Yak from the transformer to create an autotransformer. Latra with your own hands and methods of beating

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on themselves the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

At the ninth hour of the great expansion, the autotransformer (LATR - laboratory autotransformer) was nabuli. The whole type of a transformer in a primary and secondary winding is one of a kind, not isolated, but connected electrically without interruption, and it is not only electrically driven, but electromagnetically connected in them. The head winding of the transformer is small in number of new ones (2, 3, 4 and more), when connected to them, it is possible to reverse the tension.

A diagram of an electronic LATR is shown on the little one, from the winding of the III grid transformer T1 change the pressure (0.5 ... 1V) to go through the pressure switch (R15 R16 R3) to the ULF. Daniy ULF vikonaniya for the scheme of the simplified UMZCH, the need for the ULF is enough for a small living for the effort of attaching the connected to the LATR, if there is a great need for the need for a more demanding T2ZCH transformer. Without the middle of the ULF output, the change in the value of the value from 0 to the maximum voltage is known.

Winding II T1 is guilty of 22 ... 24V vidavati. VT1 ... VT4 were installed on the radio transmitter. R3 is guilty of repairing the face panel to the LATR building.

The tension of the living OU maє buti in the boundaries +/- 13 ... 14V. Padinnya naprugi on R13 R14 maє buty in between 0.34 ... 0.4 V. At the outputs of the UDCR, a 50Hz sinusoid is guilty (for the whole requirement, connect a voltage of 16 Ohm, no less than 10 ... 15W). Т2 pita TV3-1-9 of tube TB ULPCT.

For any transformer with a power supply to the primary winding 6V (that is, supplying to the first winding (on the secondary circuit) 222V at the outputs of the 6V power supply, which is the primary in the LATR circuit, so that the regulators of the R15 control regulator R3 springs are not allowed to correct the maximum unproduced sinusoidal wave at a frequency of 50 Hz between 6.2 V, with a voltage at the T2 output no less than 230 V.

Literature J. Radio circuit 2006-5

The main drive for the electronic LATR stem with your own hands is the excess on the market of electrical goods of unsuitable regulators. Out of the situation, it can be of a very industrial type, but even such specimens are expensive and large in size, which makes it easier for the home mind.

She is an adjunct

Varto zgadati, scho laboratory autotransformer (LATR) is widely vikoristovuvalysya even more. I will add a number of options for strumming by contact, such as a bunch of sewing on the second winding. Tse allowed smoothly changing springs (meaning).

All laboratory attachments were connected, as well as a variant of operational changes. For example, if necessary, it can be easily inserted into the heating steps of the soldering iron, regulating the brightness of the illumination, turning the electric motor and a lot of it. The axis is such a flexible regulating block of living.

Malunok 1. Scheme of a simple version of LATR.

Ninish version of LATRa Volodya with new modifications. In general, it is possible to use a transformer, in which the transformation of a changing force of the same size into a changing force of the same size can be seen. Pristriy widely vikoristovutsya yak stabilizer springs. The main feature is the power of the snake at the entrance to the entrance. LATR buys decilkoh options for the list:

  • single-phase;
  • three-phase.

The three-phase version is mounted in a single case three single-phase laboratory autotransformers. Before the speech, eager to become a volodar triphasic variant is much less significant.

Simple attachment for regulation

If you want to finish a simple version of LATRa, which is accessible to the ears, the diagram is shown in Fig. 1. Regulations with such an adjuster range between 0-220 volts. The Danish self-contained regulator has a pulling power of 25-500 W. An increase in the need for an annex can be carried out for the additional installation of VD1 and VD2 thyristors on the radio.

Please attach (Mova ID about thyristors VD1 and VD2), then switch in parallel with the options R1. They skip the strum directly. If the attachment is included in the netting, the thyristor will become closed, on the view of the capacitors C1 and C2, the charging of which is vibrated by the resistor R5. As a requirement, for the additional resistor R5 it is possible to change it for a while, as it goes on for an hour. The resistor and the capacitor switch off the phase-dissipating lance.

Malunok 2. LATR with a bipolar transistor.

Phase-shifting lance is a whole electric chotiripolus, harmonic signal on the output, which is sensed according to the phase of the input signal. Expansions in ACS in the capacity of annexes of the corridor, as they will not provide the efficiency and the need for control. Okremami vypadami є differential and integrating lantsyuga.

This technical solution allows the vicoristovuvati for navantazhennya not half the effort, but again. Reach the tse of zavdyak that, how vicoristovuyutsya offense on the basis of a wicked strum.

Until a short time, you can bring the form of a change to the new option. In most cases, the won is not strictly sinusoidal. The specifics of the robotics are the main reason. The appearance of such a particularity is typical for the viclikati pereshkodi in fancywork. Ale їkh can put down the path of the pre-installation of droseliv (filter of the post-pre-installation) onto the diagram. Such filters can be found in the wrong TV.

Stress regulator: option with a transformer

A laboratory autotransformer, which will not overwhelm the robots in the framing and the building on the output, give a sinusoidal force, the twitching of the trocha is more foldable than the front.

Yogo scheme (fig. 2) revenge bipolar transistor VT1. Vin vistupaє in the role of a regulating element in such an annex. The need for this transistor is due to the presence of the necessary supply. In the circuitry of wines, the connections are made after the installation and function as a rheostat. Such an option should be good for carrying out the regulation of the work force for both active and reactive hours.

It’s a pity, and here є svіy incomplete. Vin polyagaє in that, when the regulating transistor is pulled back, it is great number heat. If you want to get down to it, you will have a heat-two-way radio, as if you will have enough strain. In the given variation of the area of ​​such a radiator, the blame is to become a minimum of 250 cm².

These models have a transformer T1, which is to blame for the tension from 12 to 15 W and the secondary voltage from 6 to 10 V. The straightening of the strum to the transistor VT1 in any half-cycle option pass through the center of the diodes VD2 and VD5. If you need to adjust the base strum of the VT1 transistor, you need to go into the additional resistor R1. This rank is considered to be the change of parameters in the struma on the basis of the option.

For the auxiliary voltmeter PV1, there is a control of the amount of pressure on the output from the annex. The voltmeter is taken with a rotor for a spring from 250 to 300 V. If you need to adjust the tension, then replace the VD1 transistor and the VD2-VD5 diodes with more force. For cim, lightning, before the increase in the area of ​​the radiator.

Yak can be remembered, samost_yna zbirka Latra is available, it is necessary to deprive the mother of knowledge in the whole region and to acquire the necessary materials.

Autotransformer with your own hands. Electronic LATR with your own hands diagram

Electronic LATR with your own hands

In a given hour, a lot of regulators are carried out and most of them are prepared on thyristors and semistors, which set a significant level of radio transmission. Propagation regulator pereskod is not allowed і it is possible to vikoristovuvatya for harvesting small annexes(in the Radiansky Union, even more autotransformers, which, in the main, were autotransformer) buv dinim order for people who want to marvel at the TV_zor. A little smut in them are those that go to the outputs of the autotransformer, the sine wave is also correct, as at the inputs, it is not stale. The power of the power actively cried out for radio lovers. In the case of the LATR as follows: , No. 11, 1999r on the side 40, the article "Interference-free tension regulator" was supervised. coriane diyі the unhappiness of rejecting pidvischenoi napryga (vishche naprugi napryzhі), as well as old-fashioned completing, as it is problematic to know this year, to make all the reversals of this trick.

Diagram of electronic latr

I have seen, as far as possible, the principle of autotransformation and in other ways the principle of autotransformation and in other ways is fixed on the transformer itself. I will add a transformer to the unit uninterrupted living... In general, you don't need to rewind. Everything is needed in new є. Transformer brand: RT-625BN. The axis of this circuit: You can see it from the circuit, in the presence of the main winding for 220 volts, two more, a winding wire of the same diameter, and two second straining. Secondary windings are suitable for cooling a power transistor cooler. Two additional windings are connected one after the other with the primary winding. On the photographs it can be seen that it is broken in colors. On the chervonia and black dart food is fed. A spring from the first winding is added. Plus two windings. At the same time, go 280 volts. If you need more power, then you can wind more darts to the transformer window, in front of the second windings. Only the winding is required, in the same way, right in front of the winding, and at the end of the front winding with a cob of the offensive. The turns of the winding are guilty, yak bi prodovzhuvati in front of the winding. If you rewind the nazustrich, then if the navantazhennya is turned on, there will be great disagreement! Pidvischuvati naprugu is possible, abi regulating transistor vitrima qiu naprugu. Transistors from import TVs are designed to be up to 1500 volts, so there is room. The transformer can be taken if you need it, if you need it, see the secondary windings and wind up the wires to what you need. In general, the control side can be displayed as a pre-house low-power transformer for 8 - 12 volts. The transistor marno vitracha electricity for heating todі, if you are driven to strongly change your mind. If you are stronger, you need to change your spirits, and if you are stronger, you will need to change your load. In an open mill, the heat is insignificant. If you change the circuit of the autotransformer and change the circuit for a new amount of power you need, then it is possible for the help of mixing the windings of the tax on the transistor, close to the moment you need in Denmark. There is no interchange in the number of transformers installed in the transformer, only a single transformer is required. The transistor in a wide range will be required only for insignificantly accurate correction of the pressure and the KKD of the regulator to move, and the heating of the transistor will change.

preparation of LATR

You can start before folding the regulator. The diagram from the magazine I have completed three steps, and the axis has gone: With such a diagram, it is possible to significantly move the upper threshold of the spring. With the addition of an automatic cooler, reducing the risk of overheating the regulator of the transistor. The body can be taken from the old computer block. from a short confusion. The high-voltage terminal block is securely up to the transformer. On the way, I put an outlet for plugging in and out and controlling the tension. A voltmeter can be installed, whether it is one, on a spur, or not less than 300 volts.

to be

We need to know the details:
  • Cooling radiator with cooler (be it).
  • Breadboard.
  • Contact blocks.
  • The details can be adjusted according to the obviousness and in accordance with the nominal parameters, I put those who first used the hand, or even vibrated more and more as soon as possible.
  • Dіodnі bridges VD1 - for 4 - 6A - 600 V. From the TV, to be built. Abo, take away from chotiroh okremikh diodiv.
  • VD2 - for 2 - 3 A - 700 V.
  • T1 - C4460. I put the transistor out of the import TV set at 500V and the required power is 55W. You can try to be a kind of high-voltage, tense one.
  • VD3 - diode 1N4007 for 1A 1000 V.
  • C1 - 470mf x 25 V, more colorful.
  • C2 - 100n.
  • R1 - 1 kOhm potentiometer, whether it be ranged, from 500 Ohm or even.
  • R2 - 910 - 2 W. Pidbir for the current of the base of the transistor.
  • R3 and R4 - 1 kΩ each.
  • R5 is a 5 kΩ series resistor.
  • NTC1 is a 10 kΩ thermistor.
  • VT1 is a kind of Polish transistor. I am putting RFP50N06.
  • M - 12 V cooler.
  • HL1 and HL2 - be it a signal light, you may not need to put it down with resistors at once.
First, you will need to prepare a board for the layout of the circuit details and attach them to the plate in the case. We place the details and solder on the board. It is necessary to keep it safe and secure. All the details are found on the other side of the net. For viprobuvannya, I will attach two 220-volt light bulbs lastly, so that the stench does not burn, if they have 280 volts in front of them. However, the tension of the light bulbs did not know, and the tension of the spirals would grow strongly. It’s necessary for mothers to respect, but without a navantazhennya regulator, it’s still incorrect. navantazhennya in Tsey pristriy slidє part of the circuit. When you first turn it on, it’s more beautiful to protect your eyes (they’ve made a mistake with a rapt). Including a voltage and a potentiometer, it inverts the smoothness of the regulation of a pressure, but it doesn’t mean that the transistor is overheated. єdnati їkh in parallel. It was close to ten kOhm. We fix the thermistor with the transistor from the heat-conducting mouth, as well as for the transistor. Do not forget to see the small contact pads for the breadboarding payment between the providers, as in the photo, when the high power is turned on, you can get stuck in these places. Everything is transferred to the building on a regular basis and closed. Remaining inverted and crooked little crush. Watch, be a weasel, video of a robot of a noiseless voltage regulator. Good luck to you.


Electronic LATR - Meander - tsikava elektronika

At the statti, the design of a regulated dzherel of the vividness of the changeable strum of the industrial frequency of the sinusoidal form is discerned, as the building replaces the LATR of a small strain.

By sending a trip from the LATR fret, installed in the stand of the SI-STSB, designated for viprobuvannya attachment to the automatic automation, the author put it as a substitute for it with an electronic analogue and successfully introducing it into life. Describe pristіy maє navni main technical characteristics:

  • voltage springs - ~ 19 ... 24 V;
  • Vyhіdna vpruga zmіnnogo strumu - regulation from 0 to 300 V;
  • the maximum tension of the supply is 30 W.

Such parameters, such as the maximum pressure on the output and the maximum output voltage, will be found in the output pressure and parameters of the input transformer.

Description of the scheme to add

The idea of ​​a regulator to adjust the pressure of a variable struma is simple: it is necessary to take adjustments according to the level of a sinusoidal signal and feed it to the pressure of the low frequency, navanazheniya to the movable transformer. In such a rank, it is possible to correct the pressure of a changeable struma, to regulate from 0 to the value summarized by the parameters of the output transformer.

The basic electrical circuit of the annex is shown in Fig. 1. The scheme is stored in two blocks: a harvesting and regulation module, and a low frequency power supply (ULF).

Yak ULF vikoristan design of a two-stroke transistor pressure switch sound frequency, Scho work in V. Vibir of the circuit and design of the ULF artifacts with simplicity, high KKD, great wicked tautness and high temperature stability. The principle of robotics of such a pidsilyuvach report descriptions in.

The module of liveliness and regulation is used to reconstruct how to fit the springs of a changeable strum in a bipolar pressure of a permanent strum, seeing a sinusoidal signal with a regulated amplitude for supplying the input to the input of the pressure, cooling the fan.

For a bipolar vykoristan straightening system, a single vypryvlennya circuit on diodes VD1, VD2 with filter capacitors C2, C3.

The sinusoidal ULF control signal is known from the regulated R1-R3. The input resistor R2 is used to set the maximum level of the input signal, which will prevent the appearance of non-linear input signals from the ULF signal.

The cooling circuit of the cooling fan is stored from the inter-bladder resistor R4 and the filter capacitor C5.

Vyhid ULF captures from a short mumbled by the FU1. For the protection of a flexible passage through the supply of a post-warehouse signal, a capacitor C4 is available in the lance of the installation.

Construction, details and refinement

Insulting the functional block with an attachment on hand-made boards with one-sided foil sklotextolity. The armchair of the hand-held plate for ULF readings is shown in Fig. 2, and the diagram of the rosetting of the elements is shown in Fig. 3.

Resistor R5 for surface mounting, all other components of the circuit - vividnі. There are no special vimogs to the vicious details, and the stench can be replaced by similar ones for the parameters. Yak transistorized transistors can be imported analogs, for example, complementary to a pair of SS8050, SS8550. To replace the outgoing transistors in the middle of the pair BD912, BD911, or more pressure 2SA1943, 2CA5200.

These transistors VT3, VT4 are responsible for being installed on the radiator. For securing the compactness of the design, we will manually switch the cooling radiator of the central processor of a personal computer with a fan installed on it. So, as a collection of out-of-the-box transistors, there is no need to isolate them from the radiator.

The ULF circuit admits parallel switching on of the output transistors for the prevention of a greater drive. The board provides the ability to mount two pairs of transistors.

Improving the ULF polarity in the installation of the voltage between the bases of the transistors VT1, VT2 at 0.4 ... 0.5 V.

The chair plate of the module of handling and adjustment is not induced, as the layout and layout will be based on the type of components and circuits for the implementation of low-voltage handling. In most cases, the assembly of the module will be handled by direct assembly.

The residual adjustment of the annex is made until the level of the input signal of the ULF is adjusted to ensure that the necessary effort is made to replace it when there are non-linear events. For ts'go prіtіy navantazhuyut the necessary maximum navantazhennya. Then the engine of the R3 regulator is transferred at the top behind the circuit of the station і, the shape of the signal is controlled by the oscilloscope on the navantazhennі. The resistor R2 adjusts the amplitude of the input signal in the same order as the output signal.

Adjusting the amplitude of the input signal to the ULF before changing the level of the output voltage to the annex, which is more beautiful than the vicoristovuvati the output transformer, which has a winding with the inputs, so there was a possibility of adjusting the necessary maximum rivnya wicked springs.

It means that, in conjunction with the stability of the energy and power of the transformer, in connection with the stability of the energy and power of the transformer, the level of the external pressure will reach the strongest due to the pressure to support. Ale so, like LATR zvvychay vikoristovutsya for smooth regulation of the pressure from zero on the already connected to the new option with control of the pressure and the strum, then it doesn’t matter.

In the author's implementation for living with an annex of ~ 220 V, a signal transformer ST-6 with a nominal demand of 40 VA, and the output of the ULC is installed on a part of the secondary winding of the TP2 transformer to the stand. For the sake of vibrating the harvesting circuit and the type of the outgoing transformer, it will be stored in the purpose of fixing the annex.

For an hour of experimentation and testing of the regulator, when the self-contained transformer is pulled out close to 100 W, the pressure is close to 17 V, and for the installation of the vicorist, the secondary winding of the T-40-2 transformer was applied. The primary winding of the transformer T2 is navanazhuvati with a lamp firing a pressure of 40 watts. Otrimanі the advancing results and testing of the experimental scheme:

  • at "idle" when the regulator іvnya is set to zero: ~ U1 = 17.3 V, ~ I1 = 30 mA, = U1 = ± 23 V, ~ U2 = 0, ~ I2 = 30 mA, ~ U out = 0, de: ~ U1 / ~ I1 - tension / strum at the secondary winding of the transformer T1, = U1 - tension of the ULF, ~ U2 / ~ I2 - tension / strum in the primary winding of the transformer T2, ~ U out - tension on the secondary winding T2;
  • when the regulator is set to the maximum (before the moment the output signal appears): ~ U1 = 17 V, ~ I1 = 1.4 A, = U1 = ± 20.5 V, ~ U2 = 16 V, ~ I2 = 1.2 A , ~ U vih = 220 V;
  • when the secondary winding of the output transformer is mounted with a lamp, the ignition pressure is 40 W: ~ U1 = 16.8 V, ~ I1 = 2.5 A, = U1 = ± 17.7 V, ~ U2 = 14 V, ~ I2 = 2.1 A , ~ U vih = 170 V.

The yak can be seen from the sight of the experimental tributes, I will attach the KKD, when the power supply is close to 30 W, the warehouse is about 70%.

In the lucky minds for the life of the ULF, the pulse bipolar dzherelo live. However, the generator of a sinusoidal signal can be turned on in a whole lot of problems, or take the signal from the framing through the additional low-pressure hedgehog transformer.


  1. Dorofev. M. Mode B in pidsiluvachi of exertion 34 // Radio. - 1991. - No. 3. - S.53-56.

Mozhlivo, you will be tsykavo:


Latr with your own hands - sovetskyfilm.ru

LATR storing area

  • Communal Gentleness;
  • Technics virob.

LATR (shortly named as Laboratory Autotransformer) is a transformer. protection with a dodatkovy povzunk, zdatnim to carry out the regulation of the vykhidnaya stress. Moreover, it is not only a decrease, ale and a promotion.

At the radio-amateur laboratory, madly, there is a cinnamon fit. In addition, it is possible, for example, to regulate the temperature of the soldering iron, to adjust the adjustment of the young attachments (for example, it is possible to adjust the temperature of the soldering iron for an hour),

Also, it may be even more likely in the next hour or so to repair the impulse jellies, if it is necessary to adjust the attachment to serviceability in case of a decrease in pressure.

Ale, with all its corny authorities, the industrial LATR has a number of shortcomings: to reach the top of the party and great size (which is not always acceptable for domestic minds).

To that, in a number of types of LATR it is possible to replace it with an electronic analogue: it is an attachment, which allows you to regulate the change in a wide range.

The schematic diagram of the electronic LATR is presented below:

The scheme is simple and available to repair radio amateurs. Vona allows you to regulate the energy on active voltage between 0 and 220. The need for it can be between 25 and 500 W, but the thyristor (trinistory) VD1, VD2 can be installed on the radio, the need can be up to 1.5 kW.

The main elements of the annex are thyristors VD1, VD2 are switched on, one to one and parallel to R1. The stench of passing the strum first in one, then in a straight line. When turned on, the thyristor is closed in the mesh, and the capacitor is charged through the resistor R5. The stress on the navantazhennі will stand behind the auxiliary resistor R5, which is spіlno with the capacitors C1, C2 set the phase-dissolving lance.

Thyristory is controlled by pulses, as the VD3, VD4 dinistors were formed, for a certain moment, when the support is included in the lance of a part of the resistor R5, one of the dinistors is displayed (which itself is due to polarity for the first time). Through a new stream, the discharge of the capacitor obtained from it, and next to the dynistors, a separate thyristor appears. Through the thyristor, and hence, і through the navantazhennya flow of the strum. At the moment when the sign changes, the thyristor closes, and a new charging cycle of the capacitors starts, even in the polarity. Now another dinistor and another thyristor are displayed. The peculiarity of the scheme is in the fact that in the first place there is an insult to be taken offense at the beginning of a changeable strum, and before it is put on, it must be brought in again, and not half-forced.

True, the whole scheme has one hundred shortcomings (payment for simplicity so say.):

the shape of the changeable stress on the new design is still not strictly sinusoidal. The price is enhanced by the specialness of thyristor robots.

The whole fact can lead to the conclusion of a re-code according to the hem, so it’s necessary to put filters (drosel) up to the schematic, since it is possible to take, for example, from an unjustified TV viewer.

Unexpectedly: from the compact and at once to finish the superb, cheap and simple from the prepared "welder", it’s just that, the householder will not see it. It is especially clear that in the basic apparatus it is easy to be modernized. The stench allows you not only to connect without bothering to the perforated framing of the wintry strum with a 220 V.

The robots use the mode to set the potentiometer behind the aid. Sleeping with capacitors C2 and C3 is used to set phase-shifting lance, skin-tight, spratsovuyu pid hour of the period. open thyristor for one hour. As a result, the primary winding of the heating T1 is regulated by 20-215 V. If the secondary winding is transformed, it is necessary to easily ignite the arc for connecting to the alternating (X2, X3 terminals) or

Resistors R2 and R3 shunt the control lance of thyristors VS1 and VS2. Condenser C1. C2 to reduce to the permissible level of the radio transverse code, such as supervising the arc discharge. In the role of the HL1 light indicator, which signalizes that the device is switched on to the bypass electrical circuit, a new light bulb from the intermeasurement resistor R1 is selected.

For the connection "welding" to the apartment electrical wiring, there is a separate plug X1. Ale is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati more tense electric power, which is called "Evrovilkah-Evrozetka" in the pobut. And in the capacity of SB1 vimikach on the go "piketniki" VP25, insurance on the 25 A strum and allow the reduction of offense darts at once.

As I show the practice, get on the equipment for the equipment, as it would not be overloaded (anti-overload automatics) would not be sensible. Here, the mother can be brought to the right with such strings, with the transfer of such obv'yazkovo, she will be responsible for introducing the fences into the apartment.

To prepare the secondary winding from the base LATR2, mark the casing-fence, the current collector head and the brace fittings. Then on the apparent winding 250 V (input 127 and 220 V will become unnecessary), put on the insulation (for example, from varnished cloth), on top of which the second (lower) winding should be expanded. And there are 70 turns of an insulated copper or aluminum tire, which is 25 mm in diameter. 2. It is acceptable to see the secondary winding from decilkokh parallel wires with the same zalomny grids.

Winding up twice as well. At that hour, you are alone, if you do not wrap up the insulation and insulate the continuous turns, gently lay down and lay the wire, which will wipe out the good quality of the winding, wrap it up all the way.

LATR2 upgrades are fitted in a metal casing with ventilation openings, a mounting plate can be removed from a 10-mm getinax, or a sclotextolit with a packet Vimikach SB1, a thyristor voltage regulator (with a resistor in the measure R6); (X2, X3) or post_st_ (X4, X5) strum.

When the base LATR2 is open, it is possible to replace the self-contained "welders" with a magnetic conductor from transformer steel (core cross-chain 45-50 cm2). The yogo primary winding is responsible for 250 turns of a PEV2 dart with a diameter of 1.5 mm. Secondly, there is no way to see from this, but to be victorious in the modernized LATR2.

A block of rectifiers with power diodes VD3 - VD10 is installed at the outputs of the low-voltage winding for connection to the stationary strum. Most of the values ​​of the valves are generally accepted and the larger counterparts, for example, D122-32-1 (straightening of the strum - up to 32 A).

Power supplies and thyristors are installed on radiators-heat supply, the area of ​​the skin is not less than 25 cm2. The name of the casing is the weight of the control resistor R6. With the handle, adjust the scale with pads, corresponding to the specific values ​​of the permanent and variable stress. And the handrail is a table of the deposit of the starter strum from the spring to the secondary winding of the transformer and from the diameter of the starter electrode (0.8-1.5 mm).

Welding transformer on the basis of a wide-ranging LATR2 (a), its connection to the principle electrical circuit of a self-contained, regulated device for switching on a changeable or continuous flow (b) and a voltage regulator (c)

Smart, clean and self-contained electrodes, made from carbon steel "wire rods" with a diameter of 0.5-1.2 mm. Workpieces with a size of 250-350 mm are covered with a thin slope - a sum of silikate glue and a fine grade, leaving 40-mm edges unprotected, which are necessary for connecting to the device. Tink hangs reliably, and when you start it, you can start shooting.

If you want for a zvaryuvannya, you can vikoristovuvati yak zminny (clemi X2, X3), as well as a post-war (X4, X5) strum, another option, behind the zvarniks, more beautiful than the first. Moreover, the polarity of the city is far from being an important role. Dawn, when the "plus" is applied to the "masu" (the object is ringing) and, apparently, the electrode is connected to the clemy with the "minus" sign, so called the direct polarity. It is characterized by the appearance of a large amount of heat, lower when polarity is reversed, if the electrode is supplied to a positive voltage, and "masa" - to a negative one. The zvorotn_y polarity will stagnate, as it is necessary to change the appearance of heat, for example, when thin sheets of metal are burnt. As much as everything is seen as an electric arc of energy, it is seen on the illumination of a welded seam, and the depth of penetration is 40-50 times more, lower than with a stream of the same magnitude, a little bit of a straight polarity.

I still have a few more suttas. If the arc is not too fast, it should be brought up to the growth rate of penetration. Moreover, if the robot is carried out on a variable stream, then the remaining parameters become 15-20 times less than the one in which the polarity is permanent. The sprinkle is a little infused into the depth of penetration. Then from Usv to lay down the width of the seam: from the growth the springs won out.

Sounds important for engaging in, say, sounding robots when repairing a car body made of thin sheet steel: best results give a sound on a permanent stream of ringing polarity with a minimum

The arc must be kept as short as possible, the electrodes must be vitrified equidistantly, and the melting point must be maximized. The seam itself is cleaned і mіtsnim, we practically add slag inclusions. And from the cold breezes to the melt, it is important to see the cold virobi, you can cleanse yourself by rubbing the near-weld surface with a crack (the specks will skochuvatisya, but they do not stick to the metal).

The breakdown of the arc is violated (by forwarding it to the electrode and "masu" in the case of Ucv) in two ways. The essence of the first in the light dotting of the electrodes to the brushed details with the further insertions of the yogo by 2-4 mm to the side. Another way of nagadu striking a box with a sirnik is: if you use the electrodes on the scratched surface, then immediately enter it on not too big... In any case, it will be necessary to catch the moment of the arc opening and even then, smoothly moving the electrode over the seam right there and then, to adjust it at once.

It is of the type and type of metal that is brushed with the same electrode. If, for example, a standard assortment for a sheet of St3 with a thickness of 1 mm is evident, then an electrodiode with a diameter of 0.8-1 mm should be used (on the whole, the design is open). For welding robots on 2-mm steel rolling, the mother and the "welders" are tough, and the electrodes are good (2-3 mm).

For the preparation of jewelery virobes from gold, silver, melchior is more beautiful than vicoristovuvati a refractory electrode (for example, tungsten). It is possible to burn and reduce the stiffness to oxidized metal;

For any kind of robot, it is possible to visonuvati yak with a vertical rotor electrodes, so we can drive forward or backward. If the professionals are ready to do it, when you weld the cut forward (we rely on the gostry cut between the electrodes and prepare the seam), you will get a larger weld and less width of the seam itself. Welding with the cut back is recommended only for overlapping, especially if it is done by the mother on the right with the professional rental (cut, dvotavr and channel).

It is important r_ch - zvaryuvalny cable. For the opened device, it is more beautiful to go to the middle stranded core (the back of the peretin is close to 20 mm 2) in the gum isolation. Required number - two 2-meter leads, skin of which has a properly crimped and soldered terminal tip for connection to "welding". For bezposednogo z'єdnannya z'єdnannya z'єdnannya z "masoyu" vikoristovuyat tedious zatiskach type "crocodile", and with the electrodom - utrimuvach, scho nagaduє trident fork. You can use your car "cigarette lighter" quickly.

It is also necessary to add some information about the security officer. When using the electric arc, try to avoid the corners, and more - from the breezes of molten metal. It is recommended to wear tarpaulins with a strong cut, worn mittens and a mask to protect them from the hard vypromynuvannya of the electric arc.

Zrozumіlo, it is not possible to forget about the "Rules of the technology of safety in case of vikonnі robіt on the electric equipment in the framing with a sprung up to 1 kV". Electricity of safety is not forgiving!

M.VEVIOROVSKІY, Moscow region

What is the specificity of the autotransformer from the electric transformer?

І those, і і і іnshe virіb designations for the harvesting of power lances, however, in the form of a winding from a single transformer, which is a minimum of two windings - the first and second role, an autotransformer - a single winding part of a non-motorized transformer, The winding of the autotransformer is wound around the core made of electrical steel.

Attachment of the autotransformer LATR

The design of the autotransformer is stored from the ring musical theater from electrical steel, on which one ball is wound from a dart. On the end face of the core, according to the high definition of the winding, from the long distance to the insulation, there is a switch contact, for which it is known the wiring.

The nominal toughness of industrial Latrs is stored in the following row: 0.5 - 1.0 - 2.0 - 5.0 - 7.5 kW.

Autotransformer circuit and robotics principle

On the diagram of indications, an autotransformer with a wintry contact is used to regulate the disturbance. Such autotransformers are used in laboratory practice and are called LATR - laboratory autotransformer. The primary winding of the transformer is fed with a net, the second one should be familiar with a part of the primary winding. As a rule, laboratory transformers may not only reduce the input, but also increase the output, as a rule up to 250 volts. Most often, autotransformers are victorious at a transformation efficiency, which is close to one and the same as they move, while at a low output pressure, double-wrapped virobes are victorious. The laboratory autotransformer can be upgraded with a straight bridge on taut diodes, if it is on the input, it can be regulated post_yna napruga from 0 to 220 volts.

Yak pratsyuvati with naprugi autotransformer

three-phase autotransformer

Three-phase attachments are made in the same way as single-phase, three secondary windings are a part of the turns from the primary windings. Triphase autotransformers can be used for starting up three-phase autotransformers when pressure drops.

Incomplete autotransformers: an electrical connection of the primary and secondary windings, which surrounds the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe storage.

Category stats: Electrical Engineering

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    Dodati comment Skasuvati view

    Material є explained and updated to the statty: impulse reversal, dzherelo sinusoidal force from a permanent or meander, rectangular impulse force re-transforms springs into pure sinusoidal. Schematic diagram, Rozrahunok. Pulse dzherelo sinusoidal tension

    Pitannya: Is it possible on the basis of the circuit to revert to a sinusoidal drive a laboratory autotransformer, LATR? Do you need to add any changes to the scheme and design?

    Answer: Nicely. On the basis of this scheme, it is possible to adjust the prism with smoothly regulated external pressure. Maybe there is only one problem. If you plan to live as a LATR annex, sensitive to high-frequency pereskod, then you might not go. Virib yes on the output terminals of the deyaki pereshkodi in the high-frequency range.

    Zmini in the schema. Revert to sinusoidal -> impulse LATR

    Your respect for additional materials:

    P raktіka proektirovannya elektronnykh diagrams The mastery of the construction of annexes. Element base. Types of circuits... put on ready annexes. Detailed inventory... Online rozrahunok. Possibility to supply power to authors

    By introducing a change into the reversing circuit, we will recognize the possibility of smoothly regulating the output voltage practically from zero to 220 volts.

    The resistors R2 and R12 have now been transformed into a building. And for the cob adjustment of the symmetry, the signal was supplied with a resistor R2 'and R12' by 5 kOhm.

    Rejoice on the occasion and do not conceive of the annexation of the snake.

    The corrector of the coefficient of pulling

    If you plan to use the adjustment for the pressure of 300 watts or more, then it is necessary to transfer to the inputs a corrector of the pressure function. On the right, in the fact that vipryamlyach at the entrance, I cannot accept power. It is used in the form of a great strum for charging an electrolytic filter capacitor at the moment of reaching sinusoidal maximum values. For the entire last hour, the current does not survive. The struma kiddies are added in the hem. It’s not bad and for the fancy, and for your annex, so as it is possible to overheat and breakdown of the bridge at the entrance. Tolerate the likelihood of disagreement is possible with a small amount of effort. If the toughness is great, the struma throws may not be safe.

    The problem is that there is a special pristrij - a corrector of the coefficient of pulling. Switch-on corrector at the input lance Replace bridge M and capacitor C1

    So much respect for those who, if you want an official certification of the scheme, then without a corrector, if you push 300 watts, you will not be able to get enough power.

    Uvaga, only SOGODNI!

  • sovetskyfilm.ru

    Self-made zvaryuvalny device z LATR 2. Scheme і describe

    Denmark self-contained device with LATR 2 inductions on the basis of a nine-ampere LATR 2 (laboratory autotransformer regulation) and the regulation of the device has been transferred to its design. The presence in the construction of the device of the diode bridge allows to carry out the filling with a permanent strum.

    Strumu regulator circuit for the device

    The robotic mode of the device is controlled by a resistor R5. Thyristory VS1 and VS2 appear skin in some way alternately at the start of the phase-shifting lance, prompted on the elements R5, C1 and C2.

    As a result, there is the possibility of changing the primary winding of the transformer from the input voltage from 20 to 215 volts. As a result of the transformation on the second winding, the stress is reduced, so that the arc can be easily fired at the terminals X1 and X2 when it is struck with a wiggle string and at the terminals X3 and X4 when the strings are kept burning.

    The connection of the device to the electrical device is carried out with a special fork. In the case of the SA1 vmikach, you can choose a 25A automatic pairing machine.

    LATR reprocessing 2 pid self-contained cleaning device

    From the autotransformer I see a fixed casing, an electrical contact and a mounting. Then, on the 250-volt winding, you can wind good electrical insulation, for example, a scrotum, on top of which you lay 70 turns of the secondary winding. For the secondary winding, the vibration of the middle drum with an area of ​​the cross-section is close to 20 square meters. mm.

    If there is no dart that is similar to a cross-flow, it is possible to wind the winding with decal wires from the back area of ​​a cross-flow of 20 sq. Mm. Types of LATR2 are mounted in a self-contained self-contained casing, open it for ventilation. It is also necessary to install the regulator board, packet Vimikach, as well as the terminals for X1, X2 і X3, X4.

    At the width of the LATR 2, the transformer can be self-propelled by winding the primary and secondary windings on the core of the transformer steel. Peretin of the core of the ma buty approx. 50 sq. cm. The primary winding is wound with a PEV2 wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm and 250 turns, the second winding is also wound on LATR 2.

    At the outlets of the secondary winding, one can connect one place from the strained direct diodes. You can replace the values ​​on the diod diagrams by using the D122-32-1 diode or 4 VL200 diodes (electric). For cooling, it is necessary to stand on a self-contained radio with an area of ​​at least 30 sq. cm.

    Another moment is to vibrate the cable for the device. For this welder, it is necessary to secure a medium-sized flexible cable from a gum insulation with a peretin not less than 20 sq. Mm. You need two pieces of cable, 2 meters each. Kozhen needs to be crimped well with terminal lugs for connecting to the device.


    "LATR" without LATR - For radioamators - Zbirnik - Piznavalny Internet magazine "Umeha

    You need a soldering iron tip that heats up three times less than the design allows. Yak bi having become at home here LATR (adjustable laboratory autotransformer), ale dumb! Not bida. Vibrate to finish the simple pristіy, yake proponumo take it with your own hands. yogo overall dimensions do not overshoot 100x50x40 mm. The circuit, presented on a small one, allows you to regulate the springs on the active switch between 0 and 220 V. 1.5 kW.

    The main elements of the regulator are thyristor VD1, VD2, switched on one by one and in parallel. The stench of passing the strum first in one, then in a straight line.

    When the regulator is turned on in the net at the first moment of the offense of the thyristor, it is closed, and the capacitor is charged through the resistor R5.

    The stress on the navantazhennі vstanovlyuyut behind the auxiliary resistor R5, which spіlno with capacitors C1, C2 approve the phase-dissolving lance. Thyristory is controlled by pulses, as VD3, VD4 dinistors were formed. At a certain moment, which is the beginning of a support included in the lance of a part of the resistor R5, one of the dinistors appears (which itself, lie in the polarity napivperiod). Through a new stream, the discharge of the capacitor obtained from it, and next to the dynistors, a separate thyristor appears. Through the thyristor, and hence, і through the navantazhennya flow of the strum. At the moment when the sign changes, the thyristor closes, and a new charging cycle of the capacitors starts, even in the polarity.

    Now another dinistor and another thyristor are being displayed. The peculiarity of our scheme is in the fact that, in the first place, there is an offense in the form of a changeable strum and before it is put on it is forced on, and not half of the effort.


    Do-it-yourself autotransformer - sovetskyfilm.ru

    What is an electronic LATR?

    The autotransformer is needed to smoothly change the strum at a frequency of 50-60 Hz for an hour when the new electrical robots are carried out. It’s also not easy to pick up, if you need to change or change the pressure for a by-end or alarm electrical control.

    Transformers in the form of electrical equipment, the yaka is equipped with a decilkoma windings with inductive coils. Zastosovutsya won for the re-implementation of electrical energy behind the steps of a napruga abo strumu.

    Before the speech, it was widely accepted that the electronic LATR was about 50 years old. Previously, the attachment was equipped with a structural contact. Yogo mali on the second winding. So it went smoothly and smoothly.

    If connected to other laboratory attachments. the presence of an operative option for a spill. For example, when you do it, it is possible to reduce the steps of the soldering iron heat, adjust the wraps of the electric motor, and improve the lighting and insulation.

    In the Danish hour LATR ma rіzni modifіkatsії. In general, it is a transformer that transforms a change from one size to another. Podіbny pristіy serve as a stabilizer for springs. Yogo head vіdminnіstu є the possibility of regulating the pressure on the input from the possession.

    Check out the types of autotransformers:

    The remaining type is three single-phase latters installed in the single-phase design. However, there is little hto bazhaє the status of a yogi with a hairlord. І three-phase, і single-phase autotransformers with a voltmeter and a regulating scale.

    LATR storing area

    The autotransformer is victorious in other areas of activity, among them:

    • Metallurgical production;
    • Communal Gentleness;
    • Khimichna and naphtha industry;
    • Technics virob.

    Krym ts'go, win is required for offensive robots: the preparation of by-run adjustments, the completion of electrical installations in the laboratories, the improvement of the technology, the establishment of television receptions.

    Before that, LATR often played viciously in navchalnyh pledges for carrying out preliminaries at the lessons of chemistry and physics. Yogo can be found in the warehouses of the outbuildings of the stabilizers. It is also stuck in the quality of pre-owned possession to recorders and versts. As far as all laboratory tests are concerned, the transformer has the same LATR, but it has a simple design and is inconspicuous in operation.

    An autotransformer at the output of the stabilizer, which can be stuck in unstable framing and at the input of a 220V switch with a small flexibility of 2-5%, it seems to be set in a more precise way.

    According to the climatic parameters, it is allowed to reduce the size of the cich at a height of 2000 meters, while the strumming is allowed to decrease by 2.5% at a time on the skin of 500 m.

    The main minus and pluses of the autotransformer

    The head of the LATRa ferry is a very high KKD. Even only the deyaka is a part of the urge to transform. It is especially important that the incoming and outgoing springs of the troche come out.

    Їх minus є those that are in the middle of the windings with electrical insulation. If I want zero wire in industrial electrical circuits to grounding, such a factor will not have a special role for gravity, until the windings are less than medium and steel for cores, like inherited ones, less wag and dimensions. As a result, you can be kind.

    The first option is the attachment of the snake napruga

    If you are an electrician, then it’s more beautiful to try a little bit of a simple LATR model, if you can adjust it by attaching a spring - from 0-220 volts. For such a circuit, the autotransformer may be pulled - from 25-500 W.

    If the pressure of the regulator is up to 1.5 kW, it is necessary to put the thyristor VD 1 and 2 on the radio. Connect them in parallel to the wiring R 1. The thyristor strum is passed in opposite directions. When the stink is turned on, the stink is closed, and the capacitors C 1 і 2 are repaired from the resistor R 5. Also, if necessary, change the amount of stress for an hour. Prior to that, a changeover resistor, apart from the capacitors, will establish the phase-dissipation of the lantern.

    The same technical solution gives you the opportunity to corrode in two ways at once, by means of a changeable strum. As a result, the pressure for the new option will be stagnant, and not half.

    One shortcoming of the circuit is that the shape of the changeable stress before the hour is added through the specificity of the thyristor robot does not appear sinusoidal. Everything should be done up to the conversion according to the framing. To correct the problem of the scheme and complete the filter after the last option. You can be vityagnuti from the evil television viewer.

    Another option is a voltage regulator with a transformer

    Chi is not a wiklikє a crossover in a framing and yes a sinusoidal spring is attached, pick up more important than the front. LATR, the scheme of a large bipolar VT 1. In principle, it can be developed independently. Moreover, the transistor serves as a regulating element in the device. The urge to lay down new options. Pratsyun vin yak rheostat. Such a model allows me to change my work, not only in case of reactive assignments, rather than active ones.

    However, the diagram of the autotransformer is not ideal. Ї minus in that the function of the regulating transistor is even more warm. For usunennya it is not enough to need a straining heat-double radiator, the area of ​​the road is not less than 250 cm ².

    The transformer T 1 stagnates at the same time. The fault is at fault for the second time. The pressure is close to 6-10 V and the pressure is about 12-15 W. A single place VD 6 is connected to a straightened strum, which can then pass to the transistor VT 1 in any half-cycle option through VD 5 and VD 2. The base strum of the transistor is regulated by a small resistor R 1, which changes the very characteristics of the stump.

    Using a PV 1 voltmeter, control the measurement of the tension at the output from the autotransformer. Win vikoristovuyutsya with a power supply of 250-300 V. If there is a need for additional replacement, then replace the VD 5 VD 2 diode and the VD 1 transistor for more strain. Naturally, after the expansion of the radiator area.

    You can see, take LATR with your own hands, you can, you only need mothers and mothers of knowledge in a given region and buy everything necessary materials.

    • Regulator circuit with a transformer

    Pivstolittya to that the laboratory autotransformer will be expanded further. The current electronic LATR, the scheme of which is to blame for the skin radioamator, can be without modification. Starі modelі mali strumoznіmalnih contact roztashovany on vtorinnіy obmottsі scho gave mozhlivіst smoothly zmіnyuvati values ​​vihіdnoї naprugi, allows operatively zmіnyuvati naprugu at pіdklyuchennі rіznih laboratory priladіv, zmіnі іntensivnostі nagrіvu soldering tip, regulyuvannya elektrichnogo osvіtlennya, zmіni obertіv elektrodviguna i bagato chogo іnshogo. Especially significant is the LATR as the setting of the stabilization of the springs, which is even more important when adjusting the new settings.

    Suchasny LATR vikoristovutsya mayzhe in the skin booth for stabilization of the tension.

    Today, since the electronic device has filled the shelves of the shops, it has become a problem to add a new regulator to a simple radio camera. Surely, you can know і promislovy at a glance. The stench is often overwhelmed by expensive and bulky, and for the minds of the house do not want to go. Axis і is brought to the attention of the numerical radioamators "walk the bike", flashing the electronic LATR with their own hands.

    Simple pristіy regulation of springs

    Scheme of the simplest model of LATR.

    One of the simplest LATR models, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 1, is available for everyone. Regulating the attachment of the spring - from 0 to 220 volts. The demand for the model is from 25 to 500 W. Adjustment of the regulator's tension is possible up to 1.5 kW, for the whole thyristor VD1 and VD2 should be installed on the radio.

    The thyristor cells (VD1 and VD2) are connected in parallel to the wired R1. The stench of passing the strum in the opposite strands. When the attachment is turned on in the net, the thyristor is closed, and the capacitors C1 and C2 are charged behind the additional resistor R5. The magnitude of the stress, obsessed by navantazhennі, change according to the need with a change resistor R5. At the same time with the capacitors (C1 and C2), I turn the phase into the lance.

    Small. 2. Scheme of LATR, which gives a sinusoidal voltage without rewriting in the system.

    A special feature of the technical solution is that both of them are examples of the changeable strum, so for the new installation it is not half the effort, but more.

    In short, given the scheme (payment for simplicity), it is necessary to respect those, that the form of the changeable stress on the navantages does not appear strictly sinusoidal, but it is summarized by the specificity of thyristor robots. Tse can lead to a re-code as per hedge. For usunennya problems, up to the scheme, you can set filters after the last option (drosel), for example, taking them from an unjustified TV viewer.

    A laboratory autotransformer, abo, fast, LATR - tse prist_y for a change of pressure of a changeable struma at іznih elektropriladіv. Tsei pristіy є a kind of snail transformer. In the process of changing the pressure behind the help of LATR, the frequency will be adjusted at any stage to be invisible. The first robot was established on the basis of electromagnetics. Pristіy includes in itself without lіch additional modifications.

    attaching autotransformer

    Є one zalny winding, re-welded at the LATR Musical Theater, and from it there are already three dodatkovyh vivedennya... Older people have autotransformer models on the second winding of the strapping of the strum contacts, which allows:

    • vykhіdnіy napruzі smoothly regulate;
    • at one moment zmіnyuvati one meaning springs on іnshe;
    • change the intensity of the heating tip at the soldering iron;
    • regulate electrical lighting.

    Naybilsh extensions type of autotransformer - tse toroidal musical theater. Wine is a core in the form of a wedge, crushed from electrical steel.

    On the core is wound a medium drit, or a winding. In addition, the design will be attached to a standard tap-off - from the winding. There are three contacts in total.

    For great transformations, the most beautiful thing is not vicoristovuvati LATR. Reasons for offensive:

    1. Zanadto high chances to be eliminated in the result short confusion... Take a look at the problem to help a specially attached for a whole electronic circuit or an additional opyr.
    2. An excellent transformer can be used for more reasons, such as more high-quality KKD, less vitra for steel, changes in dimensions and weight, reduced prices for tools.

    Scheme of the electronic attachment

    Buying a superb LATR with an obvious assortment is not easy. A lot of low-quality virobes are presented on the market. Yak option, it is possible to add promislovy zrazok, ale tsіni on ny to finish high, that and the dimensions are rather big. The most acceptable option is to open the autotransformer with your own hands.

    Necessary for material folding

    Materials that are required to be known for zbirannya self-propelled electronic LATR on polish transistor, Such:

    • middle drit (winding);
    • varnish with heat resistance;
    • ganchirkov electrical tape;
    • musical theater (pidijde yak strizhneviy, so і toroidal type);
    • the building is filled with roses, until the harboring and nurturing will be connected.

    LATR winding rozrahunok

    Slide the case to the autotransformer, and the fastening for the regulator knob. To the hand, attach a pozunit with a small brush. It is necessary to break it so that the brush was scooped up to the upper part of the winding. That area, which will be oversaturated, needs to be identified, and in the first place, there are signs of isolation. So, the brush will be a direct electrical contact with the secondary winding. Clemi vtorinnoy springs, krym zagalnoy, ziniti one, z'ednanoi with vugilo shchitkoyu. When attached, the voltmeter is closed.

    Now it is necessary to change the way the autotransformer works like that. To reconsider the quality of the robot, I will attach it, to see the next point:

    If no problems have been detected, then the laboratory autotransformer will be ready to go.

    The circuit of the electronic LATR allows regulating the pressure from 0 to 220V. The need for mounting can be between 25 and 1000 W, if you install thyristor T1 and T2 on the radio, then the demand can be increased up to 1.5 kW.

    The main elements of the thyristori circuit, the stink of passing the strum in one, then in a straight line. When the regulator is turned on in the net at the first moment, the offense of the thyristor is closed, and the capacitor becomes infected through R5.

    The stress on the navantazhennі vstanovlyuyut behind the auxiliary resistor, which spіlno with the capacitors C1 and C2 set the phase-dissolving lance. Thyristory is controlled by pulses, as T3 and T4 dinistors were formed.

    At a certain moment, which is the beginning of the support included in the lance of the part of the resistor R5, one of the dinistors appears. Through a new stream, the discharge of the capacitor obtained from it, then a secondary thyristor appears for the dynistors. Through the thyristor and it is indicated through the nascent flow of the strum. At the moment when the sign changes, the thyristor closes, and a new charging cycle of the capacitors starts, even in the polarity. Now another dinistor і another thyristor is seen.

    At the same scheme, the offense is vikoristovyuyutsya in the first place of a changeable strum, to that, before the appointment, it is necessary to rely on, and not half the effort.

    Literature - Bastanov V.G. 300 practical fun... Moscow: Vidavnitstvo "Moscow Robotnik", 1982

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