Mind the format of Excel. Start of smart formatting in Excel with stocks

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Mind formatting in Excel - a monstrous tool for quick visual analysis of tributes. This way of assessing information is more efficient and simpler. Moreover, all prices are automatic mode... Koristuvachev does not need to be thought independently. The editor will do everything himself. In the same formula, you cannot develop as well as a tool.

In order to be quicker at the most of your mobility, you need to go to the "Head" tab and click on the "Umovna formatuvannya" button.

Before the main razdіlіv this menu refer to:

  • rules for visualization of queues;
  • rules for selecting the first and last value;
  • gistograms;
  • color scales;
  • collect pictograms;

It is clear that the points are respectful. For others, I can use the table, in which case it will be possible to change the numerical values.

There are also many different formats for different formats. Remove skin from them.


  1. For the cob, see a row. In general, people will suffer at the first mine.
  1. Then go to the tab "Head" and press the button "Mind formatting". At the menu, which was announced, click on the item "Rules for visualization of queues." Then select the "Bigger" option.
  1. The message will appear promptly, in which it is necessary to specify the meaning of the corresponding visual elements. You can drive in whether or not to click on the yakus of the commerce. Push to the middle. This is an indicator of a whole lot to go for a match.
  1. Immediately after sending a message to the marketplace, it will be submitted automatically (and you will see itself as a dotted line). Insert the wire, press the "OK" button.
  1. In the results of poachimo, in the case of commercials, in some the values ​​are more than 27, the result was given by the same color.

If you don’t befit the color of filling in the middle, you may be able to change it. For the whole, it is necessary to vibrate whether it is the best option for mating at the stage of vkazivka for prying.

Because of the pro-proponated options you do not befit, you can click on the item "Koristuvach format ...".

Immediately when the message appears, it is possible to use the required format in the middle.

  1. See a row. Look at the icon "Umovne formatuvannya" on the deposit "Golovna". Viber "Rules for visualization of alternatives", and then - "Menshe".
  1. I will know to proponyuyut in kazati komіrku for porіvnyannya. For a whole lot of growth, the clicks of Misha are according to the requirements of the clerks.
  1. The required address will be installed as soon as possible. To save the adjustment, press the "OK" button.
  1. In the results, bacimo, as well as mid-range, value less than 24, were seen as the largest color.

  1. See a row without formatting rules. Before we go to the menu, once again select the item "Mіzh".
  1. Then the editor Eksel will propose itself as prominence. You can surrender everything without changes.
  1. For present your own, you feel good. For example, more than 14, ale less than 17. Take care of it, press the "OK" button.
  1. In addition, all those who are known to be in numbers, were seen by the same color.

  1. Vidіlyaєmo іnshu vіlnu vіdіlаvnіa komіrku. Viconuєmo to the same way on the toolbar and vibramo point "Rivne".
  1. We should be asked to send a message to the room for a match, or if you are ready for a numerical value. Introduced, for example, the number 18. Oscillations are seen in the seen row. To save the onslaught, only the "OK" button.
  1. The breeders are in a mid-range, which is based on the designated value, becoming a pre-determined color.
  1. For a change, you can try to change it. For a long time to meet the client. Correctly there is 19 to 18. Pislya onslaught on the Enter key, and hit the offensive.

Mi bachimo, wow von klin change to automatic mode.

Text revenge

Described products do not have numerical values. For robots with text information, a vibration is required.

  1. See a row of numbers in front of you. Then, for the help of the familiar menu, select the item "Text to revenge ...".
  1. In any case, it will appear in a window, in which it is necessary to include a fragment of the text. Tse can be a letter chi a number. For the application, the number "2" is introduced. To save the format, press the "OK" button.
  1. As a result, there were midterms with numbers 20 and 23, splinters in both є figure 2.

Additional management can be viewed at the time of day.

  1. For a cob of dodamo, a row, at which one can write a circle of dates. Bazhano, the stink was gone. It's so simple and simple.
  1. The whole row is visible. Then go to the menu "Umovne formatuvannya" and select the item "Date".
  1. Immediately, if you want to show up immediately, you may be able to vibrate with a few options:
    • vchora;
    • syogodnі;
    • tomorrow;
    • for the last 7 days;
    • last time;
    • continuous flow;
    • on the offensive;
    • last month;
    • a whole month;
    • in the offensive month.
  1. Yak butt viberemo option "Tomorrow". Take care, press the "OK" button.
  1. As a result, the field, like revenge tomorrow's date, will be seen by the first color.
  1. The date for the hour of the written statti is current - 25 of the fierce 2018 rock.

For a demonstration of a mental format, bazhano by the way a table without any rules. Dalі will be necessary if the Viconati is so dії.

  1. See the table of the main values, as it is necessary to analyze it.
  1. Click on the icon "Umovne formatuvannya" and select the item "Repetitive meaning" next to the "Rules for visualization of the middle".
  1. Immediately, if you want to appear, you can vibrate two meanings:
    • repeat;
  • unikalny.

In the case of the skin, the frontal glance will be accessible, so that you can see exactly what you need. To save money, press the "OK" button.

In addition to the extraordinary vision of specific numbers, there is a clear possibility of the singing number of elements in a high-quality variety of performances. For the whole it is necessary to change the same.

  1. View in place of tables. Then it is necessary to press the button "Umovna formatuvannya", which is printed on the deposit "Golovna". To select the item "Rules for the selection of the first and the last meaning". As a result, you will be prompted for a selection of options in the list.

Skin is easily visible from them.

When you vibrate the point, you can swing it, in which you can get some of the first alternatives. To be careful, print "OK".

Vidlik resemble from a large value to a lesser one.

This means that if you need to see the first 10 pictures, in which there are the smallest numbers, you need to vibrate the item "Remain 10 elements".

Before an hour is introduced, you will have an available front view. If you enter the number 1, then you lose the maximum value.

If there will be two consecutive times with the same largest number, then you will see an offense!

In this particular context, everything is practically based on this very principle, only once it is not specific fixed number klitin, and deprived of a singular sum of them.

Yaksho to say the number 10 (won’t be victorious for donations), you will beat the attack.

Well, the rule of formatting has been vouchsafed to you, you need to click on the "OK" button. In the first place, print "Skasuvati".

Remaining 10 items

Yak bulo is designated as a vishche, at times there are mid-range, at those there are minimal tributes. The principle of the introduction is the same - apply the required number and press the "OK" button.

If you put in all 1 cliché, even if there are many minimal numbers, then all will be seen (in our vipadku - dvі).

This very principle is only given at once, and not an absolute number of information.

Denmark is an instrument of strength, if it is necessary to provide information for itself. So the Excel editor itself will do the middle number of the middle of the video information and mark all those of the same size. Everything is automatically displayed.

An analogous principle is also used. Only the clerks are ignored, in which the information on the mensha is taken as an average statistical value.

In the methods described in the description of the methods of giving the vicarians the method of succesful filling of the elements. Inodi tse zovsim manually.

For stuck in the analysis of information vikorystovuyutsya the first instrument - gistograms. When filling, there are two types of filling:

  • gradієntna;
  • Sutsilna.

The skin is easy to understand from the proprietary options.

Gradientne flooding

  1. Before it is necessary to see the required rows that are 100%. Then click on the icon "Umovne formatuvannya". If you want to go to the section "Gistogrami" and vibrate, be it from the pro-proponated fillings.

Prior to the value of the reserves, the following should be attached:

  • green;
  • chervona;
  • orange;
  • blakitna;
  • violet.

When you hover over the skin of the options, you will have an accessible front view.

The Danish type of markup is not strongly recognized as a type of food described and is in the same place.

Color vikoristoyutsya yourself.

Even though none of the pro-proponated items have been vouchsafed to you, you can use your own version of the format.

Here you can nalashtuvati:

  • style;
  • minimum and maximum value;

If you saw that they were doing it, you can beat it at the lower right codend.

If you want something contrasting, you need to create a new stage.

  1. See a table (basic information for the analysis of data). Natisnіt on the ikonka "Umovne formatuvannya", yak roztasovna on "Golovnіy" contributions to the toolbar. In the menu, select the item "Column scales". A great list of 12 design options appears.
  1. When hovering over the skin template, use the same explanation.

When you hover over the skin from the icons, you will have access to the front view. So you can vibrate kolirnu din as you be the best.

Even though nothing has been propped up by the Excel editor, you have not been vouchsafed, as you can see it. For the whole it is necessary in the whole section of the menu to click on the item "Inshі rules".

At the same time, start playing. Here you can use cob and kintsevy colir. To save enough, press the "OK" button.

As far as the formatting is not suitable for you, you can just use the graphical method. For a whole lot of need to build up this kind of diy.

  1. See the main middle of the tables.
  2. Klatsnіt on the toolbar on "Umovna formatuvannya".
  3. At the menu, select the category "Type icons".
  4. Along the way, play the great flip-flop of different patterns.

Varto mean that the editor himself automatically submits the data to the label of the group: minimum, middle and maximum.

Before we can offer view (when you hover over the icon, you can use the front view without preserving the formatting rules):

  • straight (bіlya great numbers a shooter will appear on the mountain; for the middle - right-handed; the minimum figures are shown straight to the bottom);
  • figuri (the number to lie in the middle of the number is the middle number for the highest values);
  • indicator (checkmark - whiskey, hail sign- Middle, and a cross - minimum);
  • assessments (the steps of the storage of an element are to be deposited by the date in the commerce);

Yakshcho zhodna from іkonok you didn’t vouch for, you can set your own rule of keeping a clitin.

For a wide range of applications, you can independently enter the following parameters:

  • style icon;
  • sv_y version of pictograms;
  • border values ​​for icons;

Take care, press the "OK" button.

As long as your experiment is not going into the manipulation, as it was prophesied, only it was sent to the table, then everything can be done in an easy way.

  1. There is a lot of need to see all the elements that are different from the format of what you need to enable.
  1. Let's read on the "Golovna" depository on the "Umovne Formatuvannya" icon.
  2. Write a tsiogo vibrate "See the rules."
  3. Dalі clatsaєmo on "Seeing the rules from the visions of the middle".
  1. If you want to see everything, then you see another point - See the rules of the game.
  1. The result will come. Everything will turn to its own prickly watch.

A set of methods of formatting can be changed for the owner. Chain in such a way.

  1. Click on the button "Mind formatting".
  2. Viberit "Keruvannya rules."
  1. The dispatcher will not have any rules (they haven’t seen anything before the wiki menu), there will be scandals for the vibrato suggestions for the item “Streaming fragment”.
  1. Viber "Tsey List".
  1. As a result, you will shake up all the rules that can be used in documents for a given moment.


You could see it, it was enough to vibrate from the list and click on the button "See the rule".

It is necessary to be even more respectful when you see such events, because you don’t sleep well, because you are singing in your choice.


Redaguvati rules are easy to finish. Chain in such a way.

  1. Viberit be a row.
  2. Press the button "Change the rule".
  1. As a result, you should kick it off. For substitutions of vibra, the type "Formatuvati deprive you of those comics, like revenge".
  1. Here you can tell how the stink itself can take revenge:
    • text;
    • date;
    • empty;
    • empty;
    • pardons;
    • without pardons.

At the entrance new version PC programs Microsoft Office has new features. The dealers have added some components to them, made more programs for the robot. It is impossible to lose without respect і Excel 2010 і new possibilities of information in new. In addition, in the statistics on the application, we will tell you, as a rule, with the new components of Excel 2010.

Smarter spreadsheet format in Excel 2010

Do not expect to glance over at hand the great number of significance that is not planned. Let’s admit, that the skin manager’s haircut for a month will cost you 100,000 rubles. If I do not necessarily estimate the indicators manually, I will look at the skin value, it is simpler to trust the component Excel... Vidіlimo area of ​​Danikh. Go to the tab "Insert - Umovne formatuvannya - Set of icons" from the pop-up menu select the template, which will be added to me like a light-emitting diode, so as it can be done manually. Send the choice to the template to appear in the window "The setting of the formatting rules". Here it is necessary to also enter the data, when transferring such a robot as an athlete, it is assessed that it is correct, it is not good enough. The data should be entered at the "Value" parameter on the skin edge, and the "Type" field, if necessary, should be changed from "VidSotok" to "Numbers". I have set the offensive parameters: 110, 90. The third parameter is set automatically, it is estimated that the value is less than the preset value. Onslaught the "Ok" button.

At the mid-range of all values, there are three gurts of spring colors. For the bags, given to such a view of information, it is simpler to evaluate the manager's robot for the singing period. We can measure the quality of the robotics of the athletes, by virtue of the number of those who can achieve the best results, and those who need to know the best results for themselves.

Altogether, there is no other way of thinking about the formatting of the tribute. There were such informational elements as "histograms" and "color scales". Easy to read lectures. Vidіlimo meanings in the middle and the transition "Insert - Umovna formatuvannya - Gistogrami". At the menu, scho vipadaє, there will be a list of templates, when hovering over any of them, it will be displayed before re-viewing the result. Vibrating color scheme, which was honored, and bachimo, midway flooded with horizontal hundreds of different sizes. The stench is displayed in the graphic viglyadi meaning, like є in the middle. If the number will be entered with the minus sign, then the graph will be replaced by the opposite number from the commerce, including the negative value.

The component "Colored scales" of the bay is in the middle of Tim Color, which is the same as the value introduced before it. For example, the smallest value will be filled with chervoniy kolіr, middle with zhovtiy, and the most with greenery. The color scheme can be selected by you individually, but the essence can be lost as well with the victorian "Set of icons".

Look and not only

However, not all visualization options are included in the package. I can see the same function as "Zrizi". Vibrani workers in the company introduced even more significant terms and neatly when they formulated tables to see the same date. There are two ways of beating before the singing date. If I will create a table near the right side, we have roztasvani elements, as we can rozstiti in different fields. It’s going back to the “Date” element and the menu wikipedia, scho vipadaє, with a push on the marker with a arrow. The item "Filter by date" is known. There is a magnificent list with different format options, but we will need more variety. Vidkrivaєmo "All dates for the period" and collected "Zhovten". The table has been set up, it has been fast, they have lost their value for zhovten. The best way to vibrate danikh.

Another way to organize for the additional new function "Zriz", a central tool for the analysis of digital data. Let's go to "Insert - Зріз". It will be shown in the window "Insertion of vision" at a new stage means that indicator, which will be carried out the vibration value, that is the column of the table, as you can wonder at the sight of your sound. Znachamo "Date" that onslaught is the button "Ok". On the arkushi, a frame will appear from the notation in meaning.

It’s overwhelming, whether it’s easy for us, and in such a rank, so that you can get all of it presented in this meaning. It is also possible to change color patterns, all templates appear on the top panel. Now we can vibrate the date with one click, and the number of results for the last few days reached the athletes. Tsya funkts_ya nagato zruchnіsha, nіzh "Filter for the date", a few bits of nnuchkіsha won. You can vibrate at once with a value, which would be a vibration.


The offensive method of visual analysis of data is the price of information. We will be actively active in the middle of the row of data. The depository "Insert" is known to have distributed "Infokriv" (in my version of the stench they called the chomus "Sperkline"). Vidіlyaєmo range of tribute - our row and onslaught will be the "Ok" button. You can punch, like at the vibrant us in the middle, staying with a min graph, tse and є infokriva.

Stretch the middle on all the rows, pulling the edge with a point, or breaking the sub-clip onto the new one. You can change the style of the info curve for the bazhanyam, you can vibrate on the top panel in the mode of the info curve constructor. Otrimaniy graphyk allows you to poke a tendency, a trend. With the majesty of the number of gifts of the infokriva, there is a gallant visual analysis of the efforts of the multitude. According to them, it is easy to visually pick and fall, a ear of growth, or even trust.

Infokrivi there are three types: "Graph" - we looked at it itself; "Stovpets" - depicting the data of the little ones who show the maximum and the minimum meaning; "Vigrash / program" - midway through nibi are distributed on de parts, in the lower part there are squares with negative values, in the upper ones with positive ones, zero does not appear as.


At the tsіy statty we didn’t lose a quick way to draw up a table, but to carry out a visual analysis of the data. We also learned about such understandings as a table was created, they were forced to carry out a filtering value that is better than the format of digital values, to fold the vision. Krym tsyogo, we deliberately rose from new functionality I'll call it "Infokriv". It is impossible not to be aware of the fact that you can see it in detail on a person, and practically all new functions are directly tailored to the work of a specialist and actually given tributes. As soon as you are impressed by the new functionality of the spreadsheet editor, you can contact the partners of the 1CSoft company.

Oleksandr Neberekutin

All rights are seized. Z feed victorianna statty go to site administrators

Lesson 8. Formatting the middle

You can change the format of the store, store it and store it up to the іnshoї tables. There is a wide range of flexible formatting options available. For a wide view of the middle, then click on them with the right button and click on the mode The format is middle.

You can see it, you can just take revenge on the tabs. Tab Number Allowing to specify the format of the tribute, which should be in the middle. Call me a little bit. As a rule, when the tribute is entered at the salesman, the program itself has a format. In the fieldNumber formatsYou can marvel at that.

Virivnyuvannya tab let it stand: if the text is known from the commissary. Admittedly, we typed the text from the salesman.

The yak is visible from the baby, the text is mixed to the left of the commerce. In order to put the yogi in the center, you need to set the parameter centered in the field horizontally.

Cycavian mode Orinntation Vin allows the text to be handled not horizontally, but in a straight line. It is permissible, it is necessary to change straight to the horizontal axis by 45 degrees. For the whole it is possible to install a shooter in the field Orіntаtsіya , Yak is shown in fig. lower.

Yak obviously from a little bit straight to the text, it was only too often that the regime was stuck. In addition, the size of the row has changed and become larger. At the right hand there is a text, and at the bottom cordon. If you want to get it in the first place, you can see it in another mode and the speedy mode Format oseredki, Virivnyuvannya tab. There by the field vertically replaceable value - along the top edge.

І text to be overshot.

A cyclical auto-width mode, which allows the program to automatically adjust the size of the commercially (horizontally and vertically), which means to go beyond the obvious. For example, the size of the font is increased to 24 at the ends in the past lessons of the table with the parameters of the auto-selection.

It can be seen that the size of the vertical (row) is changing at the bottom of the row. So the rows on the table may be the smallest size, below, de є table. Obviously, the type of the font in the heading is small, so it’s because of the size (width) of the commerce.

On the tab Font є Possibility to set the type of font, image, size, color, to set it as anchorage, super-row, row.

It is possible to install a font of the same style (Arial), which can be lifted up, zrobimo cushions and amazed with blue colors. For a wide range of video titles, the parameters are set as shown below.

At Paul Zrazok you can wonder, yak viglyadatime text.

Now I know the title of the table, remove the check mark in the auto width parameters, and I will start the picture.

As you can see, the text is superimposed on the text of the middle ones. Skoristaєmozia mode Format on the contribution Golovna.

At the panel, scho z'avilosya, vibrate modeAuto-text width... Otrimaєmo:

On the Cordon deposit you can place a line between the shops. Supposedly, there is only one middle line, as shown in Fig. lower.

Visible and fast with a tab Cordon.

Mi vibrated color - orange, type of line - slave and pressed on the button call.

Now I know the table, and I know the speedy tab Cordon.

We vibrated the іnshy color, the type of line that pressed on the internal button. It is possible not to enter the mode of establishing cordons, set the color, type of line, press the button call change the type of line, color and press on the button internal.

Fill tab allow to install the filling in the middle. I know it is visible in front of the front room and it can be set up. You can vibrate the color, and even if you are in the middle, you will be outfitted with a one-sided color, ale mi vibral Vіzerunok і to new Kolіr vіzerunok.

Preserving the style of the middle ... Let’s admit, let’s disregard the style of mi koristuvatiemosya before the hour of the beginning of the advance tables. To that, I see the knowledge of chotiri in the middle and on the button Styles of alternatives on the contribution of Golovna.

Here, as well as the styles that have been installed in the program, we will need to adapt our own style. Tom is not writtenCreate a style of middle.

On the screen, appear visually, in which є element, for those who have a style, called yogo Try... Put a check mark on all the mixers and on the button OK ... Now the new style is forgotten in the program if the mode is wicked Styles of middle , then you should appear at the list Koristuvalnitski.

Then, if you need a new style, see the comics and speed up the mode Try ... Writing a new table to suit your style.

Sometimes it is necessary to see the numbers from the minds. So, even if in the table there are representative tributes for the categories of the population, which are malignant with singing products, then those who are sick to alcoholic drinks, we will see them more beautifully in the font, vegetarians, as I eat sickly rows - in the middle great numberїzhі - in bold type. Besides, the victorian color may be dictated by the clever minds. For example, if the temperature in the apartment is not charged at 0, the number of such apartments is more beautiful to show in blue color, at temperatures of 0 - 10 degrees - green, at a range of 10 - 20 degrees - we are happy, and at 30 degrees - red color.

Let's turn to the folded table. Visible part of the table with numerical values ​​and the speedy mode on the contribution Golovna → Mind the format... On the screen, it will appear in the regime, as if the little one is shown. Vibrate mode Make a rule.

Appear visually, de viable value for the rules.

Supportively, the mother’s color background is very common. Viberemo top rule Formatuvati vseredki on the display the value is on the button OK.

As soon as the colors are blue, then this is the table.

Vibrate mode in style format - tricolor scale and on the button OK.

In these modes, you can change the average value by entering the value behind the additional keyboard, or you can turn on the comic, in which the value is located by pressing the button -.

You can set the value histogram... Todi will be indicated by the color of the tree.

You can set the badges for the value for the additional mode, type the badges.

You can choose a clearer format not with a table, but with a part. Є y іnshi modes. For example,Mind the formatRules for visualization of queues→ Між.

At all the values, where there are between 25 and 72, there will be a light-red filling and a dark worm-colored color. Changes can be changed by introducing them from the keyboard.

In the list, the value on yak can remember the format є the format of the corystuvach, it is possible to remember the type of the font, the chair and the ін. For example, it is possible to rotate the chair on the seat.

Significantly, it is possible to choose a few rules of the same table.

Mind formatuvannya - tse duzhe corisna function in Excel, as it permits the formatting of numerical data or the text in tables, according to the given minds or the rules. The managers of you, looking at the demand in the middle, you can immediately assess the meaning, some of all the data will be presented to the handy eye-catcher.

Button "Umovne formatuvannya" to be on the "Golovna" deposit at the "Styles" group.

Having pressed on n_y, see the menu with types of smart format. Let's take a lecture about them.

Vidіlennya sesredkіv

In this case, we can measure the numerical data of the visible range in the middle with a given specified number or in the lower range. You can choose between numbers, and text, and dates.


Roughly all the numbers in the vibrant range and if you repeat it, the blocks are too big for them in the singing color. Onslaught "Umovne formatuvannya""Rules for visualization of queues""Repeated meaning"... The list is vibrated "Repeat" that type of fill. Now you can repeat it in a hundred and fifty visions with a color. Yak bachite, at the butt of a chain, there are shorts and bumps.

Now let’s give an equal tribute in the first range with another, and if the number in the first will be less, it’s just a rectangular color. Vibrating on the Menshe list. Distantly, no matter how hard it is, it’s like a bear for the first number. Dolar in front of F means that we will be torn by the same tsim stovpets, albeit in the middle of the middle. The result has all the blocks in the first hundredth, the number of records is less than the number of the other, seen in color.

It is also possible to store the format before the text tributes. To choose from the list "Text revenge"... For example, you can see all the names that can be repaired from "B" - so that the block itself and the text will be made up of vibrational colors.

Vidbir first and last meaning

A victorious item, you can see commercials, which can be reported to the first or the last elements, as long as to a given number or to a certain number.


The format is set for quiet blocks, meaning that they are average in the visual region. Vibiraєmo from the list of "Vishche of the Middle". Vidpovidnі rectangles that text they will see.


Smell show information at blots yak gistograms. The midpoint is taken for 100%, which is the maximum number in the vibranized range. As well as the meaning of the blots will be negative - the histogram lasts for half, but it is more straightforward that color.


The number of cutaneous visible to the block is visualized by histograms. Vibrate, be it from the proponated methods of filling.

Now it is clear, that the minimum number for encouraging the guests to get it is 5. Vidilyaєmo the required range, click on the buttons "Umovne formatuvannya" i vibrate from the list "Rules management".

Visible. You can set a new rule for seeing in the middle, changing what you need from the list. Vibiraєmo "Change the rule".

At the bottom of the window you can change the description for a new one. Puttable "Minimal value"- "Number", and write "5" in the "Value" field. Yaksho Vi do not boggle, but numbers were displayed at the middle, put a tick in the item "Show lishe stoovpets"... Here you can change the color and type of fill.

The results have the smallest number of visual alternatives "5", and the maximum vibrate automatically. The yak is visible in the butt, in blocks, if the number is less than five: 4, -7, -8, otherwise the histogram simply cannot be visualized.

Colored scales

Now we have removed the quarters of the item. In the first place, it is usually filled with color, which lies in the number, as it is written in the new one.

As soon as possible "Zmіna formatuvannya rules", as described in the foreground, you can vibrate "Style to format", "Color" fill, the maximum and minimum values ​​for the vibration range.

For example, at the field "Minimal value" I put "3". The region will be vibrated by the offensive rank - the blocks, which are in the lower 4, will simply not be farmed.

Set of pictograms

A song icon will be inserted at the commander, according to the date.

Vіdkrivshi vіkno "Zmіna formatuvannya rules", you can vibrate "Value" and "Type" for numbers that will display a skin icon.

Yak seen

If you need to see a clearer format for the singing range (and not only), click on the buttons "See the rules" that select the required item from the menu.

Yak set a new rule

Button "Make a rule" allow opening new need to understand for vibration range.


Admittedly, є a small tablet, which is presented to the little one. Good for her, rules. Even the numbers in the range of "0" - zafarbuєmo blocks in zhovtiy kolіr, "10" - greens, "18" - chervonia.

For the cob, vibrati type is required - "Formatuvati lishe komirki, yaki revenge"... Now at the field "Please describe the rules" preset value, vibramo kolіr komіrki and onslaught "OK". With this rank, there are three rules for the visible range.

The table at the butt is formatted in such a way.

Yak keruvati rules

If you already have a clearer format for your documents and for new assignments, think about it, but if you need it, then it’s clear, like a keruvati. For the whole video, the range is the same by the buttons "Rules management".

Mind the format - hand tool for the analysis of data and scientific presentation of results. Vminnya him koristuvatisya to spare the mass of the hour that forces. Delivering a quick glance at the document - information is required.

Yak zrobiti clearer the format in Excel

The tool "Umovne formatuvannya" is located on the head side of the line "Styles".

When pushing on the arrow, the right-handed person will open a menu for the minds of the format.

Variable numerical values ​​in the range of Excel from a numerical constant. Most often the rules are "more / less / equal / mіzh". Tomato stench of wine in the menu "Rules for visualization of the middle".

Enter in the range A1: A11 a series of numbers:

Vid_limo range value. The menu "Smart formatting" is displayed. Vibiraєmo "Rules of visualization of queues". I will ask, for example, "more".

Enter the number 15 in the leve field. At the right - the way to see the value, which is used to display the set mind: "more than 15". The result is immediately visible:

Enter from the menu by pressing the OK button.

Mind the format for the meanings of the middle

Correspondingly to the range A1: A11 with the number at the commander B2. Enter the number 20 before it.

Vidilyaєmo vyhіdniy range and vіdіkrivamo to the tool "Umovne formatuvannya" (lower is faster to guess "UV"). For given the butt I’m stuck in my mind “less” (“Rules of vision of the middle” - “Menshe”).

The result of the format is immediately visible on the Excel archives.

The value of the range A1: A11, which is less than the value of the commercial B2, filled with a vibrant background.

I will set the mind for the format: adjusting the meanings of the middle in the lower ranges and the indicators of the same. Accordingly, one hundred percent A1: A11 and one hundred percent B1: B11.

Visible range (A1: A11). Natisnemo "UF" - "Rules for visualization of mediums" - "Rivne". In the left field - a request to the commander B1. Posilannya maє buti ZMISHANE abo VIDNOSNE !, and not absolutely.

The skin value among the hundred and the same program has made the same values ​​for the hundred V.

Uwaga! When victorious people are asked to do something, they need to quit, which will be active at the moment of the wick to the tool "Clever format". Bo itself, before the active oseredku "get attached" posilanya for wits.

At our butt at the time of the wick of the tool, the active midpoint A1 is used. Send $ B1. Otzhe, Excel correlates the value of the commercial A1 from the values ​​of B1. Yakby we saw hundreds not from top to bottom, but from below up the hill, then we will be active at the bi-midpoint A11. The I program will be adjusted b B1 iz A11.


Schob instrument "Umovne formatuvannya" correctly vikonav zavdannya, follow the moment.

You can revise the correctness of the given mind as follows:

  1. I see the first line of business in the range with clearer formats.
  2. View the tool menu, read "Keruvannya rules".

In vіknі it can be seen, like the rule і until what range it stagnates.

Mind the format

Outgoing range - A1: A11. It is necessary to see the worm-name of the number, such as more than 6. Green - more than 10. Zhovtim - more than 20.

  • 1 way Video range A1: A11. Zastosovuєmo to new "Umovne formatuvannya". "Rules for visualization of the middle" - "More". In the left field the number 6 is entered. In the right field - "red filling". OK. I know the range A1: A11. I will think about the format "more than 10", the way - "filling with greenery". For the same principle of "filling up" we add numbers over 20.
  • 2 way At the menu of the tool "Umovne formatuvannya vibiraєmo" Create a rule.

I will memorize the parameters of the format for the first wash:

Onslaught is OK. The same format is given to a friend for the third mind.

To brutalize respect: the meaning of short-term deeds is reported at once by two and more minds. The priority of obrobka is to lay down according to the order of overhauling the rules from the "Dispatcher" - "Managing the rules".

Tobto until 24, if one hour is more than 6, 10 or 20, you will get stuck with “= $ A1> 20” (the first on the list).

Smart date formatting in Excel

Vidіlyaєmo range of dates.

Zastosuєmo to new "UV" - "Date".

There is a change in the available minds (rules):

Vibrating demand (for example, for the last 7 days) and stamped OK.

Chervonim kolior is seen in the middle with the dates of the rest of the season (the date of writing the statty is 02.02.2016).

Avoid formatting in Excel with formulas quiz

Since the standard rules are not enough, you can use the formula. Practically be-yak: the power of the tool is unlimited. The simplest option is clearly visible.

Є 100% of numbers. It is necessary to see a color in the middle of the guys. Vikorist's formula: = OSTAT ($ A1; 2) = 0.

Vidіlyaєmo range from numbers - vіdіlamo menu "Smart formatting". Vibiraєmo "Make a rule". Onslaught "Vikoristovuvati the formula for viznachennya seredki, scho formatting." Let's remember it by the next rank:

To close the window and display the result - OK.

Mind the format of the row for the values ​​of the row

Zavdannya: see a row of colors, how to take revenge on the store for singular values.

Stock table:

It is necessary to see the color worm information about the project, which is going to be in a robot ("P"). Green - Completed ("Z").

The range is shown from the values ​​of the tables. Onslaught "UV" - "Create a rule". Rule type is formula. Zastosuєmo function YAKSCHO.

The procedure for the formation of minds for the format of "completed projects":

The formatting rules for unfinished projects are set in the same way.

At the "Dispatcher" think so:

I will recognize the result:

If the parameters of the format are set for the entire range, the mind will be available one hour from the intervals. For example, the project of Dimitrova for 28.01 is “completed” - the substitute “R” “Z” is putable.

"Rozmalivka" automatically changed. Standard use Excel has been able to achieve such results.

A leather manager, an accountant, or to navigate an extravagant koristuvach more than once having experienced the miraculous capabilities of Excel 2010, allowing quick and easy handling of tables. This version of the programs will expand the possibilities of intelligent formatting of tables, which will turn the whole work process.

My mamo functional of visualization, so we need the opportunity to be victorious in mid-range histograms, versatile icons and versatile color scales. Now you can easily finish at the end of the style of the keruyuchoy console, so you will get a message from the information. The same type of formatting has now been successfully stashed at the tables, more precisely, it seems, to the structure (and not to the tribute). The descriptions below are the ways to navigate the team to buy a new typewriter and select a model.

Probably the simplest butt of the made tables, I will describe the sales of such goods by regions:

Now, spiraling on the clock, there is a graphical call for sale for a skin hour period, so you can get back to the information. Surely, you can quickly build a diagram, but better go and clear the format in Excel 2010.

The simplest option is the vicoristovuvati color scales. For the whole vidіlyaєmo field "Obsyag sales", all the time. The "Head" tab was displayed, then the button "Mind the formatting" was pressed the function is given called "Conditional Formatting"). Move the cursor over "Gistogrami".

The set of gradintnoy and sutsilnoy fill, on the day of its, nagad a standard horizontal histogram. And as soon as you can pick up the filter, be it a graph in the boundaries of the region for a filter, in addition to the dynamic change of histograms.

Excel 2010 will also increase the number of ready-made scenarios for the format, which will significantly save the working hour. For the purpose of describing histograms, before the speech, the program is used for storing an algorithm, which is independent of the maximum and minimum value for the range of vibrational alternatives, and is deprived of the smaller format, spiraling on the crumbling information.

Otzhe - ready-made scenarios, building additional help in great situations:

First 10 elements;

Remaining 10 elements;

First 10%;

Remaining 10%;

More than average;

Less than average.

Seeing a clever formatting, even more victorious, in Excel 2010, look for an offensive scheme: at the data tables go to the "Head" tab, onslaught on "Umovna formatuvannya", give "Styles" View the rules from the set table "(in the English version -" Clear Rules "and" Clear Rules from this PivotTable ").

However, you can easily set up the rules of the format.

Tsya table - acceleration options pershoi, fromzhe can be switched over to the appli- cation one hour. Let's make sure to sell that virus in a year. We will vikoristovuvati clearer the format of Excel 2010 for the quickening of the joke of zbigiv and vidminnost. Vidilyaєmo "Obsyag sales". We went for the standard procedure for active scenarios ("Golovna" - "Umovna formatuvannya"), albeit not a ready-made option, but the function "Create a rule" (or "New Rule").

Itself here you can see the number of commercials, on which you have stored a clearer format in Excel 2010, the type of rule is victorious and, in fact, the parameters of the format are. There are a lot of people asking for money, and here є to finish with a simple vibration:

Vidilens ("Selected Cells");

Included in the store "All Cells Showing" Sales_Amount "Values", including intermediate and retail bags. Daniy option, before the speech, kindly go for the analysis quietly danikh, as vimagayut the value of the average, high-speed performance, or in smaller quantities, so that in other values ​​of the same magnitude;

Enter the category "Sales_Amount" only for "Rinku zbutu" (All Cells Showing "Sales_Amount" Values ​​for "Market"). Denmark is an option to increase the number of home and industrial bags, which is handy for the analysis of certain values.

Apparently, the commands "Obsyag sales", "Rinok zbutu" before the hour of the start of the rules change in a long way in the working tables.

On our butt, the nyvigidnishim є option is "3", so the following option is chosen:

When choosing a rule (section "Vibrate Rule" or "Select a Rule Ture"), it is the same as those that are accepted by our vimogs.

Tse mozhe buti:

- Format All Cells Based on Their Values. Victory for the formatting of mediums, as they show the range of value, for the victorization. It is most likely to go for the appointment of new visits, as it should be done with a magnificent set of tributes.

- "Format Only Cells That Contain". The format is in the middle, which is shown to the minds. At the same time, the meaning of the formatting in the middle with the usual dumb ones. Vikoristovuєtsya for a match in a set of tributes from the previously assigned characteristics.

- "Format Only Top or Bottom Ranked Values".

- "Format Only Values ​​That Are Above or Below the Average".

- “Use a Formula to Determine Which Cells to Format” (“Use a Formula to Determine Which Cells to Format”). Here, learn a clever format to spiral into a formula set by the koristuvach himself. If the value of the commercial (from the presented formula) comes from the values ​​"true", then before the commercial the format is fixed. If the value is "false", the format will not get stuck.

The stagnation of histograms, the set of icons and color scales is less likely to be, if the format of the images in the middle is displayed on the basis of the values ​​entered before them. For the whole, I will install the first transfer to Format All Cells Based on Their Values. For the identification of problem areas, you can choose a set of icons, which is also good for the whole scenario.

That is too much for the exact parameters of our format. Here you can find the "Edit the Ruie Description" section. To add icons to problematic ones, select the "Format Style" menu and select "Icon Sets".

The list of "Icon style" will have a vibration of the value "3 signs". As a result, in the end we have the following:

With this configuration of Excel, we add icons to the commerce independently, with the following functions:

> = 67,> = 33 i

Marvel at the dry figures of the tables, I’ll take a good look from the first glance and catch the picture, how to imagine the stench. Ale, in Microsoft software Excel is a graphical visualization tool, with the help of which it is possible to visually display data such as tables. It allows you to easily and quickly acquire information. The whole tool is called a clearer format. Let's save, as a vicorist, a clearer format for Microsoft Excel.

Simplest options for an intelligent format

In order to expand the formatting of the singing region in the middle, it is necessary to see the region (most often), and to buy it from the "Golovna" deposit, click on the button "Umovna formatuvannya", which is stitched on the page in the toolbox.

The menu of the smart format is displayed. There are three main types of formatting:

  • Gistogrami;
  • Digital scales;
  • Badges.

In order to create a clearer format for viglyadi gistogrami, see the stovpets with the data and click on the appropriate menu item. Yak bachimo, you can see the vibrating block of histograms with a gradient and subtle fill. Choose the one, yak, on your thought, the best in accordance with the style and the change of tables.

Yak Bachimo, gistogrami appeared in the middle of the century. Chim is more numerical value in midstreams, tim histogram dovsha. Moreover, in versions of Excel 2010, 2013 and 2016 there is a possibility of correct representation of negative values ​​in the histogram. And the axis, the 2007 version, does not have such flexibility.

In case of victorious change of color scale by histograms, there is also a reasonable possibility of vibration of different options given to the instrument. At the same time, as a rule, more than the value of the rosters in the middle, team strong color scales.

The most convenient tool in the middle of the given set of functions for formatting є icons. Іnuє chotiri main groups of icons: straight, figuri, indicator and estimates. Leather vibrating karystuvachem option for transferring small icons for evaluation in the place of commerce. The entire area is visible to be scanned by Excel, and all meanings in between are subdivided into parts according to their values. To the highest values, the icons of the green color will become stagnant, to the values ​​of the middle range - the new one, and the value that is found in the least third - will be indicated by the icons of the red color.

When you vibrate arrows, like badges, with a color scheme, you will get more signals from the viewers directly. So, the arrow, turned by the indicator to the mountain, stagnates to great values, left - to the middle, down - to small. When a victorian figure is near, the most size is recognized, a tricycle - middle, a rhombus - small.

Rules for visualization of queues

For umovchannyam, vikoristovu Ale, vikoristovuchi menu, about yak mi vzhe said vishche, it is possible to set the rules of the meaning.

Klatsaєmo on the menu item "Rules for visualization of queues". Yak bachimo, іsnu these basic rules:

  • More;
  • Less;
  • Rivno;
  • mіzh;
  • Date;
  • Significance, scho repeat itself.

It is easy to see the zasosuvannya qih processes on the butts. Visible range of middling, and pressure on the item "More ...".

Visible, in which case it is necessary to stand, a value greater than a certain number will be seen. Fight against the floor "Formatuvati komіrki, yakі more". For the change, here it will automatically fit in the middle value range, or you can set it up if it’s the only one, or to specify the address of the commerce, in which the whole number is to be found. The remaining option is for dynamical tables, given in which it is constantly changing, or for a commercially, the formula is stagnant. We set the value of 20,000 for the stock.

In the offensive field, it is necessary to have a lot, as it is seen in the middle: light-chervona pouring and dark-red color (for suggestions); zhovta fill that dark zhovty text; red text, etc. Besides, there is the format of a koristuvach.

When you go to the whole point, you can see it, in which it is possible to edit the image, practically, as a matter of course, to fix the different options to the font, fill that cordon.

In addition, as they were, the values ​​at the top of the screen were set to the rules of the image stamped on the "OK" button.

Yak bachimo, midsends of vision, we will be sure to establish the rule.

For the same principle, the meaning is seen when the rules are "Menshe", "Mіzh" and "Rivne". Only the first time you see it, you see a few times less than the value you set; the other has a problem, an interval of numbers arises, the comrades with which they see; in the third vypadku set a specific number, and see the comrades, just to take revenge on him.

The rule of seeing "The text of revenge" text format... At the beginning of the installation of the rule, the next word, a part of the word, or the last set of words, in case of any known examples, are often seen in the way you set up.

The "Date" rule is stuck before the middle, as the date value is replaced by the date format. At the same time, it is possible to set up a vision in the middle of the day, if the event is coming: today, tomorrow, for the last 7 days, etc.

Having stuck to the rule "Repeated meaning", it is possible to establish the vision of a number of alternatives, depending on whether they have given them one of the criteria: these are repeated or unique.

Rules for the selection of the first and the last value

In addition, in the menu of the smart format there is one more cyclical item - "Rules for selecting the first and last meaning". Here it is possible to get a picture of the least number of the lowest values ​​in the range of the middle. At the same time, it is possible to vikoristovuvati vidbir, both for ordinal values, and for percentages. Consider the following criteria for the selection, such as those specified in the menu items:

  • First 10 elements;
  • First 10%;
  • Remaining 10 elements;
  • Remaining 10%;
  • Middle vische;
  • Lower than average.

If you clicked on the item, you can change the rules in three ways. You can see it instantly, in which the type of vision is selected, and also, for the owners, you can stand between the view. For example, we changed the number 10 to 7 by clicking on the item "First 10 elements", at the window, near the "Formatuvati first komirki" field.

Part of the rules

They talked about the rules that were already established in Excel programs, and koristuvach can just vibrate be-like them. Ale, besides, for bazhanya koristuvach you can set your own rules.

For the whole it is necessary to natisnut in any sort of menu of the smart format on the item "Inshі rules ..." For the sake of natisnut on the item "Create a rule ..."

It is necessary to display one of the six types of rules:

  1. Format of all mediums are of different significance;
  2. Formatuvati deprived of komіrki, as revenge;
  3. Formatuvati is deprived of the first and the last value;
  4. Format is deprived of meaning, as there is more or less for the middle;
  5. The format is less than unique and repeated values;
  6. Vikoristovuvati the formula for viznachennya vseredkіv, scho formatted.

For the vibranny type of rules, at the lower part of the window, it is necessary to set up a description of the rules, setting the values, and intervening those meanings that were mentioned below. Only in this case, the installation of qih value will be more nasty. Immediately ask, for the help of the font, cordon and fill, as the most viglyadatime vidіlennya. In addition, as all the settings are made, you need to press the "OK" button to save the changes.

Rules management

In the Excel program, you can set a number of rules at once up to one of the same range of middles, otherwise the rule will not be displayed on the screen. For the regulation, you need to see the range, and in the main menu of the smart format, go to the point of control of the rules.

You will be able to see clearly, all the rules are presented, which should be within the visible range in the middle. The rules are stagnant from top to bottom, a bit of stink on the list. In such a rank, if the rules are to supervise one to one, then the fact on the screen will appear as if nothing else is left of them.

To remember the rules in quick succession, use the buttons next to the arrows that are straight up the hill and down. In order for the rule to appear on the screen, you need to see it, and click on the button at the arrow pointing downward, as long as the rule is not to borrow the last row in the list.

Є th іnshy option. It is necessary to put a tick in the column for the names of "Zupiniti, as it is true" against the rule we need. In such a rank, going over the rules from top to bottom, the program itself is based on the rules, for which cost is given a mark, and not to go down, but to mean that the rule itself will actually be victorious.

At the end of the window there is a button for opening the window and changing the seen rule. When the pressure on the buttons is pressed, the windows start up and the rules that were already mentioned.

You need to see the rule, you need to see it, and click on the button "See the rule".

In addition, you can view the rules through the main menu of the smart format. For tsyogo, onslaught on the item "Vidaliti rules". You can see one of the options you can see in the menu, if you can see the rules for the visible range of shortcomings, or you can see absolutely all the rules, such as on the obvious arc of Excel.

Yak bachimo, clearer formatting є with a tighter instrument of visualization of the data at the table. On the other hand, you can set up the table in such a rank, so that the information on them will be taken over from the first glance. Moreover, a clearer format is needed for a great aesthetic attachment to a document.

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