible to show each one in three different ones. Two changes are set for positioning on the X axis and on the Y axis, at that hour the third change appears as a sizeable skin bulb.
citchasta The meaning of the tribute is presented at the points, drawn by lines in a grid, like a pavuk border, or the screen display of the radar.
For the skin row of these diagrams, a radial arc is visualized, on the basis of rosters. All the significant tributes appear on the same scale, the stench is guilty of the Volodya of the same size.
birzhova Corinth for displaying information about prices on the market. For them, 3 to 5 sets of tributes are required.
Hundreds and lines It is a combination of columnar and linear diagrams.
Kil'tseva Nagaduyut circles diagrams with a virizano middle. The reason for this is that the diagrams are not just a few tributes. A number of tributes appear at the sight of concentric rings. Many diagrams of decorative rows can be drawn to the point.
final Such diagrams can be victorious to replace linear diagrams or histograms.
pіramіdalnа Such diagrams can be victorious to replace linear diagrams or histograms.

2. Elementi diagrams

element diagrams Description of the element diagrams
area of ​​diagrams Ob'kt, to avenge all the elements of diagrams, the background is diagrams.
The area is encouraged by diagrams The diagram itself is without a legend.
category axis The axis on which it is shown by the category of diagrams.
value axis Axis represented by diagrams.
row The last points of the same row of tributes.
Speck Point in the row of tributes.
line sieve Basic and additional lines for skin wasps.
Diagrams theme Named diagrams
OSI category topic The name of the axis category
Wasp theme Name of the axis value
legend Element of diagrams, decipher the meaning of the series
key of legend Graphic ob'єkt, which illustrates the singing row of tributes
element of legend Textual ob'єkt, which is in the legend
Danih table The tabular presentation of the tributes, on the display of which the diagrams are prompted
pіdstava The bottom of the general diagrams
stini Walls of common diagrams
kuti Kuti ob'єmnih diagrams
signatures of tributes The meaning of the tribute in the skin point

Malunok 1. elements of histogrami

Malunok 2. Elementi about'єmnoi diagrams

3. Making diagrams for help maistra diagram

The most effective way to start diagrams - vikorystannya zasobu Meister Diagram ... We will be stocked with a set of interactive dialogue windows, which will supervise the entire process to induce the necessary diagrams. At any moment, the robot can turn to the front stage. Pobudova diagrams to repent from the vision of the tribute. When the data is seen, include in the range such elements, like the headings of the rows and stubs, to appear before the rows of the data.

4. Modification of diagrams

If the diagram is open, it can be seen at any hour. To modify the diagrams, use the menu commands format і instrument panel bath format .

Menu form T to appear in the row of the main menu only when activating diagrams. When choosing menu commands format there are dialogues maistra diagram , In which you can make the necessary changes.

Toolbar bath format It appears automatically when the diagrams are activated, or by clicking on the video diagrams. And also during the onslaught PKM if you vibrate a command from the context menu Correct .

Malunok 3. Toolbar bath format

Toolbar bath format including 9 tools , Yaki vikoristoyutsya for the introduction of extravagant changes in the diagrams. The table has a description of the tools.

pictogram Naymenuvannya to describe
Diagrams type By clicking on the button on the screen, there is a palette of diagrams on the screen, from which the required type of diagrams is selected.
legend Doday the legend abo saw її.
Danih table I will show a table of tributes, on the display of which a diagram is prompted.
horizontal grid Turns on and off the key for displaying the horizontal grid.
scale to text Include / enable the ability to scale text on diagrams.
automatic shaping Includes automatic diagrams.

III. A practical robot(30 min.): Visiting the PC.

Scientific instructions (in a paper viglyad) for a visitor practical robots for a PC.

Robot Visiting Order

Create a table A lot of sales by regions »І induce a histogram.

For Tsiogo:

1. Start Calc .
2. Change the shortcut sheet 1 By assigning it the name " A lot of sales by regions ».
3. On the whole, open the table " A lot of sales by regions "behind the scenes.
4. The tables have a range of values, including the titles of the columns and rows.

Malunok 4. at a glance table« A lot of sales by regions »

5. Vibrate team Insert? Diagram or click on the buttons Meister Diagram , Roztashovanoi on the standard panel of tools.
6. For the first dialogue Meister diagrams (croc 1 z 4): Type of diagrams take a look at the main types of diagrams, read the description of diagrams.

Malunok 5. Croc 1

7. Viber type diagrams Gistogram ... Gistogram is one of the most extended types of diagrams. The whole type of diagrams is used for displaying discrete data, as opposed to non-interrupted data.
8. Press the button far .
9. On another stage, robots at vіknі Meister diagram (croc 2 of 4): Danih range To change the range of tributes and to clarify the range of tributes (stink in rows, or in a hundred tables of tributes). From the ordinance of the series of tributes in the meaning of the world, to lay down those who will be watching the diagrams. In most vipadkiv OpenOffice. Calc rob the correct vibration.
on deposit range of data change the order of the tributes.
Install the arrangement of rows in the sleepers.

Malunok 6. croc 2

10. At the third dialogue window Maistra diagram (croc 3 of 4): Series of tributes ... Here it is possible to ask for a change of a dan, as a vikoristoyutsya for a skin row of danikh diagrams. Adjust the range of tributes for the skin row of tributes at a glance:

Malunok 7. croc 3

12. At the fourth dialogue window Maistra diagram (croc 4 z 4): Elementi diagram good headers are set.
In the field headlines Enter text Sales by month, in the field X-axis - Misyatsi, in the field Y-axis - Sales commitment... Beast to respect, but the entered headers are displayed on the diagrams.

Malunok 8. croc 4

13. At the razdіlі Render the web Having installed the main line for the Y axis. great number the line of the net reduces the accuracy of diagrams.
14. Install the great priest Show Legend and set the distribution of the legend to the right of the diagrams.
15. Press the button Ready .
16. Activate ( see ) Diagrams, clicking twice on the diagrams LFM ... When there are some diagrams, a black frame with markers appears.

Malunok 9. diagram "Sales by month"

Note: All other diagrams that are formatted as diagrams are played in the mode of activation, i.e. Todi and only todi, if you see it.

17. Change the diagram.
For the whole click on її frame, click on LFM and pull the diagram in a new place. When the diagrams are shifted, the indicator of the mischief turns into a four-directional arrow.

18. Change the size of diagrams.

For Tsiogo:

  • Let the indicator show Mish up to one out of eight markers in the size, rosted on the frame diagrams, so that the win was rewritten to a bidirectional arrow.
  • draw LFM and drag the marker to the required size of diagrams.

19. Deyaki elements of diagrams can be transferred. Viber element diagrams, for example, її heading, click on new LFM ... At the same time, there is a frame with markers that have been pasted on them near the heading.
Let the showcase of Misha to the frame, natisnit LFM and drag the frame on the required place.

20. Try changing the title text directly on the diagram.

For Tsiogo:

  • See the title.
  • draw two LFM in the middle of the region, if it is transformed into the cursor, change the text.

To enter the editing mode, click a bear in any kind of diagrams.

21. Change the filling of the area with diagrams.

Malunok 10. vіkno area of ​​diagrams

For Tsiogo:

  • PKM and vibrate in the menu item Diagrams area format .
  • At the dialogue window area of ​​diagrams on deposit region Change the color of the area filling. For example, vibrate at the menu fill paragraph texture and select one of the texture fills in the list.

22. Change the font parameters for the title.

For Tsiogo:

  • clink PKM by title.
  • Vibrate team Title format ... from the context menu.
  • At vіknі head header on deposit font set parameters:

Insert into field garniture- Arial, in the field chair- Bold Italic, in the field pin – 15.

  • Push on Ok.

Malunok 11. vіkno head header

23. Change the format of items Row "Pivnich", Row "Pivden", Row "Zakhid", Row "Skid".
In order to change the format A number of "Pivnich":

  • clink PKM on A number of "Pivnich".
  • Vibrate team Row format danich ... from the context menu.
  • At vіknі row of tributes on deposit region install the city fill from two colors.
  • Push on Ok.

Malunok 12. vіkno rows of tributes

Protrude analogous diy z Handrail "Pivden", Handrail "Zakhid", Handrail "Skhid".

24. Change the font parameters for X-axis headers, axis Yі elements of the legend(similarly p. 22)
Insert into field garniture- Arial, in the field chair- Italic, in the field pin- 10. Change the color to the font (on the effective font).

25. Install a frame for diagrams.

For Tsiogo:

  • Classes in the region with diagrams PKM and vibrate in the menu item Diagrams area format .
  • At the dialogue window area of ​​diagrams on deposit framing set:
  • in the field style- Sutsilna, in the field colir- Blue, in the field Width- 0.10 cm.
  • Push on Ok.

Malunok 13. vіkno area of ​​diagrams

26. Set over rows of "Pivnich", "Pivden", "Zahid"і "Skid" signatures of tributes. For a complete click on the required row and visonite insert ––>signature danih .
27. Preserve the removal of files from the files Diagram.ods.

IV. Home zavdannya

Control food:

1. What is also a diagram?
2. Change the main types of diagrams.
3. What elements are stored in diagrams?
4. How can you change the size of diagrams?
5. How to set up a frame for diagrams?

V. Completed lesson. Pidvdennya pidsumkiv(5 min.)

All of us have looked at the programs for preparing electronic tables in this world, we can display the results of the results in the form of diagrams. However, it’s impossible for them to have a moment to compare with the OpenOffice Calc program, but they propose a variety of vibrant types of diagrams, from which you can vibrate the most suitable for demonstrating the structure of your data.

For the presentation of tributes from the diagrams in front of the front view (at the same time with the headers, like є), from the menu insert vibrate paragraph diagram... At vіknі Diagrams autoformat it is necessary to select a number of diagrams, which allows you to vibrate the type of diagrams, add a row of diagrams, set the title to diagrams, name the axes, etc. If you need to insert a diagrams into a document, you can insert tables with decals, only Diagram. To save the required fields, click on the Finish button and the diagram will be placed on the arch.

It’s amazing that when the diagrams are folded, bagatorazovye is allowed, that is. Bagatorazovy vіlennya zdіsnuєa when pressing Ctrl. As soon as you vikoristovute bagatorazov vіlennya, then re-connect, so a whole set of developmental alternatives dozіlno vikoristovuvati for folding diagrams.


Pidgotuєmo danі for diagrams, vicoristovuchi onset of bagatorazov vіlennya.

Automatically store the diagrams for the house, birch, apartment and grass for the office 1. Look at the bagatoraz view.

It’s not correct to follow the area and the diagrams are not very informative. Surprise at a larger view of the bagatoraz view and view of the diagrams.

OpenOffice Calc allows you to change your diagrams around the elements. Seeing diagrams or parts of it will be shown to the claps of Misha, when there are many green squares, spread around the perimeter.

The cursor, by tapping into the area in such a rank, will swell in the view of the crosshair. Pressing the button on the left allows you to move the visions of the object. To see the visible object, select from the context menu item virizati.

Yaksho we put the diagrams in the background electronic tables That’s just the way Misha’s claps will not be able to be seen.

Open the panel functions of painting and vibrate instrument seeing... Now clicked to see the diagram.

With the opening of linear diagrams (graphs), it is allowed to display small symbols, which can be retrieved from files from little ones, or from the so-called Gallery. They have a great number of small pieces for the design of the middle lines, background images, markers and "trivial" objects.

The type of diagrams can be changed at any moment. At the dialozy, which will show up as the founders of the diagrams and wiklik commanders format - Diagrams type, Presentation of types of diagrams.

Take a look at the whole range of all types of diagrams: double (2-M) and trivial (3-M). In 3-M-diagrams, you can create a direct illumination, navkolishn_y light and color filter. Such diagrams can be wrapped and nagged behind the help of Misha.

Bottom, the chotiri diagrams are shown, which represent one and the same set of tributes, rendered as a result of the last correct bagatorazovy vision from the butt.

One of them is cylindrical with glybin, and it is a 3-M hystogram. for short look around Won Bula Troja is turned. Іnsha є in a circular 3-M diagram. Reshta can be seen in 2-M diagrams: a line with symbols that are removed from the Gallery, and a histogram, using a fill and a background.


1. Create a table similar to the guidance data. To reject the tribute by month, select the number in the range from 30 to 50. Indicators for the quarter and the reason for becoming the sum of the results for the most recent months.

Calculate the average number of sales by quarters and rock by skin office and company as a whole.

2. Vikoristovuchi cleanly format, See with a gray background and a frame, ie indicators of another quarter, which are lower than the average value for the current office for 1 quarter. So it will be disgusting to clean up.

In the fourth quarter I saw, having set a black background and a frame, it was possible to change the average indicator for all offices. Tsi pіdrozdіli merit zahochennya.

3. Store diagrams, similar guidance, and visualize a part of the skin office in the daily sales report and the average value in the quarters for all the business in the whole.

Laboratory robot

Informatics, cybernetics and programs

Laboratory Robot No. 17 Storyennya Diagrams. Ustatkuvannya: PEOM Secure program: Calc. Meta Robots: Adding and Fixing Practical Robot Tools in Calc. Table 1. Start Calc. Save ...

Robot laboratory no. 17


  1. Ustatkuvannya: PEOM
  2. Security program: OpenOffice. org Calc.
  3. Meta robots: adding and fixing practical robots in OpenOffice. org Calc.

Table 1.

  1. Start OpenOffice. org Calc.
  2. Save the book under the name Diagram in papy LR_17 on the account:
  3. Create table No. 1.
  4. Save the table with the mean scores for each item. The average score is a number in the interval from 3 to 5 with one sign of the Komi letter.
  5. Calculate the average score for the faculty.
  6. Change Sheet 1 to Success.
  7. To induce the introduction of diagrams to click on the Meister Diagram button, use the Insert> Diagram command.

Stage 1. Gistogram і type of diagrams - number 1; click on the Distant buttons.

Step 2.

  • on deposit Danih range put the pump onSeries in: Shpaltah. Range and the bear is seen in the table of the commercial B4: C10.
  • in the same dialogue window click on the deposit row , Click in order by name Row1 , Place the cursor in the row Ім'я and click on comіrtsi B3 with the name Informatics;
  • at the window Row click on the name Row2, place the cursor in the row Іm and click in the middle C3 with the name Mathematics;
  • to create signatures on the X axis click in the row Signs on the X axis, see the data of the first hundred tables (range A4: A10) and click on the buttons<Далее>.

Step 3.

Go to tab headlines

  • Go to tab legend і stand upAdd the legendі remix on right;
  • click on the Distant buttons.

Step 4. Distribution of diagrams: install remixHelp the diagram on the obvious arkushi, Viber from list sheet success Click on the Finish button. As a result, a diagram will be fired on the working arc, shown in Fig.

Small. Diagram type Gistogram

  1. H:
  2. See the table and copy it to sheet No. 2
  3. Induce the diagrams of the best type on okremomu arkushi... For the whole visit, the description of the visit, but on the fourth stage, set the switchOn okremomu arkushi.
  4. I save the work of the book under the name Diagram in papa LR_14 on disk H:
  5. Copy the table onto sheet No. 3.
  6. Add a hundred percent with assessments from philosophy to the list.
  7. Enter the assessments by philosophy (the number in the interval is from 3 to 5 with one letter of the Komi letter).
  8. Calculate the average score.

  1. Select the Insert> Diagram command.

Step 1. On deposit Standard vibrate type diagrams Gistogram і type of diagrams - number 7 (trivial histogram); click on the Distant buttons.

Step 2. Vibrating and prompting a range of tributes to inspire diagrams:

  • on deposit Danih range put the pump onSeries in: Shpaltah.Let's play with the keyboard of the bear at the end of the day Range and the bear is seen in the table of the commercial A3: D 10.
  • click on the buttons<Далее>.

Step 3. Setting parameters in diagrams:

Go to tab headlines and enter the name in the following rows:

  • Add the command Parameters to diagrams and add to the tab Headings:
  • on the Legend tab stand upAdd the legendand click on the Distant buttons.

Step 4. У become a commanderOn okremomu arkushiClick on the Finish button.

format for diagrams

  1. Insert a new sheet and copy the diagram.
  2. Change the settings of parameters in diagrams:
  • Activate the video by clicking the right mouse button in the empty area of ​​the diagrams;
  • in the menu wrap a command general view and set the following parameters in the dialogue window:
  • Click OK.
  1. Conduct the formatting of the region with diagrams and provinces with diagrams:
  • activate the diagrams in the menu and wrap the command in the menuDiagrams area format: Set on the tabs of the installation dialog:
  • press the OK button;
  • in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwind diagrams by wiklich the context menu, and in the new commandIncentive area format;
  • ask in the dialogue window Installation type:
  • Click OK.
  1. Carry out the formatting of a number of given and іх elements:
  • set the indicator of Misha on row 1, click the context menu and select the commandRow danih format;
  • on the Parameters tab Create customization:
  • on deposit Order of tribute place the cursor on the name Informatics and press the Down button.
  • on the contribution Signatures put the pump on value;
  • press OK key;
  • repeat the setting of parameters for the other rows of diagrams: for row 2 - zhovty, for row 3 - greenery.
  1. Carry out the formatting of the axes with diagrams:
  • on the X axis, click the context menu, select the Format axis and set parameters on the tabs:
  • Display the Y-axis format:
  • Display the format for the Z axis:
  1. Carry out the formatting of the sieve, wall and presentation:
  • in one of the choices of diagrams, the context menu and select the Diagram Parameters command. Set the parameters for the contribution of the Line of the Net:
  • in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bstin diagrams, click on the context menu and select the Format Stickers command. In the depository Type of vibration light-color filling;
  • in the area for submitting diagrams, the context menu and select the command Format for submission. At the deposit Type of vibration light-color filling.
  1. Format the legend:
  • in one of the choices of diagrams, the context menu and select the Diagram Parameters command. At the Legend contributor, put the forefather Dodati the legend and the remix On the right;
  • at the window of the legend, click the context menu, select the command Format legend and set new parameters:
  1. Change all sheets.
  2. I save the work of the book under the name Diagram in papa LR_17 on disk H:

Zavdannya 2. driving trend:

  1. Insert a new sheet.
    1. Create a table given on the table.
    2. Encourage the diagrams to be distributed among the groups of evaluations from computer science:
    3. Induce the line trend for diagrams:
  • place the showcaster of Misha on one of the storages of the handwriting and click with the mouse so that they appear on all the storages of the black ones;
  • to view the histories, click the context menu and select the Add trend line command;
  • in the dialogue window<<Линия тренда>> On the deposit Type vibrate vіkno Linіyna;
  • on the Parameters tab set the parameters:
  • Click OK.
    1. Induce a multinomial trend for gistographers for technology p. 3.
    2. To arrange a diagram and a trend line as shown in Fig.
  1. I save the work of the book under the name Diagram in papa LR_17 on disk H:
    1. Visnovki on robots.

And also іnshі robots, which can make you connect

1610. New methods of preliminaries for the visit of children of different species 19.32 KB
The name of the patient is based on the reflexological method, looking around, palpation and auscultation. When looking around, the asymmetry of the right and the left of the wall with the other half of the vaginosity arises.
1611. Neurohumoral regulation of vaginosity 21.39 KB
necessary mind for discernment and overcoming of state cycles є the presence of two groups of hormones: gonadotropic and gonadal (ovarian).
1612. Discrepant statutory cycles (anesthetic, responsive, alibid, anovulatory) 19.53 KB
The state cycles will be more vivid, as soon as the stage of excitement manifests itself all the phenomena: the tick, the eccentric reaction, the misery and the ovulation, and the disingenuous, if there is only one phenomenon.
1613. Non-mediated and friendly factories of mastitis 19.45 KB
Vengeance is a fiery milky deposit, so that a legacy of mechanical, thermal, chemical and biological factors can be developed. For the diagnosis of mastitis, it is not safe to do so.
1614. Features of ovulation in animals 21.71 KB
The process of opening a mature follicle and seeing from a new egg is called ovulation. After the collagenase enzyme, push the shell in the whole area before pouring in a high intrafollicular vise.
1615. The value of the density and decay of sperm 20.29 KB
Good sperm to avenge a sufficient number of living, sturdy in the new middle and old take a part in the late sperm, there are many other houses (shelter, gnar, microbi).
1616. The number of live and dead sperms 22.16 KB
V.A. Morozov proponuvav vikoristovuvati barvniki, as barvlyuyut sperm only from the dead and with a collisional ruch. The dehydrogenase activity of sperm cells is manifested by the rapid growth of methylene blue in capillaries or in test tubes.
1617. Organization of robots in flat buildings (workshops). Specifics of training for personnel for robots in a flat form 19.46 KB
At the skin tsarinnitsky state, the guilty party is of no importance for new people. Establishment of such a view gives the opportunity to preserve the health and productivity of mothers, health and life of new women, correctly and often give help with important canopy.
1618. Basic rules for canopies 19.87 KB
With the addition of breeds, it is necessary to push the fetus by hand without sucking up the tools. Midwifery tools need to be stashed in quiet vipadk, if without them you can’t go through the vityagti plid.
Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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