HTML form elements - list, vipadaє (select, option, optgroup tags), textarea, as well as label, fieldset and legend. HTML Forms Select Attributes

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Simplest vipadє in HTML, it is easy to embed the select tag. Tse tag-container, option tags are included in the new one - the stench itself sets the items to the list.

Є Number of options for lists, which you can browse for the additional select tag: list (options are displayed for a click on the main field, or hovering over a new cursor) і A list of multiple choices - in a new page you can vibrate a number of items. First of all, the stench is a significant element of the navigation of modern websites. A list of multiple choice can be found, for example, in catalogs, it is necessary to vibrate a list of product characteristics.

It is possible to change the name of the list and the authority of the lists for additional universal and special attributes.

Select tag attributes

1. Multiple - set multiple vibration.

2. Size - set the number of visible rows in the list, to the height. And here everything lies in the presence of the multiple attribute. If so, if you don’t specify size, then if multiple koristuvach is evident, beat all are available options a choice, if there are multiple views, then only one row will be shown, and you can read it if you see the elevator icon from the right side. If the size is set and if you are less than the number of options, then the right side will be scrolling.

3. Name - im'ya. The list, which can be used without a new one, may be necessary for the interaction with the program-sample on the server. As a rule, I’m all the same to say.

The select tag does not have any viscous attributes on the display of the option tag.

Attributes of the nested option tag

  1. Selected - values ​​for the item in the list. Koristuvach can see more than one item, if assignments are multiple attribute (div. Vishche).
  2. Value - value. Tsey attribute is obovyzkovy. The web server is guilty of the issue, as the list of vibrav koristuvach itself is punctuated.
  3. Label. For the additional attribute, you can speed up the other items in the lists. For example, “Milan” will be launched on the screen, to replace the option “Milan is the administrative center of Lombardy. Північнаіталія ". This attribute is also victorious for ugrupovannya items in the list.

If the width of the list is too small, then you will stand up for the words according to the content of the widest text in the list. Zrozumіlo, width can be changed for additional HTML styles.

List of different ways

You can edit it behind the additional CSS, for example, the list will be displayed when the cursor is hovered over the side element. I would like to see the possibilities for closing lists on JavaScript, for the robot I will ask the Jquery library. The list, scho vipadaє, of connections for an additional library, can be even foldable, for example, cascading. So when you select an item in one list, there is an offensive list, for example, the menu item "Baby clothes" , napivcoats, fur coats, etc.

We have overwhelmed the main methods, for the help of which you can expand the list, scho vipadaє. Zrozumіlo, є a lot of nuances in and in JavaScript, which allow changing the functionality and calling the list of lists.

I visit all the readers in my blog. Today I will tell you how to work in html vipadє, such tags and attributes are required to be victorious, as well as for whatever purposes you may know.

Select tag and leave the list

Also, the list in html is listed behind the additional select tag paired, in which paired option tags are accommodated. Itself in them all options will be written down, as will be proponated when clicking on the list. butt:

Vibe the creature

At the same time, those who are shown between the display and the curved part of the option, you can play on the screen, and the value, which appears in the value attributes, will be sent to the server or revised according to the help of the script.

The list in html can be very simple and multi-choice. If you want to add an empty multiple attribute, you need to add an empty multiple attribute to select. Schob vibrate the value, tune ctrl and emboss the mish button.

The first cinnamon attribute is size. Wien allows you to select, the rows will be shown in the list.

Another attribute is disabled. The list is inaccessible to the onslaught and to look at the points, but at the same time it can be seen on the side.

Required - html5 attribute. If there are tasks, the form will not be sent without a selection from the list. Zagalom, vin staє is binding for a vibor. Not all browsers have this attribute.

Option tag attributes

Vlasne, select to serve as a container for items in the list, the stench itself is asked behind the additional option tag. In the case of a new one, the value parameter, as it was already considered, is alright, ale krіm tsіe є y іnshi. for example:
Disabled - disable the item in the list inaccessible to the selection. It’s not possible to visualize it, but it’s impossible to click on it.

Selected - the element will be redeemed for the change. For a fixed list, an attribute without a value can be set only with one item, for many - with a click.

Clarification is more important for the correct robot

If the result of the selection will need to be sent to the server or processed through scripts, then you should write select in the form, so that there are no pardons. On the right, in the list, there is a list of how to open up in a row, which itself is one of the elements of the form.

What is needed select

Call your name, maybe in good time, if you visit your website for restoration, or you want to conduct an experience. The element is not very good - it’s just as good as a call through css.

A blue frame appears behind the suggestions when the list is pressed, the same color is seen on the points of the list, on the hovers of the cursor. When pressed, the frame did not appear, or it was seen in the same color, you can write the following selector:

Select: focus (
outline: 1px solid orange;

Now the frame will be orange.

Option can also be styled, the ale axis, when hovering over the point, the background turns blue and through the style does not change.

Option (
color: brown;
background: aqua;

Before speaking, maybe you know how to change the background color when hovering over an item via css?

Axis, vlasne, leave і all by the tag select і yogo stasosuvannya. There are no additional features in html for new ones. All the operations with it can be done with the help of javascript and php. For example, if you need to open a list for a choice of folk music and there may be 80-100 new options, will you not hand over them?

Yakraz for a whole and it is necessary to choose the program, but the cycle itself. Well, okay, this is also a topic for іnshoї rozmovi, and for the present year all information, as I want to see you. You can learn more about the main tags in html.

Yak vi think, what is your design for the site? Why are you afraid of you? You can, you think it’s smart, and you don’t want to go to the center. Ale for naspravd all yde kudi inakshe. Aje new technologies (I may on uvazi at the same time CSS3) came in order to make the life of a web designer easier and bring your own additional possibilities at opening the most recent viglyad site. Let's talk about those types of designs for the list.

List, scho vipadaє for the site

Chi is not simpler decision, I looked in the dark 🙂:


I want to say right away from the demo drive: okmemu file HTML, which allows you to take the code that you need. Also in the editorial style files for the skin design list. You are deprived of the vibration of the one that suits you best and know this style file 🙂.

The rozmіttsі list of nothing unavailable:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
<label class = "select-label"> Vibrate your dinosaur:</ Label> <select class = "cs-select cs-skin-rotate"> <option value = "1"> stegosaurus</ Option> <option value = "2"> Velociraptor</ Option> <option value = "3"> Spinosaurus</ Option> <option value = "4"> archeopteryx</ Option> <option value = "5"> apatosaurus</ Option> </ Select> </ Section>

Yak then it seems: ... Middle tags , In which there are items in the list.

You can use non-customary attributes in your butts, such as data-class abo data-link... There is nothing to be afraid of, the stench is needed for the correct function of the list, so there can be additional information.

Let's go through the styles.

The main styles are in the file cs-select.css... Here there are styles that give the list an extravagant look, such as the sounds of baciti.

And in order to create a style for an unprecedented and original one, it is necessary to be victorious and addicted to power. For the first buttstock () for the first step of the style:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 @ Font-face (font-family: "icomoon"; src: url ( "../Fonts/icomoon/icomoon.eot?-rdnm34"); src: url ( "../Fonts/icomoon/icomoon.eot?#iefix-rdnm34") Format ("embedded-opentype"), url ( "../Fonts/icomoon/icomoon.woff?-rdnm34") Format ("woff"), url ( "../Fonts/icomoon/icomoon.ttf?-rdnm34") Format ("truetype"), url ( "../Fonts/icomoon/icomoon.svg?-rdnm34#icomoon") Format ("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; ) Div.cs-skin-border (background: transparent; font-size: 2em; font-weight: 700; max-width: 600px;) @media screen and (max-width: 30em) (.cs-skin-border (font-size: 1em;)) .cs-skin-border> span (border: 5px solid # 000; border-color: inherit; transition: background 0.2s, border-color 0.2s;) .cs-skin-border> span :: after, .cs-skin-border .cs-selected span :: after (font-family: "icomoon"; content: " \ E000 "; ) .Cs-skin-border ul span :: after (content: ""; opacity: 0;) .cs-skin-border .cs-selected span :: after (content: " \ E00e "; color: # ddd9c9; font-size: 1.5em; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.2s; ) .Cs-skin-border .cs-active> span (background: #fff; border-color: #fff; color: # 2980b9;) .cs-skin-border .cs-options (color: # 2980b9; font- size: 0.75em; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.2s, visibility 0s 0.2s;) .cs-skin-border .cs-active .cs-options (opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.2s;) .cs- skin-border ul span (padding: 1em 2em; backface-visibility: hidden;) .cs-skin-border .cs-options li span: hover, .cs-skin-border li.cs-focus span (background: # f5f3ec ;)

And there are a lot of styles in the surrounding file (for slickness) cs-skin-border.css.


Why not zrobish incite a unique design of your site! First of all, don't be afraid to experiment with the design, paint it all the time. Rapt and set (with a path of experiments) the very one that will be honored by your koristuvachi and the stench to say "Wow, I should be like the design that is so cool on the whole site!" 😉.

The values ​​for the list of proponent items, for which you can vibrate one or more. be surrounded by tags .

tag attributes ... disabled Block vibrate from list. The value can be set in three ways: multiple Allows you to vibrate the number of items in the list one hour. Slide to beastly respect, but with a multitude of choices in the flow of given from the same form, you can be present with a few of the minions with the same people. Your processing program is guilty of transferring certain situations and correct processing. name Ім'я list. Objects' viscous attribute. required Obligatoryly guilty of turning the item to non-empty values. If it’s not visonano, then the browser will be visible, and the form will not be sent to the server. The view and the change is not possible to stay in the browser, and we cannot change it (not in IE and Safari). size Vertical size in the list. If the attribute of omissions is abo value 1, the list of items is displayed. If the specified number is greater than 1, then the points in the list will be displayed at the window with a dark scroll. If the value of the attribute is larger, the actual number of items in the list is lower, then empty items are added. With їх viborі we turn the empty fields.

item list

Kozhen item list is surrounded by tags ... Closing the tag is optional.

tag attributes
disabled Block vibrating item in the list. label Tag for the item in the list. If the value is the label attribute, then the value will be added to the list instead of the text in the middle of the tag
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